HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-11-28, Page 4r., PO* NOVEMBER 2.13, 1-929 • 114 • .11/44rt ONTILW L. t. •',"Tr,„ '1,11 • (11[1•11,i• . • ith, • slidi,e,04tce : • A• reat • , , .:gcnsyth of the Bank of .1tilnittnial han closeli • InCidect•toitft .the, graiinnt *vele nuns' .4 , '...atcade.fronianinell colony M. a:eciest • • ,• • • dte ,Bank's weitwaid •advaiton coas4 One Of, the'linpOrtant kitki as, tmaisf; ctmenta1•thaftri• Braachis. was, 'in cif0 • iSt.WhieSho*ivhentlieBialic 4opened fitittranch weSt, :chi -Greer •This forS'incd,itep,mI• nni: •on was 4en atidWitatiPegi atade iv • :ladon• the7prairica 40004.,:Orisety**. • tation. at • tOforerailivay • . twee* Montreal to_thelltrotiting.pepy•L'.., illahig.e*Operitatit of• d*Pa0,1e. !nfirtie • Of the Bank's 667 Branches. Lc ant Ill Vi" and x88 in the Mirk Provinoes,,.:7 :nOw kited 1817 M. MacPherson, Manager, OTECTING '.THE•• SUNK Githle,''Wardert, Toale; ' Of ,Liste*ei recently pilyec,*(1,•tvit:i Oro,- tti.wiv. '13QfOre Magi#1'4A *id on L•ouir,o0-'?*0:01*'.4(deil 4 r- aringainmjs" The nn had dug li.. out a den „cr44itiiiikai, #04: as „though' they &d not PursisliMent enetigh the process, the magistrate im- posed a fine- of 46.00 ":boek, Xt ap- pears that the ak.Unle': ii.-.Prcitected from molestation by the Game and Fisheries: -Act !',Init the, Inw-makeis af the coutts.tiught to Imar„itt, mind tht the'+Aguirisr a good deal more than a.' .4.144‘earer; In -the vicinity of , '':house.ht-i.s a,VetY, great ,rinisanee,,' 14." Oil& *Id get: along very hint: ' .; inte MARGE. OP ARSON DISMISSED „ The charge of arson laid Against Wni.McKenzie of leeswater which _arose, when, during 'September, this aged man ivak found near the scene of .a fire which destroyed .a-F,a,rn on his own farm, was dismissed. by • Magistrate, Walker on Nov.-1.8th.-The evidenbe adduced at the :trial. • on Sept.• 30th was ofa circumstantial nature. ' :BIG EXPENDITURE ASKED • Ratepayers of Bradford, Oa:, a 'iflge of 661 populatimi are being A, CLEVER YOUNG, INDIAN imearnaw,eam. Mr. George •Garinw, a 17-rear-1dC1ippewa Indian ,boy froin, port, near Brantford,Captured the sweepstakes over all competitors 'at the international match held •recently 0 Kingston.- This_ was:.`the largest event of its kind in the. world, •• lasting 'four days, and in Which :there were ,370 entries. The sweepstakes prize Was valued at $200. Garlew won a $60 gold watch, which was the first prize for boys under 19 years of Age. Kelulf now, purchased a farm asked by the counbirfo-vote an 'ex. in ontario and will apply hie prize Penditure of $54,000 for A waterworks money, and skill towards An•agricult.,;, system to be ne t ye d I • • Nfo Bar th G9lf in Canada .• • • ,•:"j". • • J • • • ":" • • • • j.• • • Plint00014- taketit Aliffdtertets, l'at Of its Odiatti�. iini. ott'eh, the "aitiaiii ite Oittetil, teith, Otto* ' ..... -, -aisidiing 26/40114,,, toteef left-tioini, eff',-,fitageo 2.0eMity• Red doilies show otiktitest of climate AS- • •-•- rebricary at 11,10torta, • Picas ligli''.-g-t..W. .i. , Beady ,Chaftenps CaPwitli,ntililatitre.rePrOnsfions-nt tkit ' -cup fee,:tfo "ioitilteita. 471, lot: atd toolyken nolotpetitfoisi,: -- .„„ ,, ,, ., • • , . • ,, .n. , . ...• , . , .., , , _ . . -,..., he process- --01- ,stiatelittik the latifels-from the -The wild.wintet-tottriiitatetit-tiat--Plated .ht lite -- _ ..._lis4v4,iit.ctotroiriOii,. ig: oftv.i.ltht, on it .0&•fit.ctit. •Cartatliatf Spert Calendir.:1110, PetroarY under the ..,,.0our_liazty__Of_thi,,,gritiweis,:leivir.it ile.r. nom- ht-the,nspes, at the Canadian :Pacific kailWayand proved a griat ilibeeSS. Ill Vretbria •ffirtiirb iS 'a • puzely tilild: eilligte-WVatittArver IslEtiifi Ittit.16-6-11:111011" • aniatetir affair; biluilcip, of-einirsei open .to men Antionceittent Ilan. been made reeentlY that the and' Worrien, colinieting in their *Wit sectioiasi The second Mel gritpreaS lletel,mid-Winter VII tour,. Main trophy is the E. W. Beatty Challenge' et#S, lit . nainent at the Col:weed course, Victoria, Will be held present held by T. to,, Swan and Itra: new ,PateraoriA • front ?ebur*1. to 24 includive,- a tline when the of Victortno-nithougli a large lint of other prizes is enniltit isertil 6f tile ,bat parallel is popularly sip4. tieing posted. the ObinPetition is Olsen to all Victoria posod to be rfeet deepin stoiv. ' Photographs included clubs and atio to any viiitnts it •that city, and in it above is tit Will tillOW this pettier belief to be a irleiV of the -Site ot ;.thei, • entfy lig all links in tit. 41144 AS far as the VictOriat, course 44 encertiedi . vicinity of the 04)1* PS, pe50e4 449 Oiltii4 !Of .T•1#01,• !* TE WAR • - is said ..th4 fOr the, hiAttn4 o 'Bessehen40e 0,11 the west- wak a!!qq7 'n!Yiite4'Y 'tf)'91te. Who kiww wikat:-was dzi uid What happened,Wbiehth. Calerik141*44s; Any e 11bjetrtell) 144: heaviest losses and although,UsuSua the biAttiMQ4q 'wog thelr'obleeti'vev zt ;aer le no4t: 6:;14h, nit :r tie. and sacrifice It oz1y that the •t:49 fx- • tPlkatiOn, is being .given,4n4.1t,threws lin interesting ii,gbt npeit certain re- aIitie whiCh ,nt:the• time Were •;closely gnarled nOrOte. • :Lieut-qenetay Archibald 1Vlagrgniald Speaking tin,,Arinistiee Day', threw light Upon -.the ineident, • and it:ainounts t,o the that the Canadian and British armies- Were asked to make.a great Zacrifiee, to SaVe 'the alli�d case. t Thy, Pictou V.azette re-. pbrted 'General" lifteDonalcifs• refetenCe to the, aai tolinwa: • :41.0ter theSeejeven year I ant going te:•teil, Oni-the story of why Paeseltiandale:-Itla' itinglit. 1 did n'ot know nryseit nntil• • two 'Years later. '`.'Atter:Welnittaken Bill 00 it wgs planned tb Should go to Com.- . br$ to 'Asskst;Byrig;. arid I. have al- ways wondered •rhat weld& haie hapt ,Petied i th� idian storni.. troops 'had been thret.r.,. in .there. A. Corps et:Inferenee . Was, being held. 7 Pro* :Where I was,,•Elit,ting 1. saw Haig!'is ear ;drive up. Outside. 'The Conference, was adjourned :for ten miniitet; Currie went Out; and he.azid Haig talked hawk •nnd forth, Haig. seinied .:to be litioirtr kept eoPJshakingQlth ion:..tiCurrie, sTigd C eame. hr.:Haig :is necessary thfit the •Csnatliatts take Passehendale and soire' day 11 tell you :Why; 1- alie.,-10st:heen-::patting-.'Ahis to - Currie and 1 said `Ni'4', and. •OnlY :consented 'When;1 agreed ,•:that, the &4tnedians be *end by an Artillery. barge satififaetnry' to him.? "And then Gserarivtar,donell told 'the story. HOW 200.000 ..Fieneh Sof-, .diera had thrown diriVii their 'arms The leaderii i ,til)e Mutiny had, been put. in:Iron's' and the French' did hot know how far tifiS .trotible had gone. France Pranee vas *AO, to -give " • 'tLloyd Onerge-e.ante over. and :said. tothe Frenell' government: Trance is a soyereikii Witten, tv411 the right to choose h4 14le .pCaction: but, no inatter *AO Vranee? does,-. England fights on it, the jait men and to the laist, cartridge, find when the last car- tridge has, been fired •EngIand will "Clemencesn said: 'France Will not • let England -fight alone, but the French are, In tlo position to fight now. If the Geiinans. attack they. • 'will go through is:like a bot knife through butter. • YOu Must' prevbrit another 'attaelt on"the•French line for the balance 0 the year.' • "The ,only way to de this was. to go after the' thint-the enemy prized the meg; arid"Sif the Attacks on Zee- brugge :and Paischendale were then • Planned." 1 ' •order te fully appreciate 'the aituntion Confronted tbs Headquarters at that tin -e . it Must be recalled that the great great arm - le' -of Russia,' war luspleSsly 'tvreCke'd holchbyism; - the Italian army in retreat and added •to this; the French army- at the point, of rey`olution. Under these itircurnstanees. it took COurage for 1.yd Georg.. to speak - as, he did,. and' for the British gen- .erals to order an attliek .whieb in putWard appearance must have the appearance blundering. •• We have seen it ,else -Where that at one tittle 20CI,000 soldiers of the Fen one time two hundred thousan-a sot, Mere of •the Prench'urtnY'were about to imitatelhe -Russians and throw i•away their arms and go.ba home. There never was a shadow of that in the British or Carnid1,1n .It hi because Of the intelligent firm- ness that "BeitaIns never Shall be Olives." r`• • AN OLD RESiDEhiT � BLYTif '•Thomas Baltarityne, the oldest resi- dent of 1113,Ath villagedied. at ,the /joint of htS detteter there on Sui da yi NOV. .11th, 10 the age o -f 9. Mrr Pallarityne Was a naive' of • OtillaftSi" 1 be was - married • there_ to .Elizabetit; gistleIA'er And within' an hour ate k the, cere,,, nifty Th bride and groom -started. f'AT Canada, :Alter ,spencling oin .; Steak' ai:ttrathroy ancl.'at *roiete4 • the family initoved ttlYth 42 Years ago. Mi. Ballsitityrie_Waa a WOolen• mill worker and pursued thiS •e-edling all his. Working. years, MS wife died 20 years age:. Ile is survived by four • 'ions and to gters,• , • TO err may he human_ but- it Isn't eitactlY huittati tO beright erite"in,a ?I''T NEL '• Ptthliehednicryr, Theyglev, !periling'', , . • ' at X;oelcinewr•aatario, 4.. -.i. . , .. ... .:-.... 4., Pt. 2.1Se1entiei. Proprietor, r- - • *nit Ettitgr:'. '• .. . . . „.. , . 140yE.:,t4it 284 .DEAD I4SUE MAT COME TO•LIFF, the recent election results :in Ontario: saidk-"NO alibi nor excuse .kclin aItev the at 'OM ilreiirthitien is' 'tit preselit '? •l, Drunkwiek. And, ,neaalsine, ;In tbd".. Western provincesn t•-miiVerninent • •.. eontrol. Versus •prohibition ;-has.,....been put to attnight vete of the .,people, "tib.,7nup- bred -•-bY,','politigar Cbila,iderationa ad in, every.,eSe Prdhibitionhas been decisively defented,", : legislation • always has been sWingiing •froin one tixtrente to the other. The :great "'harm so Obviously due to . the excessiVetise of intoxicat- ing , ads as a -Constant urge .tri-theie ,who. bave 'the good:0g society . - at li-A,11;t,, to eliminate' the Consurnp, as :far .IIht prObibition• measure's never , have been wholly' ,Succeasful, over :a, very large' , ritory. ,The • aTiectacle of it failure to bring. about. deqirel eesditions :turn • people away from, it, and they seek soniething elae ;which- premises •,setter reaults-Somewliat in 'the :spirit, of."artything but what; we the 'pendulum swingnI,Aeli-ond •• Suppression of the •linnor' 'traffic may: be a dead isSue. fora ,time,• but it is helind ,,eonie to life again. ':The'evil is alwain' there, uSrally be, coming worse' and •woise, T.Te, Moral lanes*: 'teach lite. children the evils • of alcohol and you °are putting° in motion Another canipaign far tion. Xenoperance sentiment is bound' te express itself in 'prohibitory 14ttlan., - : • •.• " One cannot iMagine an ideal Society in 'which' drunkenness, or even; the moderate : use -Of alcoholic hevealgeS is -prevalent, and 'however • king • it may bela Coining; when that eondi- tion *comes.; Trwill :be through pro- bibitionr, because people .are 'sure to, proceed, tbni way about it.. • • As a • matter '0 filet go.vernmen control it a fOrm ,of prohibition an so also was the license sys tem, Fh • present -Ontario liquor, lawprohibits eyerybody in the provinze from en, - gaging in the liquer-selling Imaness. The government naonopoiizes'the busi- ness:. tinder license all but a few in every • community were Prohiiiited frbiri engaging in. the: liquor -vending business. '' • To be 'consistent those who Oppose and , denounce prohibition must ad- vocate that making and , selling of liquor should be free as the Mak- ing and selling of bread. But no- body has the hardihood • to-do that: People.differ not as to ,the advisability of :..abselate, prohibition of, and free trade, in liquor, but as to the degree • andmethod of prohibition. File 'staunchest aditocate of, government control is a prohibitionist. ite rcadily c6nsents10 the absolute prohibition of everyone, , but' .the government from engaging in the liquor trade: ... • • tncan 1..11e (viOellition of the 0. •That: is quite )ight.. Whon 1 ab.uses his 11,•en.,e. privilego.. til :.ttdiultihliti4110:1:t:iti.::°;54411'111illi:lcliit:Ilii:1:1,;(..i:1;:ls.::i::1.::.11::11'1:'::;11:::: of thoAranic Liv,,. land rhat. the, Stiin "i•Z'\dite , to ' i i 0 •01., right. Vint- the .t'octill l'iNsr.1 1 canoe] his . liquor • perr. 1 t , , . • . ' . , ..----,,..•..----,,-- . . .. HENRY FO•12,1)'S 1Z l'inil.:iil'' • --.--, ...... . . ,,,, ,„.„ ..... . ' . • itor, Re,cord.e show $AO' be woe wizighls..Qtt ;ieeM i .ife;.°44 11.t s not within' • the ,poSt, Y•ear,. Wifinnit the ‘1,licle knowledge .that Wattyvas •Wanted by IUthdolver Authorities; IVIegistrate Waltier tied • wa,s Cf:14ed. upon 'to bangle ifl.Tht.•-••• . ion' time he •wus ru o for • Which, serAvIexidativseto4.1.3r frQfl1 what '4fl be learned, -la one oflvgryarcio tli 'Osit;Pan1411' .offendEv'y con sidaiou is ers veti4 in Years, -,h10 eventrAlly the . . rtWe icelitihzees, Piitliheltenrile;1.1if7th":11;,..e'StiPs horl 'interests. :of accused,. . to .114, .theni• 'of in .SehoOl of porree. Wit,t4ertiin: TeleacOpe .• . • . • ou...}eli,i.01lt • :‘,11.; enghly f1cnd by'. tap.tk .'4ciPSrn.g. lee " f4r un,c: a • ..elt to' ea :C.ohference tpe: •he;s1.;.•'' . largeit4titinstries: )111A* • view to Avay;;J: j!‘f. •alser ,coi171 feenr.!r!:::11?. aPPears,,,,to 4131'e ad,. a his theory that. the, .spr.Nst • s.ap of businIss is a sui‘Atan'ial•atm of money in iarniy N9 r rr'ng "So a Mealis -hp'sint,A., he • ,t'hat • ttilet:ii he'• . no iut in wages,: nix! he Wont ."st.i. far' as to say that' in 'r.i:•• 41rits there would beeonic Urr,1 iO'LlrS,e ler - be an Far.,,Whcit •Intiine0:••' 'emple.'/.7%.;,- to .:-ozo 'is to• rodute. . wages ,f ,:;•1•1` w.ag• e' being 11 bi.g tu....t or, in •,',..ost of ,pred ti) be tion, • mat .an...t...p.onditure of ' mo • •A 11:11-.'.11c,r. of yc,,to Ford.. t the, :view t .at. .1):-o.speros'us ..wOrk 'glass ''gOod 'tor .and, has ai...Vays high Wagesr-tsett. the. pal) icr inOly other 'factories this. regard: .011.w.e time he rinproved 'his. 'plAnts '‘that. w able' to .turn'; out: immense' anloa of Work: Ile . belie %,:es , effici• . workors wel. as efficient •buyora BUS ,• • • • BBL SS A, AS1S • 40SB.. scgt,INC1L,. m110.irTgs • ... • 1-Y.- • • . • . 17-77:7- ' " ' •tbe Ait '• oa. With T8i11-: as 114?..orn-Ment.. ting members „preierit.• .. • ' • - the ••-• 'The. intite31 of' last •regtila t,- 1.16' ing, Cot. 28,•were read, and an me lencth n of 11.i.ratt.oSh and Elliott were adopted. port : . • " Moced by M'craosh 0,n.4 tthott that `114 interv.lety 11//e. At.. Me- ' as •• rreig It.• raga rd;ng his eons plaint Of .:1aniatte by Water from. Lott, Drain; 'Moved hy hose and McIntosh that the t e•iznrci.• write - the treasurer of Eincarcline Twp. re shortage in thco.:i for a.Nciismetits on •Stirling ti?• ltdd by MeIntoih and,Elliott.that hill the remit. .Kineardine the sum Of 40.'Oti, Engineer's estiniate, • for Clerk's 'feea and` BY:LaWs ; . Stirling Drain. • ook . IVfoVeirhy..114CIntoSh and Elliott .th4 ing we. issue eheque fix': $413.50 paY`able . ill:: . .stotilliiiiI•ji.•giciiordrtilliiien,.1t',.oli.,b,efot.re,nialltlio;evidvic./te_siz., in Ment 'of full easessment,by them. °: . . . , SO • Moved. by -Ross *and Huiten that the, . ere praina:e, Petition 'of ,•Sarn.,'Ilewitt,ailil rits. others..for a BroriCh ,dram; into.: tho.:. - ent XinlbS.i. and Kincardine Drain he ae......., . '. cepted, ...1 rid .. :the Clerk- forward ',. 'to ' 1 . tngipeei, , Edi.4r to: examineind re- ' • .4 port. • - . , ,, . .. . • ; . • ......,.., • , . ; : di -.• - • _ . - . .. ' -•. Movta by Ross and .MeIntesh that ,. "Ke ing up .1.,ili, the Jones/P, has. after-li.varing •,the,..ltrigmeer,s. .report• • .. - - saddleti this 'country" With a 'border] " on . the "'ROSS Dr•410 . Improvement,''' we • . hazard ;. ef 'doing .Vdsinesi... add has vane, debt, Nas ailded.to the (fest., and naldejeottipn•ng..i,talrited. ,dinits;Ciurisstilotilnet soe. cetillser'!lnuen.x6t enhanced ., the ' cozt 'of living itore; inforinntio-n frorn the, Engineer. .,parti'..ii.Y , .respLinsible .fut 'the''instal- nOtice 'if errors'in 'asaesinient being than,N;e• are will:ng...1...0 .admit. It is .givilit.:ved :by. :ltbas and IltiSton , that • by •R,•Titlin,. Lots 2849i 'Con. 4,. that .(he Court of, Revisimf,be re -.op- ened to:correct the 'same.' The , Courtbeing dnly constituted • and eviner4e submitted • it. wee-. .bnildings'aboib the previous year, the • IE e seen , 'Moved by ,McIrittish altS.. Iliott thAt an error was plainly to placing $100c additional •on ,the same Clerktriike the necessary. corrections.. . . Moved by Koss :and McIntosh that • • the Clerk, assesa,•pre-rita all ,parties on. the,Aokert DrahiCfor rep.iirs and ., notify them that sue:A ,asses.,inent is 'due. and payable on or, before Dec. 14, . 1929,- as after that • date interest will, 'be added on all amounts Unpaid- • .' Moved by itoss.and' Huston that. the . Clerk prepdrc a' By,Law w,laking- the following appointments for pe Muni: cipar ,Election to be held Jan. 6, 1930. Poll No. 1: Orange Hall, Kinioss- D.R.0.--,I. .9.. Pollock. No. 2, Orange Hal, EiiIough---b.lt.0.-H.. A. Grah- am., N. :1-, Township •Itall, •Holyrood, -D.R.0.-Wm. Thompson. No..4, Pe- ter .Cart.445, Con. 2,----D.R.O.--4klex - finnan,. ?:o. 5. Brown's Stm`e, Lang- . shle-D.L.9..- (leo. 4. Moffat. -Net .ri! ThAitutenin,.whitechurch-ak.o.7-• • Frank Henry. . : ' •• . . • P.R.O. to rooeive $3.00 and 15e. per n:),ile brie way dbliveritig.,Balkot, 1oit61. . 11;(0.:11,11h.,seeri.(s.'t,lie(.:4k.,(i).:8$.4e2:1.tOti.:1)1_.; tikaollost,liss,3,0P0 rei vaacthe. 1,V0,:ley ct, P.L. 152 to 155, -,Gray' el Rd. $48.0:'); John .lohnnton, P.L. 156, Re ,uirfa int; 1.1,..3.16; ..i. A. 14010M:ion , 115v 17ii,. RT(h. ir,r).:1.1. ing 10, 58.30: John Ken- ned,r-, P.1,. 1 ",8, kilning' 3, 2.691, J..17". Dansoh, l',1...15(.7. Croding 2; 10.10: 0:1PL.•160, Placing'Cul-, vort 12, 11:Itri 3. A. MaeKinricin, P.L. 1 61.. flo : ' tf,,t 'mg 4, 2:f.47 Alex. Vow- .m.ent" e hl o,f buying itn'd. e -and • or a 'continuance' of that Vicious systeni of "having' it charged." • • Creditis thi.. bails of all cominerce.i and we -chi ,trade. is .ilependeili on he uprightness and 'integrity Of 'nations, often find it expedi- ent to issue d.ibentares rather than collect h fufl'ain.ount.of some capi- tal. eipcn,diture in one year's taxes. And a larner cerminly is justified in • assuming Tic obligations of a • mort- gage if he is p`ar,..ha.iing' a farm or making a real improvement to the old. one. It is • not linkisin.esslike either, to p•,:i•:•Ivis'e riate3sary, equip- raeut "on time' if the use,of the new maChinery will ph'y carving chirges and 'in a !•easonabh. peric,d liquidate the debt incurred. The u...e of credit is quite busine4.slike •and coalmen& able, hut the a' 'use 'of it Li INa,11.,1,g many faini1e. to itrd shallow :water and dan, ero a. • A. small JoWn.,c dled . . the midv.,!stein Stn4.4, acting on the advice -of it Chandwr tf Commerce, went on a ta•h )ai•is. The butchitr, the baker II•al 'maker ll lockeil 1,;t4i and started doing .1stiqine; 01, a strictly c.1411 haqis. It wa. not Nithout' fear and treeihling• thot iFpy adopted this ufipoptilax. poli..y, fial they had r1sef ht0 to.Ler transferring their trthe merri.i:tit., ed charm ade . tri crer venter9• whf;tred. •otint:4. the ;•101 ,1 ,:trU:1$-" tf• to 1' UT' atrial. f tto...qo v•foi ir,crta od ItePansp„ r • ,a1P from ht4!es around' ha e r,7")er,• the •les- ,4ened o„.;* r 9.1eff::(1;(1}:'n,t11,':hl......1::1-:1:- '1't:17'.:(1:.';'•.;,,::rt(r:, havi,e• THE. WAR PREMIER .OF FR4NCE . • , • . • One by one the great, moil who plaired a leading part in, the World War ,are passing from the scene. • No wonder that George Clemen- ceau :I•As gone. .IIe Was .88 years of age o and liathbecti a hard fighter all his life. . In 1917 many leading ri:Onchmen were About ',prepared •I*O” give up. kilt - /rig. It Seems strange that tiky shouid , be se, seeing that nothing but hum- iliation and slavei•y 'awaited them atni.,0 their Lountrymon, It vas ,at this time that c'lenen- ceati became priineininister and hi, 'energy, and onthusiasini Appears t - have brought 110W courage to... lir ..vh4i. nation.' And •the ,arniy that wee aout ready.' to thew down thf.:r arms and go home', 'ha the Ruk did totic--'freAli courage ond develepel A new fightirig spirit whioj. pre%ti.e 1 to the clos'e. "• -, • The 'couagebus energy. of 1.loy71 GeOrgc in Britain had a like in Tirirfi.; effect, although- , the nierale., of tititieh Peoiqe and nav.p.r: fel; to: the pt4nt,viross eitfitting v.its'eNyn itrOught- • ' •he ticitior Contosl Tioqr,(1 and thf• Ifighways: berari,rnent are voinsr t11 . . -41 0 -re ••••;•••.n,,iy •ti.1,1••te . ft • .1,tti • Jr 1 I to• 11•.:ula• :le. n "•• ifs f•lr'll 01, r't if!. Fill • i,1 the 'a, td ! ,f.101 114, "Xtrr a•t rf• • i • it RA 14) GOT.; A T IA 1•41tf P e • n, P.1 . 16'1, 'Tile, 47.thli A. ; 4, 10212s a, J. klacKini P.1.: 161, Team' 10, 5.grt: • rh w it I, r.. 165, Placing Tile 20, W)11, ('..ntrthm, .P.I.,, 106, Re su.;- laving- Pi. .";,' ",7- .1. A. MOCincion 1r,7, Sol; I 87: ttnehen TAtt, Cott - I roil ihn ra • eron lira- in, $1.62,1, Chas. Fliirt, •••• ' krti ,2A 00: Ridy, kvn4willc1. btfeh, 88,00: ‘1 h -1411S, It441-eard-i-ne F,•••e4 A Pki.,Laws . A . . r Irge, 'In to -operate th,getthig .thv 141.61.1h11,1.1,,'y AV er j\i'l 1117,:rM 10 rib JP it, , 4, , river off the. .1.(r.,„0,---rh-e,, Alb r,.. -,.-rtfrtr -mut t r at, py Henry; ••4n1nia-tfer eently made smthiii, hy ' [rim. ;Jr. .1 At,bt 1,1);Qqauoi°,71,1,f;oritrol., Board ,wi:1 I `,"1:',.1.1'," Y.1* 'cu• ivi ThO n (,, ap,;„ • report to the Iligliwar, Departral-4 '" cateelations of liquor per.nits and,. bit the •••,114e.a. hEnd, ,the 1,t6sri4 pa , nittit Will 'report I( (Ttlas' 't"tk Ty r•e to the Control Board, %'here it seetal 'clTatt, 1 .ter- hdinitted el.c.nr,rd desirable, the ,Ctincelation of one ;1i•fthgs.pri?;:f.;14:i1: lolin f'Irrieft ttisn�n it. Lane, tierlc;i .gtirling Nth) 1lO0-,•46.hit_41t tarm. ,71q,eR,teyjtfl • Drain, 06,DR: • irr) AlQxandor, Tret1-6,, ftlCitt. Tp, allowances •on , StiHfrtg • 118.5(1; Thr$!.(1., Gautit, Tree's. kinkiss Tp.. Township 'Assessment on nrain .rehmeil f.1 •"d to no Agititt 611 Monday, 'bo, 4!111 bor 16," lon rt,titsnat time and piece, • ,r6hrt it• Lana, Clerks •