HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-02, Page 3lee 11$ • wi Laffs .6‘S ieereee _gab -ale eedaryeekeset -yeu getting to hig te play with boys?" , Mary: "No,' ttiOther, the bigger I get the binter like 'ern." • ' • Lines to a .Friend • thank teens, friend:, for. brightening 4.aYe; " • Ivor» shining thoughts • whi•ch , light- eued darkeeee weeee • Foe _Just helieving-elbeiter far than • daily breed, For •graelotie, gestures and all kled worde ,sakl.. • 'Ail these I can fe.61,1 can Ireare-and • • ' , nue:Poet, thankethee " For thy• fake •In_ tee." Embarrassed eofing.meni-lier:ee-air- 4N. , ter that •is 1",Catne. to say Unit youe, •-daughtee." tette cilia that ;:slie-er levee • •i • nee, • : 'Parente-eOlie; auctop:u. ba've• etiele. Meeteerieleslon to metre her? ' •• Heeele-eleeoeelie :I anio to eek,.yo ....' to.. eiake liter behave::: . .AnO1j? ffloe thing about, the old- fashbened eweetheart e was happy v, -hen youAlied- •her p •with 'pink lemonade. - fetedeen cemplexioile, are net,. .pdf- patient, °yea thothrli •flee. woe tt do .uso faet Colors. , etesiee'eeeelemee •The claes' was :leaving its weekly. talk: on painting,. and the teacher • said, fr Joshua. Reynolds was able, change. a Smiling lace into a• frown - ng one. • • • o • • 'That'e...:nothing;". ‘,.nauttereele. little • Jimmy, "my ..maw' eau do that,"' • e .-The bee!: e.-a,yefor•a wonaan to keep •••• • a. elan at a distanee is by marrying - , •,,.Tee farmer 13 about ,the,only work•;. •under, the eielit hour 7eystem•-•-elght hetore aineer and efelit hotire tee er.. ' „. ' • . • Our Own Dietio,nery - • . Teevelling person •who is it;waye looking :for home atmosphere • Id a hefel,eaiel Itetel.serVICe•-at hotne; • • • • An:irinen wee. weteill 'aed ' so rapidly that .the 'priest •Wes. calied„. said: 'Mike, whele you stili have t to hence, ecel sheeld teeellnee you.: 'take pleolitureIfl - • 110Usew0*it 9u • " I NOW go about .tny deify, 'work, with pleasuire," as • Ris. Scott of Odelph. It* ,,opite.of dOixtrade 4140• •and 'family cerei, • that Is the waY•everi woman should feet. But •how many do? ' • .'DimiSands if woMeit , over tho;world,have repined strength and nervous 'enekgy brtritleit tic#•*41larim, PIO PL1Jnd Write to tell,* so. Ws...Scott le one of • . . was Veer much inwdoWri, • . „ .nerVous,.. tired; to ok WiUlatris! 'Oink ''EMIlssand am ,as welt as awn; again: Noe, I ' go about My Work with' pleas- . • ure j in fact, f eat IQ year. younger.", , Buy a box of pr. tr,Pilliatas' •Pink pub at alkdraggists and 'dealers in medicine:or, Poet!• . paid; by msil .at O rents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine ea.,. Brockville, Ontario, s.aa so-\ • PER SOX', brWillicnne" •PINK PILLS "a HOUSEHOLD NANItt Airplane Service 'Supplements and Directs Ground Workers , 'HOME OF FIRE RANGERS THAT 4UARle:OU.Ft NORTHERN -TIMBE•et. WEALTH.' • M. of ye ag tit an •ity Br od an bu. ai chi abi dr reatic siteikeione *ditch have •al- e parked his work rise naterally, teerefere with greater 1,f1ect, .tip• narra• tive There' is wit •atid . By KEININgTel STEVOSON eter Lavelle, by Jona Brophy (J. Dent, Toronto, $2.00)., • This neyel• tten-yearaaftenthe•war' is a frank delicate study of the iharp eleav- between two generations, between ale leteeloat their youth in the war those .who here geownto imatur- shwa ..the Armistice.' thre PhY AS fleetly master of hs meth - he shirki none &Ike difficultiefe moral •problems,: of his • theme, he aceieres exactly the ends he s for:, 'The litoey of the Irian an. Set and his untistiel housing estate old With- edeetnefieshardlY notice-, ; ,the •pOwerful svriting and ' the 'wa tee I iro y. In Peter Lavellee and some 101,er descripiens •••• 'the ' English co fiteyeedee, Petelehetnseif, :eiphitter.- ed; whimeecal,•eere.etiVe and :pSratist,! Is a gerinine 'and •valuable egreetlew an the reader will attic) be delighted -to meet Isobel, hes steadfast Lenglish lee r, Daphne Semple, ineedelicieusly roeative• musical-cemedy actress, Petelee • wiee little: sou, 'Chi -fete - pr an, h he .Strange :•Case •ne Vintilik Pol ba ton, by Jan eefarshail IT. Nelson, _ — a4 Sens. ee,00) Vinteix pe1earfon,•4 he hy Young v,•eman, 'who should hal• lived for Years, died s•widenly; a.". ) yet though there • was no %trace of poi .ninge all the inedieal evidence •gr dthat thisWas, the cause of her dea • . Not only themurder but the inq 1 et heldan element of mystery, an • puzzledpolice' as well as public. W y• waS:alte killed, What poised was ,th,e :deadly histruineete and 'hew was ft dniintetered? ..Weeci.'wes, the nine- e.e. • de ere' ,'-. Stich is the setting Of .this IS •What ,Ttifiusands of Mothers so adly. constructed 'story, :the ;seek, . Sav Of Baby's OVVII TahletS. ' tio that is, excitingly ttefolded Is eat- • A tnedi6ine for the -baby: ee .erewing 1st eng. and • complete, with a definite ehild—mie. that 'the mother ,cen feel thread of romance ehrmighont the. • -Deputy headquartere 'for Ontario fire eatigers it '141i -bush; Ont., in.. Cochrane district: ale*than. Honored -With F'residency Earl W. BeSaw Appointed • Head of Firestone Cana- dian Company • • eupied the nosition of Vice-president • .of the fennel. Oldfield Company,a subsidiary ef Firestone: • . in 1920 •Harvey. Piresteee decided to exeand In Canada,. He toresew great poseibilltiei • in the , Canadten. literritery eine. made Me. BeSaw Vice- president and General" Manager Of the Canadian company: • Mr.,, BeSkw • took his new poSiden• Deceinber; 1922, Scans Canada's 'Future at. Hamilton; when production was approximately ,100 tire§ adel 200 tubes 1- ' irainiiton.—Nearly• 20 .years,•ege• a lxoung 'fellow•by tee name of Earl W. , d In'eSa* walked into the office' of Her - ,IN 84 poUNTRIES" I s. Fireepee and asked 'for a jobe '1 want a ••;tob •selling 'Aires With + • eile• 'coacei'n." he told ,:,the now`,farn . , . The •Nattesital Resources , us '6.16ber Iploneer. • beheve in you, Mr. Firestone, and ip),- a day. , ,•Expansion.,in Canada • Firestone /level° Ad r edly in Can- ada, aciditionsi: Were' Made be the fac- e . • , tory, tlie eargest being in 1927, When, o • • the'capacity 1 -as douhled, increasing - the productin. 'oto 6,000 tires and 6,000 titbes a• day. Today. Firestone -is roc; . ••0•. ognized as one _of ths Zeaders in tbe „Sire industry in. Canada.,. 'In e,xpreSsin his keea. appeeciatiort of his aplioint ,ent as President of the 'NO .PETTER MEDICI FOR LITTLE ONIS assured is -absolutely seta as well as: efficient—is found in Baby'e Ocee Tab-• lets: .The Tablete • are praised by thousands of mothers 1.1arbUghout the book, that ends tip eery • eharneingly. » 'The Waiting Room, by G. orange (J.: 2.11.,Dente Toronto, $1:50). 4 dra- in tic ghost atory which alma at inter-: country. 'These mothere, have:felled- Pr, tIng imak'inatively the War Of 1 1:91.4- other medicine for little one to equaliq;--being after death: la ,Which a few hy actual. eXperlence that ,•there is.no,".1.ii1$„ The ,w'aiting 1.•.00m is a state theal. • Once, a moater has i:ised them 1 tylpleaiirco4m..barirtintoTh sdiscus; bll the war for n her Childreshe will urAo nolhi,agi':4;1:!e. lat in. _. . • . i else: Cowternitrg them M:...t. Charles i ,...1:nalr, dead An 1 ar...,French Village ce- Hutt, TanOcei: 'grand; • N.S;;. wr;tea: Me a.; cal.pe3 I.trOuple, amOng the •• •• •' "Why?" he was as•ked. "Because .t• • • Qution I , Ileglea Leader (Lib.): Whet' Sae, jirdgment leads me aieo to believe katchowan wants 13.1 fair settlereeet that there will be reel o.epoetuttitiee the devil. Mike gasper-: of tp.o natural resources question. If fO eb •th. d d _r ,g an evelopment 'en the • • 'Father, ifele• n that lied' rief.it's no time the two •Ocivernmente cannot agree tire Industry." . • . • : te be Deakin' ,new • iN!•-o,,,s', , that evet chalp cigar storea -are putting In luach. coito•ters, you can get sonfothing to eat alrimat Any- Ivitere :except at home:. •• •terms, as gentlemene meeting gen- tlemen,1 SaekatelieWan. has the privi- lege of, challenging: before the Privy •Coencil the whole aeries of legislatiVe acts by whieli the Deminion :Parlia- ineet, assumed control over thp North - ,Harvey S, Firestone waajust really. 'getting his over, foothold 'then' — 'he •was makfug :the first steps which "w-ould iater, make him .oee of the. weed's most iambus men en.. Marco and industeete BeSave got the , West Territories, pr.evious to"the es: Joh. Foe 20 years lie: have beee..au •, Yon•ng Lady eteleelionine)• -7- 'Oh, . • 0 ,, g as a out t at , katcheivan and Alberta. .:The validity , • Of, the law by which the contret of the' . . Young Lady—"Do _1 Aro-p it la my 1 d • f I .._., . Firestone Tiro '/Ie RnebereCompany. • ter • the provinces had been created . . . At the cleteeeed the directors' meeting, ean tiled be challenged in the ceet•ts . ____. • • which • held ini I • tablishment of the Peovinces of Sae., indei ti-tgeble 'wo k • melleine you gaVe •mei" AppointedPresident • • il,Octore--9Well?"_. • , natural reeources remained in the • This week r. eeaw atteuded the ia.n so t e DOmiralon Parliament af•• annual stockho .s meeting of lhe . eeei befote er'• after meals.?" . In‘in- Cobb is said to " • • haVe ,stated. re:;ently thatit a -as un! : • ward, Mr. Firestone greeted hine_witla • eer;:•eefe that some of hIS best stories . • ' • .• • • • • • the follo.Wing words.: "Well,' My. i3ek• • e h? printed; Canadian Support for Lord' Saw, you!v:e been made Pres -Meet 'of • of law,• was med ately after- ., "Somebody's oheatine" Beaverbrook A One of us it a cheat," Mapifoba Free Press (Lib,): The IneNispapers and public Men . of Can Ab- yon mean?" Ael_ewhet e say, Fire mieetee- ada who are cheering the loudeat• for Lor ego ?ad a fifth ace in my boot. top d Beaverbrook and his 'police,' of • • , and new it is go::e." • "Empire Free Trade", •hold now, . as • they have always held, that the pre- • ference upon British goods Which ' This One•is en the house" aald the • hen, 'tie it laid an egg ,one'the roof of Lord Beaverhrbok•says Is of "no real • the heahrmaa, valud," 'is kwily detrimental to the • , Canadian manufacturing industry and Might to be restricted or abolfshed, 'can't let you have $100, my dear. X received a note from •Lord Baaverbroolt .finds tit the pro- .fassions of support' by these. public. Jilt) bank this Morning about being • .orerclrawn.” • • men and nevhspapers proof that 'Can- ada Is behind Ids' drive; but evidence , W1,40—WoIt. 'delft bother . with of the complete beseneerIty Of these win, Try' anoteer bank, They can't ' 'profesalons eatillyInlitainable 'if all be ermine e." • Loo lteaverbrook cares to look for it, • . • , . ' -Ont Of 1 -i's Course ,ColietH:' Teri !bt:o. links, caddy; ter- .• •. carldk••-' 1.,•ry, si..4.11iese ain't links ymt got oft" them .att 110,1114. ago:" • • e • y is born 1.r.oly 'of " :,..r •.•:. of men and wo- ..•,tit.‘„ (1,) nnt play golf, eel • , A e 1 "ol'y 3thdll 'per Cent- , ••• rte. 0 _ • • .1. in'i • t begiii•.at the b, ••ir.r .•fp. ' • • Fallen Comrades • ' r it in the 'London Daily Hete ael t Myself once more 4 all my soul againgt tho iihrage about "these west. •• ed lees,'" My chums' lives were only 1-3qichi 'if re bilvt.:44 letthem be Wast,.. • ie 'hfe• that la. the wastad eme, vet theirs, if haven't dotte all, to make another war impose; •efeee ter 'Vol% For. our comrades' sal.e„and fee tee ,sake of their boYs-L-• • ite eliee t eey said *good-bye to that r:erving by the leave trairee-we vliteeere -"iucky" Most hitch. up onr e, , andget thia j.;ctite. • • • • Ofit),GRESS. ', • • •• •i• y'dre;5 ilielincrease 'of tile • nutieuje ' who dettielt feeneeeres from the ino'rgarric Mete ,Inenkhui, and .develop. their physi; • eat flit moral qualitiereto the full ex- oe'Whieh .are capable. tinder Elia conditions in which God has pi.104.07-peyl. John: •.° • Firestone Tire& •Rubber Caineany •of Canada,eLintited, 'Mr: BeSaw stated; Capada'S future ea'utiquestletned. Her, hatibeal reseurc'ee ere: only beginnieg. to. he 'developed and hee export' trade Is eipanding rapidly. ••• Our Canadian orgauitation is cOmplete .frein coast, to &oast, and eve, •enter.the Year 1.930 staff Of v-orkers, a sales:force trainer Cla3s:i6edAd veth seniqnte SeTera 'MONS Vetceieteeler . • • . LY °AV, ,ehaltayIN viC,VrrTgaljrn44whl,i4;allear131:e• tag barber trade under ramuue molee krnerican Plan.' world's most reliable tu.tn4rb,eectrrathiy°61rOr8Yrstin ea taVlogitule.. *Mactelril WI: her pones.* 121 queen West. Toronto rigTation.to 'Canada • Shrivo Decline From !Montreat—In ,the fireeepve.n months of tee current fis.cal year, ArU. . to, October' • .e1, • Briteshe. earuleration, ballade totalled 55.,167, ee locreaee-ef ' 7,777 tri(e• the 'fetal for the cerreee pon:dieg period"' last year.. • framigea- tion Dom the SienetedeSeaees wes 230 2t3i3o19afr:',O;Itttn.e.inForrthes:ws,oeloterlrti',96'464E;in'arri144Ocipenlimtrifart. raCee was .e7,73:6, •a,dee crease of 43,616. Tot1 'minima:teen' . the seven nienths 'was 49,4541:Va.._ compared ,:wfth 1.31,754 for the 'Same period last Year a ' decrease of'•A,'600' " .'r;in.2.:triVelgrr6aettne";', e' n• year .4vai • 3;817,:e inere.aie • -Of.: 776 eereee October; /028; Or 10 per cent:: Of the total, 2,386 were -British, 2,329 freitiii the lenit•ed) States, 1;328 natthveesteree 'EurOpean recee and. 1,774 of. other. From 'April 1 to •.Oefeber •31 kills -33.-e-al:"fi'tbe,UniteTS(teatj:sdii:tesnclweia°-"geto• Irletaidteo- • • • there •permariently -havereturned,. to . 'the Dominion. . • Lee ' Angeles' women, eiting for divorce, tells the deed her leuslieud spanked her, pelled her haiieane eerie slainnied a -door On' beer erne and then Pelted hee 'up in.a•eloset. She says . she: doesifeknel why • he. eld• these things. We do.. Ile was mad ather. , • We Pay the Highest Prices for • DRESSED POULTRY : .Write fee quotaelons The Harris Abattoir Co. Ltd. St. Lawrence Market, Toronto 2 .141. ATENTS List 'of "Wanted' Inventions" • mid Full Ir.formation Sent Free on Request. . • THE EADISAT CO.; Dept. W. • ,273 Sank St., Ottawa On 1'1 have ten Children,- tme baby being ghoStA. a mei-Neva' bishop arise s from I FroSt Bjtes just six inontes old. I _have used itraueitei:oisq,,Caathecothe-akiii etoy sagh,Veositt fsreetrus,.doea,st- ,fatal to him, and the spiritual issues are curiously Involtred With a ghoitly love 'affair and a war amongst -tbe ghosts themselvei. The story taken seriozi,..ly, gives some shrewd and in- ter,e3tin; yiews on the War and that ge:.c;tylon, taken in a fleeter Mood. it wi •fonad stimelatieg eenue-. ing v. e,, li-oeic humor. Baby's Oe -n 'Tablets for them for the pest 20_ years and can truteftely Bay_ _to 'understaiid the .war that has been that, I knew of no begeri medicine for little ones. alvieye keep a,box of 114 Tablets in the house, and: e-oeld ad, vigeoall other other, mothers to• ,d,O se." Baby's Own Tablets are apid,i1Y medicine •clealers pr W111 be mailed upon receipt of price, 25 cents per\ with a most Modern factory, a 103.41 bee, by the Dr. williamine, Co„ . • today's, merchandising ine•thods, Ont and botwiThstanding Firestone:s rapid • groWth -in Canada during the past STRINGOF ONIONS -six years. we lookfor even; greater • •:e 8y Re s• Hunter dvl iet 1 01 e„ e op n s, • a it f : Mere.. • A 'Manhattan apaiemerit • dweller walking along. Chambers Street the Outside the .Family other .d.ay observed -a string of onions .. • •• .whole:Sale produce. the Cattadian cOmpany." ' :Du.:lian Natal Mercury: A compare hanging.o,utside a .store. It took bite -back a ..long •waY• . The storY of. Earl W. BeSaw Is the.'13P,n of the speeeheeniade in the Can- to. the tune e•hen' euch :strings hung . Wei 'school iadian Budget debate early in the pree- story of a, boy with: Only a ' education and *hose parents. Were ene year,. and. those ,ceming froni the -with flitchesof bacon &Om *sinolti- Lnion Government .benches at Capt. In Very modest el-rout/We:noes and,• town -during .the • discussions •Ori the therefore; not ' in .ft position to give I. :.Crernian Trader Ti•eite, the Flag Bill him . • eeilege, education, but Earl and' on sundry other occasions,. show studied nights and holidays while s ,selling 'tires in the great. undeveloped'eh°enormous ithe gulf Which the w• • Western States. He did his work Present''reigning clique insist's uPon . in a way that pleased' his superiors and he became. 'Branch Manager of the -Des Moines branch of Firestone. Ms.:rise. was rapid, and in 1914 he was promoted to theepost of Western District Manager. 'His. appointment ate Weetern Salee.Manager and Aisist- met GeneralSales Menagoi• followed, and in 1919 tar, 4eS,a* was. named Oeneral Sales Meager.' He:next PC- SHIP YOUR GRAIN ;t0 TORONTO LOW INSURANCE ANDxSTORAGE. RAT -Es • FIREPROOF FI.EVATOR Write or Phone For Partiatlars TORONTO ELEVATORS LIMITED • Phone • Mei* . 7161 Queens Quay Toronto, Ontario g•lic=5' IC NOTICE . •,{ •.. TO EMIPLOYgR8 OF LABOR '... - - Attention having been, directed to the seireltY of Work in this ctty at the present time, employers of labor are ask- ed to try and help to relieve the Situation by engaging only bona tide residents of Toronto (many available WOrk1, i . . NN -RESIDENTS t, . , Notice it hereby given that no, assistance or relief will i . . . , • I • t be given to non-residetits of the City on ace -aunt of their ' I being out ot employment. • " . "9 blackenedrafter,. As heewalked ote farther and' farther from the 'store he regretted that 16 had no: filed to buy the string of 'onione. • ."Yi-t this is foolish;", he said to him self as neared lower 'Broadway. eThat ereating .between South Africa and Is a wholesalestore' and I couldn't the remainder, lof the Coremenwealth. nee. (been strings. .Beesidee, I have • It would be impossible.to b'elieve, did now ere to hang such .'a siting, for .we not knoW, it foi a fact, that these of plester aed will hard-. speecbes were all made in the Parlia- _ey• hold, a tali. Better to go: on buying ments of Dominions heving 'a common a few loose onions in little, paper allegiance, In .Ceinticia we fied,all par. bage. • Yet there is soteething •im- ties' tommitted. to- the policy of em. memorial about a string of onions, perial Preference ind to its•extensica ,like a bed -Of mint , or a cat sunning Wherever possible. and,one (:te the chief itself by a kitchen, deOr.'" . cares ..of the Ministry Auring. the de- • Souie days 'later, on. Fourteenth bate to *hich we .have referred was Strepe he saw outside an, Italian re, - to shoW it was. 'not lukewrm onehhe tail store many .sudh 'string looped subject, for ;thetemper of the .noude •cieer a. barrel. • Ha went' in'eneatte hie wa,s euch. that * the •.Priine Minister purchase and I walked. contentedly, found • it necessery te •assure it that away with It, , Back at the apartment, increases in the Preference granted by. 11"e made a survey, ' thou drove a the•Eudget it was diseUssing 'were re-. nailinte- the side af. the battered striried only, because It was desirable hookcaee and butte,' •up the striug' of 'at the moment' that they should do lit- onions, It hangs there, te omboi of tle as possible 'by way of change a something rude, earthi• and hearty, tariff: And this is the policy adopted something •eliat has aimott gone out in her oWn considered intereet; not he of the e arid, and when the eye Of a strugglihg celemy .wbich• has to rely the 'apartment, dW-'elloi: catches it be on subsidies from e' British•,Teeas- forgets the die of vireln; and' ttia ury in order to make ends Meet, but surly- grumbling of neck th-h:ring rem. by the eenior Dominion *of the Comch!nes acroSs the way. - .monwealt:b, •ho1d.4 half a corttin: • ' " :••• ent in fee 'which includes within its Ielinerd's Line -lent fee Ceugese territory the recist.producteve granary of the world; and whose -exports' of wheat and four alone exceed the total When in dotibt.,aS to Wto:fter car. exports of the Union, includiegeall our fain thing le good for you, tante this Otttnnt of forty millions of gold- And the. telt: "Will', it tend ro make a diaMendsf,annually. • strouger.mate ot me, that I will'be 'e • la better cotirlitiori to .fight, lifers bat- - Song• tiee, or will it weaken me and tend te At tirdiand Corner, demoralize my purpose?" No , matter • Where I live, • And daffodils appear— ' how,. unpleasant or disagreeable, the thing 'may be, everything considered. • Ithe hero of nig life, and ilreents Ctids t.'etickoo'.1 every year, if it will make Yen est.r.r)rge.' elan ot , . He is 'illy life's example, and • wnrnando it ma s»irit flfl my p1ae0; TROTH That 1,, _like him, would` be a. ferde, --And-never •show -my face: . °11° "A -„t1 •he nes aeleanefi• Ana let mY notes be cries of joir th e•ellth?).ing Pith (nab mayToo- simple to despiee, rible precipices: it threatens I0a4i,' teed. It threatens to go near to ter.. Itself behind perpendicular yoeita clohlit. ho appe_at is to tite. bra.ve ' mind, teenedlese of Belt, ti March' on' and teineete etitlitne (rust that rnfli Wade stIvely loItt.Jieart-ok God. ---(11aries Dole. • That children from their cradles lore, .,.Anfl hearts grow-n'old and Wise., Daviel. . .. . . ....... . SAMI1EI., McI3'ItIRE,. *., N116,1144%1 Liniment for rate per. , .10yO?8 061040' )1 , ...., ....— • • • ' -.51a:vor. 1.1 t t. k es a wile:ell e tact fel' pity' ate'a e • • Tot nto, 'December 12tk, • 1449. .. •0--,....... ,:i---.....--..=. • -....=....=.,... • • –,=•,,.. " ,..m,,,„.. • kge to , woman whri has rrothing 10 eniatter with her. No.‘...5 2— , 42. 'Itpt • • _WEAK SPOTS • • • we niiiat heye a weak ancpt or two in a cliaraete7 befo•re We :can love 11 meth. People ewlect de' not- laugh or Cry„ or take more.of anythlog that II good for •them. suse anything but dictionary if ords, •are 'admirable sub - Sects foe -biogra-iihere. Sut don't care.rnost--for those hat pattern -flew- ere that itre4s best .the•ilerhartUm, 'Iles. is sothething. to whiett o:her 'people •owe their success. • L QED FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber -41e Knows, • • Miiierd'e • will bring• bac'.i cn • . culation, and ease burning • FOR' Tender Skins ,Cutticura. Shaving Stich Freely Lathering & Emollient: TH A &MEE Tater. PACKAGE ot• Dr. J. H. Green Mountain Asthma 'Ainpound sent. on request. Origin- ' toed in 1569 by• Dr2aGuild, specialist in respiratory diseases. Its pleasant smoke vapor quickly aoothes• and re- lieves asthma -,-also catarrh. Standard„ • remedy at drug -gists, S. cents, If '• cents and $1.60,' powder or Cigarette. form. Send for FREE Tarsi, pack- age of.6 cigarettes. Canadian itstri-, bitters. Lymans, Ltd,: Dept.- CM 21111• St..Pattl St 700af, ktontreal,'Canada• Dr -Gu•ASTHMA COMPOUND ild -V. -GREEN WOUNTAIM --t MRS. J. MALIN No. S, Barton Si. East, tianailtert,Oot. F.:I have to work in the store and do my own housework too and I got" nervous and run- down and was in bed neatly all summer. The least noise would make me nervoug. I was tbld to • take Lydia E. Pirdtham's Vege- table Compound and I have taken" seven bottles, It has made Me stronger and put attire color into my face 1 get along .,nicely -nOW with Myi 'work and with my four chi". dren. I would like to answer !t."—Mrs. .41 had two babies I lost at seven months. &axe my third baby, wai born tny husband advised me to take your.medicine and he bought e three'. bottles of it, \Mewl had taken the first one I began to feel better So, 1 kepi on dur- ing the whole period; We have healthy baby boy and .c.;:t are so proud of him and praise Lydia E. Plnichatnis•Vtgetable Llompotinn tor trie. I feel well andtr. s ong. Mrs., Pittlik Lakes. -Lydia E.--Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mas• a, and •Cobourg; Onthrio, Cacincla.