HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-09, Page 1' • De; • ' *2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANck; $2:58, 911.m4wisE • LUCKNOW ONT. ,r 410. • THURSDAY; JANUARY 9thi1-930. DU. W, M. CONISIELI. Physician and Surgeon Lucknew Hours: 1.30-3.30 Pllene 86... DENTIST . • 'Dr. MacLeod will ssiait Lucknew every .Tuesday, in The Cain :House. inEhrriST • Dr, R L. TreIeaen, Lneknoir- : Decker's St'Ore,"' .P-.1StraCtieil s .either by gni or 'local. ; ,Will." 6e in Dungenticinssveri, ThuredaY• Phone 13. WALL 'PAPERs-A lull line Of 1930 'Wall Paper on hand. Prices consider- able down for 1930. Pam' also agent for leading job 'houses. -1L. j: Ciner on, Decorator, Painter and ' Grainer, .OX .17,4, Lucknow. - FOUND -In, Lueknetv a. wrap for Baby's cutter. Call 'sat the Sentinel Office. • AUCTION SALE bio• LAMB On -January llth, 1930; at 3 O'clock P.M.• there will he offered for saleby public •nuction . at the premises of _ Herbert, McQuillin, ' Lucknow, One Stray Lamb. Terms, -Cash. ' Al;Gaynor, Auc.• BARGAINS. IN. FISH • , Iirtving boughtthe whele "catch!': s -of -one sof -.Cape...-Bre.tents ...best Asher . men, we will sell choice Cod and Had- dock p.er. Pound. • .MacLeninitt, -Loshatah. • • I. O. O. F. SOCIAL ' The I. 0.0.-F. Lodge is having a social evening, the evening Of 'Friday Jan. 17th. Odd Fellows, their wives or' Isidy friends and Rebekahs are cordially invited. ,in the Paramount Community Hall • on the evening pt.:Fridays Jan. 17th: •Couple 75c. including tnis Lunch served._ Geo. Page, Mgr. BOX „SOCIAL ANI1 DANCE • In Carnegie' Hall, Lucknow,: the ev- ening of Tuesday, Jan. 14. Ladies Are reeuested to .bring lunch. boxes. Gents 50c. Gallery 25c., Ladies with lunch •boit free. " • Undee auspices of Fire Company. Proceeds for the Arena. ,. ISO. 0. F. INSTALLATION Installation �f officers of the I.O.O. F. will take place Friday net, Jan, "Iltli.' All brothers Are requested to tend. nog Mr. David Andrew of Geelph was moliere hist week saying "good-bye'.; .his pnients before leaving for Ver- ' Million, Alberti, to take the position . recently vacated by his brother, Mr. John Andre*. Mr. Andrew is to ' be .Congratulated on receiving this sple- did and his many Mends wish him 'every sticeess, Mist Myrtle- Ritchie lenve.s �n the 12th for Orkney, Sask.„Sto spend the. -winter • with her sister, Mrs. John I 'Grant. • Misis4mis Mrs. gobt. Henry of Bel - et rvIr., and Mrs. Geo. Miter an Monday last. Mr. Stewart o Lucknow is busy' papering nild Sdecoratng kr. Robt. Andrew's house after extensive improvements being made. •Mr. and Airs, 4.ndres, and little daughter Wi n n i tied returned home et* Owen Sound on 'Thursday last After, pending n. week with Mr. and Mrs. atm Andrew, s • ° Mr, and Mrs. Nei en Rayriard, vs, ed the latter'parents Mr. and Mrs. ltitaie on Sunday'. , , ASIIPIELD ( URCII NOTE/8 The tion,y.r.s, met in .the 1falI �n Monday eveningsand-ersieyed- as-good- pregram f011oweil rAttes after lithethe Dy iven •i N-ornia, ' Andergbil %WM Ilyteg':itild -4:art s of . the Journ1 tvas,thii1hn, ormised etinireeational nietting �t iteekets e6fit-Fertied'•fii Ihiesday afternoon, Jan.. Sth. Pres - tilt there Wax represeetative body; a. good spirit: prevailed andwe are readY or , the work •aether year. SerViceS net Stitultiv: 7,1On 11 aini. flitOlietio p.iri.; l3I4ikei 7 p" :Mr. W. S. Reid is visiting friends in Toronto this Week. Bilta'Whinifred Webster Was 110Me from Toionto for the New Yeats Mr. Neil D. 'MacKenzie in spending a cOuple �f weeks in Chicago- . „ • 4ri LlOd'' Agnew of Detroit la visiting With his. parents Mr..;and Mrs Jos. Agnew. 1 , Mr. .Willisnm MacPherson i, hame frOM Victoria Hospital and is steadilk- , M-rs B Pertrinari, returned. home .on Tuesday night irom .n • -4sinest3 trip to. Toront,e. •.• Mi s And., Airs. Alex FraSer Were api from Embre to attend the funeral of Albert Struthers _ . MrS. X; .Mestseod has. gene, to New York ,CitY where sbe zzL ePend the remainder of the 'tiltiter. • Airs. Alton has gone to London to spend the remaintlie, winter with her daughter, •Miss. Mildred Morgan of Ripley' visited with Misslainerine NIcKen'Zie during the . recent holidaYs. • . sire: Ate.,x Reid 'of 'Ishiteettnr-ssit is ,sPending 'rt iw Weeks,: With her dau- ghter, ;:virt.: (ur.); Billions' 'of •toWn, •Mrs. It M. Mitellierson will re- ceive on!.'llitirsdaY afterneen,Jnn- taarysitith, 1Sse; tioni 3 te 6 o'clock,_ .Jfr and •Tw!,74. .diughter.s, Mary' and Josephinewere ss.,""gars gnests of Mt. and Mrs. T. Chi'sen. - .Mr. Rs p. -C4meiTne left On Monday. for OttaWAivhere he will work . in "theinierests of the . Retail Merchants Association.1 •• • Miss. Lorraine Brabsons returnee home on :Monday after ' speriding the holidays with her Mother and brother in Windsor.. Armstrong are thiS neek representing the 'Lucknow Table Company at the • . on inv wo tcherie Furniture Show. ' Mr. Allan Turner has been in Tor - to this week, his mother whci •an alid having taken a turn for the rse She end of 'last week. The:regular. ,meeting •of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at the hoine of Mrs. T: E. Smith on Friday January 10, at 2.30 , o'clock • in the afternoon. Mr, Duncan Munn was •elected reeve of the village of Ripley, and of the four candidsites running in Huron Township for reeve, Robert Geddes • was successful. , . Miss Margaret. Ryan of New West - minister, B. C.s.a student at the Mar- garet Eaton 'School, Toronto Was/ a recent visitor at the horrie of Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes Webster. Mt. 'Thomas Dymock, distr:ct sale7. man for the International I Arvester Co., and his frimiiy have :is_ sed to Ithicknew and occupy Als, Davison'S Lorne. West holuse Ha_vele:t,reet. Mr. DYITs" • ock cenies from °• WHY NOT ON CASH BASIS We note by the OrangeSille Sun, says nn exchanges -that .D. A lIogg Son, coal end wood dealers, hat% an- nounced that they, will do business on a cash tnsis only ih the future. The 'wonder to ti is, that this sys- tem has not become a general thing with all business 'men, long ago. All merchants ;Ind 'business men are al-, lowed, from 5 to 30 days to Meet &sifts's/Li all purehases. Farmers, gen spealcink Senianci one get cash ler their koods, on delivery and in many caSes on their farm.' Mechanics nnd lsiumers' are usually paid by the Therefore, why in all fairnesS. man to man, should userchantS and business men be, expected to allow, credit, without. Interest; and be. ob- liged to resort t� force, th ninny eases to` get their own, and in' tintn-g. sheet the profits on • that and mand more seles. 111 e big dens.rt'l.enl• and :chain, ea sh istreStion thitt". IS their strethod of doing linsitiess. rth tion of the big stare or,.big p-1411. in -opposition to any of the small mins earns -and at the same time the litt4 fellow s sire carryip; , thousand§ ". thih' hoakit,:' with an over- ' tdrituellt; or na..villg :seven' Per cent interest to carry on. goat ? Trntil the small .husiriltit get toeether' end set' a hard ati4 fast rule, of cash and carry, they will lit trouble, and the Situation will con- tinue to he Oen more •SerfOtile, It0.13E.RT 'RAE IS• SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS •. . - REEVE OF LUCKNollr Win s Monday's Contest By 86 A report of, Monday's election in ,Ltyieow makes a short ' and ;simple story -only two names on the ballot, and only three. Rolling .snaces. !- The two 'candidates .for s the reeve - ship made,* thorough canvass • Of.. the 'village ,and. likely met etb pk4Sr of encostragernent. it was a line :day and Vie • *eters turned out, welbSsall but the sicic and absent recording their Rae -got 261 And Robertson 175. Candidates Were mit' equally eon - lar all' over the town as shown by the table below. ; Smith, No. 1, ht,, No. 2, N. ltae • 102 87 72. Robertson •65 54 56 No. 1 North siticluded • all nudes. froth A to Mi. NO. 2 North all names from -Mc., to Z. o -o • • ENTERTAIN CHOIR " • %. - Lest Friday evening the United Chi:itch' parlors were enfete for a - turkey dinner with (0. the 'trimmings'. When the Ladies', Aid under the con- • venership of Mit. G Aserew were hosts ';• to the choir and their friends. No banquet table eVer beasted,a more varied cuisine,S and everyone did jus- tice to, It, Mr. W. 13. Anderson Ada- . ted ea-rably as Toastmaster, Propos, uigsAthe-tortst to "Qui King7t- Mr. kurdio proposed the toast to "The Choir" Mis .J W.:Joynt respos'dingMr . F.-4.4intastrorag to 91,,ests?'' Mr : E. Ackert responding. Dt. Spence, and _Dr. Newton., to "The Ladies Aid," Miss- Cm* and Andrew re- sponding. Following .the dinner a Splendid program was given: Solos by Miss MeLenean, Mr, Herold Allin, and. Alex cNay: Pistrie sole, Winni- fred Armstrong and Readings by Is- abelle Craw and 1Vlsrgaret ,But,tont ULgong cinds-Aultisfrinrs-Synis. closed an enjoyable evening. -Coni. o HOLYROOD • Mr. and Mrs: • Tyndall Robinson held a family se-uriion in honor of their ,ttventy-fifth wedding anniters- ary on Monday January 6th. All inem- . • • bets of the family Vere present but Miss Lena, nurse -in -training at Wing - ham Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fraser of Embro were present. After sumptuous dinner had been Partak- en efi Master George Robinson.a young son presented the, couple With a beautiful silver plate from the fam- ily. Many cards, of Congratulations were received: That the' vest 'quarter of a cerituri may bring. to Mr. and Mrs. Robinson greater blessing than the peat is our sincere wish. Mr. and Mrs! Howarci naris, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harris and son *Earl were guests at, Mr. Ernest Aticert'S Tuesday evening. ..Monday ielection day. Was a busy day at our burg. Votes,polled at Holy - rood were as follows: Sloes.% Colwell 82: Acts 35: as reeve. Messrs. Elliott 82: McIntosh:66: Moore 40: McQueen 59: Huston 62 for COuneillors. There are one hundred nnd thirty eight „. names on the list: Result in the town- ship giving Colwell 136 majority as Reeve. Elliott 294 heading the poll, McIntosh 264, McQueen 217, I -Install 226. " Mr. arid Mrs. Thomas Robb of Am- berley were Sunday visitors at Rich- ard Elliott's. Mr. and Ars. Howard Robinson spent Nei, tears' withthe hitters sister, Mrs. John Ensign. • Mr. arid Airs. Allister Hughes were ,reeerit visitors at M. Nelson Bushell's Lucknow: Mita Caroline *ebb of SC Helens spent the holidays With her siousid; Mrs.'. Allister Hughes. Mr. •Clarence 1V1eMillan, • Medicat. student at Toronto University, spent the holiday with his brothers George and Ross. Mr. Harvey Niathougall from Jas. per I. -4k, Alta., is home en a two weeks 4aeation: Miss Margaret MeDiarnrich of Win -cf.- ' SerAtierit the holiday withher sister Mrs: Walter Mckenzie. •• ENTATAINMENT AT • gT•,:' IMMO . The pupils arid .tearhera •O_f'ileleiirs• .gcbcial are 'preparing to give It concert in the gall•en Priclay even- Wi are ItoPing ,or. more fever-- 41ewenther this -thud; is fur Ircryo--sIr: sibIe other n11111156., are 'being substi, tilted for the ChriStnlitig orie8 and new ntrmbers are being added. A splendid sintettalinient is promising . • • • • 6 :C,01.iwEI.L WINS IN .1‘11s1LOSS.• DEATH -Op MR.'11,UGH IL MacKAY McQueen. Bath In ,Counci17-Twe New , Men .Fail In Race ' • The electors of Kinloss Township Again declared their faith in j. W. ci4wdu by electing him reeve:. fora third term On Monday; His majority Over Ross was 136.,Candiclatee:appear to have been. favored in their .Q.11103. localities; RIAS a resident of neer' , Whitechurch hidstiajorities ;at White- church and at Langsicies While CO1Well killOweil 'great strength at kinlosa. 'kinle'lJgh And even on the Second Con. went end. " -McQueen and Irwin, both residents of ths Second Con! west, 'chi; Into eaelt other, leaving McQueen with only votes to .spare ever ,Moore. •Richard Elliott who Said that he u ,would not do -any canvassing at all, proved to be the spopular eanididate b for councillor,. heading, the poll with a total' of 294. Tetals, Were as felloWs:- ColWc11.-..........................338. 'Rem ........,. .. , . . • . 202. is MaieritY for Colwell . ..... 126. " The MacKay faniily of the Second Concession, Kinloss ',got, word. on Thursday of le.s t week "1iisht their brother, Hugh „hal died suddenly. heir Montreal . that day. The deceased - had beenfor quite a.. nonsUer of years with a :,conshiction eompany with 'headquarieritio, Mentreal„and bit .suunner had' 6een1;i4144srgeOf .vAtis at The:,Pass, Northern Work was recently closed 'ileWn there and Mr. McKay Along' with a nurriber Of other men Was. being transferred to Truro, Nov. Scotia. He had been taken ill on ,the trip from Winnipeg to :Montreal, but decided to go on. Net far out of Montreal he suddenly became worse and passed :sway quite nexpecteillS.' ': • The, late kr. MatICay spent his oyhoad at the' farnily home in Kin. 661. He was with the Canadian arzny n France,. and visited his home here t the close of the wat. • The remains were brought,here for terment in Kinloss Cemetery.. The unerall Was en .Ttiesslav afternoon, Om the fainily home. The company ith which, Mr..MaCKay.w.ss 'employ - sent 'a representative 71Fel with 'body, snaking all necessary ar- • : Elliott• J294. ! Macintosh . . . ... 1264. Huston .. . 22g. Nv._ McQueen ....217 et.d Moore •..... .. . . : 214. ta Irwin • , .. ... • . . .. . • . 182 rangementss . Places. the 'votes ire re as' follows: C-01*.e117:,- :9' " 5:- 82 ' 4941, Ross 6 2 35 •' 45 Elliott ,........-26..,----,•§2-. 82-- , .57. - Huston 48 39 • 62 28 24 :Irwin ' 8 ' • 7 • 35 67 - 34 Moore . 12 7 ' - 40 ' 50 *,, 5.6. McIntosh 14 32 ' • 66 49 '36 ' McQueen 10 ' 30' 56' 7i. 25 NeMber 1, is Kinlos; No. 2, kin - lough; No 3, liolYreod; No. 4, 2nd . . . Con,; No. 5 Whitechurcb- No. '6: --FOURTH CON., EDILOSS . . , . 6 32 25. • '07. 30.. •-' 26 3.1 55: 67 ' • 2 • Total 338:• .202 . 294 227 ' . 214 264 . 217 FUNERAL OF I. sTnuTupit The, funeral of Albert, Struthers whose de. -it li we briefly mentioned last Week was held on Saturday afternoon The service was he in the United 'Church, ;Conducted by the .Rev. R. W. • Craw; Rev: C. H. MacDonald taking part. PnlIbearers were, Messrs. John • ldairitosh, iart E. Robertson, John Murdoch, Wm. '. McGill; Grant Mac- Diarmid and Nelson ,Winferstein. The relnams were laid to rest in Green- hill Cemetery. • ' • ,FAIRVIEW DAIRY We would liko th 'take this 10pritie.; tu•nity of thanking the people,. of Lucknow • for 'their -cO-o.peiatioe and' patronage and the s,plendid, startin bus'ines,s which they have given 'us in' the last ten month.' • • Owies ,to a shortage of milk ,we have had to turn down ,several Mies. tomers, but Istving Purchased retent- ly n. number' of. T.' 13: tested Jersey cciws we are. new ableto supply more mulk.and better milk.' UnpastOrized milk: fro:k.Accredited jersey's in the, tity.s.ells for...item 15 to 20 cents. We sell it 12c; inbred, milk' 10t, • • A full supply of fltilk .and , whipping creani Will be on sale frore now on atthe butcher shop. ' • We have installed i new De Laval Milkers Out cows 'are now ail. machine milked. 'The cleaner and better way.'•• Oug stable' and Diary are open for inspection at ail *time. Visiters ,tve14, come every afternoon or .evening. By returning betties, proinptly we can give'. yOu much .hetter service as We are Short of, therm Please retern thein tinily to the shop. "Quality and Service" is ,our mottb. Wishing ;One and All a prosperous 030:: -I I.' E. Taylar. a o - ,THANKS TO ELECTORS To Eleetors of Kinloss:-.- Ladies and *Gentlenfen, • . s sincerely thank you orie m&ai1 for the ;liberal support you gave the in electing me As- a spernber t'se- tevisisisfit council for rg'so:z It Will he my earnest deelre to perform nit ,c1,....s.-.1-ffissWifilT• wi inuicarra sver--12--k to the best Of My abilitV. Wiahfng iron all n IlaPpy ind Pros- perous- Ne* Year, Sineerely • • titatc• " • - To The Elesiors: of wNh to thank everirohe wiltr' sup- ported me at the pas on Jaw. 6, in any way, and also the ,tiihoefrag dart. didateS for- the courtesy shown • to me; Mneerely Yours, - T. IL Moore .from Termite to spend a few ,days at. n • The Bread of Health The Bread " j .of Health • OUR MOTTO IS QIYALITY Arlp siOvicE. GOOD BREAD IS THE, IMPORTANT PART OF HE ' OUR '06ALITY, 1.1.014 3429* AND wkioLE WHEAT BREAD ••• IS THE BEST , . , • • • „ SPECIALS ,,, • B�N • 1301.1611E MAPLE W.A4,4140-- TARTS' :',41ELLY:•,itOLLS„. s RAS:BERRY TARTLETS' BRAN MUFFINS. ,DATE SQUARES ROLLS -.'`• COFFEE CAKES '1'7. plaint* • HOLLYMAS'S pum,riT BAKERY Phone' 36 Lucknow 0 . . LUCKNOW spHoo4 'ItEPORT, Room . Marks 363: Hon. • • . , 270: ,Pass 216. ' 'Hon.-Ls:Azusa FinalYson M .Pearinian. 293; Evelyn Whitby. Etta Bele MacDonald 279. Pass ii AusWell. 267: Ar,iorie, Button. 233: Margaret ".225..Below Pass -J. C..1 • Arinat ,180i Joan Pericer S73*:I C. ..rOhn 168: 'Merle Johnston.19.)e: • -Sr., 117 -Possible Marks 300s:' :125: Pass. 180. • Hon. --,Mildred Ritchie 319: ila Allin 284: .Zylela Steward 2144 H jehristone 265; June Collyer Arthur triplin 256: Mary Strut 255; Doris Ititehie 244: Orland tenon' 244-: 'Jean Struthers 243: win,BusWell 239z Jint Ward 237: Button Pasi-Harriet 224: Gordon:: Struthers 206: lir MacMillan 133 Jewitt ' -184:' oW Pass -Dive. Jewitt 161: M uerite 'Garniss• 152, ' G: Sherri 0 0, orris 283: 242: Bee rong ston 40n; roIC e'er 256: hers Ont. Ed- a.ei tiey ;ace Be - if. TESTER • Teetn•ater get its reeve, couneillers and Scheel' Board this year: without a/selection; Mr. J. IL Brown reMains, reeve and councillors are- A. •L. Strome: Thlreirsitriss, Wm.' Mann and Wm. ThOntpsen. The Scheel' Board is cOnstitutedas follows: Latchford Thacker, Chas Richardson, Wm. Freeman with the three Members Who we& erected foi two yenrs it 1929. Reeve Dave' MacDonald was' .re- turned'. by -Acclamation ii Culross, and five qinslified as candidates for cbunt- cillor. These are 'Doninic sBorho, Rob- ert Calvin, Geo. Falconer, Alfred Ross Robert P. Scott. his home. Miss Caroline Webb, Of St. Helena and -Mrs. M. Webb and children were gqpsU recently at kr. A. 'Hughes'. •Mr. Jas., Little, who spent the holi- day athis bogie, returned ,t� Bow- manville on. Friday. Mr. Ezekiel Hodgkinson, returned home after spending a . few monthS in Cellingivood. • Mr. Ed. Taylor, Nate is here from the West iSited last week with his • brother, Mr. ,j,ewis Taylor. s School' commenced on Monday with the teachers and pupils busy at work again. With the recent thew, it looks like if everybody shettld have a good share of water, as it .has bee. very -scarce' in plaices. Mr. Albert Tayler, left for Detroit last Week. Word Was received on Friday of the death of Mr. Hugh McKay whose home was on the 2nd. Con. of Xinloss. Mr. McKay was an the train corning from Winnipeg to Truro and had only been Hill a short tinie. The fun- eral is being held on Tuesday after- noon to, Kinloss 6ernetery, The fam- ily have the sympathy of the com- munity. ASIIFIELD NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hilton and 'children ,of Oakville returned 'home • . last week after spending a week with Ashfield friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Bruce Holland and son of Clinton spent last week with Mrs. lioliales parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter. Cooke. • Mr. Mike Itogen returned honse an Saturday after a ten days vitit with • friends in Londe," I:Acne-and Strath. The nla,ni friends of Mr. T. F. 'Henderson, formerly of Con. 12, Ash- field will be sorry to learn .that -he is critically ill at his' home 'itt Van- iouVer, B. C. The January .meetingof the W.14. S. of Ashfielil 'Presbyterian 'Church, will be he!il on Friday-afar/Cook sif thife,,: week at the hothe of Vra, Mackae, • The linion T,I.P.W.0, will' meet at Alfehei-he -oriVr7N-ei. 1 J.Maeltentit nin Wednesday .Tarrufity 15th. Ron 01111 to be arteNvereed by, a Scotch joke. • • . te The Elicters o!Iinosg 1' Ladies and Gentlemen -A wish to express Thy sineere thihks to yeti fee the' suport you:gave nie- on- Elettion bat. ansl 1 hope throughout the year te merit the confidence you have plac. ed iri me. Malting you the ComPli. menta of tho eason 1 r�niMnyours vetz tritise-mhint Dic440014, 1 WHITECHURCH m.omwitsr„a. yw. m. :Mullen of Ednrenton, •visited Iasi Week - with -Mrs., john Miss Louise Martin ;visited last .iveek with her aunt Mrs. Adair_ of Turnherry. Mr. Crowstone from 'Florida is visiting :his .uncles Messrs. Robt. and Andrew Ferries and other 'friends: Miss -Merle, Wilson, nurse-in:train- ing in Stratford Hospital spent }Jew `Years nt her home here: Mr.' McCartney Strid his daughter 1Mrs. Henderson from 'Powassoh visiting friends and relatives here, .The play "two 1)ay5 Too Mime presented in the Institute Rah *loot Priday `night by the • Lucsnow Junior Farmers and Junior ,Institute was a Veil* decided' snecess. It Was the tar- • gest crowd that has been at the hill, in fad quite a number couldn't ,get in to see the .play and these that did see it mid it was the best they had ever. seen. This play is to be present- ed at Holyrood this- TharsdaY night and. at ,Itipley and Kintail in the near future. • Miss Donalda 11,cCallum of Lang: side spent last week _with her ,aunt, Mrs. A. MeQuillin. • • The 'WI 'M. S. of the Presikyterian -Mirth' are- held-ing--ss PreshY day _ prayer in the • basement, • a Priday afternoon, Jinuary 10. Mite Annie Kenneth, of London is .at her •htime here. ' Sorne of the young people of White - front Wiegfraits enjoyed .1 sleigh ride list _Tuesday night and rifterwards were entertained arid, setyed Weal at EC- Osea.• 4:ppreriation ' lehh *1 Colwell .otters his Shicere Agallommompli=6 THuR,SDAY, FRIDAY, ,SATURDAY__:. January ..RD ups', , .•With Serial Coniedi r,HURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY January 16-47;'-I8! Rex Ming of Wild Horses), In "PLUNGING_HOOFS" Special ' "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" - THE SUN LIFE-issURANCE. COMPANr3F CANADA 'THE COMPAN-fAF- -WHICH-4'7 A CANADIAN - :MAY BE PROUD For particulars is tu And Dividends, See*.• GEO.41 Agent NEW STAR cAF Serving „e,, FISH and CHIPS 3 . • ' A Gunn's Tankage. • Bone Meal for Cattle, . • 60*, Tankage for Mega - Big 60 Fine & Corse for 'Rene Charcoal and Grit GEO. S. ROIIERTSON, CvaiNove. • (20-1) LOGS WANTED We the tradersignid are again in the market to buy .all kinds 91 Logs, delivered at our Saw Mill at 4ueknow. We are also in the Market to buy Standing Tiniher from those wishing to sell on the' stump. We. are prepared to pay good priees and .spat cash on de. livery. • • For: further particitlarn ' to.the Lucknow Table to:, Lihnited JOHN BUTTON, Manager,- 1V1idred Treteiiren T M. A. - _ • • Mezzo-Scprapc Teacher. of "Phorie 123 AN oLtil FA$frioNto_ WINTER •• We all knovi new What san "Old ' • fittliioned winter ni enitS. Itg a *inter with a heavy snow fail in Deeember and a big "January, thaw." Now if we Otthiber Of fierce storms in_,. • thnhks to all these ratepayers Of Kilt:, renttury aiscisiderch this will the a loss Who sol,splendidly signified their il.real old fashioned winter. The winters confidence m him by eleethig of iong ago are like the men of long a • reeve; and especially he tSsinks ago. they look bitifi4t 04 they te... mow Wends who worked for his el, cede inter the nast! Vhere iveof ot • • talk• " I those ysi