HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-10-17, Page 1•
•. Physician, land Surgeon
•' .Lucknow, •
• Sours: 1.30-4.30 ,
„7 -
Phone .86 '
• ,
' Dr. MacLeod Wit'', • visit. tucknow
. , ;
!Reel,•Teesdfir, in The Cada "'Ouse.,
• Dr.. Loknovi..-
over 'DedicWs ,Store..`Extradtioie
either by gas' Or focal. Will be in.
aegaegannori every Thursday. Phone 58,
litee. A. Sitidalla lareatnova liroatm.
and Reid hattaae.-Mointy to lead om
4 that mortgages ori farm • paoper-.
los at "d 6½ per cent according
aleaerlaY _Miered Also sMa 1
.1MOunte on second' mortgages • on,
;Oat sproperties' and an personal•-:
*See. A lava.good faring for sale.
WALL PAPERa-,A. full Vase of 1929
Walt aaper on hand. Pekes 'consider-
able down for 129. I am _.also agent;
for leading job houses -R L Lamer-
. .on, Decorator. Painter and Grainer
Boa -174, aLticknow.a ' •
A 150 -acre feria, Lot 2; Con. 6,
Ashfield; Applyto IL...J. Blake, Dun-
gannon, Ont.
• 31-10,-q.)
FOR SALEa-liarge .lot with field-
enceana barn, in Lucknow. Peiklings,
in. good repair. •. '
Mrs,. C. Murray.
50. acres, being' west .half. of South
'Half 'Lot 19, Con. la; West Wawan-
osh, 'Good buildings, well fencedand
close to school. Apply oe the premises,
• ' ' Archie Anderson.
FOUR CARLOADS of Cow, s, Young
Cattle, Horses and Colts tall arrive
from the West this week and tater
wM be offered for sale by public hue -
tion. Warth for bills. S. R. Miller
.(17 -10 -ca
- William Broome, Lot 5, Con. 7,
Kinloss Township will -have im auc-
tion sale of his farm stoek and imple-
ments on Monday, October 21, com7
mencing a one o'clock 'P.M,
' John Purvis; -"alee:
. (17 -10 -pa ;
W. J. Kershaar-half'mile west Of
Kinloss, ViHae, Derham Road; will
have an Auction -Sale ---of his -Farm-
• Stock. amoleinents and Household ef-
fects On October .230, Commencing at
,One e'clock P.M. Everything will be
John Purvis, Auc.
Archie .MacKinnon, Lot 21, Con. 5,
Kinloss„ west of. Larigside; will have
an Auttion Sale of farm stock, in -
'Chuang 44 young' cattle, 7 horsea and.
a . number of pigs, on Oitober .24th„
,commencing it One o'clock P.M..
' John PurvisrAueaa
01-10a-114 '
LUCKNOW, ONT•t' 711113115DAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1929.
' Siii•GLE 5 CENTS '
" .;"4.4.448;1+fr°.41.1".".
1111!• Stanley -Puree is liatne from
London for a few 'clays. •
Miss Ada Pickering Of DetroitLuaknew •friends.a • :
,Moting -saleaaBargaine in "Piittlag
Wool an.Yarns-The IVIaa'aCa•
fth.O harvest. .js in full "Oi*
this week and the crciP: is of fine'
quality. .
Mrs.: •Milan • R, Harris. of Chicago
is visiting at the home' Of her Meter,
Mis. Muidoeh.
The Rev. la G. Paton Of ,Teemeater
and Rev. IL V.; CrOW' will exCaaage.
auaiits next ,aundaya '
,Miss Jean Detiglas arrivekhonae on
Mceiday.. eftet spending a week With
,sister. in 'Chatham:: •
- • Mr. Malcolm Weoster; has been
.in. Leaniington adating the., summer
has' returned to his home, here. ••
Mr. Alvin Percy of D.etroit i in
town for a, Coiiaeea
ie or ws. paring
his stay here he ie assist:lig at Mr.
Aanistrongle. •
•J; G.:Murdoch' will, have an
auction , 'of , her hotreehoicl effeCti.
Id her reSaleiree • the .afternoon.
.aaterday. Oct.. 26. 'aae bills later..,'
" Mrs. M. A. Johnstari.'who had ;the
• 'Matta tape i•eeently to break a'\booe in
one of her weiSte, is spending a week,
with 'ha daughter, Mrs. •Logan • in
Teeswatera . • ' '
Mies, Lorea Campbell was a patient
at the Loekwool Claim a:.• Toronto:for
tt-taia clays'or last, wwh
aek ere she
underwent an operation for' the re -
motel of her tonsils. . '
, •
game"' 'Murdoch iCO. haae rented
the stere.ia tae Martay isiutk regent-
ly • vacated by the Virrieta State- P,98.-
seesion will be •takeri at the end of.
this ninth.
' • :
. W. C. T. U. MEETING •
U. will be held_ at. the home .of Mrs.
MacKenzie on Friday; Oct.
18th at 3 o'clock Paiala-AllaWillenahla-
tetestedare welcome. • .
, a—a-ea, •
Mime?: Mabel and frene Woods of.
.Kitehener were hoMe for• the week:
vna, •
' Mr. Albert Wallace -of Barrie •and
Ma- Jelin , '..Opaniegitarra,' of Faroe
Were . Week-eatt. 'visitors with the for -
meats,, aastetaltraaaalui • Millet, Sr.
• Ret: Iii• G. Whitfield '.Vrettchettaat
ahelbOurne,. en. 'auridey,•. and on
turn -brought. Mts. '•(Rev.) -Donald and
'children • who made an.:enjoyebleavistta
at. the .iaan.se., ' ' •• .. • .. •••
and ;gra, George ..White and
Mr. and ,Mrs. ' .Elmer Waite Mothred•
from.. Algoma and are visitoes
awl 'Mrs. 'Jas. •Durein and called
on -old friends 'around : St. Helens. .
•The ' Anniversary services .heid'. an
Calvin • United Church, at...Helens, on
Sunday Oct. 13, were a decided, suc;,
• cees, 'being. greatly enjoyed by large
. ,•
.• • ••••••• • • •• • • •
congregation.! :• ,* . •
• Rev. A. f Donald, M. Of Shel-
burne gate two very practical ilia
impressive sermons ea "The Supreme
Test of Christianity." In the morning;
serMon he made a plea for the.real-
ization of a greater senee' of oneness
in Jesus 'Chalet; emphasing the im-
portance of mutual helpfulness, !Pit-
Pathy and love for: the underprivilega
ed in the homelarkl and-aahroad. At
the evening 'wake he pointed out
that the attitude of -silence and inac-
tivity on the Fait of -Christian people
was in reality consenting to arid en-
dorsing tbe, conduct of , those whosel
actions and. purposes hosi.de t�
Christianity; aand stressed, the need"
of assertion arid aggreseiveness on
the, part of. Chaist'an people; if the
land of the Kingdom were to be rel,
The cengiegrition „were asked for.
a special free aaill offering and .$400.
Was" received. The floral decorations
were rtelightfuli and the service of
the choir in: their special selections'
and in their leadership of the .;sing -
ng was comnienciable aadatighly ap-7
.The regular meeting 'of, the W.C.T.HOLYROOD
The H. V. Institute. made their an-
aual visit -fa the Old Peadpre'a-Home
airalkertonrin Thursday last. There
were about fifteen in the party. This
,eing the ninth visit We may mention
Dr. Margaret a/Sara for ovet.thw hat -it was. Mrs., Will Hodgins who
ty yearsa
missioniiy in. India
will be
:thought of 'this charitable 'deed. The
. teriabers %trete welcomed by Ma and
the. s.peaker at the annual Thaiikolf-; lg. ts. Whales who have charge of the
ering Meeting of, the. W.M.S. of the institution. Then alf. inmates numb -
dayLucknow Presbyterian Church, Mau- ering afty, thirteen maiden ladies
day evening; Oct. 21st, at 8 o'clock . and thirty eix, Men, and the guests
Everybody° welcothe. . met in the chapel and enjoyed a
St.. Petat's Church couple of hours arogram. The Rev.
Mr. Crouth Of Bethany toot' the their.
The Apostolic Rite of Holy Confir-
The ladies of the Institute are. very
-elation • was corifeared in St. Peter's
Church on Sunday morning, in the
grateful to Mr. Crouth Ler his aisle-
' _ , .
presence of 'a whole congregation. The tanceMusical timbers were given
by Mrs. Brown, Miss Aylee and duets
At. Rea. Bishop Newitham, acting for
Archbishop Williams adminixterectthe by, Miss AyTes and.Mt: Crouth. Read -
laying on of hands to the largest i!iti were giaeallY.Misses Hazel cy „led aerie flaldenby. The program
Pea -
class in years presented by ratv. E. O.
closed by all joining in singing the
Gallaher, the rector . There were also
piesent 'candidates from St. Paul's noxelogy. Followieg this each -inmate
•Church, Riplea. The Bishop in his idi was presented . with a parcel _ con-
dresstainieg ' 'mine made cookies, candy,
liken'e'd the Christian life as a
• sandwiches, oranges aad for . the' wn;
business in which we- as members of
men a pair .of stockines, and for the
the firm, owe our loyalty to the Head
men a pair of socks, all of which Was
of the firm and to one aaother: We
gratefully received Following this
hope that .this consecration' to Chris-
titia life and Work will long be re- thevisitots adjourned to the recepia
membered by the candidates and tion teem where tea, sandwiches and
' •
cake were served Mrs : Whyles and
preve a power in their lives.'
Next Sunday is Childieras & ram: girl Meads. Mr. Crouth exptessed the
ilY Day in the Church of England
thanks of the lastittite for the kind,
reception they had receited., We
The morning „serviee. Is „aedicated to
should- like tri, add that the game is
tae children, the evening to the fait-
. ) a
very ' fortunate iii having lalr.'-& Mrs• .
ily. a-
Whyles in charge. • •, •
Malta Cherch Y. P. Si
, We admit that beard is One of 'the
biggest items Of expensewehave to
cOntend with when taking a Busiaelle
Coase &Way frons home. In order
therefOre, that pupils May be able to
take half their training neat hottie
and thus reduce theii, board bill ..to
almost half .(by rooming), we have
decided to open a,bratteh in Lucknow.
and have Made arrengemente With
; Miss E. M. Henderson who will be in
charge. Here ,TyPe-*ritiag, Spelling
and Commercial Correspondence will
be given and the list: halt of the
course will be taken with us at Owen
Sound, where Shorthand, Commercial
Law, Rapid: calculation,' Arlitinietic,
, etc. will :be tatted and the 'pupils fin-
ished off for positions. IN§ .a
spleidid,oppOrtunity for pupils to he
near laime during the winter Menthe
and be ready to tette to Owen &hind
the spring. Hundreds of our grad,
tes are holding good 'positions all
over the DOntittion and Out rePuta-
timuntraritaticeartful -Colleae.....ateatao
--for itself,through the. Many satisfied
Engines§ Nausea, who hate emPloYe4
^• our MHO. Phone 58 Lucktiow orcaJl
at Express °Mee' 'Whet. all leaden*,
Unit will-li-e-WeifilitraTifirelled.
not Walt any Vine lryoulire intemI-•-
.-4ng--•tO take a ceitilse this "littera
• Northern taellege
, •
: The proyineial,' election is less than
two weeks away. It will. "happen":
Oct,Ober 30th: . • •
North' Huron like South Bailee Will.
have a straight- two party .contest,
the Cialventiop he10,at Wing,
Inuit aaaMenartai, of this week hearing
aecidettara4•113 piit. a cithdidate in
field. Meseta': A„.Reheatsori, Liberal
mid.. Dia, Whitely • Carisereative ' 'will
theaelar.a, South, Bruce,
as preeiesisla stated. iiaater, G. 'MOW,
Conamarative and".W. MacKay,' Lib-
eral are: tae .candidates.
Few public meetiriggaate being held
in these ;Wings, the raralidatee trust -
Ing mote tor. 'personal -.Canvass; . A
j�inl Meetieg .howevea, :in. the. inter-
ests of the, Liberal ,calididates in
North Huron and Smith Bruce is an-
nounced for Thursday „evening of
next Week, Oct. ,24, in the VoWn Hall
Lucknoaa Mr. Robertson, N. Huron
is publishing his views 'en the. elect-
ion aseUes the laical 'newer-a:pets: A
'Second fetter from him • appears in
Tae Sentinel this •week. Mr. Robert -
sen is reakingaimaperance -the malta
issee, and is very emphatic in his -0a-
voeition to the .Geverntnerit donitol.
In North • Bruce, Mi. alea
Whinney who has the seat for,i
the Liberals •is again the.. party cai-
didate, and is' oPaosed by D. .i:,Bry!rs
Conservative., „.Mti McWhinney, h
been taken ill with an attack of
andis net 'able to take art active
-par in the campaign. a
As. the cainneign probeeds. the liqu-
or question boobies. more and • more
the pailinount issue, much as the'
ppliticians ;would like it otherwise.
Candidates of both .parties arather.
shrank. ,from the • liqeet qiiestiona as
there is at large -wet element in both
patties. But it is so much in the pub -
lie mind tail' it. could net be kept in
.the background. '
*6111g Salea-Special Price on Hose.
and Gloyes this week Market,
. - • ,
Mr. and Mts. E. Sinirier of London
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W.
J. Scott of Belgrave.
• Mr. and Mrs. D: alchines of White-
church and James McIanes of near
:Teeswater and Mr. Wesley -Young
aelierit Sunday .with Mr. and :Mrs. J.,
McInnes here.'
On Oct. 9th the friends and neigh- ,
bors 'gathered at the home of Mrs.:
Archie Clow to pre,sent her with a
token of remembrance. T,ae following
•address v:as read: • ,
Luck:now, Ont; ,Apct. 9.
Deer Mrs: Clow: -
,•We your neighbors knowirig that
yeti ta'a slam au Leave this community
and make your home in Whitechurch
have gathered here to have at soci,a1
evening withlyou before You leave us:
• You and your late husband were al -
Ways Of a 'bright, cheery kindly slia-
positima and Our door was always
open to any of us whether we cama
to visit or borrow. We could not let'
you depart to • your new home -with-
out a sliglit rememarance. $o we ask
yon to aecept this coinfortable 'and
hearth rug..We• hope 'that you May
be spared many 'years to enjoy these
gifts and that Our life may be .cheer -
fel in yoar• new home and that you
will ever be a Welcome visitor , at.
the Unite of those present this es -
• Signed on Behalf of the Community
Mrs. J. Johnson, Mrs; W. A: Taylor.
• Mrs. Clow in a fea, worlds thanked
diem very much' for the gifts, altho
ihe wee- completely taken by surprise
The rest. of the everthig, was septa in
panes and contests. .
Mr. Robert. Moffat last Week car-
•ried off a number of first ptizes, at
,the Plowing'Match held near Walk-
erton and winning the- SiIver Cup. -
The Woinenls Institute held Omit
°wen Sound.
• •
Mr. Charlie Congrarn is basy erec-
An interesting program was arra*. ting fine new driving shed
gad by the, president, Mr. ICermeth Wire. Abner Ackert and son JAek,
.alurdie,', for Monday etening., :Miss ,spent .the week -end in lateritford.
Joan ,McKire read the Scripture leeson airs. Thomas Hartle spent a, tew
and:a Very pretty' lyric wee: rendered ditVg -reeentlli with be.father Mr.
• II ward rto';inSOn
4a seag by min Erfola 13uSwel.E.Thi Aloog Palmer, Kjacal;d1Tle-
topie. dealing with the ' beauty. ,ittal Mr. aid Mrs. , o - f
the worth of iloWers was.well .treated , Nit. and Mrs, G.eo. Dickenson and -fa.,'
.ia, a leatiet by Mies Iiiael. W.ebstel; taily motored' to London oe.. Friday.
'egad' Craw ;recited A njett 'which Wit We- are iiiita-th i`ereff.;-tlie d'Oblii, Of'
based on -1m, ,Itigit aatleada_.aayaraa. Ma. keeneth MeKetrzie. ef F.:thy:oaten,
The-trieeting•was-alesed-avItlii•ptitatr,'. it-.totnier- real -dent iof neat Ilottroodt
• -. • ~ ..... '- Mr: ' Mckentie-reAutia• Ofd. aciftialn-.
•The.„Citizeashie Cohrinittiee, 4. hosy, tanaee....arawal ,here the past • stnninei...
firdnerini A meek couta which will be ' -'-'---4•,0- -' .— '.
'The LOcknow' Junior institute and
4ttitiforlitatittitein r
Tevera Rail; tucknow Oot 290,
Each girl plettee iiring two pie& All
.inereheta. theitf. ititeidated art
• 'cordial* _lotto'. 0,0.0t
, Vtlit
.0...ftature.-of.thp .rneetink_ Of, NOV,. pp_irllo
.ber491w tRANtattESSOlt
• 6.0
„. -
AtiOtit ineedno of the elettas of
intridortk RurottLwalli _
held in the laolltia -Latelthate, the
evening of Thursday, Oct.• 24th - corn -
mending: at 8 olelock.'"This trieetitigie
called in the lut6!'ogtq Of the Liberal
_POW eRtididatei. W. MacKaV In
•S'Onth, Bruce Ata
_With liaveni_amt.heth,,..a411 be,, git•
tO ,e4tireet the tooth% ,
' •
The young 'Sten who. a few weeks
age Stole a Worse and buggiv ,rec,nri
caught •b J.
.by the laraotilieiiit Ralita
• eh -nth -eat wette and,-was.-,takert
Ills is a *her peculiar oil unfor-
tunate cage, as he -had 0.66d-..rffltitit.
tiOrt aritt was saving MoneyllefOre
Inaking_illig_ brash:414h hAeleistaiL
itiet 'N;ir , "
Mead -Curter• •. •
• A quiet. wedding took place • , the
hem° of the taide'a another; when
Aravillaasecam youagelt daughter of
Carter the late Henry Cat -
ter 10th ,con. Huron, , was aultea in
marriage. to .1lar. Daarida C. Mead of
thei.41-iy Lbeknow., The
bride was given • in 'Mel -triage by her,
brother. Tae room, area 'attraeaarely-
debrated in nirik
and greenr triok the*, pasee uatler ^an
arch of .ii;tunin leaves and the cete.
• ..
meny was performed \ by Rev. C. N.
McKenzie, pastor of Andetas
United churCh of which the bed; Was
a member. The bride wore a wedding ,
goyara of Powder alue georgette with
silk radiurn laee aid travelled . in ,
sand Prdpch velour coat with hat ;and
.shoei to match. FollOwinga the cere-
ananey the immediate -.relatives par:,
took of a bountedus wedding dinner,
after ithich the - happy couple 'left
.motor for Barrie and ftimi there will
continue their 'journey .by rail to the
groom's • home in Cobalt where they
will reside---
a-a:ape 0 --
Waa Visitor Here •an August
Residents of :Kinloss -Tearriship, and
of.,:aucknoW. wha. knew Mr. Kenneth
itlacKerizie, B.A., Of Edmonton, Were
greatly surprisedtp learn of his drat%
•whienaceuiled at . his •heme .in tal-
monton On•Octoaer 9th: kr: Mackena
tit paid: a . sonieWhat. •eatended visit
to Ontario during last July and Aug
Unit, spending Sometime with a
ter Mrs Mrs. Leslie Mackenzie of Toron-
to', ;aid Witlafrienile here. He - attend-,
ed tho Old Boys' Reunioa at Teeswa-
ter, where, ha met ,many former riecju-
eintaheee,, and with Mr. Ea aa, Ilod-
gfni of town A boyhood friend spent
a very enjoyable clay and evening call-
ing on 'thetas friends. The fatally
home was ori the 8th "Concession of
Kinlossat few miles east of Holyrood.
Mr. 7aakerizie, whose death at.,
Mania '68, Makes' thefirst break in a
family.; of. five boys and four girls,
leaves a widow (:before her marriage
Lena Erzpien) one son, Sart ' Of
Chicago, -„ two daughters, •Mrs.
LeSlie MacKenzie of Toronto,. and
Miss Jean at home. • • ,
A tain brother Of the deceased
John Mackenzie, resided for a time
near Holaroed on the farni .new oc-
cupied by Mr. Geo. -*bite. At the
time of .the.great movement of Ont-
ario people to :the Canadian, West,. 'all
the family went to the ;Preitie ,coun-
try, meetly to Edmonton, -.• . •
, ..At the age of 21 the late Mr. Mae,
Kenzie, While working, m
suffered the loss itif ratt including
the thumb, of hi a left, ham!. this ac-
cident caused him to change .his plan
of life, and he qualified as a echool
teacher, After teaching a few years
he 'attended Toronto Universityatak-
ing the ,Arts course,. He thea went
• Alta: where he taught for
a short time before going to Edircin-
ton to become priaciple of the Public
school there. With ,11, few, brief inter-
vals he was on the dity teaching staff
fer aaout 33 years.• He. was ,o,n the
Ceunca Board when Edinontoa was
given the, steals of a town, •and be-
came the first mayor:
, --O o ,
• The .Bread
of ,Health
• FEE CAKES, -ICED ROLLS. ,•• ... •
:Plidne 36
:A. cArniplAN
For Partieulari to Rates
And_'Dividends, See
Mr. :James :Irving, a highly re-
spected "reeident, auckneva for man
years died early Wednesday moaning.
.He had been ill with, pneumoniaa-fai
about two weeks.' Mr. Irving ;is sur
vived by his wife and three daughtera
Mrs.. k. G. 'Smith of Toronto, eau
Misses.' Edythe and Phemie Who have
been in Detroit the'.past few. 'years.
The "'funeral Fill be On Friday: af-
•ternoon, to Kiatail Cemetery: Searice
to. be at the family residence at
o'clock P.M. •
Moving Sale -All our Wemen's and .
. •
Children s waral •winter Underwear
is reduced an vrice.-The Market.
-Room 1
Senior Classeessirde atarks 250;
Excellent 1871: Good 150: air 100.
Excellent-alorence Drennan a36.:'
Donald Firilayson 234;• Isabel Nichol-
son 2,a1; Muriel Paterson 227; Jim
Webster 224; Dorothy Irwin 212;
Jelin 'K.:McKenzie 210; Marion Tap-
lin 202; • Mary Fisher 197; Gordon
Stevalit 197; Helen, MacDonald. Good
-a-Helen Hamiltin 181' Louise. Greer
lab; Jack_ Leith 174; alarm Hornell
178; Jean Havens 168; Elva Twan.ley
1661. Murvin, Shannon 160; Margaret
Salkeld. 156. Fair -Jean Ward 123
Donald Johnston 114; Jack Hender-
son 105; Evelyn Taylor 1031' 1Below
tair-4ack 'Drennan 46; Vila WhitleY
. 76; Stotaraa MeQeillin 57-
monthly-iiteatii4.fin, iltb, At the . aealiae..blaaaaatatesible• Kailas -1-35-:
'florae of Mrs, Elmer Tiffin. They Excell6it 100: Good 81: Val:D. 54. '
,planried to have-a......1.1ar.gar mim it Nov. • Er•reettent-aa-ack, Coek 134: •Xeit.h
and ne iai:
Bessie' -Stewart aral Traegiiit. Whitby
On tfie evening of-Oetober 8th, a
reception was held in. the Dungannon
ParishHall: in better of Mr. and Mrs.
.Donald McKenzie, whose Marriage
tools piece Wednesday, October2nd
Mr .and Mrs'. McKenzie who had only
returned that evening from ,e tour to
Niagara Falls, Toronto idKitchener,
received the 175, guests 'present, the
bride wearing a aharming gown
shell Pink 'georgette, with a rope of
Pearls. The hall wee prettily decora-
ted with streareere of ' mauve and
cream and the 'guests danced to the
in a feW weeks. After this business
MiS. 'Robert Ross enve a. paper en
Teteperatece, Mrs: Gibeart Gilieqple
-tang a. ableartialathaa-Misses -Carrick
;gave a duet Mrs; Hairy gave a
eading qeen•411043n0-40.-411"641rill-7
Ma, L. Caairi gave a paper "Vie Bet -
:tee ta Wear 'Orit7thalritukt-Ontisitrs-.-
Iiinctr,w;ls,:a..erved 'Eu14..4:4000 .:114.1t
haat apett. •
Tbls cornimutlity wait •repreaeri.
ted at 11*(tinglunirrall, Fair and cCerii!
COL There vie 'ettatql ititd the
aW VIAti an eh vettral-soosei-:
126•; Rtresell •Garritee 118: Mary S.:1k?
eld_ 114 a,iteeter Baaer 1144 Willaaria,
Scobie 112; Clella Wilson 110; Artittir
Sniilh 10g; Erne§t 1,utton 101; Dot-,
TOO Fted, Niftbsfer' 100,
Raymond Redinolid. five -Piece' orches-
tra. itiny' beautiful gifts Were 're-
ceived,: testifyingto ;the esteem' in
which the YOUrig couple are held. At
midnight lunch *as- served, the :Moe
scheme- • in the 'aextiee being carried
out in pink' an white. Preasely. at
2 .A.M.' the singing of the, National
Authern dismissed the gathering when
all returned to theft homes ,with hap-
py reitembrance of a •very Pleasant
evening.. The communityextends a
hearty welcome to Mai. Mckenzie an'd
wisltea the young couple mt. ong and
prosperous journey on the sea of mat:-
rirnony:• They are inakirig their home
on the groom's farm near Port Albert,
.Gooda-Llavd Wyk' 984 Deleon ala+era
r°11 95•:- Pahlaa)al. IVI_eletiv,ie 90. Vaire•-
Watreti Vrgt-iffrfairtiltirgf
I. *idle.
aa-aarataltaaar _
-To 'egg
oh Lao will be held in the I.O.italk
-Ran on the of Thursday, Oct.
17 at 8' esetook. All members are rif
to he P4,9,11t0,4100'yi
Another ,barn fire becured in die
eeigaberhood Octa 9th, When the
Otke large barn; 45 feet by 60 feet
with tivo wings aticl- pod stabling. in,
the aasemeat, • the' property of %DO;
'Jaairies McKnight, an the shaelel Col-.
bathe 'botindary about 2 and • dee halt
miles West •of , Nile was earepletela
stroyed by; fita It alts evidently, e
case of spoltarietare edaibuation. 'Mr.
Mcknight' had been working all dita
With his brother, :William MeKnigat.
Wheieatarai edjoins hit, _and bail gone
over to on 'bate to de' the, everi-
lag cloves., just as the I -Wittier -et 'feta
flames: He succeeded in .saaara..a, fine
:_teovif 1391*.ig Wilkhr.
hia but wns unable to 4.0 anythitig
furthet so 'titled', did theatItarres en-
velop the -tarn. TIM acetates' eron
which had beet tlireebea 'ally the
ptevioil day; §' aaa'aitirefar , to
tatethet With spiii'enineliiiiery
-the paTfaltase'. Witner at tive
klitratat • -Wife'
, Douglas Fairbanks, In
• Coating
October 24a-26-426, ,
Along With Feature •
and; OimedY
Baiement Bargains
• Visit
Our, I3asement
• and lei us (proire
to iou 'that our -
basement is a ,
• Bargain Room
Alfred E. Auni.01....
The following :note which appeared
in, The Globe .6f.October tali will have '
local interest in View of the fact:that
. •
:he Doupe- family were Lucknow res-
idente for. a wither of years: .
*Helen DOupe, daughter of H. • A.
Doupe; principal of the 'Forest Aven-
•ae „High, 'school (Port Credit) was
Awarded the Upper School scholar-
ship, which is represented. by Cbliq
year's, tuition at the University of ,
foronto. ' • • . •
Under and by. vitttie. of the Power
of Sale contained in a certain Mort-
gage, which will be oroduced at the •
tii•ne of the asle, theft Will be offered
for •sale by Public Auction at the .
ristintibseraidgaaocnent to the Hamlet of
1929" at Two Weloik P. M. .
The South *est part' of jot Num-
ber SeVeriteen North •of the Town Plot
of Port Albert in Lake Rano. it the .
Township ,of Ashfield aria also the
smithery' half of the easterly 82 an-
tes of said let, contetliing .in alra 91,
acres more or less with. a right of
way . over. the northerly 33 ft, of let
.Sixteen adjoining . to the
On the fartalre said to be situated
irafrarrie house 28 ft. It. 80: ft.., _with. an
addition 16 ft; x ft: on stone &int:
dation with a good. cellar underneath. ,
also a frame barn 36 ft. 3t, 56 ft; end
an 4ddition is ft.-r.5..07:.ftr=rtathe •'
• Grainery ft. x 1$ and a good
Mired well convenient to buildings. •
The soil is e---geee-ehty loant nnd
the property is corivealeet te, Church
:-ond-Scitael• ,:nts.tite IlliteaWate
• r way.• • '
• TERMS OF SALV:14.-TWenty peit -
• *
thirty days thereafter. There '
. _
„ re-Sei '
Far-trein itiorielaadt Waft": -a`t-
time- of sale or may he had from the -
, undersigned.
d OWnerr. se
lots will; he up in the 00nel:tit:as, 'had
an- Vrft-liretilitents, thi*-isothe
Aftli-tairt-io-eatd,li-litd: within a radius
Of 'five„follea ot • Lhotrinen tit*
the •past fewweek, 'tli t Other batftt
heiq COMPlitSlY destroyett".!‘ed: the
*lig two otivOtt#
atm, .of sale and the balance with'n • '
JohoAPuedttroill'eor vo/xri`itintsci:LidsaisElteinotir,
121:4k0 - :4'