HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-12-19, Page 1,• _war ; , 4,14, • ,•"‘ • • .111 ; • • ••41 1 • „ , ••• • • • . " . • • •!'"•.#* • , • '11•.• 11:t• • • '`•ter'a.' . • • oFP1fa.,:„; . • . • •.• 44 '••••••••'•t••••• ••• -'•'••••••,•••••,, , 1.,..,. i: 7, .17.'."? • • .0.•.f , ',:.1..• . • , , ' • ••••-•,. ,' ',4,',,,•-;„, ' ...1'. '." , ,.."'• . , , 4 , . • • Si. V., •... , . It • . • • ' • .„ • • • 1. . _ •• .• $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVARCE; $2;40,.OTII4B.WisN , • . . - • DR. W. CONNELL :*Physician and' Surgeon ' • . :,•..LucknOW • • flours. L30-4.30 ••• • • pliene'lle . • . . • • • ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 119th, 1929. ONtri!,4•t•-YOui C101OtTal • MO lia•POY and Aiff° goad/aheer. Mi Alex ...Rasa. who was' quite •ser.- iously RI .couple of: weeks ago is improving:And is now able to be up. . , . Lticlinow? stores 100 01 open each • •n pg.. conarnericrrig We lieeday: of. '' • • ' ' . ' - ' - ...,. " • '.„ - : , •, • DA, MacLeod will visit Litekiliw, - OW reek, • 4ptil.-40ter .abriatmas:, ' ,• ' ,:•,•• . • , every Tueeday.4 in The Cai0.1.Iouse. • , The nerd week will be filled >with , and gOinge-"--ChttistMies le the I • • 4- - • - • D. M. 'JOHNSTONE TAKES _ , .`• TORONTO POSITION . • •••••i••••••••,* • „R.ON4 D; M. Johne'teae 'Ville -bee Ven ese"Oefated-lvith bis; hrether, ..lohiStulie,•-•:here the' 4rait.4A4 undertalyng business left. Mrklay. morning 'Or Toronto :" *ere ho has taken, a -position. as furierat director, .with •Igt, 4.ilms.kon Co.,..,ot that. I • d to:Own t • .• •.' • DENTIST .;. •.greateet-hoeteceining.-SeiaS,nr. Of' t was; runiore • • ..er- ".' !.„ ..the 1)-0t. .0441.0 ,O0v4eisathat•°'.., *vim Ateker,s, gto Church Jicknow- Johnstone had a. yell goad • r tr •• ff f th T to fir ° which he •RUL.11.1_ ottsp. GREETS LI..;CE.NOW DRAMATIC CLUB The -*keg Splendid Eiiterteierrnent, And, Went ,• OVer Big. „ • ' 4 eatgttaiinneat :thn plan; *thing ,Stlit Truth'; „ereerlted in', the, '3-aytili. NO :r4ssaair proyik adVanee: ao*es,, and to best-ekpeciatiOris ..In fact . it was (Bap. tip to anything. the 1 ai F.', • in will. hold their annual entertainment • , Dramatic Society has ever presented. • • 4, y 'gas or_ local. Will h rkely te aecept The- businees • , in .the church,. Friday evening Of .thla . .• •, . h Ii• s filled ta .carleity and ungannon,every Ihursday. Phoile.53: .. he e will be continued b R . . . • • • \ CHAUTAUQUA •, . • • ; ENTBlicrAINMENTS • 22.---24r•-••25-,an“Oth ate, ;the 'dates on VbiOli.the,Chauteuqua., series Of ent•ertitinmets will be giVen Lneknow:.:' • , '" • „ The•ergeniaation responsihle fl3rlhe eritereipmentat is A, purely ;Canadian affair which fiik: the past 13 :years :Sealcatchevian„ Alherta, and, 'has been serving f the,. people of )1400.. Colerable.;.• where visite ap,-, lirmtirriately 6000 • cenunimities each year: The •Chatitavqra companies whiCh have previously visited Ontario , ••there was every, indication that the centres have been •ot United,. States. JelistOne: ltfrA Johnstene aria church • ' crowd was well eatertaiikedLindeed erigin, but this year the work in this province has been taken over by the Canadian Chautauquas,.• and the 'Pre; :granis are Mere in' hare -1617 'With Canadian . •• , • • • :There are • features •ot the series la suit everybody -lectures, music, readings, ,noVelty presentations. •Dr. tehyi. chiee6 .diplonlat and • • • , _ a graduate .of Cambridge tells of present-day Chine. "The. Tatsy" and Give And Take,' two popalar stage Successes are• aiming; 'the . number. Eigret S. Cutler, a Well known con - of Lacknow.the past three Tears and cert' tenth!. And Margaret Austin, a likely Would have cantinued in that is It )bert Bennett, qudertakes on a tenItthensaira ,dollarribetc,ta.sPeak nethr.• alotinqUiaired Hiitisli! :,outi,..e tribute nurnberA , • . • . d'i• , , • . - . • •.II: Esp c i a 1 , ,m e e t 1, n g of the,Rebekah's ter, ,Helen-,4.will •reinain.• in 1. kilo* WALL kuki,Ett-4. fait fine of 1929'• Monday night Dec,,23.. . . Well •Paper on liana, prices consider., will he held on Degree" practice, • Satiirclay iiyht- m.,--- ': It is said•that the until early' theN pi New Yeari --- •••-•ner--7.-- •.: there was nothing lacking to Make owner of iie' bus- the evening: an. allrdund success for in, December 21st, at 7 p . .' '' • • • • inesi in Toronto was Once a resident. audience and entedinersalikenThose .. making: .up the • cast wereg As ChriStreaS Day occurs on Wed- nesday of this week, The Sentinel will ...not goleto' the , Mail .until Friday inorning-rone day later than Usual. •, • able. dowsfor 1929. I ern also. 411nit for leading jab.beesealt. JT-Citiiier- , on, Decorator, Painter and Grainer Box 174, .Lucknow. • ' • • FOR SALE -Revolving • AshSifter with • container; all metal. Apply. at The Sentinel Office. • , • . FQR SALE --Cor/ due to fresihen! • about March 14. ' • Wm. Arnnitrong, Jr. MAN WHO VISITED HERE DISAPPEARED IN MICHIGAN Walter Sturdy eras ,over (26-,-12-rer) • . "' igan last week,trying*to get inforrna- •" bon about,lus brothrnaw Alex EXiienked boy :allots work on farm. Foster homes wanted for boys and girls; seven months to .seyet • ' years old. Apply to Seey.. Children' '"Aid Society, Walkerton. , • r ••4 - LAMB •1ASTRA.Y-Carne . to the . • • premises of. the.undersigned in Luck- • now, about Nov. 19; 1929, a Lamb. • Owner may have .same 'on. provin•g. 7.- property and- paying -expenses.. - - • - Herb McQuillin. • (19-12-p.) •:•-- ,AUCTION SALE . • • • Russell hfcCreight, Con. .10, Ash- field will havea clearing Auction Sale • of his,.farm4itock and implements on i ecember, 23rd; comMencing at 'One o'clock. Everything will be, sol _ •• Joh a Purvis, AUC. • ••, (19-12-p.) •. ' • • . "' • SHEEPASTRAY. Came to the premises of the under- signed, Con; 13,, Ashfield, 4 sheep, apparentlY 1 Ewe and 3 Lambe. Own-. er can have same by provingproper- ty and paying 1expenses.1 James E. Ritchie. (2-1c.)' • CATTLE ASTRAY • Came to the premises of the.under- •• signed, Lot. 6, Con. 10,.2..qhfie1ct town- ship,'3 heed cattle apparently about • • . Oneyear old. Owner may have dine , I • • • on proving property and paying ex- penses. James Seianett. (19-12--p)- ---. TENDERS i . Sealed Tenders will be received'by the unthrsigned, for the purchase of 8 -roomed dwelling,.,Sot S. Campbell • St., Lucknow; opposite James Lyonb residence, up to 20th of December, • 1929.. The, highest or any tend.er ra�t • necessarily accepted. Parties tender- . ing ' please ntate terms' required. For . . futher particulars apply to- D. (1.• Tavlor; Lucknow. to . (19-12-c.) • • LOGS_WANTED We the undersigned are again in the market to buy all kinds of Logi, delivered at our Saw Mill at •Luknow. •We are also in •the Market to, buy .Standing Timber from those •wishing to sell oh 01e gmp. We are prepared to pay -plod prices and spot cash on de- • livery. .• Poi further particulars apply to the Lucknow Table Co., Limited JOHN BUTTON, Manager. • Mr, . ....... -.. . IL• S. IltillArty OPEN MEETING • An open Meetink of the L.H.S. Lit- eary Society Will be held in the Term itall;Lucktiow, on Thursday; Det. 19. ,tt 8 O'Cioek P.M. A program of music - ...,,,,,-T • .and drinaticaWtill be pre:ttttewivd,' t°11C-e.. herd; and •inveweit: af,...tlit drtinIttalten- mnut9s 11411604. th Jii....0, lAr:. . • main .eature be4 •presen . ces It was accept . kierinor 11' "r" Fieebern's address 'was iritteli -shorter." :. .: . . * the plity* "I,a. Petidie AIM Yen" trait runiaton• was ap./Antd :acing ree •••ua-,6 ,t,A;AAA in his, chAtg-e-t-6 The. ' '''.• slated/ Tohelp defray • experisea the. • until !an elcterl'reeve takes the oftee 4r apieited to iike great weight small fee of ,25e`Torlfd-Irlffitu1,5r lt Thrtabgimung a he t� • to the evidenekti tortataU.- e soli, an for 'ptitills' of . the Public School will • rteeve ite..,tn..tee, had ben Au.tito- 0 .:: t••••.„ . ,.. , pro WAS Very. contmetnentory to, toe . be Oliarged,..Ererybody simne oil•-abOW :1'40 for sic years-lifeeyearis • as yinclal poice a•s• a whaler seying that that the school is appreciated, .•• eottrieilloi arid three .yeara. is• /Vire,. - .. *N. '.• (10.-,--12--.) . , and by way of reiogiliting his Or* • ceS the 'othe. Member's' of ihe hoard, •' .,......--0 6. 0-.. .. • , .. • ... • . .' ' • !DANCE . t .', ; .... ' , :ott...his Jeisitioh tireiented hiiii With Th 60.kere, mit...t.ttektomi; prior .41-„ dub.- bag, _acting • reve= Dee. . 21th,-Rayn.er's • South:Manton making the presentation. The retiring .. ,-. orchestra,. Good • pinkie '-• titheli-J .reeve acknowledged the tilee gift, and ••inyaterletisly disappeared, 'while • on a. visit to a farm which he owned some 80 Miles from. Pontitte, Where he .had • . . . r-- ..resided .' the It...1St,' few years. •••• Flainliton •snent, part • of Sept-. ,einber and' -.a few days, ofOctober .with Mr.„,..Sterilv here, ..i.•nd left... for.. liOme 'on/October •4th. On October 6th liewent to :hie farm. to tranaaet seine .of lucicnow: that is a youn Man'he leareed the biacksmithing trade 'with • the late A,dam Thompson, going later to Toronto Where ,he found prosperity in the realestate .business and some • years ago; although not fa qualified. Undertaker,. invested in the; preien• f business.' "• Mr: D. M. Johnstone has been reeve Wilfred, TAndeson,, Joe Hassel, Rev. • E, 0. Gallaher, Elliott Miller, •ThOinas, Watson, Lorna Campbell, Mrs. • J. ,Weeley JOynt,.,Mary A4chison; Illosi- gEitet- Button, Rene McDonald,. Phyl,- Be • MacDonald. • Differing from Mast plays the men were inoit to the fore, and • inade most of the 'flit. Mr. Anderson, who Position during 1980 had, he remain -al i intownHe will beMissed not Only ng but the truth for 24 hours, has . . .. a hard dine of.it, gives ,offenee to all ' • . :from the business of the townP , . ut • friends nieluding .the "one and • • . SHOULD LET THE PUBLIC KNOW frOrnthe baseball and hockey teams his only girl!' and Is, ha:pis to be released : ._. .,....;,.._ , . in both of which he •took, an active . from the le.h.lble ordeal. Hasgel Is A Lucknow resident complained to interest and was one of the strongest an unscrupulous ,buSiths ..man 'Who us the other dair that the horseracing players ' - .' ' ' - • believes that lying is neeessary andi on Carnpbell Street, Sunday evenings, . , The ',Presbyterittn Church choir. of 'Gallaher and Miller, greedy. for Men-•: . ._ didn't get sufficient advance 'puhltcity. which Mr. Jonstone was a valued ••ey, agree with him., . .- - • • He missed seine of the sport last. nreMber, at a meeting at the Tirane of. . -businegs-With-e Mr, Russell. who had !•it-4f."'"O'itiCnrcIleritee Aitchison, Wet. -11u4 1i$ 1111PQs81111 " "11 °' e "49 -7 -Sunday: and Would' like to knew the this ti•il) sdaY, evening of last •week presented Story. The play will : be presented the farth rented, And fromhour for starting.. We suggest that he never returned'. As . he was goi.ng. !min with A haAdA0roe poly r. of The here gairi t6 evening of Thursday . Constable' Ferguson superintend the to make Some improvements to the January - 2nd; and should provide a performance hereafter, and'awarcl the Book of Praise and an address cf.au- preciation. Mr. Johnstone made, a delightful. entertainment .for the holi.,. P 8 :in the way of :fines :and jail. farm buildings with a view to going to live there again, his pear4 in Pon- day xiaitor, • • , ." sentences ' ' • , ' brief reply in acknowledgment telling tiac ,did not' . become alarmed by ; his the.. meinbelS, of the Choir' how Wel- .;,Before the •Curtairi went up, Mr. F. come .the • and other ,residents of ..i.::. ArreStrong: entertained the agatii- 'absence for some days, when'on fail- , Jr . • • . • " • • • - • • ' knoall&-...114--ilit?,411iWai' lering with selections on the • new El- :GerrardSt., Toronto. . Sturdy if he had returned. t LucknoM.. The , disakarrance Was then. re; ported to ;the police and detectives started an inVestigation. In a, bank where Hamilton had been doing bps- iriess there, was found it cheue. made in fie* of the nriesing man, dated. Oct. 6tih.. This ebermeTirvas appearently endorsed by Hamilton, but handwrit- ing experts decided that the Writing • was riot his. It does hot appear to be known who presented the cheque at • the' bank. The cheipre was for $900. a. sern•which' it is estimated would about' Square accounts between Hamilton and his terant, on a deal ievolving stock and the rept of the farm. Suspicion „somehow• fell upon Rus- sell; the tenant, and lie. was. placed under arrest. On the farm is said to have been found an ax with blood and hair on it; suggesting t; hat it may have been used in 'killinga man. On the farm too were found charred bones, suggesting to the pollee that • body may have been hurried. But these evidepee of a murder are not at allconhisive tis it canna be Shown. that the bones.were of a hum In being The' mon tinder 'arrest renses to talk about Hamilton, further than to deny having had anything to do with his disappearance. The *hole glary constitutes at very real murder mystery, the unraveling of whichthere seeirs at present little prospet.. Bid the tict remtini that Mr. Hamilton cannot be lorated, while irnoWn frits abeut the eheoue maids' in his favor, but not cashed by him suggest that he has: been the victim of foul play. -o • VILLAGE COUNCIL •• •• HOLDS FINAL. MEETING LUcknoW's Council held ifs stt- utary meeting for receiviag the trea- surer's statement up to, Dee. 15 and W inding up the year's business;, Saturday evening. There was little buSiness before the Council but ;Mine of it was im- 'Portant. Reeve D. M. Johnstone who) Awls to leve. for Tronto, on Monday Placed his resignation btel% the •New Attractive' articles ;in all ele- petnients of the store for The Market. • , • FINE•,ON RECKLESS • • • DRIVING:CHARGE chestra selections with • wonderful acciiracy and in splendid volunie. Be Omen acts, Mit. Scobiel and Miss•Eob- ertson sang a duet, and IVIiss Mary Aitchison contributed solo. Follow- ing the ,play the yOungerLelement en - "eyed a, few 'furs dancing. The plan of seats ter Tuesday ev- • ening; was sold out Pretty early, and no doubt many country residents were disappointed in not being able to get suitable. seats. Chances should be better •fpr. January 2nd. The plan wilt be opened shortly at-. McKirn's Dug Store, and the price will be the same; 50c including tax. • - • ' HOCKEY CLUB RE -ORGANIZED The Lucknow•Hockey Club was "re- organied at a meeting et those in- terested held in Agnew:s office, Mon- day evening, Luchnow will enter a team in the sanior Northern Hockey Leakire, and may alsp,eriter the Bruce, League, if a suitable. grouping can be arranged. It is proposed elle to, or- ganize a hoine league in order to give the younger element opportunity for practice and develop new players. Ileckey fans are a good deal die- apporrited that the Arena could • not be completed this seasotwotving ,to winter Conditions Setting in so early, but they are going .to do their best to keep the, sport, alive, and hope tot better conditions. next winter. • Officers . elected at Mondays meet- ing were: President; deo. II. Smith; Viee Prs., 'R. E. Thompson; Seret- ary, C.Thmpson; 'Treasurer, C. Mitr die, Manager, W. McCoy; -Coah, R. JohnstoneI , ' The Executive are anxious to make the -Town League a real success, and create an adtive interest ill the sport among old and young. All those wish- ing to play must hand their rig& to the."secretary. by Monday, Dec.. 22, in order that the teams rimy be arrang- ed and' theschdule draWti 'up. We watt ;Our tunnel The .Senior te,arn will hold a • prac- • tics tonight at 7 p.m. and ell the boys are asked to be on hand. The eiteil- • tive -ask tilt those who have hockey trw. rttn -hot* -thent=--ta. te- the - Seem or •after -this --pi • J• P. O'MallY, of Detroit, formerly of near Si. Augustine, was fined $500 vvitlfithe 'option of a jail sentence of Six months; on a recklesS driving charge, at the Peace Session ,of the. "•'County' Court hi Walkerton lira week . Readers will temeinber the road ac;.: cident in Which ,0'Mally iwas involved a few Miles south of Teesioatsr at the time of the Old Boy's Re -union at Teewater, the first Week of Ang- • ust. celVially had come over from De- troit, and at the thine bf.the Accident hail in the 64r with him two women, cousins of his. They WeredriVing to- wards Ntringhani. The car left the road, the two women were thrown out, the yeunger one, Miss O'Calla- han Was. killed instantly ant her sis-, ter, • Mrs.' Jamieson, •suffered such injuries that died about 24 hours liter. Mr. •O'Mally was not seriously hurt. The women appeared to have been thrown through the door is the carAiit a telegraph poe. • Provincial policerna4 Nelson, of Walkerton viiited •the scene goon- after the accident and .was 'the chief wit- ness .for the crown. It was charged that O'Mally.• was driving at a speed that Might be regarded. eareckles. The driver of a car which he passed shortly before faking to the • ditch Swore that his car wag registering 50 miles per hour, yet 0'1VI•ally. •went. ahead. O'Mally said that he met a Car • going north. and tarried out to Avoid a cellision; others who were there • said there Was no car ping aerth. There was a great deal of teati- Mony as to tire point at; vvhich the car left the road and as to the Angle At which it hit the telegraph pole. Crows: Attorney Preehorn.conductd the prosecution and brMally was de- fendd by/Cinabell Grant, of Walk- , erton. Grant took one-hour and thirty Mns' Seeater ddati, Jersets an Pullovers make sensible • Christufas they Were an eteellent, body of nien, tiffs --The Markt. • .Who. were doing a ValiMble serrica to, the public. , •• , ?lie arguments Of counsel arid ehoge.by"..the, judge were. conipleted by Fiday, night, but the jury did not to to their room until 7,15 •Sat - BOX SOCIAL AND DANCE °A Ras Social titi Witt will he held in the Conn:11unit* -Hatt Para- mount, Friday ev:4-. Jan. `arc', under t.25. Entra lady and eAlleti 56e. expressed regret at haring to leave prdA3, morning,i act not resell it Attspicee, et the paramermt 1.,. F. 0. - • , the board where •relAtiiigshiPs tad decision until after 'en a'eltiak Their Dante to s t 1 S ds forthe Arena fund. been througheut arerthe. • ta 1). ° °ek- e o „Verdiet wag to the effect that OlVtally„bOxeS at 11 o'lck. Admission S5% -Netv Merchandise- that is seaitOtt, NonlitlititOils for feevr end wig' guilty of iota tad16 %Atli boxes free,. Coed stabling • • Wk r • hie Will make aceeptohlethristmaa lora will he'held one W 4 Om Mint, A 3 - the dge iniPosed g fine ,of SAO' as for ' horeeeverybody wel4::,..e. stoteht1„ 1,4.*,,,. .,•_., 1,26,----•_ 12-01 • Ilifte•--frtie market _ . ilt t'f"t ' ' - -.4'. , , ,,,tolovg , ° ' - -4) c goal . , • 4, • • e • • ' ' '" t '; ' . 4 ••agym, 10,01,,F4. MOLY THEATRE THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY December 19-20-21- ' Al Wiliam, (Daredevil Aviator). In "THE'CLOUD DODGER" • • With Serial & Comedy • COMING "MAN, WOMAN, and WIFE" THE SUN LIFE ABSiTRANCE • COMPANY OF CANADA Tim COMPANY. OF WHICH A CANADAN, MAY BE PROUD For tParticulars to to Plans, Rates. .And Dividends, See GEO. 11. Mill • ••Agent ' • „ • NEW.STAR CAVE Serving FISH and. CHIPS 30c. • . • Gunres Tankage Bone Meal for Cattle .-• ' 60% Tankage for tings. Rig 60 Fine &Coarse for genii Charcoal and Grit • GEO. S. ROBERSON. LUCKNOW. (t0 1.2.-c.) • ' ." .1 ".• • POSTPONED --APPorwr-4emr Thecanagian -Fur Mfg. , fill their engage- ' rad with flOur_Storen orvileco 20th and 21st Friday and Saturday A Grand Display and Sale of Ladis' Pur Coats. Buy with confidence, as these coats give satisfaction Alfred t. auswell mom SINGLE. COKES 5 CENTS, The Bread. :The Bread of Of Healt4 "OUR MATO ISQVALITY AND. SEItylCE. • WE SPECIALIZE IN -TOE CHOICEST MATERIALS FEM.:YOUR , • • CHRI:SM,* OUR OWN MAKE MINCEMEAT NOWltEABY; IT Is MADE • '''s ; • . FROM TIME PUBEST INORBDIENTS;..„ POIt ,OUB NOTRB, Rbf.A. AIRE •AOW TAKING ,ORD • • rt!,' OuncaNds,..:KHgE Agis VERT ciloicz. • . CARES. Sis .PODDINOS, MAKE \ 1/ELIGIOF-tti, . CERISTMAS GIF- TS ;PACKED READY To.MAIL.. • ' HOLLYNAN'S QUALITY • BAKER' Phone 36 Lucknow fot ' ••• ,' But You Have Time To ,Secure That Gift, Even UP T; • ' ONLY :FOUR, AIOR 13' FOR CHRISTMAS .SHOPPING Th� teat Miniire-You aEurof Fiiithitg m Our Large !to& The Article That Suits. DSIAAOnmidoitrobse-forLadY or Gentleman. Little reauty, set in White Gold Setting -$25 00' I Extra value, nice :large diamond, white or green gold -$40.• Similur Setting.' • larger diamonds from $50.00 "to $100:00. • • , • WATCHES Whte„agiti.GreeMGOLHIed: • Wrist Watcha,-416.00 • '--- • ..• SaMe. Style, Higher -Grade Case, aidMOVeMent-41i:00 ALSO SEE OUR BEAUTIES 24.75 29:75 35,. k 40; .• • •• • • Sterling Silver -$1.00 • , . • t. 10 K Birthday 'Rings in 'Mani Styles -$3 50 Op. Gent's Heavy Gold, Signet and Stoneset-$500 tqL, Emblem Rings -L-26.00 up . FRENCH IVORY •• Sets of Rose Pearl ' Manicure pieces in Gift- Cases -$2 50 to $8.00• • Larger sets in the Beautiful Rose Pearl$18.00 • ••••• THESE HAVE TO BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED • s WHY •NOT HAVE THA'r RADIO • ' • .., A Gift for All the Fami AT HORNES. . . We have Added to our already 'Large, Stock of Confeetitnieiy Pys' fine line ,of Chocolates -in Variety pkgs, imparted front Enland; Just Arrived -A' large shipment of MOIRS' FAMOUS B014 BONS • In 'all sizes, from 1/21th lib. 21b. 51k. and 1016 • • '•• WRAPPED IN REAUTIPUL GIFT BOXES • ALL MAKES OF CIGARS,:c1GARISTIES 8t TOBACCOS • In Specially Wrapped Gift. ROxei3 • SMOKING SETS POUCHES • PENCIL SETS ASH TRA CLOCKS mar WATCHES I ' We Have Them in, a Big Variety . • • o• WE CARRY A F.ILL LINE OF GOODS FROM tiviTED otaidt STORES & EACH it EVERY ARTICLE IS AINCONDITIONALtr GUARANTEED. Don't Forget Our Quick Lunch Servi • Milne Cooking is Our Specialty •. .• WE mopE. you W116L biA li.,B OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON' , . eHere is Our Surpria For All ' - 4 .11 .,- We went every person iii Town and Sorrounding &unary to •10.10' our Store on Saturday of iiiis week and Monday' mirk Ttieritiati of nen- .of.5corote_weavOtsemte,4jlot-Cup- TEA, Pree, • EItAt. CRILII-ACCOARANXIE:0,.....tfltalt.- PARENTS ," *ILL,- CEIIPt A SURPRISE ii aiset. tvrkg.gor_itArititobgtteittL, L • grit*" copy op ivIrr$ gri-Argaw-os Icy cREAM ALWAYS -01 AXND ' .Z•••• •• . • • • • • I • • • 0. 114,4 4,44 . • . • • '• • --,74,4`