HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-08-29, Page 4• • aye' heard of M. Ut 33 millions' daily Of Dorothy Dix, s. n name, whose aho aboyo, was tly during her stay 'at 0.9.0010,1.4. DAMAGE.. e -,,OV Brant is likely to 4in forbeavydamages in connection 9..0" of William Be1decIi a. r .who 1.19,0t his lile by is Or over the abutment 01 8 bridge in the township, Wide* was 'driving bome::44,1ter Mghtilt-Ine• dark nifd ,fOggyi and the ear rniasing the bridge 4r8OOod Wont. eleven feet into the water, it and the body of Bel - deck -Wfge-1090d1he-ne*deriv--0.141. ,APIIPatie9 of the, body 00100. Alif (1%44 wivi -0.4t4.0.4 blow. on Ow best/ evidently reSerketl in the .1.44;land not tralo drowning as Was at tIref thought. , •" • The bridge had :recently beea ro- built, and the officials 'sav 'that the approaches were protected the same • as they had been .before, • It Is '6.30)upted that the ividoW will enter action against the ton/418hio for •'damages, on the ground that the -.an, • .proacit,to the bridge was net properly protected. I ' . ' ;,• ' • ' 'ACCIDENTS -AND COMPENSATION lednett, in Cintekte ae;hrelieni all previous - records in the, nuMber- 'of accidents reported to the ,WOrke:ien* •Compensation Beard, 'there . having. •,;been. 8,538accidents reported in or ait•IXic,rease 01 4,150 over July :year. ago," ,and 260, more than the muni- ber reported for, °debar, ',10.20, which was the highest preyjoris record sine the commencement of Act in 1615. The fatal cases riuriiiicied• 43 for July as against against 40 in July 1928.-, Thetotal benefits awarded. in-jalk amounted' to 6716,649.28, of which 2692,616.36 was for coMpentiation to ,injUrecL-werkersbr, their dependants and 124,033.92 for Medical Add.. In July, 1224 the. total Wrielitrtawarded amounted to, -$613,600.48. s ' • R. • B. Morley, general' Manager.. In- dutitrial Accident Prevention Associa- tions, speaking ; of these figures, says thatmanyof-the reports:Aetna:Com- pensation Board relate to 'minor, in- juries, which,: in, former. Years, :Were Considered "onlyias 'fait aid eases. The -recordii--Of-theL.GompensatIori:-Baird- show that forty-nine percent of al, loweddemi involve payment for, medical aia only. The iriereasie total benefits, however,appears to include some severity and Mt Morley„ states that it is evident industry Must give More attention safety' work. • ThM.records of the Clustrial 'Aceident,. Prevention Assoc- iations show that Many of the larger armsemploying from 2,50, itp: are giving close attention to aceldent pre- vention and are getting' reatifts that are satisfactory both to -executives and workers: According to Mr. Morley attributing 'accidents to the careless - nisi of 'workers is nolonster. accepted A goodexcuse because the so-called "carelessness"' Of employees is simply an admission of lax .supervision in the the llanff Springs Hotel. She wae on her Way from New Orlearia,.her home* to VancouVer, iihenee 'she sailed for tt.trip to Alaska aboard the Canadian Pacific' steamer Princoss Charlette. • 1 • 'KINLOUGH., #t"0 -Cat the me aide liodgins Iast week. and 94 friend's. and relatives ' • 'z o Rer Mr Alien of itleatrat • • e Anglican church here ;• , 41•01•••••••11•111•111 'PINED 6200 AND SENTENCED.. 416 THIRTY ..DAY8 IN JAIL 7. • *. (Listowe antler).7 • . 2.tr, Wzii. Cialbrititii;' Eima, 'peared ociere ecince Magistrate :T.. On Stithrday, August li nook two LnirgeS, laidTh7'ihief Wil Ben.' . One Was .for being Mtokicated 'MO _was a .keeOnd ••offence, under See-, .tioa . 81-2. of the Liquor Control Act :and upon his ,Plea 01 guilty, he was. given the minimum o‘ 1.0000 and 'costs and .With the option .of .4 months. Lie, paid the fine. The Other churge' $A as for •driving cut agtorriehile While intoxicated, and upon this he pleaded guilty and Wes given a pew alty: of 30 (lairs in jail; •„ . ' On Pridav afternoon wh14e driving out Wallace street and woobling afl over the road,'. Mr. .Galbraith'struck struck a wagon driven by, M. , Otte Nickel, 4th con.; 'Wallace: His ear then ran, up • on the: „lawn of „Wm.c; Stricher 'and J. R. Burgess; carnehack to the pavement and then crossed' a portion of_the lawns of E. S..liudson and Mrs. Hanna on the oppoeite side Idie street 'before he 'brpught it to: L -Mr. Nickel Was thrown backwards. into hid wagon and received slight in- jories his head: The Wagon' was dainaged,, one 'Wheel being broken off; The harness was liriiken and the Not! • es suffered. Minor cuts. '711r. Nickel; Was -fortunate .in escaping a.s lightly as he did for the accident 'Might eats- heea much More seripus. • • • *BLoOD OAMAGE COMES MOB wqb will met o atA).* •31st at the henna of s Grace Haldenby., • - ” visited ' her dau- ht�r Mrs. 11. of Owen.:$onati, .„ : and grand Aanki:40,:mlOv .Ifean Wall 'returned, - home from Tonawanda U. S. accoMp.' anied by Mr. Clifford . Lloyd. hIcLetni,i and,.:PV8lin;`, ra.'11,',Orahn* Kathleen „meter- Weeit' tayluk. Wes.. • abintosh'and family to tlieir'-hohae retUfning, home •. Siiiidey. ,t• evening. ' ..7. ; • '• Hodgins ,entertained .ritinaber of girlsat .a birthday 'Part)" on TridaY afternoon in honor Of . her. • niege ldiee;Bidriey..,Parry..of "Detroit: Mr. and Mrs. po,„. Haldenby and .:fitlitili:With,:lifr,a,nd Mrs,:11. McGuire and - family MotOredTtir-, Toronto last 'week and teak hytha'opening.dayei .of. the. Ex. , • . Mr. P. Stehtaghee of Stratford % was. a Week end guest of Miss Grace Held= : hip. Iitalquiray of Teeswater has- been renewing old aemihintaMesin - the :. vicinity. '7 ' _. Thocorairitinity well greatly shecked to learn of. the, sudden death, of Mrs. Hiram, Shelton. We extend Mir:Sincere • sympathy to the ;bereaved. faMily..7 Mr. and 108, Chas.' Gillespie and • pari Of • Wiliteehutelt.- were -Sunday •-Visfteed • at Jas. liddgitts. • ' :Ur .nod Mrs. Jno.- Barr and twin -babes visited at Wm. Peeey'S on St*7 deurs:ey, and her grand -daugh- ter. Miss Conrad. of Dagen" .returned to theiOnillibe after visiting for some • • time *With ,Me. and Mee Wes. Mr..Robt. McLean . has.. PUrchased,a new Chet.' Sedan. • •• The Anglican Church Garden Par- tv held Aug. 20th,, was a great•Onecess The weather proved• very, favorable • and A._,splendid; ,supper and program •. ivgaenioyed hrv the large crowd "Which attended. • 1 pript UM-1ff Sto.. N T.1 g14 , . atedaY onjng at Lue1rzp1.Opt4rzo' - , • A..D, 1.1#.40#41%. Proprietor or. THW RDA*, ^i'vialltiT 29th 102* THE,'IOEDS.4011),).PREE sr.004 :ThEire, has: 'af 144 been,' a greet -SOU- .,, , trovereY, •; Teraitta •Oaer, the Preyellr' 1,,, Oen of ,suf: yea -ale reetlas announced to he half by that neley element, known as 'the otreds.q.”- ' ' Tba.-Yagetillef vo** al* a Way,1,.as to constit the:: Of.iii4e, 'iis. the '.°7 friatibete44liei, did • unced inapeb - a ehalleaffe .to authorities had' Police' to see. fe.. it that no. sueb .meeting should be, held-. • ' •' • • . Officials of of the:W: •B Foshay CO. of 'Minneapolis, owners of the Walk -- piton Electric Co. estiniatee .:that has already cost them' some .640,000.. to, repair the • damage .dime to their, power dam in Walkerton' caused by the spring fiodds of the Sau.geen Riv- er.: This much , higher'. than was at Lfirst.estimated. and is ,sti11.7-not :the end; as it is expeeted it 7.411 take an- other month :to. Completethe work. ••• 'Engineers; .•tentractOrs and. • two 'sore Men have: :beep emPloyed. 'oti the, work the 'n'ast three :months, and they have, on ,variPui occasions 'receiv- ed severe setbacks,- owing to ,beds of ouickaand and. -shale •-hottoma, making their appearance. .' • - Pitie:Spott On.Foott Rhrer • a 371 - Expert- anglers. from Chicago, $ew York and other 'Crated States eities, as Well as, Canada, are jiist . now in the throes of the big fish . Contest at the rteitelv.ItiVer Bunga- low Camp 'Which has been One a to major 'Prizeff of anglers on this , Continent' SOT the past lew*.yearso to--dittothe-letick-4ait-li*o taken-by7, muskie but there. ,19 silIl thriato beat oven:this ntonter. 4 �f -47,-(-)ot intereat tO anglers' M the fat that the Camp is on the; Mainline of the Canadian Pacific 'Railway and iff. tiCaording1y2ea,s1i3r , accessibI toSpOnellieli-freitt thd large Cities. In addition to fish - 'Inc facilities of the highest 'kind there are also ample opportunities Lor eatioeing for hundreds of miles °vol.' se ' of tlawfinest streams and 141te/4.-01.--t e..-.1toribrilirdogitt*.0Outti ttIe 00104 untlovost4 by volAtor ' HQLYR 001) • Miss .Isabel Chesnut has purchased . . a new FerdrPoach ,Poin-111.adersott agent. at iiicknOw: , 'Miss Myrtle .Caidtand' is assisting with the 'work at Mit! Murdoch Me! Mr.' Will Itotriton who: had the Misfortrine- to be kicked: by a horse is"tlie•Winghttm Hospital for trea- tment. " • • Mr. 'and Mrs: -Ernest Ackert and family Motored ,,to London recently' for the - day. ' . . Mr. and Mrs. Clancy from Tatiffili FlOride were Sunday visitors at the Purvis home.' . ,Miss Gwendelyn Ackert entertain- ed four of. her teachers on -Wednes- day, the Misses :Jean Bab, Teeswater, Mary Netzainger. London, Agnes' A., Donohue,, Brantford, and Laura Barn- es of Harriston. •' Mr. and Mrs. Hockley and family Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and family; Mr. and Mrs. Dickenson and family' held. their manual Picnic recently and greatly enjoyed the da. Mr, and Mrs. Thontas •Henry,• Rap- id City wern'i.eeentvisitore'With Mre • Murdoch McPherson. • • Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Menaresand and faniily front Memphis, Tenn., who have been holidaYing with their •uncle John Purvis, leftby motor for their lionte on Monday.: •• • ' Mr. and Mrs. Peal* Purvis and son who belie been holidaying With • friends here,. left for their home in Vale Oregon a few days ago. • . • Milridargaret .Colvin, ' N. Of Cleveland, who i holidaying at her, .licone in Tekswater i a guest Of Mrs. 'Abner Ackert. J. Miss Douhledee of. Wrorter spent a few diiya recently Witsh' • Eadie. • - • Mr; Joint. MacDonald 'and daughter Frauds- from Kansas Cit, Mo. AO ,have been .holidaying With his broth- er-in-law, Mr. John PtirVia, left b3 • Motor for their hinne on Saturday. ,,, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Aellert and children ,were Sunday Viditors.', at Ethel:. They. were accompanied' home ,hy Miss Winiiified Ackert ;who' had -spent the past ,week• Withifriertilt4 at theL ±..the regular- nieeting Of Ow 1,1-31a 111 be. held --at the bootie of Mrs% ariest Ackert. Topic, Home as Community Centre, by Mrs. Waiter liodgine. Director,. -Mrs, _Eldon, Eck- Miavviller, toll Call "Recipe foi“.Pick. tee Adtlfeas by. Rev: Gallaher "Lea- • gue of Nationt.'' Plower, ,Cditest— Home graiivr! intite than nine Mooing ,of olinthilut or OSMIUM Linich the,. 8�U 1411, 'hits 1.1044 41140 0111 1104101)11( ' When'a efeWd gathered in.the'park` and awake* Were about .te_addionis. it ;the. police ordered .everybody out of the •park. 'There were - 'Oriole of : the pollee having treated kerne of the people roughly, but these 'stories, mostly, told by those who hate,,the police and all their wed* *lie ...quite' evidently grossly egagg?Olteilifi Utterly false.. iThe.,-•mein, yObti.„.reis.ed,...7.110wever,' was the wisdom Or otherwise of per- mitting speaksirsto address a publie. Meeting, when the knoili purpose of . , the Said 'speaker # Was to preach sedi- tionthat is -thes.defiance of at auth- ority-andthe-otertheoeLof_constitut-. lonal government. -.. - . , • There are tht :tithe maintain that ,theae4ant...40010 blatherskites should be allowed to preach what they like to anybody whe)ricty care to listen to them, while OA rs contend. that the preaching of se1 ,ition and achrocrtey of aimed"rebellt n should he "nipped in the bed," aest that the way to do this is prevent Ihe teaching: ". ' • The r police, .,iiiaps, . were ' a little permature ill:tit tr action , when . they ordered the pep le; -to leave the park a .befOre the speng began. A better • . ., 4 go on until they -actually began to:ad7- course might h . to let., the . speakers vocate sedition,a. and then net only stop them but 'tree , ti; it that they should never have another chance it that sort 9f Oleg. Jail and clepoetat4 tion for every' one of , them is - the remedy. ' .-•' PROVINCIAL Pxot:OKAN - 41r, Sinelair, leader ofthe Liberal :patty in Ontario, has been declaring:• for, 8Onle time that there 14, provincial election in Onter,10'tl,04 fall be :4/14170;9tt yhei:.;.oi,7 to 00 • Premier Ferguson said some time ago, ib4t. be 440-44e934:-**It'e-: about it, or something to that effect. ,P1:ledoettence,mr u i:ntot4 go 04initg4,04,. teol 1 , Athenw0 •mther -One. Ferguson 'said that when . a (Petition arose on which it seemed advisable to gonaelt the People, there lAreuld. be an eleet14147.-Whether the .InFliement hed run its 'full time or not. ' • ' But that had nothing 'at all to _do ,l.1‘;-Pat;'ts e time for an election when the par- ty. With :nagers think the .1• • There may be :9et:ePieIn:)4:ePPiwhich IeCster:13 unfavorableetet In :7thatteite it is Wise to have an .election before that unfavorable condition ,be- comes top 'Strong, • • • Theta can he no, doubt but there:* a rising tide, el sentiment' against the goverement's liquor policy. Fifty mil- lion dollars Spent on liquor in one ,year; drunken men driving automo- biles; drunken *en and-heYs again familiar on 'the streets, 'drunken girls Innoking-ancl-swearing-in-peblie.-411 these are causing people to weeder if *government centre', is really a, good ..11(itlor 'Policy. Every day they are ma. king 'enemies for •the government. ' " •This ant -liquor, sentiment -is not; yet organized -and -should orgallized-arid-lheuld '•an-Okeetioit ' be nulled eft in, the near future it would . find n� peliticaf expreddionlar. `The-Liberal-Party.polloyres-rinnounc.i ed. by Mr.; Sinclair„ is the seine is the Conservative Party.' Policy.. Mr. Sin- e believes that geVernment, con - 1 had the backing of pnblie. *via! Aic;i11`;:b 'ire is really no oti;e — :i big issue. •In other matters the Ferguson Gov - eminent appears to be doing reagan- 'itbly Well .There is nothing 'Nat 'now' • in .sight to brierabout defeat. , " Should an appeal to the electcirs be made, the government is certain of victory, and - government -Acton* Will be taken by. the politicians, stO mean -an endorsation of government • control as a liquor policy: We need not boaurpriatid if we db have an 'election in.November. ' r : .• • -:, •„4. oterito - 'Iliebilileif * IsPrVtitc; . ' • i lippe4ra . there can be little ft 'goo deite Int ,4 e :World Withent pro- ducing some 'he .:The :charity Which helps the nefiktunete, and of which • every intelligerdi person approves; en• courages linprbyidenee. • There are men (More Man than women) .so lazy and so mean that when they see a chance to view starvation through 'charity will malfe noreasonable effOrt to mita e,liviiiit, : ... . It is 1,epti4 tilat the city ef Toronto is'OgOn.lecolcing forward tit baying an army of 4unOtal4oYeki' to care for dar- ing the ootor, 4.levir of these May be •deserving,hat 'there cannot litst doubt that • nettelY all: the destitution which this unemployment means is due to • virastefulrihss Or a refusal t� Week under coritt1o0 which an honest Min would 'gladly arfcept, Theother day 4 Toronto magistrate sent a min:to-Jail' for 30 days tolling him that he, (the • magistrate) ' believed that he dimPlY didn't want to work.'• . Much • of this- inteMplgyment in the big cities, !inutile Merely that the un- employed pima won't work unless be. :can get eaeasy job at big pay, and that too where he Can have frequent 'access to the pleY house. or gambling den. Jail 411 jail fare is good enough Or this ,e0et. ' • CARELOOSNESS AND . . C.QMP,ENSATION A .Mr. R. a. Morley, manager of the tnenstrial Accicierit, Prevention AMP - dation,. States 4hat eareiessnesi—of tele. party °Wird 3i1-tird 1iOtin 01 ncei-;•. deets, is no lcinier aeeepted as a tea - son why compelleation should.not be granted. the Compensation Board taking the vieW, that 4`cstrelesciness ori • the part ot:an employee Is evidence of g lax ,•eurierv1eien..01 the plant;• ,. Here we beech iiirther • evidence of the teedency to view, the arage-earnera. as an, unthinking machine While 'true` that machines 'and :Planta, 'rny de needlessly dangerous, there -is still .qed.te a large; lleili lot the exercise 01 Teafoinalle .cere on tht part' Of-wprk- era. Of course feer..Want to get hurt deem When ititiciana idieriess with- pay • Wit . there it such 'a thing iscarelss. • Mies mid. Workers. should not he led to • beliOr that they. are Wholly 'Wes; potisiblefine accidents...The. element Of danger never can be Wholly eliminated .,Wilere • effective: machines are used, and .injttry can.be nvotded only-10Iw ,W11t011111, 40,4.9t the 9O*S19t0'..4.114. porn. .1 e'ie i and ltre • s. ch. ocarships at .lidaG111.11n1- . . Montreak. , Covering five yearstuition ,,for .enniloyeei :,who are nitnere or-minor.i Sons of bin- ployees have been awarded -by. •the Cana,tian Racific .RailWaY.this year, , clue to Co P. StUrdee, son orn. P.. Sturdee, assistant goner*, . pessea- ger agent and' the other to. William P. Minion, son..of John Dunlop of .. the pension department of the rail. • • way at the bead office of the Com- • pany-The seholaishipe provide for one, year's tuition -in the ticultiof arts followed by telly 4years! In ireldtectOre, chemical, Civil. me- •, 'chanicei or electrieal engineering. ,RIght Hon. .Witiatoa*ChurcbllL Chaneeller of the Exchequer in the. late Baldwin ,Governnient In Great Birtain1'. al rived in Canada recently • on the. Empress .of Aiistralia and made a tear cif the country from Montreal to Victoria. ' He 'visited Toronto,. Hamilton, :Niagara Falls, , Winnipeg, Regina., Edmonton,. Cal-! • gary, Banff; bake Louise,'BicaM- °Ili, Vancouver and -Victoria. 11. Will 'leave the latteecity September • • 5 arriving at Seattle the 5411210 ing. He travelled Canadian Paci- fic railivity and steamships -during the *hole of his trip. . Pgrchased fora sum in excess of • $50;000,- an 'oil painting of Lord Peterboreugh by Ste Anthony Van Dyck, court painieg• ,te King Melee L, was tarried by the -Canadian Pa- cific • Express Company by steamer Montrose. • to. . Montreal 'recently, I .very • special preeatitions, being . '• taken to ensure safe delivery.- It , woe boOght byA.J. Nesbitt, prom'. ' nent huffiness leader of Montreal.. • Conn:nerds! 'apple crop in the province of Nova Scotia -thiti year. *111 total..aboiit: 1.509,000 barrell, about. 420,000 barrels more than, • Year.__ThelOntarioorop ' inflated at 770,000 bail*, up 000 barrels. over 1.91i. The Britt* Ceitintbia crop .: Is igoad'it, tot: 100' 'boxes, about 19 per dent: %es • than jest year.. The 'raspberry. /Op is reported good all • OW Mead- . , As a result of etlierimenis ;Cot- cincted Over several years gest. et the Canadian Pidetil. De- partment of Agriculture test' Mint- ed that -two or three 'varietiel Of • ' wheat have have been at developed that will resist Ttlat4. No .immet : • have •Yet heart given the, new vole. thrittlied It WII1 be two or three, With befOre they can he produced • „sufficbint qestritities ter seed Rant Andersen,: his two daughters, and two ions; are the first settlers -td arrive for the new Danitili Colony .in Rants County, Nova Stotts, Which is being pro; ' moted .by the Canadian 'Pacjft� ,Colettlia.tiori, and. bee01011. •• pieta -Ilefartniiiit They have goilff • 44! the *Oak •411.441- Whifththq • puriMilit kit,* - ; 441001404 IOC: * e4,it . o,olvOi Owl bibbilis Here. .the 1929 tire for the 1929:car: • Noar 1 design„and construction • Entre thick tread deep;ent blocks to • give greater nim-elcid mileage. ' Rugged:cereals is built With web Cord. it 'Ime. strength Where 1929 'notating' Coe- 7-.'--- • ditions demand it Side-walls are itrongly • buttressed toTaoist rut-1rd* m•-•-ith wow:. . ior safety and long Mileage, for the Job your 1929 car his to do, the new Royal Cord le the one iire for ion ' BOYS. SEEK ADVENTURE • • There has been a good deal of an- xiety in tne nettle of • William Mer- chant of Brant Townshipthe •past week oteer. the . disappearance. Of his son; James Mere -tient, a laci of 1. ,er. Merchant had employed on. his ,farni an English' lad, 17 years of age, :whom he had *got a few Months- ego from the isarnardo Home, .and itp- peal* as though the tvvo lads had, ;made. Oft 'together. ' •Thei were sent to a field some distance from l the farm house • to Work on Saturday Morning. They tailed. to come hoe for dinner:, itrui • on a search being made they could net be fel* aboet the place. On Sear - citing the ['English boy's room it was ' found that his grip Ind-Otha belong hilts were .gotie..so. MT. :Merchant de, ,;Cidect that -the two lads had gone off • together in quest Of adventure in the • green fields ' far • away. It was soon discovered: that the bciys had been seen- in Forinosti viUage themorning of their disaPpearande, but Where theyWent from there could not be ascertained. The matter was reported to the tonnty and provincial police, and the liklihood is that the pair have • been discovered and sent home before tide time. A WORLD' APART_ WheiLiciu leave thesteamer Of Temagami" .yo,u are in a quiet re- treat seemingly thousands of mires from the noisy Workaday world. Peace and quiet are the aid laws of this forest kingdom, twenty miles from the neareat autemObile and a -hundred from a street car. Under the %idly trees of Tema- gami, black bass,lake trout ahd Maar • kininge lie -in wait for the fisherman in the innumerable lakes. The quaint Indian settlements, the magnificent scenery and the many other attrac- tions shnply can't be appreciated un- til you see them. • Ask' year,Canadian National Agent for literature and 'information on Teniagami, ROD AND GU* • With the . approach... Of fall,. the ' *thoughts Of sportsmen are turning towards hunting both deer and feath- ered ganie. The September number of - Rod and Gun and Canadian Siler Fox News, "just issued, contains an exceptionally fine article on deer hunting by C. N. A. Ireson, which will prove of gxegt interest to .deVotees of that sport. However this is only one of a Col- lection of equally good articles and features *which deaf aUtharitively with 'other -departments: and advent- ures' in outdder life and which pro4 vide thoroughly good reading for all sons for frame throughout Canada arid interested in outdoor lite. Open sea - gotta for game throughout Canada and. a full reportef the annual meeting of the Canadian National .Silver 'Fox Breeders' Association are %chilled in this issue. . THE AIR IS 'DIFFERENT Lake of Bays is one thousand - or raorefeet above sea level, and the al-. titifda of this sequesteredgroup oflakes combines - withthe fragrance of the Pines. td give' the visitor a new vigor in life; YOU have teat enjOyment, golf or paddling all day long without tiring. You eat' heartily and sleep like a log. Selettl.6'.-Ytoither tinf. ationirom_atk.. from iristie cottage to the auk Ore- tentions' Of hotels. Canadian National Railways' conifortable, trait* Mined . at lidlitiVille7With the -steamer for all palate on the. Lake% Ofittlialli. trill flt ' . TOWNSHIP OF WEST • WAWANOSH CLERK% NOTICE • Yiters, .List, 1929 Municiptility of West •Wawanosh,- Huron COnnty: :„NOTICE, is :hereby given that: I have • complied. with Section of the ybt- :ers' List. Act, and. that I have nested' up at my -otfice in ,West Wawanesh on the 22nd day of August, A.D.:1929 the, list of all persons to vote in the • said municipality n for members • of parliament and: municipal elections, and that such list remains there foe inspection: And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceeding% - to have any errors 9r &Omissions cor- rected according' to law; the last day. for appeal being the 12th day Of September. A. D. 1929. • :Durnin. Phillips, Clerk Of the Tciwnship of'West-Wa-witiesh. \ R. R. 0, -Lucknow. • `NOTIO • Voters' List 1929,„Municipality. of the Village of Lucknow. .1 • . Notice is hereby. given that I have , complied With ,section of ThciV�t • Cis' Lista Act and that I have Posted • Uo -at my office at 'Luck/low on the • Thirteenth day of Angust A D. 1929, • the list Of all persona entiticd yoto• • in the, said IttiniciPality et mungpal elections and that such list reMane here for inspection. • • ' And t hereby call upon all vptera to take immediate , pecreeedings . to have -any -errors or Mrissions--eorrecz-----7 ted according to the last day for • apneal being the Third day 61 Sept- ; embet, A.D. .1929. Dated at Liicknow this 13th daY — Of August A.D. 1029. • • ...Tese.ph Ageew, • UYING PUBLIC'S • -, PECULIAR WAY • • (Toronto Giobe) • • • • The, Chatham belly News has . a buil 'tine theughtful article in a re- , • Cent issue on the subject of buYing ' pods at home.. It galls attention to a, peculiar psychological condition that most 'people 'whether • they admit ft , or not, are Subject to. That is; the , idea thatthe horrielnirdeilarticle is in- , feller to that which /Me the stamp on it announcing its manufacture abroad. - What 'Canada 'needs; ' according t� the Chatham newspaper, is '"a cam. • paign Of edeeetion to remove these 'pssichological twists in huniah‘nature" ' and lead to the ,,Purcbase of home- made good's...There is mete truth than 'fiction in the opinionethus expressed. Business bases are sgnietimes'blamed1 for not Stocking more' Canadian goods • lied. pushing the product of the Dot , minfen. Bit storekeetiers ,are compel. • led to give the ubblit what R Waltti if' they wish to stay in bileineda. There are- few stores that tiould not gladly./ wares with the made -in -Cana' label in preference to those Of foreign mice. It is the buying public That will not "have it eo. The ,Ipleer thint that min and. vomit -en 'make thele.' purchases' Itthering, under the deltisiott. that -the gooda-they-buy; if litinde",-11.-,- *bad Masi be better. ihan the :home prhduct. women Par. chase perfume., trim' 'Paris and sitOeS from New York In Toronto stores that are not ,one better; if, as kond, • e--iii4totatin-.--- There a 'ways tote of room tor a ttuytat.ttothe caniptign, tondo, ont. his 70 01110 fitatialia IllfelflPti en and I tit* br. we real not.gOtolthwirth". toloittimitni t,blt ,tir,01 to 044001, . 00.04 TT .4.1 4..4 v 4