HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-08-29, Page 7'.999.:199.4797.
;AUTO AV it1E14 litrocktfrilit etlige
, .. ...
, .„...
'• tit •0411414,!• .i.A;g4 AA pest, 04040. cholera,
• WilitIOL ignm ' .414 *POW. 40,11,9iVels Mere (hen ,thee-
Oen:0 :1(1(1*44 e '',...lpe0 retleal ,eretaideratien, The., , WOrtft
Weir *lied jliet as Mich an, eicperte:
Rif ,P$4F,, ‘GE.RTRI.J.OE WOK.ER • lPe..sit *115 .011 the •verge of becoming
,. . . . • ,,
. 1. -.- an :eduality.".
. -AU thoe,e•:.Pgige, Yonlker .olelt who 1 , Is Metre each .a. thing as a • defense.
. • a .
gill' Eitilleeflebeived by the erreattee at, against gag; Elude EM the ginger:tato
eett•e, *hese. eeeeeietplack ce• romance 1 a.tei eryteg to pees:twee leo to believe-
- -they ..dee not understand," ought ,t9 '. ' •
, be, grateful ,to :Major Pran Part'..P117
• ' • 4rea tor writi g his new book: Gas'k
AO, die ,geosee, Gefahr ,(Gas Werfere,
the-Cliebet ,Dangetie Perlioi)e• donte ert
la, MaJor Endres dedares: 'Even in
tlio: arm* we :are net yet ebsOlute.
mesteeit, of gee tetenee. • it -is downr
right criminal to state, as some, neivse
t144P1.• Will Step' ter ponder when"•they, X14,.ra der that gas defense iea trite
• (read': this terrible '..pidure ot''te:
eOte: •and, easy :matter. L, .. So ter, as:
dertie..nepeltion: : concerned. the'
P4-1' may hetakUg. dAY 1.34
'Mar eci1.1 beeigged:• not es:faith: the4••1"blem 44*t day 8411 unsc°ect a44
• ••,•• ) enemy's arary but against the .u.7.11.arni.1 :4•111001R1/1.4.e...:.• • .
Pieeteeei of , the 'people in his cities • lylater • Endres. supports hia belief
:04...#!gittner la chief /boar -tit eeli.e.• by w•criticat• consideration- of; all the
..trerie • 'Tie dieney :population: wUl b� Ineees: of .040••4eteasee. Iffeleding. even
Whet, the Ifittiterwechenhlett cage. the
' • 113,4040°d •••tiinf;''boinbre. 'dropped by '
•• hundreds Of Ihdifiiinds ft6in.t.treraft• L'.'daWnright" fantastic. . requirements"
.• and the desired •peace r wilt. be ehi v ' that have been proposed in •Rusida •
, 'gleaner' the el entlinjes. peonle have '.Therteele, , -in. the •Ioet 'analysis. , no
- been slaughtered." , • •
• 1,
,,The :estate aim', Of • 'modern !,ertne:
Millets :is 16 replace or eatiltipitehe"
powers at mankji(d by Means Of ted.e.
'neckl effort which hee
met With especial sincerer! nduring the•
half of the'•iningteent,h4- century.
, A machine gni can neer deliver.abut
vOettie• mime. amount of, firwilet Pighty men.
In the place Ot-the old-fashiOned. solid
vaulted' beli, which- mitild kill .only
.e,,e those eghotnelt. hap.pened „te• hit, we
have Shells uia shrapnel, *Well burst
• into hundredgeotetiligments-Alying-lee
• all directicintOelin naval warfare
single :Wiped!" , min .destroy a whole.
7 " lihti). • '7 ,
-Ishimeleiti it4ditieni to •eei.,this; .coMes.
gas: and •a methodof iwarfare where-
by two .men, dropping gas and explo-, gether this aide on gas 'warfare and
slie • from • it •liying machine ein .de- the extracts •followingeefronten-hook
- • • „-§trottiteufiendge And. there is also "about the last war-eboth, out of Ger-
In :Pinepeit' ''the 'wireless control 'or . ititiny-eso . that one interpretation of
Volutetties.aitter they•baver been atatte . the dteain Itself, andOne of the atter-
ed( 611,thelr'WaYt aici �f ahdeft *hile. math,. MaY be assayed for their fetter
int.fl(gliticiaded, of brourse, ielther 'eteeee,:e_peem
' with'gage Me:with mtplosive hoiribe. If Deo Tagebeeh (Berlin
. Weekly Review).:' • ' • '• '
- ..."•there are still ' people who to -day are I • . '
' Valid" • : Ogle to _judge milttary telicbge.:bYWhat • it• was •in the ke .
World, Wale' Or . who are ernulating LI
. h-
iever:Scratc. .
,, . , ,
the (*hitch "so itaetBt
, an Post -War *de: • • '.' • • .. I). •
• • ••,, yelopments 'are ninieerne,de In order to' .a Mosqui
o e
- gettable' -,thendefilves . and others, the• ,
.. • fcille*Iii,gi maye.,hai.ci. itiii''effeet • et an
Stre4iltelier: .., ....! „.e, e .... • • . • • '
"All Mar-niaehieee,- teatese cane
' non, • airiiaft-',gertes, „tanks, and'. the
. . .
rest, have been .(fo.much;liefproye.d lie
. .
„- the • years stnce..the war that. one can , ,
announced recently
state ,'".yilitiout eseggeratiOn .that tiler QC .11°ng, bil.and'
that he had discovered a. nietbed • to
apanation of teehnology ••to. war, as
• • . , • • -foil-their bites
it witeyears from 1914 „
eknewn: le tiei • •
I find it best just to - let them
- to •1918;. *as'. Merely' Mode t begin-.
a . s bli. e .
e, . said Maurer. • .. ":Then I reach
-ninglmpared Witte What. Is now pee- '
• into the •rie*Ing: basket, find a needle
giblet" ... , • t• '' '' • ••• • • • ' and stick it ineo. thescooping I
• Immense. ''progress" ' has been made
squeeze' out a. drop eof " blood -and
in . the defeerlepeeilt ot:poisoe •gases :.
with . it• comes. the peison. ' Thet's
, sinee.the wit, and hand to and with
_, ., thie has gone an adVa.nee in aircraft:.
,• elliz Planeleraded With gas has far- mote
,it',:e. deadly power" than, when loaded.With
4 . ,'! 60115% • , : kieik..inisiienger Vine can
" iminediately be adepted to, war pur-
• :posee". The .raellus• of action of a
,, plane lightly loaded with gee is far
greater."than mat.: of a, :plane • leaded
• mitlilierrii boinhel.' :Raids 'upon •very
' distant cities are ttua made. poeeible."
• Such itsgertions• are all. the more
- e.... cenv•ibieg. because the. Propagandists
for gas Warfare perstet in . Maintain-
.•. Ing the .0e:dee 'opposite, . :Against
7 their., tiiiiigerous 'effects' to gloss over,
'T ' the, feetSe Major Endres. sets the,. fear -
tut triith.' Altd thattriith •Is that tile
world is %moving, toward a war -Which
• wilt affect 'whole civil pcinelations;
, and*hielt hi rnoii• being carefully pre-
ee •.;_etared, In acliance. • The American,
, Mijor tilf4riiitin Mil* bluntly declares
• that 'this. la butchery, rather than
-, . mer as we have hitherto understood
And Ifeutenarit,Colonel ' tlegert.'
inspector iii• -the Ceram!' Air Crrps
. fitater„thtlessona of the English air
mainginvtes elearlY And. definitely,
' thee.: „ "We cannot overlook the fact
•' that b Agri , :handful ; Of filers Are
able to"elair the 'Mete:Moils cf a greet
Pitulti'sashes-."• . That result .ie to
• bee tittebleved wttle explosive , bombs tunitieil ber el3ritish capitaletit "data.
• gild pliesPleorits 'bombs. remong •othere
..... ,: great as evei they ' were. ' We
' :Vlitigil. • Whoever' Is not gilled hyl•arci as
hell them to be far greeter, but cape
' • the ,,Oildbiifiei .4111" take refuge in
tnl. will came to no country Where it
the celleree •Theti will follow a see -
is not assured of absehttely fair treat-
.. ' and attiole e airied oat by the slime
Eitg dleete but. tilts time 'using light-
.. •
iveight gas . botnbs. These will . distre
• trite le eontbrtnition of glees -first "a
• very elective irritant,' unendurable
•. even in the timeliest ieuantities, twhicili
. WM penetrate' alrlinown garettiaelcs;
'• e
and then a powertut tideindie Os,
• mriteleillt.kill all ,flie peOpte as they
• e •
' , •
• ,,,,,40i140.0e,
.defeeeeeregititist a •gas wart. and, 'peel,- •
ably there neVer•Milltee an adequate.
erne, The •,WO.ted •• Is headed :..ittraigbte. •
ref:a catastrophe in coniparleoti .M11)1'
which •Eill that literary Men. have ever '
indiginerd .*111. be 'child's play -unless .
At•the last 'moment a: miracle occurs..
That 'Miracle ot be any ineffec-
tive "renunciation of gee ekarfare,"'
WhiCh..',would never tie' •seriettely. rer
. garde& in time Of .sopaal , war, ..
Editor's No(e: --eThee average peace
heoing. citizen whose, life eh! geared'
,to the machinerk ot, a stable
7initY• "-jestiflett , in .disci7editing the
more horrible • implications of the
,foregcring ' article. • ,But. he. may net
safely: 'discount . the threat of .:future
war as Merely. the.• aftermath of a
had eireatte. • We ehve • brought to -
.• .
• ..1;•14,17-:.. ele •
New yoric-eAfter offering his, arms,.
peek • and anklea to the ileeceet wee-
quitoes could attract . to the aid of
eciende. Hele. Neuter; executive secre-
tarY of the Anti•IVIosquite• ASseciation
• • :
4 Weeeriexe
r,ree, •
ligariesThat lieROnofici.al,Wten
SiAiiim 4
. . ....
Iielanett•p, 0..xeltll. . .
. ..,,
• • _.. -• '. „ . In alt :well-rep:dated. WAS , bOitiOr
, The VISIOR;of he eieteeath century holds, it seems that ildes. Wren IMO"
, voyager,. ,Wlee In ranoY nOW . a 80eon far overehadoered her ,speuriee for Wit. •
: :rise attt Of the sea ' to .11 treglendonfI i not always 'Jenny Wren that Is Ine:* e. :
' b0.01..flehtielli.:4114 e.h.ntr: evietelaltihhr.eiesgho' finding
.gat,;•.,• 'Al.louctirdes., owpiri 0. isteit7141i4poaftwit hel.t)f a. pi4syhlt
.beicioadtip.ti.wediofuti:,ellin,ceiannt aps4rtlintee'rtahaeirfliyinin4 :. vvenreennilineereli' ashotolildd.ris atao.d 8:iihn:ioniaatna: and
I. e.l , 44 II. rrayr; . .
as its most .01411enging .exOnent. .11'.' out anY other wishes
inereadn.gly utitigell.
W11011 it: 14 ve111414 Ted :tho. three" 4aTveheNvreil.iler:bsteviltasi7t44.4t4p1e.'ise4OtL"..wrene. • •
andn icanrtyl:.. :eke:nate, e. :i:sht:''o. earth
. activity.'til,hrtfoa.e. : ae, the8 v i t'ac'e:- , ' , a:::e:er 01 ag u. :xi hittuoe6ueliu7lee,:::i,o Carolina,country
n'et in aaet:estheho ei :I :::*4!):inree it:
tioental areas are ideated along rivers twenty eight • species etect 'eee_tliteetes • •
pred by reopens", and sea's; and that • the. winter, .the enottbilled and the
as 'ikon' as. flyeleteingreas a versatile face ;...
send, at least, may 'belong in almost:. „..,
any per& of the enuntrer, '
IP •
tor •in ,the air future.....
-.Venn Cabet% cockleshell berlie open
ed the *ay' for the Bremen making
• The • bird is small„: somewhat
'color • inCeirb;:.' atn.tl40.'ehe .0itg .•
the Aelantic a conn•ecting liok between •ahout 'the buffliee and heakee,. ,
.eiihds one somewhat of .•the; mouse.
She .is seldom seen intheopen-Celia-
try, for no longflights are taken,
confinee-herself• to the belitiee.' .1f !Mk
is quiet he may e observe this little ••
bird as she moves about and Inay be:
able th some very chase ,without inter-
fering with the .honie life; •
Thewren is a great, singer eed,pro-:
noeteeee:EfirdPeeencl' Agiericderrather
then -a :divider of the, doptineete.' Ad-
vancing; beyond the 6ceengoing' vessel,'
the • etre-lane has-'xieen into the rarer
.elereent, where speed els, Inaged
four time's. Now the flying boat pro-
mises to eve the seas a new vile, that
of a landing field, present ali along
the air course.
Rivers aisle hssume •a new eignille= duces some very:laud icings for a °reap
. •
• , .
ance as cleatly marked lanes. tor air
• - •
olekeYS. quickly gather around visitors to be netted. and :fed, near Durban Natal, Attica; are here seen •
• • traffic. Free Of high • obstructione
above the water' eevel: they -offer at
theesame time clear air.highways, and
•gathering around a tendert% car, anxious for a nee, tjiriU
Boats at Anchor Soybean -in Onta
A Morning -Thought
landing fields cm ' which flying 'boats
-.,---- - like Ne* York, Ne* Orleans. and St
Let me tceday do soinething that abet! • ' , .. • ' ,
• '. • They II uponthe bosom. of the bay, • Are Soybeans a dependable crop to Louie, When New York is projecting
take : ,
gleaming theta!' • thin inist VeAlts grow in Ontario?e' Will they meetexpensive landing fleichi on the toptera
'A.. little sadness from the world's
:•• . la morning light, :': .. : .. ,some need that ner other crop does or buildings, in order „ter being' planes
- vast store, . . . °Leger to the city% center than hi:Pros-
:Of joy'aloo seantY Senn a little mote.. D1141111g and tieing with the :traceries have they a piece among the croese
'Like: white bli•de come' to resting qt:lestionii Am -Ontario Agricuiturel, taut - MOre than an . hones drive, : the
may come to rest Tiethe "nate ert cities
tide, j . now 'being grown? These and other, Bible with the preaent airports, all die-
• I
Get: mis to -night • leek -beck, aerate( the
s'ePan - -season like: the preseet cone' at mane points tie the Hudson or East
atter flight.. ' • • Pi:Siege hope,s to answer; at least twee value ot a iiiing.ship that can lend
, eonecience sey-e • . •
t3ea'ause ist some geed .act to beget or
"The world is better that I hied• '
day." •
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
Freedom of Speech!'
it Sp ta r (Lon -
Vita Nueva in .t e ec to,
Th�Thiliftitner 'atcgtillfe--
..'venturing,. •
They range wide *eters.
fading •light •
Return to furl their sane
fold wings, . '
And rest .in this' • :safe
" through tee night.
--131inche A. §
.. . . .. , .
. . . .
litidirie- -Ceraek-tic-a7seties- cif dernane ea. • ens _Mir& •ia• °belong. . • . , - •
. • . • now being carried. en in Weritern.f)n-. •.Antplane's ,that • depend neon earth
but with: twee.. ..', • .' ' •• ' '' - ' . ' landing fields become wider. present
... • "
The , Soybean, enative of Eastern circiiinstanCe.s: unprofitable Ete care
as birds Asia has been • grovire • extensively for iters • beyond ea certain increase , in
. centuries• in China and • Japan, where size, aviation engineers have pointed ,
sioniaChs' examined': 98' per. Cent. :Of • : • :'
. the contetits wasmade up of insects- .
r their elite • nd Only trrci per
thee so email.' When the nest ter Made
and Mrs. Wren As busily • engaged in
inctibatioti, .-Mr. Wren sits • otitside,
,close ,hy; and with his • head thicieen. •
backeesingseinteleit. _peeing he_wili Out
-hernseir*tth song; his little body shale.
leg Over with'vibratien.:.• • '
e•Th,e ..male •Clatk brown .1a color, ,
:betted some*liat Witia.hlicle. The
male is practically the same hiecolor
and Markings but itt a littie..smaffer in
sise, I1. is the.tentateethateinakes. the:
selection of the keine and attends .to •,•
all the ' domestic details.' .§o fare as
she is cencerned,Mr Wren:
never to retiitn, for she Wilt seen pick ,
atiether.,mate.-: ' • . • . ,•
In toed: habits the wren le entirely .
beneficial frit the toted is al/writers- e.
tirely 'animal: Of •a: great number of •
harbor At furnishes food for men and heatit. out, 'since the neceintity for rapid
climbing to clear obstructions around •
r landing areas causes the atruc was Vegetable feed. , TMs included '
bite Of g age w,hich ed evidently -been ,
don): I think that there is more Inde States. The gteen crop is' used for ratio than the carrying capacity. F1Y-
• • Its Cultivation hae extended to 'other ".•
awyer. • • countries , and there'is now very thei • '
r o se P cent. •
• large ecteage grewn in the Tenited t ral weights 'to increate in greater
h •
• • taken while capturing, insects. lie. 'I
pendent expreseion Cfeepinion in Eng..'
Th Sha o S hem
e nn n c e
hay, silage,.pasture and green manure, irig 'beets. with . Practically niilimited stomach content t d • h
Dublin Weekly Irish Times It :is, ' • ' • . . • , • , : s can eine grass e-
land than In Italy, but me need not •DO Y • • .. while the mature Soybeans provide 'them. to take off and lend, can be in- pers, beetles, 'caterpillars, bugs,- and
exaggerate its • ' impertanCe. ' etre are ndite certaid that the Shaneon seheme The meal 'is need for creased in 'size to a greater degree. J
can say what' we ,, • .upkeepcharges,-but also the -.
rant feeds, „etc.., and the ia made meal and en.
gradient. .!:, . ,. • ' decaying trees.' posts, Vinee, •And:..
siders The bird hi a great hunter
not so , • .
fine ' as we like to think We: mud eta.nd on its own lege, from linbreakfast diehes, diabettd foodsl• ite due. Or their move gradual climbing and searches diligently: about barne.„.":1:,
Like about Govern- I start. The consumer niest pay not.•
ments' and about everything eise in ,---o 4" into• bread cakes muffin and bis- ' 1. riles regions • • ' •
only the . .; .i, , . Fe, . Exploration of .w ide s.
Sinking fund and interest on the cap 1. spaces in wells. toreinsects. ' ' •
theory, but not hi• practice. Suppote cults. Oil from the Soybean is usedee
becomes siinpler through the liYing
ing, for instance; some writer were to -
MI' cost _of the -scheme For that rdea-: in the making of paints. eiceloilvere, boat,' which can land on Inell ta
- - n ii string, moss; and Oiliest any material , t
The nest is made up of sticks, gres-s .. • i .
Wish'. to attack tlit: ' national,ad,ver- son the creation of an enhanced wp;: waterproof goods and in many other 1 lakes that &Mid not be reached other- .1
!nand for current bre essentialaealiable. Often a gteat • quantity , of : ef _
'Users on whom the daily ,neweipapers ways. On eccount. of the large atitount 1 wise . without. extensisre• 'phIneering. sticks 'is taken into • Et brie, carried :put e, , • ( ' '
depend -4°r their supped: le it lately hope sincekely that :Mr. Cosgrave's of di in Soybeans they should' not ' be 1 Leeeteg -i
fieles await the flying hoat again and once' more the work Of car- : .. i
that any tentribittor... hoSiever di.te I -ee
rose' forecastwill be. 'illstified. by. re: fed teettOgs as they 'will Wake sOft wherever a sheet et water:glee:Ms and r• •
rying them beck begins Often severe -
i h Id • be free to develon and: that the ,dath of the :further 'Pork. -re • " ' 1 the itimiiihian • la'
all, eecept. • remember never to• the theory 'tha
• . , equ pped with wheels. al nests ‘4,111 be built in: the vicinity
t too ' Witch monee Is . • • • , as gen oug y many; . a
• development' of the Shannon will net In Canada Chis dee has been grown can also utilize one area 'available for and it h b th ht b th t
in a sinall way for many. yeere, hut
o.dinary landiegs. Airplanes that these were. pradice nests ,built by the )
scratch a Mosquito bite." spent on inducing the public to buy lbe postponed fclit mittny jeearres.e, Tanhtel
scheme is a co °sea en erp
in order to gain more definite i•nfor- seem
drugs, alcohol and 'cigarettes?, •Big open possibilities which, wait young of -the previou's year; °there • *
9 buainess, as cannot be, m,easured
11 =lion with Soybeans on a field -scale i•
e only for attention to the .details; such .
say it is a peculiarity of. the bird that
, , tong as it remains sue -1118 .,uee"s
• elerms of mere money. If the Govern- Lthe Ontario Agrieultural College ar-eis discovery of light metals which, it tries several nests before making a
Sing, lad*, while you may .
C , . , p
which tario to each grow two ades this sea.
bums big business supplies. in nab, the. economy of the pree. State,
will take its place • among the most son,. one acre 'of the 0A.C. No. 211
the 'Same principle is apPliedeto Gov -
variety ' and one acre of the Ma,nchti
ernment. The country needs a ttrong ptogreesive countries of the world. elt
'Sing, Lad, While 'You May ceseful and, treats' its. workers fairly, , . -
neent s . hopes are realizede a complete --
ranged • with tieventeen farmers along t
w 11 stand -un under contact .wt h salt final decision. • •
The-wree le not Pertieuler as •,te the •
• • .
is generally treinune from criticism,e .
fife.'erfain• highways in •Western On-'•
Irenew: erientetion will , be given to
water, for, a fuller„ realization
tinder the sun; ,' 1 t the
Soon cometh end of day place of building but will take up its ,
And night begun. . abode in boxes, tin cans. or erevices.
As the chilMn in -the !schools of
One • family built. in . the body of a
, is •far ton Sean, howeVee; to count the variety: Each acre plot is divided, hawk which bad b 'I d t b '
been nat e o a barn
They .weep who mit. ' • lem is gverned by the facto rof price inches apart for seed production and G.reece were trained in the _knowledge
Ask not of gay or sad; Ebannoe. chickens. The whole p 0 one hall being in TOWS twenty-eight
pilob '-another built 1 nthe skull of a
Till aching hearts, lad, • OE learning and liberal arts, the c11ld.cealf;,
Are blowing dust; • ren of the Persians attended their
teit, No matter where the bird takes
still another built in a nold mit- - •
. , school. sfor the sake of learning Pis -
And. fragrance of the May. lien. In order to accompiish this ob-
.• possession, it pours Out its 'thanks' in
Or sound of laughter jeet the mete quickly it was thought. and
sweet song. ' The house is kept clean
The wind has borne away, . Insufficient , to aceustom , only their and free from vermin.
Come not hereittter. ears to instruction In justice, but they • six to eight •eggs •are laid. They
executive; as long as It retains the
support .of the bulk of the popl1104.1011
410 one is allowed to discuss the com-
petence et Signor Mussolini and his,
and, until tlot iehnoWn, rejoicings or
lamentations will be premature. •
the other half drilled in • for hay:
Women in Politics
Kim in the Byeetandet• (London) :
, Women are bad pOliticiaes, because
as individuals they are limited 'in vi-
sion. If her husband drinks, the wom-
an elector will ptobably demand pro-
•F, •
- "Freedom of the Seas" Anglo-American Under-
' Inelsville Couriet-Journal: "Free- ' atindine
dom ot the, seas" has been a fighting ' . . - . , .
watchword. of this ' country in more "Amitue" lie the Fortnightly Re -
'than one wet, and it is a prinCiple View • (London): An EngIish-spealt-
that; this country has violated with: ing union ma at present be beyond hibition for td1. If she thinks war punishn,acnt for every erten , Thus the,
Were taught to give just opinions on
all matters which. came Up among
them, and to fix upon -the, proper
Out 6? the. heart -break,
• And the strife,
Slug-Arist your dust. ache
With fruistrate - '
-Charles W, Kennedy in be Virginia
' tluarterly
British Capital for the Empire
are of a creamy color and so thickly
spotted with brown that the whole
egg 'appears tingedee-Dttielb Animals.
impunity in more than one 'Sear when our hapes; but a complete Engitsh- cruel and Wicked (as -it is, and so is teachers, as public instructors in jug
it stood in the way ef Vietory. The -speaking understanding based_ctu nature) she is quite likely to insist on tice, devoted a large part of the dati
diserniament, thus leaving the nation to hearing and correcting these Opini, Arctic Expedition
history "fof the world is replete with friendliness and not fehr is an objec-
regitietions for the ,Protection of neut. tive that Is • certainly ,poseible ot at- PnWerless in any emergency. A na- ons of the chilcirene-Xenophon.
ral tommerce adopted ,after war and tit:fitment! Caniede • has practically no
inteirpeeted to :euit 'their conyeniente, arrnY or nevY. but Canada and, the
tion %governed by Rh -womenfolk. is -in
a deeadent condition.
se. Thou ere not the more holy for be-
Vow can a man. who lives witout
a program ever expect .to arrive ber-
where but in chaoei: confusion_ A,
At Pangnirtunt
by 'helligerent8 in the neet. Vigra is United States understad each other,
. .Ottawa -A Wireless message reeeiv- -t
, .
and no gems or armaments are neces- •ed Tittirsday morning at the, North,' I
Caleutta Staiiman; .At the Oal- '06 almilarity between a War and a
.cutta ;dinner Sir Basil Blackett Me prizefight, governed by Alta Marquis of fiery *on their herder; Friendship west Territories and Yukon ,branch
counts' for More than force Canada's ing praise„d, not the more worthless eleat-eut purpose has a Potverful in- of the Department .cii Interior from
pressed kb; own beliet'ilffit:the oPICir- Queensberry rules, becaus,e there is
• '
thensand miles Of. international for being dispraised: Whet than are, fluence upon the, life.. It 'Unifies our.
nei 'referee in ma` tuiles'ihe neutrals. three Gecrge P. Mackenzie, 'Officer in.:charge
teee ette. 'border could not be prOtear-SrbY:the that thou art ; neither by words Canal efforts and gives directionto our wet* of the Canadian' Arctic expedition.
combine to restrict .hostilities;
ilutsfriendship inahes thou be made greater than what•thon. so "that every blow counts. •
Periitidi te that ls a perintnt contact Enirliih Nall. stete'd that- the S,S, 130othic arrived • "
between isolationists„ and Eig .NaVY tCliiiiida secure and can do the same
ment new to a land thet. in- tore my
polfticar dissension. If an account
wore strenic at the. present. time it
would be astonishing to discover. ho*
much in hard ,cash India is e paging,
and bow much more she will be,corti-
pelted to • pay hi the future, • ref the
luxury Of unrest. The higher price
' are, thileett; out of
. ,: .
theit cellars re- that has to be Paid for.
largely a reflex fit mitt unce
' i•tuigfis beiehe ritrieent: • • . .
0........; .e,$etitedoifiele' a ttaeles Will recur at thee Mind of •the capitalist as to the
future and that. higher price la Met,
le.retwO or ixtre€,Itgift: intervals. the planes
‘. •••r•-pa.S44g. Over the city from One side to 'Yealey• by the; Ifidtan taxpeyer. indiais
. , • ...the othele eau eeeeteeeee 1g „a sea main, need is .cmanotbeey ofehrtaidhevedeloopainiyenitn.
. or a ne ele po 80nOns g., es where That. money
II '1" ' A . r . ' .14.4. -
• a cottille of beuirs• before httndreds of antali wetter° troni internal resources.
thousands of people were alive. An Theeday Will come When India ‘ Can
'..sittaek° on . Berlin • wrelcl he Carried meet (ill her needs, Until that day
, ,... t nit en •"tifeeisely. this wale', If only' dawns' every . isYmptom Of : uhreste
•' - 'ft single rignadron Of „pieties !batted political or fticitaitrial. is a definite Mae
, eitifIetidi. etch:deeded 'hi reaching the couragemerit' to the • °aside capital'
' city, .e.qd „operating in , good orlerthat seeks inereetteent in India. .
over ."thertity-ler• only hall un. Inair,„:4, . .. , :,., .
• . .., .„,. " lpitileenty • not a anal wnald be left,
,iiIIWil---telit'ot; Vireatetelleetill;eelmnP'
In -a, teee..ot 'teed' teieet dietatit ealltirbir•-•'-- ' . -Wfisilom •
. islaio.zoltdreg tiKserts. aclit Prue is Men who Oak tlitinigelyeti WiSe • be..,... '
no nagiitVehitifinW detenie diatfiltt et- ileve:011,6thlitg tilt thor prof._ men who .. . .
• ;. tickfrom theair and the only hope are *tee ocateee ttitything tut A' ee.
1-les.aie.! ettackieg the 'tamely'. • to 'the tytotja,810, gitor meet' et:'Cl.itf"
. , •••,..• :;..
...A.t--- --..t.t.,*sy;:,thivi-fehefilt: will: !ittp, ',14..r.a.„,„_..i,,,;„•;„4.,.....i....:- ,•,.,_ .4.:_, .4 ., : • i ._'' , - • -.. .
- -.frghffuI1 iVaiti' Itt. stretight" /V • Ultb • ' ' • e,,---.'-'-''',‘"*. • - - •• ,
. ,
tilatotitc.cits' Would lie With the OW. • ' '' • ' , gdifites
• : et.',Ifiat- Wag .61516 ..tO Ott the greater : .
• lifinfifer oft the ritomy's imainied:Peo-„,.,, geirile 'bOok8..ilte. edifinefe to ' stand as.
'•';' •IiiO.1". -TO- 404,- witit.,the..wviyclrn, .a (1,1,0 are: bent:. Seine are hefee-e g-,65-66.
fat4114 e e ye d i.,.. i. roma ires -- war • *lin ' te-MY to form a pelt of ,future itliffeek
' -- bacteria% which is not -get so elearty„,' some' are qtaerfed • from Whieh stones .„ ' ' ; e -
• .. „tterteeefe,ei as \WI.W. ,viiktil eae, • latti a,rd:1,0,6..sprit fer.ihaphig and .after .... • .: .." ' .7.:4-....
, Possito5ity 11 releaerreg tenni aivpiwnes- neWileinicle
. ' .11:thillY, todbod and
.. ,
Knowledgo is a treasure at once
priCeless, and imperishable.
fiir the ivhole British Empire.
A man's worth is estimated in thee
world teecording .to his coedget.--La
art i the sight of Cod. -Thomas A
'Robots', ",',• '
'I -Tubby -Don't bring ,me any *tore
' Every marealiould be a. stets school. 'safely at Pangnirtung Post on. Cunt,
Master to hiniself. elle cannot Sit and beriand Soiled at 4 PAW On Ang, ."t "••
take It easy every thee he has the ote The voyager treat Potid Inlet down
pOrtunity; he cannot fie abed until he the east coast ,of Bailin Leland, Seithn,
bifis; I tan't face them. Wife -You feels like getting up: in the morning, call at Clyde 'River settletnet..Wag un- 4
needn't, darling, I only want you tO and work only when he is hi the eventlel. There was Much ice in • .1
foot theminood, and yet Eireount to anything -sight. but Captain Falk, master of the.. •
Ile must learn to master his moods „net 4111C, rOlItta 41 safe passageway be -
A' Social Spread
end to force' himself to work Co mat- tweeti the bore fee nd. tbe middle
ter hohe feeleM'! Oa-, WifiCh .ntotrod • about: in Baffle-
. '
sy .-:O.S..
-... '
,„---- , ..
. ---
. Ray at ' this . season.
,WORTI-I' • At Panenirtuirg ell were ssr.'*ell and •
A mt,
an pasees for eat lin is w6rib.. the sVork of unloaeileg supplies was
Whathe.is ,engravcs itgelf on his faee, proceeding, veldt 'he :Tress lee was des -
on his form, on his features, to istters. patched Dr: L. 'D. Livingstone, he 0,. •
of !tette • • 'concealment avails ••liirla 1 has been thee resident physician • On' 1
aSthhig : !boast lug, nothing; Men know 1' Re:0in Island since last Angett 'will
hot Wilr they do not trust bite.' It yew embark -on the Beothie, and hie pleat ...,:. •
wouid -not be known tn de. anything, for the ening Year Will be taken - by .
haver do, it A Mari may plaY the tool Dr. I-1 A. Stuart, who will, leave the.
In the drifts of the desert,. but • every ship 14 Patignirtung, as he, will else%
grain'. of 'sand shall 'seem to see, : tie , make his •headquarters at thie point. 4
mei be re icilltery eater,, but he • ettn., The next Port Of -call will be •Leke -
pot keep Os foolish counsel. A•brolinn Harbour. On the eoutit Coast of .11affirt
, :atieteeixte.t;eilicatieitde.i_47tre:0, ataliimsivoicrati:shatrio6okko, twungretten:tt2 :_..piselifirriedy. .sino"PNati.idweeheo Rhtar:ist.peptli.terweatt, '. 1
, e tacntliri 'hi ft:tektite e servey„ 0,:_i_Ar:
1 -''.---- ' ' -4, _ . : -....,-"Jlifejor.the Depa.r.tiamit-crt.the,interlet-
One thill.14. sstf:"trel.7ilillvEleicil•hlib-l'a'fi. .ke. te-' -del. %evri'elele,°}Iii:da-sertitk -1‘1-11.171.e. ttolle'Clig::::'---„,--e-uld5,':„--g---: -....:;:-..
.,. ,
t, Children ain more :intlifedne-T-fliati4:11:"' t'l•e'l .41144' 8"flit.° wilittliat` t ' ,• '''' •
filea,s; they • novo leetge at a peeetet let. , what rft, Livingstotie wirsupefr ' ----c--„,.
refer iniposinge eeetteete -gene louvre: vise the unloading of Suptitlee for •the
esTehereganaSerty_etteseti Meal har...buliding 'n.'cl. et:111101*M of the neW •
. .
eggg enjoy s !special epreed mi the lawn of the
ool ogleal Gard en s, Londen,, bleglatid.
.41 at9 eoteteetter „met_tleVd ined-TeeTt1t6it1ht Mit e.Z'tt tiff- ,
nxi#rny.feiicitWenria hat we'6n ItrIr /rtilum:ff'' after -1/1•*-"tIttl*
things of the', seine 'nature.
.The tazdelL ntan so fey heetct from
this yeirr s a Haireitenian who rides!
-rt Model, .T.Forti 4. he won't hav
to k crock the • eshee from his c iger
• ReSPOtigibility ;
• -
tteeponeitillitY Must be ehottei reit, er
ytni cantioit iyIt under ynur arm.