HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-09-19, Page 3o.
' e •
• Ail 'Ma' Vs Tha
"- - - .-'r ." , ' ' .,.
. '2
• That prod•uct •ter itnitlehe balnese,,
- •
the/yes 'Man,. aaearelltly had We.
. Ceti terPeet some 2,11/00 SOP age
• when Ming.. Chew, the -historian, wee
-tranocrIbing flte story of ba Uwe pia
,..-litte leaves •of -rice. patter.
• .' "At that time, - there • was a „mighty
• Wer herd, leo Chi. by atiMeeteho,• by. the.
beckoning of Is finger, commanded
• more power than al the trinnpet calls
' ot_his army, He travelled in mighty
, 'date. with rich penopelee, of golden
cloth above hie head and Wae wetted .
• (*.be many servants. NO, Man .deritbt-
, ed his „word. for to question his' wire
dotre,wee to question the wisdom of
•,the ,eilrs:' ,.••• . • • • . •:: . , •
• •
"Lo Chi :kid het ene adyiser, .wh*
bever•left ,AS _side, Thes itnateeraMeil
' Ping,wr,4 of smell, stature anda ..irieek:
•,lnap, yet he, ware fearedaY, elaffY!..400-
.. waen . the Mighty war: lord. spoke,. Ping
e , Was'. wOnt to' bow low 'aid tray''!Yea;
, eey lord, .aerily et I's Set". .,..
'. "It '.canie to -pass efiee.evenitig ,ehe,t
Lo Chi ,wao Seated In his tept,„ harrieg
, dined eichlye: Beside Win was Wittier,
Of rare wine', pent- 'which lieTwetted fille
.." his goide•n goblet' trete time to •ttme.•
With... hint, • Were seated . his atiVieer
Ping'.and another. This ,.other, was a
fine' eciuhg _soldier, • te: brave 'Mau and
• Ietd in high esteem • by his felloevs:
Neverth.eleSS .he was hot 'headed 'and.
• feared no Mae. ,'
. , "Lo Chi diecoureed on farnouti'• elle-
toriere ,, !betties, , conqtreste' and men*
'• -Other sehjecis, let•length.,glancleg at
• the bettle,. beside -hint 'be:said. "Well;
• del remember on one occeeiee infer
',. distant • lands, whee ..4n . incredible.
, thing,.happened My .eervant,''at. me.
• . bidding, was peering win:.:. intei me
e 'goblet whenefront the neck of 'the bot-..,
tle, •,there came. forth • a rat.' „• The :
• yoange soldier„ being aniaeed, : qUotit,, .:
: "Moat, sitrangee slie. Indeed it ;omit -
•: have been a ver er Small rat to issue
-'-eirbetif Ihedeliecretiretreletittlee.:':t0 'the'
.replied By the. gods., It wae an ex-
ceedingly big- rat!' '•The,young soldier'
meditated; and still .doubting,' 'eaid,
• 'Sire,' Verily there it, must have Oen •a
,.monstrous, nottle." , To which La' Chi
, sheeted • in 'greet ezrath,.• By the gods
•• I tell you it, wasare, exceeding email
bottle.! And since ' you .doubt' my•
-• words, you shat feel the axe on your
• •,' peek befere the sea ris•eseto-inorrewe
• So .eayieg,Ilhe clipped hie7lieedi and
4' •the 'young soldier -wait led away to hie
'• death.' . , . . . •
•'"Turning te., Plug, the inightY.'War
• lord said, 'And, you Ping, ,do,you doubt
• My .story?" T.o . which his adviser:re-'
- plie'.d; . 'Sire; .if 'the,: rat had been an
' ,•eleptiant,'ind the bottle a love philtre,
-.still would' '1 believe the ..wbrds of my
, . master.' And he.eves richly reWarded.".
Finnish Boy
Is Interpreter
. ,
After mity. six,•yreeks lit- Canada;
Cala°. Kultaala, 'a' 7-year.old • Finnish
boy who; when .he arrived, knew net
a single ,word' Of English,-. recently;
helped his mother out of . a difficulty
by acting as.", interpreter: Caino's
father 'ad been unable to find 'work
In Canada so' his' Mother is working
, to keep thene-n11, and Caine and, his
white-haired brother spend their'elays
at the Day Nursery in Belmont Park.
Mrs. aulmala'Is saving •up her dollars
to take. her boys back to Fliftlepd be
cause she fears 'their education here
will be hampered' by their language
and their father's inability' to find
work. She wanted ' to alk to the
Nursery superintendent about thIsebut
found, her English inadequate, esit
C.sino steeped intothe conversation
and translated. • •
Caino's is only one Of the many na-
tlenalitiee- represented in. the Day
• Nursery, Which soon is to razed to
make.- way for the new Canadian, Na-• •
Meal Railway. station. For twenty -
'five years' the building has been in
and t it' f the'
, ,
eaer of their childree have some 'Wo-
men become thet they have, gradually
• moved their homes nearer 'to' the
nursery, -
During July and August the aver-
age number of children a day was oft,
and some days the number 'went 'uP
- to 112, 'Five thousand meals were
served during May, excluslye of the.
, • ntaff. .
No plans are made yet as to where
, the, ehildren 'Will be :eared for atter -FOR THE HAIR
the demolitioe of the hOme, but the
Board of the Federated Charities be; . Ask your Barber—He Knows
Ririe ,that the gtowth of the city de
TN middle.life, when vi.tality
jEl• n•ot. lie., areas aseit. once
• was, and the mood stream is
naturally thinned and de-
: . vitalized, anaemia( eiii(3, Nye, .
bekt,,F0"th0.1Yttem• At *se
Just.' a. -tired -feeling, it
quickly tenths, in „bodily
• weakness that ordinary taitics•
T.cannot avail. •
Dr. *pains' Pink. Pith
then become a wenderful aid.
• 'theY !UPI* the "netessaey:
• oxygen to the.bloOcil increase
:the blood count and renew
waning vigor. •
••• "I Was 'seized with atiae.
writes Mrs. Charlet
eLanthert- of Port -Hope, Ont.,
"Ad was hea very bad state.
„As a girlel bed taken Dr.
:Williams' Pink pais ...gm, a
• run-down condition 'and de-
cided to take them • once
more... Again the result was:,
• Marvellous. In a little ,while
• ,1 was hilly:well again."
• arou cannot begin too early• •••
to check anaemia., Dr. Wil-
• liatns' Pink Pills are sold at
your. druggist's Or. by :mail,:
postpaid, 50 cents, from The
De. Williams Medicine Co.,'
Brockville, Ont.
••("A„ HOUSECHO'f.D. 14.Af411 ,
• le 04 eourerreeree
v e•••
ighteelt a Trail Ride
reduced tO a 'livid ataftef '.Iter We
oit is fated la the Anteelean SOAP th• . ; MQ1'eflps t0the pew' , triore flavefin the cuptsioret .•
(tastr,,. . The shine therneelvee are, • tang t� the taste. • That's. what makes Red Rose TOW,
Lattlie414 And need for . Varlette 143#0,er, so popular. Event, oackart eenaraeetaaele_ • ,
.0.4, .
goedie The eltins eit this kind Of ;seal. - - - ... '"'ir- gr'z''''''171•7 97'^-•" -,.'••••••:,
are not ee.ett Lee iurs.
The• next. Woe. yote,enter .4 leather, •
goods -oterer .th..• buy a' plaseal Pocket,
hook, hold the•.aretiole to your hands
and think ,of this stere., Thirik of the
seate tossing on the. ice pane "Of the.
Newtoitedland coast' M . b.urizicene
weateer.' . Think of the...hardy, men
who ' riek aheer their Walking' OD the
oeeartetet tehe, the • pelts.. TWA* of the
Strong 'Newfoundland veesele' Stet
'bring. them trope -to supply th.e world
with••pinseal-tioveles and' purses for.
its valuables.
. •
-..:LiOti: imi..filiiiiii,drai#ii:'
' ' . •-',.. • Vehicle's
" -,1* • ' Le• Ca.nade a fleip.e: -There:me be go
The- remote Celembia Ice' Fields„ ninth of ke „Louise. wae 'the'. objective . 2.• •
„ ..• i• uoul3V that if eferylariner agreed to
:this Year of the MajoreTrall.Ride„ of the seaShn. These 'fields are claimed ..cari.y a fight 'rot 'iramelind:ort•othher
Iti be. the largest body •of ice ,South of the "Krinee Orele, 'C'ev•erirl'a 260. SquArV atteehed to' the reae' Of hs art
;teal,' '",he. we -eon' the Main 'read, ,Irt'%evwollild
Miles in. Area' rWlieeeeWateri.dow Ante three Q§e4lis. Only
aiders'are peraittted•th*take this etrentecine.iftp,for..whicb they •Mastepossegs eentrileute.to'.a greeter -degree of eafe.
at leatit the",slever. eettoe eriehloteatiO Of.,.'100•Ailes:•ettrail-ridinge -The triV ly: with ',eirening •traific ' It woutd•be fl
.frefp 'start to finial( /Wok; eighteen days to complete 49:dark, Shows, :4;.-iy.ii cif, parti ea lir aegis:teepee-. in ;.eortaire Cases
the' hardy trail riders, W, .I.:, Payne, London, England, and Lbule Prevoete
oaf .4ot• .caini.artillitoeentilbille.wliceePinin4g:1)3b7.atdhlglioPes'
•:Montreal with City Therneg, Brewster's gekle, ori riga, together With
, .,
iection of the Columbia :Ice Fields.
The Sealing Saga
Of Newfoundland
Told By Capt Robt. .A.
• Bartlett in the National
posiee directioneprevene,, evee when
RED KISE ORANGE PEKOE' is txtra good
Rolacthitlii, and Its• ,dassjOid 'Achre;tiSeine:niS
condition, large capacity. Watkins., •
Roorn • 421, 73 Adelaide St West' Torontli."
1_1. EINE STEAM BOIx....ER. 150. EIP
gao:rit,sikigg v`vvetnesrXt°0it.
ating congeyies .1:)f • amphibian :coal-
embries r
• •
The gentle WO .o;Rotherhithe,` like
that ef ave,..ey.other paat Of the feaVize-
/enmities; eolleetively :Thames- '• •Co:04•PASsio.,..
sile, ie a.pdesession peculiar to 4&f • There. nevier wan any heart :`,truly ,
It is. i'thing impOseible to define with great and ilengernus,-that:ias not also .
any eeactitude, made: ep as it is of se fender and compasstonal; "' it is this "
noble quality that Makes, all _men to
be. of one .kind; for every wpuld
be a distinct species to alineelf were.
there no sympathy ameng individuals.
•they are dimmed, one seeing the eait ma" and sueh varioup •conaponeets,
. which is directly in front cif. one's teen
in turn; Of 'sights, and sounds, and
ernellse eleaeing andarripleasing alike
• -of chance -see name:, en street cor-
appealing to eaeli and- all Of the senses
sweeten•the tea, turnips--e,nd--beaas. -car, -and'. it 'le .Seee -often,' enoug-h toe
Could some of the old sealieg crews fate
take 4 look at ehese previsions, they'd
think the business was ruinedeby lux-
urious dying. They had noehing but IS THERE' A. BAB
• hard biscuit and tea, pork and. duffel' -
with:little grease in the duff. No sett,
breat whatever: '
IN YOUR 1101V1E7
Graphic Gives Many On ship we have What We call Solo- l• -. • ' ••
. .
1)11111'1 *there a baby Or young children in' and eteseje and indescribaele ,as it is
. rt. , . ... day
yn tGhoireee;.e. ,:biini'llasdaair...41-129,1re.,aos lig ..iies.4) . ,
• yeur-Iterne?' It there is you 'shoeld not -there is in it, none the less for that,
LOST IN : A STO,RM ' for thenoon meal we et duff.' • " , , ._ ., , , . , , , , ,
daze, . a , be without a box of Baby s Own Tab, semeth.pg entirely individual ,and un -
For duff; flour (a Irenel to e hatch) 11 lets, . childhood ailments, come
On Match .1, the poet of St. johns,
On -Stirred. with water, eel:lents, and ileo" and Meat re should •always be at hand; milier
IliliditlY mistakable' ,go • that if any one fa-
Withethe 'region in general were
NeWfoundtalideasitiach with men we lasses . With -a: blade • like .a. canoe te. Promptly fight Them ' Babyee Owe t, •be euddenly-drepped down in a pare.
that: dig the sealing fleet sails for the' •
ire -theeldeae --home- reened-y•-•„ -dealer- tOrtler-7of:-i t-:-Iieelead -never-. seen
ee wife- kw- ei-e-dalerebe..ceolteritxee iteinto.a paste- .teeeteta...
annual hunt:: Eight shipe, '
end adds fit from belled peat as They regulate the bowels; sweeten before, he would probe* be 'able. to
picked men, steam, down- the harbor..
VV'histiea scream God -speed, .bellts ring
out; 'cannons fire salutes. .i have been
with :the sealing fleet'19 tinieeemed on
almost as many. 'Arctic expeditions
With • Peery and -ethers., Sealing te:
certainly more dangerous than Arctic
' The •beat sealing trip 1 ever niede
was in the flonatentureemy first steel -
vessel, • The details of it gan -go. for
the other Sealing trips, too We stett-
ed true against a '.60-nille wind, •taking
ners, or over warehouses, or en the
fronts of waterside inn -�f scraps
of,old history erelf old aseociation-of
th crying of gulls a•nd the' wash and
gurgle of the tide' under 'the wharves,,
and the comings and geings of ships
aleng the centuries. Aed yete-vague
• •
" A Th 11
shortening. The deugb Is then pack- tli stornacli; banish coititepation and say and' at: once: unerringly: "This'is
ed into smal canvas hags at:lee:boiled indigeation;; break' uP ,colds and sip- surely'Rotlee ither
for two or three !were, 'peek le polled pie revers --in fact they relierre all 'the. nr t, perhaes., histOrical a
alongside the duff) end When duff illeePf little opes, Concerning It:reality as BlatIrWell.: or even As its
pork are ree.c them Mrs, Moise Cabotte,, Makamik, own n ar ne g pr, ept orel
and hands: it out. • . ()fie., writes; "'Baby's (awn .Tablets "thoueli, as shall presently be seen It
On ,,SUnday minting .ebe: crew gets are the !best 'remedy .in the world for has associations in this sort ,by no
"hrose"-e-boiled• bread and eodfish with little ones, ;My baby suffered terribly means to be elespieed, rt. is net ceely
pork gravy epreal over • it." Butter ,• from indigestion and vomiting, but he like Wapping., nor leathery: ;Ber•
freenheef, Salt ..fish,, potatoes; and tur- Tablets soon set her; right and,. now mendseY, , • Its preclothinent emell
nips: are evh out to the ntea at she in ,perfect hee.ith.'"I'be . eo to speah-is .that of lumber. .
diff ent times and they preparr meals Idts are sold by' inedicine dealers or ' Yoe may walk its streets all day
• for IheMselves -ericept on , Selomon by mail .at 25 cents a box free) The
waves eleau over th,e bridge. ••In no
arid ieldoresee-a black faee,, or a yel
low, or a brown Itg melange is the
.wi rldeld rorifaiihe• of I eesefayinge and
commerce, .and toil It iS an litaiest
;place, A. workaday plate, and -Thr all
- its:superficial covering ef London
grime -a eherfp.1 place: .. • ,•.•
There ere pleesant glinipsee to be
caught of the river dedlts busy traf-
fic, or funnels Of many colors and
the flags of many nations, of beetling
tugs,' Of .the brown sails ,of& bargee-.
eveneonce in 'A .way, et a square -rig -
gee, 4 fair lady of old Mine, • . aTaere,
Is 'a sudden Vignette,. •peitaps, of a
swan sailipg, incredibly white, arnae-
Ingle aloof, among ,the crowed seip-
-Wee There are old; rtcketye-lean-
ing•riverside inns 'whose names are
the tames of beetles long' ago, or of
East Indlani,en whose' Umbers. have
long °been' duet. There are ..tarry
odours, tram , dark caverns *here
barges baee been • bnilt • for genera-
tions -new, alas!, glen over' tae
construction of the (Minh barges and
lighters. whieh • are slowly but .surely
displacing the, picturesque brown
ealls.of tradition. There are' aiecient
wateemen'eLshcterreall. buleale_serLed,
yet where you May still, DORT and
t dark On the fourth day a furious It ie like having sand, thrown in the pockets because one • :an go through,. wa er •an in days gone by.e-C.. Foe
then, get 'a boat to pet you 'over the
days the work went on from ,daylight don't know, of any worse sensation.
'Knee they have set their feet on. a iate. epeang ue, . with blinding s9ow eyeballs. Water runs ,oet of the eyes. them at eigea withent a light.."
I Smith, in "Ancient Matinees. ,
GoSs's birthdays. • *When we get Dr. Williams' Medicine -Co., -Brock-
• =time the ship vies one gelid block of
When Dearth Means
among aeung seals. We beet or fry the vile, Ont.
• Prosperity. , ,• Next day .we reached calm water seal meat. With onions: and, butter,
me are jiibilant. The pricer of wheat For a while we niadei' gocici progress and in the North it•prevents scurvy.;
1 like It better' than. porterhouse steal(
'Vencouver see. (Lib.); whiat-,grow, under the'weither edge .of •..the ice.
is soaringe many farmers who bad a ithrough , leads. in the :ice, but final& .Eaeli'man-leavtng the Ship bas on
very dark outlook .are new. expeting iw.ere \jaraine,d, We had to resort to his 'back a "trunnye,liag, in •whicii he
prosperous harvest ..And why?. Be -1 all the Old tricks-eputeine Out men M. carries an orange. or. two to, quench
cause . .,• the wheat crop is be Meek. trenches. in the ice Witt alter his thirst, some arm oath:teal relied
loW normal. Bad weather 'conditions and ,dynamite, backing,. and Charging with:Seger, 'a few ,hard biscuiti, and
have,. cut dowe the expected With our, armored prow. And so at 'a pike of seal or perk. This is his
Hence price save. going ate, Industry" last. We got, througal to tee Where lay grill). for a day on tat ice. • •
striveti for the, greatest poieible pro -ea greet patch, of Beate; Insagipe yOur. A sealer • must be, quick and -careful
duction. ' Agriculture . is compelled to :self. in Central Park eurroupded 'or In, his work. e Eiery, hole he •a akin
point the other waY. A time'of plenty.: thousands :of sheep • arid , nevelborn egete, a, Man' ten cents, A skillful
is apt to he ,a, time 'CI hardship.. -A !iambs. Thiels 'what It looked".111te.•• worker can. akin. a seal in a 'minutee
time of dearth is apt LO. Me'AD "proe..1 put four crews -234 Ineneethe the and a Man who can.kill, skin, and pan
perity. Right 'there a Pfarm prole ice. • They begen killing and panning -thee is, haul the pelts to a marker-
lem" Worthy 'of a good • deal et atten- .the seals; knocking thein ,on• the heads 120 in a .day is a ,good hand.
tion. with a gaff, reneaving the Miles or One of the hardshipe .of sealing Is.
pelts; aed• hauling ,them an markers., ice .or snow blin
dness. • 41th'ungh all
.• • The 'Young Plan. magzos
f. are colored. nags, like .golt Men carry goggtes, and are .lectured
• • New York Werld: The Young plan fla - . ck in the tee at each pile of and threatened With. puniehment •if
Is realistic if one oeerlooks the' un ''-
scalpe; `so, that the ship can coine. to they don't wear thein; they are often
pick them up: • . • - " careless, - They raise their glasses,.
its premise; But the British; as eve The Crews killed some 8000 seals. Perhaps, to wipe the sweat out of
'realities of French policy which are
,now can .see, are striking at the un-
real premises. They are insistingon
an end of. French dielOmatic privilege
In European affatie, and in this Insist -
path which, thotigh.dIfficult, dangerous and freezing weather, end Only by the- With a 'good dose of.ite men heee al; -
that first .afternmin-all young. one,
tecauee. the "white -coats" are the
Sealer's .'Irst choice., 'For three full
their eyes and forget to pull them
down. agape , Then, before_ they real-,
ize their 'danger, they are blind. I
• "An aviatoe•s wife • approves , air
• "1
ligaidation o fthe war. , The SL Lawrence Waterway stop colds with M inard's Liniment. •
final greatest labor did we ealVage 26,6000 most become insane. • • •
and Anconvenient, leads to a•
'of the pelts. scattered tin the ice Pans.' Then,' again, there ite.the danger of Vancouver Province find. Cense:, . •
But that was the biggest catch, except fallieginto..the water wffen loin. The queetilin of electeic power is .an •
The correct lertgth Of the .skiirt for .A GOAL '
daytime wear, will ae_tbree inches be- Cult Of St. LaWrence. • " ... who has, slipped into .the water. • He
. . power- out' of the develcipment than Who moves steadilY, persistently', ever.
ie ., b " e. is the one
one last year, ever in the lance .from the...ship. Here le a sealer important one. Canada wrI) get Moth
. • • , ..
and. he .is spatting wet His "buddy , I s,he. has a great many more 'Miles' of: whethel tP)0 gral. 1, a •,.. ...! •
__...... ,y,:.. . . ,
has fiehed him out with It gaff. A gale!tiver.than hee'neighbor,'• .0,n the in?. no$• '
of wind -is blowing-Treezing weether:ternalional section, the pOwer.Will ire.
tained ey. aeeete gale eeeeeee which ment, sealers chests and gear. It .we and no shelter.. But • he has td get divided equally' between the two come. . . .- . ,. . . , ..
. .
, trice; To the power on the • Canadian, '
haye 'adopted-eggsliell, "white, Irina
often form a slight:train. . . get a quick„"piCk-ap," 'Many of. the those wet clothes off or .have them.
'men are eburned mit" .by a big- cargo freeie on him as stiff as the. pillar of 'section ...Mir .Anierian 'friends 'haven't and purple -the lattrr 'running to the
ef• skies, which takes . up 'their hunk Lot's wife. The two seek the biggest 1110 .slightest trace of.a.claine eCanaile dahlia PIVI:lie"-7-.11(:,1• normal , tovc.nin
space, end they've get to:double up in Pintacle of ice, end in the lee of it the will develop, itherself and have it for \`'"''•' '
already • crowded quartets:. The're -is wet • Man etrips off • his elOthes'. His• herself. Italie Present sentitnentl pre-. .
some relief In the watches, .ivhen one buddy lends bim all the clothes he can vote She will not export a single Rile- '
man is, out .and another can use tits spare, while they wring out the wet wetea it,
berth. . : • ' • .• .• .
A' sealingsh•ip, carries proeisions for
two tneeths and a balf-potatoes, doa,
fish, flout, meateterteand moleesee to
low the knee, For dressy, afteerrnon toward h:ls goal. unMinclini
• . •
Seallpg lin hard life: Men on hoard has "gone down . tris..dap floated' the ILleited'States, bet this is 'because .10ganglY„
and evening wear the skirt proper a sealer are jammed like ' sardines. •
eraries in length from to 15. inches doing.out; every available bit of .space
from the floor: Trailing lines are: ob. is 'filled with 'coal. lee -fighting • equip-
' ' - F" I e .1 • dictators
' • .
, Mande At least tele nurseries, one cat
the. northeast arid the other in the
centre tif the•ity.
Lady' Allati put her. 'groands "et
• Ravenscrag at the disposal ef
• nursery, and throughout the Sunnier,
•• twice a week, picnic parties have been
taketi there. Fin five veers Henry'
Gatehouse and Son have 'conveyed' the
• 'children to Ravenecrag every MoodAy;
'and .the Sheddeti Colarnany; through
' the eladnisg of Hugh paten, have
taken 'the Children 'every Friday. .•
Donate:yes of elnettiey for theta _plonks •
hate. !melt Made by Mrs. 1. W. Rilleen,
Mrs. 'I'. Melletelliesonatid Virg, W. B.
• ' MatlieWeoP.; ate% •
the 'hoard ot flee Nergereesinetre.
%tido, !Ai Iteeii &et idoit to 1.4 yento. ,
• „PlIc)111.1.1P_S41.
For troubles ,
due 1HNoilApl:k:Aosteulid
Avo t-romAtu
ti rai
Ones. Then he must haul the clothes
back ora -an awful task.
The chance of losIng his men on the
Empire Solidarity ,
Harnilton Spectator Md. Cons.):
Ice in a fog or b•liezard is, a work. that There has been a great dea lef talk'
always besets a: ceptate. It must be .about the possibilities of making' the
reniembered that this, work goes meat •British ..cammonwealth a self-contain-
ed trade unit; a,nd grandiose proposals
of •More or less practical feasibility
the worst time of year, When gates of
wind and snow aee' the usual thing.
Every morning a' Skipper must..de- have been made; but the talk Period
cide whether to telt ilia Men on the. aepears to. he balmily passing noW in-
k° Or ' not, and the decislop is often .•
kO, the StOOO •of concrete. action. • The
fraught with aneiety. In 1614 the eneegetic•Mannerin which the Brttisb
steamship Newfoundland put its met administration le exploring the opper-
eshoee just before a tetrific blizzard' tunitle8 and the steps tt is faking to „
When the weAther cleared next, day, bring about definite aatiOn cannot feil'
17 men had been lest, frezen While, to erodece good remits. I .
they attempted to get back to tho ship.
On anOther trip •the droenlatel lost 45.
• . Canada's Increase
teen during a:sterile Often, toe, in a
Saskatoon Star (Lib.): The natural
stoemethe ship itself gets "nipped" ••
the le and le ot 57 tanions sear, ,incff,ose uninuee ithmigre-
flee- eteeemea 29- haVe 'btet-tt tat 1, time orereemtgtatiee 'now conibille td:
, cent. The PoriOd at '-tPliefs1:----
-What eicr. tire ineii 1111 afinl"t-i- 'ell' et 1-3
al( y
Lout,. oieritlet, e.see• broket et the Whet iviAr)y-lytyptei:e44,1.:intligertilele lose 4le'wee4r• .‘41. ni:ifirellee niok-up and... he. threnill ill, *a OWratIs mare tint -a half rentnre art it
aikaH totem! Waistline with a belt prerniselverY often meens excess•aeld thei•stantlye:Atialle times as much eeill, end days; egain, vesiels have been 'oatwas refort Tbat •124.64. '44Y. 4:
• tn. be a freverite stele fer the bleeder ototettch. The stenatelf eerveg have he nytilinttith's ellSalinear at ()flee: •;„11.ti months end returned without a: w'y • he 'f' helere • Canada II" a.
• rt.„0 anly.4nariostee,.. arer POpnlat ion of 20i000,090 tin lo$,, tee
'lege ;Oteiergehipeelluet,teatecoreeinti,10'.00CMPIA#WatIV1-1001"4!4:1"134.1411'- ilovqr;',V(W. VlidP Int•ttot111":•Ch ,a se ,
tihte, the ttirrtet effea ' „ Ate corrective la iv elkall, 41114 Once you tenth .the etriefend fliiS gefe rofaI 1(ifItt" 11:et:" laflIOlVtbi'f 4,..4,4V4.1.74feeinrc:Tit: -71,r
. neutraliztie acide ate -tattle: And the do get a 'atrial!' bOttie to -try. v i'nce of "i9 One-third or Vie net W I 4) • • ." ' I
.Paradiee fitch a 116* PO added, to .beet keceve te thedial. 8(4001 Be Sore to .0.et the -enuine Ph.'„Ifipq•
the list,. title: ideate. .. It eillatlea 41,00*. Phortve. milli 'of • PrAgnesin. , hen., mint ot Magnesia p`r6cribed by Ph
periow brown to ti tOtt'yell6w and iemeitied the Stahdard 'for '50 Yeafe ebriteetitig ieee-ee:
When coin-bine& With etides. or hyorvA lir -timid yenre-nince its iriVerttleine .• tarldS 'Each -bottle -cent a leg fall iltrece.
• _ makes A Very 'tteeetlye glirtilitint • • • ,•Olit ,ePoOnfill 61 this harteiees?
litulson Hay 'route. c*x AtilITT
,-'111.1+• ativided atriong the ereW..
+ the inincials the florin, and the
„ '1 E1 41111,t1/1„? ". S 27: :'•11„' g Al , f (1%1(1 e • NSttil.',Illt" Orient art'
rs'Ituutn."U'' O./It effeCt ' •
When the shins reaeli, St, ..,follas, the . • _•
I velueble Taf is sdralyad froin theni mid ,Minarees LirrimeitteTha Klee et Pain
, • AND .BEAtill
• ' . CULTURE ' • •
te• the most remuntratiyt 'oreieesion
Wre .0ierta, THE MOST OP -TO-•
" Hundreds Of' satisfied greduatetts.,
". • Write.. for fre.o .booklet. ,
•. . •, . •
.-TorontO Hairdrensing ,Adademy, •
137 avenue Rae .Toreato,. -Dept.; W.
• _ „
Cheaper, ar . Bett.er
. Write forCatalogui'
.T. W. BOYD b. SON
376 None Dame 51. W.. MONTREAL
':Women kern up to to MO
weekly; sewing, snare tinie
House Frocks Home...plain "
easy sewing, eitpOrietsce
• necessary, materiats ready .
•eut,. instructions 'fiirrttisl
• Press Spocialts. Co. Della •
445St. Xavier. Mentrood
• Well et:aliened .:forePubliehing
. planting, etioing• 1. geed. business.
Merit have substantial down paye
•ment. • peed reason for 'selling.„
.. • •• Ap.ply .BoJi si.
'WILSON PUBLISei mg: co. vrp,
'Adelaide. St:. . • ' +(wont°
, • •
theater:4 -Land typing tnee
texed in spare time -at home.• reser
toIearn and write. Typewriter stile
Plied. Write for Free Lesson 'TODAY.
Dominion School Telegraph, Ltd:
Dept. WA.. I „Toronto ,
Stop Sneezing
Nip that cold in the, inid With"
Minard's. Heat and inhale. •
.$htleOkt, 20 gears gounget;
"I hate inkm Ernschon Salts fot 7 yearp..,
ittd MULOPC my levee et:41, to tok INTT Mink n
4)1 Illy rffel)54,7 1 linvelseve.lnatried 30 114111,
)Save 3 • son.a,,` 1.(0, 25, 10,14 nko 2 grah,1tt,
41 and 20 InnOths. L. tint aoWn 4t1V • •uutl 1 1
ill 1 '.A'. -.
cc, lirupOten,, KURA t ton ff f
Mortung., I should orver think of sOrting•
-tre."(1174Yrun wi5fPnl. thil!.-112110 irs,ng-int.t1"1-:,..N.Itt'fit--1-Ttin-rn.r.-d.,;:' '
''1414.1,Pn..4i.:!'su.'-'4...-Y:l7'11' 7:1:e.i.;4„41.1:.1.:i.el'rli::13.41151esirtrrs'ElY1;41.:1:1;•iiiii"
9-,,, pr(#,TI:e pc,,... 1,,,p,:. LtIhri,) ii,d 1% : I' 1
' Zi -A•51171#.... atl ti.41M4trli r, :).f ,,,..,, t% ;.,•;:,r m d 1.
'01:17,1)irie 1..1';1101,76' '41'''br-„fi.//,1,:''Z (1,:1;,! -,!,':;;;;Iii.,;;
......:.,,I.1:::1;.... ''.'..'';'..1 „fl' 174"0"' I '
.. .._ ...::
:tigi7;:i,17111;g1ttjf,Zg'kng„,1,,,,, t,,,,pi, . ar,*,,,,..7.•..
Kri‘arhel 4 I' ' . 1 . I '.: ,.... 5, Me It dm' raj:-
.:, Y. 1.
eAe r Ticitt i3f (1 rs
. p,,,.;tti , r, 1. ,iri,la tr i 0.117. ff oof 11,f. ...
rth tfael!40'4 ' 111;11ilit';* 'ft:(1 41t17.,0 -ti It fliii ...
. ISSUE, N.o., 37-229:.
•• -- • , -
• By Taking Lydia E. Pink-.
ham's Vegetable
7' Wilton, Ont. -"i am' taking Lydia
E: Pinkhanfe Vegetable Compourid
of Life. It,nejPs me
and cannot praied
ittoo highly. twas
tretibled With heat .
limbs were heavy' ••
fleshes -And, •„nw. ; • -
wItilcso ;,etirottiddeldrit;
I:et irnfgrhe. ti 1,;;ItclbwO.Q.,8 -111;tacirst: rill:: •
• poundAndiliought$
rfhltrit-rctrinl. titst-bOttlegal;-e- •-
rptiel: and I have told others *hot'
edoes for me. I arn 'willing for you to •
137PrivtT.- irker- 1
ese titer-• letter iced:to:1m, ooeilte."..-eliiitS.
. "Ask Your Neighbor