HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-30, Page 1•• tr. . • • ,.. • , , • . ;-•••,•,.11.4 ' a- ' i4,14 :r tr.' a" a •-••• ar4frt, :ay,. -,:404.-ava•-aatataaaa,, aaaaaaa,a,aaaaaaa, 'aalar304" ,,,Pragel.C.r:N a.ttgalargalk414,4 •• " .; • . • . • . AA. • • •• • • / • • • • • •. • , •' $2.90,•PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; 0.50 OTHNRWIE DE.W M 6ONN1.4 • ,Phytician and Surgeon. •' Lucknow . 1.811-3,30''•7,4 • Phone 86 DENTIST • Dr. MacLeod Will . visit Lucknow every Tuesday, in The Cain Hedge. •,•..- ' DENTIST : la, R li,..,-*releavens '"Iaireknell'-= Oval' "Decker i Stoic . Extraction l' : eithe*. by gni Or Idial, Will be in • Dungannon every Thursday. Phone 53. '••• WALL PAPER -=A full line -of 1930 Wall Paper on hand. Prices consider- able down for 1930. I am also agent for 'leading' job houses. -R. J. Camer- on, Decorator, ;Painter and Grainer, Box 174,'Lucknow. , • • FOR SALE -Aged Shorthorn Bull .; John Hodgins, R. R. 1, Holyrood (30 -1a -c.) •. FOSTER iI010S-Wanted for the #011lowingi-Girls, 17 years,' 15 yrs., 12 yrs., 7 yrs., 5 yrs. Boys, yrs and (46,4•—e.) ...a...mar mt. •ExEcuToRs gALE—The execut,- •;-• of the..estate of. James Barbour, • deceased, will have an'auction sale. a. • 'Farm, Atock and, Iinplements at/;Let : 24, QM: .10,. West Wawanosh on Feb:, 12, domtnenciqg at one -o'clock P. IL • See Everything listed will bi sold. ;•. John Purvis, Auc. . APPLICATIONS. WANTED, ,ASHFIELD „.........-.44litiitions_for_thoffite•of Road- , ' Simeriattendant for.the ToWriship of. • Asfifield will be received' by the un- deisigned:, clerk . up to: noon on. Feb.' . 10,-11130. ,Applicant to use Ide own •.e.ar and state price per hour. Lowest • not necessarily accepted: - . ; C. E. McDonagh, Clerk, LuilknoW, R. R. 3. • ' (30-1=c.) • . • . , TENDERS • . • Tenders will•be received by the un- dersigned Up to Saturday,.Pebruary 1,1930, for the following Hydro -mirk • Making conneCtions at rate for each connection. • Line work and meter changing at a rate per hr.• •• •Hydro system to s.upply all meter - except tape and wood screws.' • The lowest or any tender not nec- ;eerily accepted. 4 Joseph..Agnew, Clerk. ;.(do -71.--e.): • •• • CONCERT The Girl Guides. will give a concert • on Fridity Evening, Jan. 31, akled by the High Scheel students, Who will repeat, theit play "Throwing Dust I• gt ...The Eyes." Admission 35c. and .25e. Proceeds for the Arena Fund (30-1=c.) .1 •• • ENTERTAINMENTS •. • LARGELY ATTENDED: Chautauqua festivals are very, pep ' ular throughout the Canadian West. • Approxiefately 1% million *Pie at- •• aended .0aeadian Chautauqua in • , ada in 1929; and the aggregate at- • ' tendance at Chautauqua within! the •gliaVspeaking last year reached . , the. huge total Of 86 million. . NOTICE TO ANNUAL MEETING , The anriiial meeting. of the West awatiesh Mutual Fire Instiranee Co. ill he held in' the Perish Half,, as Mien- Oa Friday, ,.Fel. 7th, 1930' at 14p.m.' to receive. reperts, elect ec.. .). 1111,,,,t,v,. tilt, 'appoint Auditors and transact neral business. m..G.• Watson, G, C. Treleaven, • President , •••••• • 11 •ZION and,Mrs. Thos. Helm left on • •Miss Allele Mitchell Was home .�er "NATIONAL TEA" WAS POPUI. the'weeksiend; ‘ • , • . JANUARY 3oth., 1.950. • AR I..00AL HOCKEY. TRAM • Reeve: Robert gee is 'attending Tbe ladies of the loeal W°'ne• . • & sitRpirsEs Cetuity . Council at Walkertan •thie Institute had a butir :::trune,• statNo soli the: WO: arty • Defeet Kincardine at bonne 3ieek. ,, , , . . 4,. - , ,. vieye. of ,this week :preparing s! : .. , ..., .: --7,*" "natioral• tea". Which- theY .serred, ,For a Ilit .of.. iedi. 1?Poic DargaiT!' all 'centers, in ,the ToWn.nalt Tiles. d see' A'. E, Melthn!s a0ertisiment ?n evening.* They had eVicientlY •been Page 5;, • ' ", . ..: • al'o end'of work preParing •the ' H The Fire Company is Putting on 'for the. event, and i had all be another Of their poPular lances On done .ta gooCaffect. '. . reittifil 7:th, ' ' ' , ' • !,' 'in' the four :corners ;' of the loin We are sorry to report Itne Bernina ; ' : a ' • ". , booth:31*de ettabifighed, With a fifth 111netis of Ilija Wm: *Mullin at the on the stage, each one with distin c- tive 'and appropriate , decoratiOna---: Nene of his ton -in-law, W. J. Davison ' • the waiters being in national costume Mr. John . MacLean and wife of Parent ,were served just •a course in Battleford, „Sask., are guests thie 'each ,liolith, the serving. being, sap,. Week of Mr. and Mrs. W.,,C.alahristen pettedly, characteristic #01 the' cauntry kr..Allan Tiritel-, who has not been represen feeling ,well-ihe;ratt couple of Weeks At the -deer tickets wera' taken by:. has gone to Toronto for a few weeks • a splendid 'Scritelnan,, Whose .robust rest Mr'.: Pecher it/What-lei is assist- proportions „suggested those rational mg in the shoe store in his absence: heros, William Wallace . and Donald Dinniei after which: 'one .shook the s. • glad hand of an English squire in. toi BRUCE L,O1.. TO MEET HERE', . and. breeches. This ma• de one feel E a Play Tie • Game Wiflgamjfl 30 . • ' • iiinittel 'Overtime`i•Scoae 1=1. '. jfi.ineardine :at knew' ex•• FolloWing a 'clef at -in Kincardine genie' twci :week! ego,. the...locar sen-, ' " ' at home, and you passed into , the' . . A gathering of interest to the P,ed'.• West Indies where ' cocktaile sievt; ple of Lucknow, will be the annuai • served and the' eye wab de4ghted Meeting of the Bruce County, Loyal • Orange Associntion, to be..held here. on Tuesday; February 4th. Delegates with tropical 'fruits in all'their glory ;The guest then passed to India,: •where 'turbaned waiters: served, not rice and- tea, as might .be •expectedi but ' Corn ,and craCkers.. • • • • • wilL be present *fibril all over tile county. Worshipful. County Master B. Loger1 of Itipley conVede From India one 'went, to Ireland the Ledge at 2s00 P:m.÷..Sessione will when the tame ,was deCorated in true continue on into the evening. In view Irish style and, a, bevy -of pretty co - of the: langaage, itheol and flag leent served (What would you. expect) sues being particularrY before the. potatoes and pig -otherwise Pork public at thiatinie, the Activities an sausage.. As 'a 'table decoration there resolutions' of the Loyal Orange were more •potatoes, the harp ef. ould sociation British Ameriea are of Ireland And shamrocks. ' particular interest as Well as of great This -being the solid,"filling; :strew.. public importance'. The Grand 1,00 gthening. part of the mem, the guest. Of Ontario *ill convene in Brant- ort_a' rtiving at-the-,Canadian-hOothr -lard in 'March; and the decisions of was prepared 'for something lighter. the County Lodges will have great •and gOt cake and iee cream--4ust weight with that assembly: " What you would expect facial "Our Lady of The Snows." The next country was Japanawhere tiMidat approptiate decorations, pa- trons were served tea. Of delieinav; flavor, fitting finale, after which one might -go' hoine or remain to enjoy.: the music furnished by a .loeal orth- estra.• 4 The affair was well patronized -In spite of- a rather vicious storm which' no doubt kept a number at home..We hope. that the ladies did well. The "tea" was put cin in the inta•ests of the. Soldier's''Meinoriel Fund,' and there -was a kit of:work about it. But it was such an affair as women•delight in, and the fact that the people turn- ed out Well and kept them busy would be a crowning, pleasure and reward. ' i:ST. HELENS Mrs. Geo. Stuart has returned home after visiting for a time in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. James Hyde were • visitors in, Kincardine for a few days • tis week, • Rev. T. C. Wilkinson whO is making. • a short Visit withIllis parents at Rip- ley will return on Tuesday. We regret 'to hear of the illnett. of Miss Mary .McQuillin vkno is :At the home of her brother Mr: Harry Lucknow. • • 1 • The play which was to have been given here by the Langsita. Dramatic society has been called off, but \may be given at a later date. . • The Women's Institute meeting' will be held at the home of Mis. R. X. Miller. on Thursday, Feb. 6th at 2.30 o'clock. Roll Call 'App, Receipts' Subject -True and False Economy4- in charge of Mrs. K. Webb. Hostesses Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. W. A. Miller ASHFIELD COUNCIL' Council met on Jan. 13th, all 'mem- 'hers present and enbscribed to the Declaration of (Ince. Minutes of December meeting were then read and approved on motion of Black and Swan. • , , I Moved by Swan end Anderson and resolved, that council do business with •the Bank of Commerce, Lucknow to • be the' Township bank. • The road superintencleilt then Hand- ed in .his resignation ivas ac- cepted on motion of Blacx and Rit- chie. • • ' Moved by Anderson and Swan -that ennneif rags a vote ...of thanks' to Mr. Kilpatrick' for his faithful service during the past years, • • Moved by Bkek and;, 'Ritchie that council advertise for a tendent, applications to be in clerk's hieds. by next meeting. Bylaw nilm* her One eppointing fOr 1900 w . asduly -passed 00 .motion 01 Swan- and Anderson.• • By-law nunibar -two. -bOrroWing- Atom•spent-ftheweek WhOini ASEPIELD NOTES: ' The January meeting of. the Ash- field •Presbyterian Missibn was held at. the Manse with president, Miss Margaret • MacKenzie, in the chair. The opening hymn was No. 779' After repeating the Lord's, Prayer in unison the Scripture lessen was read from St. Luke's GOspel, chapter 10, verses 25 to 36. The Roll Call was a verse from the Bible that has helped me. A letter of appreciation ,and greetings from Mies Margaret= Hardie also_ a letter of thanks from 'Miss Ratti were reed. The following Mem- bers contributed to. the progrant-,6 Miss Luella Cowan, M. and 13.•Bisset, I. MacLean and Marion Cowan. Mr. Colquhoon brought gavetings and closed the meeting with prayer.- • • Press Sec'r. IVIAFEKING 14:r.: Thos. Anderson • it attending County Council in Goderieb this week• 'Mr. and Mrs. Will P4trie and- child ren Spent Tuesday et Mr. and Mil. Sam Kilpatiicks. Mr. Richard Finlay, accompanied' by his sister Norman: Shaekelton lett--Montlay tiff waft" their Sister IT Windsor. • • •, • Nisi' Florence Cragiston of Mtge* day-terAtielple-WhereAheritit-etnt4.•-' king their honto alter spending days with friends at Zion. he pt "iro Days to . Matte given in. the Orange gall • 00 ada f eififi-r VV:erYbini rtained Etteir:tijoited, the Play.: „ fife' to that. Itirehle not as- well it pod.' hoite• to see hitti iniprdved r. end Mrs. .losph Helm were iors turned the.tables •and defeated, the': Lakeside.bOYS 'it the home, rink late Thursday night by a score • of LuelintivOt- Started the scoring in the „ . first period' when Fisher 'netted the. rubber on a nice combination • play., This period furnished the best brand • .of hockey. Both teams worked'hard to seem and the period ended with .a Score: of 3=1 far the•Lucknotv team. The second :Period opened'with 1: • kincardine playing four men On the 1. forward line, in an atternpt to even the score. They theeked-hardarOund .the Lucknow;net and the local boys' could not break away. Much credit . is .chie Bill Reid .in goal. He' turned A DEATH' OF MRS. IrMacINTOSH • Mrs. -D.41 MaeIntosh who. for Many 'yearg Wes 4 highly esteemed resident •Of Liidknovir die.l the:boine 'of. her .danghter in Son., tienton,on Friday of last: week. : She • hid; been in •rather: poor health since before LUtlar now siX.years ago, although 'rnest.o$: 7tlaalirtie she was able 'to be abott. • remains were brought.Iere ror interment: in Greenhill Cemetery, the funeral being on. TuesdaY; service being. held in the Presbyterian Church at ten ceclock. Paiibearars :were, Win: MacKenzie, Fltillip J. C. !Murdoch; 6eO. A. Siddall; Geo: Doug- las and _Thornas Watson. • ' l3efore her marriage, the late Mrs. MaeInto4 sees Miss Henrietta And- erson, .her early ho,ne:being" in Zorti,, • Oxford County, wheri she' and Mr. Macintosh were 'married before com- ng t� LucknOvv. •• : --o-o-o--- • • :COMMUNICATION • •:• , 7•-•"-- • Mercitant Writei About.The Credit asl es,s of after shot,. and some real, • ; System. • : • ' „ • • ,hardones at that. Each team 'scored' twice Making the score 5=3 at whieh.• it regalined " • • • Lucknow ,played A •defensive game . during the; last period and by. hard hocking and king shots turned •the Kincardine tenni • back, as they .des- perately. attempted to even the contd. • The Scoring- honors Of the game went, 6, Fisher, '.with.13 goals to his credit. Collyer and 'Thompson Stored _the other two counters: arcDoriald :On' right wing was the -pick° of the Kin: eardine'• team.' The: Kincardine team proved Veri-noptilar, .and played last Defense,' Brick 'end. Rodgers: Centre, Geddess:: Wings, McDonald and Walpole: Stilts, Chapman, Anders", Bennett.' Lucknow-.Goal, Reid Defens: 'Wil- son •ane.1%/1.• Hcenderson: 'Centre, C.: •ThOMPsOn; Fisher and. :It. fienderion: Subs, A. Thompson;•Ag; new, •Collyer. • Lucknow at Wingham. . Wingham and Lucknow battled f 90 in a strenuous game hockey in. the .Wingham Arena' Monday •night. of this week to ha the game end in a deadlock with score of 1=1. . . The game was a teal exhibition. hockey. .The play was fast and clea feature by hard checking and splend Work an the part of both goalie. • Wingham. opened the scoring whe Alf. Lockeridge succeeded in beatin Reid hi a scramble around Lucknow et.. The second period opened up wit ucknow playing nice coMbinatio .n4 trying hard 'to even the 'court he 'malt had some difficulty into ating. the ner 'and McGee in th ingham goal seemed , twbeatabl he second period ended with neithe earn scoring. •, • The pace did not slacken th Iiird period and "finally 11,1cCoy. suc eeded scoring for Lucknow with • minutes left to Play. Both teams ught desperately- trying, to; break e burwith • the final gong the ore remained 1-1. '•• Going into overtime the teams kept the terriffie pace for 30 minutes. ingham scored two goals in quick ccession but beth ;Vera on oft side ays. Tho IoCal boys checkegi hard d effectively and tithe alter time- uld not succeed in bulging the twine eCinikesouvpos.:the..*fnghata attack, but Thorndyke of Clinton .handled• the me and • did se in a, very satisfae- w manner. Wnghath-Goal, Mcee: Defense, ekeridge Bros.: Cente, A. Mitchell lge, Brown and Soner: Subs, H. tehell, McIntyre and Ross. LuckttoW•Goal, Reid: Defense, Me- jr and Nr. Henderson: teintre, C. Thompson: .Wing, „Miler' end W. Henderson: 'Subs, A. ThomPkon, Ag- new and Wilson: litinitinte -Ways- -fit& :rams- • glirr-4- re tonight, A win for 1..ncl4tow:1,ylil, or on ve ef n, id 8 fo th ac hp pi an br ,eo th ga tor Lo Wi Mi Co MOrity for rOftroad- interest was duly Ot bet unele 1Vir. I - h P,Ots.,e'clairinnition-ato,Andertogra Ritchie. • • • • 9,, On mOtion of Bittok and the • following :8111t Were .'ordered , Smpson, it O. ILSalary and .P.Xpensei fOr 1024,-Stiq..00. tlerk for supplies, BegiSteiing birtht, marriages And deaths, $1.25'.. A. E. • Wilson co.„ payroll' audit $19 20' Ilia inw Kilpetricki-militit--kgfrlecob Hue.. ter, patihl, $9.00;:. C. W. Ritchie; ttrol, $.504Hrb Currn, patrol, $5,75 Council adjonrned •en MOtielt. ; Swan ' and Ritchie to inset Fibs* the Idth esualfhoi.ir an place, Ifenoneith. saa Cranston. • ‘--,--ivfusritttriaretrdililii. g'v place. 'Nuff said. Itotnefo tO a 4Vt Of their' friends 1rittttifiaa. evening hot ht htet' of MON•Theo. Hole. • non *as the gtiest /Mrs., James, Wbster, Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Xiipatrick and Miss Olie- spent 'Tueday eening, with Mr. •a*iMrs: Wm,Croelers • AUCTION SALE Robert McInnes; Lot 4, Con. 11, W. Aslifield near tourey's Corti- erS0..Wll have an ciliation saleof cowl? your4 eatile and hay, on Feb. •coMmeneing at One &deck! , mitr At* 0.4401.17, • stroeg hold eti, fitit. plaee • • • 11411VIR3IORIAM • ' ROL g memory of Wil ham H. Holt, who died Jan. 26, 129" His feint Lest wish wesh-ould like • to have heard", And breathed in, his eat one paxting word; , '• Oilly those ivho hive lost are able to tell • • The pain of the heart: In not saying arawell, • • witer4itt4 Mr.• Editor:. - In the last two issues Of your val- uable paper th'ere hes. been :•expres-, 'Sloes eonimenting tipetu the Credit system as, it is tenni-led :coneeetIon With' the retail business. : :f thought 'perhaps ,thight add • something that would ' be of interest 'end •t� .Solite" extent . educational, • as well. Thirtyfiwe years ago I „entered the employ of Johnson Bros. of ..Seefortli to learn- the Hardwere busin'ess. They Were it firm, doing a very-Targes- Ts and granting a great:dead. of ' :credit. Decentber all accounts were madeoutand mailed, and thre_ Was ne other thougliethen that they would be paid promptly, Which they Fere. Any deleicment (unless there, was valid" reason) was refused an). more -credit. In those days a merchant got six months credit from the Whole' Sale Ilouses-and if he -could pay in sixty days a• five pill. tent discunt. There was no grtenbling on the part of the merchant as the cestomers; ii the main, played fair. An altogether different condition prevails today. The merchant gets thr ty Ottys .021 Ills goods add seven per cenrinterest is added if not paid Pr;mheptplyeaentage of profit is much • less than it Was years ago, and the number of unpaid accounts which are. carried over, from Year to' year are immensely .larger. •: • The credit system as it exists to- • day is forcing. ninny merchants out of buiness, they 'get tired paying the Bank interest, they cannot' realize quickly on their book debts, they .Make an assignment anil let those inteteit- ed. collect the 'outstanding accounts. . I think there are at least three rea- .sons why boolc :acconnts soar away beyond what is reasonable. • • First -There ire a- rertain number •of Individuals who do not respect their word to the full extent. Last sunimer I had 'a man call Who wanted title to tie his • eron. I in- formed Ilia thrit twine was sold for. Cash onlr-he pleaded that he did not have the money lint promised it in five weeks: I gave him the twine and reminded him that a promise shotild be kept and should he ris binding as a docinnent. Apparently my little. talk availed nothing al it is not paid Yet. Secontl-,j-The public has no idea of the amount the merchants ae carry - ling• and each individual thinks the amount he owes i§ only a trifle not knowing diem are hundreds ef athars owihg the merchants asWea as hi self. A few ears ago I was talkina, etitt6,netrhe acrid in Riving e yon- nif 'lse a lt-my ern er" thqqe8 are hut th ands of dollars lin book debts is A. mil} aatontt gave Man an accetintst--- • With relit G. McKenze, Miss GertftSe Trelea- v,'.a•g• ven contribnierf 'Oe of he-1pleasing nt- 30108. The meeting closed with a hymn Hene•drffen. • SINGLE cOms, C4N The Bread The Bread .011R MOTTO IS OUALITY .AND SERVIC:' HTVIS of Health (;) ° of Hestlt • • a o TEt OUR lriztri FltugiTi ON SATURDAY, 15e.Eeach SPECIALS BOCCIIE.'JELLY ROLLS, ,DRAN---& .DATE MUFFINS., FIG•i ,„ „ • , SQUARES,' OAMEA.1,• COOKIES, .RAISIN BREAD; COFFEE CAEES,., DATE TELANGLEk, HOLLY114AN'S',...6UALITy • BAKERY Phone.36 • • • • • • the oporunitY. to correct' it,' , I am now going to be tante speel. •and give the inside fats as to. our Oen- ingsiness: On Dec.. 31st we had on our books EleVen thousand dollars. this does :not include the coal but ness, as it is entirely separate., A fair estimate of What we 'Alan' • ittESEk44 SOCIAL -..T4e Rebekah Lodge will hold • sepia] evening an Tesday, 'Feb. 4th. Odd . Fellows and their nitres And .1tPla 1 be4ths and their htishands or gentle- , 'men friends are invited. • d • (301c.) ' ' have. is four theizaand ollaa, Which. • • 4 means •that, we have ..seen tIounand .d011rs 'scattered over the 7country,: which invested .lia:heati4.-wneld re-, fear hancired 'tellers a Year. terest:' • ••• ' . Ifathe Credit business in Ontario Was redL:•ea to a 'negligible cpanti6 •the Ban k would report A lot less in": ey in Saving 'Accounts. ' •7Now Mr. Editor, I .trust that our local • nierChants each one will give their experience throug:the mediurita of your paper -also facts andfigures. If they dea,I. have enough faith in the.public to ray that when they • knew ..thelesta themselves that -the extensioal�f ere- dit will be greatly 'reduced. Thanking You for the spces. • , Murdie, •1`. :of Wm. Murdie & Sen. CH CH NOTES St. Peter's. • The Metes Club •held January Meeting on Thursdpay at the Rectory. The topic of the evening was "Do need a distinctive Canadian Flag 't' A PaPerVias presented. and drawings • shown, and then general discirsaion folloVed, which seemed to indicate • that the questidn would be answerea in the affirmative. Mr. R. McQuil- lin was elected secretary and Mr. E. Durnin Vice -President for the year: In the absence of the chairman the Rector presided. Monday night the A.Y.PA. debated the resolution "that- poverty rather than riches tends t� deyelopment , of character:" The' Goaernment led bv Miss D. Cook introduced the debate, the motion -being seconded by Mrs.' Gallaher. The opposition was led by Mr. Stewart and Mrs. Hassel: Atter a spirited .debate,.the vote was called by the speaker; Mr. A. Haldenby, and the government was defeated ba two votes: Miss Eileen Johnstone contri- buted a rep.ding and Mr. Gallaher, a solo. A Mock Triel, is set for the next meeting. • . Sunday Servilees were connttion• .of the Conversion of St. Paul's which falls on Jan. Z. In the inorning the • rector spoke on "Obeying the Vision and at nightion- "St. p.atil before Fe- lix." Prayers were again ' offered for • the Conference being held in London M this time. . • • • United' Church Y. "P. S. htthe absence of the president the chair was taken by the Vice-president • Mr. Alex Smith. The •scripture pss- lge was read by Mr: *Task Curran. iteadings Were giVert by Mista Jean Anderson and Isabelle Craw and in,• strumental solos rendered by Misses Berice plaice and Blanehe 14eDougall The topic -et the evening "Why Go To Church?" was ably taken by Mr. D. raittrdi our nock.,w,-• esthliato of ottr b His answer like- and the '• Sok ,-'-f:.,---After--the:-ioportfrv-7Jtyrrcnt-tlt and are lesor, was read by /y)szella Presbytei7iSe.6uila • .aa• -aa." • , Was that is terrible I am one af- the -many . who arere aponsible for this ceriditiontoolc My account and give me a Molsn'a beek, „ • • • You w 11 understand that 1 did not • rnentien his account .to him. He was itstonished 'when livard the fact -l:' perfectV honeht felloW that would pay his -account some time, and than. • ght that Was sulikient for the Adeorn- nioliatin he had receiaed. Third -An impreaaion prevails ,ta some extent that the Merchant is rich and does not need the mons X hoe Menttmes-4 Alait)yeippk •. 1.• Mullin followed by the :Lard's Prayer Thelopie wad taken by aiii.11. Aft- chisoh. Instrumentals were given by Mae M....Mahon And, Mr. '.g pindler; Readings were ;Jaen by Catherine• IViaDenld, Arlen Jewitt and Marian Johnstone. • Re. -C. it Maellonald I: gave a taik 'explaining the Lord's, hymn fellowed by Prayer. '"' Snpper, The meetinp• w cloed with ti• • . (1 WANTED-ft,Witig Min to worit.on. fru; Yearly engagement. Apply to. Dot 21.4L.tic(itortot. 4. ),,;._2. FAMILY T THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATo4rohy, January 30--31. February 1St: .,a '• •A'W'ith7ASelViriAat LsaPise•SETPised• e '' ;pa-- 1Corning St;eceabriauliery°, 76.....ED:8 ,.; ,....,',".r.: ar, • COhens :and Kellys, Tn ' • ...._.mAITtrANTic- ;A! • • COMPANY_,9F LcNADA., THE COMPANY OV` WHICH •111A4YBCANADIAN For Partieulareas to Plans; Ratet Mid Dividends. See p. SMITB • • . Agent • NEW STAR CA "Serving' FISH and CHIPS 30c • Gunn% Tankage! • Bone Meal .for Cattle • 60% Tankage for Hogs MO 60 Fine & Coarse for Mena • Charcoal and Grit GEO. S. EOBEETSON, - • LuitNow. • :,• • LOG$ AVANTED We %he/ undersigned are agidi the market to buy allAincleof Logs, delivered At our Saw- Mt. at Lacknw. We are aids in the Market. to buy Standing 'Tinther front those wishing to tell on the • stump:. We are prepai•ed .t� par • Rood prices and griett eash oLd Iivry• • • For further portkulars aPply • to the LixeknOw Table to., Limited 413EN'itrronT, kiaager. , . , a • • 1 D. S., 0‘'t ley, 41, 41L. OO ,44 +ft, 4.L01P 19 4kt— raur • t • bZealW4112 • 1 Mildred treleatret • A. 14. C.'.M. • Mezzo-Sorano oiaeher of Shiging Phone 1 . . • At., 11,149,41.....;% • tam • ar. 0. ak•*" akta: ;17.41:- ;' •