HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-08-01, Page 5IIIIINVINK TORSDY, AVOSIT -1?X9 .7 .4 A h, re 0 C Ontre' Qf eAllen Bro.1y'n i(WrttPri b y
.. ........ .. 'T.h _r'Withiri' Our Gat,s ae-with onj'. w9oll e�it A 'man from 0 gave. a� olland*
Ivery Interesting talk at a Honle., and, O tari9 r4ttle s -'s 'A Ot Sch6q), club. m eatin L .11 at 4 vit p told nax it, %;s_ in' Canada. To 'n Might 0401 Say .A fiura.4*1 ow gountry _e ik�od New 'Y' About hig'- ex ribne ork I 114 I I6y rattle sn.4k bite 1 aa44 wd wonderful ebOnt, y Thv death ............ 'Ne A untoinop region o lie ha .t, kina 5 f w a znQ because .d. fallen in 9 t S -AtenasT TW4y, 4ad as well usipli. He, told us about Of ChatIleo-E.'Snid form '40 keeeF' e. reptile yo4ng,-H. ander who had not anorher fortunit p. -Ais " '10 i hqase� of'.1,U0 Vroiix Zoo, N been so y4A.had r milk ..o hunia kindness IV# el 4Wd A S011oation thro ughout Jbia la
the country., He ll�.qn s to have 'been nd,fie wa%;. 4 l.�esdme! lad: tryihg 06 liiiit 'so e viciii'll in save eiiQug-h, mpney to.. go back home. Q at par t of the,- United- At r rilany years t 4tes �b Just ima lie differilrice in t m The serpent which, kil - led. I i wa7s.,thi, tw 0 you fig; iiien. -we n-4and 4 'or, ir ra,ttt6' sna�k way, ndt'all b' but mvit' large P tiniu '4'at 'one'ti' F7, T' which, -like., th ,'aci&' raftld of ,ug 'c,6, me, cofita 4L me or ike Rh anger4 to Bishb, s' ankfiezI .,cla coun gadly,c *Urei,,Ae'q be4 friendly.v .1 i�bd' we
n6* Of -noi �.iicai pi�i�doti*�" .10i the ''historiah, of,. U k m6ke,,'pra nX. pr Canada. the rattle,; �Aaki� i Satisfiec Iwe I 1;. happy I�ttejr�jc)4 friefiOAL e-' lassassaga wa .fpil 1y'.,c6mm, 01 n at, hclfil� ire. t In eafly days ,over 9'consicleka I ble I s&� -W -niore. populat' nd d e. nee 't -Ontario. But th I eficls -of ih6se4lio Oi� alre�li� 'Typical �i f 'th' .0 0 southerh e danic d -1 snake is evident t ra b--st puspee tile her are our., ;*. %
.ly now e;k on ped grow
n ce, ar6.t.ld.. the Ow I Banff SprittFo' tinct I th' is provin the last krl ,havin �fi captured at Tar - ........ specimen Ifi4t, captala J. X. slowison ef tbi 71nish of 100 Point Pe -Suh!rt&n,. s' th fashion�15le color Salvage King, which, is. seen abo*e. lef S6Pt6z Tiber, 1918. by yas. race. enowinK, .'both in skin and in cloti) s.'Jie sure track ralkd�. the Canadian Pacific &&'Pm r jfA Ca�taiin' 0 Vilt, I L L�r P an 'e
inson, wh G. iltditd where the th toria Mepidral Museuln, Ot�. and be.in style and have your bodies cham; in. t) V ........ ireachirou� Berin Sea- and Dominion 'well,' tanned.' 'The 'hun cu're. is ''the. I....... vionihips., meet a rM w to i - Pacific; b , y Worth taWi; This sPev1menj:'56 iincliep in il be held La or. ID 'and F, ne time -with. fi s evidently' an. c of t o ft -foot �w#bs length, - wa old fiea�est,,in, the, world one 'tl�� ANIUg over OVIL ab resseli and only hg4lers 0 uable. t is , kciod, f or, Itf ; moon - P N fi II eering. through 16re. Mrs. Sii"&Oe,' wife of 8, you. Our wqr Sunny days, -are eyes viiii el- snow-fiLlpd, daikness, the deckload n her diary; in A 11 ---- OFS first gov .,should make fuirped, t6 - 'lilif f of lumber on the'0,000AonHi*i' Oritirl too few, and. e the en mentione - W d next. Labor Day for'On shifted..And. her.Ate I ' 't pring gp.ar, went -that'lsome.79' in of'th�m. Whther ...... re are.,home 7-- wor�, Y04 ....... AhAtd e. the 40th a, t mini Aw-ry-and'-she-listIdd-over- ftst,,"Th at -at-- -or I.T S. 0 -. se, - �and- -fa teful-ine li*aje kil 6n- rrYeT_ and f eld in,, tr., 01
Inships.'Aafid' it is expe d that -Ptbe m -of �qur anatomy �expo:ied..ta the., dir- hanipionships' .'meet will -be held" ch. ew ar6 sinkingivent out by morse to, an reported, at. thli b6dutif '11 b the.little. 1,000 ton Salvagi';Xingi -Wn�g bitten s Pt. : he �uplight e.Ach'clay. You can *-man-'. Ul resoft 'in- the that', humx-oLA. athletq�wjl recciverin e .9 Govern 9t: 2,m-,0Ui, quirter �serit' during the_gAtliering in ad o a,�Qustoryk themselves-. to Azoekies.- A 4 pr� lifebots were swung but�'and men Age it if.:you rea y try.; or DIC10e,S pA I] built Or 'by r6ad. to sgvbr - the, -te6l, -rattle r y enc� . ounteted mife rdde,,track, ,up and sur-, er'i' urk4oun inir *::.s d* nd one. of the le. e :faced likI6 A-. tgnnis'bourt will b'e.' 'the n ir in S ih: th_-� Vus IT mmer babies 'ar ll=h in r
-f5r-tu-n-aTe-th-an—th-',�-v-nTii e reqd for the Padifie. .1hier 'J. 'Mi. Hewlson, master -01 the -Sal- The'freiLgfiter:sU'AVed1h6 stor Sifitboil t.Wo''.1irgo 7'it Li'' ii�ieet, 'the,infield 'they ill compete,.: Highland pipers U! I . yors sent M is, France e snakes. in a hem to have elng specialy reas -a' ake Kiiij, th - former, being. a however, and 4 *as � tOW' b " A l. ' irl Empress f and the ed' throug a brrolsio'yo sy for"t prepared , qerg ro" rk (Toronto')., And' -da in all: 'p rs o, passenger on the giant, ' .. -k -, rays: act as e. Ult a -Violet; _,iada� be. pidzent�,`at this' FaClAc �SkWag 'Ump'any`s b 'mountainous' seas ftie.' The pwri-ad the grandstand �nlage'd,, ''Ca' Passerijer. �ales and cS es the" habitat.. -of th� The ' Bliliff Hijiilaricl, Gath elIng' assembly giving a .to Osaka, Japan F in the skin and.'vifta I Scottish'flaipr 'tibie , maie - days rattle.onake in_0n: sub tancu min 19 liner e th�i steam tug Salvage King rubbecl, The tig',ater sixt3� -days out -of covering 3400 'miles, in 25 daysp tario',has, . vastly and.-.Sottish,.Music` F�stival will to the natiprial,'.Charhp�onships,'.Ws" h inimi -Victoria her' owri port w9s,returning aft�r When, she- met the Empress of - forrned. If id side ecimens-of is. I . c, i.e with the.. ybar,'. g near t e entrance to di shed.' To-d.'a. oad ip .baby hf�s a gufficient �'%;Vfecedli. and bific Harbour. recently. g . reetings were per-fdrwing-Ahe heroic feaV-of tow�- France, on,*hir�htfie,'captain and -th�. Alassassaga., ave fo d n the supply of vital-hin D it will'not have un o Havilshi crew of' the-tre!ghten. were pas- shqfep�.of �'Georg`ainBay an e rieket 06etftS lUs that fr6m '5 d Dutch, HaTbour� Alliska;. to Was; bol nior in- hanged' -between. two princi�al :from gh64i exc ing th4 disabled frei
ors in an outst' requ n f a act mpletil-ig-a vok - 9 some degeei'Diti' t surish! than seamanship. ' They 'we' 'y pap, throu'jh 'days' of:, age of, 16jo0o miles after-,havin tfie,sho''res W'80% of Zur'b'bj4s have
ailding -drams of, Osaka, J4 f i Idntl still"o o Lake' ric.�et§. in Clina V e constant terrific oea:s and-." peilorfiTI6cl a. task that'no other, - Huron 4n4 Erie, pparently they no, ec n Js nut I n -tion ut Capiaifi'Bunk�i,Jormer master of under almost every kind of marine ,salvage vessel, -on., the Pacific, had, lo�ger exist i only 'a pri�vun b. Havillih, the Niagari� gorge,, .:it is,,a eure the, freighOr and.Captsdn] 4ndicp.' a dis nce.of 3,100 nifies been able' THE. ke� tho' w, s -Le stAi,h stouts tdke,'h;0art t4o 44derta t tegh, a.. fL pecinielis,'have b.een and 'find thiliir'pla��e in the sun. Th,6 "" ,�,epbrted of late years froni a - s.,kknip. AttINNIS-A CHER �Pltra-Violet rays in I crease thid sugar, It .0 T, -HA RE TASTE"THE JOY -OF LIF,E ne4r St. Cath inin- RED TRON RDWA
-SNAI�ES IN 'ONTARIO uicI6 Pc I . . .. . I 11, . . . I ... ! .1 1
Alorejr' urned. up. and absorp6on, stiI4 se ms, to- e be. th�ii last IN iLA �bidmq` o,;fat. Ain't A quiet wedding was'sol6ninized at I "itesic, le�§s i place'of note. s available to'turn int Ne*.,burw, Opt. un July 20ih.'whert' �D.edly exist in'ont- �ature grandfThe burnh�g'up of more -Snakes,, E,tq. You enjoy every moment of a ario� although strange §"me 'To �Kill Gipter Nerissa Nortne,.daughter'of M r." anid t&'say 'there T6 -4:(y fourt ougar leisins the posi�ibi of d ia cen spe�qies; of snak6 lities ay, be. it wi�ek oes not seeni"to'. be one lauthentle kon to exi t; i'. Ont�rio; and e es, u y w- luskoki bofid' -end o� d C LEAN, UP, Mrs; John 0. Ar6h6i ofNewb r' as, ar s b t IMonth. Such an of 'ca uni n .'bein having been: e, n United n, marriage io Dr. li me-, priti6tig iiiray se . of a h a 9 The, sun"s rays. have Icin' been, F L LL STOCK HOES Dr6G1NG,FORKS 'GAR- of .-them 'all, the Mass�ssaea ilattl lileasdres 'that bring the joy'6f - living killed by it. o�ake in -this province. is. th I e dril I a., er M f tu re I Innis, chiropracter OfWihg4i.tm, iss� kribw'n as. �a cure Jor - lye u osis. n-' 0clisonclas variely.- on-, DEN SPADES CU l,Tl.V."1.TOR$ .1 'EVERYTHING TOOLS Archer'bad -been a� each ta all, -golf on six firie... eknirse.s.., te' any', people .have been, bitten by% C, er in .. the trary to ra ner.al im ression.. They. pt.6,ent it.too, as_..thev._increase._. nis everyw ere, -lawn bowliii,-,,bikeo Ontario rattle, shal FO - R -G EWBEDS. ces! but the -vic- the h,�ad ',and the.-mocealtin do I . . 4 Clinton Col ate Institute for'some, h 0 , thOr .9 the supply." of. caldilm. . Tuberculosis cnpper A N A W N AND .,FLOW time'. Dr. McInnis ing sonie-'paih in the 'not inbabit Ithrou�trh avenues of fri . ia , nt pines'.. tim after'stiffer e 'is oecreaskl,�41` and ih' intends'. .111loving . Canoe' or iitea 'er ti -in this, -provin e, though the e , dresid;ed, cancer from. Winghairi to - C1.1riton lfji-th.e n'eari ITT s among the. 'region of- the �ife, re�' Not'' much' is krib�w.n:'l covers" rapidly, innnocent ]little De'X brown siiake is :'hereasing 'his lakeland u' bii founci clustered islands of t P -L in mcis mo years ago a young about.its ca so, i eldorn is often -mistaken fo;f e. op- ailing, nlotor-h6atin an PAINT UP future., - - I 11 . cases.,,% t nOMOUS c t -it "i. s d main ern. 16yedAn the, Onta head, and', the harmlbss water -p rio Glivein in the counti�ies were, the natives .do g per, ith in, the cool'of. ment wild life,exh;4it'at the Canadian snaIc'e''-for. the deadly' nibe' n P in. ibt kear'mulih..'inore: than flipir bi ,g und'er- -idpl ebriditibris.- National Exhibition, was. struck in id 'water Snakes 'have "a' 'K ..the evenin casin. 0 tar- ddy suits, and-,consecldently are ex- A artin Sen -100% I ure ain Senour FIcibr PiJ
LU I C NO* and W.-NGHA-M teeth nd ,carr our 1A c Varnish. Staiii.. Wqo By Ueng Qpnadlarr Nattopal, Rail�' -the arni by 'a small -Ontario 1rattld bite. if irritat4d, but. th' e posed to tlle.*.Sun.,, d eir bit is, nn. c n snakq.. His. arm -Men. T:W swelled, -badlk..to he. T If you'have pairs'and'aches,,';heur -nour iQuickate-', -Hours kith'tri'l Drie's Dust fre,tI, In tal works ways you iea h. your chosen spot, I poisonous he larige fox -snake,* fre- LgChpow. Oitt. this realm of.pleasure, -whether cosy shoulder, as in" a 'ease df acute blood 'uenily taken neuritis lunibagp�,.sciati I., I - q for the, raftle'snake; ica,or. One.'Hour, NoOdor And' Thins. With "Turpentinie, Xn A Full Line' ilgta �pttage.or com '1,6t4l by any try-bakingin the sul). Rea the. largest and most- eom� fortable -poisoning, but the'-swellip stibsi'ded' is quite harmless.- . So. is the milk what h`v,C you Of. -Pleasing ShadLe'!'_., 9
If �ou lie on -a woollen rug be heat rs leavng the� bitr s�Ake, absurdly. repute' t stock in the,60st beautiful designs cif - three entrances -Muskoka Wharf,' within about 24 hou d to milk cows. 464hooe, from;. in, Josevfi. Whatf-All ten man in 'his usual go6d.,health' will bi-Inc-resed-, and you wil derive Huresc.o For Wa]l And 'Ceiling DeeGr,:itiori. �Tbe hog riosed snake.or 11piuff. adder" S I e . oteh,� Sedish a I nd aa- *1 I feW ;hours I run . from lmost Children, P'laiing' Near Snakes more, benefit.. They 6ven elahn, that'. Pal I Lin e� of Meakjns 'Itubber Set Brushezi is another, inoffensive opeeteA IfEarin adiaik, Granites any part,� of Ontario. In tbiii` summe� of 1927 iL #arty d8t I naegex�ved.,. ba' 9 to 'be. %vel.1 tanned helps to prevenl Iin U d. reputation. .''We Mali i. spe6alty of Family Ask. your nearest Canadian, Xaj�pn_' from e staff of'thg�Universl 1, liyorrbea. ItY Gf 'Cornered he -his big'Moull, will'. open' MOO unients, an& invite, your-inspec-, -al Agen,t, for information: and liter� T6ronto biological -department spent Don't be too enthusihstic,..but, take' N E, hiss loudly'and ptrike at his tornien-' GA It OF PA,kISTW Li.A ttire'on ,Aluskoka and its' various re- I -- T . I . U.ST Ia §everaTwe-eks In queit'oif the -Ontario- toi b t there ''is not -the it easy, Uncover just, a, shiall' portl 011. �11 GYPROC. Werip-tions Neatly, Carefull and s�rts, hotels; etc. ra'tle snak�. Thev vam an,lJ for --only'a'shorttirii e th6n. y ed ' in t1W truth in 'tb� yarn that his bre'aill is at ri.i -Promptly "Done. COIL WIRING BAR'll &. WOVIRN FENCING ON 0 Bruce� 'County, �enirisula, The, u y th� ' x :0 poisonou niveesity scientists- -OU the onl� zraddall rea e posed can ' be See um,bifore,placing'.,jou' (irder. portion of the provioce wher6w. these depl�re 'the ii-tt tude 0 r f'.the* 'average increased, and the'lengt1i of, the ex- Fl?ESII CAR OF JUST ARRIV.El). PURPLE GROVE rentile are at'a a 11 'bundant.- From man "who, ills any snia�e on sight. -posirr. Silli-biftn' is painful,, dan.ze.,f- 'sts, returned to h u &nglao' Birosji IL'A." Spotton that trip the biologi T 0 ' gh. some, of Ofitario's hamless '6us, and 'very bften' unnecessarv. Sun-; snakes may prey on young' _U Phone 74 Ph,6ne 256 Mis 'Marka�et Collins, of Ustowet Toronto 'with' 35,,ra,ttle snakes., They birds, Most '�ight is help yourself, E -0 S RA, _ -,.a.- M— P-ORTE. W win SPefit the %�_ec.k,end at ther howie'liere found th kes --quiet_a'd. �,f thein'-liv6 ffp6n irog'' ind- .-Luckno $thaw. e_sna T1 n-, s a IN r. and rs. "Itcl. Fox and Miss siu'e, and act6ally: ca#iured', A number. !nice. ]Briefly, , the, are'inoffenpiv hasberry. Viiiegar' Uckw. b and Phone.. 66 Margaret Robertsill - of . Kin(ardine, 6f` ihem' among underbrush afi4 logs bprile in n, stane jal- �nnd y pseful, members of tb� reptile- �isited at- and stum& within.' �5 feet Mr:t. BI ckwill of Ripley' of. where which -hav'b- a -perfect right t6 cove 'one �ini 'of 111GderateIr'. A , L �Vorld, Mr. James., Robertson's. last unday. children ' of surnmer cottages had' live' strong' vifiegai%, to each"' ' of,,bor- pint Als' Thompson- and Misll,fliorfi. been building ..rock castles. by the ties. Litt stand - ove* r night, .-,train off �qn of Michigan 'are guests, at the- sbOri.,of aeoigilin Bay. p 71N juire, and fo enell pint dd 2 iu ,.of N19WSOAPER VS.- RADIO bonip of Mr..and 'bqtd 'never been CANARA Scott6 sugar. Boil ten..niinutcQ* slid bottle -unt n&"h, Cl' ord, ested. by. the onakes., On' another oc-4 Iwhile licit. Mrs. Hirrry Bi iff (St..' hfaiy4s Journal Argus) Will N i " of gis of Vintit 9 xon citsion, the. biolo ' ii sat . down' to A piost ektraordinar.� I statenjent UP 'Ivas'inade-a -short time ago by Roger' .31firaschino Cheeries Ogenio, Sask., were visitors., at.'Jack lunch within, 10 feet. of a - coiled, eek. rattle'snake' on, which -they an tone red sweet cherries' and soak 'W. Babson, the famous commercial leye during the- repast for 24'hours in Aveak �inega�,.drain Mrs. W. Stt�nley mid- Miss Ada sthtiiti�iafi. n his announcement he dis inter in u calsil And allow n equl nintilit NOTICE To raIllibe spent 'few played,ot the sligh�e�t es;" I I . Stailley o*?'. Kin a says-,thit lid. broa�dcast,an a�ver'tiseL 'In the MA ter of t e 'est ate. of Jane, days ee ntly %�ith Mr. Ben' Stanley, �the' visitors, who . after lunch easily of, granuhat-cid sngtir. Mix'thoroughly Autheilord, late of: the Village. -of t h hIg 'VA bety, of rattle' nient by. radio at -a cost of $3,000 'and stir everv, day it'll week. Sel captured i.' T bicifh:- Mr�6 Jaelt Eners". 'and her got 2.ieplies 9S a result. A,Couple of Luekrtiliv, in the County of Bruce, snake, apparerltl� the'.ohly kind now I ' ' In 10ass and et talid irt Wst V iiiotored to Flesher days later� he printled his advettise, X) the, h. ' Spinster, &ceased', ne, Nixim, o"sting ffi�Ontario, io kno*n as ' niont Notice is hereby given that all per- ton bit Friday. ment in -five newspapers in different s6ns havihgi any *claims 'or' demands. Afassassaga-,- and grows io, an ex-`-,'. 0 14bC. orm Ick"De e'ring Mr. and AGs. George Ho,ward of t r,� ,)ties, at , c:o�t of 13,00 arid'feceiv- agaih9t. the late 'Jane Rutherford I �Tie length of 3 Salmon Loaf (fiAelf"i$ % 0 i- eek .ed 4,000 repl�es; Tbe''radici pdvertise- whf) died on or,about the fourteenfg* .4 pent the %v end. at Let, 4V nc�t the imagined, however, I can (Y� tb.) of qalnio' diy, of June A. D. 1999i* sit the Village James Polloek's. mftt -cost him .$166.66, fdt..jeach re- fliat the- Ontario r4de. snake is; in.- I etip, cream. ot very rickh niiM- T IS ACHINE IS -AIADE WITH TWO S-Tt-Fl. 13 I, of Luckliow, in the Comity of Bruce, el- �lyj whereas the -newspaper advettige- 1, 1141 z 13. THE if. P18A Nif-1110`1 4T RE('FIN*V8 are'roquired to -send by'post prepaid capable of inflicting death, h .' i cup Salad c1req,%ing O PI % 1: RE A everiliving.speciniens from tbe-Bruce meift ohili'-seventy-lie ce to � . 1/z package gelAtine -sciaked in k."MiRI) 1EATING AN11-IS ok,to delivei io-Ilib under-;igiit��, ex-, lin,WARE THE LiTLE BEE -replk.� Roger Babson -is one of tllo� SPREAD 'Otlf - EVEN -,Y .13E-. peninsula now housed.in g ecutor undcrr the Will cif. the -sid lass case cup cold �Vat&I;, YOND TtIF, WI)EVI,", BY THE SPREAD -SPI 11A ' I d, I most$Alet men'on'�he.Noftlj Amer- ran " ail 1.0 g,a�d exist-. Jane 'Rutherford,, their -.. * I . , at.. thI6 b" logical builaiii .e bont's froqj salmon. nVix n t, And. his op ov, -1) STR.EL REAR A I.E, J"ddre'. es ind full Tiie husk' little bunible bee is -tng ic,an cohCineri inon'- -eti-. IT. 11 AS A Potlslut� FITT 11
y upon mice, can shake their, raftr, with ..Freani and, dresing. Bring to Ithis tiiiitter,will,-tindi)iu�tedly.linve tre- f -their claini's aild in, itiTportance. In leis on the. boiling p . oint, add ela Wi'm THAT CAFRY'ACI, T14t' 'FRIc- ments of, their, necountp an t Md .111eindotig weight. Ali aclv&tisenlont tie'l.nlix NV . ell. e' his, round's his d. 7 _, W _ 'tie.
,4, fim-rd of 11 e _d'iXg A��,D. ARE tXCLUS)ED if an fiat 6 veM Tit. t b 'ndwspapei, 4;et',vP 11"I" .X ilt N by'Ahem dulY verified !-Yv A 0411tvit. Meed of hmiey for Ifonfe vonstifilp-, h Vn er Ciivoraiblo conditions in -,in attraAive. ,mnn' t Sx. Arid take noifee tilt iftei, the or alid fre- ',on, sang and Only their. bite, whiqh kills kplall a'nimali,.. his .little thdy gi-1 "_-L-TLmr- , - ii - 4 -Fill- 7 66 whidi 063F, sAid:- �efi loft 'khe, 'Td. NMAKr A�LTGIIT DRAVT Now he,has become a, fietof. 111l'the 'ni 61--- a&�g. and' leave'9'94 'buto the asset ht ,eas 'kilf a nian, f6r th��e Polo- tii�ht, sAvs flie 11 %6 of th�! & id fi ce tlio 'entitled � tea' When eis acittft'lly 'rnote_ .�'Oot e -At thhn . an! I'N D- OUT WHY "IT I Ft, litay- zette, after 6enii0fit 8teffl.er 0�0.�O_ -only to he�_flies iidow At f1iii . f an, ily taken froin the -la �,Of Amblegide' liad riftired io' lied. he t6fi ,.fi A v_e _*_'TkiCl1 'he* S a thing to, `dol- car t1lelre -jo 4V. O,nv' schakdq,', Lack. of Maw:— B'd th 1 t1t, r9f . n1s, W191twAkelied �,b � th- 16yfoui barMn� lad fiaiio yi A g, prft4, tl ey�after y due tb �&- moght ry'IL hot 'to 'fialile for fllo� Ifof the 0rike, Ile is hiaffen lv,% gives dut an. o -Ing, -drqsied, And hustletl utt g6t.i �ncl cif'ihi6 coni- -.icit thpi� hoe. t t A-1 ta'n, the c.) &q L, (" ellitil. he Alqqll 'his SOTI it,- an(! -flciwtv gniPle-Mirnifig IS: cor * orfiriished his visl 'to An. intruder of� ITT Oil 0 1 d nalte; �anotllel,. %A, h 1�o taryied. 'A and a igg to ga AND r� 6 c e ifilv! Awn -yo !pItAt ele IwAys t -H esea06 ti6h,. 00incr to TIT tge h6, found 1%,firs'pailt ' Ult . that ahiekefiil retharked the i.0b there will 11 t -,,Vo yoiinpt fellfs�%-A Ae, stnioto on ou-14 be fticked die and bills f6t Ofat' NiArfow -this,' I'M,, day. i Is, or, ii of his tAt: -vi. FSte-met, t -a N11, like ., ,�r ��dh f6 do it,"' bf J'aly A the es .'d f1tem In .0 Ithe Bun bio bee, is and % Fk I bre one, - oIang MOU6 ITOW Wtiad 1 Olt Thor4 -aft A -Jejo al ys who *Ill b -thin -tilt otbo 00noal . go ....... . 46 &nYtIving lot* morier o4qti wor kt I4%