HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-16, Page 1, -
4 r.
4 ".0
! .•
, •
. Midden, and Surgeon
. Lbeknow
Houre: 1.30743,0,
Phone 86.
..• 0 LOCAL ,AND' GENERAL '11/
Dr; MacEe-Od
:every .Tuesday, rn The.. bif4,4 Heine.
Dr; •R. L. •Treleaven, •
• Over' .Decker's Store. • Extraction
either by gas or local. •Will be .In
•Dungannon every Thursday: Phone 58.
WALL PAPER -7A full line of 19.,30
Wail Paper on hand. Prices conaider.
able down for 1930. I am Also agent
• or 1eadngjtb housis..-RJI-J. Lamer -
op, Decorator, Painter and.: Greiner,
Box 174, • Luelmow.
• FOUND -7A bunch • of keys. :Ovvoer,
•• May have.aanie a The Sentinel Office
.FOR SALE -7 -Aged Sherthorn Buil
Jehli liOdgins, R. R. 1; 001Yrooll
, 007-4-70
• /
woof) WANTED -A large "qpantl-
ty of hard wood. Maple & Foi
POrticulars apply to •W.,S. Reid. Luck-
now. Phone 68,
o. o F. SOCIAL ,
The • O. 0. 1-.rodge -is aliaving -a
social evening, the evening of Friday
Jan. 17th: Odd. Fellows, their wives
or lady friends and Rebekahs are
cordially • 'invited:
)14avieg bonght the •Whole "catch",
Of one of Cape Breton's best ,fisher
men, we will sell choice bad and Had -
'dock at 10c. per Pound.
D. A. MacLennan; Loehitlah.
• (16-1-c.)
The Annual Meeting �f the Luck -
now Agrietiftural Society. Will be held
its the Council Chainber in the Town
• Hall, Locknow, on Friday the 24th
• day••of January, A. p. 1930 At 2 o' -
•.clock P. M. •
• All members are requestedto
• -ten& josepIM;gnevi.
If you're net too tired or too lay
• to get up at sia 'O'clock Tuesday morn-
ing a next week, andif you have a
k fairly good radio receiving set, and
1 • ' if there is not too pinch static, you
may hear King George V of England
• or rather the British Empire, deliver
• the opening address at an armament
redlictiori:confireore in London Eng-:
• The matter of the King's address
. may not he of much 'inter -est to you
- and it will appear in your newspapers
..,*.:anyisiy; but if may for Other rests -
's -runs be worth while. The broadcast
eet, this address, if at all successful,
will be one 0! the greateit accOmp-
• lishments of man and of setenee. fl is
• the first time' in the brief. history Of
reale that a, world wide broadcast has
been attempted, and for ' that 'reason
• it may he -worth while to be in on :it.
It will be the first time it the history'
• Of the world that the .spoken' Word
will be 'heard all over the earth -that
Is of coerse were' there. are people to
listen radio .11 stets -an historic
• event indeed. Two other • faets are
'w�x±iv: It ie the head of onr
fempire that. will sneak' and he
rill epealc in the interests Of peace -
peace and good will amone Men.
•This. is a Ding, boil way Item the
• time, not so ver,' long iin"e, when
tiesaages' had to he i4.eirried by Cour-
, ler, on horseback or on feet, from
• • plaee to place, With trsanl;' oreertairt-:
ties. Then Tqrvie the • railwons, • the
•telegraph, the Wet -Alone; wireless tel-
egrapy, radjo and;tlse Air -mail.
Th daae oane the eI:lownetS 'of
COmmunitatioit WinA 4116t nnn of
' Vtitass-tirory &rule
eases ' geest.et7s- arid enmity time
to • develon. W.th ivar YfeW methods;
7•4444•16A-- rvirv- Ise vit better
- and it -6 'MI enen :of good that -the
• hi the interests. better mideratandiiii
among the fiatiprik; and in the inter -
et �f 1 •
, per ttross retisbaS.• it' for ff6 6thtiti
-nggeoroeti spesdh yilit'sy be worth
to. •
Why so early?' iinneone may ,
Ittoio-Georee mitint eitilY ASO._
That (MA it, Its Minima the Sun rite
ei &Mit fie hOlitt Ottflief 6Vef
Hiielarid, than it does on this partietts
lee part •ot mvieiton, continent;
'4/tete We Operate Wider Ittitterit
Stainfard Time. 'On the Nellie s(Inkt
•ti *111 Orli. 1041* Ciald1Ofi•
'r •
.9 • it 4'...0,4,84-8,4-01.
"Mr. W. IL Cook is tinder the Pr'a.
tare this ...week.' ;„., -
Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie is Spending
the Week in • kitchener. • I. • •
'bleating seireret„lipea. of Sweater
Coats. Reduced Prices at The Market
Mrs., M., VVoods who was tritieally
ill throughout last week is -cotisidet:s
able, improved. .•
' •
;last a reminder that many .subiscri-:
ptio'nri to. The Sentinel (*grit to • be
paid. in Januar.
• Mr. A. E. McKini was called td• ,
Lynedodk, near Delhi, on aceoulat of
• the death of his father.'
Mrs. A. E•Durnin, of Clinton,
ted for a- few &IS at the home g of.
E and M. Woods.. .
Nebody has yet palled- for , the baby
zsleigh rug advertised OL.1 week The
baebelor whol brought it in said he
had no use for it, • - ,
The Ltickriew Healey, Team wetain
Kincardine Wednesday .. night in's a
.league scontest-avith-the-puelc-thasers
'of that paten.• .••
The regular meeting of the W:C.T.
11: will be held at the home'eif re -
E Smith on Friday, Jan. 17th at
3. o'clock. Visitors Welcome.
Lucknow's new reeve and councill-
ors, took the oath of office at a meet-
ing ,held Monday morning, and 'Met
for the•transietion of business,„Wed-
InesdaY evening. •
' The Jantaari Meeting of the Para-
moont U. F. W. 0. will be he.d at the
• home of Mrs. Wm. McGill on Tues-
day'llst. 'The Roll ball will be •an-
swered by paying °flees.
• Last week's Algoma Advocate,
.published at • .Thesialon; Ont.; said,
"Revo;J: S. Duncan is confined to 'his.
home with a severe Cold."' Mr..Dun-
can and family. have heen in "Thessal...
• on, since 1925. . ' .••
' 'Mrs.' ,MacCallam went to Detit4
on Saturday to spend a couple cii
Weeks at the home of' her Sen Mr:
lames. MacCallum. She °was accomp-
anied by Mrs. J. 'MacCallum WhO had
been over from :Detroit for a te::
Get ready for the National Supper
now. Everyone is talking; about, it.
Countries_ of the World will Offer you
'delleious food: Let pretty cestunied.
• girls tempt you with foods froin the
West Indies, where flowers bloom
throughout the. yea, Japan, 'Africa,
Ireland and Canade4-Your lancl..-mir
lend. More information * next week.
Boost year Home and Country.
Bargaing in Women's and 'Child-
rena Warn' Underwear Garments at
The 'Market. •: "71 '
i. .
Our repOrt of the Kinloss election
lest week appeared to credit A. Me -
Queen with only tw6 votes at White -
Church, Whereas the total shoed that
he got 22.. It wag just a matter d
the right hind 2 being damaged and
not showing up. There's It lot of ways
for 'errata to oppear in 'print.
........04.0.1...-... •
Mr. Ewart Webster, of Lucknow• IS
spending a fetv 'days .Witli Harold
Gardner. - -
• Mr. and Mrs. etas. 'Craig of St.
Attgoat'ne, &poet the Week -end With
Mende. I Zien.
The mg Peoples society of Zion
hsel a ,I night in the Orange Hall
on MO evening. last. '
Mr. 'So.,Taeleett, Of inelffio* MO
Monday •with his •neriliew- Mr, Thile,
Hackett: , -.' -.-.- 11 • ;
A numberi of the' OfilcialS..Of tdeli
churches Omit rriday ,evining • at
the-potamittge being -well -entertained -
t4 ft swift .tr'efiftio lit, mit. pastor and
1*`." • it
Card of Thanks
•-Maiy„ Offetherot Wieliea tint.
rnost sincerely the friends "Whia
, Were An" airnapitthetie And helpful dur-
ing the illness and at the death Of
her brother. It was all deeply appree,
Card of 'Thanks •
The Maar/Lit faintly, gild •Oolideialthi
Kitildia to "044,00 , sinetril
tbanks for the leifidlitie friend%
and their It, the' dint et.
the 0.004 00001
4;ig.to LIGHT LODGE, A.F. '& A.M.
gx.rpy BANcitigr •
• The:loeet-litlasedic ledge had 414
oitini4gs., program, Thursday evening
of .litst week. There was the initiation
..of ineinberkAte:litatalaticittsif
ers for the year with, full elaborate
Cm -moony,: the'prepentatioaUf gine to
the :retiring Worshipful Teeter and
to "the father of the ledge," •Dr. Pat-
terson, by, Way ,of redognizing long,
faithful, valued: and efficient servieb,.
and lastly .the enjoyment of a ban-
quet in the lodge dining room:,
. There Was a ,large 'attendance of
'members and e few'. visitors although
bad reads prevented these at a dis-
tance from coming.
A. feature- of the 'evening which
was 'very pleasing ' and, which occas-
ioned much favorable continent was
the work •of Brea: D. Patterson I• in
installing the officers. This when done
'hilly according.* ritual is ;an dab-.
orate- and :pleasing' ceremony invol-
ving a great deal of -Werk and, Mem-.
prizing on the part of the instaling
officer, but Bre, Petersen, to ,spite
of his 84 years went through it all.
without a' hitch and in splendid Style.
. Bro. .Paterson -has •:•been a F.:aspn
for 43 years,: having been initiated
into the order in Old Light Lodge
in 1887.. That is jest . -half ,his
time to date As he is new 84 'years'
of age. He has enjoyed th sogial 'side
of it, , he delights in the ceremonial:
feature of it mid he has had.a special
gift- for memorizing ritual: He is" as
completely master of the mirk' of,the
LO.O.F. as of the A.F. & and
no doubt also .of a-nuniber of other
fraternal,orders to 'which he belenge•
10 roficiene • ha brou ht hi
sP s g
many hotlors, 'toxin occupied all the
offices whieh the various- lodges could
'bestow tip to District Deputy Grand
Master in the A.F. & A.M. •
Following the,insta!Ation of °freers
• Bro: Petersoa was -presented, on be -
'half of the lodge with, a beautiful'
gOld headed cape, with curyed. top
anct•.appropriate inscription. Bro. -R.
V. MacKenzie, secretary of the lodge
Made an appropriate address lo the
recipient • and the retiring W. I• V.L;
Bro. Geo.. T..Aitchison presented' the
•cane," Bro. Paterson had been taken
by purpripe alright. but • made a
.suitable acknowledgemeet of the gift,
which he said he prized ,niost
Bro.' Geo. , T. Aitchison who..Ihad
been roaster of the lodge throughout
the past two years, and who had
been Very active in connectioe with
the equipment Of the new . lodge
rooms, was on leaving the chair,
presented with the pretty'jewel of
• the order. He had completed the
initiatioo of a new brother a rout of
the lodge Work in which he showed•
great proficiency. •
• A few of the new officers are: W.
'M., Bro. .F. G. Todd; S.W... Bre. W.
V. Johaston; J.W., Bro. R. 'Fisher;
Cheplaiii, Bre Rev, C: H. McDerAld;
Treas., Bro. W. W. -Hill:; Seey., R.
V. Mackenzie. •
Followittg the lodge work meTbers
went to the dining hall • where it
banquet with the ciiitomary toasts
and cceenninity singing was enjoyed,
Bro. "Dr. A. •M. Spence doing the
hosiers as toastmaster, I
-7-0 6-0
. . .
A mesSage to Mr, arid Mrs. T. It
liens fronti Los Angelis, California,;
reparts the Marriage of their son,
Elliott Ewa?! ..to Miss, babel Bailey;
R. N., of Teacia, Athena.
A ratty asked the other day what.
,had become.' of thil •Chetatufira Pesti-
• val ,which was arranged to cerne :to
.LiicknoW, this .Wititet. h
hig 'all right-,- The dates Were atirroun
eed recently es. PohNery .2-24t,d1.25
and -
The Caltittlian Chatitlitiginio :Which
tticknoW elnitelY-Catiaw-
Idan 'Institutidi, managed soley by
liege 'et bringing :clean high:grade
• eittertaillnient and educational feat-
ures toiliketitifidian at It
• nbm-
ifffli Ptigt. heginOitl
Weatert Canaille •tenrieen Year; ago,y
the •Olutaillait Chadadinti ;boa devel-'
'oped orgaiii2m.
diet seHng Soino_71116 .communities
and: backed by .0Ver ag,ii:0707 Canadian
people. It it cadent !Om such gm*,
tit that it is Meeting o real need and
giving toryles •that is defiliate1k
Werth •
-Plan •p. attend' as nifitir peeeibie
aJ 4i..101004160044nt8 VoliVkAvti
I W.11,,t wi:mK .AT.orJrAwA• :
, •. .
• • FOR A ViimE.
" esPV •176s. Ottawa *voning
,fournal to. hand :hat w§glt had the
E. Cameron Who has long been
,Chanto', Asaoeiation of Canada In
;Tie* ra.rti of :Ontario, iikie .arrived
%here ,to. carry on temporarily Ihet41*c_
ties of district sedretarY of the Otta-
wa and%Eastern Ontario branch Of
•the assOCiation. .
, The position- was node " vacant by
the re-etit retirement of J. C. Camp -
'bell, Who served' in that capacity for
Many yi4rs.
Mr. Cameron is 'a lOrmet vice-pres-
ident of the 'provincial branch,. and
for the, Past three years has been,a
district secretary in Western and
Northern Ontario. He is a native �f
laleknew, Where he was . a geoetiii
merchant for many years.
Mr. James Jackson who, with his
wife node their home with Mrs. Grif-
fin, ;died there on ,Ic.'nesday of this
week He had atiffered spells of
ness thronglieut the past year but
was about until' qUite. recentlY. Mrs.
Jackson is also an invalid and it was
up their home and went to stay with
WO. Griffin, 10o has cared for theni.
Mr. Jackson's age is giyed as 64, but
Ovving to his, tamenegs Appecired-e
much older.: man. , • '
' •
The ftizieral will be this (Thursday)
afternoon to Greenhill Cemetery, set-
viee to.be held at Mrs. Griffin's home
at two o'clock.
' b (Pro. --7-a=
:1)a-tgains in • Materials for Quilts.
and Comforters, also' Batting. and
Wool Rita at The'Market. •
•• o
St• Peter's. A.y'.p.A...
• The. 'first. meeting of the A.Y.p.A:
for 19s0 was heldMonday 'night and
the seciety got off 46 a good Start.
for the New Year. There was a splen -
lid attendance and after the regelar
openipg the routine hi:mines§ was cline
,ducted. Members are. reminded that
it is requested that all fees be paid
•bY February ist, that the Treesurer
••reay pay our asseesinent t� the Dom-
inion A. Y. P. A. • •:
Miss Margaret. Miller -gave an in-
teresting reading of our Missionary
Work by caravan tied the Sunday
School ey Post' in Saskatchewan,:de-
scribing the needs of the people there
in the outlying districts, and of our
• efforts to reach then,, Mr. Fred Mc-
Quillin gave a musical selection ac-
companied by Miss Florence McQuil-
lin• which was heartily encored. Then
.Miss Dorothy Cook gave a sketch of
the lift of 'Archbishop David Williams
who has just completed twenty-five
years as Bishop of Huron, and forty
years in the senvice of the Church.
of England in Canada. His Weis a
great iospiratioo ti us all And on
inceetive to those who are in humble
circumstances to strive' earnestly to
show themselves a workman that
needed! not he ashamed. A. few pones
and refreshments •and the meeting'
doled with the Notional Anthem.
United'Church Y. P. S.
This, the first Meeting, in the New
Year, was. well attended and gave the
executive Medi encouragement for
succeris in the coming g,ear. The pro-
gram Was in charge of the Mission-
ary Committees The topic "Chinese
Custoilit"coas taken Craw,
and threw a new light on the way out
inissiotaries are received by the ed-
ucated natives. The scripture tenon
Was read by, Miss Fiore , Hedging.
Ald�n Hasty-Coetriboted a .piano see)
-Miss, Margaret .11ifffon. a', reading, Mrs
Harold and Miss .Mildred Treleaven
1mpg...a dnet,:, accompanied, by Mrs.
irtin*.:`ifie }keit-ft ,dleies1 with
krnti 'and ifie -lit Benediction.
Presbyterian Milt&
Alter the opening hymn the Scrip-
ture lessorti.wac Won by Mr, Coniefolf
MacDonald, followed by a• prayer bY
tiesstrage were tiVert
Edith__Smith and Mao •Meettalteit,
The topic wAs taken by Helot Mac-.
Donal& -Zane .old-, tes of the . getvta flowed,. the ,prescribed.
pro -
Guild 'trete resii. by ifirion :gtevoltit..1 gkeet '#g carried out. Mita D.
Tile• alerebera_virere an itist. Jerson gave An excellent address 611
uditardlit*.lot,a Heritage." Miss M.
,Mteliiiion Jiang a solo. . Others taking
pot Ore ttee. Veto, Mrs. Thetiip'-
eeitt Mn. Ahitertiettw Uhrs repiltift
01.P.oliMATIoNAtE .• • .
• •• • 'WATERyVORKS.
As ,pornetbing.'in the way :of itil-
P,r.oi'etO9Ot large to
be dime •to the Water works system in
LtlelitiOw;.. Within -the .presentyear,I
be.-pitillialtid'in The ;Senti,'
net from tithe to, time'..sintanl?er , of
artielles, designed 'to, give those inter..
erited *Proper .Onderstanding of ,what
the. •requirementi are, and whet the
council 'proposes to do. • , •
• That the, present source ef.?poviet
• is Worn out. is well known, and title;
• the water meins Might to Oe, extended
doing , -away -with- the •dead .ends • ,is
• geperally• recognized. ,The pciint • in
• dispute is as to whether .�r not
would be :wise to milarge2the system
. as to supply . de oeitic water as
well asladditienel. fire ,prefectien.
In looking op leformation along•
thig line pain* 'CoUneillor E Rob-
ertson enquired riesarding the 'Works
at the village Norwich, Ont
ph, his communications,. the 'clerk
Of Norwich 'wrote a letter from which
we quote the,fdllowingi •(It',may here,
.he ..stated -that IfOrWich is a 'village
of less than 1200 population; ithaso
domeatic• as well a fire protection
Water systeni with 18 Ate hydrants
'Which is about the 'retiuiterrian:t of
• .ThetCleric Of. keriwiO •eat'el '!`4:*
'witer4ti011cs "Ar4:-Hrlice :eyeteMS ore:
operated by a Pliblic Utilities 'COM-'
Inct is thus . apart front' bird:-
tipal -Council *trot, And. I am rsure
--inore-satisfattnry this7alati.
• "During its first infancy .Years this
required some nursing, ' but
for the last. 7 or years, it has been
self-sustaining and has paid haelc in
full. Alt obligations to the Village It
has paid: all the debenture debt, prime
cipleI mid interest edeli Year as R be-
came due, and is now operating at
a profit'after allowing for a deprec-
iation annually:of $1;000.
• Our 'water rate is vet -y retticlaable,
and is only bettered by these nitiniei-
palitiea :which have '-been • operating
tong enough to have paid nffi all de-
benture debts or else are.tharging it
tothe general fund...4.0e inindeinal-
Ity. This latter is, the .role in many
places, but Would hardly seem to me
to justice to the resident non -user
• Fr* a water rate bill enclosed we
learn that the. domestic water rate
depends upon .the amount of water
used, Or 'realer the number, of .out -
leis. The service: Charge per. annum
is $2.40 each; First tap $6.20; Addi-
tional tapp $1.20 each; 'Haiti; tub -$2.40
Toilet •$3..60;• Lawn $3.06; Washing
Machine $1.50; Cattle, first' two ,$2.00
per head; Horses, first two .$2.(10 per:
head; next 17 $1.00; all over 19 50c.
per head.
•• these rates are subject to 20% dis-
cOuni if paid on. or before the dig-
• count date. that figeree up to $26.80
or less the diocOunt 00.64 per year
to those having the hit service listed
above. To many it would be less.
The Utilities tilmnii,ssion • • report
shoWs that in 1928 water consumers
• mid. $4,491.67, while miscellaneous
utters of water brought', in 4$.470,10,
or a total NreVenue.trom the dontestic
water of $7,170.86. • The expenditure
tundunted. t� • (including $1,000 • • for
depreciation) ,407.•24, showing an
olcesi of revenue over expenditure
• of- $1,163.62. •-
The "iniseelIctimotn't soneeas of re,
venue was largely' ItYdrant. rent, It
appears that:tlie commission leases,
the fire hydrants to the village coun-
bit et $65.00 each. pet Year. That ts.
just aleetter of adjustioent between
the Village Corporation and the nth.
Ile, Utilities Commission.
• It May 1* added that the Norwich
aritern. Was *Stalled' in 19I5,,:ttf a
&et' Mit of $25;000, but :was added
to in 1913 and in 1926; .a test . cif
.110 iftipoitint thing to learn front
the Norwich experiente 4s that fot,
loWing44 few „years- at.. the -1)0144
-tiding *MeV the systein- lost money
not only paid its way:,: but actually
"rte Ant meeting of the. year Was:
:ItehLe _ViMe.t. 31th. iOtt,\ SS' this
was th day Set toot for the .Pres.,
- byterian iiyontene Di . of, Prayer
_llitcnigli t the pileyhte ' the regular
Meeting as held' first and the•nrayet
mental by ,Mergaret IttecD'onabo' '
a diet by 1Wias' Mary kits)/ •..;n4
Mrs4• Hobert liontlas. Tife. .0etieg
was de'. 4 .t.1 topeatitig the $40titto
rogotv lekt Igte, O't lit
• . • - • • :
.• - 4 .
• .
The Bread . H -S The Bread
of Health ' . VI • of Health
OUR Biorto Is AuAtrry AisTp: SERVICE.
. ,
)BON i3ovelli mipLt **ALMA TARTS" JELLY ROLLR'.
FICILLYMA.WS OU.A.I.:11[TY 13.4]11.Y
Photie 36 . Lttckaiow
The editor of The, Sentinel andMrs:. MacKenzie were in Windham
'hinge/ of their brother-in-law, Mr; . Rex
Saturday' : afternoon attending.' Like I ,Janeary 16-17---18
(King of Wild :Horses),
In -
Wm. Fryfogle who died on Thursday •
Of ,lakat week as the resolf Of parelYtic
stroke. Although he had not .beet
feeling Well .throughout •the fell .mmi-
thp, Mr.. Fryfogle was not ,setiously
RI until. Dec. 2 -9th .When; plight pare
• lysis of the left hand and foot •ap-
pared. Following a Measure of ii-
eovery, the trouble .sEietil'reil in Mere
whims term •Idai Sunday4andAn-tia,
dlly sank until Thursday. His milt
ion, George; was:'conimunicated with,
at NOW York and arrived home on
Tuesday:- - - . -
The late' Fry: was in his 66th
Year and had bean a' resident of
Wingham for abo_ut•29 years. He was
Married 31 years Ago to Misti .Besse
MacKenzie of Culross, by ;hone with.
one son he is survived He was, the
• youngest •member, and the last to
, Pass sway, of a large family whose
home was near Ilelmore. Six sons
the family all became very good
violinists, and were long 'nopuiar at
dancing 'parties. In this respect, Dan
the oldest and Winthe youngest, 'ex-
celled, and had feta &mils. .•
• The regular meeting of the WO!
Menne' Institide was held,t the home
of Mrs. E. &fifth with a *Undid
attendance and the president Xs.-
Murdie in the Chair. Following the
opening exercises and the reading ,of
the minutes several, notes of thanks
livese rend by' the 'Secretary' from
those who had received Christmas
Cheer from the Iostitute itt the form
of nioney, Fruit etc., one being from
the War 'Memorial Sick Children'
hospital thanking. the members .who
had contributed towards' a box of
Toys sent to them at Christmas; It
was Added to have. a National ,Sup-
• per in the Town Hall eome time this
month; the 'date to be set later. Cori-
venore for the different booths were
appointed as follows.. Mrs. J. W.
Joynt, Mrs. A. t Buswell, Mrs. D.
Seobie, Mrs. I. L. MacMillan and Mtn
T E. Smith Who with 'the executive
will make •eiieral arrangements. It
was also decided. to ask the 'Depart-
ment tor a special speaker to address
the Summer meeting and to ask mime
• of the neighboring branches to join
• with us. in this meeting.11usiness be-
ing concluded the following program
Was very nitieh enjoyed. A pleasing
vocal Solo' by WS. Seobie, andinter-
esting reading "The Dewri Of a New
Yearn by Mrs. Bushell and a piano
solo by Miss Helen MacLeod. A very
instructive and. Itelphil paper on the
topie ."The Building of 'Character"
written by Miss I. Murclie was read
by MO., .T. L. MacMillan. The meet-
ing Was closed by, gifting the Maple
Leaf after *whit'', -rpfreshments were
eerved by the Directors in charge,
• :.4ammewmat).4):(0...••.
' ?Ht. ELECTION IN Eunikg„
• - •
T-wstito hattune
• .
of the xtelidat denteiti of its hittoty.
for reeve and entiliefflort. There *ete
1146' Ina -than lour eiVidAta tor
tteve and A* -for the font -places Its
the (*come at thefivepeffiee
eel Whit Nosa'as fOlio-W!1,
Reeve • . •
• 2. 3 4 Tot
deddes ..93i• 44. 40, 29 4777253
4 g 4g 0_11.77,11.5_
MorgAti 1 13 .2631Mi•-163
;Errinterton ...., .31 it 115- 82
• Colittethere
itty• to 44 eg ag
Netwytew 90 43 10 Ag 66...42;
16 44 et 40 00.200-
Pelle* t„. 50.45 40 14.464
Conili, 42.211 20 42 19,464,
400, .6.4.41,,t Al 0 0 04 000004
With Serial &-CoOtedY--
• .
January 2$-24-25.- . • -•
Hoot Gibsona•In
' ---111E• DANGER RIDER'
• .
Super -Special
Fbr Partieulars as to Flans, Rate
And. Dividends, See
Agent' '
QC1 v magi .
t: -Flail and
• 30c
• Guitn'S Tankage
• Bone keel for Cattl• e •
60%. Tankage for Hoge S.
Big 60 Fine •& bourse for &air
Chareeal and Grit •
•We the •undersigned, are “again •
itt the market to buy all kinds 0!,
Logs, delivered at our Saw Mill
at Locknow. • We are also in the
Market ,to buy. Standing Tim*
from those wiahlog to sell,on. the
stump. We are prepared to pay
good prices and spot cash On dale
For further. piarticularp apply
tdethe Lucknow Table O.
'JOHN• BM/0x Manager,
• Mildred Treleaven
• A. T. C. M.
Air LOCHAts11
A Saadi Miceli and dance,
be hold in, Lochatsb Hall on .iiiredries•;,
• day, ,Jafl. 2,2in4. A &Ott progtem of
8C0tch Songs, moneldgues, ntlidieretee
ia being protired, Everybody tome,
and SPest1 a• night with itotibieliiihe-..L.
Deti't bigot the dittimiloto 42, ik144
naIft COU.06 ILO
$04i MtiOtithirt