HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-03-13, Page 11•
,,,,,,..„.„.,-:-....,„..........,,_. ...___,____,...........,..,,..„.......,„;„..,,,,„,„.„..,-,
Seagrave • After • ,...1$fitistieS 'Shoi, .
otor Boat Trophy 1 ' ,Criine on Increase.
s Enigian7t7d 11. 38. '.0.'‘.;:ci-te-r::-Figures For Canada, Give All-
-4000 fLP. ENPected to Round Jump of 17.5.)1 .
. .Beat 100- Miles ' Per. Cent , s
, tuluiu:I.L.irt:e7081-.tkinterru..0.'lecte,(a );tni.i. .•• MINOR INFRACTIONS.
, tieli attempts. to .estahlishe neer speed'
• necorns oil sea,and 'land es.,quickenese Traffic Violations contribute.
' by tile announeement•that $ir Hea.nee t6. Total;-.4Cambling
: Op we is airrileg at a speed of 120 . n '• .. Fe.Y•er, CT. ()*$ '
•all• hour in MSS Eggleltd 24,. .• Ottawa..—Crime in •Canada. le in,
• in Which he will cliallenge Amethe annual reportlea .
.• in 3930.
. , .
., '"- ' `-
creasing, ' .0. n . Mina
et,.•He. ,a:ti ,.0...x...„. .., .ieeIeiaoa,tetics issuf.3.ed ,ne.c.ent11l,ytdestheTjuiedsateee1ie94,c1°ses77.inerea'g71.°/4ial:the lhinesinteretionalMoterhoet enti0encesW415.31-Th-,
" 71.0,PhY.tit Cowes " in 1919 Eeigle(mi'haS. ie • the ' greateet aricreaie. in rcrime
,. epsn't alm10X,ImattiY•'$1,2.50000 Inenatheethe year ' he the•-on.threels -of • the
deasering• to rehafte•i.t.' . '.
8 i r 1,19'n rY's new Craft ; will • sta'sS.' ts1.1.41704/9.1,11noveli'ri4t;h1ve,hpt140.v..tihoeuri'l. nyeja.tia-!i•e'
leeeerions Ina:dela.- Shp' 18 to be ,
,... !co useaceee, le the stiletest.,ei,.43,7 at. In *.respect :•of• 'eummaey °envie:tie-el
, , . , • • . ,.
.ill'e &We's •Yetela or, sgoodoo, Ree ‘Ige .-.
(nen-indietatilee ::the•increaser •evanntil
• . .
Co 'On tlie;'arrirah of the two Rase' .girentern beinio:,27.1.fiVe ''gier;. 'the 4 'Kt'
Iloyee Sohnelder ' • v ous year; the . greatest .sinee, theie,
Tt°1)"'Y 9ng'in** •StatiStics •haee ' been. inetituted, oVer
e .
'10.-1.Sh arebeing filted 'hYPC.11311.851°11 :belt a century ago. ', • '
,.. of the Air Alinistry,' they will be •,
. tieese„e ley 1 a Inedegua .1.1 day and ,Thii.; atignientsatiiont 1111, deule.6'•gpuelianteilupuest,
. ly to. infeaettons •o . ia ,
1,4n ..fmoles are exp.e,‘,.:t,e,a. .:to., d..e. ,,retictniznerien ail9M2o7.st 4,7%.•inore•numen.
elope 4, ten) lorsepetver, ,meres then. The incrcri
ease' in niinal and other
s. esst linen, eilged hi e boat' thirty,
ght ltri,..t in; length with a beam of Offences was general all over Canhda.
8 fee, ,with,,,,,a. ,ivativ,, fpg.ed of, ‘a.t •The •Maritime Pronlicee led: la per-
lilu, miles all hOur• • . . centage'inerease in eriminal Offences
....... :
tee ii..,.ea,,,, i...1.,..r,,,...iii.. re..a. wshiotwli athvgealledwtetrm..pieutu.'ex,nut
','4.1itit.• WM. lia teem, w s ee...thrse epos while Ontario and EriUsh ' &nimble
':.(e• or .,..anenease7e-ts.es„. \p'eeerrel „learn eonvietions)* ffa:egnqncejahc,
hat see eme•rnorer pnwee win 'cause Prince:Edward Ia-
he niert to !neat tile we:er ee times; . land; ' Cant:info and Alberta 'increaSed
most, while in El Columbia there
444.'Erf"bki"...iii one of lia,11.i.""ee.' was aelecreasee Whenscortipatingin-
i. ,I'lin.rr're:heetelishea the ',water' thefdividual *offee.••es it. is anye,eled that
boat inust 9tl ilie. in a h,Orizo.ntal 'Pad'. thenincrease ',wee else:of a general.
, tion. re heeler bt.,tin; forn tO pieee..s 4 'nature. • ' : ', . ' • '', . . •
' •the (1.('Pees'ing- stinesse.'" in this, . re-. •Convictione for 'murder eose 'front
:timer, the .11o.rt, is neje...fed : to •estahe iliii 1927 . to. 19, in. 1928,, witiefi in -
••1184•.''''w :-till'"i'll'i• fu weljae.e.ilgid• Creaee. is . but : incidental, as nu
•_ecniers. At h•,•01 .,.. peed tes.'nketoet isiser
., • m-
. of 'Murders. • fluctuates '. from . year
•nixe(.',.l teeketsh, there is. k.',4;it',k ,, (lane en year .'The ayeregeettinheesok con-
•,ner lit 'sesidise wiele. anntriPriliet tO .eictiene s - • '. 'e're, hell IS 7e1*11it1i4
. nitin• nee e •-rins,. b r• " es.' et (•the .1 0 • *7 1Vir. 31m. .1 1 C
. wee . .--
pt. ,
Reiahlkiscent f VVa-r
o me Days
p •
Civilization May „ lani'Saireil From Voile siVitii Chili
Destroy Eskimos IVFej"4e.t,oBf,Y, mpe;rii:Ligic
Arctie Natives Threatened
With Ex,tinction,
Easily Succumbs AilMent
, of Ahnoit Every White ,•
'Child, . ,
• Ottawa.--$ix,thou—sand EsiciMoS liv-
ing clieerfuily in Arctic and sub -Arctic
Carta.ta; are l'threatened with Ultimate
extinction. by the Spidad of ciyilizetion
toWards.: the.;,'Arctic cirele,.. authoritleS
on • tshe far earth predict:, ••
DipeaSe: and death, brought slowly
a's...the white ran advanCes
.northWard,. aLie.• Cr .4ting a Menace' fO
E.042-0 vi..1.E•peei7e: one, of
the diteritritai.ef northern developineent,
they say, f •
Totally .wilthont iininurSity. to white
inan?s. diseases, the Eskinio; auccembs,.
to ailinente •which • are • considered
minor misfortunes in the life of almost
every white He suffers :Toni
rnalieutretiOn when -led white man's.
food, and, yet he 'gerges'hinteelf with
it, whenever ". pesSible. He .contracts
tuberenlosis feem wearing store cloeh-
.• g under' unsuitable eenditions; and
-.RECENT LONDON GALE PLAYS HAVOC WITH : lip likes thein, • Measles"; Whhopi•ng
• •• • Ten people: in this Queen sseare Jennie when front Part Wes ts,nnent
. , crie,grippe and other
by thelees gale Whieleswent Londen takin li• • ." from the White Man'
• .
Jim Cusator Climbs Out and
4*1-1014.d.s .ASkiiioihntibPglace for
. ,
rince Albert, Sesie—Avlators in
the northland have a: rev hero. He 13
Jim Ousator and e e Veil 4'
Arnechamic, who in one ef-theAnost dar-
ing and brave feats in aviation annais
of the North Most peohehly saved his
own life and his pilot's li4re'recently.
• defiaeee- of the releeweel.laws
of , gravitii.„; Cneator„danglieg by .is
antes ih space 'in the' 17,,b -mile -an" -hour
blastefrem the peepellen, righted h
°eine to t n e Y ef
tilted left ski,,enadi.h:ld it. in a hphiZende •
tal n:sirtif
"nniface of the river. he'. , •••
Intimation of the _erilouS eituetion
of the pilot; Geoff Hemesays and aero:
mechanic Cesater, Cape 4rst ilots
anti mec.hanice, of Other machines who
stoodite.to.wateh the graceful Stinson:.
Detroiter take off frent the river 011- '
a telt flight a few minutes after it'
had' -rrived from Saskatoon. . I
Due to the soft spongy nature oil; t
the snow . the pilot had exPeriencedi t
difficulties in getting itite-the air nide,. t
ornmerclal Attache at Wa.sh-
.ing Canada •
Ati.in•creaeed inter -change of 'corn -
pierce 'between Chile and Canada
'Remit' pr r ve. of high e'value to hota'
...:04‘0,;:ttriln.igfilstz,.;n,eclared Hon Chariest H.
' Lea,. cominercial attache' Chfle at
at. present mk1ng'sta.
govei•aineet. -Ile will reegmunaltin7tn •ArlOhnites e •
rea. her several days. • .. , •
Thus •fan, 'exnellent.co,Operatien'en',.
the part of •Canadlan-businese men la
.prontieedeateeLee /aid; Which is highs
.1y, Peomieleg, for further telatiOns:
With. CiiI leuying three niniessa
Ceriaea as; she sells, tade
le•tiet basecally eqUal, and 0! this, the
,greater • Peet., of spelt-. tad is „earifleed".
:teet.tiret# C5f:peden, •Thereare; OeS
other. avenues 'of, expellent ,
eirothiCe te;•he bliehed, Which ixiclitdo.
whiese freih. fruit. , and Vegetables,
ceinprieing. grapes, peaches; peers,:
6,ouradtnet,1 onions, garlic, beans, peas
'le •
Hi rennet,. Cliile'r.eceiVed from •Cans
ada• exports whigh, automobile ace
eeescries are outetateding, ...and eons,
taig ruhber Urea, varipee• rubber Men
ducts, in ,additiOri to razor blade's, zee, ,
nion; wallpaper and atria ler Intent!.
lee of cominodities which •fell ander,
hese headings. To a large • extent,
herele found te be .certaltedifficulties.
narrewly •averted • •hitting ehe bridge, .
after A run of ,alennst. a mule: As the'
. . . •••
g Yes of mails 13ritleh g himself, and net he is most happy in
airp/ane circled biek the watching'
airmen were hcrror stricken to note
his conspany. '
.Convicts Fight. !Moscow.' Sore
.Against. _ ._r,. fate, At Canada. .Act
nature and god -heartedness 'he iS
* •
He turns: the adyantage of trade
with the white man into anagency fr
his deSt.ruchion.. Dessiite his friendly
• ,
••••••''' • 'I,' • •
Portuguese ConVicts MUtiny
. on Prison Ship; Quel-
Fight at
, •/41.s.- nre.e.uel 'nj "liter
n, .,r,i;:lit •••11,tr".t
inte•e,rete 'orb.: .
If • ' f •1 f 1 . f‘f • **`i*
11:: 'i,y AL.') „
Stiff' '1' n, ' ‘1.,*!/.4.ffi 6. , One
, , .
LB '
ale by
is of
' ; 6.-1,1114 .413C.
ri • i .',.'.-- • •
••sarls,rd. cr, 2%1 :11J ,fn0,:,4 •
.Situd.s.. • • • 1 •c, j!,e •
,wh.re 11;•tri '1-11,•,11,,s, i.fe uilhcle.rn-
a-si:11.a-titut,t, It ls toifhtf.111• If, On• ••5;,e -i".
111.43. Snit •4.1 tit ••,-aud ,nn .he '5F•intir•••pti'..t.:s;
d'en,3 ,sohln1PtoPer,-
nr. it a ftcr, fire theelm...m!... •
peed hes' .a.f,,Iff,.•••1 4.101
tired ratio. i,vvered, . 1.
. •
peaditie Snarls, wile:lee-elle, d i)y
Retain Naleolni 1-1 n. he
t the record .:,sixty nineeese hoer
wer than rite present figere, ex:end'
T seven 'miles. N'earing the eeelhith
ile is a .riviTie't crossing tee seens ses
e.iea, datigerous ebettiele to a .•ar
veiling at more rime 20,0 114 f*:,,54 an
Our •
Kaye Don, for wheal 'a. 4,1,00.1Mrse-
Wer,Sunbeam Silver .13e.ict autom'o.
the.: has been speciory. sentwructed,
,desirous- of making a te w re. era
n British soil, If the eire.im 'can be
iverted of,. \ .11! A. 'al.-.
• -
f:ar . •riv,11 s nutelinum
MWO 1111PDg, travel the -mea-
ne with the aselsa
ee-igned wind-
il, v.111 he able
^s,'f:p wine 'he
mpbeil, 'who
eszitat Ile
131;0 13irt, is not AO
lieig the Pendine
(us for coiattructhw,
.the ctun,..iast cs,
,e at. Dayton lictch,
- oe,
id, b•il»
if 1'. IS flu
k V;ith his parents here.
Mise MarthaeMacCalium Wah
. 7•'hati\e--eneenteeeee .eetti v w
As predicted jest wee • n
be: an election in Einloss.T
J. W. Colwell, reeve for the
years is agein a candidate
(Ade, and 1VlacaROss, ,a me
-the' cloiiiicilitrthreelit-ten
aspires to the higher office.
er three eottncillors of 1929
tosh, Elliett and Huston
standing'for Te -election, and
three other candidates. T.
a neighbor of Mac. Roe
Whitechurch district, Adam
and Wm. J. Irwin on the
dc.n. 2. McQueen has had
iperienee in Council, but
ed last year. ;Irwin eels a
few •years ago but was u
• .
• ofthe
a collie
thite on
4 .bushy
Pertngal.— The Colonial 1:
• , • great' 'killer. • • With his' neW:leineglit
soviet:r6rein• Office Official rifle :he: shoots' all the 'game he can
1'firld, and uitiena•tely may treneform:a
ExplalBaeRtlesia!'t Attitude 1' b le • ,• •
, • na , °mitt u counti y Anto.a4and
Mosnones-The .Sill .uyiet .r/c7.t.ernment
Mit send' ,a repreentative to
nada, , one e of the. heads , of the
Viet Foreign Office
ndent• re,'..ently. N'lew..d.f the
A! that the ,1ast SOY1E, ' rad 'e .(1 e!ega-
on' lwaS expelled :front canda: at the
BriUQ-11 (4-e-ttittcai:t• abd.
r no •otner reasbn, the So-171i?-t-'13.ex.,::
11m.:;1•:, •wf.11 tot ,of .oWn accord,
-open. neotiations either for. Irade
diplomatic, re'lations with (janada.
Asked. what, . if anyi materiel ad-
ntage.s would entail from •havnifg
1..13 a., delegation in Canada, the
viet e:ifticial• pointed oqt that Non]
)24 to 1926 tberewas ft•conAidera:ble'
hone Of trade between Rtissia aud
anada. "ThIssia still imPorts, large
matinee .of ..horses, . livestock, agri-
iletrel eqt!ipmene. eement, etc., but
'cause of the unfriendly ettiincle of
ie Canadiag •Government, we prefer
buy these elsewhere no" he said,
" Would Be-Consid.ereci
Th a, reply ' to ,a• question' aa t�
of hunger • • •
Six thousand persons spread ever e
land as long as the nerthern ceast
• ,
Canada .ane. an asset; offiCials deelaee,
from Windior for. a few &Ws. They point eut that the, Eskimo
and' will be' still. mere, the Agent of
We are sorry to report that. Mrs.
tee 'while man in icy lands where the'
.M. •.Weeda, of notivie huite seriously
•hetter cannot live long.' '
the right ski. had been damaged. In.
stead' of being parallel to the fusilage
the. front end dipped .down at a dartL
.gerbui hegle. Experienced piloti knew
that in • landing the tilted . ski .must
strike the snow imeueli a ay it would
seep off and cause the teaChine te•spin
about the axle aid probably turnover.
Jack. ',Vigils, pilot of a Sister Stin
son' • Ihetz•eitie-, .aped 'into eahin • •
of'• piachine the Engine Or Dinner • Delayed
• • n a direct • steamship eervicP between:
. • ,
he two countries,' whicli results in
hiinnen.ts 'being Made by •waY" 'of •
. Paeania Newsl'orks A direct route
between the -twin, ennintriee Is belng
•:tontemplated. '
In ecnclusion,'. Mt..., Lee said that g
Chilean ainhassy etay be establisliel •
le 'Canada •withIn a short time. and
Stressed: the wereierful:.recepremi he. '
receined•in Canala,
• "
had •boon !eft runnihe... Ophning then ,
throttle witle,he sent the p:arre proenr, Girls Discover. ,Chlorpforni • •
ing throngh the Stew' and, then nosed!'
It sharply nee:after' it left the river'e I .•
..,!killed7 Turkeys Come
surface. lie' zeeened it throtigh. the
fresty air ten:Aids /Terminal's • p)arie
Just as e•anetreline tennakela len 1.
ThOse who' Ii•wi-e been. associated mq iond..frringlpg..:4: to horiz!f.7\4tkr1,,
• wh'h..ntehe Ekirilnye 1911gent sitYon when leeel with the eth
Dire •AlVirr --Peresy -of _petraite
theingS hint:.4barhlseffie;:kill hime, (ems. pcjirad to the
unetlib-0-4; 3k1)1. do one' Of. three eseUe, leaned out ee the eeereeny reeves;
'amlesett. ,vsc,1enesti.cs. town during the Ch r
Cusator pronlitly kretived. hat
or:dines...Win northward': •
• NEEDED . „eg , • „ „' h cabin
Mr. ••AndreW HuSton was alt
Tliev. are confident hoWever that -7- '3' ""r"
• •
• Torpitto th
home here. .
spend•Christmas a her
Obeereers 1.-en.thlesely w
giteat at the United -Church Pareon-
Misi Donna ..•...bols . Of ..,Fergus,
, to .
, •• •
• esault„ Ste, • lefarien• ,Ont. --A good '
es •being- told 'hereeat: the .'ek•••
", eee\.;.(1 green. ef..bac-Dene, In •
ewe r molt. here Nr110.:Orderep tur-.,,.,
•fga'..11'anreir: 'Welk:her, hex are
rived'at th.e,•apnrtnient .and uncut he;
' ing .Opened ;was, I: nn,(i 'ro p;in a
• ,
nice aluMpeurkey.rery ,)nish alive.
. •
• Nene; cif the • hadeeve.r killectf
. or. dressed aeterken. but, Leine- .
leg to. lee the hatcher: knoe• •Of !heir
,delemtea! Beta trying herd to lee do -
:tales! icated, • they ele eine ci to elo e• I h..
et home,.
. After lengthy ' aellberatiref• it was
agreed that the twist -painless. ant hu-
mane •inethed would be ••• eine; ;einem
and they proceeded tenerie- oe• eir
plan. s • • .•
They Made a. Splendid ef
Ing and 'singeing, and naisl tbe hird
in a,pait in a closet. urn ilene.en: mortis
. .
Then, while one preparEJ.,,i,E.
frig. and,. another the rerabsrei,..e: ft. .•
third nadertenk to get le:hes:1,1y ;el• le
theenvene"-• • e ••'•
. 7. •
But When slier (Littere7. ese sy.
• fdoor. out stepped the eereee. trieres
eathern and gobbled a- est ..'y.
. • •
• • •• • grasped the handles securely', Pri"eV:
something can be 'done, to help the ;loaned
. , • , •
his body throngh the oPening.
slump save himself. •Education, they
believe,. will develop within his happy-
go-lucity. mind a sense nil' proyidence
'which, will enable hinn to look after
his futnrefOod eepply and to treet•his
personal :property •less' • recklessly:
'Medical service, the.y.'think also, Will
save •him, from the disease .he seeniS
bound fh, eohtract in. settled clietriefe,
'while. his .own predisiresitien to health
will save hint when he is far away
front the •white Man. • ,
. .Given; help in. combating the two
rnajer threats of ilia own Wastefulness
and siekr ens, they d'eciare, •his own
native intelligence will iirobably •en-
able him to eiist indefinitely as an
Eskirno without absorption,
• . There is .only ,one Menace they ean
think:of from which .the Eskimo is
free, 'local:Arctic authorities • say, He
respondent is of the .opinion, however, does not like liquOr. He will take a
of . the Commonwealth to, what are
its obvioes requirements,. One
of ,the atlidaatIvachiyadfrbieenwdleyn•gre.eseteuirveedfi,:hoemean. drink if he is preesed (tondo so, ibut
does not seem to, careif /re never has.
chief problems is the. raising of the another.
public revenue' to the level at which. •
•.• •
It will meet the current ex•pendityre. A wellemown London clergyman
Including the heavy annual interest • who' enjo3-ed•my story of Everettlitad-
charge on the 'national debt—either ger ('Is ft- nice?"' writes no` say flint
that or •tuch a redection of expendi- it rhminde him of a, men who, walk -
tare eeems.hardly praceicable. Pig' with the late Cr FL ffSP111'..
*other prOblern .to stinutlete Produce geon, passed' a shop •beating the no
teen without lowering the *age level • pee, neitniih's Shirt Store." •sow-
throogilont tbe country, an exceeding- • geon hlaiend up. "Oh, spoor chap;"
ly •dithenle task • for a, Labor Go'vern;' he Ext "lie• must hate caught.
aetempt_to. reach the ski three' tinies,„
each time to have the powerful breeze
Age this week.
• Mr. Stewart MacKenzie vas home
from Toronto University for, the
eChristtnas holiday •
Dr. A. A. Centeren of OttAvva spent
Christmas with his parents, Mr. and
Cameron. •
10 cases ohnolle prOsequi, ur.
etzY of,proceedings, 7 cases . in which
''no was returned by the grand
jury,. and,. 38 persons. were detained
for lenacy; leaving 21,720 convictions.
French Defense:
'Fund .$116,6001000...
TO Guard khine
Fortifications on 'Alsace •and
• 'Lorraine Frontier to Cost
'PariP.—The Chatehte Deputlen,
Dec. ns, voc0. appropriations of.2,900,-
000,000 francs' (approximetely Wan
000,000) ler, national defense, This
Is the coMplete 'program of expend',
three for the years • from 1930 and
3934 along 'Frencenfrentiers.
An apropriation of 1,000,000,000'
?rano for :1930 Meng the Ithilielan'd
*e 19 nesititable, :frontier in Aleaeta and Lorraine WaS
(S' taro lie. 1lerei,•1••oted Dees 27, , ••
his late mpt, 1t31 The defense of the Freneh frentiers
vire that he ; s perneed bY' the general staff and
eee fell pone.. ;aer•revell by. the Many •conindesion of
• .1 re• eberbber of Deputies, envisages
• . ef preponderant. emphasis
ia,,en,e4e." defense, the President'
e • • ..,I
fj '
a ',tine the connelesion told the Chaniber
• (:,.;‘ ••
,;••;1/4.e, `• •
, 1';'•18
(leting • renetteri ellisconsion • on AS
frontier dn
e easure;
The coMplete. measure ouilinee
.• program •costing 2,900;00000 fiance
ot whit.11 3,060,000.mer. 000 frafor 1930,
•tligcup ion of naval
j'a • ein,- te F f'11.
:jive cesesh fss
h',.•r:ici,11:4s11),tv1;•;'1,1.jec'le'.. • tred,a. ely..rn ease of war 400in
,000 me
nc4. ova. ,• .1 f. -ere teen e•ern
eric ••• •'1 " • e •'
em. .• ••
-fictome Pr9.g.ram, it Was 'brought mit
Chat the French Navy in the Meditet-
e:nmen Meet ,be able to transport hie
• High. Comirrlissioners
Tire seggeed
• ! meek fromCeetore of appoiriting
Po& Eirchange .
Pon' e se ePorler to the High Cone
;)1,01,Ine,prship 3"e" 1t Malting if a
Bith, • . • '•••• • ; • •••
' neteitio Men Can ,pe. found. The fe
, •,' ilea& ie. how•Ver, that. both hist( e
)01;,., •
outside poritiee the norn,sary
ff' I entehinte ion of (male les '-ie• very herd
,0 '00)0 »' The 'reverent) has. grown
tithe!) More" importent then It .ivhe
normal ion ane,• The Filth. Commis,:
• 'ff 'ono. .sheenl hot he nely first-rate
•or ,r„,nee F:V.,•11 neesitteee ntan and A o 'tospeaker,
f. 441113 • *OM •a diplomat Well versed c.13 int•erna-
tional affairs, w
ha•to to
,,,e',.,;‘,•esi• • • -erre Geneva Alia rtpretvart r New •Zstalatitl
pei el a neehering of sixty natioll. Arit•
ti'd • there. many etriei • moo.. ,in New Zea.
, r }elm '; shmild, tot like ft) have ;to
.evry MAke the cholee, •• td
• .". '
! A
•,"; • kf
• •;::: 111 1!•
,t • •
1 ..
SatJthr .
trans.feaTe7et .foSuerVareenv efiannietah sti?1.0.1141 -the. Soviet, Gbvernmene
wouldosend • such • a delegation if the
esecet. •
" • Canadian • Government were to recoil.
• •sider its decision eind-decide to renew
diplomatic lelatioes, the 'Foreign .of-
liee stated that on the ground. that it
was a purely liypothicel question, he
could not. make any answer. The con
• Australian Finance
Johannesburg Stai a:The .new Label'
onvernment will have no light tea
adjusting the etorion3ic comthions
Tree Seed for Overseas
By Special arrangement with the
authori•ties, coneerned considerable
quantities of tree seee extracted' at
the New Westminster Station of thes
Deminion Forest S.ervice . are each
year ehipped toeihe British'Foestry
Caminiseion aid. to the New Zealand
Forestry DePartment , to. be• used in
their respective planting operatiens..
"Baldness- ie often a: badge of ,the
succesefal leviineed eaS•s
meth. •
. 1h ------s-
. . ,
A domestic' serVant lias Written a
11 11
play. It le Bald to centain one good writer. • It certainly' ineane ' that he mai
e :email!" It'took the other lean
hone, to discern. Wh`at he meant,
e is the feeeaii whom the truth
:es ?re',811(1all are slaves. beside.
• situation after aeother. hat come °tit on top.
- 7
ur Heavy Snows, Chaanged TransportatiOn Views .
• "." A
• tnirtyrf-ct • P 4(11.1emight
• hiOtORISTS 6END, 80„8. FO.R 014:•.T114E' • lieely ff41...P4111-
1'1 in or So . n ece, (el, • t r -e gt t this ear up the steep bill,' treae Coeksyine, en( 3 ljh Was nloah •ensd• c•et Vcin•(c• :411,e:tend
in recent erioliN fops.,
•. .
horn the propeller whip his body back..
Finally he succeeded in grasping the
end with his feet arid then holding it
horizontal by hooking the back stay,.
wire with one foot while dangling in;
this Precarious position he enable
the pilot to, make •aesafe landin
• When the plane. came to res 'the
hero m.echanie was co'vered friertfleed
to foot with the sect now. thrown �p
by the skis' in the lar! -(i and -was as
unperturbed as if 1.,S euq•stepped,
from the cabin.' . .
New Fc4nd -
In Antarctic
Norweigian Flag is Raised on
South Pole
Oslo, Norw.--rapt. Rii.Ser Larsen,
whO is 'participating in ,an Ant.a.retic
eeploying expedition in •the steamer
-Wird Chinese
• ,Novel DOC/1111fillt
Tidens Tegn, Dee. 29, Stra-rege Wording 1.::•,ecl
that •he and •Ins •posal of Estate. N..or.
Noritegia,, re,perts to the mewspaper; 13
• '
fellow airman, Lieet. Luet2ow 11elm• . • " $1 1 .000 ,
have discovered Mew' land between
'Enderby Land and Coats Lend.
The two •airnien 'left' the Norwegla
in their". plane- and alighted • ,on the
open lee •rear the land. Ilene Acre
they went ashore and raised 'the Non;
tregian flag, teking posselssiori of it,
In. the i;iae err -retry aeeorde
Ing tointernetionel farms.
...Thee' then returned- to. 'elre Noe
wegia. wa.s ennlitie :10 •••.
away, ••
Ende.rby Land is ;o•-atEd ,at 'the!
eastern • eXtremity Of '
Enderby,. qindrant of Antazt•ea.
abont 50 east 6S south. rt•4's
Is Theated at the western e3'.1..t• f hf
End,eit'y .QiiatIran) ' ai' bn,-it• 20 it ,•••• • 7
75. south.
i".temenymen. e',•••• •s1 :nee
'aid hiF. Wee. lines !.• .•• ••
in port: "I, iry J.: :fr.,.
Pei. i i.(1%( IA 11
hi. I c•fore ‘•!
Jack Sar.t2
C'S 1:110. 411)) :
'Jack iNang
nf nry Lff tti?1,03.
ex irt. lie: eve': y • fe
-iente prep: ...y,
eAe for,
:'•••:trg :e •-•.•srsof
ecr.,, et, ".e,
nes; le le •
ort rren ey.
. ,
Ontario Will Piesirve
• • Montreat—The 'Seetinveld • ea:11
.wcrhs, an ord Indian 'stronght"Id neo
,:rtc.liaTebitioongliasst,s, ao the ofaui4e1riereh, alsettnerni
IllUnnn double -walled 'fortification ,ro
which. remItiee have •been finned, hie
been saVed'frOm cblivion f:)(‘
ventleif •iire .hisfarie Mies. then:slot
of tbe• natural parks bratnli at. Ot
tetra. Peeservation '19( tow; aseetreel.
Th•e old tort, the was 'Oe 'whfrh
.have crumbled AO thr‘•
not •More •than three fe high.
thnitPitt :ft? .1%-t:vc 40.1,
VthiCrl the prop'e.• cf n• etre: nen e
Prehistoric Indian For
teniptit.g t'e ',i.e.' 1.
ynye',1 are.
Ties csnele en.a•
g 11:0 age c.f • • Pe.",
PI Tieele
:40 . 1
.4 Trade Treaties
,'„ 71...• • ,
•fn !re.
trade their last stand ece Ire- :es ikfh,.. '4'0•'•:'(1). 113'" '7'...,1.
/Ilse ache -reeve of he 'leer ..1 ffl. eho • ('••01. 74' iTfir *•' ''''' . • . .*
'fina;:y drove tt4r,' frcn..,e- . • n rn(op..1`e'''''"111"'''' 1 . • '1..
.250 yenre esie, , ' •
. NVia."
• IT'he tfte,•COA.t:',4 ,,.t; ,',...r 4' ' C f ••,,be * P1'1, .f0t.`,1•'.. "..,-,1 .• A
'three re res • , l'i;e fort was • p.,;:e I tot! ...:1A' tro-,', fa\ 01, 1 '.1-"••• , 1.1 ' ., ... 11 ...
bY a do••ilde '''..tie ci r;;Ir'llwor.',,,,, e 'hien eoentrien. roc. ‘.1.1,,,, ,sen, . ,....enen•-•
entreue"e:y ..-,',.:e.,,o11- •it„ Vt-e- "rfiral,•'..-.. f?.1,--errrt:';':•-r•rrr:rtp rraIrry Meer envenhat --"-
e -0
howea-e' sere ten• Weller wee ' aboltt
• I superstruo are• str. ,es i
11551i'1/6/3 13'
• 'J 1.'1 Fr‘:1'
itit if, , Inqpri door
gpC'efilil AgiTc1111"1160...'6.,
Iter 'the L.,.
JnIetelmneria 1 n ride, .
• ••••••••••
' Amami
• F.
Fay -
.t A.
Id 80:
Pass .
tchison '
• Tdersoi '
ton 531