HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-11-28, Page 8176: 'Ass •.„ 74, 2" •••ft, •s ,66 tt. ..„,,,,,,,,,;.„,,oi.,..,,,,44„04,,,.„4,440,, ,„.. .„rs0,0;osw."+!..00.0".0...6P,T4 6;....4•07,,i.77.. 7,70, 0,6.67):,,, - "•••,'","•,'”" '-',"''''''',640-',' '', , s'' •"'"-'716640 "'''" ' -- ',7_,V": - , -1( ,,,,i. , .414:-.., ,,, , , i .„•., „ti• A ••'•".'q*.a14,':,4,'''''"'''''''"'"'''''-'''''''''''"';',1,,1`rs•f`',",'"‘ ' * itt' gilr'''M,4-' ' .4'4,1,4,.".:;.4;4' ' ' ' "0.1. " . , , 40 . • , 44,-. I,' - Ct. i *,,I. - ' . t ' ''-'7i ' • -04.--1,1i. '' - :P. r ,-. • 1, kr., AL ''..C. : . ritertalitr..'!!6•'• •• ' aiir ''''' '' Agitittit.3 ,.. ' '' ' —, , s. y, 0•4•• ;',..":i:, . ' '•; ' - v.. .,, , i. , tr . • ; s , , . sl,,,• ••• ,s...,4;,•'" ..-4 ejtiu' and • • ?,14; • • • !, • 'r . .t•l• ' .• r, 6 • • 4". , os, • - ,r MIN* WOUR.On00; ,110,v,11,1#41111 28 1029 .141' • ,•:-1.4" • 4" r! .4 v • " • aa 6 • !,• ' Dresses. JerseyDresses ool Crepe -Dresses - Less 20 per cent Groupof Missesr 'irviceable Coats ...Clays only r Coat Titile. 'ely in r refight Seal ,nakiat and *iamb t, •1•,' ;r:SOlt• ingh"ain.' .•''• • •, ."" .7 . • • 6 • •1••••,,, • ••,. •-• AsittlEtip Welt S. ;Follirrii MN," VW* • ,••The •, WAfkg, A01,044014 ,Cigeot, ,mrs, ktexur.chy visitcd 10,4,wook mo at the parsonage on Thur8day,,Fit.)i her daughter Mrs0-.7,40.1,4e1( 46pr their annual akeothrg.'ton.- • • • • „ \.kti130Pair D9rlocifillo4OC. Nbio Hannah MOPellald !Oft_ for zetr, The president, Mire,,,las“-Coolc.! Detioit an Saturday, •where In., Oteajned the 44?1r. :F0,110Irlyt the de tends ,to spend.i the ,winter ltp,ntba. Yett'Onel 'ogerPteee wa3.14; short pro- R. Campbell is spending a fer gram.'Uts• 7PlOtIr,Blake. gave e red .iclaYsin'Toronto attending the HeYel inff on Excuses. 'Ur% Wiener gave a. Winter Fair.. 1 missionary talk prirving, to us Ana A number Irani here attended the our nil*I0u10.7 spirit Ohoffikl. he...large; .McKenzie and . Sheane reception, held. .enough to 'tgke. in the whole wOrld, in the Town #all. in Biploy.la# Wed - Mrs. Ernest, .Gardner .rood .s paper on .nesdat Nobt; . , • , .r "Twenty MHOS From Tho'' MO; A. Hamilton of notonre,;: ,Uffering:vg4 thirty three.dollars and •...turned borne after' efewdays visit *weoy,.conik We are now 04**fides :with her iiSter,:•Mre.,M.• ;Robb. '40-t our allocation he Met at.-itto J. R. Snolgrolio 'iOtOrOffict :t0 his ..Deeeinber. 'metng. The election of hoine in. Detroit after :Visiting With officers was as, f011oWS, YkeOldont, *o. friends. here. ' •• AMS:- TrO.4:040,, HoOrY Hort* ' November looeting .0f:the Rea Sec;; Miss Vile Andersen. Cor.. WO '•'Wasi held' at the henie -or .1‘tiii '*is.:J....1g011int Supt.. �f S. Giv- Lockhart,..this being the:. annual ingt:'1144..T•tivoner. Sept,. of A. •1101*-• Meeting theta was a large 'attendance.- , „ -ers, Miss :Mary', Vint: 'Sept. • of L. 711.e nn;leOting opened.. by.. singing the Bearers, Miss Violet TWaMley: Prose Lord's prayer. In Unison. The beef - Sec.; *ZS;R. Johnston: Supply See-, ,ness 'part of the Meeting ,was.nusiStly' • • tah.eif up • With, the electing of new LANosinn Mr., and Mrs. Johnson. Conn and :Ruby spent Sunday with Mrs Murray Whitechurch. • , . Mr: EddialVaddel is engaged. with Mr; Miles *Moire; of CidroSa„ fOr- a few days • „_Miss Laura „Cann is spending this week with her sister; Ides.. Hardy Simpsoe. . . :and like., Herb Tiffin. tcalled on - friends in. *Ws viinity on Saturday . Mr& J B Morrison is away to her daughter, Eva,. having. :received telegrain, that her husband- (Mr. Ben Watts)wes• le a' VerY Pericles etimil‘ it i• ODS ,nAnting. • • MAKE , HANDSOME . PROFITS • -"•'••••77", , • •.„, -Net, earnings of '.SilverWoOd's ' air- , :JCS, Limited lOr' the ;firat .pix. months •.endeti:-ti4E:ittoth,199' • available, for. • ..ioe9me tAx' and dividends, after writ- • ,hieorip.8027 for depreciation and, „. heed ,office expenses, !al:honked, to $254;066, Thisis more than $30,000 ' excess of for the •Ontirii . • „ * year ended' MOO'. '31st, 1929,4- *lied the amount :available fordividends, under the Amass. conditions, .wal; $222;„ 523, after all allowance of 'omit for depreciation.. , . • The'figurai-fer thefirstsix menthe , of thik.:Year4re equivalent V more, : than 3 times the preferred , dividend requirements �n the, stock outitart‘ •Ing as at: September 30th antiNtwover $1..67' per share on the Class ifA",* • and common Stock, as compared With" $1:38' 'Pei share for the tit previous ,• -Year. Dividends- of 25 cents ler Share Aearterly are being paid on the clans • . "A" and coinmen stecks, 'so that the arnings of these junior issues are, . equal to more than three 'times diVi- dend requirements -on these. , As at Sept. 30th last,. there were • • outstanding $2,252,3.00,1_, preferred, 1'4422 class '‘A." poirticiptiting stock , and 25,000 shiqes. of common. stock. Iroviaion has been made In the-iiiith- . 'orized capital structure -to take care of full requirements in 'clinnection With the inclusion in the consolidation •' of comPaniei tiow under option, the earnings of whieli are included in the .-,• above statement. . • • o • Cleating Auction Stile Of, , . FARM' STOCK , • Implement, Hay,, Grain and Lumber . • Mg. P. M. arLLIVICM ' Will sell by public mietiOn at Lot 5, Concession' 7, W.D.• Ashfield„ on TUESDAY, DECEMBER lOth. ' Coninienting, at One o'elock:. • 6 Spring Calves; 2 Yearling Heifers; . , .5 Yearling,Steers; 6 2-yt-il1d Steens; • .3 ,24r -old Heifers; 5 !A -yr -old Steera je(stort.keep feetters).; Co*, 4 yrs. Old • due to fresben Dec.:, Cow, 3 yrs. old due to freshen in Dec.; (Caber CoWs;* ; Brood Mare rising 6 yrs.; Driving Horse; Pure. bred BUIL tegiatered, 3 old:. 46 -Choice Beeeding-eves; • Set Dolt -bre. IreiligiTif 7-VV:figetii".wfth new; M dortflitit- _ • Deering Mower; new; 'McCormick. — -44ectifig-Itatternew;-$61111e1442,:-,Plow-, • Set '20(10 Ib Scalee;,, With ,Plittform; 412011/oil OW2011 Didirs;', . . Sheveit; 'Cliains, Bette and numerous. 'ether artic1es;r3 tons: Clienlied Barlett; . 66 torts 'Bay; 2 "rattle Iluildings _ aid fgaines afid Intfiber to ise: V•111..4-' •§9.6-0-yogy.-- • :TERMS -L -All sting et $10 and Wider Cash'. .0Ver that ainOunt,. 10„, month tredit given •Oh furi�eliing approVed, • )oirti notes. 6 per per Atututit rlIovved for Milt on oteclit ituthL P. St. Sullivan T. Gandry & Son tido ..iiskuoi , • • ...rnYi...1;114.I.1^1.•40^.1141401111,0.',4,4", '.6 .1.1;',4iAtibiel'Wei#IgrIVMMIVAittgAtiCiti*Sibti.leatgr4431=143, „Abiret, all the *meg folks of this •ideality attended •the Play. nig* I Earned 'My .1First. Dente' in White. cluireh. Hall' which waa followed 'by a • danee. All say they enjoyed the even- ing immensely• .. .Remember the play* "Tourists Ac- cortuitodatiOn" 'to be presented this ,Friday evening in the Whitechnich Insgtete.:Hall by O.G.L.T. class rro: ceeds.,for :sick childrente hospital. and :xis'. nett Tiffin left on Monday for their home in Ashland," officers.,,as. fellows: :President•. Mies •Mary McLeod, First Vice; Miti; A. Graham; #egerid.: Vice; M-iss: Jessie 'McKay, 'SectPPe Mrs. Martin; • Treas., Mrs. Mei; Flower bminni.ttee„ Mrs.' Hughes and Mis: White; •Ortanise,. Ms Elizabeth Robinson; ...Pi:9gram . 'Committee,. Mrs. N. • McCallum,. G. Lockhart, Mrs.; A. McIntyre,. Mrs. W. 'Robb, Miss Annie Mrs ,• MtieDenald; •Press See*, 'Mrs. R.•Middletaie' Mrs, A. Sutherland Ws aPpeinted to attend the .ConV0ii- • tion in'Tororsto isi'Deeernher. Mrs:. 14;" Avery, gave .4 splendid,: readiag • was the -only inunber :on the prOgriiin. The. meeting Was isitaiiht to aelose hy ,singing the- National Anthem,. Lunch Wis then -served and a social.- ' time 'apent..The next ,Meeting is • tp be at the *sine of Mrs. B.: Chestnut, When, Mks, jesSie.:1V,IeKay• is to give a travel: • • •••••, • 'WHITECRUACH • . • • Mrs Bpgg ap.4„0.tarAilinikwat... ford :Visited :last vieelt ' with her. ii.Other;..Mr. John. •Cltihb, Tbe are presentingtheir, )lay "Tourists Acconiculations" in Oa - Institute . on. Friday evening,? Wlsconsin, . • •-, • .Moyember 29ih. Everybody mane out; The 3.!celeff fate Practisedtheir help the girls The proceeds,are .014 on Monday evening at the home go to the Sick ,Childreni',Hoapital.. of Mr...tind„ Mrs:. W. Conn. MiivRobt„, Rosa had the misfOrttine Alia.' R. „Stewart and thildren *spent the•Week-end With Mr...,:*nd Mrs. Martini, of Vawanosh. • • ' to nave • as- ramie wake in hid* hand, .vhile •crankinng' the Car. •' . Mist Dune. MacDonald and- Peter, 'SL•iteleei=visited on Sunday With -• ISIIFTELD ,NOTES David „Gillies. • . • Et!. Whitfield preached • shia 'farewell serinon:. last .Sunday before leaving for Northgle, -Mich.,. Where he has aceepted a call to a. Presby.' terian chtirelt.WinanV friends are. 'sem' to see him leave this comniun- The regulat Meeting; of thePara, Mount U.F.W30 was hetet on Tuesday -last tit the liOnie of Mre, Garner: Staie4- 10, With a good attendance; The Pres Mrs. W. McGill occupied the chair, • The Meeting was opengd by singing of The Maple ' Leaf SreVer, after which the•Lbrd's Prayer:Was repeated in. unison. Very satisfactory :reports were given :by the various 'officers. Mrs. McGill- vacating the elittir,-Mrq. John Jamieson, Past Pres., condricted the election of officers for the -coming: • O• fficers elected: Pies., Mrs. Jas. T. Webster; Vice Pres., Mrs. Jas. Web- ster; Rec. Seg., Mrs., Mary McAuley; Treas., Mrs: Gordon Jamieson: Press Sec.,, • Mrs. Will .Gardner; Organiet, Mrs. John- Hamilton and Mit_ Jast • *oaten Mrs.' Will ,:gattlner was ap- pointed as delegate to attend the U. F.W.O. :convention in Tororite, Dee. ard.,' 4th,, and. 5th: It was decided that • 'future meetingalhe hostess Would provide sandwiches and tea, Contniun-• 'ity singing was enjoyed in. Mrs. Jas. Webster and MrJnoi' Hamilton con- tributed It. -diiett Mrs. Sam 'Reid' a •80.16, Mrs. 14tAuleir a•reading. There will not he any -meeting held in Dee - ember. Mrs. McGill kindly offered her home for twit meeting to be held on • • 3rd Tuesday in January. Lunch wad, served ,and a pleasant social hour spent. . : NOTICE TO CREDITORS . The Runt Sales Act TAKE NOTICE that Mark Cassels of the _Village of Lucknow in the PrOvinee of*Ontario. Grocer,, bas made • a' bulk ,Sale of all his stock -in -trade, Property and undertaking, to Elmer Johnston. and has 'appointed the. un- dersigned Trustee under THE Emit SATES ACT (chop. 161 R. S. 0.• 1.027) for distribution pro -rata among • the crediters, of the Wadi, MAIM' to any oregrenees.„,nrovided for by ta* or previous contract. , • . AND • FURTHER. -TARE NOTICE that all oersons hottest shy claims against thevendor-and.'-elliming rank upon- the proceeds 6 the Sala Will file full particulars 'of the saMe, With the undersigned; dale verified, on or before the gad day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1923, on which date At proceeds of the said sale will be dis- tributed among those entitled thereto having _regard. oh, to the claims of *telt ilatiee-thelf shall 1.$34:'beelr received', DATED at Luelinew,,Ontsitia,.,this ttli daV of Nevolnher-T.A. .1:tf 1029- JOSEInt ..AGNEVsty ..truste* , ' LuckfroW, Ontario, (28:-11-:,-4,) • ' ' . ,* 0 tikena that 1401 to to .01010 OH 00.000 , TEESWATER WOMAN DIES • Mrs. ,Archibald Gfilles,' for 'm,any years a resident , Of Teeswater •died on Friday of last week in the hiis pital at 5Iadison, Wisconsine State 'where' she had gale recently. She had, been quite Seriously ill for ,some weeks. she was' 72 years of age. The remains were brought to TeeiWater for interment in TeesWater ceniatery. The funeral' was on Monday after- noon. • • 'Before her 'Marriage Mrs; ' Gillies was MSs Mary MacKinnon, a daught- er Of Mr: and 'Mrs, Laughlin. Mac- Kinnon, pioneer residents of the ath tine of Culnies Towftehip. ,Her hus- band *who •died a number of Years* ago wise for many years associated with the late James Martin in the ownership' of the 13rucb,*•Agricuttural Works at Teesutater. ' Mrs. 'dillies is survived by two daughters and three sons. Another iOtt died about two years ago' it Ottawa, where he ,was. in the:civil service. • WAGES IN CANADA . too YEARS AGO. • • • Discevery of the 'file df the Albion , Weekly, , it newspaPer published in New York for, the benefit of British readers on this sate of the, Atlantis Covering the, year 1833, . revealssome interesting • things about Tonnito, then York, and nearby' region& The. file was found when an old hotel in Toronto was 'razed recently„ One .ar- tiele says:, "Wagon ot a fantasiedlaborer in ' eLneigliberliodeLef-Yorlif...,• Guelp 'and Goderith• vary lini-n03.. to s12. , Per unittgt and, beard, MotilioeSsuitIv landed ist the season of 1631 Pott•itti tomtcr sii-ion*lidift.. Working artisans. 4- itillivik Ef tf • floSoriptiOtlpitttleill- ' arty Istr4tstoAltli., .carteetere, brick-, !'Yayere and-•ntestiferso4nialeitais:eanii- ert, iiiiitnitights and wheel•Wrialiti- . get high wages _imit -4Ve tittlik Wanted: 1 Induattiowia. " Men, may look fOrwatil 1 ' Witb-gotiAdeiloi to in thefr -Situation. 4 they 1..,ty oitire - ' st augst,„ out et ones iiiaaati's 'Work to '.0111 444 tit(001Viii. It( ifilitli4 .10114 . Met .. . I. " . " ? . - ' , .‘i -4- • =*. ItriPc.s.,SYS40•.. • •,1' , • .•" d';• 11•;•••• • • • 111"0, t • • 1 ,S,„ .0! • 4 • ,• - • , • -• • • ; ;'••• • ' . . r • . • , • v, 4.; ^ • .4.1, ' ,•,o • • ••• ' • ' • • • , • • • • . . ' • • ....- • • .• • COMMNITY 13UYING DIRECTOkir AND BUSINESS GUIDE , • • . . . . .„1"1.1E .MERC15ANTS: AND Pu-SlIsMss ‘hilEN RF44PaEsENTED BELOW ARE COE0PRATING. IN AN EFFORT TO PROVE TO TOE. • - . , , IESIDENT . • • • ' 8S.s?.0S0370784011opw.411 suRgouNjEtiNo comMtNiTY THAT VALUES.it',QUAL TO ANY OF THE 'LARGER 'TOWNS OR CIT- IES MAY .' • CAL''STORES. A SERIES OF' EDUCATIONAL • ,l'BritAT-ITOME",* . VV•tiEELY ALONG AN •INDIVIDLTAL WRITEIJP.OP trAcn...,au $1NESS. tENEFIT. 00'01)17 iillAYLINgGWIITL114"-.BEBRE.:111WEIINUC.'4). ' „•TY11TNEIAE.1!ANC• 1•4 7, 1ANDPQ•R-154S97„''llCQMMTNITYn.t'3NAPTlt-'EDIr• ntioAlt"KE'; APY -44YSPg1OFP143iTROMACNfSAiBOOSTTIETONyocAtv••. , „ • v. • STOW Limited • 5' PIECE LUNdI SET Hemmed Luncheon Sets, coisist- 1fl�f'One-Oioth 86 x 36 ins. and .4 Napkina, to Match. A heavy dyed cloth' in Geld, Pink, 'Bine • and Lavender. .•• • Regular $1.00 •SPecial 'KNITTED N,VpOL• .. • ------GLO-ES ' A remerlieble assertment 'HeatherMinitires and Plain Colors : 56C tit 'Mg • • Telephone: 121: . • • • • .• ,i1verwood'stow. •C‘t0,111pry.,.. ..14t d. • ENDO:gilt TEIS7 • •.:,; , . • • . -BUY-AT-HOME. CAMPAIGN .• • . `• • SUPPORT. 'LOCAL 1ViERCHAS9 • ..• AisID NEU., OUR TOWN GROW r • • ' • • -Phone 7$ '4 OURSTORE Quality & Seri/ice , CHRISTMAS GIFTS willen PLEASE LINENS -r.„ -pillow Cases,. Towels, Luneheon :Sets,: Dinner Sets, Odd 'rake Cloths, Linen TOWelling by the.yard; Laniask Table Linen. . ' MADE-t044EASITRE CLOTHING L3 - OUR St,EdI,A14 GENTLEMEN. • 'LOOK OUR SAMPLES OvER FIRST . ALFRED EASUSWELL: • .V.V.m..Kiirdie ik Son Hardvrere-• Plumbing Electric Wiring -SpdftI1'or'This Vireelt-•:, 'Gtiod .Quality Wood 'Barrels, $1.00 Good Quality Steel Barrels, 4.50 • , . • • , N. D. MaKENZIE Groceries, 'Provisions, •Fruits and .V.egei.ables , • • • Week's Specie"— • OUlt CHRISTMAS STOCK HAS ARRIVED . EVERYTHING FRESH. FOR • - POR, YOUR 'xivas cAgE. ottotit EARLY. • „ inches St 0104 : P • THIS • ilUrAy & SATIIRDAYfthilaY SUPER SILK FULL FASHION ' 'HOSIERY -- Best , dincLE•EA'airosF.I.FELItLy 'PASHTO. N, • SLAV , 51.19 Teleghone 85 • . 1VIcKiin'S Drug Store : Brills- Your I•ovorite Negativ :And.,get • A cotonti,) ENLARGEMENT FOR 98c.--- -------- FINISHED IN OIL ta:cinliP-I151e1;e81:11piRonUI3eeG 382anORAEt f • kihrtiOue Bros. --, • FLIN4L4t, 'LIMOUSINE HEARSE AND - AMBULANCE IN' CONNECTION . Telephone 76 ' • Spence Drug Store. , . Nyal Drug ,See the new Aga Ansco Cameras, Kodaks yilms. 'Newest and Best. Photo' .Aetogreph & Scrap Albums, Books of praise, Bibles—Reprints, ,rio.titoiricgskrivourmazi,CaBridlel &Fo , . Teleplaine---Central Fld°81141..elii . HORNE _itisTAuRANTL- United 'Cigar Store Agency . When In 'town Give •^ HORN -ES A Trial For • LIGHT LUNCH. We Handle Ice Cream All The ''Year Round . ettin Money's Worth ---Waele-you-siiend-your-money.Y.s.L.naturally..1wAntieLget that is everyone's rigett. Only 'hose Who are commonly- 'referred to as miring 4inere money than sense" throvi.their inenek away.' All. (alio* are • caretus to see they do net get the.wo-••st of any bargiin. Ilut one has to be able to look further than the end of bis if..he is to be sure that he is getting his money's worth That is thc defence of those Who hay -outside time. "community; instead of patronizing home merchants. This is theold theory, the resident of any :eominUrity makes,, (throUgh inten- sive buying)the low price possible. Then increased patronage to their. merchants gives _those sante merchants a . bigger buying. Opportunity, thereby meintaininga minimum price for good Standard merchandise 'Tie price buyer always thinks, he is ;oohing out for iyo. 1 and is not Making any Money and is forced out of business.. Be. overlooks the fact that, hels Pkely to he as hard hit AS anyone else ivhen the snerchaet dos- • es his doors, but it is 14,20 to I shotithai.the bur is the one who loses, and all because he did not believe•in his community -merchants sufficiently to support them. You never bought- anything for nothing in your life. Don't try it now. Think. it overt '.• , THE MARKET • Hornell -Murdoch . • —SPECIAL THIS WEEK.r.- 100. Mena' Good Warm-- • WINTER SHIRTS On Side At $1.00 t' KT. ARMS.TitONG JeWeller & Optician See Our used Radios All in good condition. New Tubes and Batteries • Edgar Hollyman Bakery. Confectionery and Groceries QUALITY BREAD AND CAKES Advocate of' '1101i AT HOME.". See Special on PAGE ONE. BurroN Butcher ' Lamb,. Pork, Veal St Beef . WE WOULD LAM ANYON't • ILAVING OUR :MILK BOTTLES TO RETIllitte THEM PROMPTLY / HENDEI.SO-ti and FISHER - - Dodos In Lumber, Lath. Shingles' Hard -Wood. Mooring, Mfltint Melt and Mottet E6Orilta R.' II. THOMPSON Choice Fothily Groceries, Provisions, Etc. . SPECIAL THIS WEEK • 10 lb Pail PURE CLOVER HONE( $1.00 a 2 Pkgs. • SEEDED RAISINS 25c. .Telephones — Store 82 --Residence 139 . . STEWART• , • .. Planting Mills Everything In , BUILDERS' suppuy.,s, also 4General Contracting • • Telephone 34 :..T. W SMITH WHIPPET & WILLYS-KNIGHT' , • 4CON. DECKER'', Men's Clothieg and Furnishings. . CLEANING & PRESSING . Rae -and Porteous Hard s are . . . Piunibmg . Tinsinithing. & Caal ' ELECTRIC HEATING PADS , • $5.99 , TeLe,,hone 66 A. T. Davison .& Son FURNITURE and 1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR ' • TelePhmie 2$ • • Tprner's Shore Store Shoes for Every 'Member of . the Family , WOMENS',..GAYTEES. • High and Low , S2.75 to 84.50 WHEN LiCKNOW EAT AT THE • Tires, Hatteriesi Acceasories CAIN HOUSE . Telephone. 148 • W. 'HENDERSON tor& SALES & SERVICE VSER CAR 'SPECIAL Good Used Closed Cars • - . Always On Hand 1111001k Liwknow • • . FLOUR, MILLS WINTER WHEAT WANTD -- L'UCKNOW FLOUR MILL• ' • W. E. TRELEAVEN • , • HILL'S GROCERY .CHOICE CUT FLOWERS WEDDING 110Q4u ETS • FUNERA I, DESIGN' . , Prompt Service. • POT PLANTS IN, .ptipiqt.A AND CYCLAMEN DDES Vayiety.. Store ASIIPIEttt pEctAs ;nig- : ''''\ ' BALLOON ,' Goods for Ctkes , cti. i light than immila . . . Virltlt '2VERY SCIUSULE11. . . • . • , - - ' -Telepitone 9.1w ' . ' 11, Telephone 138. , , N , • r • . , . SON TALCUIVI POWDER—Per tin let • p,AN§iiiNV„ CLEANSER' :1 , , ege at • 7st—For • Aleo 5 Full Line of Fresh ras CASE PIPES With Pure Amber Stems• . • Special—$1.50' • ALL. 1IIND OP PIES I SERVED HERE AT ALL TIMES J. L. MaCMILLAN. , Quality 'Butcher • -2-WEEK END SPECIALS-: , LAMB ROAST and • PURE PORK SAUSAGE . ,Telephone. No. 1 REID'S BAKERY . • . ..• • • . . ' ''Y(t •tr. .. • T. . ..„. Why people are 'demanding Reid's tread. It is fnit of life answering o the call of health,/ appetite„'de- licious, tlige;tive, full of nourish- '. ing qualities. Give it a trial. Telephone 68 PHILIP STEWART . , . Painter and- Decorator - Ork-WALL PApsit and .rk -ere sup -tested before factory. 'They stand'. 14 times trull'i. • • HcittY tlaelCenzie, of Liturte4, ittortititted Ste ladies of the tInioft .:(1.10,11/4.6, on thittaday of last Week. Coitifibitint tile ativerity'of the weath• )••••••••••••..4 4 • ...teadihit arid lig011'''CPritest4-ad -,Ayncmg.• Oicoes: -of vialAtio-ti - • •outtl. progrgyri.oOf :ik% (3' 311"7-;--P4' N*T'T 'EL.7"144" aolgidingeotsh„ts-a,a„t-foowr,0:101t_i:nt:gt Itineh was served .and at • returned die Hightay 01 7r5ffit aexpre tlagistra,te Aoki Jag week at haritee,oftletteihinelpithulattithiketytil:stiAprtiet ;104 .:tierith *ere th ,whiah the 46,, Aet hieh came *is* $1004 UttOlulorof ttiot.goetme 0' .s • ,r6,•A rtrt141.•• , 6 . • ' ' " .• tipecifing' end,. Othe SIA • eep is likely .to make- him - tuna were women. One was 'fined •$'5 titid hottylb efter.koefii. • 6 •I '• , 3. 4r,