HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-11-28, Page 7...... ..... I. . . . . . . . . . . . IIIlserv,- 8 -War wMe 'd, f Ob ..war A, Mla.. ; j., .0-0
h 'e -tu tf un American, Trip T irdC nury Be Delayed, ll Back', tthe Ocea,. 'Says: Peoplp -of U Agers. Ila . I r Dutch E ai 'Uans4tlantic Passii a -Are P d Ind 9
iggest S ow N Understan4 ua.8 hips� 6�,Land, S ury' Is ry tl� Half sh Peet Tro r atland at Mc Tilb ritish it -rls Beirriage. of Wifti- Hu A re"a 0 _inpire,� L6ndoll.—Londd has moed' Itself cisnis at Cheiu6ts, SPN SUPPORTS JAPAN 'E ecti n f R.' XP q� 0 er an where At Tercentenar, c,olobj 'of Dra a wo be. In the d�Ys kol. y opri,rigt London �Prhrie Minister Ramsay, When the'lleit, ruoh-of trausattafitic MacDonald told the Nitiprial: -ing- of the,Dut& &over ut in nme found 'I th Wetheillands, East Indian Archl- Takes. Fling Football iogrists 'begins, . traveleks will find. -,(Aub, tbat "The Amertc6n, People -are y e ver, under con C"4''o Aislo An SP 'dker that they nnus.!' �tj up to Londpal P -Tho. audibnee, which. cro Governor General, we�fe,rqceut ;�,&d the
bIggest.'and taste t ly held
loorstep in. thQ, OTU . 11di. His'A ag Fiends,%peeing, Hq lu�'Xksfer I
^enee It "er d fiiw
Spail' 0 disembarking','at'Sbuth' ng 9- d' Inst �-iriou� referenres. to the wA I 1.ampto9'or'Vv �r'pool and-,.X'o.ing 79 to.,-, AmerlCaV frir. Prime Dute 4se has -estabfish�d in,. Londoh `—Lo 206 -train, �:they Will be. able the 1ndle,s—a' that"'In m y, wholo. fife Minister ;stiter ceie6rated:P.r hiseti-iir the r� h I neveret e6pk i0ho b-' -''for' -RI iskgy� and. %v to`wfid�4t.'Tilbury docks,'A are".
i -network. of A t -in th ride fromAhe b 9 LosdOft 0 griblinn,ai.6s ban. . . .. ......... .. e 'tates fact Hes and mines,'whielt I' The Lotels. oput new., I'bji'r7' 0niranc6i 10,6k, d Pao Ep. stranger' th .kn -the pe Ti a I dpl of . Canada,, .0 w6A ior. the Mitheg a v rd r, e his' H any paasengop ship afloat, n( the - United*. teltes. have -show-K 77
:paakeeo f( K J TYIS-MAIL DfP ha'hd ;p1dekably'.': was'oj�qne retently, - By isRrliag t4e OWse YeS,tO, be. , -It was'great: in: Y ..p4rtll. lia e, ;coh T�p— kx- og e-am.1aving 0- the innual Omni! d 't n U2idaWd- ot Ift" 66t en I new an g, stage.'a d ral way station and a ... ..... .. Wjt4in' t re for the far; "h c rth: with Mau fFor thb niUling'bi the:sug -in d . crops. schdule to.. be ready. number� df'people ave us
d' 9 hout son Bay Points. Right—� T4e. Year's arning np' to. -take' the :Java alone there are 180 factories. ,Aar impossible. Present-day World competition fh' the bitittli �rlsk. But A defeiic'" efiedlitlet,' Baker, Lake there is a �doctrin tbat I -been European�'. estates in Nethdrlands 'on lioth. land and sea of -bigger'.and faster lfin�rs began. 'to have may become, ob- -are of ly for',a7 great ndin-
Oukder4ble,lm and other-inarthern points pfte-cflip on P hi Indies all ac, ing insistent solete bef6re.'riation,% calf 11 Its eff6 .11 agr6e on ave ct o.n.Lon4on,.m.ore �4' 60iterallS, �spoa%ing, ;the, culti,Vations ber T rplip W" arter of he, thl)-SILOW .at Cbu aiting for dog of _Y64A it i's the doctriaQ that" A qt a century.. ago... Ssirmament -Naval, dIsafmame'*uti pa, t1
ist of c o 'team express. to., taWriks in,'or'der' to get cons r a produce, of W b
growing number of paosengers, ships, you have' Y04 arle �goo&, 6ut get rid of one, peace. .1 too them, and 1, y ys ap '�166 'big"' i6r the'Port of k 'be harvtsteil after man no London be� think trouble :a pears The .0 r, the agan., in 'eftoct,to, Pugh' London': ta 0A1LUFt,,E malerial,wfich re;,' �Y to outlaw war is to.elimiliatp the. cause, of %,-at. thr -i: m the gea, London! answer -Sono'i a lengthy And e. One way to abolish wars O n Ja0iin -71 4uir6s expeuitiv6 pi' b.6're could bar to.the thrb be a:more dis.- I)aratloA before It laready idt'ithe mex. for a at which his' Involved has. T61ciit_ Milcolin 33. M' -Dorrald ac , e )I time would be to gree to post-" lital confession of- moral and iut6l.lect- k�t. The agricititur ciiirla been -tho � pouring of" millions of pone th,e eft ii'llict. ntil Votld Labqr pliember ',of. the. British: Parlia. r. nvpounds sterling`Inte. baeb6i Improve. ual fltilure.�.than� to,admit that our on t4e, cib,6 'Wa-- all paid. Chemistry.' 0ent a-nd. son. of', Prime Minister J. s hegr,of anatio. avid''Che (.`ios�6t` have- dou �?iitor' Iuloisum: hours, hafig so. heavy on our '.Rdnisay.-Mae'Donald,,d'e�cla'rod hlms�lfl hand, con ists'c t',crobs e e fot which for. the ''greater, part, possess a I zatiQp and Vie The new entra1pc6;1ock, 0 very-nivall imprLmed, with t :presen' civill ,befng ',ot'man- 18 1:4.00 hands that 'We mdt needs es'eape from he,,' eing subjected
rket value. withoutb t long. 110. feet w '453/ t Ing a Ma ind thart any other pilase ol human. fee Adi§ an ir owil.empty-heild-edness by b, t tation of 4' roans case, wit to a: compile n '.and- ated ep tManchuria ,as pl"ced'bNef6re Cho In- . deep, or, roomy 6nough to handle. the -a'footbilli,milteli or a fid'rsd- ra*de. aged 4Fy tjo which ciin,ofteh be. m6ft top of' Epi, M' 916-fo6tAength"of.illie 8.8..Ma3estie -ute .Dean stit -of C Pa�cir Rellifions, now in while' still sta4di4i e with Olen y, of'.6pace., to - apare, -The* b3� Yosuke. Mhtstioka session- at-Riotd, The following a;e,, aniong, the lat-es''t Tet'(he.zldtiir6 populatiliu.b.ai taien, no!w� laildind a 'in -h. ta e, Whielt floats, of th S6ut pi especialli, during the last' crop of'De'w'arisrus 01` this,, 6gram- f� e�t loh e, -fi4�r, Is 1342 .9. anal it 176' 6Ut Manchuria RaUw: ly, few years,'a moro,:or 0 tion it, on aid there Th Eair6p aid'i -ish ra on 60' steop pa t Water' eed .111,EstAbl Manchuria; Mr. b as been .'built "upon", what � Well to' be in' Mthough he Irecognizl China's'dis- port of m St.
matical Scotchman: ej 'S u-stra- uVer Ipss effeictfv6 share In the exi-' feet'frin A Vanco Port s dfl) of. s abo'*e othe only gig them."' mud flats.'. ' 0oised Wi nt'*ith. t6 preseiii, situa. 6 standard,of qu of this native: mts6--cAu.9as an I . .. I : ., . ... I toons, the. floating -stage' is conneetv a great dea of merit in the. Jitii- pod id re�, cons erably , V
6ui like to be a chomisi ilioW, that. of uropean estates. or, ql� below: E anese -viewpoint., Hetelieves that,the 'motor reW o With the' cus.toinwhall and -railway eta- New, High Record' 'A combillo Saxoph6ne.bigpl'o fias Greatest, Drawbatk to Axistra- C P Lion by five hillikes for' foot.an.d Fiv , e , difficulties betweei -hina and, Jap"an. instance,, the Sugar been - iuvented�dhemlsts also discbv- I6 is. La of Ade uate produce qxclusively crkstal' qu gar. Fi Sicho&ier 'Are could be settled if a- mixed co. inmission eT-n 0 hile the native. ifidlitufacturers otil oot, arydock, ckpable of'bm S-u.pply. West Harb r Anticioates� Drown6d ' gas recenti; �A 7504" W _q and discuss -frank.; at , ould. get togethe "There. e.ms to,,W--no' Anality in, y unre- se d t1ca, ing� lengthened to' 1,0,QO feet. Huge Jficie"o in Shhp� ly,'the, twocotintries mu da roblei�s. very'PPlialt've ' An Prac 11. the. �'qisco.verie in chemistr.y� -_Y661 . Adl�id�, Australia.�The annua Lonilon.—Maii's, efforts to, eliqller 4s -also f ii. flupd!sugar cakes.,.. th d Chiiia was,'Belected to.be'hGA - tx, 'the. ce wi opera ion, tales of e to - luake-Axo liuilr,� d! I As. far- as. rubber Is coneerif(id, the hay,0 beep, abl �1 a aver tvine.,been inqiV pii.,g Ousine'ss. -the .seai broughiad! 6oll"a
under constructi-op, �and ready next'conferinde of the Tnatitute,. two; grow wher -th4. Goern- even inches'shoet* ''dea -91 11art v native",popu tion..produces e oul� one grew before. than se th and'vescue.,'frofii arl6u n la a, poorly he ..nlimber o b)` sliring. 'alicouver, D.C.—Noithing Fail ears hnce, �ut the Chlna�se, city "No' mefit here is'discussing wte� x4e' PreL roan can..,tell t 1, foi sto* ni,ravake�d'. Europe aurit-19 the �hich'the -session will.be held, was roditet,4hich is mixed wth.- ieiLking not PK 1: .. . .� �. , ; . .. I -tions for 1110- 4L C Q gni ,--I e-,tde k t 'tr1ei;, have, ifiade,f6r the ben�flt of niaA-� dens . in the metro0tan arqa' may foll6wing,j' Fi%�d.meknbers records is. an. ,.,�porting Port Of ('Ile�cr0v w6i'ell Chirese def— Lion, was. elected chair- . . I o # .ha,sto,uadergqm:furfher pirdparation be �e c6los'e- jeii- eithe� hav" t abandcpned Or their I a kind.' Was it Zhikespew eceived -h re relati�,es j. drowneO nd s 143% T"k(kied frolta thc Fill- forb W is,.ready for -thet m4rlzbt. Australiap Premier-, telega-ws 9f Pe ne);t Tfi-e co -'tlemeu demands. severely limited. e now preferred-,*, blonde�? But. we, front seartler"and officers of _I, 1C�el')tcd the resig�tati p6litica4x, the Netherlands 'Indies ion To. guat against '8*erifts sortage 'as .,secretary,- al- orm part ot the','king4om of: , ***� n e Onte -here for,.graln. nitist�u6i4prget that the black For Em ireTridi' n r .1 land; The - Drken �YaA niw,hed. olillz. f . p of the fantly Isn't alwaY a a blond 9 -in. f6ture'. prehitliA-airk iteps,aer now rilot'beei e 'on - �,It to serve -Un- Netherlands comiug tl'The ships' have i'posted; be- the kocks fluring a -al Dutch 1,L.' Sunday, I hou., "Football all It.is proposed 6 build !ng I'til Ills 8ccessue is nppoi4ted.� Pr4t bOing , taken,- n lically speaking, however', its in- y- - freighters, but the�r -are coming d.clieniistry run in fam' night, and more than"24 atter,p(8 af 'Trading Creating a reservoir twi Inter'Empiri cq.the size, of the Present Lo.rd. Hai Isham, forine rescue falle�d bec�tuse of high seS �is - limited to thi legisla- largeq de,m, for. grain cargoes. rc Chan "Whethbr genius ls,t�ahsmisslble.or �t'schitft% 'sit.uAte ' d in the% A They' Will -P1`O'V4'tAD thf�-'worl A,hat Thou�auds of nets were lost by '�ellor. of. the United KIngdo'ni., and' tiOn, Which, affepts th, economic idiva. Interest', in' all Parts 'It ide lfills� at Millbeook a uis keeption th, Nether- j; chemi.4 ry s..ques� H Organizatiol fl n .1ishiiri. et bb-' chairman of the. Bili at Xk fto� inAhe world I. t 11 Whch, whe � -bound eouhtri filiets -wiiich s an da is �ot an � ice �ish deleiatl4g i r,es- lip resembleg--a ininiature harbor. depnd+rk on - m6veni6nt . over the tote storm warnings.reacliet1i them on the conferen6e) 6elred - that arbitrary t* -agrqe . as lands Iltdibs enjoys Alministirdt ity� of. Mi Sy#4ey, R. SaVin, Pre- capacl -o"k 'i's Onlv 13'reatIakes 6r th Rut th6- ugh easieil chan- Monday. Abolition, 6f ext�ra' territ6r' 1' government on a largei. mille '' The sd "'The goal,of. every. in, . an 1 . s to. t. 14'' Sbuth Wales, -6.50,000,000 gallons. . Ai Myppngai r.o ia ity in4 make n who re nels. A Lowestoft report said 200 Scot- China by decree''Of the'%�king Gov-, preme po w*eT ls'eiecut6d'bY"tfiegov�er Lier o. � ew Vh e A�ips will- take grain"to')Eu- t1sh drifters los d that ernment on January would. be ntly rbturned from -a trip, to Ung -1. situated 30, miles'south 6 Adelaide ..money faster tha his lap+�ca t 6,60 Aiets an' hor general'in the name ot the Queen- spend. it—there rich Ae-fid !Ind. -Canada, ha$ delivered sov, is intended to'erect,'an'enibailkment to '10 it -hen Ent in -most. the fishermen might..be forced to aban- conderp 6d by'fhe .wh A world as an Sintee 1918 a'yepre body- has. i116 to r6po, i� ope:requires gra sentAtive era[ spee6hes' strongly urging vie. �.4,409,406000. ga 11 OT�8. day. so many are cliag+rl lielit to'got The demonstration' will be coi.vincing. don 'th�ir, w9rk. Two drifters sank extreme. breach. of - interffational law' extsted, known as the, 'Tolksraad,' necessity -for.,icloser trading re -oir Nvill. lati6nq The. building of the,re-4cri -oof that pie's Council),. the members of t6ifir �rorldly go6� ossibte pi Vancouver has 'elevators lining'the with the loss of, three lives. and as t,lie greatest (Peo, submergb one 'of :the peeAiest land- 'and in -the c Four hundred Yar6t7it I drIfters such. rights. Which are partly el6cte4i 4nd partly ip. of the Dominion's of the Empire with. Inventions $61 Lacking' wate:r6front fifll of.giain nt ready fo 7 the mother counfr s�apes in nd with bilch South Australia,' - arm interior there are more elevatorg. lost 20,000 notil, Value(! tit $7,50,000.. Pzitience. he all China,fi�ed Pointed bi-the, governor-generid. ,Mall to-day'ciin, fly like a bird, but herhc�us6s.,� exteng" e emptied A, ViQT6I1t.t1CI1lpo�4t SW' 0 gitin 'her end in this 4natter. Pdweiful�. - ties, have. beon.bet,uo _r6ads, seifool,,; -and 'v As 'the coast elevators, ate eRt- nuinerous t be. nlan will never be able 'to git c(�infort-' so6ner the uominl6n5 re-ard red'guin fldks will form ille b6d of the tween, the mother,, �otmtry and the 11 I I I - will be fifled with or�`gr4in and sections of-Fi,ance T�e, ably. on -k barbed wire, fence, . ire, as an , eQon to new lak -in the they # . fie British Enipi Olh e.' Thig year the water 'pro(24ed until all shippilig' � and destrFi7yRIV iiets' and Dutbh 'Indbi and a''coutinuotis -1 the movement ca-li ast "'Man 'is the. noblest work of cod'' unit in'relation to. the r6st of tbe Millbrook, tpser�oir.got� so 16w that the boats stream' of �omnt&rce flows" betWeen' but nabod�Cever said so, bf mun hink world, the, betier it 'Will' be 'for, all chimney of the old mill showed . tip. for -orders are filled-.. )'rice di& not a7f�- 'smal. CanaUa aCout'S IOne I I Ae�enf flurries in I Th6. Italiad stOau.�e� Aff)Ziied landed 61nies and the Netherlands' nenibers of the' British 'Common- the first time s�nce the a e6a ws fl-6od you bave',y.et tri.inve'ut a fe'r,:-,11' yparB',ago. feet Vanqouier grain. 1.at Civiia Veeeltia wth the'lvilot and P11 11 the latest. deivelopments hasIbeen wealth W Nations," he declared wilen ed many But the Port, is arrAiIgng to handle wir6less operator of a. Marsgillts-tQ- an of Ocean k' - . the recent Inauguration,of a regular ti'lize'r iviiii6b, will in e iAwil 4seed;, members. of the Legacy With the c6ilip1btlon- of the llypanga thd third f6rced down loostal air,servide by, tb�e Royal -Dutch. a keeor4 airival of ships in the 'near. A:Igiers`plane, rese mes set v grow� li�tlf dn file d then stop.", vice etweeii Amst6rdabr *and' rvoir, ihe* 6ve water sche Plane Ser i n the Mediterratieau in two weeks Ant Lines,� b
future., L6rd.Dewar s,tid that the-distiller':i '-The Imperial Gove:rameut believ- ing themetropolitii arel ill have an I Without lose of 1W. The two French*- Batarfli. o� November 1, 1928, 'a c.Qmpatly. to% ho'belonged Wid ed,,.with a certain -amount of justifica- aggregate capaci.tk of nLlakIy 15,000,. men of the' P14,1le's crew wereAtt the Dominion'.- OffiLers Unaware �tart wag made ith Dutch East lh� gone in for the pi.-oduction'of b6dies (ion," continued Mr. Bavin,"that this. 090,000 9411ona� 'That is, assulifing 07 pol�t of, exhaustion from starvation iations r o dian folaii-4, a!* bimmui�lcatin,, -thhe contain6ig alcolitil*as required.liti cer-1pr6blew was an. Empire inatter. it the smaller reservoir will 6b built, but of Negot -,'With Indisce I Airways and exposure when rescueq. Kouinklijke, Kederlandche tafn. Industi[eq. "You must'not elope Is - one 'of the7 adjustments we must -if the'large; 'jelafelitnent is carried Irripteita I wb -the figijrei wil be more, than 17,006,- The Gartllpooli last UrVIVor of. Bri- Lilchtvaart MaiAsebappiJ (K. N.' i. 1.� with the idea,'! he sald, "the only make, not only In regard to unem tish four -masted ships of the last. cetL-' Ot.taw3:,011t. Reports or, a trans- X.-Roat Dutch East Indies Air Lines)' cater'to the Inner mail. Consumption p oyment u o trade as well.' This, '000,00 gallns. The catchment area air, a I"Vide b6twieet Great 'begiiiiii g Its,activities on that date. -of alcohol in that direction is decreas- too, is, an Empire pr�biem, ratlier o fthe Myponga reservoir will be about tury,. ian_nshore at Ea.,,t Sndhead, atlantic e Al Britain 'anda are considered is ing so rapidly that we are casting. our than a British problem. Th6 aienues 50 square milis..and that of the.other on the west coast of ANIca, and was lid believed likely for irad6-ouiii,(Ie,tlieLlmoii�are grad- 'four. reservoir S to 'be a total Wteck. bighl premature* b officers'Qf. the bread upon other'water.s. Cast your is 175 square miles. 5
br ad being closed; The. United Tht, next largest reservoti to that pro- Its crew ere, saved. Royal Catiadian Air Force, the. Claim- Sticot& Sabbath is to upon the waters and you will �11111Y -diku Ait Bod�rd.'. tile -Air Mail Service Stateg is actilly disbouraging' trad Postd at Myponga is'Millbr0k, 3 650 reallz6 flow ina'uy people are after kt.,, The interchan: 000,000 gallong. and the 1,11alsfry OfNirtionalDefense. Piksgng, Says,' Laird with (ho'Domfilo". Etn1*1re Preference hthe "Atlantl - c by. Loadon.—I'miding -at e annual Elm pre§cnt South All t I o Her Id: Trade re.11tions of ipoils and Products Withilk the UP to the 8 ja fie enebur Velbourn a oil, meeting of We n pire, should iged in Veiry has spent nearly 00,000,000 an wkter. Plane will -some day'be a daily r Scottialt, Sabbath betweetv Great ikitain and Australia Hard w on,10sociati6n in tin6 but considered qas far PrOtedti. thdt day is Glasgow. rb ae lop-si-ded., -Sir Archilt way -possible. I do not'refer lot Em, schemes. The value of,tbe lire. dittaont. The crosgIng so far has. ;!.e!itly,, aid ampbell, of pire free trade: that is a dream. Did lerences grnted by Britain to-Aus- Vcco(li' stated that tftere was bit'' Lilies been p -it S Bart.' Dead'.Woman's W e arily inell e velY in. the experimental stai�,Ie. ttlat do�eg frot ncce4ii Postagei Rates tralia (loes'-fiot'. exceed �3,060jow a Gqernnient ofrichiis have heard. no, 'A 'Irt-mell0"Ous -tide setting tA agafut Turn to Crimson as �cannot do more than we. are doing year,, whil pit 'niore'thill-I $00,000,000 thfug of iy Caifid(an company elt- tile observance cit. flie Lora's bity. The 41�glsting inter,Empire, -maclifikery 'M6. rca.3on for a gives Britain' worth of goods Austra.14, ld, were- those res 1.3 Ing. up 1he for.dign postage rates, .$40,060,000 n aliolls with the Itu. Olief offenders, lie so. Refict Expi untatl.4factot,Y, It we have.a �eal keellf a preference of. linally. tering 'Into negoti, who ..sincerely de- �ecen(IY given -by We authorftlep, is, pt'Hal Airti:ltys for inch. qervice. who could get' their,'pleasure -on ai- Should f -he Pritih Labr Ministry Canda has built 3t St. Hilbert',.;, most every day Of the- *eok. soining 6? a, ded woman's flow more UlAft "Iel"O that (he ers hag public 'revenue ,would suffLr filand, sonlething iwiist oil Villing out Alt trade prefer- a lilooring ittaRt %Vb[Ch IS TWo Rev. Dairid lWatson, Ing mov furlilshed lhe to-rn.ot chinery difficultY WY too la�go hn a' the Dominions. Ati.itrall-wil Sea Wil' fornialAY, molffit it tloy %veto to accommodate the n -tot vvilen' it r�qolutton to the effect that-itliat meet.' 'I illed But lc� it,; have real fth.' materially reduceil. -'That is 'what is nikstel y iVil tell '4eMnq d" avei to consi&r be solv lip lit P 14 of -vital seen—it is' which is lost 'Vie most eertaffily I* mikes its tranqtlantic flights. but Ing oiyp6si'kd eve'rthifig that dtfld od The 4tory 'I,) told aq fol policy oil. ll' att r. the'uhseett where site �n, regard, to !he I even, tills initial (fight not take destroy the sacredness and. rest of tho rtripire. It Isi onlY 11Y �igttt of Even It onif what -is on.th6 7- generous trade now grant- o Itiat oett and - fitdilig- urfacp b, erinsidered 1-t is cear that Plce I ful`xt, yo.ir. The-opinlon' the. Sabbtli Day, sald'itbat the ra1l. ed to cieat Errijin. - , - I , 'I. I
c voy- ay co M Tito fact, 0 CV11ire—ed fliat, tr)n-4htiant'i plinteg, by 'offeriig cheaper (lied the Poq� 0MO-2 slimild never beaisedio. "The 'statistic(au, wha aver.% that aE;PA it 6r x. For aq this collinil vill. 1;.or tilgiglifer. 'firre titan 0 diii,ary.days, incited hviin Mod of flo,-1;.7e I til,lt_l back with a di-elief for proilf-tah-in somebody dies every tittle you hrerl t in'-4fes the'. so than r 4o -.4lenly She to' Ill.m.41 nd haq continually pam-ted out. the' tAail- Ihlf craft nd i I sy riwitiple.- the , people travel and serattliilze in I,(]:, lmnlcdi�tely ah for od imile should be att ntl-septic t, that the inlperffnt�iire Of youth
a cAghlotl zi.l.'It 111111.(1q- the 8abbtli, , Theirs 'aig� existed a q il road it-tweon vou and me (toe; not make "I) Iny 48 but 114 frejuently o darn-, fv,, r, I ntnt, , .. . .. A �,, I s.). - - . and the tie,V, man.. And ju-st as an So "kur,e municipal, inenace. WhY did tbeir. enligh tell ed policy loirg ago took dowif pl,ine <,ro.;slnvs - cir- fthers seeks tar. lure 01 I-ve 111cm I -4 not yot tiot iliev. IP M0
a lite to golT ana bowl? In reference who all -pi cs 1011 1� 1, It I I 1: ev the tF)TJAga!e,) o1i'the 0irnpike roads, Strange Member. of &Cius' i Fat"ily'.. flVlng,. Oto'txecursions lie stated tiat lie �,011i [.so, bould evory 'Wo-cli be. tAkell.. Pitt ' iv rron - ind Warning. pnvie ittotilp't it.. that give rin3r Incidents, where, at tile m. Thlea'tre Audience hA few gn -tIR, plrnts; filoilnrA oe tile. . I" . v R' t6imot- I c* oxected-� Atigat. 10 the Oman catholid
lMul lrlf-�IrCDMMIM;1� by in i; heag A ulerl to end ofit aller pl,aneq Church 'pe,cial 'everegion traidil bAd- 'lill, pplauds R .'flowel-ing.. ('all' beeq run. on the Sabbath Dhy.. that come dov"ll ill diatl terrt� Istoad 1 of beiTiq tory. Aa a* �tnjftor - of fact , such �"l 1+4 Majesty .'Steals Show" Tito' mor -3 searofics are. aNay,4 tude Nvith gw- lure ;the I tot- i%. .1 r - T At Coserfintent platie. u,i fl�e Itt en 4:izir., , 1: Sto.leiit C4enls a lit It kirri. Lane sublim6 and :Awful' �ks we tabor for 'fie Ile Ivre - -found. 13Y,Nlica ftful fit tiro tsks whiffi, Ile, :'IPts, iot r P. burglar ssummer �easou broka into, evice'; IV f4yr the 11(*,4t time the tllilot,l of, rock& a "dozen you grow Hch in reverence he eaMern nd �,MaR at Deauville. Le Tbuquet an& Go *--a y6ilv''iffeil or,.Iet lite deepell .. ...... ".0 it 'S28 its' 6ct)�.4 Ilwala rier -to expedit ig of btisinesi,
Seen in (,;he nuel 44, gtreAt- You it T)y look 'MATY �1 rr no'w (6 And I�en arr6sted Jn A. Jacob, A 'clittet,
(it 'york 'lie In
Y 16-dfokg W4 it .0�ttoal in . -who, ft V 0, Ininutes 3, I AR t -wee ra4s' and 'AilisttrAmil', was arz W ell i, 0 ;G `F0 4(,o tho 'Aillor c.1.1 Itro, 014ir who IfLava tile gift, resLe at the Care an Nord, roed-no. ._L'C fo 01taw, .-,and Toronto, and fliftle o, IiVindsar and Detroit. collftee OnonW Itrol nit of fl,. to ollt f or. C smi(pd sleAnd seeing and -Daho, gf%� and going o(tit of 0116'.5 SL Ing colititf, oa,' hatra in dmitted tlat,ho iad'i� rritd Tho Cheer c.1villpa 16vifig ftt inath-er. lil & f tIld effetlly, tit i (t7am -at -giirger x6r., Jt is. Ito it) Imild up A for- "T—aMtv rq�ort$, f.)r anco til$ alld(k -r A SINLrz� Nt(Wt After 010 POV 111 10110 Witholtb A- ilrader but -,u 14 Which wlifle 'tile te mo�.flvq� can nicet �a tlle� TIV, 11101011131 tit how rrod tho owned d (Irliniq Dick m c6m.e to�geth ' N,k to Thlilli 6� a the ffu.siteld tett &.,eato keeper, and *Ii to t:ll(��' tI. .4 -orl 411 Kili�. fcdxktioft� there V111 Ad, t nIgtkt for olil� 0114, night oicil year. V ictor,'ind the torinfto gc�ds �Waa the pie. wgo olifid to 'Ire fo III 1-4 to ttjo� oilfrolllo, 1t is A. nlember of the tottte re ,tth it. -wiifth of WlAn 11 . , 4