HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-23, Page 7e{ Edgar WaIace • h States View On Murderers Your Average Murderer is Es- sentially 'a Commonplace ...i: .Man, .He "Says .• Two Traits `of ' Murderers on Which Writers Fasten Vanity and the Inevitable' Nlis c take 'thit• Leads to Detection • • Mr. Edgar; Wallace makes' some In• teresting remarks -about murderers in, an iutroductiou to `'The ,Trial 'et Iter- -. 'herr John Bennett," 'the' Yarmouth •'Beaeh 'murderer, one ,.of -the, "Famous• Trial series." (Geoffrey Bies.) • 112r.'Wallace piinte out?Chat -people ;with; much sense do not coinnit''mur- der$, - becailse they realize.. that . the difileuity of "getting away with Wets neer oue: ' "There, ate; says, Mr. Vallee, ';two traits of the murdered on which it is .the .diatom for the writer to fasten: The one.` is his vanity;', the• other is the inevitable mistake 'that leads to detection. „ ' . "Really this: amounts.. tee nothing more' than .te say that inurderers are very like a great mass .Of other peo. ple., Exaggerated ego' is not ;encoa- • -mon in any walk ot li'fe froni: states= mento scevengors, and. blunders, are made by the; most ,far-seeing • • Avoiding Mistakes !Indeed, ' the.. murderer who :would., .make ne • mis:talte is faced with great- er 'problems' than is '.ordinarily real ized.• He hastte 'Cor..relate. Ma 'event that `has happened with a • number of, ether; events, trifling in: themselves, but *Wit may and. indeed must •arise .thefovor,:after.' the•crime; end .0 -en - :Osage these;• requires a..prescience ;ovltic'h. no criminal possesses. • "Few mea of high'intelligeuce :have icomnutted' Murder; save in a moment • of pacts on. 'they 'do non -ender -esti, • mate the..improbability :of, sd a.rrang- nag, Minute circumstances an to defy 'detection. Yours •av'eragc murderer. 'is a essentially a commonplace plan of commonplace •mentality. ' "A man of weak•fibre will kill•wthcre a stronger mail would meet the 'entre- tion wlth more effective Methods." ' Bennett, the Yarmoute. .murderer, was, isa Mr. W'Vellace's ,opinion, the nay een eneceiminal---who--emight mere• have eomitted a murder, but.. who '`would' certainly have gone to gaol .sooner • or • later."' Although the late . Sir'- Eii;ward Intirsh' ll Hall' convinced { timseit that Bennett dict not murder his wife, he.'wrote: "I should not be • eurprlsed it . it were prayed that he had nommitted 'si'x murders hitherto' undiscovered." . { ; There • was a mystery about Ben- nett's mode :of obtaining, a living that, has• never been-cleared'h p. • He work- ed in Woolwich Arsenal' for a time, and It is suggested that he may have been a spy. .Mr: Edgar 'Wallace. be-, neves that he lived by, blackmail. . Whaler. Seeks By'rd's Aid. • Oslo.—Thp Norwegian aviator, .belt Ller, and Diet .Ingvald Schreiner, who are serving .'aboard • the Norwegian • whaling factory ship Kosmos in rho Antarctic, were missing forty hours •'after they started a reconnoitring flight in a Moth .plane to search for whales. ' Although sixteen whalers ,have will earn a reduction In the term of searched ,no trace•has been fottud.oG' active service in the army. the two men. Admiral Byrd •af. Lit -Following Upon the establishment tie America hes been asked• to :mist. of the Banate Councils, the members The ship for •which the aviator has been. working condnets Whaling opera• of •which 'are appotuted by the cep: - along ,the most modern tinea. tral government, the creation, of the Lien's plane was not equipped wi1th militia Is seen as another prove to• radio, but it Was well stocked withwards the introduction. of the Fascist Provisions. • • . • • • system as'it prevails. In, Italy; 'rhe Kosmos is one of the• world's . biggest yhaters and Lier one of the SUFFERING best-known Norwegian aviators. ' lie It Is, I am sure, an element of he - ie 36 years old and has owned seven- man fife, th t a man should suffer ;teen airplanes, tis br.•SchrieIis 24 precisely In that -relation which end has- only resC,entle past Itis mode- • makes It most painful, most unbear- isat examinations.. He Is the son of able to ,him, • IIow he comes out of it CI prominent Oslo professor. e you eat a hearty 'WHAT -mitat VI' time mean to you? its it the pleasure that it should be to restore the energy your work has taken from you? choose in dread of Here is a remedy that . has brought relief to men and women the World over. Dr. Williams! Pink Pills are taken everY day in many countries, speci- fically for digestive von- bles and stomach die" orders, and have brobght happiness to 'thousandS of onentime suffereis. For, besides strengthening the digestive nerves, they in- vigorate and purify the entire sistent ana lay the -inundation-for ventinued health. Pity Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nOw at your drug- gist's or any deafer in medicine, or by mail, 50 .cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. s.47 FINKPILLS IN es 00UNTRIES'• • 1Wlitary. Move. Sports •Put Under State Con- ' solves Clubs 'the Jugoslav government has dis- solved all private sports - organize-. tions and planed the physical educe- ger f tioa of the youth of' the country une the Central Vermont, both of whien ner state centrol. This ends the na-' positions he has held until his pre -- aerialist Sokol!, socieUes will& had sent appointment as Vice-PresInent.• iteen built up on the old tribal princn He has served on varlOtts freight ple of distinguishing .between. Serbsl traffic associations and .1,va.; a mem- Croats and Slovenes: , ber 'of the Trani° Executives Com - The . government decree ordering Mittee Of the Central Freight Assoce- societies have fulfilled their national .r.......... task, According to "The Mreme" the , Mr King on Pensions tional militia, membership in which. service metvand citizens generally will &all be obligatory for all able-bodied welcome the state.aent of Mr. Mac. youths, Including thei peasants and kenzie Xing that amendments top,the the Woricnrs. Service. in' the tuilitia Fettsion Act, to provide for more gene prong' treatment of _certain war vet- eraes, are included in the legislative program for 1930. Recentedisenssione have brought out the natt that the Aet, although framed with a generous intention. does itothing nor the soldier who is burned eut before his prinfe, al- thoegh he may^ show no evident dis- ability: - The country'a obligation to these men is as clear and certain as its obligation to the mainted and the blind. Mr. King's statentent shows that the Government reiegnites this fact arid in ready to ant accordingly. . Canadian'. Natioiial ,Charge Of Traffic, for. National System, • ' Announcement has been mede , et Canenten Nate:mei 'headquarters,. of ehe appointment of. Robert L.--leuenap, An, e0ice 4. T. Weldon, the aPpoint- it. L., Burnap, Who has nem ASSIESt": ant General. Freight, Traffic. Manager ef. the Canadian. *ittintial Railways: 'Canadian :Natianal BeilWaye system' daring -the whole of hie railroad' career of 36 years. hah idvaneed, .grades •Of railroad gervice ',and is niercial , and'. railroad fields et both Canada and the :United States: lowing hie ealvereity graduation he with the Central 'Vermont Railway in the Transportation Department- in 1394.- becamb associated, with' th Freight Traffic Department in the fol., lOwingi year. In 1890 Mr. Burnap went to NeW Yoek to join the Freight Traffic Departetent there, and during the -,same year was appointed Travel- ling 'Freight Agent et NOW London, became 'Commercial Anent at New York City; andefive years laterehe mired to StenAleans, Veemont, as General Freight Agent. Ile was ap- pointed Apsistant„ General Freight Agent of the GIOIA Trunk Railway at Chleago in April, 1908, ,Assistant Freight Traffic Manager in, 1910: Traffic Manager in 1919, and Freight Traffic Manager of tbet road In 420. In November, 1927; Mr. Burnap was alipoiated As 'stant General • Manager of the . Canadian Na real and Freight Traffic M ion Mon •,e11 is the essential polite—Rand. • Canada Has World's- . , "It Christendom is tO be reborn the 'Cleanest" Tea VVarehOuse On a tour of the bominion, Under eertined Grecens, six vest grad - tunes , Visited the Mootrael plant. of „ the Salada Tea CoMptity of Canada, Limited. The follcrwing repbrt Made by the secretary; Mr. C. L. T. beech - ,Trade Journal of New York. "Oaring the totir theY (the 'grad- uates) juspetted some of the whole - Sale and retail tea cbricarlis In the botifinion and they -Considered ehat the' Montreal plant of the' Selectee Tea Cottony was -the deateet anif dwelt! est tee blending warehouse* Ann peek- ing tentre in the eneeld.". e Canada .has reased to be --proutt-of Industries that • can Make stick an Hew. ease 'it ie for Our benevolent being to diffenip Pl-Ottstire.arolled Met; and he*. truly is a "kind neart •fettit- • KINDNESS' Guard within yourself` that treas. nre. Ideating. fellow how tO glen veltliout.iteeitalion,•how to lose with - Rev. Henry Sloan Coffin: • I meannessenGnorge Sand, PHILLIPS PorTeotthhes coatteutut Many people, two. hottre atter eat, Ing, suffer indigestion as thei ft. it la usually eattese tint& *trod ft With, ad alkali. The best *at the vas or gistbiets, Malting everything Phillips. Mut .or Magnetite, • It- btte its vicinity /freshen into miles! nreataitrett -for -50-yearee etlientetandard- "The enernied Petliamenteriate water teutraiiies Malty tittles Its Mg O of what act to doneee The nyteptonts dleappetin Are nitre 3 It * A 400 NEW CANnDIANS ARRIVE FROM 'EUROPE ' ', . Fog! hencleed trained' canaries recently trilled tnein,wey acrees ene „nes{ leeticefeone Hambuig,. Geiroanyi to 'a Toronto limn,' The iittia. birds made:" the long -trip lix huliVidual wooden eagba, eaeh eage having O smell feed hat ;row their long:jetenneY All tneee Cieireee. ire the Reiner: eype, having the In:teener eoliing trill so 'pennien veitn.Caitentan bircl lettere, oan.d Which gives HOW .•TO VE CH10)11EN'S.', COWS AVoid Serl0us Results 4y Using tems of' a cold, Stich as Sneezing, red - ./tees of tne Oen clogged, or running nose, Protein measures for relief may avert seriona.results. Methers should safe and effective reinede fonielthettlt contain no .pnietes or narcoticeentre, them Mrs. ',J s. Cadieux, Holyoke, Mass.; says'f'-4"I have used BabY's. them a very :•.satisfactore medicine. •.3tKlien. my little .eeeeliad:i toed 1 gaps. him tliaerablets. at night and he Ikea .." Owl Lail • 'Resolution • "Heys, t'Ve atilt the holcn,up game, I'll hang around joints no more." And e faint little cry, ' The garter stretched out on tile dear. ile—"Do yeti knew, only two things prenent your necoming. .great dancer?" - n. Men ket and•norget. . She was, Only a' fratcher'S 'daughter. delta:teed for tile Whole world -to see.", the,next day, gate) them to tile Tablets are much easier ta give a Child than'liquid medicate. I strongly 'eeeommend ell mothers who haee small children to keen a nee of the Bab3,:'s Own Tablets- 'are:"sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 rents a box froth The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., Bi'eckville, Ont.. • Cattle- l'Ingtie Laid to Foxes.; English Farrnera Ask • Hunt Ban Brighton, Eng.--Orte of the Oldest sports of England, the hunting of the factilt,iuniftauyre.be sacrificed' tn scientific Farmers, smelting' ender the loss inflicted. bY foot -and -month disease, are blaming the fox for its spread from' pasture te pasture. Extermin- ate the fox, instead of preserving him for occasional romantic hunts, they argue, and you do away with the ehief carrier ,of this plague. The fight against foot-and-mouth -disease has been going on for yeare in England. Destruction of the infected cattlais accepted by authorities es the only leure way of suppressing an out- break, and approximately $25;000,000 has been paid to farmers as compensa- trim for heeds destroyed in the public interest. Farm' ers patientin accept the in- evitable -when their `herds are con- demned, but they are demanding mere drastia,effotts in othat directions. The governMent, they feel, might hasten the 'discovery of .a" cure for or vaccine against the disease by more liberal appropriations 'for researth., • MeanWhile, they ask, Why not lessen the risk of contagion bretterminating the fox? .wi nn thet---#7.#000:01;0070tchsepwf7tircipts Sielcatc a to spend $19,600,000 on rodd etntilding within the nett three eears, The program, as 'outlined by the Hon. A- C. Stewart, Minister .ofsHighways, at the recent road convention held at Helen, Mont., tells for .th.e construe, tion of 2,000 milen of new gravelled highway's in the nett two- years.. The eum of $10,000,000 will be rais-- ed for road parposes in 1930. Half of this amount will come from a:boud issue and the baIattee tram the gaso- line tax and automobile Beets° fees, One of the three, north and south all -Weather highwaes tiell• Orme the glue and Will. continue through Ite• gina northward' to Sasicafbett: 'tens- ing en titreigh that eity tin Fence Albert Nationat_ Park. Tive ado tiolial highWay..3 Mu north and south and to points ennarand, west of Regina. -In Yew ro the north ands south 'reeds, 'highWaY. -officials- in Montane, Nerth Dakota and Sasketeheeeen will the beet entinteetion at beam° pante, You will never tn36 crattit thlitto.d8 Your little Wiltill twallewed a bug, lett don't -*erre. t hid hint 'take titi when. You:knelt . this better Method. acid' when foil twos Oitt thitt easy re. het, Canes. thatatter your •Otitta, te Mire, to get the genuine Phillips' Milk' Of Magnesia' prescribed by physicians for 50 years in cOrte,eting 7411.0 - -next War should be waged The ja*bene. of -ari mist is just art dangerous a wearlorn to -day as it wet in Benison's title. 4 fyR • TO TORONTO FIREPROOF ELEVATOR Write or Phone For Particulars TORONTO -ELEVATORS, LI Phone ,Queena Quay , ELgin 7161 Toronto, Ontario County Medical Society in Michigan thatrif Present conditions and ...trends continue, another ten years trill see, everne benker and prominent business man fit the country payin,g, tribute to gangsters. They are doing it .today; child in"the United States, Ii,directly, they are being tapped, atieuany by Organized and unorganized vice and. sum representen what the honeet ele- juses eecn year through; dishonest/ and 'attempting to guard against it by ceerts and jails; a half million -pnivate poligenien and wet -amen, and insurance against theft. • Everyone may learn how to be mem- terful aid authoritative. Those ,who It is not receiving but giving. •• seek authority, arid -these 'who tad blot being gerved-eut serving, Not being sepperted but supporting, ev,er-present oppertunity for perfect. - That brings lige to the individual ng thein4lkes in its exercise.. ' do you. mean you Made. • . and then wonder§ why he is riot MAKING 'FRIENDS The seconel division Of life; erten hate beet in it •tor some years,-(dhlty the saddese tlilegs in it the impein making neW friends. We disown*, sradually nut serely 'that the, lade friend that. e man makes le hie seinen.. It le net tent we meet no one 1t4f, It May allo tnvolve -as in !too MIMIC , emotion; we. Must be proteoted..--lk "We want the World eo, knew than,'" Great Britain -can ne, longen given greater :command. Discipline, millmimmeimminwso AINED in -8 Wks. And Bay Friend.", say new honked Yeast adds to IS lbs. In 3 weeks:Skin clears end. Get pleasant honked Yeast tablets from druggist today. - like charity, begins at holfie.• and the F . , been kiSsed. 'before, and' it appear's- . „i more surelY: will otheri•giadly ;submit '' 'Minard's 'restores circuiatien AMY. <,' ' proved his right to rule. . . . This baby Is. only am uudertaket's daughter, but slues Made goitie-grai'e- truly it 1,3 exercised ,..fiftite, the ..rost Pates that *as engaged to hir. last-suin-1 Tn°re • Vatlier---"Dear, .1 am nappy to ate nounce that yuang Johnson. has asked for your hand?' Beautiful 'Young Nothing — eBat, pape,. I don't want to leave mann." Fither—"Don't let that.bother you. Yoe .can take her along?' A' good night's „sleep has 'been known to, solve many a perplexing, difficult problem, ntorekeeper"No, tried it once 'and :it pretty near ruined man Custoiner—"How was that?" . StorekeepereenPeople came in here and bought ,dunned neer everything. I . A foel and ins. money are some pa rty. . The Wintera do not seem so cold as tbey did When we Were /Dung; nO doubt became we are tow in town and don't have trige-trutside and. thaw out the pump. , Don't Worry. If. he called three times. -while 'you Were out, he wasn't trying ea give you. anything. Grace---."Theyle dancers 'pere 'and simple." Heuesen-"Yeaht ' She's pure and he's simple." it won't be fang before men will be' demanding batber shoos infer men Pallete--"Doctor, sutler a great deal with tilt CS -e18." eDoctor--"Ille comforted, my dear lady. You would prottebly suffer a great deal more without them." It's a fun's*: thing, hut the Man who spends the frost time With his hands in his pi ackets lih's the least IP them. ASK -VI:WV ,BARBER .GODD MANNERS ,. those people easy wieh. whom we coneerse. Whoever' makes the efeyn est persons uneasn is the best bred in the country.; --Swift. eases the. palm.- of cold nipped sheekt anti; pats., r. FARMER' GETS Ihe.man who would neyer. walk again that ha &odd never trait ainin • . .t kid tlen hs took irrasChen. Itover walk again. I h rheumatism. set 111,1' "my doctor told. my httradt that I could ' about Christmastime, a d . was maned to bed for two months. _ " I am nearly sixty years of age. After taking Ifix bonnet am starting to :work next week. " Up till two years ago I had, been a Chant. pion luting Cyclist. I 11a.Vo won a prise Avery tim* have ridden. Being an athlete, but it poor Belmar, It would take mo a. week to write the facts Omit ltruseben Sans." —W ft glitsehen Salta Is ohtainablo at MVO And department Stoma la orriads at Ise, a bottle. A battle Contains enough to last for 4 or b By Taking Lydia E. Pink. Compound n; Ont. -11 ara taking Lydia E. rinkhanes Vegetable Compotunt of Life. It kelps nie and cannot pralte it too higbly.71 Wait troubled, with heat. ' flashes and.. to. limbs were hea SG I could hat walk to do my farm wott. -UV in the n000004,, your ad about- tins vegetable Qgni• pound and thdught, to give it a trial. The first bottle gave - me relief and I have told others what it does tor me. 1 stn willing for you to. use Illy letter if you choose.' D. 11. PaTnns,'Wilton, Ontario. Ask Your Neighbor (900 DROPS en 1655105.110504*11101*. tiatftwataiatikaai apparent -reason, You 'may not . know What's wrong, bdt.. Zattotrar 11111' 6i gduitgi Most of those fiat( that children 'like.* • . It atay hd the: stomach, Ott May ' he the little bowels, Or in tite case ailment, and could by he panne slightest hattn. So Ws the" grie . slecp, is fretful or tint ol sorts; Get the genuine; it hiways -hail Chas, 11. Pletcher'S siguatOre.6*