HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-03-13, Page 4,r•
• telt,••••1- '•
• •- t , f ' .• , 4:•.•••••41.••
- 7. • -mrorra,tinli,"4.4",,,114igyr,
•11.•••1,1111,11•11,,•••* '
A ,
U.13th, 1$32
of Itilotitreal offers
you a helpin' g hand in. your
,stes toward nanaa1 inde-
I;encretwe It welcomes small
savings • . • pas comy
interest then; :and
. •
es to you the secunty• af.
its great resources.
Established MI
de •
Total Assets in mum of $960,000,000
bleir.nOW Branch
ellierson-Manager y,
he Huron PreshYterY
eb.' 25th, in the MAIM
urele.Very encourag-
ere .reeived from sa,
church: 'Ilse. Rev: Dr.
m was -nominated as
e lera AseemblY,
Marirtiy, of Hensab
• g of Flveter were. ap-
4innmissioners to the Gen-
.:, • , Which will meet In
fl Jun. The Rev. Chas. E.
'Clinton was elected mod -
:the, Presbytery for the in-
' t was reported that the
ont/ratan: on Young people's'
eaCtIred ground and build -
Ings near oderleh, where it is pro -
1 po.ed
to hdld a Smuttier school during
tha,Couring =Minter.
" innwodence of nrumps
AbeOf eases of ringwOrni
it jutarranged, at a confer
tnanarement coin:
Aehoot hoard, the
erli•:!"' 44 stilt &tie kedwa nizatth
ednesday afternoon. that
lia will supply a list of
fr11H9ehOte,1 hafieved to
tbe Mumps grid the assistant
,• -,":htliita's,,for Ittformabo- as to. sickness
7 4.1141101,10t proper quaratine may
‘` 7171a IS A 4REAT MVO
'Peery are 200 applimtiont ,from
Ontario for Mvorce. Of this enwsher
128 come-froes Toronto.
• In I25 aegleations the initia' tivn
boa been taken by the' wife-
Tbre'is not a singly aPPlicatlen
or Wave from Perth. Huron or
'Bruce counties.
&hided is the Est are Mechanics,
reercitents ealeenten, •clerher, twee --
tars 'and
But there's not a single, :!litartr
editor. rePerter, or neWS•Pall. 0
•size, hoPe* color orderiPties..,
•beiffg. sued for .divOrea: '
What a• Showing! What a record!
What a tritiote to -the ptee. stiMet
PabriAedeversitit4..:*zawy mrtiles;
at 1,1orksolc: Oquata
A. D. War.Keriode.
RoVme. • •
. •
.litcei of the :_oeetniewly, tocieleold
het hollabit peWspaener offices!' ' •
714gW.."-ff .041 have many: suitors
al? iferl, eonz,
troErhIr-,,-a ribe o t roister of the
new7nainer. Office, look wen aed ly
wee tbi5 jan-' '
Pe'S ant to he a &and * in the
roiarte Chainees. are he may taeen
to the movies or the deals only:wirer!
it 'his tunre7to ase the office pass.
petny•ind that not Gare'fiztedlY
ih°49e 'hard ic'dd're from: Ottawa
that tell Of broken hearts 244 basted
hothei, :,jreozePither ther's" not a
tBewspaper gay in the _whole EL.t.
Oak -forget that: Ile rrakei
al the
Wehuebeind; herd ,werle; long hours
h!DOG,'S WONTERTUL, 10Ct.,•rtle'C'T
•A kew 4a..7`,3 ;ego the noewr.nOtests
told the.sary *hi.* phAwed
fro m ..he deck .0$ A eeeolor into' the iry.
leetra' 4 the 54 lhatrzersee, eezed-a
eversoarti ,aa4
se/Ported atEd
anl only fair. Irminethry rewards aD
tend to keepliina iihnabie end. in his
proper P.12:gte,
! ,
MANY ATTEND,slarThre Crit
:western aoterto Junior Farmers
vete in \ettendance to dee number of
ff at elm 'special etineational -4r-rine
Courseheld at the Toronto peeking
plants in Fehrteare. By means of
teetur* and. dernon_etratiom. on He'
hogs And dressed careasses, the Toting
men were shonn clearly why the
hest tree of hog to mtiSfy ensumers'
dentatds i. the Most. profitable to
nrduce. In the rrading competition
held in; conjunction with the coarse:S1mn Of Blenheim.
won flrit prize. George GOodfellow of
•Teeswater Wen the first prize in the
tlive- hogs emdiretition, vrbile Orvie
Beaman of Peradale Won the first
prize in the dressed Carcasses coin -
man who had
his fOilIw. Wutigeest- - • .
der saw the men fan" info the
widen Aid 'anted:it onea,
vichTph ‘t9t 6;44iP.11:°' eTerltg145.:
aTO, ,140W-* the *3•4 Uten
s findring&irl What ean.g del kneVr'
about' droning, The doe kriPmr from
exper7ence that he 1,442_'atelf ceald sin;*
hirirft+M he lOteei that the:tarn -could
nee, end th4t.1----telp,must he gi'44to
pace- Is there anythinseen the weiid,
more eLerang•e than „this? , •
Other rottlerrak as well .4s, the.deg
iintinctivel+ lOew .the damrera of
Prhd e.*Ir terms of danger.
This is especially, .eTigl,eitt in tfre eff-
orts, whiCh parenteanimate w•ip wake
to guard their Mtn?. . • '
That deg incident clawm on the St,-
tawrp_nce remindsis :of ,nn irfor-
getAge storY thOnoofpeho!
readers of oar 'school dpys. It showed
•that a dog ,can di-'ucrintinere k.etween
rIalo„cars; and that he Will:: protide
a,gainst the greater: , •
The first etrate. On , tide
bed a big treed-tated 7,.;:ewforerePa2d
dog of WhiCh he, Was very ford-Can-
tain, Shrines, howeyerdiSliked this dog
es he. did bni he, allowerthe
mite to have him, on -board, and be
evideni"tY bad the rue -of the vessL
One day as the., rantasat et his
deskthe deg wandered into the calde.
or office. and ‘`eravieg great•hane
her of e ten", Swept the M.k bottle eff
-the captein't•dk
ee. The ..reptin is al
rage seized knif and With one
'Stroke severed the dog's tan from his
body. The dog's howl innught his
Master (the erete) to the door and the Same ay. Just before the. last
Fifth* the. crime and .the author Of twopeoefeeeetat deetsene The, pigest
took ne advance poll; and on both oc-
casions the outroine as 'aineOe-t exact,
incli.mtiori of w'reofigier reserited at.
the electiOre Not only did the pell
dieate Which candidate would be el.
ected hat it indicated aiso the rel-
b'e strength of the .caniddat.",A17
though the ballots marked end return-
ed in the. advance poll: *ere bet . a.
fraction of thee% east in the.election
the .result was astonishing" acturate:
It is -this which gives the present Poll
Expressions of opinion not only in
the United States, •Itut• in this. coentxy
are so widelv divergantregarding the
success or. failure -the popularity or
mmopularity of the prohibition law
that anything 'ammo -aching a true in-
dication as tq, what the majority do"
think will be welcome. It will take
Weeks to complete the poll. but the
Digest will this' week commence' pub-
hing 'the fienres available. The re -
Its will also be broadcasted h radio
over the National Broielcastine Sys-
tem, thea giving it the widest public-
ity. This brnadcasting is between, 6,30
and 7:o'clock. eastern stantlard tirne
each evening.
S.otrie idea of the maettitude Of the
undertaking, and the precaution taken
against freed ie ,sugerested by . the
pane'- used for ballot .The 1-vallots• are
printed on what is known asfiee-nly
'stock-theee colere , inside. and two
optshie. This riper wrs. mode to order
with e eusrantee thet ro si-lls' com-
bination shall be terr.ed Out within six
months. „
Some ideaol the work and costin-
volved, is stiege-nted by the tacit that
to 'prepare the ilotfor the mails
a cleriorel strtff of fe;ter thouoaed is em-
ployed; arid another large !toff of ex-
pert Examiners will deal withthe bel
at they retut le It trroet Mean the
expervaire of sevril million dollars.
9z$ ki*Parr' 20494i inki*tues toMen..
We have said, tit wsi, happy,
anal fOit...if any
c.t4 great 414,Pres
*4‘ alle•
..ftel • •• • • • .,:•?0.,e .••••••!•-•' :q • 4•••••-•.5.,...;,, :+•••
. .
irlarFative Assotiation informs us that
he i
gOng to
nile41 n 91
party as 3001) 9.114 faktiaa hegin to run;
ilthe-t-roe'Y were
Ptisfor the electioo !et fits end those
Nrsi of 'being ietial 44 Mr: Taft Was- °foam will issue a call for a coirren-,
hied a good physk, uo, atthengh tion to select. a candidate. 'niers dims
samewhat poet -size, and enjoYed good not seem to. be any ei/tstenditt man
Sualltheonta the Ulites Which woe ,to in. .the riding to Carry' the- partY
PrCt.ve 3E*Iil 944 WAs ste2isfE.11 Standard, Ex-Waredn J. -IL Brown,
-05-41e and elueceeefurin his Pre- of Teetwater, and ,Comehell Grant,
fr-before entering Pobitie3- In ;the reeVe,of Walkerton, are the only
fe -
Panties rhe ettiCklY Parse to the Wird, two so a 17 mentioned es likelyinn
tmtrl -c=upded the two highast and Erid%:,..• • •
/*sit her -Ptah -1e Posienth ihe, gtft Oa e Libel.%) Side II*, Hall ie
of Mreat comazy-e-Piesident ann *almoist re-tiOn-ination. Ilir`
Ststke et the Supreme eetart:' etrenteth been in the levee farm
At ail times - 'ne••eatoyett thehih* ,vota hehas. been able to poll in 'the
In„,*,Ourn COOntry; but throughout. Tins carrie. on medical neaCtice. Far"
the. wrg:In reape. he differed arreet•luri. and ba:4 large.
frUt4' *0 Men SO ;whom lit'ietory 'Personal following. Instead of 1101d/wit.
Th WW1 'Public' meetings and 'adertising inbad thesr '
edmirera had aiie :te- press the 'plagrm on.eiltich.
is apnealing to • the electors' for their
their iti.•theil enernies-4hie-: efferss.
ard • ••'" beeeer naked franehise as Pn: Jos: Malcolm darnea t
eite death • in the North riditr, Dr. Hall depends
How different Was the career: Of 9 n personal canvos. far it
Taft to that of the ordinry taborer, has been a voteette.r wethinh a
krmr. : tredesinen ..aed merharit! . member '''rhe 12al. riding
Many of th&•-•••e have rattr. a hard •fer ,fiee• Sessions thonld not have to
ie vottb°f St:Mcge' .fraraf'rjt t? blItgesii,17;4' pariesent,:t his :1;ee:sciett;
geed of the prominent:Mere not only. townships -near Weikerionev.here he
• , o v o castopal briefper 1 boTne
!ods of happiness. :or' public •riseetings. Howeerin' a strai
•ght party centt ard it loos that
i:':::di'ti7n3itlsrrFDstake .:„,„:::ndiiifetodefeat;sgc.iiTo,i:.:heoldLibel,
TheI..,iterarY Dgest.,a rraeathe of stronTbold Of Soth, Bruce where the
Wid;• Circulation titrorirhout the tnii- eleto fel-. their .nOlitis serial:131Y
. .......
• •
Will he xmodUCed at the .the cs.11 .•
IlibeCratetvvioilinb!hYQ.frihrenifddator t,Gsapel3rY'by
nont_Ont, Monday, the 24th dey.
(01424 the..afternooaothe, following
PAItCEL Number Seventeen
in,the, Fifth Coniession of the Toi)-
ship 'of West ,IYawanoeh in the. Cope, •
ty of lioron,. containing • goo acres. of
kind Mere • or less.
40P0At.lrall.4,61,2-irtenuEmaettw•hatisitiof the
een in
the Fifth .Coriceestun. of the. Township
of Wot. 'Wattstool. the County of •
Huron, containing50 acres mere ,•Tor
Ori Parcel 1 there are are. said to be •
r.00ted 4 'eornfor010 fragt
large frame'barn with ,stone stabling
and other necessary .00thtilloilings; an • e.
excellent .,.Orehard; •good *Oleg creek , •
atinotin:;gToLd !,:uawnedliaLfoenboceito.. f',4innnfai..itroceitat
tureiandiniteding anOrnher of urea . •
of 'fair; bush, part of *war.is first
class cederi•halinee:of land his been
under' cultivation but some of • it has • •
been. •used for pasture for several
. .
On 'Parcel. 2' there: are said to be:
enteted a Well • heilt frame &Yellin;
anti' a frame ' There ..is a.good
well and fences aie la, fair condition.
The land is good. and includes about
acres of hush, hardwoodand cedar.,
• The. •property .will • be, ,offered •
ject R reervebid: . • ' •
• TERMS OF SALE: -Ten •pei• cent ,•
iacaeb or. eoeivelent at the time • of .
sale And ehe baler.ce • in , da' -s. • ,
For farther • terms! and •ConilitichiS••'•
apply. to, , • •• • .. •
W. Brydne... Clinton. • '
7 'foe the Veno.
. •• • •'•• ••, •
ed State; And Canada. is. enrdesvCaing away from the political Ifelthof their
to ret an etoression of pi:blic oniaioa fathers
On the qnestion o Prohibition. It u There are ; no bathers in Sonth,
a tremendons underakng. an al- •Bruee for Dr. Han to show be can get
though dane 25 matter of buSines shafe nfothe We. phints for this rid7
itY the' Magazine greateat inter- inglaut he has got his share of grants
est and inip;riene. • •
About 50 *be:send ballets are Be-
ing sent•'ept eery cly, through the
mail. nifrerent sectiOn Of the, v•ast
country beine supplied each day. A
bout 20 million ballots will be sent
oat. Wither.eir 17.04.S a ern
!metope whieh does not rermire post:
age the po,--ta.e behest paid, by the
masa.rine as the ballots cone in.
ThaLitar-Diget was prompt&
• to take this ballot. ' And importance
atthes to i beau. -:-e qf the sticeess
which attended other babdts: Liken in
be established. PapiLe who have the
mumps or other coznintinicable trouble
will be respaired to bring a certificate
ached, certifying that they are free
from the '5L 0. II. on their retuinto
frent the disease, et the certificate of
their own dcictor Properly initialed:by
the Mediral •Heelth Offie. This is in
accordance with the o-tatetory requiro
enierit. At the same meeting of the
sehool management co-mittee a list.
or several primary punits; was drawn
up for transfer from Iretoria school
to Cental, School t relieve
tion in in the primary at Victoria school
the transfer to take :effect Monday.
The time for the pruning of your
apple orchard is in the spring be-
fore the growth starts. but ,if thi.f
is impossible it may, be done framed.
lately after the trees leaf out. It is
desirable to have the Wounds: if large
heal as rapidly as possible to prevent
decay: .When pu.nine is -done in the
autumn or.early winter the word• ,is
likely to dry out and split.
Eadie performers complain bemuse
they cant hear the applause* They
Ovight to be eleid they. can't hear all
the remaks by parlor andienges.
• It i; stated by A. Fulton. sperriai
overseas representative of the Ontare
io Fruit Growers Association. that
Ontario Apple exporters have a great
many !faculties to overcome if they
are to land apples jos Great Britain in
•good: sound condition.- The question
of slatks and, scaldi are 'Penmen*
and should be gene into immediatelr
by the shippers in order to he ready
for the net • shipping season. . Ship-
prs in Ontario could be Saved money
by having a thorough inspeetion at
the shipping point not only in accor-
dance siith the Fruit Act, but also
accordine to the requirements of the
export market. •
• ' POST • OFFICE • •
• ,
It is -evidently the intention of the
Federal Gotiertnnent to build e new.
oostoffiee in the Villaee of Mildrray.
this year. says the Mildmay Gazete,
The preliminary aotir-ates include an
item of- S12000 for this purnore and
it is now corifidently, eipeotecl ,that
the censtrution of the new building.
will be proeeeded with this 5t1m7r.r.
Last year $2.509 was voted ht the
Government to enlarge and improve
the present premises. but the arhi-
tect w'nn looked over the situation
here derided 'hat it would not be ad-
iiable to pro,...eed along that lna We
learn that sin* the ouillicatirin
the etimate.s let: week, the price of
all available sftes- for.. the toreposeci
new post office has jumped from 200
t0300 per cent.
•4 f 44a
Income Tax Information Reports
•\ •
DueMctreh -31st-
Are Irtiu vatving a tv,t: o• salary 65
settlers on Form 14 of all loath perseMs
to • lehons you paid $1,000 or mos*
1929.fat •
EOM, tte
• Aktignee If so the aw' reqUires fiord
• . you a, report on FOrin T3.,
• &eretteries-omut-.Swe..k.--Complintei
are re4uired W filt on -Form T5 a tea
• tun 'ai divideds' pal& ,
Promptly anci Avoi4 Penalties
_rrorras:thit bi.11a4 on a»kcz1ort to y OW PKk0
Income tit IX/Atkin s. WALTetta
• "%at'..`,".".'•74.-
N •
�'' '1 41 Isiesiot rat
• .
'it, felled the* coptain to itie cabin
floor With a sledgehammer blow -which,
had' it hit the temple would, have for-
ever prevented him from cutting off
any more deg's tet/” •
(We are anoting from memory of
55 years or more ago when we list-
ened to boys read this thrilling story
of the sea, as a class eercise.) •
The story didn't end there. The cap
tain had the mate put in irons. front
;hich, being a very useful man, he
was SOO!i released: but the surly
Captain Sirms did not forgive the
dog for aeilline his ipk on the titer.
Someweeks later as the ship was*
ciiling through water infested with
white sharks the cantain fell oeer-
board- Ile was a stro-e' sinimer.
but it oold take some time 0 -rescue
and there was c'ener of sharks.
When the-7"mar! everboarde
Captain SieteA overboard" *as raised
the dog at once pleneed into the sea
and made h$•vely towards t1e can-'
Min. A boat was lowered • an1 with
the mate in charge htirried jto the
resene •As it neared the eTti
haasted CatePin ra white sh
seen approaching.' The •dog
storywent). which had con
at ex-
tk was
(so the
e upt.
this ihne. inotead of seizing the cap-
tain went to intercept the shark. and
as it (the s)ark) turAed over on Its
baek to seize the captain, the dog
"leaped :Peon the Igleemine belly of
the shark. and buried his teJth in
.the monster's fish." This detcted
thettention of the shark „whih
tufted over stihmerrinr th do
• which however rtel.sed hit h4d ,nd
carne to the surfare, it thit risis
the exharsted captain sark from view
but was rescued b• -y• the irrte. who
here his unconsetous ferns te the sur-
face. •
The • doe was .tet -en fete the beet
and all retorned to the sle6, -,•there
the captain om .recoetinr rroved
that; he was not sr:1th a bed fhlolir
ifter an, for. referring te 'the do.
'iedeclred, al would give •mw right
ATM if I could ,reeeir the injury I
id to that s•-olettaftl- fellow."
We &Mil know
fact or Action, hist-' the
leading to attack the shark es the
':411FattsT ricer wouid- t perharisbo
byi' :the itPla„venceot an animal
•'-ft such cetteacre end heldire at We
log manifested in erairie to the vie-
oe et One 'who hid derhe him Mese
4118.. Tt14131"4' 4be to le
emte friendly.
It is. intereetin t9 mit
d -•*t the
And- rmser
• Nil illed the retliet day at Ifie
'0ine in '?VashintOri \with, that of
thet men. lie/appears have Ii -fed
.11 exceptionally haft, and sticcess-
tut life, as se:meats tegirded • at
.thir out. He was not a great %or
POLItYCS T74' srnmi BitucE'
In vie* rf riirrent taik of .6.
:1,-thernotis.ott Itr,
th-e.:_folharl;--10,. from the
ten of Wee M "4"+4na'cl the •rell..14;-.
editor of -titheff-orieer
orise. hue ereetat interest for &ett'r:'
Broee ter•idetes: ;
Sen-th- -11-rt-or- es et 4retere netet4÷.
'Uteri. it ere• nf the sTiOrcheirLihere*
ID 6rtrre --ondei,rtt01
err laree•itowneitie-two towns-
Ve v-mage'4... In the eenerat elecireon
If 19e with threo oehdiertes in the
field the toeservative cerefirlate hd
Mim-It/et in only Teetweteo
it etid Autoe„....r,2**441 _3114. etr
h•trat. toertee
Iran -,1 714 g He'eri4 of 1541 was
• eeeitre weak i-omeori*n nr.
peiwior arie :robe wee Men being tried in a Catiodien Court
gel of r'ti,h Mi. 'Phillip's la,„*.yerlimmediatelrgave
for nubile buildings., Last .sessionelie
got some 53,500 for improvement's' to
the interior of Walloprein post office,
end in the estimates •whth were pab-
lishecl lasttweek we notice hindimieis
down for a new Peet office , costing
12,000.' It Occurs to us that with the
high costot labor and reeterial the
grant is ;hardly 'high enough for a
new post •affie to meet the requre-
Anent; of _htildmey it when "a Start
hes been ,inade it is nota ditEcUlt
matter to get a further grant to com
lete the work.
:The Politkal history of Sonth Bruce
sinee 1867. the Year Of•Confederation
might it th/s point interestottr. read -
ere la 1567 the riding Was cOrrcd,
blIarrion. Censereative. bv a rraor.
ity of 153: Tr, /872 Hor._
LibapLWo* orirms Im the record
breakin-4 rtlaority of 1A8. He on
again174 by ainerity of 321-.
again in 1875 bv orolainatien and. in
•the National Ptolice eleotiOnein 1878
was defeated by the late Alexander
Shaw, a Walkerton.law•Yer, by a: majority of 75- •• •
llen Came the Redistribution Bill
of the Grrymander; known as East,
Weat and North Bruce. The Grit;
!sten:tied that thew were hived in
the West riding: In the ensuing eke-,
tion in the riding of EastErueawhiCh
teas• list.tde up 1:)f Brant. Walkerton.
Greenock. Carrick. Cifirose and Tes-
Water, R. M. Wells. Liberal, a Toren -
to 'wper nwas elected by a majority
of 61. Henry Cargill. 'Conservtive.
Wen in the general election of 1887
bya maiprity of .360: aed It E. Truax
of Walkerton. in 1.891 by a majority
of 114. The late Henry Cargill was re-
electedby 167 niejOrity in mo and
by 43 in 1900. •
Next tame the Redietribution Act
of 1903 by whieh ore member. was
taken from nice and the two ridingt.
formed is et preent, In the general
election of 1904 the late Peter IL Mc-
Kenzie, of Kinloss township, defeeted
J. 1 Dopriely. no -w Sewitor Donneb"..
by a tnajority of 1.(44. The tables wpre
turned in 19•$ whee ronnelty won by
193 and aretie in 1911 by 19. To 1912
lie was appointed a Seretor and South
Bruce was won be R. E. Truax in the
.sub.suent by-eletiee hy a majorty
of 2. Walfer Fineev. Proerressiee
earried Aouth Brut -e, in '1921 hy 913
over Truax and 2530 over John Purvis
01 Helyroect who retsed away last
week. In 1925' -Dr. Pall. Liberal. deT
a:ailed Findley.' Proeretsie. 1F,37
and Lippet. Conservative or 603. In
1926 Dr. Hall's majority over Ppwlet
Conservative.. Was ' 1546 and- ovei
Proresio. 304..
lOst his depoSit of 'S.200, • ,
' - 7
KLU'i MAN -.1 •
• .
:Win. E P. pharins a chiroCter.•
Of Hamilton wise tool-nort in a Ito
Khzx Kien raid at nakvilIe. a short
time ago was 6r.d :t5f) and costs_
when he istol stiYpeared in courtfor
being masked el fter n7ht without low.
•eathistIwo assistant. hi,
the taik but who were' entnasked
Were acqeittede
The KlariSroeh had visited Oakville
to tenerate a White girl and neg•re
isffi of the parents.
This was the first ease of a Kiwis -
. • .FRESBYT• •
, • The Spring reeeting •of the
betery • of "Maitane.(Pribyfer an
Church). was held at Bressels
4th. Ail ministers and eldeneeero
preient. A•. ;.subtantial ncreae,
membership vote retiorted,''and • tnee,
total, contributions showed On increase
of •15•00.0 in exceis of the piers
rePlution'''A'as nat'sed exeresei r.
higb appreCiation .of. the char.seter
and work Of the late RtRev...Liavid
Pertie. ''D.D., whO:died Febirnry'.
11thelaste . .,... ••• • .
Tholtst. t P. Ntecuitoothwa,s.
hited intetirnanoderatOr o sers'on
of St; AndreW.'s Chnrch. NCImeltn; .•
The 'nevtmeeting
be. held At Whitechurch" On • May 11:lth.'' •
Thmleson of Brussels, r;
ited last week with Mrs j. Thomson
on the Fourth.
Mr.- George MCGillivray Made a
trip to London last week.
Mr. arid Mrs. Floivard Robin -n.
spent Sunday with Paremount frier. 's
Mr. Edwin' Taylor, returned to hiS
'home ie the West. after iie7iding the
Winter with friends and mite ere
Miss Irene Morgee spe Thur4.azgy
eveningat the home of Mr. W. R.
Mrs. F. Hodgkinson rereived the
sad news of the death Of her, brother
John, whose home wasi in Algoma. •
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Ensign speot
a day recently with Mr. end Mrs. T.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Greenweed reel
Miss More -Pu %lilted last week at the
home Of IL Douglas.
. .
Council nisi' on Feb. 10th; alt mern-
bs except councillor Rit-
chie who was detained; by illness. •
Minutes of Januar e Meeting' 7nS
read :tad approved on meton of
Andeison and Swan.
The collector, reported 5379.61 un-
paid taxes. On motion by Anderson
and Black the colleetor was giverii,un-
til next meeting- to handin
• A nOiiCe of the Ontario dood• Roads
Association was reid.
MOved by Black • and Swan 01
•'road supt. and deputy reeve etten
- same. The township audiors then
gave their report which was received'
on motion of Swett end Black.
• By-law number 3 providing for ev-
penditure en Township roads was
duh' Passed.. •
B-1aty number 4 apPointine
ert Cnrran road superintendent was
• duly passed.
• ' Moved by Sian and Black
resolyed that -the deputv reeve and
treasurer buy bonds with the:41794.-
-90• rime +Trite hTid -
balleti; hove it tranferred 'to the
Bark of Co-rmerte, Luckttw.
James°A:' 1 tnb:c.ottc BkS'"rrr. tIrt
the. same ttn.neaa-tat, yer,
. 'On' Motion of ,Swan and Anderson
the followina. bills were pid:
- Local • Hoard-- of --Ilealthi-olatiTar-l'-'
Meeting $0.00;
1:66; finnaId mLoan. se aro
as anditor, 14.00, stiPplies, 50. 14,50
Wm. MCarthy, salary as auditor,
14;00;' The ,signal, printing. IIS't
GoderiCh Str, prontiog 152.0
Cornell then adourried, .
to Meet
March •
17t.ti Ott motion of .111ak aitJ
• Tht prestd'ent ot sottt leate Con- "Qtit 01aPPeal. • '
• MeDotrth, • • .n
-; •
11•••,•••• '
,11•.•.-;• .0 „
• 4