HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-02-13, Page 2'
"1147 711.,,71,c.''''PrIill!
I.lat Befell Mr.tam
weiter• In the !..oterione Review Paper profit of $1409., and Uses it as.
.Ae'Sleata"' 'gives, a tYPioal .vase of. the required .margin :en the purchase
• ..11.10"tettlIda" Who suffered in the Wall of 40 jiew shares at the profaning
;:•14,treet erash, and.. explains hoW the, pries -of 70,, Thia. second Investment
man 'htet his Mone.. • Mr. Howard coats 42,80.0; but requires no cash of •
71,0400 says: ' • ,hiEs. He new owes 100, shares, Valued'
414et:es take r g hypothetical person, at $7.40.00,. 011 WbielA the broker is
many thonSaa4 of"•real ingto lend him Op to TO per cent., or.
;1•d,flee. • Nr. 1,4440 enters the Street,- ;000; They '..hare vest • Wm $3,000., s
-?4•111)r• In .the year .1929, attracted by Plue $2,800, or $5.900. •,110 has Rat in
tales he has heard,' Ile has 21000'a only his original eam''ef, $1,000 and
and he has w.atched a cer- has bovTowetr.'44,09.-.••••'•''.• '
fan, ,,ateek • riser dayafterday" far, tee'the price further. advances, to.
inonths. It rime .from • $30 per share SO; our Investor buys 25 more, Shires,
. ,
14441% 192, to '$00' in PeCemhef. still without additional cash. - The
-iet,thattadVe year. We are:1Mb* exact whoia is now Worth 125time:$420;•"or
iguresIu this •.eXaMPle, .thongh there. $0.20.0.; on Nil:ticit": he has . borrowed
to 'name . the, AWOL ••• .$7,600;.br'••aPproximate1Y 70. Per • cent.
r.e4ro•efet howback, no long Of the Market .velne.. The :three..
49'03rs:Pat instead eil'iMying, Necks/ • have cost him•$8,000; plus
shares at $50 eaCh., he Ends 'that MOO; 'was $2,800, or 28,609; He pal.
, his thenitatd7tbillarsho• can buy. for them with $1,000 cash -and $7,600•,,
,014real .the .Ptooh ..coPfp 43400, Of borrowed m9ney..
he buys 011 L80 per ,cent.' Margin; • . . to Op Paint: Mr.:.1.4mia,.,lit"Ei.
ls, ho Intests.'his.owt ,81;000and: successful linaneler.. He •r? 130.
Alkp $2,(1,00 from.* bank thronele ;shares .of favorite stock, •instead,
tkbeiilpiti• 'tunny:the: shares thf)m- :gof the '20 .that he -Could have bought
&Vele S„.gecurity.. •• " • outright. When' the price rose •still
eteok, aotitimieS to. rise. When farther, to .86, he had e Paper 'profit
40' litithaa„a• 20pOint profit, of 44400; . a Tieing market the
kWeIrth‘r $4;200,, His prefit„ •if ho Piing is quite as , simple 'telt 'seen's.
;Atsefl, . 411:41,200,.....Or 'More The tact that heowed- his broker
;per .eent;•:on,hinlirreatreent: :need 'Md. not 'IMpresll. Itself.,•Was
18 not 'atisfled. He has din! he mit 'worth' • 135 times sic, or
that ne can lierre* new a $11,0101
inru fi•om his broker 'without ',din.; friend had become a
itional collateral I " • speculator, And he aeon paid the
Penalty." • '
'their Words, Ire capitallies his
Cyprus Colony
. . . .
000y, of:.$tate 4,08. Quo-
Defiiiitply Settled
atent, Britain has ,refused
MAO. •or,reeide06 of :GYPrifet
rranean lale, for.teitasaign: to
to:,,o1;einos*ss:,100: Greece ora'
d;or form Of responsible
49-T;ii.t*Ot- •' ;The 'allaWei..'Of. Lord
Passfield, 01 State rei, the
Onlee(*an4litinly •Wordedi.
edt closed and cannot
refitablyibe discussed further." •
The words Were ,,contained in the
'OtiVertment 'answer • to.,:a Memorial
Itoik Greek ,14einijent Of the Cyprus
Pilatot,i1ce Counhl dated ' ' jAlt-
67.Menioriel Clanked to have sign-
i.,eniesenting• five slxths .Of the
'1.)Ititieia,• Of ,:the lelanfl.I A eiiniltir
ea for by Greece Instead
•'''04tinOttir iifldr Brltish 000-
tionMade by •it-dePutation
- • . •
0M. 'i::_CyPrite.,! Which; visited London
The plea for e "responsible gavot*,
pient' blind Ialpo--waii 'refined,
Itf.04000 not yet dome'
le- will 'to the general ad-
ISisisegef:Int. 'the'leciPte, Cyprus to
• Igo trial et,a .oenstitutional :exPere
ment in tide 'dentition. • " '‘ . • '
'It:1)0_0114 tin., area hti3,584 square
• OA: Ite ptiptilation 10921 was 310,-
71, ,lncluding 61,660, Mohammedans.
#1140:Tiettio by Grakeks.and Ph,oeni-
liahti.nt an early date and Was •part
Um `end Roman. Empire.
conquered it In 1511 and
,etained 'Peseeseion'until.wallc
'Thiettirett Britain for admnistreetdieve
lA 1878-
island iirks annexed in 1914e:end
in 1995,, was given the 'Status of a
I '
The Spice of Life
Divorce in Russia s' So Easy
• to &cure That Gies.
18ig 'Variety in
, .
liukbailda •
• t,toseow—Wivis (rilet Russia
•ehOlVe.their old husbands for new ones
teuire Often than husbands Seek new
MacDonald to
Protect Scotland's
Eclinburglifears Developinent.
Plans Along Hiatorie
1° - •Roaclivay.—
• Edin'bitrgh, Scotland: ;---7 Edininugh
Is gravely dieturbed over the fame
of the historic "'Royal Mile" lying be-
tween the Old Castle and .11olyrood
which'ii perhaps, the: mOsi
Classic ,roadway of the Whole British
• Isles. -
•The tiiiiraatioif affes ftoin the' face
that Calton jail is being demolished
and the areaaround is to undergo
'!tleveloPment,' which has a sinister
stitind to those who'• would preserve
England's Ne. ChaileogOr For'
, -
Kaye Don and hie.meelialtic teat elands or Carniarthenshire, Eng. Don will attempt to break SegraVei speed
aeeord at forthcoming triale at Daytona • Beech. - • •
.,Of Moscow On Lonely Island
German PO.
Now it Is Mexico's tarn to grow Scientist Ella , Woman COM -
Weary of Sqviet intrigue Diplomatic.
panion Living "Natural,:
relation have been brOken off,
the Mexican. ster aM
t oicow and Life
••pro.ceed ,. .to Madrid 'eating Only .a. . ,Berlin -Reports -that Dr. Karl Rit;
caretaker in charge 0!, the -*flees ter aid a young women 'comPanion
:there.- The I'letr.• of selfpres'ervation. were Still, •subsiating: on• uncooked
:probably will suggest to' the Carel. .tOods on a 'small Gatapagei island in -
taker that, h;e also will: be more Com- •e
,hirtatile els,e. *hem; In , fact hooked only by themselveir, were re)
Were .eetaed, 'with unddranicin • interest by a
appears 'to be a .general 'exedun •
Russia, ' ' \ ' ' . '•
from'.Berlin scheolmaster. • •" • ...' •
• ' a •:For :the •wiunan is the' satoolmati-
Mold evidently. has bad its eye e two Wife, Mie. Hilthi. Koeryrio, 26.
opened regaftding the activitielk of She :left her Intehand to aceompany.
Communist propagandists. The Labor the 45 yea old physician and scien-,
doVerninent '•iii, Britain alsolae"had •tist 'int& s.elfcimPesed ..exile ,on the
recently an object lesson in'this 'come lonely Pacific island. last ..July. • "
neetiott, and to doubt Will bete oth- • Word'Was.received here .sone : time
ei*S; as the "Red" 'Workers is' as .,tire-. •
Ago that pito lost her lite When'. Rit-
less as . he 'is Ubiquitous. For -years
teen sail boat capsized, near die•ries
Mexico has been a base for .--,11Pik Island /another of tIxe" Ogees:gas
pm:At activity . on the k*th: Amer--; 8101P, bat a: Chicagclaphtsman redi-
Jean Continent. As usual,advattager led this week • he had found them
has been taken •ot offigial,reeognition both safe on their lava -strewn Isle. .
,of the Soviet th,that •cenintry: Latter- •Mrs. Eoerwin had been a cileCiple
.IY the propagandists appear to have and patient of Dr....Ftitter here. , Ke
tthe .historic roadway ; • been directing !their attention mo."_,Ii hadlittle. difficulty .persuading ber to
The provost and Citizen's.' of. Min, particularly to Mexico ltselt. and to join'tti*in•his baclkto-nature wafture.
Wilt have approached Prime 'Minis'. Its in,stitutions. &Otte mords have They.took with them delicate physio -
ter ' MacDonald andhave. found. him been employed .' The Mexican !Ein- logical Instruments to measure the
:sYMpathetic. . : , . , " basstes In other ountries have, been effect of the :"natural life" on them-
- "Edinburgh it not a new mitshroomannoyed by hostile demOestratione. loses; . •
pity," he wrote in answer to the re- 'These haye.lieen Staged, at Washing-. Ritter- was a' horn reeluse, tiversti-
.Preseettations., "but ' einbedie$ ' for tot and in . several Capitals in South gition diseloged. Por years he led a
every!Scotennin'the histarY'at:his ne- America,while in Detroit the kiwi- Crusoe-Ilite life in the heart Of B.er-
'flat and the revel:ace in Which he lean PrenidentLelect was roughly lin. ' He Made , all his own Clothe4
held)) it." • • . . treated daring hilt recent Visit: The and raieed oats in a bed in his tiny,
.. He added that :the planstor new Mexican Foreign Minister. IL a state- get sohe mild Make' his. main food,
government departmental buildings ment 'fisted in connection with, the porridge. - , • .
and extension -of the Scottish Nation- breaking off ef :diplomatic ielatione Berme going to the 'Galapagos Is
.... . .
al. lAhrary :must be carried out. • But with Moscow e shows that his • Gov - lands, where Charles Dar In once
regarding ether plans he suggested ernment is well leformed regarding .spent profitable days seeking "miss -
that the goVernment 'would 'support what has been gOing on. He says: Mg links,"! Ritter had ' all his 'teeth
Edinburgh In,safegnarding-the future The 'Government of Mexico knows pulled and a false set --Made' of stain -
appearance of . the, histeric quarter, perfectly that this propaganda a- less. stee17s5ubetituted, '
even if the.city does not possestilown gainst our institutions and national He said the steel teeth would re-
planning regulations enabling it' to revolution was prepared. and directed east , deterioration in the •eqiiaterial
• regulate the class of building. • froin Russia.: . • ,
: • beat. This 'waif important; he ex-
It knOvs. also that Russian , Coml. Plairied, because the experiment away
munist grOupspeither work nor can from civilization might last for years.
To Probe.Deaths , Work independently, becalms:any. poe . 1 =----7-1*-'—'
• •
ideal organizatton whatsoever in that
•• For Sporti Wear:,
ernment. ' • 'While we have: had tuck -in blouses
By Anaesthetics country Is subject to the Soiriet.Gov- IP •
• •
Gradually 'the world iii beconiing a. for several seasonsi and they have
Toronto. - Investigation . of deaths are of what to expect from the
matwith approval in sports wear,
•made byla,. group of anaesthetists' af- fa utter ilidiegard for the amenities Stance waist lines are in the mode,
are •increasIngly fashionable.
attributed .to anaestheties will be emissaries for the First of all, there thot
filleted with the Academy of•Medicine of international conduct.This hi the tuck -in Musea are logical. Changtng
aa,, a mos under- fro a ildrese that defines„the waist -
of Toronto, and their findinge will he official side.' Th i ' •
28. They *ill net .1bff• Made public attack 'on everything that 1a'-abid- li e ito a tuck -In blouse, is not se rad!-
niibmitted at the meeting on February ground fashion, is the weleorganized
It was 'last.
Prior, to that,dete. • • ' .. ini Chrifillan people .hold in high. re- Fir
biotin 'materiale of chic in
The probe has been pronieted by .gard. It Is a dangerous Iituation; -Paris kare. men's, silk shirtingst plain
the 'Umber .. of alleged anaesthetic but there is kis 'consoling featare: eatin striped, • Roman" striped
Stich forces. Cannot, 'long.' conehrite ViDgfet.te and printed chiffon,
their destructive; work. The rest 'of Illiin "op% 4d otktill•
the YAM will. no tolerate it, and the '
action of Afexito ,le but another evid. •"The evidence of Man'e evelution "To , he rioh :enough to be able to
• ends that the gine is • approaching from an, ape -like hong, obtained front afford ,to be shabby Is to be deprived
when the Moseersdeonoelte Wig not a %Andy of WWI retn,ains, is definite of the Paiver to. yearn for fine fea-
;wives, answers t*a. questionnaire dis- deaths Turing the past few months.
".dributed by tike MOSCOW ComeaualstIc The exact nature of„the investigation
.41.0adenit aniOilg factory workers in the was not deSeribedaty Dr. C. -H. Reli-
• ned eaPital dlliclose. • teen, anaesthetist of the Hospital for
' Many' Working girls here, as divorce I Sick Children, but it ler expected to
Is to [be ehtained alinost for the atiking
change their inebende three. or four
times a year, tabulation 'of answers to
the qnestietinaiiis .ehepre. One Young
Moscow girl' reported' that she had
-. been Married 16 times in a. period of
_ Dr. -Forbes Godfrey, Ontario Minister
thied-aid Years -411 alre14ge 01 health; or Jr. W. W. Jones; -prase
• one new husband about every 12 dent of the ,apitileiny of medicine, re, -
weeks. garding the death' of William Eby, of
be survey of „family lite in,Itussid :Preston, Who died at tile Galt hoe -
hes been undertaken in. an effort to OW recently, alegedlY froni/the
establish the prevalent. • attitude 11 fats of the anaesthetic. The inquiry
will include his death. 'Officials are,,
*orklitif on the matter and will ion-
titme to de so for setne time. . • ,..
consist in Part of a survey of deaths
which occurred while patients were
Under the knfluence of ditferent anaes-
thetics. •
• No statement was made by Hon.
tills country' toward, Marriage, .divorce,
• religion, birth control and the statue
• of the bettseWite: 'the thousands of
. replies received to the queStiontutire
ot• these •qu'estious' ard now ',being
analyzed the ComMunistic
oily. A recapitulation of the ens*,
ere and the conelusions. to be drawn
from theni Will he published hi bOok
bellara ,of 'far that may be put -
chased and attached to any coat or
•• lortnaio-the-autumfit „la berag pre...suit' are a bean to the Weibel' who
• Pared by -Prot., Sergei Snveros-t; .*110
hag aliewed 'the 'kcorreiliendent-aema-
t.si!' the inatellal, • • • , '
Tills Shows. that the..titrialier of
divortes In -litissi'a is tremendolar. • •
•.• ;• -
V t SldD e'• ing Perilan; • beaVer, squirt -et, Wolf, rex,
hae:lier.costumes nita.de.-by Tier -favor,.
ite.-dreeemahei, -or- tidier." Shawl- od
crush obliges nicety flitished andi th
terlined e shown' in a great Variety
of fare to ineet.dil Orate and itclude
Record Of lUces
.In Year 1929
MoreThan iZ29,000 Divided
Among Owners in
Many interesting •;acts concerning
the ,1929 fief- rasing • season enierge
frein, a report issued in Englaad, the
principal of which are given below.
They reveal definite "comeback"
'to far for racing under Jockey Club
rules, and it Is fairly safe to prophesy
that all 'past records will be smashed
in 1930.
• The statistics show that mon) than
three-quarters .of ponilds
were distributed to the oapers of -win-
ners, not iingluding prizes 'second
and third holies.
There' were 1,961 races rim, an in-
• ereaSe: of fourteen over the previous
season and a record to date. The
prize mcin.ey shows a slight diminu-
tion, froM ;782,000 to £765,100. •
.These totals include English and
Scottish racing, but :not Irish, which
has eliewn -a steady decrease each
year since 1924. • • , .
The total Value of stakes to the
•winners dUring. 1929 in 'England Was
2729,000. Two-yeinsolds were allotted
418,560 Of -Nis. amount.'
. Th f total wen' in 'handicaps was
• '2242,567,, selling races • other . than
handicaps, 4.26,468; and weight -for -age•
races E241,411, - -
More than 4,600 horses ran wider
Jockey Club rules last year. The
number of two -year-olds decreased by
146,, but the nuinber' of four -Year -Olds
and upwards showed an Increase of
105 over the previous season's figures
•In spite of the felling off in the.
•numlier tw.o-year-olds, the 606
races confined to theta show ani . In -
'crease of twelve' over 1928. •• •
'Four hundred and -ninety-two of
these 606 juvenile • races were over
a distance of less than six furiOngs,
only seventeen of them being 'run
over one mile dr more.
. •
It only heroic deeds were greeted
with ,applause, if only inspired lead-
ers were summoned to. eonimenT, if
only capable men wore set in high
Places, If -only the 'Orbitals of earth
won-durnffections, if onlY the deserv-
ing beggar received the penny, this
world would be a Sorry -place. .For it
is: one of the Most coinpensating
truths' in lifer that we constantly -have
and .reward and trust unworthy. pee,
pie, and 'sci,.-sometlinete unknowingly,
help them .to better things. ---Prank
Piers( • Tebbetts.. •-• I • " • • •
be wanted anyWhei•e . • 'rhe Globe:
and irrefutable.": -Sir Arthur X.eith. :thers."Fannie Hurst.• •,
, •
arle Y a a „ , badget, and errniiie.
-.Beat- Welber, one teaspo.on. eaela,..ot
Salt • and Vinegar, three tablesPoons
•.! Vinegar, threefourths (hap .ot 111, pet
prika to taste: Add two fablet.P00"he
ea:Ch o/ catsup and (.4:nailed ideleld
•fted one teaspoon (-hopped •otion.
Travelling at 120 rop-ti., Etaye Don,
at Brookiands, England; killed a dat• ,
The fai•ee of the intljaet at this speed
bent the steering, track rewhielt li
• an Ina and a quarter in '
- &moue', or Paint Cleaning
M4* a tablealitooritul slag arid a
deteertiipoetifirl of borak with a little,
coldi Water. Then 'stir in a entail of
liii1Thg atw Ittib- -the - -
stilt •eleth clipPed it the liquid, an -a,
*at • find it Cleans excellently. ,
With a 'cloth WrUng oiff hi cletui 'FA:trete gold t)itabiot elty' bas Dreg -sett thie antienal leaking •apparotits. sototto,
drants and keep theft/hi order egatest omit,
r.: y
nas'iv% and Ice New Zealand Art
Hold No Terror- To Get Big Boost
For 'Arctic Pilots TechniOai College , to Aid
.Skis, Installed Place of
WhaeonaisL, Landing
Take -off
• , Task ,
Portable,Hangara Needed
'rsitewdirsIvili'eol5(7.ud!ri:a:1Pnilicgil(ibitttie.4111as.e.t1h:,:viette6thifot:., ..14theewneaewa,•I'aqhtittrttleretsycAnth.:sga, hzion:;„ tart. 0.inidin
would Present' iv ,didleulties to
real Cold weather atiaters
• •conception of Meer!. areas 'Involving .
%But nearly ell of tb.e flyerewno um.
.d.erStand th' itallileks a taking off and'
landiag...with..eski$ instead of Wheels,
'Of -keeping the Ulf 'front freezing n.
the gee* Viten and of -Wining 'and
warming; oP .an. engine et,
tare tea .freezing are
Our 'northern wilds Where thede eon-
ditioneokaia for months at a Abbe:.
In thet.a;r 'forth :dog teams 'are' Or-
ing way -to Planes When speed is es• ,
sentiatfor trip aerotth •countty; and
t•Phlahnl,seaSyser_e• fiyhig
front snow and lce
One difficulty that has te•••••be met, In
the. polar.regiobs is the •effect .of exr.
treme cold 'apiin the, motor: ' popie.
thnes. it' has been neceSSarY to keep, a
stoVeuxider, the motor.• . •
A portable hangar is 'a necessary,
item of ..eqUiPtheate This IS a three -
sided wood and. canvas screen to pro-
tect' the neSe of *the 'plane: With the
ship:4eatled, and tie hangar
,in place, the•motor leproteeted from
the. bitter gale, .aed. a 'heavy; cotering
• cote': the ianghte will keep it.'warm for
some. time. •, " • •• • .
• '•
Sbinetimes •the, la.ailgar built With
••bloOlts of lands' where
there are, Eskimos experienced; in. ig-
loo: blinding he. cap' get a hangar built
ia,theap.proted fashieh pt lee mem:-
e. •
• . •
• Somethime, tiok6.er, it ;is warmth
;that gets the told Weather flyers into.
trouble. More than. once a pilot. has
left parked on 'the ice Cover:
ing a:lake .or river tre the :belief that
it *ould. be perfectly State:and' return-
ed to fin- dthat a thaw had started,
the fee thinning;' and the shin had
fallen- through. '
• Reviving Ancient Culture
of . Islands 'Cominon
•Conception of Grotes,.
cine. Figures in I•la
tive :Art Criticiz-
ed by Writer:
• kuck.land,,N.Z,-Wkl,e use of Malin
ai.cnrotits Euribe and elsewhere
'Is fereseen by James Gowain, Wbo ht
• Mainly barbaric subjects, sueh ad •fig-
.ures.. with gretesteue heads, is eying
priee to : 'new knewledge 'Of.4the '
beauty . and grate. of many ' old &eine .
9Vert Crafteraanshiaj Oh. the Wands. ' •
. The art' einture of the 10°41. 'he...,
declares, lea field engaging the synat '
pathetic study not 'only of "palceha't
• (white). ethnologists .•but ,of. ' artist,.
architects, ' house decorators and oth-
ers, who. see in thee"Whaltaire of oldt
New Zealand a -rich store of artistic
'Inspiratien, be, *)Cofl earring :andi.
painting; had the :weaving,. plaiting.
and reed work designs evolved. bY the
;Maori from his study of nattti*e. con-
stitute a fascinating study, be:declar-',
ed. '"We faltbaek on the Maori now.
for, many' of the artiatie features„
• that go to. ilistinguish these, islands
from the. Onside World:" •
• Mr.. Cowan' points Out that tile.,
state recegniees' the Impprtaate of .
the study of Maori art •and'. tts en- •,
couragereent in :the:Maori Art h int' ,
Crafts Board; which was established!
.by Act ef Parliament three Years. ago
tO foster the, studi-ef. these arte A!
'sChool , Of carrikg tied. other .'arti haa.
been establiShed . it •Retortai,: "the
ntmleas• of a technical training col.
, .
lege,, which will show the eountry the
way, to 'a .very :Wide application' of na.-- '
tit& art to the heeds bt- architect -Oral
and decorative wOrk,,Europealt:aa well •,• ` •
as Maoil.". . - , ' . ••'," • .•
' Mr.. Cowan quotes a New Zealand • .
artist. ,as Saying that ."Maori decora-
tive ' designs, With their. oPposition of
line,s •• a ild •:spaces,. their . rhythmic -
..'setaieaces .of• curve . and counter
"cavve, of • thrust :and counter,. thrust,
, • •' : • of balance and .tounter balance, are
The runwayfor a landing or takeespreSQ.ave' of bile vttality, of 'both
off offers '. difficulties ' only when the '.prikeha' and • Maori.". '' ', ' •
snoit:is eo.rough that it might break ' "The forms used seem 'to • be, the
the. eldis,.. or .se Soft that they would natural representation of our environ -
,sink inte it... If this fa the . case, the ment. .They are the essence distilled
part 01
Foofrtehme erngoernthe,y hl tionwdei vs egrs; i an ni:iztt
runway niust•be made sinpoth or dug from Our parroundifign." A ' feature
Of -'•the• old craftrnanshin, say Mr -
the snow has.been swept by the wind.
nine/By can . find a lake from •Whieh ..metry of every design. •The direct -
Cowan,.; was the sureness. and nym-
: Air: transporta,iee' in • the AretiC
'Customers Easily' Pound . have had a WondertUlly correct eye.
ingldaori artist and the artisan matt
but'inese make use .0! planes in the The expert -who superintended the
North, either 't. send sappllet • so true was his eYe that when the
and hewing out of a eamie from a tree
finde, cuetomers easily: 'All types a
inail :or to send men. to .outp'osts. scanCanoe was launched it Sat the water
ted •it-fkont• how, and stern,. and
Prospectors( have gone to' their like a duck. •
fields. tiyo plane . in a kaction of -the •:
: : „ ..i. •
Mr, CowanCpwan 'also remarks bn
and, planes have kept them supPlied decoration toUm
ti . .
with food and fulness. To carve the blades of pad -
out their gold good sense of the Maori in not allow-
• me taken on feet or bydog Sledge, '
and silver. Prospectors baie dlee, as.co
even tag '' interfere with use -
ivied planes to bunt fur new fields.tourist trade, is wro
, •
After ,a preliminary survey by eerie
'plane, ., me do who ater ler cthe
during which arelel photographs arbut. not the blade, for that Would
e tig. The true
taken, men afoot prospect ,the most Make eerier would decoradle
likely terribilT, • '• OMaori carved even his birte the han
' These commercial uses' of airplanes the paddle less u,seftil. The .
In snow-covered territo:r.y are in addi- d snares,
service, hrinches of which fly' Under never" 111 end' a way a tq iaterfere
hie canoe' balers; and his spades, but
these conditions.. . • , with their usetulness•. ,
thin. to the replier Canadian air mail
ittle , nown Here
K A Gigantic Hoak .
.._....... ,• . Cape Argus: *hen Mr. Hoover de -
Ll of the activities of Mr. Wil-
cided upon a fall and complete inves-
liatri.a Shearer at the Geneva. Naval
Inventor of Tin Hat Leaves
• 'Elate of$90,000 ` make a; whole Continent reek
Conference . 6f 1* year, • he little
•LOnden---,-The inventor of the steel thought that the chief result . would'
helmet, known to soldiers an the "tin
, b.: e a to, oad•thing for the world at large.
C with la,ughter. let if the Inquiry end-'**
,, villa must have,. eaved minibis 'be
on that note, it Would not perhaps
.01 lives daring the, War; 3411 only.-•
..., International • affairs are • sblemn
000. . , enough in all conscience. It is right
4Haen4.,A4.1aittIAificribedontaatrets,rnifg.aeidutfrtkpevs,.,,aconhdpipdreorplhegr that they ehould he so, .
mouth"' 801Trile.:14at often haltiligeuptoilnem:Ildtounisayi,esseuemiee .
Ile died while bathing' at
Th"tin hat" was regarded
' with e 1 at the Moment quite a trivial eitisodee
e •
But It IS just as well to be reminded
more than affeelon by the soldiers in
the•trenchea, iv before its adoption
the easealty list from flying shrapnel
.eoleld Willson It his book
"From Quebec to - Piccadilly," tells
4i-oit. in 017 tieneral Sir Ariatur Slog-
ait ehowed him tbe first "tin hat."
The colonel adds;
• He said that at the -outset he went
•EEttahener and earnestly advocated
rt•y Y
minutes as eldonentland earn -
adoption. He talked for r,nearly
eetly as he ever did In his life.
At the end of his harangue kit:ch-
arter, iho, hadehever moved, took out.
hie Watch suld•-slowly, "Slogget, do
il know you have ben talking --
imenae, for 40,eatintteer .'. .._ . .
A. tteiit Many tit-Seldiers still.becy,
their "tin hats" as- "trafr sonveth:'?:
4nd in 'tome 'hensee they have 1.0(1-
tit:le:AO into rase _howls., '
at-tirnes that the comic spirit, the sar-
donic laughter Of the gods, Is evet,
present hi greet things, as 001 as
RiddleAlle-Ree •
My iirst is in night but not in day; .•
,My second in inasie but hot, in play; ,
My shird is in flue but nOt in cOareef.
My fourth is in do* luitnot in,horse;
My fifth 15 in gentle but net hi reuglij,'
My 'sixth is in sieeve•but not in Ot
My whole's seen in whiter l
and "t S°
. trange to view;
It grows apside dowitand It lives like
That. too!
Ti.. • r,H;i1 .f1,:ioilble nide in the after-• ,
teen :sa rime iiilaY. be . the.iykgt
61.iiVei 5 of •sintilaf,inaterial, color
""Is firiccessf'illlyr3TI:itsplinoyer 1.1i ,othreb•rd°1::.
t4 thou boon you put et a tt,era two '4;ipi,p,i through a metal. '
stet einreating _haw, used ori.'„both
•attettl ern'taterthlei:Dellidetitioillvt. art!! oniu
fittittit blutratvoinlitc.a;lso' r7ver.it rs,c,141 fsig4s, emso int
tho oven, give eadfili a Pqr.lefra.
When hiking_ beliisl_pela r:o, ,.„ „ -fity roup.et+.
te burst the. shell This e!s0 • lets the Fay ere On.noy., me, adanntarr; d1.
relax* escape. anti Pe'( T$ a smy r•c•oefort me, 1iriO1Pges. humiliat'e 1
Potafti, • -Ascheclidp. •