HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-09, Page 5• 1: Shore-- Raksed for Port On I-udson`ay Railway Tracks Laid Above' Old Level. at, '•Chirchll F Gravel Spread in • Fills Winnipeg. Thous,a.ad. of"'years ago, when great glaciers movedsilowly *wn • from the North, shaving off Mountain ranges and ,,in pl'acee thou seeds .of feet of, rocks and earth,the weight also, .it isesaid, depressed the • orust of the earth. Wheat this `ha,,ge ice crust left. the :region of :Hudson day; thea western 'sl c re was much a- 527.11•91M1. - Shore -- RakedY^• rt r 1'YI 91• 0�N • •a. .. � ••, � .. �„f.• see; 'ut oue men wh9 earn cave U emenceaa, Foe of Pessimists,. f 8, It la z oeh.s TITh en •the meeting was held a Feared End of . France, Was'. Near, which Poch received his full powers, occasion, m. Cleatenceatt's 'role "lel Lloyd George "eleeleres• that on • • aliatit' it?, He was not there: 'rho Our Duty Was to Pie Weil, and First to Fight ai if We Wer.e head efathe Britieh deiegaeion was Sure of Concjuer,ing.7 Tiger Quoted by Confidant.; Lord. lelilner. , Now the 'latter has Mid in- detail 'What hapaenea; dad he .was iregetivea What does he know Premier at First Preferred Petain tO Foch ' , Of the ' many . eppreciations , • at •Cleineeiceatee piery day, arguing aud - 'M. Cleinencee,u, after he had sees Georges Clemeaceau !altiearing,in the struggling; with 'as gala coutteeer as. dognized in laich • (he. predeetined. Paris areas tint after, his"death eone finnnessHeven- ap4rs Waeu, eearcely Manawho Ought to stratch vietary out .wew , re, interestine than. thasartiele outfof the hall, his impatifince dash- a a edesperete eitiiefien,' pasb:ea • hint, Paul : • alaistouia the brilliant eltiet foreign ' interldeutor4 ",7--• atter . some, 'with :ebstiaate and untiring epeesist- tilled. all. Whe •eaane 'hi. contact; with At fahurchill, various angient share,. in various tengues. without the 'least )11-10 .plaiilly Marked by sand hesitation, long and • contaticated • and gravel ridges, by Iseult:leis, worn stateasents made . by statesmen and :smooth by the cea.selese, lapping of the generals."Before the war he teetered' waves ceetaries ago and by pebbles. on 'French histery at the Lleiversify of That ineans that. much *ark hae to be • done en land as welt ae in the waler Me was intimately a.ssociated• with in the making of a port . olemenceatt on the War Council and At 'the railway tete-tines, the; level, ,ceived big personal confidenees end • niest be raised in placee several feet. was in a highly favorable poeition te a:Tracks already laid have been raieed judge his tharaeter as a Man and ae ai high as threes feet above original . a ware leader.. His article centained leiels and Probably will. be'raised etill ,eayingfe. Clemenceati hitherto un - 'further. Buildings stand at •present- published awl emphasized the para.- wibh teasel -heats, fully exposed,: but dox, that -the Mie who '•ruthlessly when the leveling peeeees is .co'inpleted • stamped out ,_defeatiSm2-and-L-•-pesSir • they will not have tita p_eiched-up-ap- riasucti-Cri:arice in 1917 :was liimSolf pearatee they have naNir, because the ieraperantentally end.; fuildamentallY gravel fill Will' heing them to a nor.: a pessidist „ leyel above grade. fain ..liantoux white. -,WIPPliee Of gravel avereqound at Isar- . "I eaw ,his- will -triumph over ,•ob- -the 'treater:idol:is amount of mountable. At the moment when the arrival of _the American treeps • itt "One:gravel pit' lies within a -mile or co;:,„o ity two.of 'the termhius and until the wea- for the Attlee, 'tonnage Was: lacking • ther got too, cold gravel waS being to fransPert them.• Fifty tlicieSand ' hauled continuously to the 'terming' eatcle'where it modern gravel spreader , GRAVEL PITS OPENE.D. SO it Imes along the "Epee f.,1,i•tiveel pits, were opened up at a nuiebei• oa strategicaciaoints, none!lef them ,far . feints 'the 'main line, and the present came, In January, '40,000.in February. profit front 'victory?' freed from pressure en the side .ot ties of our"people, loVed Pran6e 'pas- eionately. Ile loved It as did 'the great 'testi-tots of the Revalution, hont he, .letd worshiper! ite his youth. up the steps available, weighed the- 8" 111111 11°W '11"14:1ntr'' caller at road instead of being an earth or elay immense'needs to be .eatisfied and tire. • dump) With a gravel spread, is pure '• itS :teatime bayonet; Clemeneeati Mese .residency.,•of :the =re - 43 "Thee will no longer rein:teach the ' "CerMin people blame lain' tor mit haiing very Much, confidence in the future, which he eould eavisege only in the image ,ot, the past, That .wes the natural- chneeeuence noe only of his age, hut 'of hie fundante4ital.• pes-., FoCh.' ',Parliament demanded an eln- Vestigatiou and action. What flici* M. or the Cheenber ••pf-Deauties, on Jane f! ',Nothing has hapPened whieli, per.; Mits. „plei to ..exereiSe aria ,discipline "Before the conference opened he in erder'to obtain the epprebatioa of used to talk of•the difficulties of mak• certain people Who judge hestiles to abaedon chiefs who • have deserved ofe their country, it le an eat of Do not exiieet me to ecanteiali. Chase me from the tribune if that is what "Poch wes 'saved. • ,Four months later,' On Octobee al.,Lloyd ,George I • Saall. never, forget that it 7as to Ms eaemenceau.”' . enough. All that isaneeded is Men, furnIslarather •titan parish. You .need Only 'to give orders and .notete -yetir-hciar.-7-Bifrro"" ,peace; and, eepeciallia t6 practice it; it very dila- :cult . and yery complicated.' , The ewe, sereets at. the trophies of tattle represents the Peace oe Utrecht end the latter twa invasions, Waterloo and Vienna. When will, our countre,. hapPier than Hannibal, know how, to thht. will. stantrWith a init.-11.mm Meta - • and 'whom I aated 'most •111 return. fir meetle_..yoa tell. me. that we .base. torte nage enough tor.only 100,000. Tit ans- We alien fought• tt eitI • It is: the. .' While it:is now abStit two decades sinte .. His sister.' braught at..','te rife ai a Hudson Bay line,. it, has been con --the toneage,,aut thee we .,masesciacte 1 hat;e not. chauged my 'opinion about ;strticte'd better Ahan .Many e shape. and ,it was then that a, brartch • . • , -, a !,• _ . , .,,, , enene. au e. as thalt "and more. Pas Was cempleted, linking uP t'ne American's . W ere landed le Prance. cat -net -era ,ite tial ' gravest hottra• the within a few months • •• , of Canada. Work cpipmenced- the fol- ., slowiena yearon the Hudson Bay line, • •, with Churcaill•ae the ultirnate (Nee - laid before the end' •of .1916 Kettle :rapids, an miles•fkom The Pas..Then came doh*. No work was 'done for ' :years. The readbed 'deteriorated and there was. talk of. pulling up the' ealls for' use elsewhere. Winnipeg feught this and Charles Gray„ ex -Mayor ef• -Winnipeg, with ,others fornied the "On testae Bay Association." • again recommended as the better port • and early in 1928. everything ;Was in readihese' for steel to be laid again: • 'The -work. was pushed With such vigor • that on Mardi 29 of. thia. year. steel reached mile 511; .which marlied the ' commencement of the. terminal yards it Churchill, and the railWay *as an accomplished fact. . • 'Beinara Shaw Says Only WaY tO Avoid Wat is to fermata for, preventing war is: ."Stop Another Writer, M. iecin ot• fear and his moral eouea.ge Was equal ferede-also• in ei..e Jeurneleasteothe energy had nee need of the: siimulant !Miens which will., perhape, alwaye of hope; for aria man who treated. remain a „eject . of controveasy peseitnisin in time ef way as a crime' athoug historians. Repa•ing;to. Lloyd was armself a pessimist, though in a !Teem' eense of the word, He was lable to do with movement to. • ",Apert. from A few ,faithful friends, lied forces, he •said: , he aespised men:. or, rather, he des- • eThe truth is altat M. 'Clemeneeeu piped human natere. Ile was far from alwaye had a higher eateent for Pe: belies -mg • lir an Imminent Justice personality than. for Fasch's. -which cannot fail toateitimphS .but to 'alanea 26, 101.8, it is manifest that was'ready to fight for. it es if he were he Saw .le Petran the great chief of thrbugh whom, Roeder. er later„ tory wbuld. ile was -slowly, Preparing tor atia'realliatieit • of the •eingle comma:Me ,and. believe that tt the events .ot March 26 had not !teen. produced, If there had. been mo Doulletts, which wax, perhaps; the meat 'der:41411re, illy of the war, Petain Would have heed eltai•ged with. 'co- ordittatiou the Allied atenies on the western trona'. • certain .of success, In .the cerriage which was taking • us toeVereailles, Where they *ere' to discus§ the terms.: of the erinistice, at the Moment that Victory was briegieg.his career' to a .prodigions climax, he .said to me:. had. seen it coming for •seaeral years. "--1 said to .inyself. thee it meant, per: haps, the end ,ef 'our eouetre. ...Aftoe 'se many ceetteries of a great histery,-, our duty was to' die well, and, first, to fight as it we were sure of ,conquers Criticized -for Unsatisfactdry Peace But Dotillenis came'along, and .on "They .bave reproached. him .fer that clay Petah', an intelligence grave making an • uniatisfactery peace', at. nd sombre. took acaount exactly,' ter hayina made a 'Notorious war. HO,.. alas.. of tao afflict:lilies .of the, task. did not make peace .single-handed. Iocb, ort lee side, was 'Foch; that is fighting," ehat is 'the Oily way. The' errOr of the French People is in to say, is M. Ciemenceatt told. me„a Such was -the answer Shaw eave fatgetting Ite've many .oritn'one and ite 'Man 'raging to fight ' • • , • . • . %%AIM asked as to the bait way to' pre- -terests• had -Le be concil ated before "And immediately .M,,' Cleitienceau ' evenC war. The Irish al:idler replied to reaching a ''contausion. • aant eat. thought. and eaid,:' • ., questions on the forthcoming disarm-. ament• cohference, the Renege; Pact, . the Nobel' Prize; Anglo-American rela, t ions and haat Lady A eter eau id influ- ence them...in the course' of an .fnte,r- viotv; with the United Press • corres- • Shaw also offered lit -S. -opinion of the . What do You • think "of PreSident 'food. ships shenld be treated as hospi- • "President Hoover s'egins to forget litiwiitiltitlititrirtriedn-treind 'Metal* tie: late wale They will be 'treated ea -pile -10y detriilg the text ode," he re- Citin you see ane peogpecte of any - limpet canferenee, was another. mgArsAtue ecifieetTie **an' alkali, times its volatile lel& 4. it'll; harni4 method% tient entities' :to suffer; -when yea learn `..'qulohlY, hOW ovr • effeetiveaves of Which 'fbea, .wIrtitfi 40111-'114:3f114.d. '111.0 -best cm' •pleasantly this premier mbthod acte. A — chins in the fit)" years eince' its iireen- Milk Of Magnesia prescribed by bhyal, • eeeeno •ft teeter(); .Weatett 6.4.1."* rdOnttit Phillitie Milk 'of acids', Bach bottle conk' dine- back health and . 'strength 'was the -happy 1:06 nticat "all; &eel Brahma. Of Corsi._ .Willlaine Pink Pals: "After Ons of my baby, was in the &espied dune bonze weighing hegan taking Pr. Williams' Pink Pills and it wasn't long poUnds and My general health was of the best. Every Spring Since then „I wouldn't be without them, no strongly recomntend them to take the pills as a tOnic, ,an. 4_ maiter what they cost; I all mothers:" Pills now at your druggisea from The De. Williams Medicine Co, BrOckville, • ,the .ceti•e• tbey give their little ones— the. healta' et the 'baby is meet ejeale ,ou,sly' and. the tele ther ,is al7 ways en, the .lookout for, a ;remedy vital efkileat and at the same .1 o rentedy in Baby's Own. Teblets, and many them' 'us nothing else for tlte ail - mothers of, young ehildret. as tekteew oofnpsno,:c.leieg, ' equal them for ce• itts a box 'from The. Dee Williame', Medicine Co, Brockville,. Ont. LUCK pEp sox DeMiliconnige ill Gibraltar PrOppsed Construction • of Straits Tunnel Raises Ques. tion of Exchange With Spain thingS which twenty years age. *could hatre, seemed outragcouS merely in the notion-:,, „Fgt. instance'," what about -Vitgland'S giving up Gibraltar? The. enough that Cibreitite, the Suea Canal, and Aden Were three etrategie, points in the •ElePire which would beehe•yerY. no, lees an hetharity, then the Madrid 4401-01) MEN WANTED Qui„us; see. sea- tiey. eaSY worit... Earn while :teepee log barber trade, under, Fainous Meler ..tnerleari plan, world's moSt reliable barber octal:sal system ,Write nr 04: Barber Catlege..121 Queen West, TOreri.t6 ald; is now an established .'favetite;,••• ..:prove. •be helpful suggeStiens; • ,ienletr: el:the:Ms: ettat4eielci4e,..:ads:3:tni .4t.7yrttt:n.:1,`", .exchistngingethe ttocic. fer'othir Spina season the ingeediettbaee they will :es e isli territory.: The qeeitiora hag been tasty• enough :Withelit. this aid. Africa'. •' r ••• • ' • -` , Shied the deli Seely and let it' soak `'The beginning- af a tennel',"' Writes for. p..few minutes in ionte gelad .the cerrespondent; "hes been. bored en eream; which' yon have• thinned .witle, the ,Saittniehaccetst 'neat Taffifa, about a. little •vinegar: Detail ehe fish well; 'fifteen miles weat 'of thet.ROck'ef Gib- thee pUt .a,genefonii itoktiOn into. each ," raltar, .1t 'is :the exploration shaft of ;andwich. This filling. iS particulerly the Scheme fon'tuanellidg 'under the .good with bream , • shafavtial he sunk in Morocco, be used as 'a .basis,..for. a very' tastY. and all. sea's 'of experititents -.will. be filll•ng. Take, the. young', crisp hearis • made ie the hoPe et discaverinaewhate ot celery. heath, _see .that they are thll sell :beneath the' narrci'w inter- verrelaen, then chop themsfinele legal pkoblemSewould . assuMe a new en, Peer a little melted ,battei, .iit• toe " aspeciewitli. the eicistenee of 'a Straits the ilding,Land then wait for .enrioase, aim:king all great trade passages a premising piece et propertsafor the League. ot. Nations. '•:If Spain bui.l.els ,Fre'rch Mustard. ed darer ls given a smearing of her Own hands; and thete is nothing . Sweet Fittings,: r... . ,e -in the opinioa of the Spaniard -eta Miked, frnit Wed; drained fackm.ite preventeher .getting from the' 'Caliph juice. and chapped finely,' A generous , of tittiCarineh dii sated Cate Would • oleiGINaLITY citrec.tly , Chop 'some:brazil nuts very ,finely, . .egotietice or. solitary, It the 'poWer Its .originality:ie not in thlaking, and. says, leue an gathering from: all . men .and•erements of what is 'et once neve ,speare • ate decried' for haying; 'takett literature and ,art:tar•Ili'etr own .work, as though, they aw oreacpalea mitt . to their own iilwaris." tekee of their , preeminence that •,all things ▪ Ministered ,to *their seatae, and that' what other men .saw oart or' ea the 'suria'ce they saw. whole and ,with deeper alsiona Who 'reads 'the anth- coPicila What chance wou•Id 'these have. had to be labeetribet•ed; If not se:i've4 .the needs of „mein of the firet order, of miud? The or gin - to 'enter into the .nlihd ef , 'and.,of their' raceeand to -gather rem all. quarters the materistie of freeh fain type of man who Is• 'wasting his The enincl ef these men ere 'ailed' with fairy !tales Of. ether men Who have painted navy beans one. day- and these itosries are true'fhe peer dupes become as restless -as bird doge and' spend their lives ehesing from one Job ,to anather accomplishing pothing for themselves or thear employers. • luck' playi In ,the lives• of all:14-ue: In oVery lottery one" ticket must win. • But to snend One's lite waiting, for the faVor of, Mettle as foolish es sit- ting by the roadeide • Itoplug to be Ineked up' by a aeotorist when .one might as well be on one's way afoot. -- If Yee. sednt te get rete,,yaere Start • • Honesty and' sincerity -of fiurpese ere obvieus 'the menewheataaaeing- his legs, eWe are not so sure of the Man who waltastor a lift.' Who twists eiremustancee to his ad - Tentage. ,Such' a man will. go far, provided he is noteafraid to, walk be- tween lifts. ' But when be gets it into las head that only fools walk he is- in danger of 16,4ing.. the rez,Pect et those who haVe it' In their power to help Mtn, and he will song finelehat his friends step oe the gas and leek the' other A. MAN "A man that's Mean inside and out - aide: ivbet neither look's- up, te the rich without squeaiing and cab, win With- out bragging Who is aeonsiderate to Who le top- brave to lie, too "geheroug who takes' his, share of- the world's however true, holy:and nobessary May be to retain in its integrity. about- Whieh-Weada--not talk- ir- groat acuity of 'exaggsration-td •art enor- gilded and Illioa aro painted spite • IVIinard's for the Ideal Rubdown. me, sir? 1 •belthig to ,,the vas army of the unemployed," . Mr, kint•dinan-,•"Then you'd better heat it back to heae.piariers q tick." • New Zeilamd's 'London CoMmissioner. R. signs missiener in 'tendon, Sir Jaen Parr, behalf of 'the moveitient for f e trade Sir James, a native of New salute!, has boon High 'Commissioner ere for the New Zealand gabinet fr4ra be 1926, and has, sinlle represented' his dominion hi. the -League of Nadlikte, in • it is •talling lei% With our Oven 11'ga-taken 'Maas that- makes foals and bsggara Of half tmrnicind,,-4, Young, oar •that- -with any baer .Instment ", should be lo_L____inue:..s....11,f‘e_r___,' at *. the Pre- it sent hioi,, to kill a men with a Meter I "lychee' and, ()attention are In ten. • trans -Saharan; railWay arid to deeelop; pert in case .-..f a future ieaa. If she doeld arrange 'with Spain ta use K ti.ia.kes another uew anciexcOlgot fill4 • Seraits tunnel fer her trooas, it vrotad lag. and. again. brown ,bread is.bett. be extremely valuable te hem • Spaiit end. more, feette. a' fortre&s, and it could 'easily be de - the. tuhncl.orne. to. bo built, Gibraltar .thc;nt tinder, the. Spartieheflag in which British interest,3 would be saf4ivard- (loran and the Chatarines. ..Alberara of theiCape of Tree Forche in Spanieh ,from,theeceaet of Speinea The. three' nortlief Cabo .de Apia, near: Meligla propetly'ertred and fitted :out:, would' _Spanish engi fleet,' and secretary et the poSeibili ties of the tut nel, nayi.aliaahe on his own, accoant, ih'the:bel;ef -that .England, would gain be .obtaining art lose. But when he speaks of.. Gibral= tar .in the folloWlirgwords iespeak. ner Would •d•ieeppear for ever the: s.;ile• Enalen'd and Spain, the often "unot. an ' flu pe ri shable—frienilshi p•--- he two - hands le, hrtd always will be, Ya.thotr. • ' • Ideas. ate often Poor thoete; bur. saw -filled eyes cannot discern, :thetn;". . tive: pass athwart us la their vapote But sometimes. they 'are made freahe• &meth', they ionth us with Soft, retie isensiye heads, they look at ua' Witk. appealing tones; they sa.c1 sincere and sareake Jiving hilman sou/, with all RS • candon."—Daild syd :George, •• LUX() FOR..THE HAIR 44 Your Barber—He .1thows -their. presenek is a Pow shake- tis.like a passion, are ' :drawn' after -them With gelitI4se' AP* tleeege Eliot. "Sothe day we' shall learn that. tio shine •-tne're brightly in' life• thin the. deeds -of renown which wa think of as DRESSED 'POULTRY • Write for qnotations. The Harris Abattoir CO. Ltdii St. LaWrence Market, Toronto -4c After Skating Rub, joints , and whieles with • ache. Heckey players' fellow,' It tr Write ?r. Phone FOr Particular; TORONTO ELEVATORS,IIMITEE) 7161 Toronto, On4rio kt