HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-12-12, Page 44,,
• • .
. • • .
e cafl fails
• • r • •
NgAtg are three people every teleOttene • '•
• • - -•
• '• c414ZIf'-e0Y,one of them -maliena miatake the
!• • :.CaltriCils4'' It may he the operator. it maybe the
PvetiOn cafling,it may be the Per01. eared. • • '
*here are ;O:Ver one millien.lescal! cella in-Pntark••
fond Quebec', eV -cry do *bleb fail—"Line's 3usy"
Answer ". -."No on thaf.nri, now. ,,, •
- '"Wri#*N.4-eaeir..7: • • - - • '• • •: • ,
These '440*Pletect'414:.# are 'a: seriewit Matter.'
i''`•TheY mean two lnifflint. minutes a day'wasted
‘-congestion ,Of.' traffic t'4.••conetirit iititation 7. a ' • •
• ;handicap to .efficient. eervice. . •
•,..6•010,6 tc10 these' cannot avoided and gome of
them are due to our own 'envy% and alley of •
them are, (1110,0 leek Of co-operation by the other • •
two parties. •'.
• .
are constantly reducing our own errO.;*
1,..nnd we are constantlf,striiiing to give the best..„, .
'Feasible telephone service at 'lowest possible cost. ;
Aciiari.of this.eifort we are neiV•gitfing publicity
to conunoi failts.in telephone usage in the' hope
that there there inay be Mutbal-'endeaVotir,-te sante .
and eiaietale eiaschnern effieleaci,
It take5--three-iiedge-to-edmp1e1e„.1'4all.•;c4f4eteL__....: .
' makes a zoistakei.thUcall'faile: ' . • • "
'ett: Artng " than •- • ;
his' year 'ti°'•
ata impirove teIts,4,
n :
••••• ••••• •
• ••
rimonmpromplb •
• nitEit• :.,•ItJERD71.• 4.1.":4-1:214,
. „ .
, ,,,,,, ., .:. 114„ A.:"..S ..
.. , .,., ...„,,.4, ' ......,.... ; ae, ,,,,,,,,,o, „. ., .. ,
• .il ' - ' ,:iim.--illnef!s' • 4' 774 ,at,; his
ilFellat'Fikig''''Graiiitehl...,t::dt '.. **L.:
"Li .ciiihn',.. -,.. .:•on" Nov.: . been
frf'!:, : Teeswater, , . , having „
boni in
1,, ' '-'4.-:-: �f. age, in
`He wa is (?..-;• • .• lc turaes!....,
. ra7 iliii.O•F'1. ,.ivtlies,
. itoh, , ,.....-- Ago. " . e,w.'
k4)H,. as in.,.... -00 ..
'''..1%,4•141 *CP, .. thee ... .
gir 1" .. '. Of e. -114A,;...:"!,•.. ii,,,..voher .
Kinloss, and •,.:e .
beth Ste ., , . _111.6..Tee resided....._,...........„.„.. As..
.144'ini.,0Y-F ---,--47..;i114,,..
'..". 11.**,..01!-,,,„ d,,tpti..
- .,. itv..one: ,. . .. 13 Elliott.. r
unle ...
the, falaik'' •,...t. ,;, --Ii4M,.,,. . • . . of
' -.• , .!,. t!!'• - ehut,v.0,-, ... , ••• George, . .
,,„te:I '' ' t.,-----. .., ther . -bt,„
';r4 ..'21** 5:. ' ..t.:34,14:.'---. ••••••••0-
, •. ,
. -
-'s-Atotal- of $7,OOOO�O will be ex -
Pedal next year througheqt " the
counties and townships of' Ontario
in the improvement sideroads.I This
is, nearly three times the amount
spent during the past year and iviII
doubtless prove of great value "to'
eRnatry resideAts.• • •
, .47 •o' • •
. The 'longer winter lasts the longer
it -will be before you have to, try to•
open the railway eat windows.
ADIrlicE TO THE... MAN' .
• ."
• ,
n•10.wents to imew *het 394.ot
aeWite :a widos 'niekes,,The• •best, Pen;
:the best; ,A .Widoer, 18 always ,a pre-
ferred Inatilltoolal risk; Experience
matrinienY :connte ;44§ Jo
everything eke, 004 the ;0"44.4 whp
has .14s4 leieband!, is. Pleasanter to
get alonkwith and *Mier...to live 'With
eVen:if. she itniit.tietuallia better 'Wife
than the maiden who has never been
Itintited at alt• . • . • - ,
! 'This is 'true 'Whether, the woreati Is
4' sod: Witlew :or a raps Widow, ‚The
„NVOJilitg has lost 40t,h.P14ild by
deatir'puts Inte'hor'..treatinerit a. her
_ . •
eee4ad'huShaild a lot Of, '.,the:•teiriorse
She telt 'h .1 kthru
„.Wen s, looked .n • ...
her tears . late a: Coffia and thciught
• bow-mei* mOre.'tender,''.ho'l.,':mielt,
more lovi** and eMialtlerAte• She 4444
'have' been as Wife, -while thaldivore-
• ad weirian• has learned' the letiiscin..Of
her failure 'failure •and'haind out that when
a husband. strays Oft. or gets:. stolen
it is nearly alarays.,beeause the wife
lite been •found tillIty Of eentilbutory.
tleghgetice- .• • ° •
Sine!, she is. deterniinecrto
:the new one eating .opt of he hand
if being', a' ;good wife will turn . the
, •"
;There are as. many 'reasons why*"
.•widOw. makes a •better wife theft.: tt:
..yotmg ,glrl deesi.aa there are .retteons.i.
why Oi Profit:00081*Am out In a game,'
over an:.(iMatetir..'To begin with, she
is :s better •picker than thi
. has cue he wisdoin.teeth 'On,a, wedd-
ing ring .and •she*nows.'what nnalfties,
to look out for in the man with,rikoa
she proposes to RV's the'
her „ That 18 *hi second' *lege,
"tipsily alWays*ear-a. more .contented
expression than do.
The _Young girl chooses.. ,S Man for'
• a hushand. because, he Is 'a sheik 'Of
:beeauSe he hie soulful eyes or 'because
• he has a keen line of ;love-Mskinklir
,pme aneer: ,.
Beeausi" he is a h 'd She
. .
notT$0.4x, Docomssa
en.pporting a family, .She :doesn't'
„ea** a tap whether ,ike is bald headed
.0a h4,131,1440Aved :or a glib love -mak,
She ',11:bowe the desirable
husband is the Mao who snys it yvith
his cheque-bOolt and NOM IS a 'fireside
• Companion Whnse` wife :doesn't • have
to .alioya 'keep,heree.Onhim.••
:tie Wick* makes ebothing and
agreeable •wife • because she dOe'enN
eXPeet too -Mach -of a'" Man: It is- n
hitter.da Y t� the, hnehanci as well as
•forlthe bride *A she finds Out that
• . •
. she is Married to 'a Mere *inn inst;ead
Of to a 40004 and Ile made to
•;'realize hwfar...abort he conies of be-
ing ilrYbeen,, of her g.i00:.di'lams..
the. widow...has been thrOngli, 'all ' this:
and hat.,StrOpped her iiiiposaible' ideas:
Se learned about pen, ft:Om, her pot
husband' And fOnn4;o4t thiit even the
best"Sof' thern.have their little fault!,
never giires a. thoeght to hie.teniper
• and lispo-Citien:'•or• even .hia 0114 to
. Make a living. • ., ' • ••
The ,widOv: has -fund - out -that • all
•,these 'eXtranepini Char* are a.
.arasheut ..iii:matriniony„..Therefere, if
eheArarriea again!" she .selects .4 man,
for a husband because be is •good-
natired • dependable' and-•-•"geiri‘T
ons. and because she has 'folind"out
that they have the same taste. in 0
erything from politicriato, Pie and b
arikwealefeseScand • rtiga!ig '„eircY Ad
.tlion:iitt firs .strgight and narrow wy
§0 she has leap04 hew•to. take her
husband with. haAaOr''and phildsOphy
andto. shiit hex' eyee to whit she does
nat.'went' to see:and to iauth at his
foibles instead • 01. having hysterics
Over them:, Aboy0 all, she, takes her
husband "21.,4.1 'Oe'. Shipping r„,,,,r
ifests say, and *sat try to make
him over: And, 04 saves a lot'of wear
and tear on a in,4's, !vanity. ?
, Alate tli•e, wide*, has -developed a
tecimiqua-in •,hnbng a• husband. The
re!toon that. so ,Maar young ecinpleis
scrap and quarrel' and go to the URA
over every olttestlon that, arises is be-
cause of the'rew 'Way in 'which bides
gd about managing their hushands.
They argue .about everything: They '
preSent'nititeatuins, They tell unwel-
come truths. Th41,trample roughshOd
over th'eir:. husband's idiosyncrasies.
They bump the poor, little,, silly
beads egainst:every Wall. 1.
' :Net. so. the widew..phe stUdiei her
man Until she 'has a teed working
Map of all hia.taptes and "habits and
little pectilaritieS and she. walka
among the Wfalls She keeps off
his prejudices, She never riles hint ;,by
disputinghiS: ainsertimi- or Cortictifft
his statement": .0,he nicks the psychdt
• log1411 1et:4'404 when he..is 'fed and
rested to .Preient bilis and tell"lini
that mother is earning for a nice long
visit. She jollie# him Along the way
she wants him ttj go instead of trying;
tOdrive liTartotO ft,-antl she skips
nimbly 'around: is eccentricities in-`
Atteitd,(4'breakjpg her, heart. crashing
et:. :casuist them, .
, e
12, MS:.
14' elxiew ealie his stomayb'' and MS'
Pe*.et-hoolE ,from the hazardous ex.',
Per=inienting of A _ blonderirig bride.
MeityYming girls know nothing of
eithereooking er handing' ieemy when'
they get :Married and by the time• .,
'rimy have learned how.t.o dorilect.meal
that isn't * lira old. to the' coroner
and how to get a hundred ,eents out
• of. a .0011Ay':.t1iey have given their. un-
fortunate husband's' chronic dy,spepeia,
and brought theM to the ferge of'
heoltruptcy.- • ". • .
-. -The second husband reaps the: re-,
'Ward a the firat•huShancrs sUffering:
For Neatl;e2ry,PeiZ OArrsten:s.'nOiniltalid.
,cuits;_no.'wastefuLhoying:. The .w..ide*
has not° only :learned her trade ot
housewife on :herfirettInialiand; but
'she has alee 'learned that if it*W0pi4P,-
"Niranta tolceep•her:'huiband happy an
content,She:irritist "feed tbe brute"
Finaily the -'.WidoW- Makes ,a toad
Wifebecause she 'goes intoher second
Marriage. -more soberly,. more intelli-
gently, more deterniinect to ,Make a
• good Wife than. she did when she was
tnerried'the first time. When a young
girl Tarries., she 'thinks only of .V•er
husband making her happy; When a
kvimii9ow?thniaati:riiiesh etrt asrl i°aTigt ae ssuhce-
cesS that she has to do mOst a the
s� she.
elf -control :and, an Ume'tisunesS
it takes life and sffeTi
• : • '
. _
Cbieken ' thieving , is in, the wane in •
Ontario, accerdingto i receet state -
MOM.' of Hon,' John S., Martin; Minis-,
ter of Agriculture,'and the legislation
passed at.,the .last session :of the
legislatnre isgiven:a •hig share of the
credit for the satisfactory' situation
lurk prevailing- Thefts. Are still Se-
curing'but • they are Scattered and
-bear resemblen-e.,te , the. eel -
denies, :which prevailed "for a time
The iie legiSlatiOn-"eMpoTlinera- the,
Pollee "officeri to searchpoultry trans-
ports and cannel truckers andlothere
to'keep elese cheek on the birds they;
are transnorting, Not only have SIN).
fines been levied, but ,',a" total of".*
Of the offenders were sent to l in
,virst year. Omit' Odtobei alat'ltfat.
' A •magazine writer ays it: , ;Sift
easy tO tell a woman's age.. Nor nice
either" „.; •
catnip he has some•settled, steady Via
Farthertnerethe Man Who marries
•., 4*.'re(o•C:n4rd*stesuo;115!teLna"01.14)04"41-411-:
'Luinberman" there 'haN,Tn aplre4
sketches of veteran& et oldt-timera in.
lire forest .prodoets arena. A .ninnber
or tepresentatjtve-,retaLers, a helesal,
..34c.ose7 A 0.11,13la3urers., 'WhoPt
beyond the .alotten, spaof three
,. ate ie
score years and ten 'Aod..everi four
• re
. 'n
yeats.'itre still active and. 'raking'
' i deep inter:eat iri.their.calling.' 'fliey
•:•iair0" borne , the- borden., and heat Of
.a -t• PoSition for three or four years
.and ' are still • ' 'able 0"' dp.• a 'guild
clay's work work, .In the Octoher'fst:edition.
•of the "Canadian :Lnin.berteari."- a ref-
erence Wia':''inade to . William.: Lolting,
�f.. Hamilton '' wlio :oe October .11th
:Observed his '.$4th.".birthdaY By a:
strangeColucidenee ,,anothAr .1 Veteran..
"iumbermen. waS Aire horn on tlie],same
' clay in the person of 'Reuberi E: Truax.
of Walkerton, • Ontario., who ihas,..jnst
'passed:. his 8.1nd ' milestc to ' and ' is still:
going: itiong., in a. recent 'interview'
' with the :"Canada Lurtiberinan:" Mr.
Truax ' said: "During • the last . seven
years '1' have. not 'aiiesed• a day. that.
I: have:net been..-tt the, fOtory 'before
seven ,,e'lOck ' ip,' the morning.. It -:is
Ty job' to . look 'after'. production : ncf
see thalf the ' ma:hine6 is . kept in
proper condition and, that 'sufficient
1;y4iiitto!•if,L t.iutlie4dx...; o5pri4Cp: My health:
, ut to epattre the pro -
is' of tie. v. ' bast -Lin •faet .1 ' feel
. .. • 6 ! :
niOre 5.).c:i." c.o...i.:y en than 1' ,did 25• :,
years 'age. : . .
'Mr: 'irtiax Wha wa's horn in Mon-..
-treat, .came to iyoce..Coenty at the
age ,Of 1..4.. -There -he lived at....Maple.
,gill, 31/. 'miles: eat of ' Walkerton,'
with a Tan' by. the name of William;
Hall. The latter built. a sawmill and
a grist milt and:dammed the Satigeen '
River during the .first three 'years Mr.
Truax was With 'him'. When the Sub -
•„feet of this refenee Was 16 Years .of
age he was put in charge of the•saw-,”
'mill and.••grist ':Till •and , Worked in
;and allAltia:.,tinie he... -was -conneeted-
in one -way , or. another' With the him-
. her blisines.s. During :the s,ortireer sett •
son h::.:' was .engaged in ' lumbering
and"millini:. and in the 'winter season
Ihe:werit to. school. David Moore, who
owned. the Walkerton mill PrePerty,•
failed 'very. -Man; year& *go and the
business 'fell, In the hands of the Cali-
adjail • Bank .. of Ceromerce. •Mr. Tri -ax
..had.rented the Planhig Till and .saw.-:.
. . • immeriltlfrore !Mi:. Moore and, after ,the
• got into,. financial. difficulties,
Mr.. Truax purchased the preperty:
:Ile has new been. in the sawmill, pine-,
ing 'mill, Sash,- doors; stairs interie.'
, trim and other, lines, .fer a little o -c .;
52 years, which' is a remarkable t.re-
. Mr. Truax hes .btliR a Retails!**
business and has associated with hirn;
:hie"Son, Iiarry B. Trudx and his Son -
•in -law-, George H. D. "Martyn„ Possess-
ed net only, of progressive 'ideas but
public spirit, Mr: •Truax was for .a
Tong period -a member of the. Walk-
erton tcwn. council. He then hecante
reeve, 'which position heheld for four
years and: :later Was: mayor of the
niuniciralite for two terms. Ile was
first elected for East 'Bruce to the .
louse of Common's in 1891 but 11,%
next year was defeated in a ,hy-oleel
don by Henry Cargill. The: subject
of this reference: was a, candidate in
a' successful ramppie!n' for tile 'Legis-
• lative Assembly. of OntarioIn 1894.
and at .the 'next general election was
'returnee oy acclamatien. Hest- for
• two tern :a at Queen's Park, Toronto,
of CommonS, where he remained 'fon
and ,in 19.11 was elected to the House
•severary.oars. Mr. Truak is. a leading
' member or the Walkerten 1Velfare.
. Work of a hoard of trade; service chit'
'Association which practically does the
And parks board. As a result. of tie
. influence and activities of that be. '
Walkerton todLy has several !rifles' of
paved .streets, a splendid. motor camp
and other aftr,ittiops. A few months.
, ago a large exteiori was erected' to
t the plant of R. Truax, on & Cp.i.ond
the a.re very busy; at the 'present
, •
ana ian Food Producers. • •
.REAT BRITAIN_wants Mega CaliadiarilbodstuffS. , Not yet is there among 'our prcducers an adequate
Trade Commissioners' y The plain fact is that the increase in trade in some reiilization of the -opportunities for increased praduction
• ' Offices in
• Britain '
, , ,
'• 4.014Dott: ,
, .
, •Harvili011 Wat8011. ,Cattadian
}Wadi:1g, Trefalgar Square,
, S.W. I. Loa*, England. • ,
' • '-.1raythltaith,"-ailt_Trade
''' _ torhnniferoner!, -Welter Mow,
. . • iiiedfordttieeti Straiid;W:c4.
London. England.
! • ..,
• , Itarry A;'stott,, _de Com- Great &item` have teen preAdeill,
' vir-Te--tdieTat overloolt or neglect -die oPPo.r- T.:Through' it; deitunercial ,1ntelligence Service, • this
st North' jowl Street, Liver-
• '
r • • • A •
dour focid eaPorts to the cilif "Country is net keeping , which present conditions in the British markets afford.
' pace with the growth of dernend° If you 'we a'producer or dealer, in foodsttifts:you can
Britain's markets are wide open to am a Because assist te your own profit in gaining &larger shard of this
of the exhibitionii of Canadian productsthe tectieity of our Market. Almost*, every community in this country stands
Trade Commissioners, and the effects of our advertising, to benefit. The result can be atiained by:
• the British consumer is snore familiar with these Proalieti •• -—
4 L_Alian_eviet.lefcire.„..and_consequeritly moie inclined to buy. ' ' L Produeirigir1Ore of the.kind of products the .
Geed_wiltin_Gteat Britain towards Canadian products . . Xitisli consurner wants.- .
neverlias been at a higher pOiiit. than wive. All the &Lill es -, 2. ' Xeeping up a' constant supply. ,.
'of transportation f • or altclasses of p dots from Caned . to . _
.3. maintaining qUantY Statidardt. .
• ta
17411'1e; Mame!
and icingarf rnet in the baseinent oi
• Church a ASeension, Xinlouga er„
1144ileSdP7 De,F..011-.111e.later4.,'
• tug opened with hYorin se.4 pri%Yer
• ter whieh tbe• usual basiness was
trAnsicte(1., 'A. liVely contest fellowed,
after which Perry HodginsfYgave 'a
Splendid address on "Want Makes
The Talkies Talk,!' Harold Thorste
then favored us With solo 1.;rjr.. •
• interesting feature ' of the.- everiino.' •k. •
was the .Mook Parliament. Hert
McLean was the speaker Of the 'House
Rev: AppleYard, *)ing' the , • ••
of • the: governMent, and •:Miss , . • " • ;,
HaldenbY leader of the ;Opposition.- '• ; •
• •
EverYrae, join,al in the ditiefitsion
the, ,topic "Resolved,. that ..Wrimen ,
Should IiiVe,their Rights." This iirer!. '
t0 be very litenorens ..and was „
joyedby Another contest bronght•: '• ':;
•the evening •to ;!•a telbs0:„Lunch,':- t • ' t • • .•
served: and .pev, Itir...ApPleyard•
ed th meeting with prtyet,.The npxt , •• '•
• • '
meeting will. be • •
•:,Tohns 'Church, terYle
Is. pas will 110 a Xmas :meeting and
a splendid evenings funis being pre,: • •
• parecCEveryone yvelerinic. Come and
have a good 'time.• • .
The Women's. Institut •MeV. at the •
home of Mrs: Wm. Percy on Tburs- ' • :•
Hodg-ins and
Tena, spent :Friday evening::.(t. Mr. •
,AI• TE.hile2.4Ad4nnntYa;s:','Xmas ,Tree 0:f • the
Church of Ascension "Sundhy School ' •
will be held on Dec. 47. The evenings. '; •
entertairiment will, he provided by the •
'1Eingarf „Young peOple,„ Who will...pre- ••
_sent'tlieir WAY "ivitirnniy' and M11010S" ,7 • '
This humorous play has, keep staged, •t• • .
•'ae'veral times and 'always been,' •
Splendid success. Before,. the play and •
• ,
, between the acts the Children of 'the•
Suneay„,•School will ' entertain. • with •
• Xinas•rinnibers: iteep this date _open:, .
ZION ' . •
A. nember front Zion 'attended the " . •
• play ."Only Two pays to 'Marry" and.
dance, Put on by the Jr Farmers and '
report a good time.. ;• •• •
• ,
The 'Zion W.M.S. Met for. their
December meeting at the home • of ' • •
• Igre'gco7 Hunter on Wednesday lest;
The many riends 4„ohn, Andrew .
1#1.11 -„be :Pleased
to learn- of his recent appointment as
Assistant Pepoty :Ministee. of Agri?
culture cif Alberta. .••• '•
Mt. Wi4 Gardner attended the U. • v.
F.O. Convention held in Hygeida Hall
Teronto last 'Week and spent the week ,
en. d frLendsoion•OGLelph.,
. 4 • •
• , •
• •
Fire Winch originated, in an hotel
kitchen :at Chatham late last Sunday
• night developed into the most destruc- -
five conflagration •that ever visited
the: city. The best hotel, recently re-
paired"and renovated and nine stories
and shops -Were destroyed. 'Although • • • '
• lire brigades came from Whilis,or and •"•
Wallaceburg, it took twelv hoUre to
• -et the fire under control. he loss is
estimated ,at a half million dollars. •
• • The State Highway •Corrimission .in
New Jersey has announced final plias . •
for the construction Of a• erose -State . , '
\super -highway, which Will 'run, from. - • •
the 'end Of the liollantr,Timnel 100
Miles to the city of Camden. .
The interebting point about this
great traffic artery, the Boston Globe
tells us, is neither its 56 -foot width,.
nor its length, but the perpose liehind •
it. New Jersey like Massachusetts. •
has lately been taking n� little
thought about the thought of traffic
cohgestion. -One of the first things
that the Highway COMITliSSiOn not-
ided, in • RS survey of conditions, was
that much of the congestion is dim to.
the •routitig trans -State of interstate ,•
trucks, busses grid :pleainre ears
through cities and :towni. This long.
distance flew, it was cligeoVered, tang-
les iip loval movement on the' regular
roiiteS, With the result that accidents
, • •
1.4. • .
.......2_..0.0..0._...-.: ' multiply, :and the problem Of keeping
. more difficult.
• things.' n;oving •grews week by 'week
. •• the Deee,eber meeting of the Luck- • So4lie ne* sn'per-highway in. lrfw
. 'an_ftrwi4ilie_tmtrrninch of the W.C.T.IJ: was, held ITeermiseoyidi,saLlaiolie.sd nut_oinnd_tsucewhn„ls4a4oashion ..airirS
th-o-nPesi-din-' t.'•''1.117.. W. DrUtt-1-17tienes4 tiliicIghtWraillyi"nafin rt°ithe'.tfs'a' liritesit's's4en:teG-we'fIllielsise '
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vatt0:41158 .Mutuaret....ilutton tontrib". ' ofnulate Now Jersey with betiofiti'
olo , sing vocal' 'iolo and Miss _., i
,.• font/Mies ar# .:13iiktiin 'toriternprirtiry. ,
- 1Fitibei•JAngia.4 D,•,)forkiiiti4 '-flio ir'e'et*, The trsdie' and 'ficridont sittvition r
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tunities-let-increased-export;Irade-which-are-thea-/aut--- tiersgtrttrientwil-rehder *atuabi ' . ' e . ere,. • .
.• tourrol.:' before us? , , , y 'Oar Trade Conenissioners' Offices in Pritain art especially •
Clare.0treet, triglast Just badiu-se-dowettie-fn-tirkets are good, shell we as well.dcluitsped and strategically placed to•liarld- It'aTiretOort
pra'ducera be so:short sightedas.te`fail tO satisfyao largea ' vrOblern on 'behalf ,of Canadian:exporters, Enquiries re,
/ • Vincent Street:Oases/. Scot- ,
.. lanai . . duets thsti ever before? • ,- : • - ' ' the 'deinitiereitil rtitelligence &Add. Otti* . '
• , . i th
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Alas 14Attotm,
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'Deputy Mlifitter
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thtions se to -14.nteilinWVa CirtOio,S.
' 'Stole tewnless traffic arteries, :qisit
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• do the thin /.-tin"It7hr701`(.1 he tiOne is trips' from the ordlnntY Movewenta
Fttrf • 10.f:rill:v., hut' it i sorvice the PrOS4 or ears :within tlia State; XIow 1og
per s -oust- .
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