HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-09, Page 8THIS HAS HAPPENED: '
TieirAitger:atmtb, Anietican
u 0i'POrtO„ Verde; it-YeeSt ',central
Oist,t-toNim,414.x*.e0 43*, 44pk, for-
Lding j niigle, come n elderly Ares'
Can 'Lincoln NutnallY a• '"ktinions
ts s's, . . •
:.aire of ellyste,#,:seSnacf,tit) hang
theZ1)ia4,-",,In the barber ehefsi
'arberpaage, dark man: 7411
enttl east to eye, speaks to,
di;then-recognlie.a)bini as
known to him as Vilak,
Uternan.. Ylink saYssIsP.'ha§
for -The. b eb r. jaash;:the ,The eeitslay She .Was lvalking 'along
*Ms's' Sees:rvs• t° ennneal this •wil*ei0 thb road and he alnittit rode lier ro•wn
°A."1 c°uisn, Au -se With his horse. She was certain 'that
ry,'need assistance in getting
ciu Burman
,1"Aftr all, I'velagedl,eneugh
• peril!, in, a laboratoryi net to fear 'a
.ruan merely because he• has 1 . er
. * einzt.lar torehen'elt Iviare9T'eh s
er. . insurante statistic's givens° ben
mese, year te Bile, and 1 detest sta-
tistics, 1 shotlid greatly enjoy prov-
ing them VtiOng. At what -hoar de
thing 'hUtoa Poacher and. tried's:fiery we . start?"
nieans to. get:hilt:out •• • Vilak puffed plaeidly at his eigaret.
9f,lise didn't 'want the. land, and "After I've gape again on a fruitless
,a,S• I *Ad; you, rightly ,thinks faintly. Mission to try to ,ieduce. iny eusin to
feeds. are preposterous in this Sup- leave and, more initsortent,„ introduce
pesedly enligheetelt-s,celitOY; SO she . you to er. When sleek 1,1.1 Chang
went en to his hose to extend .the my eliathes a bit and -meet you.
olive .hrinch;,and: do anything for ways ,v9Kiup, there: as•ti •Nrs Davis, her
that she:Could. • iti•saw ,hqr, ""440r11C.3r, a person Pee. invented for
hanged all the ehuI:tere and doorssos totirenienee \ and who has a Secluded
, . " ,
that theslionse.was sealed Ind thottgle house upthe•road on some of. Elise'e
, She :2 knocked. :rePeatedilYsfor twenty proPerty,'where 1 can make the change
Minutet,--inadeoo sign.Of being inside. 'without.Creatng suspicion. Wouldn't*
be just'the thing fcii. l$Errher "BiggS, t
be seer at .the house ,of the grand
senhOrita. Nor tObe too intimate -With
Yntttot, that matter; So be a bit care-
ful .when you meet Me at he hotel in
Though it probably .wouldn't
inalte Ft partible of differeuce,.to'Most
(e the natives, because they think all
Anfericans are irad, .anyway. .
, "Elise' wanted to: liaise you stay at
the fazenda, but 1 Won't permit it. for
a da3r or two at least, ;Ifs probably
cruel to you. but I'll see Mere of you,
doer ; at hand. Clidifftieg.
•, But toe determined to be'comforlable.
1•!• think you'll like her. I • should say
we, ought to get there about -eight;
stay an hour or two 'and start 'from
.there for our visit to Pretties. I'll
call for yest ' about •seven -thirty.
"We'll ride out Of Cciuree.", • ' • ,
A.-fev% Moments later. they had de-
Sceiideci to ;the valley' and separated,
Vilak -to ieturn to his barber shop,
NunnailY, examine wit.h acadeniie
interest the sandy depoSite'- at the
lc ins-
Crook- or Bank?
• Cril*.traailng Versus ••Safe.
making yis a e t Struggle11Not
. . .
p • New :York, n. sixty -storey sky-
scraper is ring, nil at its Tieart. to
eletainoth' vault, an ,a,r.mored for.
:trees of steel 'areleeencrete; • Behind
the dr ors' of thlat• vault may •Ile 41,0'
. 000 000 000 Every human 'and 'the'
Zhttnigal , device: etaPietYecl to
guard '•that,' , 'treasure. Will' 'it.' be
safe? • .
.1"I put that'questio.U.te a 'distiuguillis
ed VOIR engineer; who has built eked
of. the strongest Veisltes;: in . existence..
HIS 'insteser• tutagek'ese.',I. : •
1110..Q rnillion .dollar- v::
whi0b. t • build a':vault,'2 he said, and
there ;would Still be half 'e dozen, ,men
'.1ntrth: e world ri", could open anl r,
"Nor are those .sneti flotdinis, or
Jimmy Valentines whoopen tumbler
docks , with sahdp:apered, fingers; They
are exPeits.• in the :Use of two of . the
mos•terrible safe-bpakin,4 weapons
known -the 'Jinxing -rod' and • the
'oxygen lance.' Against ithese lateet
potential tools .nfTssafe-breakeriseensi
absolute defense, is: known: , The
fittantial world is Waiting tp • see if
any super -criminal wiii dare to, use
them. Nothin,g is: Impsessible" in the,
neeelh,endingbattle itviteen safe inalc
efs^ and safe,. 1.)reakers,47:saYs', Henry
itiftirton Robinson in Popular 'Selene°.
"Hunglar-proof" .vaults have per-
force undergone, great and deVoltiticla-
ark, changes in tite, past fifty years:
From the days of the eighties; When
a hank's idea Of the last word in
fiedtirity was a, four foot uziot door
eitudialetl with cenrion bells and bolted
horiaelzito their 'fault's ..tratteWorlt,
Which deer was Ineidentallf . Pried
out completely by theives to the .tune•
of n6ar1y:three ,
AO the, up-todate •.atrotig-box snob ,as.
deatribed . at the commenpetnent ' of
thjs article,ls a tar .e.ry: The progr4ss•
Of. the 'opposed Sciences of safe -mak-
ing and • safe -breaking has been an ins
teresting,Min'theough. the phase of •the
"stepped", cther,• the , introduction' 'Of
•nitro-glycerine • and ' the ioup,,
celie door' machined ,..so Closely
that that artist' , coalti •••:ziot, get ': his,
."soup" • into the •cracks,„ 'and , finally'
last stage:but one the oxy-
acetylene ' :torek; „'whieh• ,asille bite
through a seioch steel plate i.na. vi”,
.a, mystery that has
,.„:everal lives and threat,
is e,Vr1,1Pted.' • with „news of
tsleatli and he and Nunnally
, ,
the spot where the victim,
•etiA'at eine of Elise's foremen,
esgronsid, almost et thefeet
,ritsts, ,ansitlier foremen, who
ing hit ininewithea_cluh•.
Iiieetria to; be in a strange,
eilYsts..Ile dies after acenes
jintis Vilak astonishes Nuns
edle'rihg his belief that RAS
the murderer.
mankii; V.
Cherdistgazed at Walt in bewilcis
ett "Ent . .....er . : . Tony said then again, we :mightn't." s ,
it and Patti adinitslit him- "The . . er . . blacks and the In-
. „ . ,
:tan there Wetly doubt .. thane seem fearfully afrald, of him.
OiSht when: fedi are as ;clear Yes ; ,; . fearfully:" " li,' • • ,' '
. "Wouldn't yertz if,'you,were a poor
superstitious „native Who believes that i edge of a tiny lake which:sparkled a
when the Sun goes down oter-e-Mholig 'ak°14-4144446,44)P1 the r..4v-er.''. esgis:
telt .that the mountain has eaten it?' inspection s completed, the cheniist
Stine of them Lave a,vepeer of Chrii.. sauntered ' to the town, ' niarveled
tianitY, but it's mightthin- Just re- • again at the 'view of the hill ,slopes
Member that, beunting Pier Teti en,: •derpeted. with the greeu. of the, jungle
an four men have•died since Prett- 'and the white. mountains ilsing tar off
-.--*--..---- ' • • in the distance, entered, his roam,
and, 'busied, himSelf , with sonase docu-
ments and hooka he -took from his
this wasn't :an accident but a deliber-
ate attempt." ' •
'He grunted "Hum I just
happened to think. She told me the
other day she was ging out these
Yesterday td try again. This neW at-
tack may be one of the results." He
chewed meditatively e moment; then
went on:,"No one talks to hire now
este -pt-thteeperes-Ofethe4ittle-shops-
where he buye';hia feed on his rare
visits to town. • He honored iny•estab-
lishreent once. Lately his trips have
been beeoreing fewer and fewer until
now they've practically ,ceased. If We
knew what caused, him to resign by
request from the, museum a couple -of
years ago, we'inight have a elew. Anil
• dhSthuhe'lsire'•*va:
Vilak resioided.' "The tan-.
'Ittnes that you can see and hear
he intangible ones Which you Can
tee., Pee ner 'hear but • only feel.
is a :Case 'Where ,thse latter are
AenslY.sthe More itissibetent.7
• 010 40
• I 419 .
• • "A good scientlet like yOurself ought to knew better *than to:let a suit
• and. C trifle of niakeup•fool . • s
. Er .., who . . er 'Who do! fiss .has beeh here. The other: three,
you belleve .is 'the:murderer. then?"' I also in ways almost as Mysterious as
"Again, mon cher,' 1 ans*er my this. You couldn't hire one a the
ideas aredeplorably scanty." Porto yettleans to go neat. his place .at
, "You think it was . . er Peen- night for all the soiree on iny'ceusin's
. lisets perhaps? Er Prentiss.? haven't
you any idea of whittle happened. to
lasake.him look end act so S;atanic . . •.
fazenda. , . .
"A. lot of there say he's eierforniing
terrible experiments, vivisection, • and
' yea,: Satanic? His , :. er . , ekes rap- that Sort of thine -on the jungle ani -
'Pear sillioughr he were working some mats, and some of them .esor fhrther
evil spell licion.everything a•t which he and sa.y he's been siiIng huma.n beinge.
eigargt, he had placsd in his mouth e tor arithis trying to mif•souls and alli . . , . , • were...sessesa`..e tehr,...1 sess .:: Ss ses seh -
:After_ a few hours," spent „thus,•'he"
bek4Ty• unpacking- luggage, and;
heppetririg• to Placesa ,clean 'shirt tp.
• on a . table, ;'foiuid.",that, it ihatautly,
to.ok Up a .grey•smtidge. of duet from
the tablo.tep. ••,*•Inirestigating,, he Ma;
•Covered, that every. pleceof fursiiture.
ih. the roam *as
rified, he took poeket hands
.kerchief: and 'gingerly sit .about
in the room.."-Se„ebsorteds Was. he
ire the task. that ,he :failed tohear
a light 'knock' Weide and Otily look-
ed Up when . the • dc,,Or .Pp.ened and ' a
tall, . striking •appearing strztager clad
in. a riding „suit stool. at. his aides He
staisted,.' "I er. beg pardon,"
stammerette "You were looking
for -me?" •• • . ." • • '.•
"Yes," the, stranger replied.: bluets
lye -Stop being cleanly and Noreic
:and pet on yotir hat., Aegoodscientist
;like yourself ought te. know -better
. than to let a .suit and a trifle Of make -
'up .fool' yen,. ' It's time for ifs'to get,
started." • • •
The chemist,' stared then Smiled
Sheepishly,•• "You take too mast . 4.
er . . liberties with me. Too 'Many
1.1berties. 'What shall I . •.. .
,wear?" • .
'totne juSt .as you are. • , We: can
Piek up storm boots.; heavy gloveS,
and a. pistol for You at my' Cousin's
. What 'sort of , raincoat have you?"
. "pile Of those : . ,er . ....oilcleth
',oisese like the heavy army ones." •
,"That'Il be Just. thething, ' prise
it ;with yoti:"
'The chemist gave .a *1.ra:4:fillip of
hts handkerchief to the dust on the
wa.ehataiid, then looked' out of the.win-
doer. A "tyhy Must I wear a raineOat? ar known. hloreosser. there ,are
The stars are'shining very .'..'er • Practical, ohjectioas To the Use:of such
lirightly. It's too hot 'to wear a
tools Illegally.... rhe • pxYgen pipet is
raincoat." • .• a•ngerots 'sty, use without sat:when
• "Observe, my dear Nanny, that I sonit *Rh And it geneasSesehils
also, :carry.. * raineoat., vt, o'g thee ,amoce, when . It ,:nt,nt,e
need them until 'sitter we leave .my
i east iron. leading th psehable
cousin's:' Then they will be vitally, eon,
recessary. Perhaps perilously riecese! • ei taes, :set
.sary. • No. Frit not going to tell yen their friends the et ses's-. sieves:ere
w hy.. It's no Use asides. •Coine,on e"a te.e.47„.
news• Don't pothee around atiy. more. see; ,sess sessek.
•Qr Make you smoke arietlesr ese ;emit
my•elgarestes.". • seeeeise stet
(To be lessef•ea...ae....ea Neir
"To -day science meets. the :threat of
the , 'clitter-burner" ,with eomposite.
walla. that embody raateriala 'resistant
to heat, drills, and exphisives..
• even. sucli ,W•allS.,cannot meet:the new
threat 'of the 'flex •rod, and the •texY-
gen lance.' The- first. is simply a
stick Of. soft Steel 'which the 'expert
Operater, bolds against the metal to
• be. burned. Then he appliee•the'dicys
acetylene flame to thetip the. flux-
ing rod, which oxidizes so rapidly that,
the -temperature cen be: 'rah:ea -ut-
believable heights.
'The 'oxygen lance'. lia:S. been knowit
,for some time. It Conelets.of a long
smaltiron Pipe through whiehoxygeft
gaa,, forced. The- liusiness;, end- of
the pipe is heated ted -hot by a cut.
• ,;
7F*01.1 *Si fileigtirdelie
Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished
,i'vith Every PatteT
Annebelle Worthington •
The-Ensembleintamd in heather •
brown tones Undotileedly is the, Meg
practical and smattest fashion that • '
Paris has scut • us in some time... '
•. Style No. 2963 sketthed: achieves
youthful .sophistkation through.sitie.-
: ,uleted tuck -in blouse :of flits silk .'•
crepe in toast -tan" shade, with Suede, ;
helt. in soft -broisni.tOne indicating
-higher The, skirt :Isebox--
plated, . across front with. plain•
stsaight slim back: preferred' for
"-general wears ' • . •,s '
.• 'The s coat is - in. seVerithseighth
. length.. :. The •fronts . are underfatede'
'. with., plain woolen. in havitenizing...
"lane and rolled' into revers with col-
lar. esSleeves have setae , ,o( • plain
woolen which. Appease agein.
. plied bands., of. pockets. • i . •
• • ;It designed in sizes, 12:14, 16,
and20 years, and ..find ;
• very • mike. •
". It is very. yeuthful.' too in mauve-,
'red tweed with .titatching .silk crepe • ;
. .
• '
• b)ouse. .
•• • ,• • Another ' swagger idea sis 'bottle s
• 'greet,* "novelty. ;widen with ,blouse. . •
s 'lighter tone crepe. • • . ' • s
For: "More dressy occasions,: it •.is
made of *even,. plaid .;trenspareet •
velvet,: rased.. ter:dress' With, :coet...of
• • Suede'. .finished., hsoadcloth in blend- .
ing tone, •or -Royal ;One, velvety ,
ivo'oien. coat With tireSs matehing;..
; flat silk 'crepe. : • • • '
. . • •
your•natrie and, address plain,
•":1y, fgiVing number •and size, of • s,ucii.
: patterns as .yonwant....-Esiclose
stamda or ;coin (seta Preferred; wrap
it carefully): for ee.ach number, and
'addiAs. your erder to , Wilson pattern
Seretice:' .7§,West- Adelaide St„ Toeente.
Patterne sent by an early mare
• 2963'
able ',vaults the. .advatitsge :tem.-
. porarile with :the protectors of money
rather• than with. the • thieves,
ie of the Trail
Of the'Blue Goose
More information an Success-
ful Quest .Of Dominion
OrAithologisi Or,
, .
. Dewey Soper
ilea,gers, infoeruatict • • was • all :that .
work, in.:solving 'Me myster; 9..f,.• the
was first- learne,d of tit. Soper's good
life habits of the il3itie ;geese but••the
Mlle now unfol4 , • : •••".
Ottawa --With' the tilscovery of :the '
'breeding ground's' of • tiria feathered
'bird Of mystery mid.,n.fore .arctIc' mess
stery has "been solved.:,.." Ortiith lo* ,
gistiAlaVe. been •on the %tail of this
eitsive bird for 'half a: Century,. but e's
otly. recently,: 'freit,':,ceiititin eknOwn • -.
:feettis ,fts mieratigne,it.,seas';Onally:
,aSsinneed that teated;deSenitepolet
, in eastern,:riortieir northeattern, .•
Canada probably the northern inters „
tor of Quebec or on • Baffin Islaed.
In , 1h23 •Mr. Soper took. up the
quest of else blue' goose whieb; .after •
nine year:, of long...and •gediusus jour..
• lieYing around the coasts and through' .
the interior Of Baffin. Island ,• 'evee, to
the Western , shore of ;Foie Bashi:and :
-north of the saretfc effete, terininated
lest summer coMplete
ineanmeirtevernmeet, theertsayet ca-
:.ziedien Mounted 'Police, the Hudson's
Bay Company. and all • the Eskimo -
tribes of Baffin „Island • united .their, •
fercei in Jrder . in track "mie• • spetiee
Of humble waterfowl to its .dorneatio '
lair. ,In'the spring of I92A.10.,Soper
landed at ,Cape ,,DorPet and traveled
inland with tots sledges, 42. dogs. and
• five Eskimo" driven:. and camped for
two . aionths at % Camp iittingovik; near •
,tbe. reildesvona ,ograun*, flocks or
•V(itti anew and 'blue geese.,This Year ,
he: returned -to: the Same" spot; know-
ing that the nesting- sites. ss'efe at ,
'great diStairce. ' • . ' • .7 '
"For about ,:10 days 'vt-e • :seatelied ;
- _ .
' the region an foot for, nests without
-suecess,".saidMr. • Beper. The out/
look was , decides* :trieethiraging,ssesessee------
late . Juhe'•,approaulted, for mucli
the suctess. of the Venture •depended
upon the aqultr• disCoVery of nests
and eggs. • ,,lelee geese a-erd neatly
everywhere, but it vaat expanse
of territory 'it which id. letatd '
nests: of sPecies," Which ;is. •ehreifiat• .
inhabit, and .witheat the tendency apt
parently to:nest with: individual free-
dom over the country. Finally, heir- •
ever, tit J.trne snialr • colony . of
breeding geese. was discovered. on the
tundra near Fox Basin,' with 10 nests. •',
tight of these were nests_Of the brae..
:goose, and two of the •lesiier Snow' •
gotise.' Sets were , incoMPlete, with *
;snits. one sat Two eggs -One nest elone
coetatned sthree.".. '• „ ,
• Later in -any .rriore nests ,Were -diS-,
'es:eel:ea and ehougands: of cilue geese •.
seen:, • The, neete. were "'seated :on 'a •
.slight greasy: swell of the' 'platy. •
•, • •
wherethe .ground was Consparaeively .
C;134.),GATUNITIEs • •firntean,d , well grown to • Mose and
. • .
Who can . enot tse re; s her te.eee f#Teee. and Mat of them were eons
ded tandi'a mosS„, lined • With a mix-
structed of finely Sueited; and slired.
Sites, Fest _opportunities, weigh the
ture -Of .fine dead grasses .and light;
•Cothred .doWn.-
After-., securing a nest and 'a large
•collection of adult specimeti, sets of 7
eggs and downy. Youag. as ineterial for •
the, scientific -study •el this 'beautiful
bird, (a photo Of which Was, obteined) ;
upon •its breeding 'r range. the' 'party
turned to -the Jong:trek h.omesvard.bYI
dog -sledge, schooner and steamship.
• The:1)1°141p.] survey of, the Ainerie
'can Wild. Fowlers iS," now attempting
to band 4pecitnens of , the bine goese
sO as to niorerdefititely".fi's its routes..
and 'habits, to the 'enil that ,sufficienei
proteet ion ;will he efforded- to insure
its permanence..
•there is always .the throat ,of seine' peaetoon which . overpower,, the de-
un.exPected. -development in. the safe i• feots, which hicapabitete leaertirl2s.
,Crack-er's,, art, . or *of -s e
Pm:- • "Per- I What extent; of, right • and truthehis
criminal with th s:killeo Nee the means ;neighbor's mind is• organized to per -
now knoWn, • It is • again -SI ' this pos.: i• ceire and. db? , :• • . .. .. ,
ter -burner. The hot iron ignites in sibility that the vault beilders arel
. . • 0.
, "Do yen teed all 'the health, points?"
iy• that it will butt its waY •straight their thrilling •
war'sagiri'L .11t3 u-u*".11'' •" 'Not. all," answered Mr. • Chuggins.
through anything. Blast furnace .men : ' • --esse.--sp--;----s-••. . ' . ' ;In. my' efforts to keep snit of the hos-
'frozen'use the oxygen lance. to eut away . :
GRACES ; pital I limit:myself to ,a study Cif the
" :steel from thetaphoies of the
furnace. • • . . ,
. "So expert mait bothe men behind seI
these instruments that . only 'half • a
th Oxygen sh'eam, and flares so 'fierce- constantly matehing their Wita ia
. . ••
traffie regulations:"...
Virtue 4nd•gensline graces them.' • ,
ves speak what iio se•e I- <Art et• -
Sore Throat Needs• Mipard's.
ter. -Shakespeare.
dozen. Men in the world are capable
of breaking into a vault' "with; them,
Fortutately these men' are hot crims
lugs, • They are 'experts 'whose -names
'Iorikp." 'Suddenly he jerked out the They think he s some east of desel doe- Y g•`' tt =-•11
ament before, made ts 'Wry face, and that sort of riative hecu Lpeces, The ylle petsee'es a reez,, ssr-'7"..--ezeS .hees as eass-s• Ss. ; Irs,:•.: "issses.....s a -sett'
. spat bitterly, , i sWear to you ofi their Vs:es-if ti.,ey` iseseai. res::•r,.0. sel Aiez-.....e. ..-e;e1 assesee • *les e.'ers",
''What's the mattest drawled Vil- .have anyeetliet ehee've 1-.;:a.rd riarz'r.; l''',:rrlark3lb:ii• :-"a''':::"sl Iii: -',.4e: P. 5;a:,-1 "'sal i• feees ftes' 's,:sh Yss '..-! 'see-
tik, 41•1•e'p•-i'sverfal "1-0.7 youh Anglo- sceenms reriiir.e from,sass:I.:3e' le' a jeep' :sloes. fe rsetsS, Le- iss w.s::::s '.-s'ss :'.- ''' ''sf- -s-1.`st. ss : :.'s : "t•-•• :hes 1
Saxen el'!", He chuckled.. ."You r.ieht. .ssrsi sh•sse 'wish' ri sre -. eel. The, b7ili-e ii rt:el'e r•sa.: Ps't-',- ' 1.11.1.- '.- .1....'. ...".-srt. %-.,'-i' 4 . .
don': 'A. -ill a hisi ef betel. r-.-. se SeP it isr.s.2.•:.sat:sss s's:'.* .1 .i i s)sa- t's.-.,"%*;•• 44A?r,.. *"..1 ''''`..'" .:''''''4.' :'43 a''':-115 ..:•.1 g.:`11"i- ' ' 7, ,. '': ".1,-,•1 a t Y : ; . ' f . , a .t.r, •
ter N's•s'else: 1 'les LSI a ... etre; 'el -r-es --Sea Ssei eseee: 1. s nr,,...;„3..:7,.,g• S :.;',•-•...t : :::::.r. • rt,?••:1: 114:- :••-•- 1,7:r • 2-glei ' '":•:•••1.4:. '76: ••-1..,t..4.I;elt' u't a •
tt'.7*:...". sesses• e - ,:s*.,1.7es. .- e
, ,,,,c,..,0 •-2t.ft. zez, -.4, 4.,,r.:•.±, LI *•••„:1•4! ,,s, .:::,,..,•r; .41, Ir• .▪ ....411 .1;!..7.,, II, 'Ai; 6 ......, --' : ...1.
'Pre' :mEttret isnot*" eittesessi. ie. ses ....wee.% • oe • s is ,t ..„ -. e .. .. , .., . &.' 3-71 r •!...-...4-0, td: 'zati •11.111 -.-..2' F. -21"e" -"A''. 7•••1A.1 tr'-'6.:•'-'s".'ss'i 'I: .'•, le...%•sra '
tti0 ,...! , Oth -..ttii.,,t-• .-A-.. . :.• .., .,,,,, •., rtXII ...Idffe- -------
- a:. st• elate'. 1'): g.t4...*1 1b.rP.rs, ihl I"td•rjr.
.,4.7 ,J.el . .....h man =al pee:, from 1.g1,:el..it sremenriosts 'off- :Tarsede '
s le Vet s 7;;; - s s t..--. els:at dee -it l.'s...3411ms.; ntlin'. g '4`e.61-7-Itttritillnt. -3:;"7-4144''''
It.,i-i.-t;,....,,e-1 ,i.d, 1,,,.F. a.. -storm. and 1 ''M :se -attic ribs.. -eroessv Inc. rotind balls, ,a
. sesseersessessee.esesseees - 04.‘,15.1„ead filling of richt-corierete:'^afid a biatting
KIST: ste See tie -AS ciset;'. AS' ,t • • •- • 4- t `: -•••' •••' • et. '• '4. 4- 4," ''• flt4,4*
. srn-i• 4141**4,144.44t OR. 3114.4114,:i• 4•7; At4.1.4 *.;1" •.?• • • "0, .7 t
etut‘ritai.•mt, y., trt • ins t liti;10titt" 4rEV:. 00:• "
'1';hes "'sesia bete' erste r omit seriehe ' .•
geigiesi cirasesee. Is tlieeltnsole .."..tit •„,*. 11,r "';'„••,c• 11'.-,J114'ertai stereos 0'1 gssild F4r1.3 --1411
••, 'ET • •;•••,F; 1.7e.,•;;;;•:' 10", • trt':41.••
e ektratte4 a . *mitt it .0 -It.11.,, mutt -1:
9 agree with rats that Tree:list lasiises Yens:is etf P -t". or'. 1 V•L'44.-. '
exactly' the drair'irig-rotiit:- tufa.tint;, '.. ...tit' ..".F.6; ti ,...,,.,,,,_.,,,,
.: ,ertafiliyTe aPPSYrrie'''Weessithrreestesieteesserselessuesseriessee.S.,4.
s 'rethei'..pesiti,ve -th.qt he's. ctf,et.tost" ',f• ' set relies ,.: , A v te. ; i y ess e ." seese. l'sg lit,t-$:..g ."s- l'essti sls.reesssat-ssiblez.' :vie - It'C'44441;IP•lat's11.°11-:a4-111-9.-' Lhicksb°1t"
• flee lot his soul. P'erlOtelitr. J fee , t. ,..mitattrff% • .1-',../1:.v.iint! ..,4,4 4.1.;,,_
,, sotto teitsVith these territils 1 ..r t• g i...! ,r. *10. .0,,i„. 0- . 1"y, . L,.. -.A.,- ....,.., 0-.. 1,, ,,,,v , , t „:•• easse 'eet,:a pet thee thus to -6:1,,,, 'tile -/-1..tie4ftl'' ' "11'.'.7111(4{.-r!fe."
' 11. , bit I've .little to., base it or . res 'eletie W.4t.,L. , 4 . 1 ..1.4* '.. .::, ..... 4 .' AI,' " ..,..,44%•' ii iireige• of a....e.ate, to stand :*"eelle6,1"'" eee'Seeielecl,r - -I- - In- 't
o °ace con' till e„ doors I Ire '=
.de it tii t ... - ' xi'
: now it afiketle I ...., -isesss Hie' sieff4 ....tit ,;•1-1, to :•-1.4...i•f. 'Z.0! •1,44..;,,,,:kiljt • ... l'•):','• ' t.• ;4.1 t. ',..i. v•Al';'.:4'' coulstess " -"' `') '''''-"''''.- •
• to be concerned in his affaiss; sees- .,--Ises -s • " :.' '' • - ss • ' ' "&sestr,essalis aeross ' the ‘.)5' • c°n1.,rletelit..'"e•kti,vg.;' eflt41'41119'.
. wWitil tire kihilliest interit, suffers. ese. ie...., ., ', •••••. t : t .. .•,*••• d• ' '
. ,..f.* -*7 ,-.4 f ;• '. ' i.., 1........
, • -a seven-inch etreesiegafl•
„ trqin, the moat modern mole tonna tt,
111;as'''' self' all" btft' 'healed bt', this r atilt.. The,
I think I Mentioned to, yoa, "solhe ssier , se ••
11"'"'"'a" best" pro'gresa that the evisecheyscoitl
TiO, thee -got itstereetedein histeltargels yes. , ,:•-• s h-esi sesszhli tr,ette t'tr. ugh the Wd111, even with (Ito
hesatiao.of that old thud *hit+ "exifrt,rt' 4:4... , ...,. t. , 7. ' ' '-'-''' 41-:-!, '... i1411; . ,i,'.1voutake ot....being , able to Ni tack
between their fethevs. By some legal PiSs; ..• • s, . t • a ' es le See. es tee eh, :e • re 'esr'S c'r • -erne from tee Italie, was' half an inch.
teeiliticality it seethed that the land Sievestetee e 1,C'' ' 4 : • e •f-, '!.."1•11'..r.: ,'.'.A.•1 ti7,./1 ...uitrr,'•
- ' • ' . .dar.• ',..rt' ti"s(tk thirteen apt) oat...bait
'which old Prentit,s de•volopea for his• ahsre? 1; i: .; e's:-. Ssrs• • :cr.' 1., lt 511,-6r. ,..' . 5t• YOU; to , demolish the entire Vault.
' 'faeenda turned out actually to iii.;on'g oli•-•,' F.,'et i,.),u.i•-, i., ...,,i- ii,..t...! '", ; ' . ' : - '4* . - : * . Alt h en* 1. a 'Me trroatter mtght hroni
to the .4ita11)eri•y4 and tf,imes t they' The sliemisi'S >11.1.g.1".•',,,1 ep ,1-.1,1 -•.. ' Vb.le 1.0' l'Ou vihen .all rises. ;sees sn'tertel is in .less tirne, It • is. tion,ht.
$14Ways inSivtecl that PretAi:•,,s vf. rte. turne4. 'Reca'... 'e :: ...,r .ft f417,3'rlara • '34 MYOU. --- '4,...40')•e3 BD te./ ).„ 1'111 it he • v Oald, have cared to iheltie
.1` ISSVE• No, i. 50 lojitarft wa,.ds Off •Orlonek •
you:seer eTetre not •so ,
. Ate
i the teb. . ' . '
' sWille• the deeig s. 9f stirie ferniiii-
• i
• $2
&ioie , olio -take. pain for granted.
They let a Cold "run its coyase.1 ' •
ey•,waii.fer their headiteltea to "wear
. .
antering from ,nittralgia or:front neuritis, •
• they rely an feeling better in the Morning; •
ritituvivotittey, tyNfloto Imre la an antidote
Atipirin Iithleht rthontyrt oirtr .itrittlediate,relief
. trentvittleiet rtelith and 'Oahu* we once had to,
It,paitt.perelateo .constilt:your..dooar
. W4 ta itiCatete, •
Save' yetteselt ft let of ,pitio aft(' disemnfett, •
• tlirongh . the Maw proven UM& of Atinftittl.
otte., ..Alwaye -the 'Sante: ,. Alfzdruto,
..atorea whit complete direetione. •
The . Right 'Way ,
•. TO Wateril-Mc •
In 4pite of ali the jokes about the
diefioneet milknian and his tondriese
for the punip, geed datremen, are
finding that there IS a legitimate way':
in which the output of 'milk , can be '
increased by adding: ivtfter, abfl with-
out any complaint irom patrons or.
itilik tremeetors. The imprrtant point
Of, the plan is that the water is mix-
ed with the' milk by passingit- thredigh
efpx's body. Tests at vatiouS ex -
pertinent stations ehow
dairy errai (winks about *4- 'gallons rif:,
water tO es.ch gallons of wills produced ,
rsr about 20 gallons 6.1 water per clay •
for a. co.vs producing five gellene of '
milk. 'Also that ley cold waterefalIs
lire to have water 'available at all
'tlitteii. or any; other reason which pre.
vents the &tar frOok drinking her Nil
quota of water will cause a Comrlarao
tive ,deereage ta the .ainottrie ef,
'produced. :These 'results have beet '
abundantlt borneout thy the expert.
entes M Vradtical dairymen and ex- •
plain *By ert 'many slats:men claim:
"that their- trat4 Watering beWle WM) ,
paid their whole cOal, Itt Ohe or taiii.-"•47,"7"
WTo., ilfAKi LIFE HAPPY- .
iped Ittzt itt tio nie tofame or
;fret1 or tdraittre-"t
get hold' ot the *,rong key .1114- -
Istlellea, shalteta. Mut rattles It about la .
.tha_loelo.. wait both are brolrea • au&• -
the door la atilt .unei1e1tel4 , •.
• The 'chief secret of comfort.. lies in
not tpdterIttg. tridea t vet:i1tto
.extittvaung enir unetorgroio;
twit' ititailit- Ed, t •
I! is 141 ,
S11064 OP L
le wisdom.et !feels in
all the evil we seri Mid in
lIl(ViIC'ttlO to, tle brat
Abu It catkin