HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-02, Page 443,-famotie .11mtro1r artists, are et:tartly:Aft -to the etorative Scheme of the new Canadian Pacific ton liner "En:pion-, of Britain" now being built -de. Frank BrangwYn, R.A. Is designing DK'," Sfr Tiartr,Y, the Ban Reoni; W. Heath son, the CocktallBar, endir Charlei t CUSS Lciongeo The one*** of Britain" , will be one Of thaworld o largos. _OhlPO and wtillbt' the St: Lawrence River ronfe between Sontharaptont ,and Quebec.. She will be the largest ship between •Bung:Send Canada: • Her speed it still a mpnery will probably be around 10 1mots,' enabling:' her. ' make the trip in five day* She! is due to be lamithed early next 'Winner and will be in aerViee in 1981. •Cub sheave vessel in adanumedontage of eienstrUotimi, • • INVESTMENT , are in Ontorio,l'aceOrding'.to aetOe'nf the live sten he 'Marin Department e, ov.er 180,000 farms Main, with capital' - in - ;his stock of appioxho,4tebr cf�l!ars. This inVestinent • ortioned,.:4,0 follows: 010.O Cattle ,44,0;9001 Poultry 818, - Tanta yearly ' 'MO On inthethe: Proceeds of the rochicti,. apptexiteately „GODERICH ' , • i,ivatikove titmpotr14 Int,1111M.*:ty2#f. t/80. HUMIDFIT IN R014:SE HEATINGo • The air in- Caondiell 11011SeS 41Pling, *10$0 Portion Of the artificial beet,. ing seneen• is, with fow exceptions, driesthan that a the ,ciriext desert* This is a fact whieh Cariadiarie either ddieret:know or 4o.not appretiatef... 0011.se heating is more than the sinnala ei'noess of maintAinkag.the • door temperatnre at that point one des '' apt feel cold. Tlie• designere • of present daY heating apParate§, have done excellent iirork considered frOM-thitLstandpoint; as a ..,1:11le, they haVo 'ilegleeted to take .intoliti- count t the- natural law 'which OeVerns • the. relation between air teinperature Arid:2Ak Moisture. The result is that, generally .Speaking, Canadian indoor. .air &meg the winter is: excessiYelY . • . • • Isaac Halliday Smith, on of. Mr. J. W. Smith of Goderiehf died Sudden- ly while on his -.way back:to his home at Detroit, Thursday : morning of last week,,, after, spending Christnios Day with relative § in :tOwn. Mr. Smith 'left Goderich on the morning • train and it was somewhere between • Chathark and Windsor' that he be- came" Mr! J. Thome*.,,of doderich wile WaS, returning 40 Detroit on the same train, tad Mr. Smith taken to the W*.ndsor Hospital, where. he :suc-• climbed. The late Mt. Smithhad not, *0,Olc yard, sales of been in good health for some timei. ee•lan, annual. revenue . of although he apparently felt well when aommil Sales of he :left: Goderich'He • Vyas in his forty t.rximately.0,000,000 -sixth year: Besides his wife, formerly • Miss Agnes McVicar, he leaves three CULRQSS • silhinctiw Grant • for 'ears tesideirtis of the 1.0th 'CCM, oa 'havingdisposed s•of their o'niffniel* have 'rimiraid to tere they will now 'make 'dere leaving. their farm • one Iiiractied, :ef hr „or ,iii.:tbeted there One evereog 9fiented them with two. easy nd *r. Grant with a* smok- iie - presefltatlo4 was aCC0111- Ied, WI the reed*: of a coniple-' ry.eaddreas to which Mr. and Geont each made a brief reply. eediee were :made , also by ;.13ealcing who inmakehairinsin rot*M. Henderson. The pre- lon lollowed. by 'games, a urs daiieirig, and tuneh.... Mr. lived -Alta life cm. Con. 1.0 lea§ up on chargee a theft. The idenee slionreff that be had ,ittkeo chiekent, grain And other goods be- longing to 4 farmer for wham he had forinerly workedHe was sent to the; Ontario Rep:re:Stareon a eentence Of,:siit months, with an indeterminate term ef six months in additieri. NEW. ORCHARD PESTS This year another limed or the eld. WMM,, the aprile and theen skeletim- per; as beenadded t� the already fOrioidable AA of orchard pests in • Western Ontario., Prof. L. :Caesar, proVincial entomologist, :has found the new insect to be fairly, cornmon • be- tween 'Oshawa and Niagara. It has daughter's and One son: Mrs. Fred also been discovered in the O.A.C. Ve �r- ' ThieVCeee.eiVe2,air.drynesa is in jor- loior to health, egeOting more..partho. irlarly the reseritatooy, organs and the 'Skin. • lt to ,'WOOdwork. and ftienitureO.Tcd to clothing .iand• .kartriebing :'fithrick ...alse;.'ireeeisio: tates the maintenance Of -higher teM- • *Owes for cerolort than with air' •containing 'edegente, meisture. 'Many ,',iienple believe that elrees- eiveledry ale Conditions: are to • •he fund Only in houses heeted q cer- tain types of heating equipinent; also, that -such Undesirable conditions may; he remedied by opening the Windews/ ad 'admitting 'Liege': quantities of Cold out -door air." ' House Heating," bulletin recently published,. •b3, 4' the, :Doi:ill:hen Fuel Board -in.'ce,oPeration- With, the : Nature': Resources gence .Service ef the.' Department of., he Interiet, ' pointe out . that , told :air saturated:. with moisture . bemires. dry Ori:heatingoet hecaupe, moisture has been removed, :but because . of • its „greatly' -increeted. Moisture. capacity it the t' higher temperature. The air in :houses dining the 'Winter cermet be. oterifiie thin dry, unless :provis- ion is made in the 'heating equiPmenty Or by Ilther Means, to satisfy' • ode,. iniately this increased moisture cap- acity. . Moreover the Admission. large quantities .of outdoor Air. Creases to aeoresponding 'extent the moisture which. must •be supplied. for this purpose »: :•••••• ' ' ,`,41unoldity. in House Heating", dis- cusses briefly in non-tecnoical: 'lan- guage the, essential features .of, air • dryness in hoolie ireating-cause, ef- feat and:remedy. It explains what is. meant by he expression. "relative humidity," and points. .jut ,that, for health .and. • cemfort, indoor relative huniditieS ,of from 40 to, 50 per emit should' be maintained throughout the winter. dhows how a hygromiter is used. to measure relative humidities' and points out that the. effective con- tra of huMidifying equipment. 'de- pends lupon results as Measured by ineans of this .instrument. In addition to indicating, in a gen- eral*ay, various type s of humidifiers Which May be'need, either:11 conjunc- tion with the heating .equipment or independently, to supply' the moisture for ' healthful, humiaific'ation, : this bulletin stresses , that fact that' the • evaporation of a'feW qUarts.orwater per day in the average • Canadian 'house ,during the wint.er,months gives pectically no, relief frem air dryness - The evaporation of from three or refit t� lwelVe or more gallons ,per day may be necessary, depending up- on weather Conditions 'and ventilation. • The ,poryete'. in issuing "Humidity in House Heating" is not .only to fur- ther the cause of good health but to promote the more efficient . employ- nient of the fuel Used for 'house heal: ing. since the fuel used to maintain the high temperatures of 72 ,degreee t75 degrees for comfqrt under flest. air cOnditioris may be used to greater advantage in evaporatiog the :Water for hatilthful humidification of air at the more moderate comfort tempera- .' tures so required. .Copies of "Humidity in Italie • Heisting" may be obtained free. on - .request from the Director. Natural Resources Intelligence Service,toe- . pertinent' Of the Interier, .Ottawa, or from The Dominiert Fuel Board alto .of Ottawa. RIPLEY 'VILLAGE TO HAVE ELECTION. , Durie,an Munn, who was reeve in 1929, and Dan Maekinnon will cop - tend for the reeveship Of Ripley hext Monday. There are six candidates for' etaltrell: Messrs. KerriPton, Swalwell Bell and ;Yemen,. who were Meethers in 1929 And JOIM eil MAcKenoie and John MacLean,tie* aspirants. . —0 If iire' Wife compelled to Irtfet bu 'faults ;nittlettakere wotild heye to work Over thee. The powers will. find there] is. more in thia thibMarine controvetiy thin appears On the eutvface, • ' , • T17k1Z..; biTCAF , • A • Publish tj. ‘evOrr 'PbursdaV Morning •PaelonOw,' Onterio, • A.• D.• MacKenzie, Proprietor and Editor. -2- 41,iNTS,OR .119MESODIES ^ ••.• •• 4 •••,•••4*••••• ".t • (Jeseie Allen 'Brown): The preseet issue is the baflinOiag4 of the second year of "Hints ter Homebodies." The 'work sop.ewhit PO!, 011:Mos- that one, 'never knows just how it, is .going ac- • rose. So:petioles .an editor write Me that' be' has liked 'Something or othei,sPecially. or thet tbe: Pee*. in histown are interested in (Beta,or thAt thelike .the 'reeives. • Varioutii readers have ' written to ask me to write abouteeome, special .difffulty;e:: for a particular recipe. ethers, tell•' me that they like .to read Aboot the. correct foods, to give their familieSy, and. tiriother• 'writes „te 'tell me:that she Always likesoto . read the opieee" that I PO At the. It of the Hints:. • 4e4 set gee..when we; know what. the' readera.' weptwe try to give it to. thent to . the'. 'beat' of oor FeitunatelY. ifo;one thaS asked , .roe anything yet jut could atit',AnsWer,, .kit.ews'.;When. tbe 'daY' afaX .THVASDAY, • JANUARY 2nd, 1930. c;, • VA.'4.11.4 •• 14*4413-logAt ahqut every mortielliel tioe ineetiOg in Leeknow. for, the pdst eight or "tea -yeere it has been stated by 000 in a; position to, knoiv, that before,: long • 'the'', iunsupahty wOeld naye.tO' inStalla' new. iitsproteetiort water works systern or ,ereatly ini- prove . the one have o ?very, 'year, the question has .W9:fie .efOte poees: mg; and tor the past two yearsothe• berM serioeuifi,fertgag$d with' *formation- and er, deaveritio,to •tigereont the best plan If lit Were a' fire-protet:tioo :syttein, only it WOuldbe ,a simple ,tnatteo. but -there. is involved 'with it the .instal- lation ofa 'domestic water sygteri. • It in e1l knewn that the present pewerplant i worn out, and that the wenty-two:limidred d011ats Which it, costs each, "Year la. :largely ,thrown ,toirag.. The Fire •COmPany, ispaid s3v:‘5 morithly. The company.; .rtO doubt, is as efficient as any'ton &au:- pany,...but without ti.good power' plant CucineY. Of , Toronto; Rhoda, Phylise and Hilton, of Detroit. Three sieters, and two brothers also „ survive : Nisi Frank Allen, kr* Lewis Maskell and laird. E. G. Smith of GOderich: Mrs. Hilton Schuyler Kitchener, and Mr, R. J. Smith of Guelph. T)eceased was a Well-known Gotterich boy, ie- • tiding here" initil a few years Ago. He was a member of -Maitland Lodge, NO. .83, A.F.,,& A.M. The remaint were taken, hack to Goderich, and the fun- eral was held from his lather's resi- dence. • • , Two young fellowe were before 'Magistrate • Reid on Mondey of last week .charged with having acted in a disorderly manner Ilothe .Chinese res- taurant on Eat etreet. They were al - hayed. to go' on suspended sentence on paying cests of $5 ami agreeing to Settle the derne.4e: they had Caus- e, belote her marriage was ed in the restaurant. fruimpiA .•N. On Sotinday; li.Grey township man _ • chard. Thp,caterpillars of the species • are about half an inch long and eff a pale greenish color with black 'spas ,on the back. Working under A slight Web they ,gnaw away the greenith tissue' on the upper surface Of the leaf.'The,moths are purplish brown in cider With a wing spread of about half an 'inch. The skeletonloser was found' in the. lower Hudson valley 1917, and has spread in several of the • states of the LS4. Although 'very little is known as yet concerning the peoler methods' of extermination , it is known that this pest has not been found in orehards Which have tee .ceived the Calyx spray alone.' • • New Years Sale of Mens' Shirts. • Neat patterns affd Broad-' cloths with collars to fnateli. Buy them now ,Iess 2.0%., King iBros. , into a roll and Paten with a OkeWili t6athiltelso Vitt Wipl dressing •'and hake in a moderate oven Or about lO mieutes until, bacon is cooked. Baked petetoes, Scalloped tOreateee and stuffed bacon rolls make a to.sty Ilinner, that May be cooked in the ov- • e-ily and reqUires • little Watching— NEL•.1. S. DENNIS • RETIRES ••• •• • • dt'S. DEAN: S C. ifrimort,O.G. m -MANN • Colonel 3. St"Derolis 0.14.G4 Clrief Cominissiener of C,olettization and Deiteloprneri , Canadian Pacific • ItailW43i5 will retire , January 1, after: 28 years veitli the ea:tipsily, aecording to •the reeent tuniouncement • made. by E. W. Beatty, chairman and president of. o„. - -the--systerrt, and the department will them be, 'divided ioto the Departtnent of Immigration and Celon:zation and the. 'Department of Devote:erne:it. J. N. K. Micalitter, at oreteot assistant, chief •commissioner COIOniSatiOrt and • DevelePtneet, will he chief com- missioner of the Departteent Of „Immigration and , Cdionisation and Major G. G. Ornitiomey.will be the &reefer of the Department of Development. ' eolefier Dennis, or 61..8." .aa' he VI kroften to old- timers, Was '73' years Old last Oetebeti-ned has had'. as colorful a citoer As any Man in Canada. Re Wrilt west in 1872 at the v.ire of id otx atervey work and in . 1885 sew se:toted agaitist %atilt 'Itiel as ectorrogeffer of the 'Dominion tattd„`glitivey Xritelligen&i. Corps whieh darilig -the lehellion WAS ...known at 49)'etinie Scouts". Artietig the outstanding Work in which he was etig4Fott ix,44 the laying,. out of irrigation systems later constructed ,' in the tettibridgeregion and in the p•rat 13aSsaph, DAtti irrigation project of the Celledien Pacific Palliates, east of ealgar*. -Ilia unrivalled knowledge of teanittlkilt esenemic:aect AgrarierOdevelt OlUtiontluat toutOtl COleliel-ettilli0 inmate be viaced. *MOW the fotatteit ' of EtiPite MOM*, Although 3144p Satiyabead of thavotstaittion arid Neel* e it ean de little oyerea great part • the ',Village: •- „ • All Whe attended the meeting Mon- day ,niOht Weald • see that the Whole problem is .too inVolVedier the .aver, age citizeo to enclerstafid Without. making n thorough; • study of it...There .ore tOci. Many figures to be kept in mind all at once, arid too nnich about engineers ad dePartment regulations. It looks to us as though itwould be a goOd plao to: hve the whole pia,- lem•to the coCil„ as: being more lik- ely •to :arrive at A Sensible' stilution that: will the body .of retepayera• or ,eleetorsi No council is going to. • be foolish enough to load the vinage with a lot. Of .debt . for Whith there will he little return. Of course, the ratepay- ers must have the last word by vot- ing the nebessary .m.eney. Thee are liinits beyond whirh .it is Unwire to go. But' the council oughi to he trust- ed to take the lead. 1f iin evfar bet- ter position than • the citizen as a 'whole can be to get a real' uoderstand- . , , some. oreanturic we can, just xtrtiggleaking giindly, 'trying 'tOluesi 'At whet. trey .niatwe intePestinit otir opment of the Canadian Pacific Railway system -he • Willstill participate in the future development of the department since he will aet in an advisory capacity to, the • cornpany's directors. . Mr. Macalister has for I.:tore than 22 years given close attention to colonitation problems. Since 1904 he has -licen immediately'interested in opportunities of ' • deveirpment and eolonization in the west. and entered , • Canadian Parifie service in 190/. Yie has dont nioh Work in tlo.'t United •States tiresetog attention to toe • urparelleled opportimities offer'' by the Canadian W&it.' Ho r is appointed assiStant ctionnissioner of the dephrtror it in ine... His! ebiiity in his clioeen field ivis re: .titly Iretegnized by ceIoniZatioti expertit frera allIprir' i el the continent wheil they elected him cheirrnao of 1'ta immigration committee .4 the,Anieri. eon Palliate v 0oveoprtent Assoctation. ' Major 0-,i.harineY jOineKi the Cridtliati Pacitic Rail, -way in, As 4 (Mali -Pied civil engineer he had prev41g te) that date deele work all ciVer the World., • In 1914 he ',Vas Appointed speciel engineer to the president, , and from 1915 to 1919 was overseas with the FeWal :Eli:inters imperial iinits, . On hie return , frelet the 'War he was ap.: pAnted to Colonel Dettnie t, der:orb:rent 2%, dotal° meet ,011, girteer, to bring the :natural resources of t ki4oriod covered by the- Cate- • adlett Parifie Railwayinto tomMercial use. He wee aptleintea DireetOr 6 Development Breed , Of the Department 6V ColOnibAt1a ilk Development in- Ian* , Uale, 102% I reAdera ,whieh.straii_lawa one coast to the .other 'anci its far no. rth•as the, Pegee River. Balancing Ettelgets • The il'!st of the year NtStially brio. gs. a censider.ati,io.ef rier financial affairs' and treat 'Of',iis firmly receive '',avq,.inore,' but wheth- er Or net ' op to our resolti' tione r0riaifl1, t be seen. One of the "chief ilos With inett,of us is that we spread .Oul; moneY in .too Inany directiens and ,de not;'coricentrate. • ',It might be. Senna idea: just to 'stop, to .c6nsider , whet are:our Ode,/ • ambitions, and, set about attainipg thent. Fortunately ..people ,have df- fereet Oideas.about what:, they want. Some peoplechief monition is . to have big car; others Ik'ent a nice home, or it I may be a specialiir fine radio, others' want amusement or traeel, some desire beautiful'. clothes. .Whatever• our, ambition' moy be, cen- CeritrAte'en It, and do :not try to get eVeoything at on0e. , • . If Your ambition leet ,flne„ :collo. all right concentrate on it, and When„you • get.' it,itliiak that3ou ,have, realized.' ;your .A.Mbitien- and be .sattsfled.' Re- member always that you haveoor are Working to :haVe,. the spline Yoxi, want Most and do not be-disConiented be- cause the Jones's. radio is'he.ttor than* yours. They .may be an'al.to.set.Mars --but, what of it!...Likely they listen most of the' time •to' the aafe tWo .stations .yo41 do ,wit:h .your 61-.1 set,. 'anyhow... Try to coneentrete on the thing you want most .and he. oatioded in realizing:" it and .not discontented because there Are other things you May 'Want: oricentration: accotnplish 'es a great deal. Look at what concen- tration 'does foe the child at Christ - :nes time' who only Wants One thing. Chance: otre gets itnSanta'C'..atts May not bring: you your heart's de- sire, but you are. apt to get it if you do not want the Earth. MAny, of our anibitions, are !attained' without • us . , actually c• ' The season of ceugh's, and, cods his 'arrived. When one: has a 'cola and esoghs.. frequontly, • t is • very -distresang and difficult to get relief. Steam from a boiling kettle.,eill deo mote to relieve a cough than •cough ;Medicine,: Some. method:. of • boiling a:kettle. in the some, room as the Patient should be:deo:8W. If yon have 'eleAricit, the easiest way is to oldee the 'boiling , kettle on .a flat toaster or griil. 'Coughs always, sem worse at' night, and in 'extreme' •tatods it mey. be neLeFSaiy'tolet the ,kettle: tboil gently all itigef.: Stearn wyll re- lieve, the coughing atul peeve ht" Marto walker hours. .U6d. if at intervals during the day if necessary. • Hanging Out The ' Clothes - One of the moat dfstigrheable tasks of whiter, is hanging out the clothes in frosty' Winter. Have you over Wed fllltng uP' the elothes-horse ,with wet clothefaod then putting. it • out ; ori the back veranda. . Some days the clothes, will dry 'sufficiently for danoi- ening, others they Will require furth- er dryihg in the hotei.e. In any ease they will hewn, and 'consequently breath. and will lose the close objec- tionable. Emelt of clothes that haYe' been dried in the house. This Methed saves the temper and the clothes, from. the had effecti of freezing. PotatoOmelet• 1 cep mashed petatoek, 4 eggs; . ' tablespoons'. milk, salt and pe'p'Zpor to log :of' the. whole Situation And : to., deo • . •eide.. on • a plan. • • N . t2-:- . , ' , .. , • ' . ' .. ant fin tififikt What She 410111i it less itriptittant than ans- w'1n* th telePhOS, " Respe it 67 C013 Etlt SI.. Tilaf)V1'0,2 • • • • , °act/ober. 1:19.„ DeMr n.eEwdsioto,oreir gpe6,E';) 8 ;01;1 goodf- fieorted people v.liJ CIS Very p.eased to learn tnat 'the .new coy Amy brntih of the tiospital .for sie% 101.ffil1rert, established last 3 eac aOw mires away •'from the main hospital in rorouto. 18 producing results even greater 01111 most ' ardent supperte7s anticipated When the ambitiOus. project WW1 moot- ed. Go Please publit•h, thts lettel RS a •plece of gcod newt, tot all .itiendo of , the poor tittle "eieg Kids' ' " • • ; "- .ThCusanels nt nrrall si,..qerers troi'n , all 1'art 1 Ontar!,) come .to the 1304- . pital in the (mime of a year nrrt wihi • tile facilities nvai'lltle iri th,wonder; .ful institution no imrocone nroottnt of • huniane service is performed for nil - trig and helplens 'little folktwiny ct the Cures arc?rtipn.heo borderingon the miraculous everyone is privileged to deist in this t.r.ssion of Mete!, f:Tow • is.the time to do solo' respon.e to.,the anntial appeal for fiinds. whien nein, • behalf. of Children, te appropriately . . • made as Christrnae Craws near Generosity of friends throughout tihe PrOVince has made possible the mar- eellons exponsion which has now earn- ed for °retort° the.c'reclit.of nv1ngthe. 7:finest 'hospitai tn the world for little ones. *here every known child ailment • • • la °treated. and ,there is no dictinction In regard to race or creed Pot the informition 01 your'.renders It might be stiited.'as mntrer grent public interest,' that it the year 1010 the Hospital for stoic entieren re,-orti._ Id 70.183 patient days tti 1023 the otal Was • 02,401 and ,in 1923 'it "..wal 2,901 Rut In 1929. the tinniness yens . ending September 30th, the teltal hnd ' lnercased to 'the impreasive nne 01 121,417 It will lie noted that the num- , ber of patient daYs in period' of • twelto months fetylOwirer the einening Of toe countrii hrinch itier.,,isrxi 50 rier eent, • • ' This reinarfrnble cirowth rintornIty carries with It tmrrennoncitroxlv large additional,experise and OS OPT(' iq lets everday mi qie,eost ot mninteri- ance o nractirntly evert, little patt.or • the deficit tole Vilten care of bv hearted friends et the crijiittfq111FT, tors Into rip ericirmOtin total Please ask Yeur readern tO tend a broil in lilting thls big load. ' ,Whe isthere cotit!ed to n sY.stre Of the ch,troas ho;inty thgo the istee br,e,e;.^...,,,t(it-ns t.lherce.t_nsb ar,emanovi none strcrsger tl,sh tline. of the lRrrr ntineher of of*y^,-ici, etildren who rah be relitoreci ood r,aift ti -int will help towards flints' erd.. tile, too orarts ot oorotroo woo If I it(itnnortan.t.to note that tbe Hes- ' Intel for 5,!-,1 eneot nt 'tho tiotoix it taw tet,enro ,Pe,tern.• titm 'for tlovirii,iity' ..0:+r'yfee., fi' 101, feastin thit netmIttAil from altseettoris tit the prOvince Stant. of the helpless little role* -mire from the ties of tertrittret. ellfthnIlite Are brmight • covered and eftceitte ths heat trefittnent that tn.liCal and nirrkient neteheit, itriotes 'rhe li•Onnttni for 6101r tithieli hat been 11 oneratihn for .fiftVa (tier se'rs is n CIM-oend for tforf tO *horn It roiniq&A and 0 big tis.Set tor the thole eam0en111. , rittilifeITy,_yeeta, • cf#04vpin Appeo tuo Irrile itaa pbeirind .00 sue • . -6441 ' boti mole- rviitsprInbtnYin';'0 .r11. de' "Ottign itottairsoi4, ° . • •;-o.-0-04 .8, B. 'NO. 7, KIN:LOSS Sr. Voo.ftrecilde Theeison ie Campbell',74. ,• III,Lloyd MacNeil: 86.! Mary 1VIa.c6ortriell .Ellen 13.0rOS', Greco McLeod:62; -Lawrence MacLeod jr, .Caropbell 19; othy c1ThuaU• f Calvin lrwin 70 Lorna.,Sills; Sr 11.1)41nalci ThontSOC 54 •Ik---.Millicent Carter 82: Mary . . • . Cart4f76 Joonly Butee.,74,:,Jobame: Carter C Wlnnhe fiord adoeNell, bb;.• • ,..„ •Sr. 1-1uth England 86. Freda 146., • Douvoll• 8.0! :mqvgaeet Therosen, 72: Gearge.:Carter 72• . Sr. .Carter:' Pay Mae - Nall! Rana • Jr. Pr..---Eil,een Carter. : "•• No. oil • ROB 26. • .Ave. Att. 24. • Teariher:7'-C.', M. .tipmilten. S. S. NO: 120; A.SRFIR14:1 1.-V,--,RaSSA44,94111 79 Hogan •jr. Pr--Pase 540—Hilda Lane 443* James Drennan 356: Dick Reed. 275. Sr. 4ao—Ina CaMpheli 426: Veyit! Little 514: Anna May Far- ;rish 4Q7: Grace Courtney 96*. 480--,Jamee Nelson 567:. Alex Parrish 447: JOseph court. Rhea Miller: drace Cainpbell: Alvin Pr ---Jean Reed: Abbie Farri8h: • ti,eyIiLe0p6a:ssElir4d8i0e_7. Reedd 480—Jean Eileen ;Campbell 572:- Willie 1VIcInnes 159*: Hoseard Reed 140**. •Drennae. * •Aheenee from :Exams: , Teacher:—V. -if: Pollock. • - ---p o • take. • Beat the eggs sepin'ately. Add the Milk to the egg yolk, then stir the Mixture -in to petato gradnelly. Add saltfand pelmet- to taste. Fold in the lAaten whites. Cook over -moder- ate heat, in ;a geperoMity bettered fryieg pen. Cover and clok until riie-- ely browned. Fold in half and ,turti •Oilt tiff het pliftet, This aish fe a good one' when e"ggs are scarce and 15, ser- • ved with 'Chili Sem* . Stiffed! Hem , ere and There'll . 447, •• . • Born on Caliadien Pacific Rail- • way flyer "1"be " re 3 r • Ranalta, British Columbia. a .chilti has hebn istem d Chriatina Patricia 1-1;ti names being arranged' to arakel,iye, • initials '"C.P ft.," to • honor or her • bitth'on:.,the 'rat I ;Little NI Ise. C.V.R. is the daughteer Mr. ail ;Mrs. .1. Peterson,,uf /sof th Vancou-' ver, B.C. •"The 'biggest and Mnit .brililant • season' of winter spans in the his- tory, ot• Quebec City," tie scriptign of. the; fortheoniing .o • res- tivities at the Ancient apitial re- • ceived at ,general tourist • hoad- quarters of the (Canadian Pailfie recently. The seasoit ,which is now ,open will include the ytti d,e Mit, .1 trivary 20; the. . Ice Pageant, °February 12-13; tle • International • ;Dog Sled Derb) nt .120 miles, Febrintry,10-22;' anti the. Masquerade Ball at the .Cha.reau Trontenac,, February •21. W. Beatty; chairrnan and Pri- sident of , the Canadian ' Pacific• Railway, recently ;pre..aited • 1hi2. Dominion -.Open 'Revolver Cha ra- •'pionship trophy and medals to ' R. police' 'tea m .No. 1 of 'tint a rio, .whihh defeated tit • Lethbridge team Of the 1'1111 Calid' ed Police ,in of 1412 out 11/lembei'Sof •Constables_ Tingman 'and veatigator 0'JJ e. (trials with a.score of, a possible .150e; . he winning teeth are 1,entlergaiit.. Oyvey„, MacDonald wad la. „ • • Canadian Paeiric liner Em,pr,sarf. of Japan,. laigest and finest Sil!p on the •Paeitic Coast, was launched • from the .ya'ttls at Glasgow Decent- . hpr 17 and.wili be in serViee.floon Vancouver early in the N,evr Well On the way to launehing the 40,090 -ton Tient, 'the hatipress of Britain., destined porevole eon- ize A tlan tie, travelCan- ada, to oFeuarpe: wi nd time, of five days , from einitifie continent. . • • Ski."ng over two *hundred m of snoW-blanketed wilds ' and se ing five passes.- of which th • have • an altitude. of over 8,e00 t six intrepid skiers of the ..las ,Park Ski • ' will in. Janti • make the trip from Jasper Park'Paet • Beef to wend the annual win sports carnival 'that opens in 1.• teary. • • New ilrunsvvIcles field crops fer 1929 helve an estitnated value of ,. • $25,7221J00. as tempered with $18,- ' , 2700,6 Tor 1928 ahe $18 113 r,r111 rer • 1927, aecordiag to repqrts trem '• Dominion Bureau of Sti,ristics itt..t • "tined. , Ov.er, $1.8e0,00fr elltlY SS final paymems 16 • hers of tbe rOarse Orate (yr Manitoba -and Saskatchewan ol: the 192$ .coops of oats. be rfey, • flag irtif rye. Phis brings )•eitill, paymonts • to provincial pools the Centre!, t Selling Agency to 611,4r per !oleo. ' on W. °O‘691ile :per Ilitgbei barley; $2.20% per tfusbei on.riaz and.981ke per buthel ' • . Manitoba's suceets et tho Polo! ' WiAter Pair, torotife, twee'"I' v. 15 degtribed by Prerhier 131101; .11 otbe Trioet• remarkable elrer neblev• , ed by the province " Both "'fro '0 .el sule.h4e00. poi.% ftioar 44%4) 0