HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-11-28, Page 1it074.1g=1,Vir4WA4,40•••••4441.49 • ir /1/4„ ;V! 4.4„21 ,x,wootroott•c000mwattoOmikwtommor.r. ''- iiiir4000•14040014"' ..• AstIOWSWINAX,RU44.4.44-,4tkkv„ 44* r.k ;4. • 17' . ' . . • • ••••••• • • . • , • " ,'",'•••••••••••"00., • PIR YEAR I2, ADVANPEL S240 OTHFRWIS: • • DR. W. "M• CDNIgEloti Physiciai and SUrftelin Luchnow• . , 'tours:, .1;30.-3,312 •''• hone 86 , 1,11C15,11014,0 ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th 1929. New itoSe end Gloves.. tor Girls. and'. INfoxLeil• The Market. 11r. A.. A..F4110'S.* is ape int n couple of .weks atPresteri S Miss Helen:, Thonipion sPelit week -end in Toronto With Me• •and DIii,NTAST 'Mrs. NaYlor. . • , - •••• • • '.••.DSe.villacioe.od. wall vist Lucknow Rh.ud.:.#904011:a°30;•in09.•'"%t•-'• - • every, Tuesda4 in' The Cain -Houlie. ent- Leather ail'• 11.10:914Y Theatre, Nov` .28—a9-30.1 • • • • . : PFNIrilarr " • .1#;C' E. ' Trerea„im Ltcknow— Ov.r :_De‘sctes.! • .44.:Praetien, " •auiar tir. DY gft8 or ()Ca Aa e th ,. Dungannon every l'haraciain. Paean 63. • • ie.4Y44•••-A1U1.1 1.iie le2e WallraPer nand': etiees .cnsder- ate alewn for itiko. Eiw utile agent for leadingsjob house. --A 4., ..1.'anier- coc, Decorato, painter and Giabor box 174, `Liaclanow: FOR SALE OR TO RENT -4. small brick cottiige.--.0piy to • R. t. TrealeaVen. ;•, , a short. tehools, higher eearies,. and ..1 • home en avestely ngetaiter her. Nits. II. •Ifaase, -of •,'I'oronto is ,spencl-. ing?ii few weeh.;,with her. sister, 31re. Finney. •• as Wesel ',Webster visited in TorZlito last week wit 11Jr. Water, Mrs. dward .Arent. h i Mr s;,• P1'w o: reeov,er ng, feent- .sertetie....iiteets•,,hts come up.. Irian lortnito 'co • epena some tithe With hez sister;',Airs. Parker. Libor New and better bridges eonte .nd K M 1( haii 'illather,ef:WOodr high, and event bit of syork`thats done• • c..t. tWice What. like work did in the stock sPent a te'W'ue,ys iast.Weelt ivith costs "good old days," • ••' • Mr krank' Otitm.aeo arSo visited . at KrntaL dine , and •Waliceiton hile here,. betitneritsietrett11,vvs!behtitget st ai dxewalks,ae4bueit t etor Mrs. 'pag•er tiollyman ratline:a • YOU:WT.4XAS • . 'Did• you get your axTnotice . for 1929 yet ?--Likely: you have, and sqir 'you ,would have *Heed' that the teruleney is still xfpWard, At any rate tha 2 the ea,Se with outi. Its no better e cotmtry., The farmer about one 'dollar, per aere--seme less, 'somemore; 'depending Unon. the Oual.: ity, hs farm afitt„hulidiegs: Soine good 100 -acre farina nee far' froin Lneknew; 'Pay -at high as $1,15,s" We are told that things are MuCh .Worse over le• the 'State of 'Michigan. where •the paving of Country rciade appears te,. have been carried t� excess •Of course we get a lot mere for or .taxes than used AO country—better roads and no Statute . . , visit in roiontu eenit h bsenee' ,.. pay, for •every day's Work. : We .are .. ' Maple and kieech. Aptity to ,.._?..); ,, . •. • •• To. these in butieess or e,ainiog salary H li re Store ' :, ' ' : 3facandi R.' '60 Linknow. ' - 7 in 9 Yal3 3' • . . •••• or Wages,. it doesn't. matter, go mueh. , (e., -4p) - .' • • ... Among those sPerte a few days •af the7,Fay :. _.....__ ' ....7_, .,....-., ..-----,,-: at the Royal W•hl•er moie,..they get "mere The •r-alr at. Tman:iii'• man or, woman With4a fixed income, • ' LAMB ASTRAY . ‘' We 'nete the • f9.11;37ing:: Wiiiia**i.e:' tad 'means Of aliding,to it is har& FOR SALE -106 cords woeddry • ' • 1g er a n h • o cram-- ' p ng on a er scale all around Mies' Helen Swan of Laintua assisted • • . 1 1 • Caine to the 'premises .0:f the -tinder; signed in Lucknew on Nov. lath, 129 one Lamb. Owner may:have seine, on preying property aria paying expen- ses. Herb. McQuillin. _ . .........-„,„„. • • . • SHORT HORN..BULLS .FOR SALE • 2` 'Alan*, dal -purpose; shorthorn bff:ii. Wai also Sea My .herdtire3% :: • years old—very que,:a grandsen el .. , , nannet 3Larquis •:,•-• hoot. Simpson, • - • 441`' d Lon. Ciu oss. • • • , , ' • • • (28.--11-p,) „:•, • • • ...444.41•4•••••• • ' " FOR SALE OR RENT Kenie, - X. -W•esey „ d Op* N-,.-- Hedley, -t---iiiViirtil-hetv conditHihe.:Te such S. 4E: Robertson, V: Henderson, Rev... every ' dollar counts., The amount •4of C.' H. • MacDonald, Rev. R. w., and cash whieh 20 years age assureddoin- Mrs. Cut*. . 7 fort in old age is no longer euffeient, Do You Want To Have A Merry TO these every additional dollar Of Aou will get a laugh that will 'taxes hurts, and :we can'tblame thein Vat yea- through.the holiday season. _they want the councils to epenom- • • if yin; ' see •tthe Three Act Comedy "Nothing But The Truth" to be pre- sented soon hi the Lucknow' Dramatic • Jompany in aid of Air Arena. • • :CoinfOrtale seVenreamhouse with •. • good swim ceikar, ii.rd and Solt water • • . nd , karge •oarn uadstaole, well lo-, vexed :on Station'street; uetr Church end Sehoot•'Appiy •to eox •toa,: Leek ,:now, Ont. • • . • . • • • .* • ,• , . • • HEIFER, ASTRAY '. • • , . .. Came to the' premities of the Under- • ' • signed; Lot. 2,.uon.1; (0,4 nines west •iiif • Luckno.W .heifer apparen0y. 2 years; Ma. Owner may have sameon, proving • propertY 'and •' paying. expenseb.• •• at.enrde.. • , • • ' • A • • t• ' STEER .ASTRAY • 'Cme to the premisesofthe ander- • Signed, about tile, Mutate -of .Octo'ber, a Roan Steer, apparently,2 years old. Owner may have same on proving property and pgying expenses, Joni' Gow.an,tt. R. 3; aadeknow. (28-11-.) • , AUCTION SALE or FURNITURE Mrs. T. Cassels will have an Auction Sale of her household .Effects at the esidence, near lreteaven's kiour MW on Saturday, Nov. 30, at 2 o'clock P. M. This sale was postponed trom last liaturdayr There is•a good list of use- tul articles in geed condition. Elliott Miller, Auc. AUCTION SALE There will be an Auction Sale of Feeding Cattle. and Heifers (all well • bred Ontario Stock) at the. Agricel- twill Sheds, Lucknew, on Saturday, Nov. 30, comriterseing at One o'clock P.M.—See Bills.—Roct. •MacDougall Prop.; John Purvis,. Auc. "•. ' .•, •• • AUCTION" SALE • Jet Conley, Lot 22, Con. 8 Kinloss (3 ntiles east of Holyroad ) will have an Auction Sale' of his Farm .Stock find letplements on Friday, Nev. 29, commenemg at One o'clock PM. Ev- erything will be sold as the farm is • rented. •Tolin Purvis, Aue. (28-11-4.) • LOGS *ANTED • We the undersigned ere again in the market lo buy all kinds of. Logs •• delivered tit our Saw Mill at LtivitnoW We tire also in the, Market to buy • Standitig Timber fr,- thee wishing -to sell on the stuns!). We, are prepareo to pay geed prices and spot* cash t • delivery. • •For further particulars -apply to the 1".,e0;;•••n.r. '•10 Co. Limited. Jahn • Button, MitnaTer. • (.31-11—e,) othing 'IliVrfli-e-- 'frith -19i new' • being featured by the VIkies and en- joyed, in New Yorki one of the long. Ott tiffs be the legitimate stage. It *Ill be presented soon by The Luck - flow `Dramatic. Club in aid of the Arena.. 'Be.sure-to-eeit. . •,,• ee....,-0,0-0 • it 'tete!, WA RN 'NO Childril Mt warned against -riding On sleylis and Cutters on the 'attet.' This is darigetotia especially when there are aide!! mo4ng•1out.4 .T114 danger Li that children moo WI Of mop Off right ittifront of. oil 90100. 1• op cirt . , • • .. THINKS NAMESOMITTED • , •, . • • Wehad it, letter last week from. sa formr member Of the 'Lucknow Pla- 160th Battalion; expressing -plcesUre and satisfaction over the er- • ection 'Of a. ,Siiidiers' • Memorial at -,Lucknow, but pointing out that eer-. •tain :names he thought might, • ae on the cenotaph :Were entited. This May be the impression with a number. and that it why we mention the letter it wae riocesy.,niatter to drew a. line , hetween•• those whose names • alight properly be on the cenotaph, and those which Might not. As ' we understand it, the .mereorial was is! tended to ceiinnemorgte the serv-ices and the sacrifices only of those who might beet a claim te being residents • of Luartow, arid; no doubt, these re- sponsible for the memorial its it .1s used the very •best judgement as to the nanies that should be •inscribed. It Was not the intention to include those from the neighboring territory who had their initial training In Luck - now. The natrit a these (or most of thern)are ontabIets or cenotaphs erected elsewhere, I ' • „4 • —0 0 0 -- Bargains in Mens Work Shirts— Pants—OVeralls etc. The Market. •• ST. HELENS • A goodly number of the congrega- tide Of the United Church gathered on Monday evening to bid fat mien tp Bete and Mrs. Whitfield. A splendid program and nice social ti..te were enoyed.. A speeial featiqre was tia readig of an address and n aking of presentation .to:Mr, and Mrs: Whit- field who take with • them the heat vishes of a hoast of friends M St. Helens. They left �n 'Wedne•Aay for• new Mine at -Northville, Mich. • Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson,' and two children of Ripley' are moving into the manse here this' Week and •lir. Wilknson will eccitpy the pulpit next, undaY. •• The December meeting of, the Wo-, nen't Institute will be held at the. mine Of •Mrs. Archie Andetsoth • hursday afternoon, .Dec, 5th. 'Roll. • all to be responded to by Contribu- ,in; 25c for Christmas Cheer. Subject * An lieut. With The Poet and Ilyinn *eter" inharge of Mrs. Phillips. Hostesses,Mts. Joe Gauht and Mrs. • Lyont. • .• • Don't forget the IT.F.01. meeting in the Hall next Monday aVening. • koWeyerLweseern ptiI 'to Hire much is We used ,to—some. doing:well; Seine, just geting. along and some:hard nit: That's th'e we -Int was,long, Iago • ' "CALLED TO THE BAR" • In a list td young lawyers rersiitly "celled to the Barr" at Osgodeliall, we notice the name of kritehrt An- drew 'of toWr.• Mi. Adrew, gradnated from the Law School about e year agoiand immediately took a pesitien. the laW department of: the tlell Telephene Company. He is now in a • positron to practice in the emits; and ate understand that he will preently. iransfereed to Hamilton Where he will have charge of the legalwork of • the • Bell Telephone 'company at that point. , • CHURCH NOTES • Presbyterian Guild • The Missionary • ;ommitte • had charge of the, Guild Monday evening; The Opening Hymn was ' followed by the _Scripture Reading by •Donaida • Douglas. • The topic "Thanksgiving Through Thanksgiving" was takin by john C. Murdoch. Other numbers Were a reading by Edythe Smith, a violiai Selection by Douglas McDonald accomranied by Margaret IMcDonald, a solo by Mrs. Kennedy aeCompanied by, Mrs. Jewittet the piano and Ms. Walker- with the violin, and a, duet J)Nii..Mrs. Wm. l'ticKenzie and Miss fMary- Aitchison. Mr. Murdoch closed • the mecum,' wine prayer. • United Church Y. P. S. •• • HELI, 'rift GUIDES Th•4--0114 outdo -Win- 1101d a -taleat royir Work and bakittg On Sgt., tee. Itii, et 3 t&liiick in the afterneon,itt the vacant Stere on :the 'Bridge. ;io- teds for the Area •Fund • • TWO tiAitato. mAitkit • • nigis• the title of an extremely ttltette ploy to be preSented Town' Rani LbitfloW en Dee1 tith# bsP. the, 3attior,Diati14e a04 $Atltitratitte. 6rs. ifyou mit I*ugh don't tiente, leeeryed '8Ootiteott 041 la. go*.ilitli Pfiliti 0001 . :• • Dr . G. A. Newton gave a very in- teresting talk. at the, Young people's Meeting Menday•evening: He took as his subject, A Trip to Paris, Prance, and gave an abbreviated aceount. of a trip which he n ade to the French' capitol about 18 years ago, picturing many of the spots of historic inter7 est. The Citizenship Coinmitee had the arranging of tIterjiegram, and the addr4s proved very appropriate. •',Other numbers were readings by Nebel Craw and Helen Swan ; Solo by Florence Widens, and a piancesolo by Milan Hasty, • The, president, Mr. K; Murdie made rofence to Mrs? T, S. Reid who hag been pianist for the society and who • is shortly to leave for Orillia. Mrs. Yield took this opportunity to thank the Seciety for • a • pretty irahegany • bedroom clock which members, had presented to he. • • ••••••44....t.-4.- 14-1114-1.0-44.44wr • Don't miss "The Patent Leather Kid" at The Foritilit Theatre, 14ov. 29-30. • • 404,...A;AZAAIri • .copy of the Detroit Pito' isms' to hand this week has a picture of the Anibassadd Bridge taken on the first .Sunday afterthe opeitittg on Nov; Mit; There' "1iPtiears: to have been three Hada of ears preceeding 111 each direction -8 lines in all. .ak note underneath states that on the date OthIStieti, November /1,' fifty thou- sand automobiles posed ever: the trfagescarryllivabOUt two hundred thousand PooPlei• while- about thirty v. Oldness(' pitdootSino. tressed the Zen1 4, nisi glielielto ap. Blas,es AVii‘riAlil OPP} 001 ORO 1110 kni'' • " • SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS • . . , DIEI) SUDDENLY IN SASK. "JUNE WILSON. WAS A MARRIEDWOMAN My. and 'hies. Jake Miller reeeiVed•- Word last week of the death of their [. •• The ease of "June Wilson" which SonZin-law, CalVin'toilis Andrew, in ,North Battleferd,, Sask. Mr:. Andrew for some '' week > . ha's been of 'seine. concles- .interest in 1,u(keow hem its was stricken With, aepenclicitis about ion in 'the 'COUnty Poliee COurt at: a -week before his ,death;:" but for a • Walkeitoo week.,"„jueeo, serious:, appeers Ye* clayetheettack was not 'thought- te:'have hesitation in ap';•. !Mel, tmclerw,ent, when On' gPdaY. Nov was propriaieg :to .hereelf: things Which tAJten to North Bgttleford rho:spital• belongedto other peoPle. -Semeihnes she. erornised.:to SpinivOriiis, it was discovered that this. had been tee' long . delayed. Little 'hope: ,;Was, she justtook •hei4 for. his recoveryp.This' the way- the. -.'.AValiceiten away on Tuesday Nov., 12. • • Mr. ,Andre`w was born near May- ' meet: Sask., .41 years ago. He was :inarr:ed,•th •Miss Mary ...Jane 1V1iller, 'daughter of M. and Mrs. Jake Miller, • and ,15. yrs : 'ago moved to • near Battleford where he' was engaged' in farming. He It survived 13y his wife' three soes ancl--one daughter. -The eldest, son kis about 21 years of age, and the next 18.. The remains' were taken to May-, rnont for interment where the, fam- ily is widely. .and favorably known.., The funeral was ,Pee of .the largest' ever. seen in the district.• ' • ' ----0 9 P COMIVIIUNITY, TIME. • A Meeting will beheldits the CQ111;-:, eil :oh =her this (Thursday) eventng scieut �f the erithe she bad commit - to Make arremements for the held: ted listeed' atimitively to the ad- ing of„-a .commirtity.Ciristmas tree; vice given her. by Magistrate Walker. such at Was 'held :a 'yer: ago, The Heyeleindedher or her duty t-o-Arr ""Tree*? last Year proved such a suc- husbandandcbiId,. and she pronilsed cess that many think it 'should he to Make an effort to •retrieve heself., repee0c1.: All ipterested theuld Make :•,As the stolen. :artiles' had been e went Of being at the meeting this' restored, the. decition Of the ,court eVening., , -• . • was that she le, •alloVed to go on • . • suspended -sentence of Six months,_ .TelescOpe re'ports what .happened' at Walkerten: • • "Monday . morning in'Walkerton aia attractive looking, well • dressed, young won -an, • w e ,us n an 3 -Year-old daughter liVe in 1-oronto; 'faced County MagAeate Walker, iteL. cused of the: thef.; t,/,' a Watch tied • certain articles ,of 001144 ,frorn the Cain House, •Lucknovv. .4t. Member of a respectable famify fer4seme reason difficult to understand,. she left ,her horme and engaged with the prop,, rieter' Of the Lueltnow •hotel ::as waffrest' Or null& It was 'While there thatshe •.fell %pp' tern ptation. She appeared*but was located by ton- , . • table 1Vioere and brought here. '. "She adiiiitted the charge.. June' • , which, ia her efiristian halite, con - -upon spaYment of costs in the ease, • LITERARY' SOCIETY ',-- canininting to $55,50, and on the further condititm that she return to herhome' in Toronto and cor:Wt herself in i tranner befitting a wife and mother. ' • , - - r __. • ,• •-•-7--704.1-•.,0••••7--.• • • . A meeting of the Literary, Societe was:held in Porin III On NOy. lath. The president was in the chair. After the singing of the second verse of• "God Save The King" the secretar- y's reportwas read and adopted. The treasereee report was thin read and declared Correct. It was then'bregght: to, the' notice of the meeting- that no Honorary Pres. had been yet elected. Miss MacLean *as then unanimously Selected; or this position. • Thek4secial program opened wilt an instrtniental" by Alex MacKenzie fol-' 'lowed by a Thanksgiving talk ' from Gladys MacDonald, 'Bobby 'Thompson .contributed a meeit enjOyed reading and a nerribtie-of Form I girls saUg Chorus. Miss MacLean was celled on to say a fewVerde. which she ghtioaing •a, quite appropriate topic,: "The Orchestra." • The 8016°1 Orchestra favoredthe meeting with two numbers. The (ma- estri Is g now oreanizatien, at pres-. ent consisting of nine members. It is', underthe capable leadership of Mr. Johnston • and should :prove a valuable one. . i eto the :school in mn ore ways tha n • o -o • — ASIWIELD ogrutH ,NOTES • •T• • The splendid Oratorical Contest at Belgrtve hist Monday evening wag challenging. The winners of the group of four rePreseeting North and East' Huron in the seini-finals were: Miss Alice Shaekeltop of North llekort and Mr Peree of test Hurn., Miss Mac- Leod of BlueVale,Miss Shatkelten of •Ath01d, 'Mr. Pierce of Hi -easels, Mr.' Davis of Belfast were the cohteStents of the. evening. The two gentlemen Spoke on the same theme ---but a. theme that grows ivith inerest with the years, "My Chosen- Cellieg."' Mita MacLeod spoke on "The value of the Cherett to tne community," and Miss Shatkelton ort "Friendship." The de- cision of the judges brought out things .that were patent to 'all, Viz., that all who snake that eVening had • A message, net a recitatioe or afew nice • constructive; sentences, threwn • together, a message for the tine. Th effect was thoughtprovoking:for there Wes no pose for stage effect, there was nothing. elementary abOut, any of the addresses bidin all of them. the. thing elemental that would grip any thoughtful' person • in art thoughtful- audience. -We air was good for us to be there. The atmosphere' of tile pfAee was dean and- bright and wholesoine4hade.not- sible by the judges their love of • fait play an& the spinids Vette plgy!• ed by the foot Ming people in the field, their good team work. / know weare fill void of eat young peonle and glad wo:•are .Pated to -see the dawn 'f the noW and rising geteratt • lift Sturday wet 4itt* day of the month cif the anniversary of the birth of. Our Saviourr nlia0ont iity Sunday in the StidashotIs • • TO—NIGHT '• • • 1 The eight cf the big NlasquerAcie Dance in the Tetivn Hall. Everybody welcome. Caine anu have a good tinie. • Couple 431.e.,: Extra Lady 51,c. ciafiery • 25c. No itancene on gallery tickts. AF'EhING 3/londay evening of list week in the neighborhood of sixty • Dungamton young folk gathered at the hoine cif Me. and Mrs, Will Alton where a de- lightful social time was spent. In the • course of the evening Mrs. Alton was Presented with • a, handsome silver plated casserole :with: pyrex lining, and an address at follows; Mrs: Alton:— ' • We, the 'young people of Dun- gannon, and '•ViiititY take this oppor- tunity •of „expressing to you .our ap- preciation of your services in • the community. We •have deeply: missed your presence at ourgetheeings and look back with most pleasant recoiled tioneupen the days when you wero Pone of us" in all our activities. It is in this grateful. attitude that on be''•alf of the young people we. ask yento accept this small token as a proof of the esteem in which yOu are held by eviry one With whom yOU have come in contact. We trust it will be of some small • use to you, and as you use it 'may it bring hack memories of your past as, societiens with us and also express in some small measure •eur grateful thanks for all you have done lot us. In closing may we extend to you our very hest wiles for Many contin- • ued; years of happiness and prosper- ity in the new life upon which you have so' recently entered: Signed on behalf of the toung People, Lauretta McImre, Harvey Alton. • • Mr; Alton on behalf of Mrs. Alton thanked the yOung people for their,. expression s; •of ieSpect and eSteein a' well fas for the btnutiful gift and • welcomed ilrem Most heartily to. their horne. 1)ailitY refreshmeuts brought the pleasant, evening toa clos. • Mi. and Mrs, Wallace Twelnle• y and_ family of Lucknow, Mr. mid Mrs. Roy 1VIalie and Miss DS of Con. 4, Ash- field, Hr. 00, Atton Arid, Hasty were guests_of_ Aft, and.• Mtg.. ro" titid Mrs, R. Johnston and fam- ily, Mt. and Mrs. S. I Kilpatrick end • family. 'Mid litr..1nd Mrs,.M.: Shackle- ton and 'son Benson; wee.guesta �l • Mt. ond Km Will Clare.. Spirday i -Krug is again mayor. klitcardine The Nomiwtin tionery'O'simusl. will have -aotitest fethe myetity, unily qiet. Apparently thesold eettu. but Clark McKinnon got the reeveship ell have given "gded tictotiiit of the* by Acclamation. M. 8. Armstrong is se1es at the -y Weft 1hEtuffled V vcrir -E4416V4trAllli.-.10tird- Lee clatrgtion. Mr. Samuel Sheremod of moot Of ListOwel. o 0 0 Q 6 0 Q 9 0 Bread -••• The. Bread of Health • . • ci ..7of VIS ova MOTTO 'IS • opAiari. AND SEttiu.•••• :..." :titian' Is COMMON sRNSR'ApptiEp SPENDING. volt. EVERY , tEISINY .SPENT ON YOUR TABLE 'WRAP GIVES •''OU THE RiOogst FOOD .1,TALpt. • • ,.:*, •••• OUR QIJALIrY HOME MADE WHOLE • **EAT • AND LIISIN ,nivoo 'MADE FROM' THE VERY 7)BEST - MEANS'"..NOURIS110, • TtliTE -1PRUITE,'BRAN.,MUFFINS "CREAM PUPFS, PINEAPPLE T.AJZT8, :BUTTER. ;TARTS; :DUNDEE. 'cAtcs, , 'JELLY: ROLLS,':;' N rtS'QUARRS, IRASBERRY: SQUARES, OATMEAL COOKJES, pATR.,TR.YANOLEs„ , • ;• ROLLYMAN'S QUALITY' ' BAKERY- , , Phone 36' . • *, .Lucknovf • THE SUN LIFE ASSURACE' COMPANY OF CANADA, • ,rifE comp.o.bly oF WRI•OXI• CANADIAN • MAY lig PRovo For : Particulars as tO l?lanSi: Rates "" •• And Dividends, See •EO. H SMqii Agent ATIT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY NoveMbei, 33-204-30 ,-••••.' Richard 1artheinieiKIn,• 1-1 "THE 'PATENT LEATHER RID" Ted “BEAUTY BIDLtEtS" • Orely :,.Until: Christmas:: •• • :1:E7., And Shoprieri *Ube Repeating The Cry --What Shall .1 Buy? IN ORDER TO F01STALL ANY SUCH 'CONTI EN0CY IN YOUR CASE. WE ARE EILTENDEG TO' YOU AN INVITATION 113 VISIT OUR STORE AT YOUR _LEISURE AND INSPECT OUR .CHRISTMAS GOODS. Everyline is now complete and Right up to Date • WE 1{ECO1VIMEND THAT YOUR VISIT lit NOT DELAYED AS OUR BEST LINES WILL BE SOLD ITER* QUICKLY AND FIRST CHOICE WII4t, MEAN A GREAT DEAL IN SECURING •SATISFACTORY G TOT R. • . IT IS UNNECESSARY TO ADD THAT; WE SHALL BE • VERY PLEASED TO LAY 'AWAY ANY ARTICLES trot • SELECT AND SEND THEM OUT WHEN DESIRED.' F. T. Armstrong JEWELLER • 20 DAYS FOR DRUNKEN DRIVER isre4.6*tn, Cretenes, Weans; • William Doer of Kincardine • whose •car crashed 'into, another, containing four Lueknow young speople at. Mill- arton a few weeks ago, got 20 days in jail for driving a car whiledrunk. H"e pleaded guilty before Magistrate Walker at Kincardine on Monday of last *eels. lie will spend 20 days in the Walkerton Batii. • It was his first offence; and the MagistrAte said that his' previous good reord, the lact that he paid for all damages to the Other ear and that he made a clean breast of it, savtd him frent•a much heavier gentence. in pronounc- ing sentence, gagistrate Walker said that 'hereafter parties proved guilty 'of driving a car while dra*, before jliin would get the maximum sentence.. • •-e•e-o-o-o---• • MAYOR8 AND REEVES ELECTED :o. nuMber of towns throughout Western Ontario held rnimicipal nem, inatiOns oh Mohday of this leek and a few Cases ii•nii-ii•wtst-ot--ar' eicimatiens was the result. . • At, Wingliatt, Thomas Fellsots, elec• ted mayOt Mcdibbeal eeve. At Walkerton, Gee: a Self; wincdt,. was re-elected mayor and Cturtibell • Gnmit, reeve, At (hesley, .,11411111tery Sali tinEtc. for Comforters. The Market', WANTD Lueknow Flour *ill '1 E TRELEAVE 't•A ,GUNS• TANKAGE Bone Meal fr &Me . . 1,1 •60% Tankage for Hogs Rig so Fine &Coaee for.itink • . qhateesil and Grit •• • ; • ". .. • • E0. S. itongteivOsi • (2042.-+) „Ceit. was neminated for Depnty • Reeve, Mosts Murdoch Matheson and Sae Iliard. .Wartholnioas at bit. itr,•, pin aftcoutteilloile but oft hest in 4,The: 4itheit Kid" litithiroWht fvor of the. 914cotibef1• • f*fl g ThOttor NOV, 484.110*40, • 1• • • • • 1: ,titt 0: 4. '144 to.',.ftL r • •tr .4.34,74), • • • •,..• • ..• • ••• ' • 4.4.! • ' • • r I . , E.: • • "••• •"••• . • v*in(y awl xtent) November loth aid ALL HATS AT GREATLY. • • • . .4 •