HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-11-21, Page 5RJ ;Y1 r A • v THE LLICKNOW. SENTINEL' M!;URsDAY, ,OVAMBER 2I:, 1929 C. :to 14,00 -., ,, .. ,,._:; . 1(4_2041, ' - . - , : at/$15.-50 - �. . Se . rate �Shirts,, ►Moats a .._.... ,.. �g Q .., -& -Misses . loth boats lessQ per_.dent-__-- -, . 2 • .. , s�� ��5 d -C��►-r�n�>c�� , p�►�._ _.�: � �� 0 Smal�t �-res 10. only Kiddies Goats, at $4.98' 14 Misses' Coats at $12.75 �. .10 Fur Trimmed Coats. at $5.00 Persian Lamb • Hudson Seal ' Natural'. ,OOn. ' , . and Mitskra.t Fur' Coats 9 1 Boy's 3piece Suits at � . 0 . - Yonngken's• • 40 & 45c Cloths. at 32c • U 200 'y- . Cotton. Spools_ c _ � �ou� ].11'ew Overcoats at .Chose Prices � Pajama Men's13.50 Scotch Wool Blanket $1 . 5 Lined Mitts 49c . �6 . c 98c . 60cGrain Bags 42c,•,. Sterling Factory Yarn 95c • $ s Hps: of other ar ains th rou ' ow.shoul'd. :NSER PROMPTLY BY' the time 'this woman finishes her hand cif • 'bridge and reaches the telephone the party • calling .will have given up. The tardy -bridge- • player willbe told "Sorry, — • there's ' no one: oft the line now, Madam''. ' Both. of • theni will be annoyed—the pers'bn calling,, :'. and the person.. called. Loth of .them have wasted liemernber—it takes three to complete a There are over one, million local calls .in Ontario and Quebec every day which fail 'to get 'through. • These uncompleted calls . mean two million rains ., . • ttcs,a laywasted—congestion-oLtraffic—constant; irritation --a handicap to business.: Some of theca are unavoidable and 'some of thein are our own errors. But many of them are 'mis- • ,' ' .' takes .made by. the person calling or the ,person. called It takes three people to complete a call. • We are constantly 'striving.to', reduce our: own, errors. We are now pointing out some of•• the , common errors in telephone usage because .'our, aim is to provide the best possibie'telephone sees vice. ' and in telephone service, co-operation ,is essential. Answer' promptly when' you telephone 'rings. If it is not conveniently located. in.. your home, con- sult us about' it. :And 'when you makea call, wait. a reasonable tbne .before giving up arid causing'a "No one on the.line new". . s. 'Extensive new construe- tion'and replacements of both local and: long dis- tancetelephone plant will , • otean'an•outlay in 1929 of more . than $27,000,;00). W UME11t A AI'li; `: n :I:ars• . • , • !Modern women are taking to Pilot- ing airoplanes' faster' ' than'' their Mothers did . tos .driving'' automobiles Ail ;the late nueties;'..ands an .,aviatrix is no longer° a woman to 'be 'singled. out . for daring, 'according to the air, ' craveT' diviiiiont of the American' Auto- 'a obile Association. The: 4.A A. ' bases its statements on' • the fact that there are,..00w 105, women licensed • pilots, 'although .com- mercial aviation' niay Ise. said to have., ;really 011ie to the forefront' since the monientous flight ofCoI:. Lintlbergh, :early in .192d. It is also borne' out, ay the large' number of. women .trays.. C:itria by pta'rie wiw have not ,applied: Stir a puot's 'Iicen..e,'tiuc ha'.ve',nad a. hint ' on i;iae coin:cois. s ee.e. , were on.ss aiisemissoos sit AO: ,l i.+id the, nuiiweT•y.ua. , i 'w osiu, ...t ,.a,..J but: .:or..i,nriltip'e,,y :les/ were.'uriye,l by 'women , c.� toe total number of ,,women licensee to' pi.ot, planes," says : the stageguent, snore haves transiiurt 11- censes iwrach, g e diens t+4e •ry;ht to 'trahaporc'ponies''on voiwl,.teSetal d11'..a�s, r�t1.di cie.eI, iLti,i11 t e limit :3 :ups w4.ioh c t?ni.iies tele/:1: . to cariying .l,asseng.ur`s 'Wawa to: miles 'uf tilc;u uunie . au•pot t 't.oweyer,:they arc quail.. ;i -to .transport fres, lit 'or 'express by Blattae. .aside lroi+i . these .:0 es;oe :; ..is' qualified women ,pilots, •.ane remaining 80 Can early passen- MISS MACPHAIL, M. MUST TAKE COMPi:ETE REST The 'Durham Re'l;ew,- which has 'always been friendly to Miss Agnes MacPhail,' • M. 'P. had the following: Our local M. T. who was reperted last week as ill from tonsilitis at the home of ,a .relative .in Winnipeg, has cancelled her month's speaking tour planned through the West and will return .to her home in Ceylon when she has , recuperated. This may not 'be for 'a couple of • weeks, 'as the physician there states she :is suffer inc; i general physical, breakdown after her ,strenuous sessions at ,the League of Nations at Geneva and•the election camraign: •She will take a complete rest. • , . A woman can drive ,rails like 1 htnine.—Seldom striking twice ' in the same place. Phone No. -40 is . at' Your Service Wa sell for Cash -We Seil,Cheaper Than The•Cted.it Store 'Some outstandin t. ` .� r. •ane:• ....+jN'Vt�l✓" ,�..r...Y t . O'ist 20 in. -SQUARE.— DEEP FIRE BOX 'FO)ll 'COAL � •, WOOD--- .I:itfi :BP-$ '1 t fists• '4M •..st..-'ST:Clr,- 211.:ie LON(:. ' It Ste t only, the' deed that .counts,; but the sway : is done. •Urainonns `should • never •be '`'wrapped to dir. ty rctc1tages. A goid'piece May be of mintage pun- ity, but' we, 'had better not•, cover .• it with: laud-ioefore- we use it. It h. --goods deed is worth doing it is•'worth doing .well.. If .-eve wish to pay. a ;debt • we bad better pay' it graciously. If 'we" wish to 1ti. y a contpliinent we had better` .be sure there is no Sting in the' tail.. it takes a. big man to no ' right. always; but it takes a good deal big- ger man alway, s • to do right ' in the right ,way,' TIGHTENING,IJP:.TIIE ' :I • • L' ltldUUlt. (CONTROL AC'r Two steps taken iii unison by. Sir'' 'henry Lraytua, 11quer' board• chair .a.n;, aiid 'Lion: W. h.- Price; . at :torne,»-generai, were as io1,,ows: By a,r 1.enry::Diayion:.• an. order' ,•t'o ail vendors• that henceforth the man' suspected of .Liquor abuses; will .be allowed tb•. buy liquor: uray, in the store'' ntiiest i.is, hone. Thi$. order 1,t'. ill. -be. ertected by Marking the sus-. • •peets, pernut ` v.ith a .special 'stamp. "' .q By Col.. rice; Seven Suggestions aimed..ae awfurther 'tightening of the act was passed. on •to' Sir --Henry,' as - ollotvs:. . - • • •s 1. The . appointment of half-' a dozen supervisors• to check, stores , throughout the province and report direct 'to the liquor board. Aliercial travel, •111 this .comiestion a I principles on all ereserit. vendors and striking .feeture is the fact _that . the list of woMen pilots ' shows by int 3. Issuance ''of temperance educaf.: the largest .pereentage in the west" , tional literature froi'n, liquor stores. ---,-9 0 0—,-. .., 4. Special. warnihg against driviag FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH a Motor car , while driver iS, under (Toronto Star Weekly) .' William: Denton Bird died'on Wed-' ' . 5. Extra inspection in large. city' 'Stored during rush hours.' . aescay of this week at his post in a 6 Instant dismissal of .perMits is- .ailwaytignal tower near Grand Ra- .„ suers giving one man two or' more sids, Mich. his dutY was to switch. peslinits: rains from oee trisck to another and :eep them 'out of oee another's Way. 7: A cheek -up on 'breweriee 'Sand brewery warehoitges, n -any of which A. freight train came alohg end have been very lax aitd •have been ound the red light turoed agaimit it. ar,aiting for ,a signal to proceed' that gelling altogether to6 indiscrimineetly and also check.np on wineries and lid nots cline, someone was sent to a: cahcellation of winery perinits on ne, sigeal tower and found the sig- aal _man Sitting in his chair between proof 'of sale to minors. . Col. ?rice also foreveasts an amend - „he long rows ,of twitching levers, ment to the highway traffic act mah- dead. He had succuMbed to aii.attack ing a , stiffer penalty foe' drunken ..)f heart disease. But his sense of driving, and aonounced that he' had duty was. with him until the end. written to. an magistrates, bringing srhen he felt he Was going he suni- forcibly to their; attention the see- ,iioned his last strength to set thekred erity of tha Penalties that can be light bn everitrack so that no teeing, initiated non- for this offence. . could move nor tragic 'Collisions oc, : ' - ___ososo____ „ , • • BROTHER OF JAMES J. ma. What could .be finer thae that—. FAMOUS RAILROAD PROMOTER that- a person should dischargis his DIES OM FARM NEAR FERGUS Alesander S. D. Hill, brother of 'J. 'rentin,dee that high and low should can railroad builder ahd promoter, he alips away William Denton Bird, • • . J. great Canadian. end Amer'. died at his -home at Fergus last • • week; In Septeniber he celebrated his While the- elder brother was play-' -Mg the leading role in the great era of reilwae building' which chansed the whole aspect of the Canadian and' ,the American, west, Alexander spent his years Contettedly on the fade near RoSkwoOd; where he viai ,born: in a log hiniSe in 1839. • The fernier gave his whole. att-m- pered an the land while bis brother became iikerty times a millionaire in operating. railways; He left school at 13 when his father,- one of tile pioti- died 'and as, n ,,Vouth .stook sladrge ba, the hOinestead. His brattier. jawes J., had loft- horitesandswass.nolsdie•r+filonts till 1860, witeri he returned toi vi -it. lames IIM died in iflifi,, held Of many raga:rays, one of the retina - varied benking mite -roiling. • Iris gap, w ere he had lived the qtriet fstaustis wide; resideis Fergus. His seeoed wife, -Emma Day aisle SdkVineg. „, What you don't Ilko anyway.* SPOILING A GOOD DEED Did yOu ever see a magnificent meal 'served an dirty dishes? Did eoull ever }mow' marvellously good ball -playing - marred by needlegs quarrelling and disgasting Profanity? Did yon eVer ch irity Which -was spoiled -by being. used .to advertise the giver? A good deed may often be badly handicapped •by its ungodly aecompaniments. It isn't enbugh that we do good, We should do it in Mich a way that men will "see our geod workis.and glorify God.',' The kindlytdeed should be done in a kindly wasi; The right thing, :has a strong elaini to.be done in the kht i do it in sueli It. way AS to Make feet daughter to -help 'her in th.e kiteltett•;' eAN CONVERT' INTO- i.SHitiLOW FIRE 1.10X IN"3'MINUTES WO*. .Mtiii7d. jilt .$00: . Heating, Plumbing and Electric Wiring • • her heiband for Motleys he gives he all.she-asitsi but ,he does. it, so ,reluc. tantty, 'MTh feelS like- Throwing it in his face. A man injures ut, then" begs our parden: we forgiveilito, but we do it so grudgingly 'hat.it. teases to he forgiveness. "Let itot your good be evil epeketi tee,•11.ecid to apply to all these 41ipsa MYSTERY' IN.,GREEN:OCK• RESTORED To: DIS'1'AN 1 (9N'NE'R (Walkerton : Herald -Times) When the:•.. news.. leaked' out - that "Jakie" Erb; Greenock's jazz fiddler, whci resides about eight' miles' west of Walkerton', lhatt•, j i strolling along' a lonely.swamp road. about . quarter rni a from his .home,. discovered; hid -.'den under a , culvert ,'.a niysterious parcel containing three. nurses': uni- form's, five ii:esses, two'' pair of py jan T1s,` .'handkerchiefs, shoes,' 'and re- mains. of : letters and. telegrams, . to- gether with •a; cloth coat,: with fur cuff's avd collars' suspicions efY foul .play were aroused, with .he result - A ti several l+uridred in cars• visited the scene on •Sundayf afternoon and. after viewing the g:.irnients and hear-' ing. Jakie relate in a vivid •manner bis finding of the n, they set- about, in many instances, to trudge through: 'the s a an: p inhopes of coming tipon the remains of the' su d• :pposevictini,.. What dampened the ' ardor • of the less 'credulous vti•as „the ' fact that 'while everything !was, discolored. and •wdirty'from• i,nmersion in the muddy at-�.-of the -en -I\ cit, yet-none-44-4he' clothing 'bore any •signs of blood-' stains such' hs Would, he probably present were violence or foul play . d`. .comr itte• • Ai, nearly `�•- y :�s could, he iaaade'out the. telegrams• were sent' from Erie,: Pa., and +ere. signed Frank.In�one of_ the pockets of a chest a nurse's gradnas OM pin bearing the • inscription of a Pittsburg .hospital, Passavant, 1928, Was found: • Pr,,vincial- Officer Joseph •Nelson of" Walkerton was notified'and brought the articles' to his office here.. Getting in touch'.by ' phone with the 'Pittsburg police. department he notified them ofrthe' halipenin.g with the result that the next .day a telegrain was received by the officer here from Miss' Marie Lorraine Mann, R.N., 121 Mbrewood• Ave: Pittsburg','Pa..statin.g that the articles/ referred had been remmovetd. front her car, a Nash rondster, which had been stolen froM Webster's gar- age in St, Thomas on, Sept. and was later abandoned and reeovered at London, Oet. This would indicate that •the thieves after motoring- up. thig way had concealed the clothing tieder the culvert, where' it had been fouad. Prior to the receipt of .the telegram a larmer of that section notified the officer that abeut a month ago an American car was noticed stopped in that vignity far. a, shert time. As might bei expected, the lady was delighted to get her shirt' back, while the police *ere satisfied:that ACCIT ENTS AND COMPENSATION curred,in connection With the ,pnrcel. nothinFs of. a tralc nature had oc- • There were 8;057 aceldents reported to The Workmen's ComPensation Board during the menth of October, 44 of these being 'fatal, This 'is a derreaae of 221 from the' number dm -Mg OctOer a year ago; but .. an incree f 810 Over' the month.- of The benefits awarded during Oct- ober amoented to 8735,736.62, of Which 8602,814 83 was for compensa- tion and V3'2,921.19 for meilicar This compare.s with $707;471.31 'bene- fits awarded (hiring Osstober y-ar ,, These figures have, aceording to R. IL Morley,. general manager of . the Ireinstrial 'Accident Prevention Associatiang, stirred industrial lends .ers , to further efforts- to eut the toll ntsettiteltss his 'me -0c-tension- rce' the gafeto work heing done.' Additional inembers,are being added- te the field activities in the.pIants will be carried auenhcler Mummery, •ehief ins. eses the. 'largest and most eelnalpte , stock in the mast beautiful designs 'Marble, Scotch, Swedish and Cans We make a`'',specielty of Family . Promptly Dime. See el before placing emir order. Lueloise 'Et: As 13Pottins phone 256 The great wall c,f bine; caned the' m6st cti-Os' line a defence in the world; i so long that it. wcaild _stretch_ froth Quebec to innipeg. 4. A girl is only as strong as her weakest moment;. Ferment” Not'.inennomina 'Working Ohtdpore In tfie‘;frish ea they do, you' weuld hardly expect to see a farmer in the Condftion of Fred! However. farmers overwork 'themselves. too. 0806441y when ther are .,young end ambitious sod •have qiu. not only once but several tinwe; couldn't shake it oft and:11041y the • trOu,ble settled An .his lungs. ' • Fred. "when the doctor got me Coto the Muskoka Hospital for 0OnsuMp- • tiVes. for I watt robes down hill !audit! So he wes. but new,With expert Medi - dal care; rest and proper food.• he Is fighting' his waY beck to' health' and, bring relief and hope to the .vietium • Of consumption, nut handicapped. ,ise lack Of means—it must appeal, tom.YOu Will you plena° Send contribUtioa 22.3•conege Street, Toronto S. FOR YOUR HAME With Happy Thought Furnaces and McClary's Coal and , Wood and Electric Ranges,. we can supply at a very nualerate cost equipment that we can guarantee and which can be relied 'upon to always give entire satisfaction. If in need of a new - range or heater thit fall, pay us a visit, and we'shall be glad to show you our assortment of ranges, and heaters. A COMPLETE LINE OF MARTIN" SENORR p.AIkTs AND VARNISHES._ FOR THE FALL HUNTING SEASON . Dominion and Western Field Ammunition. 'Mini good aback f Rifles and Shot Guns. FRESH' CEMENT, LIME PARISTONE 4 •GYPROC ON RAND RAE and PORTEOUS PLUMBING, HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING AND COAL. Phone 66 ' Lucknow "BALL BEARING CREAM' 'SEPARAT- ORS havf$1 a positive -autematie Splash, tors te feed oil clarifyirig tottent, every part -receives 'ari oil bath: The spindle driving gear revolving in .a 'Metal teoegh sprays the 'oil io,every hear- ing and . nioving part: friction, prevents s -Wear, assures long life, tnd provides ...a sonietstriorratscrintiling machine. dit the stip- lacy glass,. then which • the statue! operatioa Of the. oiling system ''cim. be seen. Theliowl• If „One workeeati._Who .tisrneststip „sin appear in Something' .„leSs feminine. erttekIng of telephone poles Or oack., int( into plate-gless windoWS. perforitt efficiently on