HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-16, Page 6•
.To the riueer little 4tutli American
wn of Porte Verde, in west centr:1l..
conies an elderly -Araerican,.
ein. Num -tally, fainau,e Chemist. ;
'. air of .reystery..aeems to hang,
he place. In the barber shop, the,
O'fti a dark Mai With an Oriental
t '
••itisseYea, speaks to Nunitally,'
recegnizee ,,hitit an Vilalca
•0110.Wa an Vilak, a fellow AM -
at. To his antazemeat Vita 'eake
ali,$ent fels him. The halter beets
es-Steeeelyseoecealnt his real activities,
•e niid his cousin; Elise MarherrY;
•etl",laSeietence,i4 getting at the root
nargtery, that • already:hag •cost
lives- and threatened • Elise's.
Tony Barbette,• one of ElisOsslore-
en is. killed. Before he tiles he .ac-
uses Litney 'Potts .6f murdering him.
,adreits•• striking hint with a club
"'defence. Vflale entiihishes Nun -
y. by "saying Limey Potts did not
trindt the •Meider. He and islunIeSilY
"it'en it nocturnal visit to the ranch
• titYlotd Prentiss, an enemy of Elise
'Ziterbeirk. '•• • I' ,
n ;few moments • Nunnally aad,
ts•ssere riding slowly up the road,
mi.' shadows dancing fantastically
e••thern•on the gray Mild. Their
e4" for the -first. Mile lay .irter the
'81.4,kstliey.. had taken in the after-
ucin Burman
. s, • .
a pistoi at us, I think," he added, With -
cut changing the tale Oen Of his voice,
"Pull hack behind'the bridge thnher.P.
• The chemist obeyed.: Vilak leaned
ovessinhis saddle; snatched up a emit/
rock from the •roadway and hurled it
.fit til0"liivitasbranchof the tree he had
u_dicated just at the end of the bridge.
There was..a• sharp cry, then a. crash
in the brush. • ,
. "Who was it? Er . .s. who? Who.,
The eitlMatt Panted e:scitedias.
• -'•Vilak placidly' brushed . the mud.
from his finger, "Nothing to be alarm-
ed about. - just the • ceautani gerderi
variety of holdup matt, I think.' After•
you've been down in thin part of the
country a While You'll -take it as na-
turally as your Meals. The -end of the
bridge in one of their favorite Places. -
They wait up there in the trees, point
their revolvers at you without being
seen and silent down, to you to throw
your Money into the road. Then after
you're gone, they comedown and get
it. An: easy and ahnost infallibly safe
method, for, not being visible, their
victims have no chance Of :resistance.
"Oh, ,they don't take Citanees, then
laraVeyoUagtaloOds. A great improve -
inept over die American Methods In
about another half a second We would'
have heard the Breziiiiih 'equivalent -of
`hande, Up,' and if you ,avere a good
ter ig
r:0;•*% • 4.0
t;,440* • - ,;.,,W
• ••••••
• s . •.
a • •
411' 7 .4•••,' •
"Something's happened in the house," he said Suddenly.'
it Come. Out With the.truth," • '
"What was
noon. Thfy 'arossed the ,beidge. over
the river, svhich was swirling hungrily
between its !ow baiks „along' which
ran the. railroad. •
ORi'Ver`g getting high," said Vilak,'
• looking down as he croesed it. "If it•
keeps sti risieg Like thiS in'the moun-
tains. Well have a had &ed. They
have them twiee a year here, hut this
season there's been 'much more rain
thati usual and a few of the inhabi-
tants aresgetting worried. An English
• company has a big dam abouttwenty
-• naleg up the rfeer, width* they bullet()
develop watepower for the mines.
oneting up in that set.tion and every -
•*to 'is, cerlairt the dam will let go
some day,
* "A similar dam broke about four
• year,' ago ard. killed two or three tams
. dred naopls. k lot of. water about
here, as 5.1 t've probably rietieed; A lot
of little Ial:ss which have beett deemed
• up in recent years to give a steady.
• Supply of -water, :for there's. mighty
.,, little falls in -the dry season. It's nee-
• essary, hut it makes things a bit 'den-
gerees itt an over -Wet seeten like this.
.14,7w -ever, never life • Without' danger;
There's a man bp in that tree, alining
cared Indian you would have thrown
everything yeu lad in your pockets
onto the roactead run likened. Either
it was, ane cf these thieving gentry.
or someone who wanted to kilt ma for
reasons and motives unknown...
The chemist, his little body taut. on
his horse, stered•biankly in the direc-
tion of thp crashing hrush. "Er . . .
why didn't you shoot at him? And
why. are You not pursuing hint note . .
yes . . puituirig?"
"I didn't shoot at him because a
rock serves the purpose amply and I
don't )(ill unless' I have to. I'rn not
punning him because we've much
more important things to "do, where
we may need- every bit of a'nery we
have, and we'd ottly be wasting it on
a fruitless chase Which would come to
nothingi know these jungles too,
"That Man's an eighth a a mile
from here now arid safe as if he wett
a thousand. .If he's a thief, the police
will get him—maybe. Theft'S ptinish-
ed Worse than inurder here, anyway.
If he's one of iy particular friends,
then whim:x.1)411y i4< Meet hint agate.
CententrMiott, Mon 'cher, is the bent
A New Edition of
t'inte Baby".
14 bee.rtisw hy• the. 00-a,ftts_Werttscif:
Health of Ontario. The ittMernatioti
-covers, tare, rand:. feedintLef„...tkS---eltild
Odra birth to •-dist years of
it it Oen' VII all residents of ()Mario.
ft You desire a cooy, efoo- 419 mail
Mitipon batewie
a. .s.'• ss s, Alik•
• • .
Department of Realex oft ortiollY, •
P pUarnent So ad tag% •
totonto, Ont; •
• Pleate tend me eMly /Of revised edi-
' eon Of "The tlf5bk."
ADDRESS ........ Opt;
stratgy. Stiek' to the- main road, Qr
M k t C
as an esteemed pugilist, who was oncea
4A Copyrighted Article in the
Montreal Star Makes a
Clear Statement of Ef-
fects of Recent
one of mk intimates, told mei don't
I guard yeer •chitt and. thereby expose
your solar plexus."
Their heres stepped from the
bridge Onto the read. AsqUarter of a
'ttiqe- farther on, the men saw- two
datk.figeres shrouded ixt the bushes.
As the riders neared thern, they began
to ancive farther back into the obseur-
. •
ity, but at a cordial 'salutation from
Vitali:, halted: Nun:tally shat the gleam
• kniee% then recognized the.faces of
F'asquale Beaune of the patched cheek
, After close to, two snonths of elapsed
and enormous Adam's apple and the:time one of the,Inest •,:topttler subjects
One-armed Matto Cicerone of 4141 for (Unease:1n, remains to be the cot.
hroken teeth the two men he had ,seeni :lapse of "securiti 1.1:40est which brought
stealing off after Elise in the after- '...to as end the most astonisitteg Ituff
lames , ' l • i.• s Market in the history of organized
They gamed at Vilak amiably' the tradin • in securities The sharp turn
grin . :making the gaping. hole' that- in the prices trends ,of the • leading. e
Marked •Ciarone'S moutli•Vider than cutity•Matkets on the•AmeriCan'oo
eVeri for the figure of Attorney Davis
was :often seen at •nighti on the thed
that led to the Marberry fazencla. But
even the chemist, !unskilled as he was
in, the study of human emotions; could
deteet a distinct uneasiness in their
tinerit was .4 !sudden • attcf, silecklye
Movement that, pierced to. the, %delis
• Eiten after taking the psychological
angle into dile . consideration •the
Change °involved. More people than. any
Other econontic development of the
faces.. "Bu'ona sera, enact," , Vifakt past 'decade.' It is 'possible that • the
:said sirnhngI beautiful niht, number of people ',Who were directly'
is it notsse?" • : : ••• • !' injured financiallyin the crash has'
• .2"St, ••Meester Davis, •Sis si," eke-. been exaggerated, but the fact remainS
tone; the more actiVe o the.twasileped that ineee people were engaged in the
quickly betweern h1s beakee. teeth. "The" speculative' teading'of inutities than.
night eeg ver' beiutifuL.The noon she ever before in theS:hintory of diviiiza-
beautiful like when she shine on settlpteon. •
at Napoli"" . „ • Suck a•,inovetnent could not Pass
:' '
'"You. stand: ..here and .WEitch the Without haying, spine very definite re-
•• '• .• . ,.• .. • • . ,• self% sAi general agreement on this
•-•"Si, sir.1deestet;l'ffia-Vis,". theischers point has yet to be reached. It is,
sed anxionsly• ' however, e fact that there has. been, '. :. •
Vilak ctietiallY Offered thera cigars some bealnens..clinturbence,•but the•ex-
ets.. aTa,ke.• care, : rriy friends.The tent or c uration ef such.kae not been
jaguar likes to Strike' in.theinoon.. fixed With any •degreesef. satisfaction.
ltlatty ,estimates hitt% .been ,•formad
it 'Mit se? , • Buena sercl'•
;The tassi, men eagerly tipped their in individual secions, but,: because of
hats., :Vilak .and the chemist took the the yfact thatnelectiOnshave been
road again., They passed a, clump of made to include canes Where, tadue-
trees •eet, fai•beck front the highwayi. publicity '• has been, given 6 insances
Vilak 'Called his companion's attention Where losseshave been colored, by the
to,::it "That's Where Attorney •Davis••attendaat clretnnettincee brought about
lives," s he .eaid. "1 :gave 4 them at by the speculative fever, and a litet for
,Elise's, too,thatI.tisewhentaeellsii" unearned gains, theysare not reliable:
A ,thort distance farther' they re•aclied: "A' most reeent development :is lthe
a' wide 'gateway Under two caste 0 disclosere of the huge, declines.,Iii the
'trees... It was he entrance to ' the savrie---derro.sits.--4ris:LtheL,...chartered
.11/Iarberry• fazenda.. They rode lthrough banks of Canada during ili-rait'fiva-
and a few -Itiomentslater reached • a months of the year. •A .censetvative
low building of white stucco surround - estimate has placed this figure at,$1.0;-
ed 'ottl• all sides • by :long,, carefully .060,000..•A portion :of this amainit
sereetted verandahsmay be attributablesto the losses •stis.;
Elise • Marberty. Came forward to tattled itt the stock Merket, While there
meet thein.. 'The chemist had ne,:diffi- is a .ieerysdemand for cash for :.sea-
pulty in recognizing her as the black .sonal purchases at. this peeiod of' the
haired yottig: woman • who had throwttl kear., . • . • . .
a kiss to bim from her carriage ilt Atrinterestingsangle.With regard to
the afternoon: •Then. she had ben the •-increase Of the .pnblicsparticipa-
diessed in gray, now site Wore a.goWri tionin the exchangeof stocks in found
ef yellow stlk, embroidered with. jade rn the rapid growth of the oldlot
green which outrivalled in brillianeY• transattieni. This 'divisionof the stock
the flamingeolored maCeiv•whidh they oichangebusiness is a reliable index
tonld see standing Ion a perch 'inside. that people a limited ineans areen
the door. Around her supple neck, gaged: ...Theodcl-lot sales new equal
andhanging'dowteupoit.herairese, w.as one-third of the total volunte ef.shares
asheavy handswrdught. silver chainwhichheve changed hands on the Can-
, "Well,here you two are at last," 'adian exchanges, in the 'past 'Yeets
she said as she 'fflok the Old. man's In the ordinary coarse of events the
hand and equeezed it vigorously, with- .stock exchange acts as 'a Mirror for
out 'waiting for the formality of Vii- coming events. In this year's debacle
ak's. introduction'. "It's a shathe the there was an evident departure from
way .we've treated' you crying this axiont The factors which brought'
shame. But it's all the fault • of this about the 'readjustment of Security'
wretch of a. ceusin of mine. He .16- value. , .wern containedwithin the mar-
sists on dragging .ypu.• to this. plan ket. The centre of the cyclone un -
that only mad citattires like mygelf doubtedly rested it the intersection of
inhabit; he won't let anyone meet you Broad 'and Wall streets, the market
at the wharf, •secause he • wanted to •ch has come to dictate .the trends
have' you stumble against hint as in •many pares of the world. ..
though • by accident; then when you The credit structure upon. Which the
are here; he won't permit you to stay Ne W York Steck Exc:hange rested for
on my.faienda: where could nee that
you were comfortable, but inaists that
you live in that filthy den' he calls a
hotel. oPcid evening, . my Lord • Dic-
tator," she eeid; tuning to him sud-
• "Not a dictator, only sensible,' ; he
retorted as they 'Tiede their way' to a
gay lesv-thilinged interior. "Which
unfortunately! is a virtue .most women
don't possess."
, "You're undoubtedly a dietatOr.".
She invited them to • sit down on; a
bright striped divan, "The only reagent
pay any attention to you is because
You're. a crintleologiat *and net -many
families poiSees one." .;; ,
•he began toying witita' fan made
• irrideicent green .feathei(s which
brought out all beauty of her dark
skin. "Rut evea; your tytranical,
orders couldn't 'keep me from saying
hello to Mr. Nuattaliy, at lealit." -
She. turuedto the ,old mart again•."
You see I• go to meet the boat every
week when it comea in. It's the one
luxury,' ,permit myself. Really a let
ot firm -Evorybodsr does it, you know,
back in the tittle towns in the States."
She smiled at hirit radiantly.
:venlig, awfully glad to meet you. I've
heatd• so much about you from Vilalt.
And rn be terribly 'grateful if you,
ean rue lint sortie day alai look at those
Manganese deposits arid lel tis if
• they're .xvorth anything. , 'Though
• frankly,1 never would have permitted
you to come if Vilak hadn't insisted
to vigaretisha tt'S nij oh 4a -Y
here betaulae ntr property's here.' get
don't think its ,uulte fair to drag
yeti • bite it" • • •
• The eild matt hagtetted to -Yea -agar
inveatment and the itlittibe her; realized that the change&mele
• ••• •
.,seeurities and. golthss The, re-' been ateurately foretold.. ••Some, 'cOrts
. • ,•:• ' . . '
t.; AS: are anything' but.iniagniary:, ' • siderAion• mist be giVen., to the char -
The .psychology of the t public , has actor of theseeenoutia ..forteei• in the;
utidergone :merkettphengeS ••The : ter Unending roend. of. vents. •
eent :trends of the tatificet. and trading
hears evidence, of this fact. Many
Lusineaks houseg, theatres, inusical
Stores, ' dealers, 'automobile,' , re-
tailers •and others' who were sOnseveltat
dependent naoit• these gaining .4 liven-
heod • from • the markets . report that
their customers •arc anore.. -,itt
the Metter of •purchasess' .Thtte. has,
, •
Lord, as the new day begin,
X ask• Of Thee to take:
Each act and thought and word 'et
As offered for The sake. •
Yea, and 'Ink sufferings too; 4:1 Lord,
however, been no gen•tral serious drop Whatever Thou mayst sand
ie butiness. • ' • , Of grief or pain for rae bear ,
is.Tbreain;ige rn,leapioilrtatsinitr onteathsaatib§fpascitopersys' _With bourage M the end •
•basis, -and that losses foreseen with
the slump in necurity values have not
egyalled, the early ,predictioiss. •
• Becatise a the ,fectl. that coritrel of
Canadian corporations does not Change
as quickly ea: some of those on the
Ateericaa .soil the • pap% change in
stocks:has produaed n� Material effect.
It has, for .the meat pert, S'Pleced the
average stocks in ,stronger handc.
the carrying out of huge • purchases
on marginal accounts was strained. by ,
the constant and ever-growing de-
mands of .a_glientelle that extended to
every tteartor of the glebe. The many
issues whieh have listings on all the
important exchanges of the riaocidrn
mechanism have been a factor in
bringing about. a °laser relationship
in the trading. •
There was a- gradual change in the
general attituSic of the trading public
and the coming of the crash -were the
results of a desire to place the new
values to a test; to see if they could
be Used for the ptirchase of goods. The
prices of commoditiee did not rise in
proportion to the. manwer •in •which
stocks gyrated and there were doubt-
ing Thomases.
.At the t beginning • of tife 'Second
quarter of 1029 the foreign inte.thets
who were ertgeged plaeing their.
funds at work on the markets of this
centinent allowed a change of mind as
they began, to convert securities 'int&
gold and goods • There came the read-
juitment and securities have suffered.
:The 'extent of the moyement was:be-
yond all expectations.• -
The losses that were incurred can-
not be measured. If, for example, the
total of the etocks ligted ott the Mob-
treal Stock Exchange was taken at
the first of Oetober, and suppose that
every, doller could be realised fas.the
outstanding shares of the companies
represented- on that date, and make
the. setae 'supposition as of this date,,
it win be ,sten that a huge difference
testa& , This differente woteld -Fun
into many Millions of dollars. •
Stith a rtorditinnwoultitheweveri? be
her; aV1. was quire right tit. set • • eorgeri1ttire_ ;gently :omit
ino for me: 4tis different,; -e -r, _ i•would-Itton-to- take -place would&tree
enjoyltrg It
a tthe
ble athe otherain f --
Vilak sirc;Se from divatt, we" " letiee P
1 1 °11 1.* °"°- t°
over' toat , ersa Or'
111 a teduction video or diecippear-1
the•roent eit which lay , few Att 'attn• ane° °I '°4°Ith:*- The 'C"diti°11 r'r
• , . , !. lsv • mai/led tatty le rigesv
ana -partisn inagalniteif glante41,00.4,4.tv— r4/
at his crarsin theoly. "$oillethingq,a cs6"6"'' tv.°6 •it°13Tad'''•:6f t
fahet4POrtetoleodn,fli.iiho g;tatteld ghulS:r1),sel.,,atthritch, Prite't in the 'recent, market cari
vvriac ," 'd t h •
So • may feet an night cornea on,
I have repaid to Thee
Some tiny part of all that Thou
Haat borne, de,ar Lord, or me:• .
—Marie Blake.
' • •
.GitiCier national, park in British
• park
. Insofar as thefall in security prices ium4fLa is. Ow °nig -nSucnial
effected • niOre. than paper spiotatIons, IvhaiiY• in'a0Fssiliie the
aad,cessea tudieeduei iesses in meet Motor car. Transcontinental trains
sebstantial feint, it hes destreyed no pans through its tentral e'alley' two or
industry, and it, slowed up few •produc-
•tive ptheesses. '•
rt• can readily be said that -in the
•industrial world the feeling which re-
is-enescifstelMf. The extent of
the speculation was causing; some
anxiety to. business leactet% • The way
has been Cleared_ for, steady progress
with the people who have hitherto been
keeping-. an eye On the 'speculative sits
uation which might become a menace
to them.' •
blister on. the ' surface has been
pricked cattsitig ,anomentary sensa-
tion of acute pain, but indicative of •
nothing lee -seated et serious. Ea-
ten* speculation was the one thing
which Monied' as dangerous on . the tradting the seed of forest trees. The.
business horizon: The period of tran- largest of these is at New Westmin-
sitioe is noW in progress. ater, British Colembia, and smaller
While the future can never be eic- plants are. situated at Rocky Moun-
actly the same:: es the Past, since at
Min Hoese,' Atherta, ' and at • itutian
every step ther eis al new accumula: Head and Prince Albert, Sasicatehe-
then of factors with Which to deel, the
which mei ss•an. The seed is extracted for 'use.
pastqa -the only basis, upon •11,s the in experimental planting oeeratiopn
can ,judge .the. future. So far
! on the •national forests, :and. hi thn
future in concerned, then, We are sus -
production of trees for free aistrfl4u-
pended.4 mid-air, not quite certain' in•I
tion ia the Prairie Provinces. •
which direction we are heading, but!
certain 'that the future will not be sal • .2
radically different ,. frOm ' the recent' Se long as ..seif-lOve does •not de-
past .as to render it impossible to rec..: generate 'into selfishnese, it is quite
ognize certain' factors with -which comPatible with true henethlence.-e•
there have been Ptevious dealizigs. ess Fuming..•,
There are, naturally, some rnisgiv-
iwnhgos whiothvoreognageogd to the pathete. • gTicoetshooivsee
itt iSelf-love is the parent of presitullt
speculation beyond their avant -Me tion; we are never so pa or so old.
bet self -lore may keen • tin in favor
With ourselves.—H. Hooker.
That Sore—Throat*K17—'—eds Miriard's.
three times:daily; but otherwise this
.playground in the Selkirk mouetaIns
is .the • home Of solitude. Excellent
trails; .hoiveyer, lead to its principal
scenic .Mattires, and there are nattier-
ous opportunities for alpine expedl
Cons. 'Swiss- guides are usually sta-
tioned in: Glacier -park, througliata the
season. *Rogers peak 111.0,6 eet
a ,good climb for beginners as is also
Mount Sir Donald, named after'. the
late Lord •___Stratheo:•1.1a. •".
Seed Extraction Plants •'.
The Forest Service of :the Depart -
Inept of the.' Interior has established
tour seed -extraction stations for .ex -
means thelesson has been severe. One
of the fundarriental causes of changing
prices is changing values, and when
thestvideswing .1 prices has settled it
.4y4 VV•l LVUUI5..
• P•a•t-Y'itit-thC411144'ssn --oposs-stt-----saltrr'n• ::e p I. inns- !taint -Ike- eon- •'•
(To Iv ehneinued.) vettibility of ..1414C'trities into actual
inete.sr. Optimistic repo,tts of general
' The machine' aao Tins haPdlY sf•itt-1 industrial prospsritssand fur e proa-
‘1."--Thoeias Edison.ants disil,,rted the f anc vicars ef in-
- --:
* ISSUE 1\16-'2—'30t
mfsaeo's •Vita.dg arippi. 1
, Pitin! . •
Nowadays, peolleVte Aspirin fol •
many little ethos told pains, and is
often as thweneointerany pain,
not? It- la a proven an&
dote f tpain. ItWorkst •
harniless, You haVir
thedickprdessietti *Ord fOr that •
deny donpriss the heaft.7-7-
• So,. don't lot a eolit Neat g
cote." tron't wtdt tor
odic! Nrear ov, Or regatl,
'tiara -Ai' nth -rids;
ire nioni-thantr.
ntsas something yea Oita' eff.
• dere; Ottly plrysielan eao eopa
tth the. nose of suth pain, Vat
. . '
tablet for teJ• •
It never faits whelp. iarto
yourself .with its Many USW, MA:. •.,J.
avoid alit ofneedless sufteting, .
trisitit skink atel.
lato's Academy
At forty, •hic other journeys *were •
• OYQT attChe settled down In Athenta
• to tUI4 a echoot of- phi to 5011y
ander the -name et the. a'eadetni,"'ses.a.s..,
feted in fact or imaglatttleg for One
e•entutieg„ tette, •as-lottrbeelss say, ea .
the .authority of the Greet; • nlatoriau
the seliap, Was .cionee 'by an
edict of.Jastintan• In, •ia). 1129. N our
ooureeetho.A.cadenly is a gy.mnasilum,
a -garden, e..schoei, a sect, • aecl a lit.. ,•
,eratry convention. . A mail Illte Mere
iStuld 'hate one of his owns •Sittee
Plato's day„, the name luta 'a:clothed
• Many different . Inintint. • Institution
.groans of •leateed,..men, Musettine of •
it tneetreg; mule tall% and seheeis
for the young.., There.issaa academic •
treatitioa, ' Iliti,"greves ot Aeadetues:...
Is a sypibol Symbol ,
etitetioe, and legend hate...so; plaYlai.!"
Intik: one another's hand a that the s•
imagination Is gorety. tried . 'NO en !ft.'," !'!'
tripe: to picture . With • coinideitett. the Is
kind of choo'l Plato foltadetV and to • *
Mesmer of! life and leaching' .teat
there 'prevailed'. • , We, -get' no help ,
trete • sources 'immediately Comm., •
,poraaeous with plats). There is
some •notiCe; mice even: in Plato's .writ7 •
ing8,•ot ti pleCe, which bore the. 'name,.
hut it: in net .the place Of: a school.' ! •
lti s.cemmended.in the "Clouds " •
ArtstOphUnes as a' better. plate for a ,
young ,maa to go than to the "think -
:err of Socrates. "Going down to the, •
. Academy you 'will .rtin• races with a.
sOber fellow of , year owe age crown:. .
ed with a cliaplettf reed, smeliing Of ,
!smilax; freedom fiont poftttcs atict
the leaves :`,51, the little- happy Itt...
springtime ;valets_ the plane tree
whispers to , the elm." • Bodily excel.,.
,.prepailoloseed ..froonotoontotel
uloch, lo
itt suchas
of troops guarter.Od there...! Aristiite "
does not nteetion• it. ,„•• It seems.. to•
have been leveled to the ground once
!twiee by the ,first centUrk.'•.• ,.Yet .•
the "University of Athens,". is it Wee
Once. happily.cSlled,,makes zits eleim
uponour belief :Mr, Mae centuries of •
„almost uninterrupted • continuance
from Master to master With ,a grow-
ing• patrimony and -reputation. It. is •
firn113!established.in .• the Platorrie
Arad:idols , Plutarch, Cicero, Diogenes
Laertins,. and others " write familiarly . •
about it:surprising us With the..initeit •• •
that admirers' of .Plato kticar conipai
.'ed with the iittle his contenipOrarida ..
say and the little:explorers have' dee,
covere.d... .
Yet :faith in We aeademic tradition
• Is sernething that no scholar. woul
like, to renounce. ' • That need net be •
asked ef- him.'. . tnay or may
net have held school in the Acedemy. ' .,•
for welletigh the last ferty;years; . ..•
We may lever kilo*. • He has betd .
school Itt the Academy , ever since
• for -many of. his* disciples. Th.% May
he of more consequence than any- , •
thing he hipseif ever. taught' byword.
of mouth, to eager' atudenta.'. : And ser
• 'timbering it may be of considerable. •
c,onsequ•efice in. an Interpretation,ef
What, lib ias to •say••in his •books.—
Frederick. S. E. Woodbridge, .in "The
• Son of .Apollo," •
• Titian in the Casa •
. .
• • At , this . time, 'Titian abandOned his
• old 'studio on 'the .Grand • Canal, and
oectieled e new house In the rural ,
north-easteth part of • the city, a. r,0-
gto.ri of pure 'air and' pf ar'site
marshes, and eardens. , It was a tene-
ment in the Casa Grande, Which had '
been erected in 1527, and•wan ocetieied
by several 'families. '•• The.' gardens
late out tilottg the Lagune, over •
whose long levels the Island of Alms
lano was seen, •With the CoUeda bills
beyond, and far away in the north the
stately, peak of Antelao, rising "ever
the Vale of CaderesIlere; away from •
the noise et .the clty, and lit view of
nativeL Alps, • the great 'master
found sweet and congenial home •
The ,Casa _Grande Is stillstanding,: in .
a • remotequarter of Venice, but hag
been. whitewashed and modernized,
and , out from the' view ot the
Lamp' by recent 'Windings. Jt waj
formerly Much -visited by art -pilgrims,
but was greatly,. remodelled in' 1863,
when the Meanie old tree in its gar. • .•
den, which dated front Titian's time, '
was out down.
Among the fitateptg who labored
hero under ' Titian's direetioti were
Bordello, Palma. GioVine, • Benitez'
Moretti), the elder BassatiO, .the tires
.brothers -Setwarz from Germany, and: .
the Fleming' Calcar.. The engratters
Cornelius Cort and Domenico dello
dreche were added to •thio company, •
and dwelt in the hottse.--Ercen
Mu," by M. P. SWeetser.
• What do •yonsee ht. year day's
work; my friend? What does It meats"
to yoti? Do you see anything outside
cif the salate? Do, kou see a life. •
building in it? Do you See great por.
sibilities for stlee6ss and happinesst
rre-lron fide Sielf-treproVellierst7growilif, -
nictital expansion in it, a richer' char-
qtette4; 1---hvotaler, 111atr?••71)0- --
see your ancationses. ettaining•sehaot
• for tuffire greatness, et do yea , See • -
•6nt1rofintent, nahliv bc•tFr:74-7
view? „
D6 yen ,See only floltra at, drudgery.
,...,01"..10eatOPy. it the.. dAY.,...4.113La
flying? 2tte, Yeti (terry 'Wiled the
begins and, glad "Wlielt it ends? Dam
the dollar -mark •Se 'blur your vision
o fill it,' that everythtag else in yens
• dayto covred stir ehs-Ti money,
• minor ennsiderattnn arid do Om pee.
a let et real toteregt, onlared" (meat'
plittlethiti,bj po1)14
bunss fer yourgelf, in your day'S