HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-11-07, Page 1,44444.4.4.4444.4.,•11 • , 44481.41441.44Fiktrq.'401 •s. Ch.. .4 ' • * • . b., • . • - • 4,8 • H ' a 02441,144ttifheApPok ,;19; , `141.,KP' tO"te t , A •••• ‘ier ••• gee, 1,P 44 • ,, k , • ti pk•L.- • • . • • • , 2.80Q1OR YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE LUCKNOWi ONT.,, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER DR. W. M. CONNELL • . Physician and Surgeon Locknow .Hours i 1.30-3.30 7.4 •'Phone 86 ' ' . ,„ • „ . , . usiirrisT - • -• , " 'Dr !MticLeod" will visit .Liicknow •'Mr. and MO. Rae le,i•rnold of Detroit Mich., were guests of last week • Of their uncle, Frank Cole. • •Miss Gwendolyn MacLeod WI:10 was 49sle from; New 'York last week re- turned .the city, on Monday.: ' 'Mr E, end hili,Men ara every Tuesday, inThe Cai fouse w this +week iTiOkirte* necessary •-• • . , t" the' eoneretO ..• , DEN wits r . , • • • . .Dr & L Trepeeven; ,May Thv1sont need .1emiii ' 'Over • .Deckers• E,itraetioa on 3•11"Aii either by. gas er ' lo'caL, • Will be in with 'Ree. 'and Mrs Janes of Allis, Silsiminrion every Thursday. phone OIL Craig. • ' W ALL 4.11.e. 4in2n ' Wal aper on intim. i..rices consider- ••• • ' awe doWn for 1 air also agent •for :leading. job housea.,-it: J.. Comer - on, Decorator,ainter and. Groaner, . 'Box 1740 Lucknow , . . • APARTMENT To REN. --Above The Store,;-The'•Market. ' , ' : • : FORSALE--4 Noi• Barred Rock , • ,Pullets• •$1,00 ri; 'Phone 64 • r. 17 Dun'. "• • • „ • . • . • Car load a salt iinkiltelog at Or - now on Friday,' Nov. Sth. Pd ties Wanting supp4 can have it at •per cwt. off the car. James McDol 1d •• •• (7-11..-p.) FARMERS:--eby .buy .utvp tui • t) , pulper? New knives niake ,• old one as good as nd Bring 1, a • sample and we will, meaLe kniver for • . • . ••• • • any .make. L. Webster, top. Winghnrn Madhiv ,Shop :(21 -11H -e;) • • •SITUATIONS vAe-A-N k. Bright boy wanted 8 to 14 years of age to work .after school and on • Saturdays. •Will • not interive with • School duties.' Good pay and bonuses, Young Canadian Boosters', Club, ap- ply by letter or post card" to • 153' University. Ave., Toronto. - NOTICE TO CREDITORS • ' • The Balk Sales 'Act TAKE 'NOTIL,E, that Mark gassele of the Village of Lucknow in the •. :Province of Ontario; Grocer, has Made a bulk :'sale of all •lis. stockzi*trade,' • preperty and undertaking, to Ebner. Johnston, and has appeinted the. un- dersigiied Trustee under. THE BULK . SALES ACT (cha.P. 167 R. S. 0. , 1927) for distribution Pro rata among • the eredittint of the Vendor, subject • to any prefereSces provided for . by law or previous contract. • AND. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE , that all persons having mil: •' against •the vender and claiming to rank; upon ffie proceeds of the sale • will file full particulars cif the same . with the undersigned; • duly verified,. on or' before the 4nd day of Decem- ber, A.l P. 1929; on which date . the • proceeds Of the said sale will be .dis- tributed Among those entitled thereto • having. regard .onto to the claims •of which 'notice I then shall have been • received:. •7 DATED at Liaeltr_i_oWl...._9,ntario, this 5th- day of November A. D. 1929P - JOSEPH AUNLIW, Trustee, ' . Lucknow,.•Ontano. • "(28-.-11-c.) . . MASQUERADE ' DANCE A Masnerade.dance will be held in • . the Town Hall, Lucknow, on the ev- ening of" Nov. 28th, under the aus- •- ekes of the CatholiC,Womeres league ,Lucknow, •Arthur's Radio Orchiistra, Winghare, will supply the...nook. • Gopd prizes for costumes. See bills. - DANCE • The local L. 0. L. will hold apubliC dance in the Town Hall, Lucknow, the evening of Friday, No. 15th. •• Music by Herman Liersch's 5 -piece orchestra; of London. Diiicing from • 9 P M. to 1,30 A.M. Couple Com. , . • Men`i Fur 'Coats -Winter Oyer.. + •coat..4, Leather Coats, Mitts, Gloves, and Underwear. Xing Bps. Winghain • A• PPRECIATION • To The Electors Of South Bruce• . ' "r•• itiplesii Ont., Now. .2, 1929. • •• •Ladi,c,4 and 0, entlemeti:. . . --•' plriseil tii-take•-thisloppertur- „. oty--sincere aporscp.L, ' . • ” of your, gentrons sepport in the re eft electioni. •• •-1 snail endeavor to- merit your.; • • • ,coofidenco'so.far as is in 'my poWer, -whigi,r-Otesenting you .in the Leg'ISI. -rot. . 7. -W. J.-1%146E4y. , . ......-,,. ,_ . 'EORN -. • in .Lucknow P,resbyteriaii Church on .,,_•_- -.----- A -2At Tororitor•Onto,tga --,4-tit'utiti:jci•OV-1,44;;Tbe--..speciaf--PrineliOX: ' ---i- t •1, 'Olt V/2".4' tO 'Mt' -mid' ' -•nief+AT. ,.'ef... . --, ' —7 ' * wIll• he '41.ev, Prof, Richard DaVidaiiii• , . • nrs,-flerhert; Ortibanl, e Sell, . of Ernanual dellege, 'Perolito,• : 4 , ',1,4.rkieiirt PoWI Slipper will . 7 b.(' -glene in Ringshridge Papeb, all •, 1 , tire evening of Monday, Nov: )460.. Glmiee--,Big Values in ..every Aiiiiitto • , '' • •troin 6 to 8,ao o'clock, • e44 4iPft!..40.044.• VV.Intliiiiii, . 8 t ' • ., •' ,. .•8 • • Just .received a shipment • of Boys' solid leatter•scliool shoes, Priee.•$3.50 :Sale price 0.00 at W. S• Little's Shoe , . • Messrs., •.Will • Lees and George Woodburi ingtored over from, Detroit° on. Saturday. and spent Sunday. with • Lucknew Lefriends. • Frieeds of Mr. Win. Merdie • who was seriously ill last vVeek will be pleased to know. that, he is well on the way to.recoery. • . : John MacNabb„ '":Jr.••••has • pui; 'CliaSed What is known as the Maar:0 Reataurant in Whieham.' and will. •telie possession early .next week. , 1th. jesePli. lgalleu,gb, :who. has been in Alberta and British dolumblit for, Over a year arrivedhome .on Monday evqning and will spend' the 'T Winter . th..Grdon Statters who ,is in. Bank Of Mentreal office .t aamilton, is spending str three -weeks vocational kV-home4n nloia-and- with -Luck • now frieniti. ••'• • •. •-• There never was anything'made but :some one, could make it worse • and, sell it for leis: Life Buoy Rubbers are. ,Supreme. in'eeality. For sale at W. J. Little'S Shoe ,Slore. • • • Mrs. Finley Maleohn spent a le* dayrt, laat week in New ,Termithwith' heilleaughter Mrs,,George Aitchison, • Who MO .been seriously ill with heart troilke the lid Couple of Months. • • .. , • Mr. A, J. Kirkpatrick whe recently visited hie sisters, ' Mrs. J11 Hackett, Luckpow:aed; Mrs. Robt.. Medd of • Aelpirn and *friends in Goderich and retbrned to his home in „Vancouver, B. •• • ' . • . ^ ,SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS • ' GODERICH YOUNG PEOPLE 'PRESENT PI -44r HERE "The Tightwad". a hiiniorons play,' by Rol,rt Keith wes very sueeesfilly• **Opted in Carnegie Hall- here by the Anglican Young' i!eople!SCAssoc- iation of floderiVh enTuegdalreven- •THE ELECTION IN SOUTH BRUCE W. j. Liberak Has Mijority of•449 " ••••;• • *Titli.", the . advantage 'being' 'a 6:Ternment candidate and.beini gen- PoPular, Many -thought that Foster G. Moffat' Wetdd bei e;elected: ing. The play, ie clean anct•lunnoroue. in South Bruee, 'or that, at..anY rate. throughout; and tb&Goderich 'Young the majority : for the ,wirtnipg canditt- ..;people. are to . be reteltited......Oii 'ate *mild be: mrall who ever should their very good *loll. of. it ; pro e *tor, "t0t. $kik!' pruCe., in nor - The Cenipany Onebete ander 7a.01.11. :May from` • 1:4e.s,nf: St. Peter's' church A.Y;P:A:, 4.4ie•w. inimicipalitiea the voting AP, • and: the "Hall was 'fairly well •filled peals to have been•fittely along Party .d.the Crowd we ;me' sure was w411. Nees. The exception to this was Welk- e. tertained by _a program ' which : .erton 'where' the Conservative major- migift have been lengthened without ity disappointingly srnallnot becoming tiresome. These- iho toele! half what might have beem-. ex- port, were; Wor..A„ Stt:i.edy, Glady PectedH Huron' Township which •Gihn,' Roth :Cormier, Lionel, Densdoli; • favored. MacKay as a home man, and R. C Hayes, Jr, Fred Sturdy,,A...B., CUlrois Township and •Tees.Wittee'vil-• Sturdy'. -" • "' lage (normally lineral) 'which- favored - Mr. Moffat, evidently because he is 'PORT ELGIN MAN IS -14PgRAL personally well known there.. Brant• CANDIDATE '1NTownship might have been, expected ,'' N. rirtirck to favor Moffat, but itlgave a. major. - Mr, Fred W. Elliott, of Port Elgin.it3' te„ MckeY. ' -•••• s y in North. Bruce hy .c6iiventiOn:lielcl, ?n4nicipelitieS voted: ' n • oa. Tara on Monday of thie 'week. The Place ,MacKay Moffat Majority selection and nonroation of o condi.. Brant ' 683 474 Mac... --209 date Wite rendered -necessary by the Carrick 380 • 516 • Mof.-136 death of Mr. ,•P.. A. Mewhinney, just 'Culrosa 342 .413 Mof.71. before the recent, election. Mr Mew- Greenock . 267 487 Mof -220 iiinnie's death caused a POstPeneMent uron :.636 220 ‘MSe.-H-416 of :the. election, in the North • Brice Kin:. iTwp : • .+-549: "' 220 'M.ic -329 •riding. The" by-eleetiee Will be held Kinloss 277 '208' Mac -69 Jri NO 1.!eMber 2d. -There • was no Kin. Town 535 • 527• Mac.. -8 theught of having • the election go' to Lucknow 322 : 191, Ma -125 che Conservative: candidate by defait. Mildiney . 198 '„Mof -85 Other names"nienLieried were C. •Ripley ' • - , 99.1 Mac• -•-,52 :Tohnie, amithamptop, Win, MacDOn. Chesley„ Dr. Roy or • Tara; S,' J. Careeron Wiarton Dr A. Hough, Warton; Hugh MaeGilli- vriiy, Bruce.; G. pastner,,'Wiarton; J. ;Douglas, Hepworth;.S. J. Obesley•; Mrs. Davies, Chesley., • All • chese withdrew in favor of Mr. Elliott .. • ; Han. James 'Malcolm, M.P., and •W. J. MacKay; M.P.P., Smith Bruce ad- dressed the Convention. • . •vva lioaen Liberal Part 'candidate The . figures 'below' show he -vi the • LitIJECrKONROirW, s41IrIGT.ilanSoCHOOcOr.I.. 1-7-45 to 100; IF to.74; 111-60 to, :65; C -Credit; •a ---absent Oin-ro; ralrew I I, 2 C: L. Brabson 1 I ,1320?11, • •;N3.;,:lh.13.7.7Gifai•td,ineHt, Greer, 1, 1 C At.; ,Iiii#144.'04;: 1 .A.:,,t11467, 4 C; T.,,.'11enry; 2,41.c ; • If. 'Johnstone, 'g b:• R.+ kilPetri-ck, 2 ct, 1 F:. M. Lane; •,2•1: C, MacDeriald' 11: D. MacDonald, i II, 1 III, 1 C: E. MacDenahl, 1 III, 2 F: F. MacDonald, iIII,2F:P. iaeDonald,.1 Ci L. Dougall, 1 III, .1 F: MTIlacIntYre; 111, 1 1-", 1 a: Jean MacKenzie, g P':, Jessie 1VlacKenzie 'I HI, 1E; M. Mac- Keilzie,. 'I 'II: IR il ',-tcLeod, 11, 1 C. F. McNeil, 111, .2 F Iarth 2 C, 2 F: M. Miller 1111, i P: • E. Nixon, IF, 1 E. Reid, 1 II, 1 MI: E. Riteide 11,1 II V.: Sherriff, 1 H,. l'e, IF: A. Snaith, 1 1,111: )..Stewart, 211: E. Vint, 1 II, 1 Ci' E. Buswfl M Mac-. Quillin not tested. . 1.93Q FUR COAT STYLES are here for you tri see and buy. The mold in- • trinstia values, ;we have offered in Matyslasons. Hudson Seel, Persian Lamb, , Muskrat. King. Bros., Wing-. ham. • • • —o -o -o— : - THE ELECTION IN Teeswater • 187 • 222 IVIOf..--.35 Thi.s shows MacKay to•have a maj- ority of 449, which ,n^,ay ,be .taken as only approximately correct. The ex-' act figures will .not be known until the returning officer issues his state- • The Telling by subdivisions in the townships is sometimes interesting andinstrudtive-.- Here- is: -how they voted. in Kinloss; ' MacKay • Moffat, "Blackhorse • , 38 21 •Kinlough •; 30 _. H•olyrood '• 70 Langside 55 Whitechurch • 84 • 277 43, 51 . • 22 208 A gang of HYdro Electrie men have • :. Cuirass been at wopast • NORTH HURON MacKay- Moffat . , rk •in Lucknow the, week changing the transformers and •,• . Kelly's School 11 M4 19 Charles A. Robertson, Liberal. can- Colvin's School ,*. 68* , 34 • .lidate in North Huron; tad an eau.. WhYtock's School 51' • 66 otherwise strengthening the systeni. This will no doubt greatly improloe the service. SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL TO BE , UNVEILED ARMISTICE DAY • The Wotnen's Institute 'Which his nad in' hand the erection of a memor- ial to the Lucknow men who fell le the Great War,ar diedasa result ot -war, experience, have all preparatiens. Made for the unveiling of the monu- ment on Armistice. Day, Monday next. • They: have' prerared a suitable pro- gram for the afternoon to commence at 'three o'clock. Major Telmie. 'of Southampton ,will give the principal addreas. Major •Teltnie saw war Etter. - vice hitilielf and ,is a Splendid 'speak. er. it is hoped that the day. will• be fine and Ithat as mat* as possible Will take the opportunity to be Pres- ent. •" •The program as arranged is as • follows: Canada" -all ttoe join hi singing: Prayer by Rev. It, W. Craw. • Introductory. Remarks --Reeve .1)., ,•rohn4ptie, , : Hymn -"Lest We Forget:" ,missed .hnie Prayer -Eta,. g. 0,, Gallaher. , 'Address...... -Major P�iniie.' • Unveiling of Memorial -by Themes Aitchison. Firing snuau • ,Last Post Two Milautee, Silenee Funeral Mara -The , Band. • , lirieriffis "0 --God. Our Irelp"-----:1-taiatiiiT, • choir. • Player -Rev. C. 11,,MaeDonald. - NI 1 II a CHURCH' NoTgo, - - Anniversary'. - • -• . Anniversary services -will: be held - mireto jait dUr atoraf N�. and -0th and follOwing dat ys. 'Bi 05115101•1 • • Actory olrer, his Conservative opponr •nt, Dr. Whitely, of doclerieli. Rob- ertson'S majority is ppe at 1.46.2. He • -ad a majority ,in e,very, townahip and Allege. 'Whitely had ,a majority only in Goder.ich and Wingham, and these ,vete not as large as might have .been dxpeetefl. •, • North }Toren :is normally •a liberal riding, although it does notj always lect a liberal. The rural seetmes are :Also "dry'r and Mr. Robertson left no doubt as to where* he stood on the •.emperance issue. He favored a re- • turn to- prohibition. Dr. ":iiThitely,:did not put up 'a vigorous campaign. • Subject tip slight changes when the „returning officer, • makes his 'report the vote by municipalitiee was as fol- ' • • . R• W. Mk. G.oderich Town. • 7711 1386 607 W. Villogham.. Town 475 500 26 W. Ashfield Twp. 492 , 338 154 R. mith 26 R. Brussels Village . 242 138 104 R. Colborne 'Twp. 357 283 • 54 R. Grey TwP. • • 698 189 509 R. HOWick Twp. •- • 401 R. Morris Twp. 281: R. Terrherry Two. . 248 R. E. ,Wawanosh • 204 W. Wawitnosh 379 • 285 94 It •'BY polling subdivision, the iiVoting in Ashfield Township Was It follows: Robertson Whitely. . , ..... • . . . .. • ..,... 71 61 . '2 ....•. , . 80 44 • . 5 . . . ... • 60- • .71 , • 6 .. ... , '24 • " ' -4-02 84 'In 'West' Wavtrairosh _8. , 414'4..Roltertion. Whithi = 817 42 42 4 "' . 145 . 10 • ;5' • • .. . . • • . 81.9 2$5 Ii • ...-IRoutkiturent- the-odtionte- n i' 'doiibt. Eiloitt, detiserviitfve as • rep'orted to have &etajority.o Ion* linty' this iviti tiftteitithi and 'a reConit 14t-11.1te144, . • ° • , Goodfellow, s 94 61 Saleni, 84 68 Formosa• 133 :Westford 27 92 . " ..342 ' 413 • o 0 o - • ATTENTIOlsi •• One of America's foremost Readers willappear in Lucknow on Monday ,evening, Novel:111;er 18. Miss Theresa M. Siegel is a vetisatile entertainer, hunierous and .cirekatic. (.1 bLD APPLE TREE •• • STILL GOING STRONG - 011 Mr; Kenneth Jarneron and t gang of men have been buy the past two • weeks, •packiek an exceptionally fine crop of aPples'in Mr. Carterem's well -known *orchard. The apples are of • very, fine quality this season, the dry weather ' conditions Of August and September having favored the *vet. aliment et. sourid and clean fruit. In Mr. Cameron's orchard is a norther.' spy tree which has a record. to 'he proud cd --if a tree could be proud of anything. This tree was planted away back in 1859, when ev- ery bo'y and every girl 'wok huiAry for apples and wagon loads of frdit were not left to rot on the grouhd as. there 'are •this year. Well this 70. year old tree is not quitting work by any means but continues to add to a great record. , year there hung on its branch-Tsatpicking-time 25. • ..T.WeLty *Gari.el went inte the first grads, three Were fairly geed, end there.Qyere hbotit two barrels..ot,poot• �r clainaged 4 - pies on the grand. . ,the ,past 10-yenitts ethis <old ottee' Juts- prOdneed 169 biarielar. bt•_460d, apT arid- in the eight years Off.8:: f.S ' 7" Worriers'. and • hildrerre new .WM1 V•.!•titea nder garb -460k IWO- Market, BORN ' MARTYN-In the GenerePtospitai *kinCatitline, on Thursday, October „ 24, to Mr. and Mrs: Ross it.' MititYti • Ripley, a, ifaughter:', lifts: Mattson . •'*ea formerly. AdelMetilleA 18 • •P• . ••• • • i.i.41,#e=ieminermeankefeiegoeitt41 • o ' • Srviplitd .11 • .E'Oemined in Lade; Physiog., Arith- metic and French. • Anderson, • N.orn ,a, 1111, 1 C, 1 F: Blake Bernice 1 I • 2 11 1 Hi,: Blake t,C1 0 (,\) k8) The 14.e.ad„ S The l3.rea(1, Of' .. 0 VI • , Of Health' H • QURMCTTO IS QUALITY „AND..SERVICE. , • THRIFT IS 001VIIVION ' SENSE ,A,P,FLIED SPENDING. FOR: -EVElly ,PENNY' SPENT ON YOUR TABLE BREAD ,9q.Es YOU:. TOE ri199gs1'030D VALI3E•.. • " ", Opt 'QUALITY ROME MADE .iirroitg WHEAT Arslb.•,RAISIN ,BREAD,, MADE.FROM THE yErir Agg•T • itg,4$rs FRUITE, BRAN'1VIUPF*S,'CREAlli 1410S, PINEAPPLE%. .T4 ..BUTTEkTARTS.; DUNDEE. CAKES, JEIJLY BOLLS,,, - NUT SQUARES; RASBERRY :SQUARES; -.OATMEAL' COOKIES,'' . DATE TRIAN.GLE. , • • HOLLVIVIAN'S QPALITY* :13,AKgRY " Phone 36. . Lucknow o . • ." • Winni fredz 1111, 2 C,1 F.: Cam pirelt,-7es_ Katheree 2 I; 1 Carnochani Bezeie• 1 I, 3 II: • Crariaton; Florence F, LA: Cranston, Nellie 2111: Cur-, • ren„, Jellies 1 IL ml..F: • Curran, John 1II, .1FI FinloySon, Roy 111,2111, F: ,Gilmore, prances .2 F: Gilmore, • Maigalet 1111,20, 0 Grant, jean 21], 2 Hackett :Mary. lb, Hamilton, Archie 1 I, .1 11, 2 C: deracm, Donald 1 r, 1 II, 2 C: Lane, Winnifredj II, 1 C, 2 F: MaCChar'os,;,, Sadie 2 I, 211: MaCDonaid, Catheline 2 I, 1 II; 1 III! • MacDonald, Gladye 4 fl MacDonald, Margaret 4 F.! Mac- Leod, Mary Belle 2 I, 1-C, 1 F:: Mac- hines, Katherine' ,1 F::7! Alex 3 I, ,1 •MecKenzie; Mill 2 C. 1 F: MacKenzie-,. Tom 1 C,.1 F: Isabel 11!, 2 C, 1.:F: Middle- ton,, George 3 F: _Ritchie, Tillie 1C, 3 1'; Thompson; Frances 1111; 3 Thompsen, •Peorle 1 2 p: Smith, Edith 1 b, 2 F: Nixon, Evelyn, 1111, • 1 C: Vint, Elsie II: MacKenzie, Jes- sie. 111, 1 C: Campbell, Will 1 C: Rit- • chie. Ebie. 1 III: MacDonald, Phyllis 1 III: MacLeod, Ruth 1 7; Phillips; Frances 1 0: Reid Evelyn 1 F: Martin John :1 1. • • • , • Form. I • British History, GeograPhy, Botany, and French., Alton, George, 1 II, 3 F; Anderson Charlie, 3 F: Anderson Jean, 2 I, 2 Baker, Ernie, 2 II, 1 C: Burns; Ada, 1!, 1 II, 1 III, .1 C: Carruthers, John 111, '1 III, 2 F: Culbert Beatrice, 2 I, II: Collyer, Roy; 4 1: Douglas, Don - WO, I C, 3'F: Finlayson, Clark, 3 1, • 1 -Gardner, Jitt 1 111, .6,c: Gard- ner, :Sydney, 2 C, 2F: Graham, Anna' 1 II, 1 III,. 2 F.: Greer, Harold 3 I, :1 II Hamilton,. Alvin, 1 C, 3 F: Haltilten, Myrtle, 31, 1C: Henderson, Jim, 3 I, 1 Hodgins, Florence, 1 I, 111, 1 III 1 C: Johnaten Clare, 1 11, 2 III; 1 F: JOhnston; \Violated, • 11, 21,1, 1F.: MacDonald, Rachel A. 11, 2 C, 1 1'; IVIacDourall, Blanche , 21, g C: McMa- hon, Mae 3 1, 1 C: McLeod, Helen 311 1C: McNeil, Jim 11, 211, 1F: Men- arY, Clifford 1 I, 1 111, 1 C; I F: lioszella 2 11, 1 C: Phillips; Fran- ces 1 I, 1 II:'1"tichards, Norval i III; Stimsen, Willie 1 11, 1 0: 2 F: Thoinpsim,, Bobbie 2,1, III, 1111 'Webster, George I C: Anderson• , Nornui, 1 I: Cronsteri,' Florence 1111: - Cranston, Nellie, 1PI, I P: Curran, Jim III: Curran, Jack 1i; MacXen- gig, Mary Smith Edith 111: Hackett, Mary 1 T,hompson, Pearl 1 I. ' • • • G. M. Johnston. ' —000--- , - • 'TO, THE ELECTORS OF NORTH. • IIVRON • The riroyociai e1eiin isover feinicrra trne to" its- eon. victiOns and as your .representative. appreCiate and aril VerY grated tor-trie gUiterbus Ku'opi•irt giverrynz value especially the 'CotifidPenet placed ' 'in me by Aes,e._:Whe• for the 'sale•, foSt-06it ptfte aitegfaiire :and votecI in behalL t. 'wilt try to, thf-s-vest, 't -c.. -:the Work, ers and friends tiering the campaign those who were kind enough to act as scrutineert througho;fut the hing to - lens AMY of election. The liSues were ire57-ahl,vietory is yours ard it wili - he in duty to truly represent the sintiments• 6f'North pressed at the polls on October 800. • Rebertson,c. , A THE SUN, LIFE ASSURANCE •c9111,134NY OF CANADA THE COMPANY OF WHICH A. CANADIAN ..' • MAY. :BE' PROUD . r .particulars as to Plans. Rates ' And Dividends, See ; GEO.' H. SMITH '1 Agent •7 • • • ' . r•!,•'.4 FAMILY THEATRE' Noyember "7-8--9. •; "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS" With Serial and Comedy-. - „.• • •1 November 14-15-16 • • Illoot Gibson, In _ _ ."CLEARING THE TRAIL- + .• With Serial arid:Comedy • • , • Corning, Special ` "THE pATENT LEATHER KID!' Victor Radio-Elecutda ° complete with • e'2175___ 10 tubes only qP11-7 11,,1:17 4,„'' . p• -...,...--i-.---- !_ li, ii I! ..,-.",,•:;`'.---- \-1) '4.0miell IIIIM too', • :•3:?...u.', °..: ,1/1li111---- kl• ft' '':0"11a2 nakIld°1-6, --i : ..•.. Victor-iRectio tonsole'.• • (above), ciimplet -.1-0"),C15 ., Witli In tubes -' - oTP41.0 T :78 4-76441 • '• • • 4 tgof Micro - Synchronous! =into Micro -Synchronizing brings an entirely new principleto radio. Victor's new •super-antoniatie, dial brings a ,new iiiniplicity and a new accura-0-tO 'tuning: ',Judge these two exclusive Victor featureaf conibliad With , 'the new and astounding Electrola, Then consider : the amazing values offered, " • •• • e Wale Iowa 1. r talk ogr Wier Demonrimileas Armstrong- -.Jeweller 'WEDDING BELLS • •Murdoeh-Ketchabew A Marriage 6f interest. to a host Of friend's took place at the Anglican' Rectory Lurknow, Wed. Oct. 30, when Mary •Jane, daughter of Mrs: Melinda Ketchebaw bemire the bride: of Mr: John A. Miirdoch,.son Of Mts. Murdoch andthe late Neil Murdoch �f Luck- , rio*. The serviee was read. 'by the 1/414.V.0. dairarief.. Thi-Tiappy conjile „anent.- thew boneyiapon- --ar" Ictiagar,i- ana, other points.and- are now at horns to their mottos at tucknott, . • , Ay. New Store, .New •Gods, New Low Prices. The Market. • . 0--, • • • • LOOIC • • The entertainment booked for Nov:. entbei-inth, promises to be the treat ,of the season. Mies Theresa rsieges humorous and dramatic num- ...bers Will be ititersper-sed with 'yodel and musieal mimberi. • , • • '. • , 4.1trelioo:w4tioroli‘Potrirtgo • . • J t • • ,,.. • • - The p.arageoply below AS_ pikedfro ohilliothe, Chio, nowspaner:.: "Miss Mina Graham, Chillicothe hiisinesk...:Ateoman._ere's_receAtlyLeletO41. Arst viee president of the. Afrtisa Clubs 6£ Ohio, •• Alai°mach of 4isa'• Graham's tims, istaken up hy 'her, millinery business • she takes an active 'part it the chit's !Work which. stresses VoCatiooal .ser - eke fot young MPOinen entering, the flea - • • - . •r••• • 41 1.1 •-••--0 . -MASQUERADE • 1.iieknow th4 Company' • putting on a .Mastaierade dauge rn•21 Carnegie Hail the evening of.110v. 000tt-yit&tiegrix ova • Couple Eirtei lady Ana. oallaist , •• ' Lickiiowflour Mili . W. ,n TRELEAVEN .4. 1 .• -'4 .... ' •. • .1 • , 484 * 1 .k....,,,,,,,,,, , •,..ii, • ..e.,44..:.;,-. 5161.551 5 • ' t.... ' 51,0.1` , 5, • ,'.' .0 r 7 It . .1. I' .. . ..'",' „II; 6, . . ... T .., t 0 • I .'4 • .'44,7 1,01t.regA0r..#3Z,Oft i'V'' " 5:46ragit , . . • ' • T. . ' 44yr.r., • :1,•;..,Ic r....r' . ..'At11}K•10 , . , '..'.,.,, i.,'':.,;•-''"'..8'..''.WY‘ '" ' . ' '''' ' 1',--' -„,.,L:.• ,-,,--....'.,., , .-,%_,..-.-... ,',•-,--.- -, 4,.„ .t1u!w--•o_o.•v.,...”- • ---; -• 1.• ' '- "„: --.- ,j.,*•„'_' 0 ' a ...,-40..-54."-0,„ti„-4458444,_o.-, 848•A A.U.11".,;.,,......" ,,... -", ; '..'''',,,,...... '. ..., ._ ,..„. ..g.,' ." . , - "44 "4.1