HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-23, Page 54,C,„"/ • vor-0 -11,0 rer ' ;t414•? 1r" • .44ipor r3 4 , • • t • 1.a..e4nr•'` .• • ' ,,. • Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for ca -.We Hell Cheaper Than The -Credit Store . . .• AXES. WE SELL THE RENOWNED -I'S A M S N" AXE, SOF/ FOR 'YEARS AND ABSOLUTELY QUARANTEED. • • WE HAVE A SP,ECIAM,. IN AN AXE. "N 0 4, 4 4." AXE IS MADEA.OF. THE BEST QUALITY 'STEEL; HAND- LED WITH A FIRST CLASS HICKOky HANDLE. , IS GUARANTEED— PRICE 42.25; . AXEHANLLES .•• : . * WE .41A.Vii„ A GOOD STOOK ..43F HICKORY AN HAND •• MADE ELM HANDLES... e. • , •• l•• - CROSS CUT. SAWS • • •'. • . • We Can Suit 'You Itt °A. Be*. ''' We . Have • ,tiee ,•MAPLE ,EAF; -RACER AND MAPLE LItP 14.104ER • • , Ail guaranteed Saws. • , • : • • MITTS • and PULLOVERS • WE 'HANDLE 'T,14 -E FAMOUS' "M A RVEL HID E" • MITT; WITH 'ELASTIC CUFF' AND 'ALL .:SEAMS 'SEWN WITH "'• LINEN THREAD,' Also HORSEHIDE MITTS & PULLO.yERS, . 'ri • OYSTER :SHELL , ' • . BEST $1.5! .PER., CWT. - urdie Son . Heating, Plumbing and Electric Wiring . . Afb , . • • EpgAir. coNTEsT WINNERS, •An essey contest open to the mem- here. of the 1929 'Royal Party" was cendeeted ineery county and dis- • trict of the.province by the Agricul- tural Representative Branehe as follow-up to the Royal Winter Fair trip! last. Novernher. Each Of .the writers of the ten best esseys in the. province, receives free transportation, board and !edging for two consecutive weeks Ivbile attending one of the short relies at 0. A: C. or Kempt- ville ,Agricultural School. The essays submitted were of a high calibre and demonstrated that the young men' had "their "ey,es open" for the educational lessons bath' at the fair and at the commercial plants visited. The win- nersand the counties they repre- sent are as tellows: Joseph Barhard, Durham : 1 eonard Bonn en, York; A. • Reid, • Wellingtop:. George Buie,. N. ,• emcee; Gordon Berry, Wentworth; Raymond Pollard. Essex; Bob Mac: • Donald, Grey; Eddie Howe, Bruce; • /Weld- Poole, Leeds; Wilkie Seeley, • Lennox and Addington. e , lomovivoomm. NEW", WHEAT KINO, .The story of Li:O.-tamer �f jeisepli 11. B. Smith; ,of, *off :Creek, Alberto who Was • recently crowned "Wheat Xing of .the World,, .at the. Inter... .national Hay and Grain Show. in Chicago, is one that istypical of. Canada. " • lefi Leiceiter, Eng laride. mediately after gredueting from col- lege twerity-two years ago,: and came direct :to the Canadian Wet. Picking a location removed even from . the fringe of -.settlements, he tOok up quarter. section ef land and coin- . meiced the production Of •registered seed grain, For the past twelve years' he has been taking ,prizes in 'oats and wheat at Various provincial fairs • and in" 1924 won second prize at Chicago ,in the International compet- ition. Trday he farms a square mile of land in the centre of a very pros- perops agricultural district. • OO—ti THE WORK OF SCIENTISTS . Grrdually ,we are coming to .ap- preciate the • valuable contributions wade to agriculture and allied ire• dustry by .the 'scientificexperts who have made it their lifework.- to seek Out method's of iinproving Crepe: and of girl -vine en war againet pests. Itecently another of . • these distin- guished teen! W. T. Macoun, Domin- ion Horticulturist, was honored by CROW'S WHO OPEPATED‘ AT LISTOWEL GET. • LONG JAIL TEEN • (Pram the Listowel Benner) • • Pleading guilty to four charges a fraud And utterint forged documents H. W. Ryas* iTorrontO°.real estate dealer, was sentenced biJidge Coats worth in criminal sessions onMonday to serve six years .in Portsmouth Penitentiary. Llewellyn Burlingham Hebb's, secretary, pleadedguilty'. to Similar charges and was sentenced ,to two And a halfyears imprisonment. The charges were iate in'eonnediOn with real estate deals oh the Toronte- EaMilten highWay by ,many Listowel people.• '• • ' ' • ", , • According to Edward J. 'Murphy, 111a, 0 counsel for the defence, „there? • was no personal gain whateverAn, '.the, Cade; They, robbed' Peter to pay paelrlie 'aand ,Pefer loved, out." The firm' of Hui -alio • and Habbs, -had carried • on. it successful reat estate business frome1912 until' 1923, counted Said. Then came'a crash in, real es - 6 -fel He. needed money 0 to. pay .111P, other mortgages which Were due, ane resorted to this means he said. "What. . may be, six months to two years to: them is tlie seme as fifteen years to those, who are charged with crimes of violence." added Mr., Mur- phy.'Ile.'alsO contended that the short- ages were a result of laxity ,in the conducting of businesi rather than. attempts to defraud anyone. • • • ."Mene, peer °. people, are suffering' :today as ,a result 0 of • thole deals." Crown Attorney 1VitteFaciden mak dboc Tenth •were sworn to falsely: Close t& $800,000 is .inio4Ved.' There are 130 morteegei concerned with an average value ,of • "The !shortage involved here •IS $300,000. The crime is -a .serious -one. There are, no, extenuating, • 'circune• stances to make me feel they Were teisledeThie has been going on for a period of year and they most have known that the • day of reckoning west. cornee'. •declared Judge Cede- . before- passing senteneee 0 Judge •Coatsworth stated that he could not • understand people 'purchating' mort- gages without • first seeing the pro- •perty.. "However it 'doesn't lessen- the crime, but shows what Inin'an nature is where .nioriey• is concernedet he added. • ' • , . , • • When., he heard his sentence }Tab's face .showed no 'race ',of emotion. A:•friend epee. up to him and shook him by the 'hand., He smiled faintly. Burlingham's wife, tv.ho was in court, and her eldest . daughter burst into tears. Borlinghain himself sat motion- less with- his he34 lowered.. •• the American. poinelogical Society. in developing a new variety of apples and for his contribution tohorticul- ture generally. Canadians should not forger the contribution made by Dr. Saunders, who evolved -a hart wheat which has done, much to make Wet - ern Canada the greatest grain -grow- ing country- in the 'world. The work of these scientists has become airab- • soltitely indispensable counterpart -of agtice- Rural' activity. •. • . All Set for Quebec Winter Sports 'Irhe Winter season of sport et) Quebec City with• • • headquarters--at-the: Chat -tee PrefitenSe s now Wefl on its way to make .I03O the hist year so far aeperieneed at the Ancient Capital. The international , Dog Met Derby, and the grand snowshoe parade and ahsm attack on the citadel will to the high lights of WON brut right otow, *of le gjzifluz of Wintor. • • Ote sport lovers at (base Lipoid shows Aileen Rite* loveree-Olyelpie diving thettiplote leaving for a-ilfditi indog sled from Chateau Pririfenne where she is a guest. Inset Is a' group of skierii and Miss is proving that diving is not her eitly 'strong suit but that tatty sliuktiot is Olio ono of UR lo4003.Plish* tint% • ,AstazIELD, Messrs... Mike Irlegan and George Berger have each installed 'new radio Bete. • ' Sorry, to say 'Mr. Albert Beckett is •onfined to bed at present,- Hope he will soon be Iible to be around again. Kintad sehool is reopened after being closed for a Couple of weeks . • owing to the teacher, Miss MiddletOn being laid. up with mumps. The Junior Farmers ores ted their phis "Two Days to Marry" in Kintail hall last Thursday evenin t 1ar VOURTH .CON.,, KINLOSS Mr.S. .W. MacIrityre. and Donald, spent last-. Weeli"at the hen* of Igra R. McDougall.. •• , • Mr. Albert Taylor, .returned home .frone Detroit, after a weeks ye, .• •, few, cation: .• 0. • . . '''Mr. D. G,. Lueknow, visited laet week with Mreaerl Mrs. Mos. MacPeneld• .° •IN'irs. T. Dexter,,ofParpion1, is. spepdipg, a few days with ber.daugh!. ter' Mrs. W. J. Ensign..• • • • • Miss Sarah' McIver has 'rettietted riedience. All present "enjoyed eveey to °Aar wheel in ?owassan. • Mr. end Mrs. The Phomas Helm 'Whse Minute of ee„• , • . We ere, sore- to say that Mr. John Purvrs, Is not is well 'as his •many marriagomok, prIve in Belmont • friends would Wie.h, but 'hope "tf): see •,. . 4,0 spending reit , f Inrein his useal., health soon, again joi!tee i.jim:envvele, • Mrs. george White entertiiried the parents, Mi and Mrs li ladies of the 13 F W 0 for, the Jap wieh: the. eOung.ceiiple meeh, eared.. meeting, Which:Was 'attend-. ue4s. . „, etmil!gpe Mss opened McLeodbsingireTtlileye ded. The The plae.e.tiThe.e'Detch:: Detective" meeting !;. which was put on- be.the Kingsbridge ,Dramatic Club, in the. Perish, hall Kingsbridge on Tuesday evening Was If and ,repeating the Lord's pray- er in unisbn. The secretary and treas- urer gave their :renorts, and the:Roll a splendid, success. Owbig to the con- Call !resanswered by '"Gems .from ditions of the roads the crowd wasn't Robbie 13urs" '. After ' community singing. Mrs. 4•Cnrruthers gave a as largeies it might be acne many missed a good timeWe understand . splendid parer of veried suggestions thet the Dramatic club intends putt e " to the value; of Now Year resole- ing, it on again in .the. near . future tions. Mr., L. Avery"104" ..ii reading, when those who were distiripOinted "TheGrave bf •Highland Mary" ,which last time will be an opportunity of was, veier apnreeriatee 'Little Lillian 7 Carruthers delighted'the audience bearfng it - song. 1,eana White 0;MtZ,AN:,4il4e..747011,iciKiiitij.ie; ..wriircosi.de4n!)..t :gwiittvhe iia r7i7e-ll inrierlin her eserel pleasing tertained the Nies of the club at 1:ta:4'7,thr'e Macrjenald "fav- ,inMelie4tinMe•Y‘rvIth the old Vetch her , home: WedneSil."eyeejermary 1:6th. v ite "Lo h L At ibismeting a good rePert and' Ith h n as • the .F.0: CO veetion was given by wel:n l rendered. The eetine ilosecrby i• " 11 singing the ,National Anthem.. A vote O the dpleeate, Mrs. M. C. •Dfitegenzie The February/meeting is to be held et, the home of.. Mrs. M. C. MacKenzie. Roll call ter ..February„Will be a re., ,tipe foe a hot. zapper Allele Also'eaeh "menther isasked to give five rnin Ute speech.-onany 'subject. After.the sieging of the Natienal. .Anthem a dainty lunch 'served., ' • ..f.IPURPLE pROVEX , • • Miss Mary Thompson has secured a school near Parry Sound and lef recently to take .chaege. • . • The Ladies' Aid of Purple Grove held their monthly 'meeting at the :home of Mrs. Charles • Collins last • t Miss Ethel • Gawley has gone • to .Muskoka to teach , Some of the yottng people of Pur - 1e -Grove enjoyed a sleigh aide last Friday ,night to Ripley to attend the the • Miss 'Fanny Wall returned home having spr1t the past two.weeks at Albert Sept Miss Min ie and Mr. John Fair at tended the - funeral of their uncle' the late William Elliott on Saturday. Messrs. Andrew Wilsen and Will Arbuckle of Turnberry visited their old school mates Mr. Will and David Scott last Thursday. Mr. Isaac Nixon of Lueknow visi- ted his sister Mrs. Jack Emerson' on, Sunday. 0e • , URGES WIFE TO MARRY AGAIN — • . • A' -Birmingham man who recently died leaving 069,00'0 had this state- ment at the end of his "In, the event of my wife 'marrying .again I Wish it. be known to all my friends and relatives 'that it is my earnest desire that she should do so. • In fact the more , cMicicly the thus dernon- strates that she finds life intolerable withtint a husband the greater will consided this eompliinent to her Memory of me." This' is in accord With the theory of Dr. Samuel Johnson, the famous 13ritigh sage, viEo used to say the greatest tribute' a man could pay his wife was to re- marry as soon as- possible. 3r$11-1" glneay 7 • 0 "4DEUNK°.AS A. LORD" • f O Didn't; Think There Was' Any Teeto, tellers In the 'Reuse of Lords 7 SOtia# . good storlet Were told .. i4 Lord Riddell at the'Newsegenes -bort- . ferrite dinner at Weston-iuper-Mare.. "The other night.," saideLord Riddell,. "1 was going 'borne late when I came across two Motors in a ditch, and they 'were 'Standing bY,an,oninihns; the' dii- ver and eetiductot of whici., were in: elosteceiteleesideri. Itot out of my ..,..ear and S -quired of the conductor • ,,what Was the ' ' atter, .„- • . ssiti";-Tli'S. all ikrertti"-f---orrid 1-1(110M4 th-A.3,,t- „ bIlt.,)4)-a ..liitg...3.iW.d.; it to" Pointing' to' a disedireetate indivi- dual' sitting. on the edge- of the,dtth the Conductor said, 'Tidies the cause of it; he's a drtink ne.tairert," I Odd - !tsetse itiei Yining fellnW, htit„I hal!1•3 Ipen- to. be ti lord, although nerhnpr 'I den% look like one., and I beppen !O. ba , -,--a teetotaller." Ile. looked at ine ' with abitie'' tenterript and then to the driver' he sandy '1didn't think 'there 1 to.iis 0-iiv '0' them In. the -itooth of L041108 0.,,,ig0ii :1.,,",..1ne It'i'edie:4LifildWP:.;,34 bkiVINV*11:111/51arEFM5t4. • of thank waseextended to:the -host- ess, Mrs. White., The social hour Was enlivened bv the proyerbitil "cup of tea." -,The February, meeting is to be held -at the homr of Mrs. IL McDoug: • Mr, and Mrs. AlYrner 'Ackert at-, • tended 14e--frneral, ,af the •latter's father, Mr. Elliott, near Kincardine, On Saturday last., ' ' Mt Cecil Robb took in the 'hockey match in Winglia:n on• Monday MeV, :Qui-te a number of people get. a little earlier than usual on Tuesday morning to hear 0 King George's ad.. :dress' which was transmitted from' London, Eng. by. radio. MAFEKING „ Messrs. John Watte and Harvey 'Andersen ire pressing hay this week in the • neighbothoOd of:, Teeswater. They are Working with. Mr. Jas. Cul-, beit's outfit. • O Mrs. Jas. Miller of lucknow , who Was visiting her daughter,0 Mrs. Jas. Webster, returned 'home last week. The junior League which visited with the ,Senior Young People's 'Soc- iety this' year, are carrying on the meetings :when the young people are absen:t. Friday. Levening when the Sen- ior 'Young folk were presenting their play at Donnybrooke, Jack Curran took charge of the meeting. , They were greeted by a full house and roy- ally entertained while there. They are invited to present their play 0 (`Beetde on a String" at Dungannoli, Friday. evening, Jan. 31st, in the Parish pall Friday evening is .the only evening • that the teachers taking part are at home.' . o SUCCESS. Success is °doing sometbing • well, It's winning faith and trot, Despite what theorists may tell It's doing what it niust. ' • • It's giving all the best » of you, To every task you have to do. Success is not the gift of luck " When rightly understood. It's keeping on with grit and pluck make'your service good. It's • keeping fieriest when you meet An easy chance to play the cheat.. • SuccesS is it the . will to be • On friendly terms with teen'. It's in little thinglAhey'll see What beet. you meet 'again. - For nbthing ever lives so king ()r works such havoc:as wrong, Whogive the best.to every task Who keeps the faith' with all. For frieriti. will 'never haveto hik . Or for fissiststice call, But Wte, With any titstdoes lees ' Will never be a teal suc'eess., • It- . lera-a.r,d 71-10-e (CA) .. • Running well ittlead. of sae liele ..steel work oirlho 21 .story 4.441;t14,.J to°the fltriptre's 'litiget 1,414.t1e Reeel'York, a.ddJtionaI'eoesLteetioe Is being rapidly puitied. forward and the sixth. stOry ISfloW, cempieted. All steel. •wdi it is, expected • to , he finished early in ,Ftbruary ' and eyerything • w " coinpleted • ' June 1st,. when' .there *41. 'be' a total:. Of. 1181. guest rooms at this • painital-T,oronte hostelry. ' ei Hitting a an, ,hou'r, cl;p, a . ,special Canadian :Pacific train: re- • cently•'carried. two -and -a -lair -year- • Old:Pelphis, Morin; 'who was •thought •to be dying cif -Intestinal influenza, froth Sudbury. to .Toreato, for • blood transfusion in the • :Toronto Western liosVital.. •Lea'Ailkg at I •.the train Teague, destination et • 6.35, all '•traffic having been 0101' aside for he special,:„ At .6 the ?Operation »was .sperfortried' and half ,an heur latgr. 'the boY'was,sniiiing at his,frienda. He .ES, now well, on his way to recovery. , Fighting against Atlantie wnter' gales the bable ship John W.'lgae kayliss.just successfully completed O another epic of the seas in effecting • repairs to tlie' high Speed vable Of the Commercial ("able Conipliny over which much of Canadian Pael-,' fic cable business 14 carried to. Burcpe. • .The cable was smashed in •the great 'quake° pf November 18, the break being discovered witele O 6. hours of the arrival of the ship on.the ecene, - raising • the cable .from a•depth • of' 21,i. miles -and -at a poinl 80 miles tromethe 'westete. end Of the 'break being • part 0?. tka job .to. be done. •, ••''!0atary 1otndyk Aleartii" Ove-year-el-d,Helstei-rs;,, i'a a co*; • . whieh,a.year ...ago` elanned .the world's championship as a buttete fat prodeCer. With 21,396 pounds Of milk contSfinnglO0 pelinds 'of btit- ter,fat in 305 .clays,, has beaten her own 'record. Following her 1921..,.., --record •this fan:ons corw*as the, • guest of honour t a banquet MIL Moose jw. ,anaryarI<Oe latest record fo rndyke Alearta," is 30,- 'e 191, °tOolitnds 'et milt.,Atitit, 'o ''''"41511424,0r4Sthadial:n7gneerala aiTesz'as14,:774,.,,,,,. We 'make a epecialte of MintumentS'Snd *Ate, your Inepei,4'A tiOn. (•• ° InecriptionS, Neatly; • CarefsllY10a(17 • "Pronzptly Defle-- See. ue before pachkg. yOui" Ord* . • The reel ..weY, to meet the •best Phone 74 Fiion. 256 peepIe is to shave that morning, • ee ere an, 00. ... '• 40Theheakied"Dt7g13:3. 1$70;44'0P9411,*'' steamship to ply betWela. .. ,• sdsbj:nrtlpYacbiericswRaaq,wetyh.ixbanytht151' beea -..31 ,..'414.,, • . i, .. • • . -Mallarin?uanncedd PrZdEen:VVo't Beatty tglal'1; 11' ' it • standard,T$hip37101 11 f e be et i on f length. the 41: l'canot) :• able of carrying 500 paeseneerNe. . O ..,.aakTn:oconlphge;hed:itparots",:peidiarageiiupe9nti.efuso.44,t:h.aliTefo. hsyrytaee_riiegh•Tioril4)7,81icumale.etrIr4r::',ii,L.'.,, The sell ranfreely his curing:, but •It will. have to go some to oar- : . t -., pees, the record for lest year whea ,., there was an/. increase of fourtni-,, • lien pOuritbrif° reaple'augai regis- tered by goeernmeet statisticians., Me output was valued it Over *1). .. Inthiell1111133i.401tap';os'vianne40.1444anebe:rebdenleet followed •by Ontario. 'Railway.eonditions as tiler. exist , • in 'Canada . to -day are readily conk- prehensible and we are in the for- tunate pesitien of being able to • ‘: sere' our shareholders that the de• crea,ses represent the result of sii: extraordtharY combination of conk- :.., • ditions' and that the railways have not failed in efficiency or other- wise," stated' E:i W. Beatty,' chair- man •,' ' and president of the )'1ana-, d an' Pacific Railway, in aa address .eeeently at the Rejal York klotel„ . at the arintial .meeting of the Com7 „,• • inertial T-elles" 'Asociation' of Ganada.: !Ir. Beatty added--that-the • sltuation in 1929 was k excelitionvti 4 , and not. lil:ely to be ,reP,eatd tu •• subsequent years: • • -., :0 • (A;13iNOVir and" WNGRAM Monumental Works Liaelineee Oro. .etileeeeheelergesteiraderneefecompletuee Stock in the Meet beautifid designs. choOse from; in- • viands' of butte -fat: • • . . Honey to the amount 01 .55,181 pounds was produced in 'NoVa Sco- tia in- 1928;.according-- figures, and the 19290 output will likely be ran& larger' as the sum- •' mer season of that year was much more favorable, says Philip Bishop„ of Greenwich (Pert the • largest, bee -keeper in Nova Scotia re "r: 04 eeeee../eeee -THE RED .FRONT HARDWARE , • r. 41 CROSS CUT SAWS—sjithry 1DIETitICH M.t114iE. :LEAF. TRUE SET & WAGON AXES. • - FIRST CLASS ROCK ELM AXE H.ANDUES; Flit& ,ASSORTMENT ON HAND: ' SULPHUR and CATTLE SALTS -• • SPECIAL --10% DISCOUNT ON ALL HAND SLEIGHS AND • SLEIGH BuLLS IN STOCK, • .• • "" COAL 011;:leATERNS, COLEMAN LAMP AND LANTERNS,. ZENOLItIM L/CE POWDER OWHAND' 1VICCLARYS FAMOUS' QUEBEC COOK STOVES :ALWAYS • ON HAND • • • ' • FULL LIN EtitIE.13E01EATERS - • • ' RAE -arid PORTEOUS-, PLUMBING. REATiNG ELECTRIC WIRING AND C0" . COAL. •?hone 66 1 - - Luckno*- • • . t‘k‘, ••• \ ,r46 414.1-a-ftv- ',":11717< . fort, 4no crdift!..” oree..ieeecei. a good friend. ; keep stilt wh.;,...ti 73 Watt it tt St111,-Land tliete are not ',Mf.'? kilo enough to do rA. A rary is A collection ol friends. :t4man ibtt•c, The tree glory ea nation doss no'c. Consiat in the extent of jet demi:lithe in the re -Art -it; of the soil, Or the bellay of nattite,,but rathr. in the Metal ad 3 thtellectuAl reenetieo of the voople,.-41r •te.,.,e,i I. e., • al. , --•••• • wtraii.4.48.•000 •t• • rtiOne r any Pc*er rat*. 'Machinery sec:: he: MoCORMICK-bEERINQAGE: NT. ,:fandl$4y_T Bist arait ete • • . • °I.Y4It ' r., 00 '.-"&••• ••I •