HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-08-29, Page 1—4. 1.• 112,00 PER YEAR IN.4 4 Y.A 41100: :011.aWiSE" P*R 14. CONNE. eigroielan Surife0a Lucknew *tepee:- 1.30-430%. 1bone,80 • -; 1107 l'or. *flit.** ,Wilt • VI t .141141i9W. Ov!ry! T.UgOdO4A 41.-1111O -044 House. • .44. . , . 0141.41111$!..1:, _ ,,. . :. 111.e,. L. ';.Tindeatiies;- ‘. Doilticen. ,"„Stoie; .Extraction ,t$h.r.-iiit,,$' . iit. :Wilt:INV:In.: •1ngsnnon •v�ry Thunday.,..Phale.W ., V" - Mill t.Laiv.-neY t0 ISud 04' .140.1104201 ,st II and SYL.per Out accordzag ss.urilyetriPid *ante nu: .i.meOnd mortgages,. on TVId On „ram** *lie. A taw geed :fermi 'kw :Wei WALL gni, of192 Wn11.•Paper on hand. Prices g„.ROSider, able dOvio, for 1929 .1 am 'alio."Pgent forjending...10,10 Innwes.7-4, .1, Comer,. Decorator. Painter and Grainer ROL 174, ,Luekitow. ,, ROOMS for nuniSer of.'High School, students, boys or girls. 'Con- venient , to sehoel. Mrs. -Wm..- Kennedy- : -120=----1-4 AIM* iaes of the under - West, Wawanosh, 19;.: 1929,- a brood y have same on prOY- and paying expenses. ` A. Phillips. 9- -FEATHER!' The ',Dominion Feather and. *Mat- tress co,Goderielt will' make Your, feather 64 into a Sanitary Mattress or down Comforter. Dleep, a 'card to Godarieh Ont.and 01.1r agent will cal' .We buy bathos, paying highest prl- (29-2-cl WATEBLOO- MANUFACTURING COMPANY -makers of Threshing Machines ,and Steam .Engines -Cana- dian distributors- for Rock Island Fat* Tractors and Eagle 2 -cylinder ' fuelieiltburniantA_Tternibatii Tractors.14gerit ,Phone 13 on 36. l'eesw er (6-6-tf.) ' FORSALE ' ,T*0, gond driving horses, 2 set 'be* haineeei one rubber -tire bug- gy, tkne steel -tike buggy, one putter, one jrater, cinti or wood, on dash. chit*, one butter bowl.' • , Mrs. Wileon Hinallton, Lucknow. . ' ST. HELEN'S • •'Mr. Frank Todd and sett Tom left on 'Monday with their herd of twelve Polled :Anglia for the • a 'hi; E. at Torato‘. Mt.' W. I., .Miller will. exhibit his Plymouth Rock *witty. We 'wish •thenteuery !Mamas._ • ".• • •M14 Collin'. Clark left on, 'Friday for a4ewd&ys holiday ac ,London. - Little Robby Phillips Of Fergus -has been holidaying with his grandmothet;'' .Mrs: S. J.' Wads. MlMuri�i Hall of 'Swansea mri, toreckai,,and: is !pending's few day's. .With Mien .W.,:11:-Butherford. „ ..11164- Bert TWelwood and ,cbjldren of• *bighorn were visitors, •WfthMr aid MrL George Webb iast Week: • BON -to • - and, -Mrs. • Ewart jiltePherrion, Ori Anglia 21st, a --ihiughter-;--Congratiilations: The menhirs* of the :IV'. S. of the United 'Church' !cite the guest4 'of the ladies of Whrtechurch W M g at Gie riteeting, on Wednesday . A splendid address by 'Mies Peddle. of Effirtenten was much enjoyed; . ANOTHER „JITNEY DANCE Street Dante will be •held on CaMpliell Street, .Lucknow, Friday nigt:tt 'of thin week -August • 30th, ler management of the Lucknow . cofiliumy Coati , Orchestra., Yo0ng,.;,:peOpie come and enjoy ,the • tiaite-etter finis "oomi :and enjoy _ , . , the inue.le.*:•• tickets tor, 256-- • • • el reade Ilier eis,140 Fertiltter Company Litcknow..oat 'Phone . ' LIRSDA4,1 AUGUST 28th; 1929. - • . ' • giNgLE COPIES 5 CENTS , . • 10 -0 -7* -4-4 I , 0 711:0pAlk AND GENERAL • .."...+767°-14-7 At, „ Town schOpla re-oPen Tueadirr,07 14*f :week. . • 'Ilitgaine in .1Mens'. Underwear - The' Market,: Ilornell-MUrdoeli:' mondar of " next :Week will be La holiday. Mrs. Reg, ,Sndth who wtrfir senotisly , all at wuro-0,1tiii'pital:is Well on the waY.to recovery. •• 4 Rev. .and Mrs. LengfOr4 were gueets of Mr. and "dirs. R. H. McQUillin over the week -end. Mr: James: and _Mimi .Marthe, Mac, Callum. motored over from Detroit to spend Sunday at their home „here. Miss _Stella sStewart has returned 'oine.,after a two weeks Visit in Kin- elirdine with her friend Miss Mytiona 'Palmer.. . Miss: Reria,Cordon;: Mrs. W. :Hpinie-s and son Taylor; and. Mrs. Taylor were over frern Detroit for a' IOW' days Of list • weehL_.„1„.,, " Mr. Alf .ArrustrW and 'family nno: -t,dred-frinn"-'LondonTon-Setnrdar--te,- sPend the week -end With his 'Parents Mr. and Mts. WM. . Mrs. Wm: Gable (formerly Jessie Osgood), Mrs. James Nixon and son Keith; Motored from Detroit and' are visiting Lucknow and Kinloss: friends.. MY Harold: Burns, of the pert will, Iiarn school Staff ,came home last Week. f.roin Kingston, wbete • he pnt a 'uonth taking university ork• ' Miss Arahel Cameron, of .lown anrk :Missdellfargaret Thom pf near St. He; ens Went to Guelph on BbinditY Where, they have commenced the course in nursing at the General Hospital. With. the ,big Ex. Under way at ,Tortinto, the lesser fall faira,..being '440-01#414i4WAP...34.44,-04111.1,,dt harvesting ,abeut completed, one be- gins, to retinae that .summer is about over: • *Re. MaCKENZIE DIED SULiDASIL • A very, old resident of the Lang- sisde'district was called to herreivard on Saturday Of last We -oh in the per- son.ot Mrs. John A9rIceOle• She had 4..06ll duri.ng the ol'a-,iSawtier)idiayo'ctt morn- ingintothe orchard where onine time 1$0r- . she was found in a 43riheconelition, -.evidently. having been 'overooke by heart .atteek: Mrs.. MacKenzie was, her 83rdyear and she and her, husband nle07 Years have been4eteeined dents of the 4th Con, Kinloss, Before he marriage She was Alias Catherine The funeral was on Tuesday after noon to Kinloss Cemetery. .•. NO !HARVESTERS EXCURSION The railway companies are not. -relining ',harvesters ,eXeursions to the Wept this year. There is no great de- mand for help,...in the ,harvest .fields • out the* this season, ;owing to the Almost coMplete failure of the spring. •-crops-over-ra large section -61 the prairie country. -_,JniIie,._teetitais_where:,there•-ie -nine harvesting to be done apple help will _available , from the; parts where there is little or no grain to cut..In this way the. prosperity of the more favored areas will he spread around ••somewhat. Its going te Make a great differ - nee to the country. Think 'of all the coming and ,going there has been at his season, - between the East and West for the past 30 years or more. This year the 'eastern, folks are all staying at home., 4 . Financially, to the West es* whole. it May not make so much 'difference vs would at first appear. With many elevators still filled with Wheat of last year, there is no saying hew low prices would have gone had Manitoba and Saskatchewan been blessed with an'other bumper crop. ' • - BUMMING A special meeting. of the Lucknow Women's Institute will be held -in the Council Chamber on Friday evening, Aug. 30th et 8 O'clock. A good at- tendance" of members is requested as business of importance will come be- fore the meeting.-Sec'y. The street dance put on by the Fire dr7mpanY Friday night • of last • week was well patronized. The evening be- ing fine the Affair was quite a success in every way. The Co. have arranged for another' dance to -morrow evening All profits from these dances will gre to -the Arena building 'fund. KINLOSS Mrs. Hiram. Shelton a resident of the Third Range Kinloss. Township died on Saturday last in her 59th year. Before her marriage Mrs. Shel- ' ton was Miss Lucy Stauffer,her early home being near Kinloss village The funeral was on Monday afternoon to Greenhill •Cemetery, near Lucknow. ' • SALE OF LANDS FOR • ARREARS OF TAXES Notice. is hereby given as directed by the Assessment Act R.S.O. 1927, Chapter 288, Sec. 152, SA 1, that a Sale of; Lands for Arrears of Tares will- be held at. the Town of Walker- ton, on Friday, September 27th, 192 , at my office in the County Buildings atthe hour of ten o'clock A.M."; when there will be Offered for sale by Public Auction, unless the Taxes and Charges are sooner Paith the following described Ian& In the Township ot Kinloss: - • 6 Sub of Lot 00, -*Donald Sur, Patented, 1/4, acre;. Taxes $43.46; Costs 04.30; Total :$47.81 , 1Z Sib 01 Of Lot 60., McDonald 'Sur., Patented, acre; Taxes.*.i.e,00; Costs .$44,21 Total $/4.42. - • yittAda OF mIcitNOW 429, Patented, acres; Taxes 611 osta 23:52; Total $14.11 - - • 430 Patented', acre; Taxes $10.61 GOitit $8.52e Total $14.13. 1 A COMplete /let Of Lends in the. County 04;d -told for Arrears OT Ta'x.!• en is ptifilialtedlih-11ie "Ontario. Gaz- ette" in its beiges of June 15th, 22nd 290 and JUIY 664 A copy of said lists may be obtained on application to the Lunderaigitail: • • If niecit be itwill be idv atytohehoidnpanA.11; so ; -October nth,isligOi nt tire,abovt place an4 hour. A. ttelsetv,troasurer' County Briiee, • Dosted-o !olkortottw Aug. 24th, 1000 irk 011 • Miss Edith Clutton of .Stratford, ASKO her uncle, Mt. Henry 'kitten, Thursday. Miss Chiffon leaves on Det. Ist • for India, where she has leen apPointed miSsionary of the Baptist Church. • • Miss Beryl Johnston is visiting friends at Fordwich. Little Mary Horton had her. tonsils , • . removed at Winghain 'Hospital, Mon- day andisrecovering nicely. The (Wm.) Blake 'family held a picnic .at Port Albert On Monday.. Dr.. Blake and Miss Margaret return to Winnipeg this week 'and "Mrs. Hoff-. man and thildren to their, home • at Dunnville: . • , • Mr. and Mrs.N. Welsh, of London Were gueSts of Mr. and Mrs.j.T.; C. !tethers at 00411 last Nieek: Mr. Milton Kilpatrick •his purchas- ed ga Durant car, the latest model Mr. and Mrs. S. 13. 'Stothers and family visited Mr: and 'Mrs, Henry Horton, Sunday. ' *:" • - ' ; Miss 'Nell Eandick, of Ingersoll, is the gaest of Misses: Olive...And Elsie .Anderson this week. • Mrs: Thos. Anderson and Jean are spending a week with,relativei in Date% - • • Miss Beryl. Johnston is to be con- gratulated on the splendid suceets of her pupils in Lanark continuation school, all who Wrote having passed. .Miss Johnston is engaged to .teach at iI Springs thia year. - • Miss Shackleton is attending Toronto txhibitiot this . week.: The Memotial window was install- ed in Blake Church, Tuesday; the un - Veiling of which will, take place Sun- day morning; Memorial service at 11 A.M., the • Church Anniversary service in the evening. it 1,p.M. Rev. John. Annear ‘President of the Confer. erica. Will preach on both ,occasiona. • rs'. -wenary as. en •fo.r! sone time, tithing 'care.af, her dangis-, ter,Mtt. M. Reid, near-LnektieW, Who -his_ been Serf/410c We_ore glato know that gra. Reid Is •improAlg t Aug. It o hti, and VI*. Frank Glenn' a..-liOne-Ceng-0,0*- 1,...‘,.614.0-4-Ore•rm• •.TOWIOMITMAY-CONcE,IIINt 1 *Joh to State that Iliad nothing to do with stetting -or -spreading. the 'stew to the effiszt thei;e certalu • petty ehud Coitsble D porgoio* .1•44006*. .• , , feillote tom" GIVING GOOD: WEIGHT There's u. bad limn up nortli soine where among the huckleberry • bushes, *r. W. W. Hill up a basket of the northern. blue - the ;tiler 44 opened berries for which be had paid a sub- stantial Trice and. rfened that,* the :•first tplace the basket was note quite However, the weight was there and then isorne.i. so they Most be al . right. On.,.reniovhAgl:, the, 'berries:, he .discovered 'the • 41ereti" The ‘bOttern 4 the.'..liaeltet,Wag well padded with twigs and .10#,Y0s.',#9*..04:hqs4os SO' am- ongth4.4e wore a Miinher-Of.plecee Of. :rock, such. as they ..,,get geld" ia"..tip. Mr. Hill doesn't know whether the tOcki.re.0 put in t4e hasket to Make up the otherwise •short weight, • or whether -their are gold 'bearing' and 'worth more than their weight in ber- ries. At Presently they are not for . Visitors from "Northern 7 Ontario My that the blue berry env is very poor this year,the 'spring and stun - mer -frosts 'having darnaged the "blos- soms and Young, fruit: Howevetone is a poor substitute., --do HAD GOOD TIME IN N. Y. , • Messrs. W. F. and Andrew Thorne - son are home again, after 'spending week in New York City, ;Which need- less to say they_foun,d_ver-y1-ietetest7- mg 'in -die -d. 'They wentover one day to Newark, N. J. and there looked up' Mr: Carrick Douglas wheal they found welleVadeni, tlihti-5:1)v,Yo.'"ca-MI`liq:ii*D6rttiegtite4:Shfalivaltaickh- he; has been a member: the past cou- ple of leant and is quite successful haying all the engagements he can. attend to. This quartette is frequently heard Over radio station WOR and the Thompson boys while at Newark had the pleasure of bearing their sing for a broadcast. Cartiek's friends will be pleaed to I bear of his success in the world of' music: _ O' ST. PETER'S CHURCH Sunday ,next. Sept. 1, servicesboth• morning and evening, will be 'reiunied the Sunday School. continuing to meet at ten .ofelock.. • • - •' Next Sunday, being Labor SundAy, services will he appropriate: to that occasion. There will he a 7celebration Of the Holy Communion at the eleVen e!eioek,:oeryii* .E.Viing Prayer and -serninn at seven...0108k: • 1 • Tug FALL FAIR PRIZE LISTS • Conies of the Lneknew,',Fall Fair • Fair Prize list ,have been available to the public the past; couple of weeks. If you are interested get one at the office of the secretary, Jos.. Agile.w, Or at The Sentinel .0ffide. Thedates of the Pair .this year are Sept. 26th and grrth.. • ASHFIELD UNITED _CHURCH .• NOTES The Merrioriel-AnniverSarY, service next Sunday, Sept. ist, atBlake's church, Morning and -evening services. The sPecial Preacher fOr the day Will be the Rev. J. 'A. Agnew; of 'ICings- ville, • Ont. Special. Offerings at both mierning and evening servicp-it is hoped that the objeetive of $100: will be reached. Special, music for the day has been arranged. for -Miss Marion .Gibbinge. Of Clinton will sing. at the Memorial SerViee. "Open the :Gates, of, the Temple" will be one of her Special _numbers. •In the ' evening Blake's Choir will have • charge of the musical.,part of the service. The minister end his yvife are en,.. joying their vacation on Lake 'Ontario Mrs. 'Pawner, true to form, has left her husband today- and gene. sishepping-the forlorn husband must • needs tontent himself' by seeing the Reeding Pa. WI team play „Toronto Ilin the International. series: I 'am go- ing./ hope in the spirit of resgnation. • Lent Friday I saw the Girl's Mara- thon race. Yesterday, Sunday, my Wile .and I heard a famous preacher of the elt‘lanti On the theme -:--"What do ye Mere than Others" -the distinguiehed visitor .handled the old yet ever. new :question well. He Warmed up to the subject throwing his gown off in the heat of the fry -it would have been .tetterlieehe- thrown his Manus-0kt - - -away ,..which he read word for werd,„ • -Bargains-in thildtenst !_heeiriteeit. ingS-Vhe Market, Helm& Murdoch E14.14A0.1.011 A.101 e* 111011011' The following appeared in The, Glebe,. Toronto; •on August 22: --“The engagement:* is 'announced of Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter ot AlverY. J. and the 'las Mrs. Smith of Tiver- ton, TOnt., to Prtftk H. 1Valio, young- est son of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Mrlier, of LOcitneiv, Ont., the marriage to, take 'place ,about the Wattle' of Sept.. 8-11141-4 714-"IrP' ' LUCKNOW UPPEWSCHOOL Ru§lims *dents have; Obtained Upper Scheel- standing as follows: IL --15% to 100: .1.1.-7.06 to 74: 1117-60 to 65: £- 50 to 59: also :40% of Upper ;School is 4Oceptexi. iri lieu of Middle Credit. J. Anderson -Eng. Comp. ; C: With cre"dit in Fr. Aq. and ' E. 'Busweil-Eng-q0710. Ot • 'Eng, Flethiitee÷Fr.- All. TM' Fr. Comp • . „ Helen J. Lane -Eng. School i Credit in Eng. Cpinnt . I, Craw -Eng. Comp. I: Eng, Lit. K. MacKenzie -Eng Comp. CI- Eng. Lit. II: Pr. Au: Ci Fr. Comp;III. C. -MacKinnon-Ern. Lit. C: Au. Fr. Conan. III; Middle School Credit in Eng.Somp. . M. Thorn -Middle School ' Credit in Eng.: Corop. and Eng. Lit: M. Wateon-=;Eng., 0914. C: .Eng. Lit, Hi: Pi. Au: Fr: Comp, II. F. E. McLean, Prin.- • • • Bargains in Womeris' House, Porch ,and_laienic--Dresses-The, M-t-tikk, • Hornell -Murdoch. . • STO,t, 3'.11ISr_SPEIEDING • " 'ON LUCKNOW 'STREETS ' We didn't see it but we are told by • parties capable of judging speed that an automobile , was driven along CarnPbelf Street, LockneW on Sunday .evening at the rate. ef about 70 Miles .per hPi.tr; and that another (i-oztopo the some cat driven by the sane fool) passed along- the same street at,. a 'speed of 50 or 60miles per hour on .Saturday evening. '„ "• _ The parties who drove these cars musthave been ,drunk •or croak •or both They were potential murderers oridTought to he disqualified f_o_r, driv- • ing an automobile, or shut. epin.: a jail fos safe keeping:• .'1'11O.se who.. saw ' these ears. going through town did not get the -license .numbers. It is not easy .to do that When a car . is moving at high speed and. thevlig1tttnett4geod. • • • ' Men. wbe drine. as these 'men' drove 'through Lucknow. are the enemies Of evety good damn' and every ,good citizen ought to be on the lookout: for theta and prepared : te go into the 'witness box and giVe„ evidence as , to "whit they see: That is not it..pleasant task, but it is the only Way to get this type offool of the roads. It is not necessary to prove in cOurt that :a. car :is going at a' given speed as some suppose. Magistrates now convict on the opinion of anparently reliable witnesses. • -• What Lneknow,and every, • Other village and town needs is a 'speed cop' • or constable such as theone over in • Belgrave. This Man has a blacksmith 'shop -on the main street' and, when he sees' as car. Passing Which he thinks is breaking the speed limit; be gets the number, if he can and has no hesita- tion in laying. a charge. He gets a good many convictions toe as magis- trate Reid evidentii has .cenfidenee in his judgement. .144 this Matter a • viction registered on the opinion ,as to. st•eed of two. or more reputable citizen's -opght to stand. If speed fiends are; to be brought' under control. the authoritiee cannot . ROOM to be ;civet nice in dealing- w" them. There • is little danger that charges will he ageinst those who exercise com- /nonsense in driving. •''tiiqq are others who dtiveloo fast on out streets -making 25 to 30,Miles Vet hone. The speed limit in any :vill- age in this province iS''20 miles per hour, . but (and this is im'poitant) where buildings. are close up to the street allowance as at the Cain House :coiner, for example'the lawfti. speed. is, ten miles per hour. • AnYerie can „understand why that should be .so. ,We are told, -that quit 'a number are beceining indifferent to„the stop sign's,' in town. There is no use Scold- ing abliut this. 7Convietipns ate the Only reinedy. Our local !constable ought to be •inithieted to put' fitAs feW.- 'hetet§ occasions/1r; al'the stott:Inter‘ sections and: to lay a Charge against ,every driver who, doeo-not stoo *there Ak„stop_ _signs -7,ere;Oiseed'..--t- - 11 these "Sten" sign's are even 06- casiona11y disregarded, they beeomea soUfee Of Ilitlitat 'SS -the drivers. en the through -streets are justified In tis-• =ming that they lave the .riglit "tif tvair. ' The killing and meiming of welt:, behaving people „and the destruction ofears is net the 'whole niiSehief done • bit reckless drivers. Every traveller OYf flw'fo-o-d is hemnte4 by a.,senie or danger, ' for it is. true that no Platter how drefili You Ibis:, be, you aro not .1:11);:i1.6zirvglr. • „l 1 • The ,Bread. -. The Bread" • . of Health ' Of *Health- , • .• OUR ' MOTTO,, IS ' QUALITY ' ".Asib stRiricg.• , , . . .. , . OUR QVALitY.OIDINE-MADE,._ WHOLE WHEAT A.*. rtAisfu• • iiffEAti LENDS ZEST .TO THE APPETITE, 'Api'D THEN : sATI- .pLks:. IT:. ' . ' .- •• • .,, • :. . • v. ''.''' - 0.E0i4s. , , - . .--.- . •'. . ors'Alt, .-stici$,:':Otraiii. -PliPft, j'BI4,114Y- ROLLS.."11WANtrF. 'MAPLE : TARTS. OATMEAL 8r DATE coogigs, oxim.litati- ' ..1:E$, it'ASEPREY TARTLETS CHELSEA BUNS,- COFFEE CAKES . : Rocu 'cluips",PARig•BuN§;-•lciai 1191.4..s.•••• • • . • ' • - . , , „ . • • , .. , Phone 36 Lucknow THE SiTil'UFE ASSURANCE , COMPANY:: OF .CANADA TO:COMPANY OF w,H.Lcu. • A CANADIAN • $AYBEPROUP , For Particulars as to Plans. Rates - And- Dividends; See sl GEO. H. SMITH •••=auti.: • • THE -A -1'11E1 • AFOXIST20-30, 31. SPECIAL "ARIVE IRISH ItOSE'.". September 6-7 ,Tom Mix!, In "ROUGH RIDING ROMANCE" and Comedy- - ,'• Deinmisfration Campai We want everyOrie to know the quality and performance of the Ford Car. Conie for a FREE RIDE any day whether you are interested in purchasing a car or not. HEN:DERSON • Ford Sales and Seivilee • LUCKNOVIT • , : Wfl. EAT WANITP • POOL AND NON -POOL: • WHEAT TAKEN • • I.UCKNOWT41411 MILLS TASTE THE JOY OF LIFE IN MITEKOKA • You ,enjoy ':every moment of a Mus- koka holiday, be it weekend or month. Such all enticing array Of pleasures that bring the joy ,ofliving to all 7 -golf on six fine courses, tennis ev- erywhere,' lawn bowling,. hikes thru avenues of fragrant pines, canoe or steeiner trips amongthe clustered islands ofthis lakeland paradise, sailing, motor -boating and bathing; .then dancing in the cool .of the •elien- ing under. ideal -conditions. By asing Canadian National Rail- ways you reach ydur.chosen spot in this. realm of pleasure, whether cosy cottage or comfortable hotel by any one of 'three • entrances -Muskoka Wharf, Bala Park or Lake Joseph Wharfall within d 'few hours run from almost any part of Ontario: • Ask your nearest Canadian Nation- al Agent for information and litera- ture on,Muskoka and its various re- , sorts, hOtels, ete.- -0* ,•' FALL -FAIR DATES.' - Ayton ....... ...... ..... °Ct. 4-5 Blyth- Sept-. 26-27 choley 27.-28 Drayton. Sent.. 2445 Onifinthr i•Vit -+I•zeter•-• . • sept• Fergus , Sept.•26-27 Goderich ; "SeptSO, Oct.„14 .0ottio, 4 4 4 ..... A: rt. .4 _Dot, f3iniover Sept, Il• to 13 .Kincardine , '18-10 Listowel, „ ',Sept."17-18 London Sent. 7 to 14. Lucknow • ,' Sept. 26-21 Mildmay .. ..... ,; . , . Sept. 2425 Vititerferk, seot. '26:27 . ' .. Sept. 2445 Sept. 24-25. °t. gotYs -- • Oct.. 8-9 Set/forth Sept. 10, 20 Sfretfoto .. .. Sept, VI to 10 Tee/water . - Oct. 1.-2 Wlnghant . .. Oct, 0-10 Toronto i't 4 0. W1.13 %0 Sept, T. FEliTIPZER. . All of Gunn's. Setif ° •Brands for fill wheat Phone Your Orcler - "-coUple.of-days ahead and Ana, Sur to Have_ Your. • Brand,: " •treo.l:S.' Robertson • • • assel's Grocery Specials EAGLE BRAND MILK Per tin "19-C. * ° P & G „S,DAP 4, -cakes . sukriusg 'SOAP r•Bars - • ... ' ' • I. QUAKEIt PUFFED AT. liltga• Cassel's -Oro Phone 110 .Bargains lii 'Mena', and Boil Over - alis' and Work .clothes -The. Market Ubrnelt .14nrdo9,11. , •. r • . 4