HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-09, Page 8THIS HAS HAPPENED: ' TieirAitger:atmtb, Anietican u 0i'POrtO„ Verde; it-YeeSt ',central Oist,t-toNim,414.x*.e0 43*, 44pk, for- Lding j niigle, come n elderly Ares' Can 'Lincoln NutnallY a• '"ktinions ts s's, . . • :.aire of ellyste,#,:seSnacf,tit) hang theZ1)ia4,-",,In the barber ehefsi 'arberpaage, dark man: 7411 ,, enttl east to eye, speaks to, di;then-recognlie.a)bini as known to him as Vilak, Uternan.. Ylink saYssIsP.'ha§ for -The. b eb r. jaash;:the ,The eeitslay She .Was lvalking 'along *Ms's' Sees:rvs• t° ennneal this •wil*ei0 thb road and he alnittit rode lier ro•wn °A."1 c°uisn, Au -se With his horse. She was certain 'that ry,'need assistance in getting ciu Burman ,1"Aftr all, I'velagedl,eneugh • peril!, in, a laboratoryi net to fear 'a .ruan merely because he• has 1 . er . * einzt.lar torehen'elt Iviare9T'eh s er. . insurante statistic's givens° ben mese, year te Bile, and 1 detest sta- tistics, 1 shotlid greatly enjoy prov- ing them VtiOng. At what -hoar de thing 'hUtoa Poacher and. tried's:fiery we . start?" nieans to. get:hilt:out •• • Vilak puffed plaeidly at his eigaret. 9f,lise didn't 'want the. land, and "After I've gape again on a fruitless ,a,S• I *Ad; you, rightly ,thinks faintly. Mission to try to ,ieduce. iny eusin to feeds. are preposterous in this Sup- leave and, more initsortent,„ introduce pesedly enligheetelt-s,celitOY; SO she . you to er. When sleek 1,1.1 Chang went en to his hose to extend .the my eliathes a bit and -meet you. olive .hrinch;,and: do anything for ways ,v9Kiup, there: as•ti •Nrs Davis, her that she:Could. • iti•saw ,hqr, ""440r11C.3r, a person Pee. invented for hanged all the ehuI:tere and doorssos totirenienee \ and who has a Secluded , . " , that theslionse.was sealed Ind thottgle house upthe•road on some of. Elise'e , She :2 knocked. :rePeatedilYsfor twenty proPerty,'where 1 can make the change Minutet,--inadeoo sign.Of being inside. 'without.Creatng suspicion. Wouldn't* be just'the thing fcii. l$Errher "BiggS, t be seer at .the house ,of the grand senhOrita. Nor tObe too intimate -With Yntttot, that matter; So be a bit care- ful .when you meet Me at he hotel in Though it probably .wouldn't inalte Ft partible of differeuce,.to'Most (e the natives, because they think all Anfericans are irad, .anyway. . , "Elise' wanted to: liaise you stay at the fazenda, but 1 Won't permit it. for a da3r or two at least, ;Ifs probably cruel to you. but I'll see Mere of you, doer ; at hand. Clidifftieg. •, But toe determined to be'comforlable. 1•!• think you'll like her. I • should say we, ought to get there about -eight; stay an hour or two 'and start 'from .there for our visit to Pretties. I'll call for yest ' about •seven -thirty. "We'll ride out Of Cciuree.", • ' • , A.-fev% Moments later. they had de- Sceiideci to ;the valley' and separated, Vilak -to ieturn to his barber shop, NunnailY, examine wit.h acadeniie interest the sandy depoSite'- at the lc ins- Crook- or Bank? • Cril*.traailng Versus ••Safe. making yis a e t Struggle11Not . . . p • New :York, n. sixty -storey sky- scraper is ring, nil at its Tieart. to eletainoth' vault, an ,a,r.mored for. :trees of steel 'areleeencrete; • Behind the dr ors' of thlat• vault may •Ile 41,0' . 000 000 000 Every human 'and 'the' Zhttnigal , device: etaPietYecl to guard '•that,' , 'treasure. Will' 'it.' be safe? • . • .1"I put that'questio.U.te a 'distiuguillis ed VOIR engineer; who has built eked of. the strongest Veisltes;: in . existence.. HIS 'insteser• tutagek'ese.',I. : • 1110..Q rnillion .dollar- v:: whi0b. t • build a':vault,'2 he said, and there ;would Still be half 'e dozen, ,men '.1ntrth: e world ri", could open anl r, i "Nor are those .sneti flotdinis, or Jimmy Valentines whoopen tumbler docks , with sahdp:apered, fingers; They are exPeits.• in the :Use of two of . the mos•terrible safe-bpakin,4 weapons known -the 'Jinxing -rod' and • the 'oxygen lance.' Against ithese lateet potential tools .nfTssafe-breakeriseensi absolute defense, is: known: , The fittantial world is Waiting tp • see if any super -criminal wiii dare to, use them. Nothin,g is: Impsessible" in the, neeelh,endingbattle itviteen safe inalc efs^ and safe,. 1.)reakers,47:saYs', Henry itiftirton Robinson in Popular 'Selene°. "Hunglar-proof" .vaults have per- force undergone, great and deVoltiticla- ark, changes in tite, past fifty years: From the days of the eighties; When a hank's idea Of the last word in fiedtirity was a, four foot uziot door eitudialetl with cenrion bells and bolted horiaelzito their 'fault's ..tratteWorlt, Which deer was Ineidentallf . Pried out completely by theives to the .tune• of n6ar1y:three , AO the, up-todate •.atrotig-box snob ,as. deatribed . at the commenpetnent ' of thjs article,ls a tar .e.ry: The progr4ss• Of. the 'opposed Sciences of safe -mak- ing and • safe -breaking has been an ins teresting,Min'theough. the phase of •the "stepped", cther,• the , introduction' 'Of •nitro-glycerine • and ' the ioup,, celie door' machined ,..so Closely that that artist' , coalti •••:ziot, get ': his, ."soup" • into the •cracks,„ 'and , finally' last stage:but one the oxy- acetylene ' :torek; „'whieh• ,asille bite through a seioch steel plate i.na. vi”, .a, mystery that has ,.„:everal lives and threat, is e,Vr1,1Pted.' • with „news of tsleatli and he and Nunnally , , the spot where the victim, •etiA'at eine of Elise's foremen, esgronsid, almost et thefeet ,ritsts, ,ansitlier foremen, who ing hit ininewithea_cluh•. Iiieetria to; be in a strange, eilYsts..Ile dies after acenes jintis Vilak astonishes Nuns edle'rihg his belief that RAS the murderer. BEGIN THE STORY mankii; V. Cherdistgazed at Walt in bewilcis ett "Ent . .....er . : . Tony said then again, we :mightn't." s , it and Patti adinitslit him- "The . . er . . blacks and the In- . „ . , • :tan there Wetly doubt .. thane seem fearfully afrald, of him. OiSht when: fedi are as ;clear Yes ; ,; . fearfully:" " li,' • • ,' ' . "Wouldn't yertz if,'you,were a poor superstitious „native Who believes that i edge of a tiny lake which:sparkled a when the Sun goes down oter-e-Mholig 'ak°14-4144446,44)P1 the r..4v-er.''. esgis: telt .that the mountain has eaten it?' inspection s completed, the cheniist Stine of them Lave a,vepeer of Chrii.. sauntered ' to the town, ' niarveled tianitY, but it's mightthin- Just re- • again at the 'view of the hill ,slopes Member that, beunting Pier Teti en,: •derpeted. with the greeu. of the, jungle an four men have•died since Prett- 'and the white. mountains ilsing tar off -.--*--..---- ' • • in the distance, entered, his roam, and, 'busied, himSelf , with sonase docu- ments and hooka he -took from his this wasn't :an accident but a deliber- ate attempt." ' • 'He grunted "Hum I just happened to think. She told me the other day she was ging out these Yesterday td try again. This neW at- tack may be one of the results." He chewed meditatively e moment; then went on:,"No one talks to hire now este -pt-thteeperes-Ofethe4ittle-shops- where he buye';hia feed on his rare visits to town. • He honored iny•estab- lishreent once. Lately his trips have been beeoreing fewer and fewer until now they've practically ,ceased. If We knew what caused, him to resign by request from the, museum a couple -of years ago, we'inight have a elew. Anil • dhSthuhe'lsire'•*va: Vilak resioided.' "The tan-. 'Ittnes that you can see and hear he intangible ones Which you Can tee., Pee ner 'hear but • only feel. is a :Case 'Where ,thse latter are AenslY.sthe More itissibetent.7 • • • 010 40 • I 419 . • • "A good scientlet like yOurself ought to knew better *than to:let a suit • and. C trifle of niakeup•fool . • s . Er .., who . . er 'Who do! fiss .has beeh here. The other: three, • you belleve .is 'the:murderer. then?"' I also in ways almost as Mysterious as "Again, mon cher,' 1 ans*er my this. You couldn't hire one a the ideas aredeplorably scanty." Porto yettleans to go neat. his place .at , "You think it was . . er Peen- night for all the soiree on iny'ceusin's . lisets perhaps? Er Prentiss.? haven't you any idea of whittle happened. to lasake.him look end act so S;atanic . . •. fazenda. , . . "A. lot of there say he's eierforniing terrible experiments, vivisection, • and ' yea,: Satanic? His , :. er . , ekes rap- that Sort of thine -on the jungle ani - 'Pear sillioughr he were working some mats, and some of them .esor fhrther evil spell licion.everything a•t which he and sa.y he's been siiIng huma.n beinge. , eigargt, he had placsd in his mouth e tor arithis trying to mif•souls and alli . . , . , • were...sessesa`..e tehr,...1 sess .:: Ss ses seh - :After_ a few hours," spent „thus,•'he" bek4Ty• unpacking- luggage, and; heppetririg• to Placesa ,clean 'shirt tp. • on a . table, ;'foiuid.",that, it ihatautly, to.ok Up a .grey•smtidge. of duet from the tablo.tep. ••,*•Inirestigating,, he Ma; •Covered, that every. pleceof fursiiture. ih. the roam *as Hor- rified, he took poeket hands .kerchief: and 'gingerly sit .about in the room.."-Se„ebsorteds Was. he ire the task. that ,he :failed tohear a light 'knock' Weide and Otily look- ed Up when . the • dc,,Or .Pp.ened and ' a tall, . striking •appearing strztager clad in. a riding „suit stool. at. his aides He staisted,.' "I er. beg pardon," stammerette "You were looking for -me?" •• • . ." • • '.• "Yes," the, stranger replied.: bluets lye -Stop being cleanly and Noreic :and pet on yotir hat., Aegoodscientist ;like yourself ought te. know -better . than to let a .suit and a trifle Of make - 'up .fool' yen,. ' It's time for ifs'to get, started." • • • The chemist,' stared then Smiled Sheepishly,•• "You take too mast . 4. er . . liberties with me. Too 'Many 1.1berties. 'What shall I . •.. . ,wear?" • . 'totne juSt .as you are. • , We: can Piek up storm boots.; heavy gloveS, and a. pistol for You at my' Cousin's . What 'sort of , raincoat have you?" . "pile Of those : . ,er . ....oilcleth ',oisese like the heavy army ones." • ,"That'Il be Just. thething, ' prise it ;with yoti:" 'The chemist gave .a *1.ra:4:fillip of hts handkerchief to the dust on the wa.ehataiid, then looked' out of the.win- doer. A "tyhy Must I wear a raineOat? ar known. hloreosser. there ,are The stars are'shining very .'..'er • Practical, ohjectioas To the Use:of such lirightly. It's too hot 'to wear a tools Illegally.... rhe • pxYgen pipet is raincoat." • .• a•ngerots 'sty, use without sat:when • "Observe, my dear Nanny, that I sonit *Rh And it geneasSesehils also, :carry.. * raineoat., vt, o'g thee ,amoce, when . It ,:nt,nt,e need them until 'sitter we leave .my i east iron. leading th psehable cousin's:' Then they will be vitally, eon, recessary. Perhaps perilously riecese! • ei taes, :set .sary. • No. Frit not going to tell yen their friends the et ses's-. sieves:ere w hy.. It's no Use asides. •Coine,on e"a te.e.47„. news• Don't pothee around atiy. more. see; ,sess sessek. •Qr Make you smoke arietlesr ese ;emit my•elgarestes.". • seeeeise stet (To be lessef•ea...ae....ea Neir "To -day science meets. the :threat of the , 'clitter-burner" ,with eomposite. walla. that embody raateriala 'resistant to heat, drills, and exphisives.. • even. sucli ,W•allS.,cannot meet:the new threat 'of the 'flex •rod, and the •texY- gen lance.' The- first. is simply a stick Of. soft Steel 'which the 'expert Operater, bolds against the metal to • be. burned. Then he appliee•the'dicys acetylene flame to thetip the. flux- ing rod, which oxidizes so rapidly that, the -temperature cen be: 'rah:ea -ut- believable heights. 'The 'oxygen lance'. lia:S. been knowit ,for some time. It Conelets.of a long smaltiron Pipe through whiehoxygeft gaa,, forced. The- liusiness;, end- of the pipe is heated ted -hot by a cut. * • ,; 7F*01.1 *Si fileigtirdelie EARINtl Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished ,i'vith Every PatteT Annebelle Worthington • The-Ensembleintamd in heather • brown tones Undotileedly is the, Meg practical and smattest fashion that • ' Paris has scut • us in some time... ' •. Style No. 2963 sketthed: achieves youthful .sophistkation through.sitie.- : ,uleted tuck -in blouse :of flits silk .'• crepe in toast -tan" shade, with Suede, ; helt. in soft -broisni.tOne indicating -higher The, skirt :Isebox-- plated, . across front with. plain• stsaight slim back: preferred' for "-general wears ' • . •,s ' .• 'The s coat is - in. seVerithseighth . length.. :. The •fronts . are underfatede' '. with., plain woolen. in havitenizing... "lane and rolled' into revers with col- lar. esSleeves have setae , ,o( • plain • woolen which. Appease agein. . plied bands., of. pockets. • i . • • • ;It designed in sizes, 12:14, 16, and20 years, and ..find ; • very • mike. • ". It is very. yeuthful.' too in mauve-, 'red tweed with .titatching .silk crepe • ; . . • ' • b)ouse. . •• • ,• • Another ' swagger idea sis 'bottle s • 'greet,* "novelty. ;widen with ,blouse. . • s 'lighter tone crepe. • • . ' • s For: "More dressy occasions,: it •.is made of *even,. plaid .;trenspareet • velvet,: rased.. ter:dress' With, :coet...of • • Suede'. .finished., hsoadcloth in blend- . ing tone, •or -Royal ;One, velvety , ivo'oien. coat With tireSs matehing;.. ; flat silk 'crepe. : • • • ' ,• . . • • -HON\ TO 'OfIDEll PATTERNSe• your•natrie and, address plain, •":1y, fgiVing number •and size, of • s,ucii. : patterns as .yonwant....-Esiclose stamda or ;coin (seta Preferred; wrap it carefully): for ee.ach number, and 'addiAs. your erder to , Wilson pattern Seretice:' .7§,West- Adelaide St„ Toeente. Patterne sent by an early mare • 2963' able ',vaults the. .advatitsge :tem.- . porarile with :the protectors of money rather• than with. the • thieves, • ie of the Trail Of the'Blue Goose More information an Success- ful Quest .Of Dominion OrAithologisi Or, , . . Dewey Soper ilea,gers, infoeruatict • • was • all :that . work, in.:solving 'Me myster; 9..f,.• the was first- learne,d of tit. Soper's good life habits of the il3itie ;geese but••the Mlle now unfol4 , • : •••". Ottawa --With' the tilscovery of :the ' 'breeding ground's' of • tiria feathered 'bird Of mystery mid.,n.fore .arctIc' mess stery has "been solved.:,.." Ortiith lo* , gistiAlaVe. been •on the %tail of this eitsive bird for 'half a: Century,. but e's otly. recently,: 'freit,':,ceiititin eknOwn • -. :feettis ,fts mieratigne,it.,seas';Onally: ,aSsinneed that teated;deSenitepolet , in eastern,:riortieir northeattern, .• Canada probably the northern inters „ tor of Quebec or on • Baffin Islaed. In , 1h23 •Mr. Soper took. up the quest of else blue' goose whieb; .after • nine year:, of long...and •gediusus jour.. • lieYing around the coasts and through' . the interior Of Baffin. Island ,• 'evee, to the Western , shore of ;Foie Bashi:and : -north of the saretfc effete, terininated lest summer coMplete ineanmeirtevernmeet, theertsayet ca- :.ziedien Mounted 'Police, the Hudson's Bay Company. and all • the Eskimo - tribes of Baffin „Island • united .their, • • fercei in Jrder . in track "mie• • spetiee Of humble waterfowl to its .dorneatio ' lair. ,In'the spring of I92A.10.,Soper landed at ,Cape ,,DorPet and traveled inland with tots sledges, 42. dogs. and • five Eskimo" driven:. and camped for two . aionths at % Camp iittingovik; near • ,tbe. reildesvona ,ograun*, flocks or •V(itti anew and 'blue geese.,This Year , he: returned -to: the Same" spot; know- ing that the nesting- sites. ss'efe at , 'great diStairce. ' • . ' • .7 ' "For about ,:10 days 'vt-e • :seatelied ; - _ . ' the region an foot for, nests without -suecess,".saidMr. • Beper. The out/ look was , decides* :trieethiraging,ssesessee------ late . Juhe'•,approaulted, for mucli the suctess. of the Venture •depended upon the aqultr• disCoVery of nests and eggs. • ,,lelee geese a-erd neatly everywhere, but it vaat expanse of territory 'it which id. letatd ' nests: of sPecies," Which ;is. •ehreifiat• . inhabit, and .witheat the tendency apt parently to:nest with: individual free- dom over the country. Finally, heir- • ever, tit J.trne snialr • colony . of breeding geese. was discovered. on the tundra near Fox Basin,' with 10 nests. •', tight of these were nests_Of the brae.. :goose, and two of the •lesiier Snow' • gotise.' Sets were , incoMPlete, with * ;snits. one sat Two eggs -One nest elone coetatned sthree.".. '• „ , • Later in -any .rriore nests ,Were -diS-, 'es:eel:ea and ehougands: of cilue geese •. seen:, • The, neete. were "'seated :on 'a • .slight greasy: swell of the' 'platy. • •, • • wherethe .ground was Consparaeively . C;134.),GATUNITIEs • •firntean,d , well grown to • Mose and . • . Who can . enot tse re; s her te.eee f#Teee. and Mat of them were eons ded tandi'a mosS„, lined • With a mix- structed of finely Sueited; and slired. Sites, Fest _opportunities, weigh the ture -Of .fine dead grasses .and light; •Cothred .doWn.- After-., securing a nest and 'a large •collection of adult specimeti, sets of 7 eggs and downy. Youag. as ineterial for • the, scientific -study •el this 'beautiful bird, (a photo Of which Was, obteined) ; upon •its breeding 'r range. the' 'party turned to -the Jong:trek h.omesvard.bYI dog -sledge, schooner and steamship. • The:1)1°141p.] survey of, the Ainerie 'can Wild. Fowlers iS," now attempting to band 4pecitnens of , the bine goese sO as to niorerdefititely".fi's its routes.. and 'habits, to the 'enil that ,sufficienei proteet ion ;will he efforded- to insure its permanence.. •there is always .the throat ,of seine' peaetoon which . overpower,, the de- un.exPected. -development in. the safe i• feots, which hicapabitete leaertirl2s. ,Crack-er's,, art, . or *of -s e Pm:- • "Per- I What extent; of, right • and truthehis criminal with th s:killeo Nee the means ;neighbor's mind is• organized to per - now knoWn, • It is • again -SI ' this pos.: i• ceire and. db? , :• • . .. .. , ter -burner. The hot iron ignites in sibility that the vault beilders arel . . • 0. , "Do yen teed all 'the health, points?" iy• that it will butt its waY •straight their thrilling • war'sagiri'L .11t3 u-u*".11'' •" 'Not. all," answered Mr. • Chuggins. through anything. Blast furnace .men : ' • --esse.--sp--;----s-••. . ' . ' ;In. my' efforts to keep snit of the hos- 'frozen'use the oxygen lance. to eut away . : GRACES ; pital I limit:myself to ,a study Cif the " :steel from thetaphoies of the furnace. • • . . , • . "So expert mait bothe men behind seI these instruments that . only 'half • a .- th Oxygen sh'eam, and flares so 'fierce- constantly matehing their Wita ia . . •• • traffie regulations:"... Virtue 4nd•gensline graces them.' • , ves speak what iio se•e I- <Art et• - Sore Throat Needs• Mipard's. ter. -Shakespeare. dozen. Men in the world are capable of breaking into a vault' "with; them, Fortutately these men' are hot crims lugs, • They are 'experts 'whose -names 'Iorikp." 'Suddenly he jerked out the They think he s some east of desel doe- Y g•`' tt =-•11 FALLEN' LIVES ament before, made ts 'Wry face, and that sort of riative hecu Lpeces, The ylle petsee'es a reez,, ssr-'7"..--ezeS .hees as eass-s• Ss. ; Irs,:•.: "issses.....s a -sett' . spat bitterly, , i sWear to you ofi their Vs:es-if ti.,ey` iseseai. res::•r,.0. sel Aiez-.....e. ..-e;e1 assesee • *les e.'ers", ''What's the mattest drawled Vil- .have anyeetliet ehee've 1-.;:a.rd riarz'r.; l''',:rrlark3lb:ii• :-"a''':::"sl Iii: -',.4e: P. 5;a:,-1 "'sal i• feees ftes' 's,:sh Yss '..-! 'see- tik, 41•1•e'p•-i'sverfal "1-0.7 youh Anglo- sceenms reriiir.e from,sass:I.:3e' le' a jeep' :sloes. fe rsetsS, Le- iss w.s::::s '.-s'ss :'.- ''' ''sf- -s-1.`st. ss : :.'s : "t•-•• :hes 1 Saxen el'!", He chuckled.. ."You r.ieht. .ssrsi sh•sse 'wish' ri sre -. eel. The, b7ili-e ii rt:el'e r•sa.: Ps't-',- ' 1.11.1.- '.- .1....'. ...".-srt. %-.,'-i' 4 . . don': 'A. -ill a hisi ef betel. r-.-. se SeP it isr.s.2.•:.sat:sss s's:'.* .1 .i i s)sa- t's.-.,"%*;•• 44A?r,.. *"..1 ''''`..'" .:''''''4.' :'43 a''':-115 ..:•.1 g.:`11"i- ' ' 7, ,. '': ".1,-,•1 a t Y : ; . ' f . , a .t.r, • ter N's•s'else: 1 'les LSI a ... etre; 'el -r-es --Sea Ssei eseee: 1. s nr,,...;„3..:7,.,g• S :.;',•-•...t : :::::.r. • rt,?••:1: 114:- :••-•- 1,7:r • 2-glei ' '":•:•••1.4:. '76: ••-1..,t..4.I;elt' u't a • tt'.7*:...". sesses• e - ,:s*.,1.7es. .- e , ,,,,c,..,0 •-2t.ft. zez, -.4, 4.,,r.:•.±, LI *•••„:1•4! ,,s, .:::,,..,•r; .41, Ir• .▪ ....411 .1;!..7.,, II, 'Ai; 6 ......, --' : ...1. 'Pre' :mEttret isnot*" eittesessi. ie. ses ....wee.% • oe • s is ,t ..„ -. e .. .. , .., . &.' 3-71 r •!...-...4-0, td: 'zati •11.111 -.-..2' F. -21"e" -"A''. 7•••1A.1 tr'-'6.:•'-'s".'ss'i 'I: .'•, le...%•sra ' tti0 ,...! , Oth -..ttii.,,t-• .-A-.. . :.• .., .,,,,, •., rtXII ...Idffe- ------- - a:. st• elate'. 1'): g.t4...*1 1b.rP.rs, ihl I"td•rjr. , .,4.7 ,J.el . .....h man =al pee:, from 1.g1,:el..it sremenriosts 'off- :Tarsede ' s le Vet s 7;;; - s s t..--. els:at dee -it l.'s...3411ms.; ntlin'. g '4`e.61-7-Itttritillnt. -3:;"7-4144'''' It.,i-i.-t;,....,,e-1 ,i.d, 1,,,.F. a.. -storm. and 1 ''M :se -attic ribs.. -eroessv Inc. rotind balls, ,a . sesseersessessee.esesseees - 04.‘,15.1„ead filling of richt-corierete:'^afid a biatting KIST: ste See tie -AS ciset;'. AS' ,t • • •- • 4- t `: -•••' •••' • et. '• '4. 4- 4," ''• flt4,4* . srn-i• 4141**4,144.44t OR. 3114.4114,:i• 4•7; At4.1.4 *.;1" •.?• • • "0, .7 t etut‘ritai.•mt, y., trt • ins t liti;10titt" 4rEV:. 00:• " '1';hes "'sesia bete' erste r omit seriehe ' .• geigiesi cirasesee. Is tlieeltnsole .."..tit •„,*. 11,r "';'„••,c• 11'.-,J114'ertai stereos 0'1 gssild F4r1.3 --1411 ••, 'ET • •;•••,F; 1.7e.,•;;;;•:' 10", • trt':41.•• e ektratte4 a . *mitt it .0 -It.11.,, mutt -1: 9 agree with rats that Tree:list lasiises Yens:is etf P -t". or'. 1 V•L'44.-. ' exactly' the drair'irig-rotiit:- tufa.tint;, '.. ...tit' ..".F.6; ti ,...,,.,,,,_.,,,, .: ,ertafiliyTe aPPSYrrie'''Weessithrreestesieteesserselessuesseriessee.S.,4. s 'rethei'..pesiti,ve -th.qt he's. ctf,et.tost" ',f• ' set relies ,.: , A v te. ; i y ess e ." seese. l'sg lit,t-$:..g ."s- l'essti sls.reesssat-ssiblez.' :vie - It'C'44441;IP•lat's11.°11-:a4-111-9.-' Lhicksb°1t" • flee lot his soul. P'erlOtelitr. J fee , t. ,..mitattrff% • .1-',../1:.v.iint! ..,4,4 4.1.;,,_ ,, sotto teitsVith these territils 1 ..r t• g i...! ,r. *10. .0,,i„. 0- . 1"y, . L,.. -.A.,- ....,.., 0-.. 1,, ,,,,v , , t „:•• easse 'eet,:a pet thee thus to -6:1,,,, 'tile -/-1..tie4ftl'' ' "11'.'.7111(4{.-r!fe." ' 11. , bit I've .little to., base it or . res 'eletie W.4t.,L. , 4 . 1 ..1.4* '.. .::, ..... 4 .' AI,' " ..,..,44%•' ii iireige• of a....e.ate, to stand :*"eelle6,1"'" eee'Seeielecl,r - -I- - In- 't o °ace con' till e„ doors I Ire '= .de it tii t ... - ' xi' : now it afiketle I ...., -isesss Hie' sieff4 ....tit ,;•1-1, to :•-1.4...i•f. 'Z.0! •1,44..;,,,,:kiljt • ... l'•):','• ' t.• ;4.1 t. ',..i. v•Al';'.:4'' coulstess " -"' `') '''''-"''''.- • • to be concerned in his affaiss; sees- .,--Ises -s • " :.' '' • - ss • ' ' "&sestr,essalis aeross ' the ‘.)5' • c°n1.,rletelit..'"e•kti,vg.;' eflt41'41119'. . wWitil tire kihilliest interit, suffers. ese. ie...., ., ', •••••. t : t .. .•,*••• d• ' ' . ,..f.* -*7 ,-.4 f ;• '. ' i.., 1........ , • -a seven-inch etreesiegafl• „ trqin, the moat modern mole tonna tt, 111;as'''' self' all" btft' 'healed bt', this r atilt.. The, I think I Mentioned to, yoa, "solhe ssier , se •• 11"'"'"'a" best" pro'gresa that the evisecheyscoitl 1 TiO, thee -got itstereetedein histeltargels yes. , ,:•-• s h-esi sesszhli tr,ette t'tr. ugh the Wd111, even with (Ito hesatiao.of that old thud *hit+ "exifrt,rt' 4:4... , ...,. t. , 7. ' ' '-'-''' 41-:-!, '... i1411; . ,i,'.1voutake ot....being , able to Ni tack between their fethevs. By some legal PiSs; ..• • s, . t • a ' es le See. es tee eh, :e • re 'esr'S c'r • -erne from tee Italie, was' half an inch. teeiliticality it seethed that the land Sievestetee e 1,C'' ' 4 : • e •f-, '!.."1•11'..r.: ,'.'.A.•1 ti7,./1 ...uitrr,'• - ' • ' . .dar.• ',..rt' ti"s(tk thirteen apt) oat...bait o 'which old Prentit,s de•volopea for his• ahsre? 1; i: .; e's:-. Ssrs• • :cr.' 1., lt 511,-6r. ,..' . 5t• YOU; to , demolish the entire Vault. ' 'faeenda turned out actually to iii.;on'g oli•-•,' F.,'et i,.),u.i•-, i., ...,,i- ii,..t...! '", ; ' . ' : - '4* . - : * . Alt h en* 1. a 'Me trroatter mtght hroni to the .4ita11)eri•y4 and tf,imes t they' The sliemisi'S >11.1.g.1".•',,,1 ep ,1-.1,1 -•.. ' Vb.le 1.0' l'Ou vihen .all rises. ;sees sn'tertel is in .less tirne, It • is. tion,ht. $14Ways inSivtecl that PretAi:•,,s vf. rte. turne4. 'Reca'... 'e :: ...,r .ft f417,3'rlara • '34 MYOU. --- '4,...40')•e3 BD te./ ).„ 1'111 it he • v Oald, have cared to iheltie -..........,-se,........e.,,_ .1` ISSVE• No, i. 50 lojitarft wa,.ds Off •Orlonek • you:seer eTetre not •so , . Ate i the teb. . ' . ' ' sWille• the deeig s. 9f stirie ferniiii- ... • i , Th`at A • $2 .40:4i.tOrMTV:i &ioie , olio -take. pain for granted. They let a Cold "run its coyase.1 ' • ey•,waii.fer their headiteltea to "wear . . antering from ,nittralgia or:front neuritis, • • they rely an feeling better in the Morning; • ?..attfret.-..;xt.gitece!,oary,-..paith•-•,.. ritituvivotittey, tyNfloto Imre la an antidote Atipirin Iithleht rthontyrt oirtr .itrittlediate,relief . trentvittleiet rtelith and 'Oahu* we once had to, It,paitt.perelateo .constilt:your..dooar . W4 ta itiCatete, • Save' yetteselt ft let of ,pitio aft(' disemnfett, • • tlirongh . the Maw proven UM& of Atinftittl. otte., ..Alwaye -the 'Sante: ,. Alfzdruto, ..atorea whit complete direetione. • The . Right 'Way , •. TO Wateril-Mc • In 4pite of ali the jokes about the diefioneet milknian and his tondriese for the punip, geed datremen, are finding that there IS a legitimate way': in which the output of 'milk , can be ' increased by adding: ivtfter, abfl with- out any complaint irom patrons or. itilik tremeetors. The imprrtant point Of, the plan is that the water is mix- ed with the' milk by passingit- thredigh efpx's body. Tests at vatiouS ex - pertinent stations ehow dairy errai (winks about *4- 'gallons rif:, water tO es.ch gallons of wills produced , rsr about 20 gallons 6.1 water per clay • for a. co.vs producing five gellene of ' milk. 'Also that ley cold waterefalIs lire to have water 'available at all 'tlitteii. or any; other reason which pre. vents the &tar frOok drinking her Nil quota of water will cause a Comrlarao tive ,deereage ta the .ainottrie ef, 'produced. :These 'results have beet ' abundantlt borneout thy the expert. entes M Vradtical dairymen and ex- • plain *By ert 'many slats:men claim: "that their- trat4 Watering beWle WM) , paid their whole cOal, Itt Ohe or taiii.-"•47,"7" obitin5, WTo., ilfAKi LIFE HAPPY- . iped Ittzt itt tio nie tofame or ;fret1 or tdraittre-"t get hold' ot the *,rong key .1114- - Istlellea, shalteta. Mut rattles It about la . .tha_loelo.. wait both are brolrea • au&• - the door la atilt .unei1e1tel4 , •. • The 'chief secret of comfort.. lies in not tpdterIttg. tridea t vet:i1tto .extittvaung enir unetorgroio; pleamtres, twit' ititailit- Ed, t • I! is 141 , S11064 OP L le wisdom.et !feels in all the evil we seri Mid in lIl(ViIC'ttlO to, tle brat Abu It catkin •