HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-02, Page 1414 • '• • or YEAll14 ADVANCE; WOO OTHERWISE ILINKINOWe ONT., THURSDAY, 'JANUARY 2nd, 1900. • bit. W. M. coNNF41.,]. Phyeician and Surgeen Lucknow .nnurs: 1.30-3.30 •7-4 • .Phone 86 • irENTIST Di. MacLeod 'will "visit LucknOw ,very Tuesday, in The Cain House: •D4SitisT . R L. Treleaven, Lecknoye-ee '03%gre -Decker's Store. , ExtraCtiOrt eitpeieby gas or be In Dungannop eeery, Thursday,. pkiene 3. 2' !•4 Ite-se reit erre 'oeS-1.029 Wall taper on Insect. Frites .consider - Stole down for lese, I arm also agent for leading job houses. --4..J. Comer- . on, Decorator, 'Painter and: Grainer Box 1.74, Lueknow. FOR SALE -A number a breed- ing ewes. • Jurnes McEwen, near,Kinloss Village FOR SALE -Revolving Ash ' Sifter ••. • ,with •contaites, all metal. Apply , at rI.tie"Setitinel ' • ' FOR 'SALE-A:See due to ireeshen abut Maros .• .Win. Arinstrong, Jr.' • . (26-12-s(.), szs. AL1114;trl'A COAL, " .. Car tearrive at LOcknow. next Week , be grade, Drumheller, $11,50, per 'ton: Phone •Dungannon 78-r-12. . ' Orville Deinin, -4- • .7, • I • . AUCTION SALE, OrLAMB On•J'alefary Ilth; 19:16,..at, 3 o'clock . P.M. there will I,e offered. for sale by • .ptiblie etictiim at the • premises. ',,of ltetbeit MQuiflin, Lucktrews- One ••Strey.,Lanib. Terms:e-Cash.'et` • M. GaYnor; Arm- ' • ' . SHEEP ASTRAY.anieeothe pee.meies of the ander- p4med, 'Con. 13., `s'aeskeffele, '4 ,sheep, apparently E we and s .am bs.: Owne erne have same, by .proving Ampere. ' te.eand paying _expenses.' Janes •E: . Ritchie. , . • HOG ASTRAY Strayed' .fr'oni. the .premises .�f the undersigned; about Dee. 21, a', collie dog, golden tencolor. with white on neck ens1. paws,. lon'g heir and bushy • tail -answers, in , of "Boddie:" Anv person, knewing -*of %hie Where- • 'aboitte kindly. (telemeter:4e witheMrs. Arthur Cook, R. 3, leucknow-'Phene • '67. T., 5, Dung:ninon, • • • (2--1-c.) • • . • •BOX .SOCIAL AND DANCE Box Siegal . and .Dance willbe held in. the Community Hall, Para. Fritlae‘ev'e Jan.. 3rd, under sauspiees of the Paramount U. F. 0. Detest to start at e e'clock-Salt of boxes at 11 'o'clock. ;Admission 35c: • Ladies. eith •boxes free. Good stabling : es , e2H,r.vcryw lt my. elcome. ' (26-1' e) ' • 600D GA•.‘iE lifIT RIPLEY' • The local hockey:tepue ;is at Tlersday 'night c'et last week hav- ing their' first real gtelueof, the . Sea- son. It was a good oll'engame all through with a .seore of in favor ' of Ripley: There eas a good crowds he game being put oe for the • bene - of lies. Me.1:ay, a •gotel"sport now 1 *Mita riutis : `Ripiey and :Lucke's)* Seniors will teetrin t •rst league game of -eSenssn Tueeday, Lorne Rini,' • .1 INMEM 0 A 11 . • AYLDfir-in loving teenee y of my dear :daughter eesee,,Oho • died • January :ed. li,26. All is sad within ss memory,' onelv-Ss .my heart to 'dey, - For the'ene I lovcs. so dearly aS forever passed swies Time may hie -.1' a ers•Isetf heart' nne refry m'ake:the untied less snre, nut thee will meet. p the longing or yeti doar Jesse gone on before. Sadie missed by Mailer, Feather lid Brothers. . INME:•:ORIAM' ' • ' 'HUNTER.- •1n goyim; memory 01. ur dear Beds Adeleill, intent daugh- ter ef Me and Mrs. Jacob Hunter who As. suddenly la lied a e sy on Jan. 3, T921.1. beyeSet etelness stilt come o'er Us, Tars �f sarrow often flov, ' lteniory keeps (Mr hived one near use' Whom Gad (gainird'tnree yearS ago $evei will She be' fo4ett.<>11, No, not 'shell her 'memory fade ,recioue* thought shall eye,. weeder To the spot where she is laid: Sadly missed by Nlother, Father and Wet ;.1krew Years Sale Of • Sloe and Youtiii, OverCoatantiferlY, flew gertientsJUreceived. Al re. ochiced 2,0 to $096, • MON B`TOS., . • • : THE PUT OVER • TO TIIE RATEPAYERS OF' THE " •. • " VILLAGE OF..LUpkNOW: ' , It _baring been stated at the nomination ineeting that the majority of the Ceurreil'of. . LuCknow' fo,r the year j...929 ,wert deterininate • put the proposed water system bier on thespeoPle As the Rydre,,pavement and sidewalks' 'veOte put „ .• over, we, the undersigned menthers of the 1929 her kave to state that, in 'regard to: • • ..4134i4E/t eaabbag *-11114i Wan 'submitted to the .people and voted On; and carriedsiutboriz:. • ing the councilef that time to.enter into a • coh. -tract with the Hydro Electric Power Commission.. • The sidewalks were: Constructed upon receiv- ing 'a sufficient .petition from the owners of the • „ • properties fronting on the dtreets. A • The • pavement ' *as constructed Ny the County According to statuary regulations, and we; the undersigned memberd of the 1930 Countif, do • • - hereby 'erapha...icelly declare thqt NOTHING , WILL BE DONE in the matter o( the proposed pure .Water sytteni. unless RATIFIED BY A. . , VOTE of the .RATEPAYERS. I , • (Signed) , A. W.: HAMILTON W. B. ANDERSON ROBERT MULLIN ELLIOTT MILLER " A • siNaE'.c0FIES5 cEms • •Mie, Jim litchell is spendhrg. the week with 11S parents here. Mies Martha' MacCallure:Was 'home ,froin 'foe a. few days. • We are iterry to 'report: that 'Mrs:. VI. Weeds' of, town it, quite eeriously ill. • •' • •••• Mr. Alvin •Percy of Detroit' spent a few Veies in town dein* the Christ- mas week. •', Mr :.• AndeeW Huston was up froni. Teronto to spend ..Christmas at her .home here. • .. Mist Donna ..Nichola of Fergus, is a' ghest at the United.Church-Pstraen- age t.his: week, • e . Mr: StewarteMacKenzie vat home frgm TeronteUniversity for, the Chrieintas holiday Dr. A. A. Cameron of Ottawa spent Chrittinas with his parents, .Mr. and. Mit. R. D: Cameron. •..Mits •Isabel •Dougias 'was up from Chatham to spend. New 'Year's 'Day with Lee:know . relations: , • .• • Mrs ,Moorehouse Mitchell las been. confined to his room the :•past few' Weeks buts' is improv(ipg. •• , Miss Francis Spence •is. -spending the vacation with. ,her • parents, f)r. and Mrs. A. M. Spence. • Mr. and Mrs. R. IL,Themnson eid Frances are visiting: at..the. home of theii, daughter, Mrs. Naylor: 'Mr..' and Mrs. • Gorden Alciere, , of Reck-sped were here to ,sperei Christ: mas %all the former's mother. , Mist Jean MacKenzie„ of. Toronto spent d few daysof., last week with relations in Kinloss and Ltieknows •, Mr: Malcolm Armstrong now teach - in -g Port Arthei „visited lOcknovv friends •it feW, days of the paha week: • _Miss. Winpifred. Douglas, nurse -in -training at Victoria Hospital London, spent New Year's Day at her home here. • Mrs. Robert Johnston and chilidren have returned to Goderieh afte, spending a Week with Mr. aneMrs. Jent. , • Mr. and Mrs. S. C. MacKenzie and children a Kitchener ' visited •this week with Mr .and Mrs. R, V. Mac- Kentie. Mr. Murray Davy who is taking a course, at the (eA.G: Guelph step+. Chfistmas-with his annt,Mrs. William ,AlacKentle. " • • Mr. and Mrs. John Joynt left on Thursday morning on a trip ‘t� • Ja- maica, and other West ImPan pointe. They will sale front Halifax on Jan. 4th: • • Disesnd Mrs: R. ts Trele-4a en have moved into the reeidence in the Joynt _Block; ad Mrs. Gibbons atid family from .Thiron Township,Shave moved into, the Treleaven house on Outram street.• : Mr, W. P. 'Thompson of the Voroii., to teachirig staff who Wag in toWn Christnuis, assisted the_elyrirs cif the Presbyterian and United • Cherthes, 08 Stinday. Mr. Thompsen is devoting hie- spare -thug to' nuai-c-dji devete °phis a very goo* tenor. Yeite• 'ELECTION, IN KINLOSS • Two Candidates for Reeve and Six • For' (;ouncillese. , As 'predicted last Week there wilt be an election i Kinloss Township. J. W. Colwell; reeve for the past two years is again a , candidate ,for that office, and Mac.' Rost,' member of the coencil for the, pest ten years now aspire e t� the higher office. The oth- er three Icoencillors • of .1929- McIn- tosh, . Elliott and Heston -are all • Standing for re-election, and there are three other candidates. T. H.. Moore e neighbor of Mac. Rost, in ' the Whitechurch district, Adam McQueen and Wm, J.' Irwin on the west end ..Of Con. 2.- McQueen his had four Years' experienee in coancil; hut was defeat- ed Inst. year. Irwin was a candidate a few •years ago but was unsuccessful. 9 0_77 UNIVERSAL WEEK- OF PRAYER` Sunday Jan. 5th to Sat. Jan: llth. Monday ; Jan. 6th -St. Peter's Church, Young People's service. Sub- ject for prayer-ThanksgiAng an • Confession. , • , Tuesday, Jan. ,7th -South Kinloss Chureh; Preacher, Rev. C. H. Mac- Donald. ,Subject for proyer-Chrr4tian Unity. Wednesday, . Jan: 8th -PreoliYi Grim' Church; Preacher, Rev: E. G. Galla- her: Subject for prayer-shiternatton- al Friendship. ,. • • Thtireday, Jan. 9th -United Church. Preacher, Rev. John Pollock. Subject for prayer -Missions. Friday: Jan. .10th. ---St:' Peter's Church; Preacher -Rev. We.Craw. Subject for prayer---Familye-School. TORONTO HAS LIVELY • • , ELECTION MAYOR . MeBRIDE DEFEATED, A civic election was. held in,LToron- to on New Year's Day. It was pre- eeeded by the greatest and hottest election. campaign ever experienced n the city. • McBride, -a blustering bully with long munieipal experience nil a great campaigner, with ,a cer- airi city improverneet policy which ePut forward were the issues, There re four daily papers in Toronto. Two f, these -The Daily Star and The Mail and Empire favored MeBride; hile The Tele -grain arict The Globe Might him, tooth and nail. So fierce as the contest that the whole pro. nice' beceine interested. • The oiitVome; made .known through- ut the country by , radio by ten clock at night, , writ the defeat of letride and his policy. The new eyor • is Major Weinp, said to be a ery elever youngirmri. He hdd over Ci00 maj6rity. A by-law proposing-. rge-Scale street changes, sponsored y Metridcwits else defeated. • About 104 thousand eitizetis sated the greatest number 'which ever oted in the city.... Mr. b. M. Johnstone Seek krun up. trent ;',I*orinite 'on Near • 'Veer's DaY, reintiting on ThuridaY.'... • Mr and Mrs Winterstein and -lit- Deese:V.00i are .Spairti4"' COuricil ,By Acclamation Contest For Reeveship Lively Discussion of Town Affairs Monday Night. Rae and Robertson-" Candidatefe'Wore Reeve Hamilton, Mullin and, :W.. B, Andersen ' Counczllors for'1630 W. G.' Andrew' , I. J. CaMeion Rev. C. II. MacDonald Oh School Board That, in brief,is the outcome • of the nomination meeting Mone • day evening. , ' • The nomination _meeting we hid Monday night 'Was 'one of • the best - attended In repent years. It turned out to be a very, interesilipg .ineeting • too, And the last, part was more in- teresting than the firet. ' • - • The; program Could fairly be divid. ed into two parte. First the nethina- tien Of. candidates and the speeches by neniinees,' and second, the .disens- skin of A new 10i:works system.. rWaterworks- 'Discussed' •. it Wes conneetions with the dirts cession of the 'weterwerlis that 1•the fireworks developed, and the meeting' was given to know that all had not gone smoothly in thecourigil through- out the year. Actingsreeee Hamilton and Copecillor Rae ,spolse consider- able length. Rae read 'engipeers',. re;• ports and 'Made some explanations. These 'dealt, with the present Waterl' works and a proposed new system in a somewhat technical way, giving the Cost of a n.evie system at around 71 thouSend dollars -to be exact, $71,-.. 200.00. This l5. for a very elaboiate system, and, making .ample ellowanee fcir diffieelties which ,night not occurr. , Mr.. Han -tit -toe followed „cproting fig- ures, Which he ' had Collected from, towns where waterworks had hien ins stalled • during 1928 and .1929; which went to show that a system could he install at a nitich lower cost, than ,the engineers' .estimates read by Mr. Rae. Aecprding to Allr; Hamilton's m ' findings, a: good tysteof fire pro- teetion and domestic water can be stalled for about 55 thousand dollars: If doeiestie Water was at all • well patronized at a rate of $18 leer year. to those . using it, this system ecould fin -t- be regarded as unreasonebly cost.; ly. And Mr. Hamilton conclu:ded: it „would be a, 'real fire protection Sera - tem, not the sort of thine we have now. ltr. evidently'gone to a great T:leal of trouble to get in- formation and his setting forth of it was ahout as good as could he, but it necessarily contained a lot of fisures 'which the , average .citizen finds it hard to grasp oft hand., • Councillor Robertson -next took the floor and it,.waS at. Once evident that between him andth _e other coirne lois there, had been it good deal frietion-Ls- rgety, it Would appea re- . garding, methods of proceedurie in connection with the getting of infor- 'nation and ' estimates regarding -waterworks. ' One Would, infer that he felt that being a new man et the Board he had been treated as, are -out- sider, ands expected to tit back fora time: This' however was stoutly denied' by Hamilton, 'Rae •Altallie, who, however, ' saidstee' ry plainly that they had been dirappointed councillor • Robertson and had found hini hard to .work -with, • * All four councillors had been no:n- inated for both. reeve. and. councillors aid *r. Robertson. concluded. by- Say- ing that .if . he accepted a pe'minati'ori at all ,it would -be, for the reeveship, , Before leiVing the Hall the follow- , 'lei nominees 'qualifiedsies cendidates: . For reeve, Robertson and Rae. Por, Councillor, '• Mallin, and W. B. Anderson, Nomittatiens • PetWeen 7.30 and 8.30 n'elock the, hour' for •receiving neminations-,the flelloteing were nominated: s For Reeve: ITemiltop, Pee, Roberts son, Mullin, 'Miller, RI 11., McQuillin. • For Councillor: The four, coencil. Mrs above named.' end V. B. Ander. Son, Geo. J. Anderson, A. P. Buswell, E. N. Hodgins, A. E. Matson, A, Turner, Three 'C-Aatl(!ics inoc9rrOd this yedr on the School Board. Those retiring wereq. Aitdersens W, Andre* iffd, n, Cirisereri.- All three were nathd, and alto A. E. Iinswelt. Ing the week with Mt Ntra, 110111i 14, at,eer tith3 gev. 0, n.,*cnonAl4k • • .'"'''''1'4-1.":4,14;416,-,4..:L::,• . • .Candidates Speak • :eNcetairiations, ben*, closed the town -clerk, 1. E. AgneW who 'so far had, conducted the -Meeting, was elected ehalrhian," for the :Meeting to .fellow FolleSeing the usual eifitoM .the eeee7' • ri"to With ting M. rite. ive ers xes wo one 14g:' the. ng.• out • .edlors of. 1929 'were" first eelled.P address the meeting, beginning the acting reeve, A. W. Hamilton: Hamilton had been apPeinted Ac Reeve in the iesienation of .D. • johnaten who had 'moved to Teri) Hesaid that it west inipciesible to g Any informatiori as to counter' Matt as he had not attended County Co oils He explained an inereate oft of two Mille, be expenditure on t bridges which had to ..be re-bei1t,1 at the ftx1nij1i apd Prig, at R. T. Do las': Pliee. :The other item, was . , . improvement in the street lighti Each Of these had accounted. for ab oaring': , • ' The Old Town . Hall had been . a soprce of trouble with tennants from whone• it was difficult to collect rent; so the council had offered it for eale. J.:,$: AlacKensie had tendered 'MOO and' the property had been' sold to him. As. the proposed improvement to the "issterworks would be discussed later he did not touch on' that cities-. tion. Mr. Ra,. had been .associated With Reeve -Johnstone on the Hydro Corti. mittee. He said that en the installae ien of larger' trensforiners. and heav- er wiring: some $2900 had, been ex.- fiended, and he had to admit thatthe mprovenieht was n,ot all thet• eSexpeeted. While sone parts • Or he village was benefited the service n other .parts was but little improved eatiSfactiencould: be ,had frons he Hydro .Commission at Toronto. he engineerswould advise' as to halt should lie dime to overcome a Mollify, but their Would not guaran- ee results.: The Own rate, however, ad .been reduced from $75 per h. p. 6' $70. On the whole we have little to om,plain'ef ,regarding Hydro service, or AI village the size of- Lucknovi: here are now 348 users as against 8 when the current was first turned n.• . . S. E. Robertson :had been civiirman the Power and, Light Committee e said there .wes eery little. for this .mmittee to do as the matter of light d been taken over by the Hydro mreittee. He, however, would , say rhethieg Ireearding the Caledonian rk, which recently bed been- taken er from the Agricultural' SocietY the village. The Park is now under anagement df a ComMitted consiet- g of the reeve, and Messrs. Geo. Ff. lth and F. T. Armstrong. He would e to see the Park improved , and autified, and ,had been securing. in - titration abont 'the getting of trees tri therDepartment, and wopld like, see -this work undertaken. Mr: 1Via1lin had been chairman of Roed and Bridge Coniteittee, Thie mjieee had consulted with the en- eer as to the best' ceifirse to take arding the repair of two bridges ich held been 'wrecked by the spring shed. New concrete bridges wonld e cost about $7000, so they thenght would be better to make repairs at ost of $700: This Mit the two brid- in good' condition for...the • rieirt yeses.: He referred •to the use of ium chloride 'on Statidii Street. re had been oomptnint. as to the of this., but it had been done at request- of residents along the et. Spnie approved • ef it while rs did not. Mr.' Mullin said that wagenet aeniring to the reeveship, felt ti-irt lie Would enjoy life in ' ng at heire than • worrying over lapel • affairri. He howeyer would e another year as ceuncillor if ted. He lad heen, en. the Boerd for eight years. Mr: Rae was of co ha co to Pa • ov by ,in Sm lik be • fit fro to, the corn gin reg wh fre hav it ac ges ten calc The cost the stre othe he and titti men serv wan nOw next wen , sten not 'et cillo thin thou the Clues apok pave in line for the reeveeliip and he Id defer to him. r. MetiilHn itio no thotie-ht ding for Miblite Otte -and would be a carellidate. Andersori, nominated as count e and Scheel trestie, ?id not k odniepting as ,comiCillor. gilt it was a mistake to •pat elf discussion of the Waterworks Con unt,l. after canclidatet-,liad en, as -this Wig the' inflater reto- rt. were :thest tutereated i • , 4111:1t1144ii,k14.4.,- (0ont1ne4 on rage 49. • • • 4,44....••• • • .The Bread The Bread of Health - 0 1 of Health OUR mofto IS QUALITy AND.SERVICE. We. Nish, to. Express -Our Very; Best Wishes to All for 4:<11#ppy New Year - May Sji*s an Prosperity Attend You. ' , not* 36' lLucknow . •••••• TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE "OF LUCKNOW My Policy Place all information before the people: re Fire Protection and water supply for Demestic. use. • ' Have our, Consulting engineer pre- sent. at a pehlie meeting to explain his ,figuies, as' he requested in his report. Also not in close co-operatioe *ith, the Provincial Board of Health; as they haVe figures and records of eV- ery MunNnality in the Provilice,ine have their word of honor -that they will not force e water system On any mueicipality that his set a health record as. LucknoW, unless the People carry money by-law, or the local council ask for A • mandatorY order. • , After a „vote is taken, if carried Put in the hest systeme Possible. L.' defeated, spend a few thousand dol- lars en our present. Fire ' fighting syetem, and Make it more , efficient and more economicalto mairiteiC. Thanking you for the confidence that you have placed in me in the past I again' ask for your support at the polls. Wishing you the Compliment!' of the Season, I remain your Faith- fully, Stuart E. Rehertsen. , FOUR CANDIDATES FOR • REEVE IN HURON TWPs Residents pf Huron Township will have an over -supply of local politics this :week ifall the candidates for municipal honors go out .canvassing • There are four candidates for the one office of Reeve, and five candidates for four places on the Council Board, Candidates are; Duncan Campbell, JOhn Emmerton, Tont Morgan, Robert Geddes. With so many in the field anything may happen. It will be a matter of chance as to who will be elected next Monday: s • For councillor the candidates are: Les. Ray, Wesley Pollock, 'Den Fin- layson, Lloyd Avery, Dan SsMacDon- ald. The three first earned were mene, bers during 1.929. • STORES CLOSED WEDNESDAY EVENINGS The year-end tatik being all over Lucknow stores will not be open Wednesday eeenings,, midi the eent- thencement of the Thtirsdav day. ' DEATH OF MIR. ALBERT STRUTHERS I • . As We, go to pressthis week (on Thursday) we learn of the death of Mr. Albert Struthers who passed away in the early morning:011e l'ad been an ievalid for More than a yea and of late lvis been seriously. ill, so that his recovery was iiot expected. Sfrilthers was in his 39th. year and Was unmarried -he and :his MarY, making their home togeth- er: The funeral will be on Satirrday afternoon-serVice to he held in. the United Church at 2.30 o'clock and interment hi preenhiil Csmetery. 'Needles§ to say surviving members of the 'family have the sympathy of the cminnunity. Mildred Treleaven • A. T. C. NI. Mezzo-Sopran0 Teacher of:Stinging 'Phonei28 <0.4 aia41 .e ' 41. .M11111;=MM•111•11 1111111111MIIIIMP" AMILY THEATR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY January '2--3--4, "HONEYMOON .FLATS" Serial & 60medy (Buddy) Rogers, In LIPS" • With oming - • Charles' sRED V 1112.1 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF .CANADA THE 6olii,Aliqy OF WHICH • A CANADIAN MAY BE PROUD For Particulars as to Plane; 1tati8 And Dividends, See • GEO: H. smi* Agent • NEW STAR Serving FISH and CHIPS 30c • Gunn's Tankage • Bone Mal Jo! Cattle :60% Tankage for Hogs Aig 60 Fine &Coarse for Hens ' Charcoal and Grit ••,GEO. 5. ROBERIT,ON,,- • • • . LtiCKNOW. (20-12--c.) • 7amitrt.....miworraftioimmio!....111.11 LOGS WANTED We the undersigned areagain in the market to 'buy allekinds of Logs, delivered at .bur Saw, Mill - at Lucknow. We are also in the Market to buy Standing' Timber • ftont those wishing tosell on the stump. Wq, are prepared to . pay • god prices and spot *cash on de. • livery.. For further terrticulars *apply teethe Lueknow Table ,Co., Limited JOHN BUTTON. Manager. 'LUCKNOW SCHOOL • • , Room III Sr. III -Honors -A. ,florne 84: Fe Armetrong, 52: IL Parker 80: E. lehnstone 78: M. Fisher 76: N. Tay- 1,, ,or 75. Pass -A. Leith 73: G. Sherrill' 70: H. Ritchle.69: C Hunter 67: L. ' AlacDenald 67: B. MacKenzie 45:: A. llepdertore - Henderson 63, Below 60'r-. Mac-- • ititoeb. 57: M. Faker 55: R. Ostrander 53: G. Whitby'51: E. Cote 50: A. Armstrong 47. , Jr../II-Hotiors-M. Alacnonald 80: ID. Smith 76: 3. 'decree:felt' IS: Pass Seesie gendersoe 68: A. . Jewitt 67: -H.. Tweinley 73: M. . Webtter Tp:••• li ,e 1.1. Culbert 651 C. Ha‘ens 65: 11. Thompson 63:: M. SomJ Solomon 0: . Me teo60. Below 605,-A. Xitehiton -- 59: C. Webster 57: Joy Ilendersoi? 56: J. Pearlinati 54*: H. Joit8steri.53: • E....Whitley 52: L 'Webster (*) Absent Jr Otte exarninotion. . . ' ,i.l. 1')IacCa1luni. -...e.0.0...,....1., •• 'A: 1°3usNitht e-tfi's; Caps irig psofnor8416 use. An' gooti ptitt,er, i „\ • , te.,.) iip. ' .'t