HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-07-11, Page 3e .. 'Made Plok doe,r' Ex:0401Y
...A..", rtoti, -11r, 14s. 0.0.r Med Mtn- attd, -
t1 . VIR . NPAILIP AO Wert iihn, a tifite tu.r 8904,0
eltare.ei "Ted had Pilki%ed. hifi •aii 44d.
.. 4.13.y,b3."0, darling.. Meet . you iia144 had 4040 ..the•-•AMPOefithle7rgarakied 44
. ,
• !lee°, at 94e.'''' .. • • i , • 'a eerteletro- ,• '''' • ' .' , • !
±47•47e4P*441: ota- . • '7-7 : • A,- - ' Ilire-bewdying.--44404-4.au-„It's"
• -
The girl and the Mall 'parted, Sheto been nwtei Iteepiltg,' it to *YOU.", he
.• ereas St, Paul's Churchyard to -the said. °It's five wekka since I drew out
' t4.44001.40 •• •eicbal104.• where.: 4441 'inY .eixtY•ttine.,pOnt00. But Mr.' tiolfoi
. was so•'Oertaim"! • ..; '
.'.' Meilta „ 00401, **loot* "It' was n,
'hit of 'a--.--risirr'ette-Satd,„•.lbut all the
while She was thttiffing of -The Vol*
' • flTeg•'' it would • 44.1r4,,been **it'
rd•deat,;'hUt it Iltaa: •WQrik. It. 'pletcOr
again, thOughl",lvitti'a.: •heyiell' laugh.
7.40.:vmty 4ilet .w941t. the candle; .Teco'
remeh.attiletel'Opueltided everything
toefity, ttud Made ' sr clear "three 'butte • .
dred and flitit peande.,•'.Thatrel'Itreft
Mollie and I've get fay sixty-nine back
as 40.0. ••:er,P1Sekle , re.Pro.4044113.'•:
.'.`ivithlile,' .yett,'re.'net.,11*rifftg!"..:, ........... ..
,,.:::...'.Tes.;„tlearil,'',ALM4tielepilied :4ID;t
seittlyt ' 1:but. • you see-that,..ffi.. .e
splendid, Tecil;'• •Ilii.eter So••:please'd.':".'' • •
•• • They, parted- as usual at • the end'eit,
[he street:, and_ there • *a.4 :a :iiiittt of ..
eisSiori in Tel'e. *eke•wheh he steehe-1'
"This .theans we 'ca.n, ..ite.. married in
July," he ,Said softly. . "I've \eno,ugh,
to pay for part of the house • and •a
• s.
" .tiits great remit with its numerous ,hundred ,ever as well. Mye_dear..
. • ' • :.-•-essetehboards--andepegs-eand--plecarece"shalt-Inr ribedr.;
, 'Worked, Ted to go to his office. to the,
• citi.. ''• •
Venally, they.. 'Woke(' hack and
• waved. slie when she hatil reablted the
' .• ether' eitiet .P.4 the • road; buti
• MOilie,Sayery .ffid not ,*olt
•• Stead::is.he, kept .00&.defiattelf
treat of her, her hrnits buit her lips
caMpressed: , The: reason we "b(ib.aus:0,
• 's,10 • !iras, Sit'Arebeiling,*rebelling
agiinst ' the commonplace , and ' •the,
mundane: among which Fate :had set
'What's the gOoti• Of havan111,0
;ideas „ bountese; whete 'Vetere 'a
telephone' eperatiVith• tdrali1elo-liete-7
; self ,a little, SCOttifhtly• as Shd- delved
' .info-;otteeof 'the parrow„.1Wietifig.pas
'•fages with. witich.'the City Is honey
ombet11_,..2ed had .annoyed her" this
• therning--:-Ted with his entiiiisieem
Omit 'small things. •
She greeted 'her' fellow workers:, a
Little abeentle, and then she SYSIA into
., •
and toek her Pleee' tu her'ont coreer,
,little apart .from the other girls.
The telephone -buzzed: It waif' Pic,
eadilly 020 calling•and her face turned:
ertmerni as she heard -The Voice.
It wa,s six months since The Voibe
.itich! Molly, singed, still thinking,
'ef her .Voice; and a passionate rebel-
lion Was in her . heart: • How dared
Ted speak of riches; he iwith a Misr-
10- four ..hutulred pounds? -.And ..he
ha dinade•a• fttsge-for that! " • •
had pine -Into. 'her- life, shaking .het 'Bee -bye- Ware- ,iSeci,..Yele. Weight. •.
out of :her. placid e4teneee worrying "See you to•eight," •Peollte said :ale,
her With new, desires,' . teinpestuous ::sently. • :•' ' • • ' • • •
emotions ; six months sine° she had .•• Mollie, did not ,litiow• what made, her:
. ,
' firet 1eguu to .regret her engagementdo it, leut she apeke• to her Voice! :Not
140W.she spoke ine.chahicalle. "Num-. juiregave, Iilm Ms .huthinte• but actu-
bete -Pleas ,. • • ' okeeto hitheaod The Voted an
"Piocadilly Mg.' " . .sivered hen,. That as the IR -pining.
• .it was always , the ..same number Now. each morning she looked forWard
. •
and atereye ahout.the same time. The: .to their ltttle ConVersatiotte .
•Voice MoUldJjrIflg up -to his 'chauffeur They :realty. said 'very. Hide. 'T'hey
" and :order his Bells .ttoyce. 'it erne ealkeO, pf4he • wea.ther, of the 'delays:
:,•tently• w.as. au • attractive voice, ;one at the other eechange. • Oti,'they !lever
.' thee pied be ;instinctively. trUste4. Said enythihg•that .tnattered; but eacli
Full musical„'srith iteeedde-terist :in .day • separated her .niere• and • more•
•it that sh6 could "mot :(piiteplaceit from ,Teci„. Ted who was ,areenging
• evas not accent, • neither wae it•a ,about ,their tittle hell* Who was 'plc-
lisp.„It was tierlieties te mixture' of the ing Plaits for •their ivedcling, who Was
two a. let. Which attracted her. • .) so 'gloriously happy.: itt the . thought
Or-cettree, it • was a; young • voice., that he .could take • Mollie. out -pf her
young; full, with'a -hint of mission, in drieig.erteahd give her a •hetue.
It to Which" hie soul' eeSponded... •:. • That ,Satardite she • weht tn see • the
• ; Marne- looked round her carefelle. itohae.•• Ted "tivented heti. to . choose the
With The Voce she :conimitted" the decorations: *Let's, be Mocierh.•,darl-
enforgivable sin ell:stetting tee to .ing," he' said, aanl,have. plain . Papers,
e private conversation. • : -• • r ati,,mech aci possible as Our ,ferhiture
To day .it 'tyaci the same as. ."upual... and things will be alt and We want
442tit;.' Smith, bring the Austin • .round eit'have' things: in geed tote. " •
• •
at -eleven to-datr! . No,. not the „Bells- . .."'We ought to., ;settle the 'date,",' he
Roye 1 am drieing mySelf. . By the suggeeted, as he lockedthe front door
way, Smith, *child yeti. like the „del behind them ' eit ewes, their- .housee-
Off?, ' Bight, bring . the car round ...end their door -his : very • own. latchkey! '
the reat ..of the day is your OWn." Wearily Mollie taieke.: • "Very well!
• That ,:was.. typical of ,The Voice. He What' about three Weeks next Tues
, • •
was always so kindly, thotighpuli Con- day," she said • She 'must get It over
Tellerate, , • -- r ' :tome- thuele Noe
Regfetfully, Mollie thought- of Teddeer, don't •Itiss Me. I-4, think I'm
Ted Worehip.ped her and his: only rea on edge." „. .
. :son for 'putting 1U ito hutch overtime "'You're, not going•-te be illt",
Was., so that he mieht, save and get '. 'No, Mit tirati=e-thaths all.", •
the little house they had seen. •.• 'Mollie • cleeped, her hands together.
Ted had squeezed, her arm and Oh e she Couldn't go • on she; couldn't'
kissed her in the • loneliness • of ..ckne. She owned the truth at twit, She was
Of• the empty rooms. The house Wilk. in love • With a. yoke. •• Thatvoice had
. • ' f(ot• quite finished when they had last 'brought alt the roman and hope and
seen • It • They ,had Witte -lied it grew wonder' of the Modern novel iuto her
from •its foundations, and • only • two.
eleyva.go :he had told. her with e happy: • * * • * • • • •
laugh: • "Mettle old thing, l' tre got' the It. was .1t- few days before her wed
first option On•it, • I'm going -to see the ding day.. Time had run on wheels
manager of the London Blinding So- to the terrifi•ed. girt... Bach day was.
:-..elety on Saturday. I've only to pay. taking her nearer to her marriage,
, fifty pounds down • and -o, lt,• Mollie,: to th eprisoit which Would hold her
• •theh. we ;cart be married'" • , . to. the end of her Oays.
And Mollie knew now that she •did She fought weakly ageing' Ted but
not want Jo marry Ted. It was not ,Sheo• coulde.'t hear to see the path in
that she did not like him, but she had his eyes When she spoke sherply., At
• ,grown beyoud. lain. The Voice had ed- ter all, he was :Ern& et dear! . •
-.heated , her tip. to what, Might ,be, • • • Mollie eealized his worth': • If was
Now sheeliatened again, an .exched only the hoadagesite dreaded. If Ted
•-colour in her ,cheeks.' The Voice My., had the posithin ot itet Voice, 'his
•er stopped with one cell. It was gen. tnoueY, hie . •
erally a•• -dozen or more and then- •• And then the Wonderful thing. hap-
"..hlenkness until the next-.dav•• • • pentd. The: Voice was littered in her,
Mollie, felt she knew a lot. about .406..
' •The Voice. He was . fair, a slim , shook as site enslred his sud-
yeueg. giant,-nenees ta,tif,.'whieh. • re-. den question. • "What's your name,
. yealed Jets 'gra•ee and strength. His tie AO? Are. you Married?". ,
• chin? That witallieritoci, She, dectded. 'Their conversations grnw more in-
• The Voice 'got- his calls • one after timate. ' She found he wanted to 'is-
. anothee. ,It was never faulC tento her, wanted her tb talk to:hint;
tel seas kept waiting. , 'Still she •lis. and she tad only three more days. On
• • .t4.'ef, risking a reprimand from, the Saturday she was leaving the office
,ffilierviSor„ a geitn-faced spinster Who 'for good. Tueaday was her wedding
'Vad nteldeas. &tont romance. „ ' , doe • ' ' '
, The Voice seemed a particularly She efound herself telling; the Voted
lonely individual. He etevero Tleked about 'her marriage, *Whim hlin with
to woMetter.relations or Iriends. 'Hie a -throb of resetitnteet in her tones
inseructioei were etWaye •curt, 'bust- 'which she did not teethe, was 'there.
nessailte., yet withal" there was' the • And she found her Voice sympathire
, • .
same kludly note In his vette. . •
Mollie sighed ,as the last„ was •'`,' reit -were .made for. better things.
' firdelted.", Her. romance .had gene for A• clerk at five pounds a week and a.
another day-. • bonus. What? -Me• car?, .Then, *hy
One .0',O1ock foundher in the cheap hot Ohio witk nte to•morrote, little un-
eittie, restaurant which she- and Te'd known? •I•want to meg yott, to knelt
ways patroniZed, • Ted had not demo you. Yon musttil lone 9. held en fife.
• and 'she 'ordered their lune hinechani-: Lite eau offer en much. • , •
She was dining. With her tinittiown
the 'text nIght. lie was .sending her
pine •ftowers and she wail te• wear
there.: - He Wetild Wear a huttenlrnie
of. the sante kind. Why,' this .was re -
mance.' ilorr &Mid She ever revert
to Ad. drab again! , •
• '"Plis nett .daY -Mollie was going to
mat herr Vfficer --Hro .•waute4: her
she wanted, hint.'•aiiit,fithOut stopphig
tfilnk thh• wrote: • • • •
"Dear; Preds---1 jinni lore yeti. • For.
.give me. I don't Want to hurt Ion;
)1itt ithetOttani611fittc.When
tt--,•-•" she • herlitateil, hitt Ted," Wee , Oh .THiTaiir
Igtoprio:•1,0 ...,,,,..
"' Ted' would never knew 'about The
VOIce.' 'to her 404,ton she had ad-.
.•. readtk iseasei
Eff7' . 1• eg:Fitlet-' tuaQtl' on*,
adressed h.,4..,„7,ila letter;k.herSelfl .....: .. imulinel to many pis,„. ,. Geneva . •.
AFatal ±DAsiile. . : . • . . - Says-Milico. • • -:---1. Canfemi'00..
• . --7smakphme. Idoomy.. People c ovad ., Make ,setves ,
Wants to Know the Re,, 1 ,
- ' lE .-t' C es-. The -.spread of the travel habit in
...••..• •
----ee .. , 4:e:el r:gla: . .ao: according
tt. ,transportation is . - StiltS •Q11 Standards
• l4E,f .1....iving,
,., , ,..
.. . ..
444.1...,444 . day
In.: .400i4y44 . 14, 42 riS.:1110;Sii:dech.froe:t. director
citr.tp, i.d.erl..pi 7. AllpaartZ: amtie.or: . p.,:i.04.efw.116z.:c.74:04110,01,,,otnsalitiotadlp.i.tr.1....:
• New York or seine other large city ree:: - • .1 . • re A. Oral • °•..•
niltefii'' "walich' WIll ICJIC141C. ft, oat as of ,Publ:e•Health and proven.twe, nte4, 'PeOolution expressing'. Satiefactien at
eine at "lVIC,Gill University • HOWeVer, the. cotestitetioitent:the' eX.P.eit".,'celAk
4 'Paac.41ce lh al,'few eeceeds, iledS•r-• •
d Dr. 'Charles. P .Olivier direet,cir 'of --. '- -• • ' .• , orala:itit,.q200,„ko.: iatst:00e. 0i4ft,i1(.4..w,,Lio.to,4..0.0.iec,.:oirriiinati,, ,
'the real roblem said Dr, Fie
ing' . tip;ts, to •-et4dY t6i.i 'Oitlfot4' (411i4c't11*
r,0•:111:4:j.:!.i:n.ttii, tthc.iei..i.i....t....frpt.:01,iih;tat.::,:iii4.0iagnit•,..?',..,:.„7;!:4.66:17.04efif:.;;,..,
solution also Invttes the International
Labor Offices'nesistance• in, ineres lea&
04-0.4 "effeete, eit • ..monetary altiethie- •....
• tiorne' on ..the 'earn:Vomit'. .aititatian • ,..or:••••
.-oric4ra".:„: , ,..:. .,.'. „....- ' • : . ._ . ' ••
. :'.'rb.e, resolution . 'Out'. hietted...ethie .
Labor Oth.ce to ,eethienteicate the re-
etilte -of its nmin incitdries' into.the•
effectS, of these, ii.liSt114tiittS,"•041 ' ffia4',.
bilitYlof einniciyineht and to •under-
take, •if 'Possible, le assoelatilne .witlt.
'the, .fingeeial :committee of the Lea-
gue of Nettons.. Metter. lectiiteleti'.inte
the effects Of,. tiiese • thictUatiens, on.
the :Worker's' standard or living, their '
eilleleheYeelieues of welt ande•relae.
pens betweett employers. . and work. ' •:,
the', .Unixersity .Pe4IPYI.v.aola •
PervefevY' 444 , authority "On metectria;,.uthsaintgfet•Olieeiliunep,oleciatrielet•hthaatt.,.**,4bil.ax;enoht.
in : reoelier**eisiLrore-- The -
With, thp..iriVention ;Of, the •senaite'erie
,Arnatettr :Aetrenioteeree AsseciatiOn at.1(
in 1814, said Dr..•„Fleming, the
•• 'the • Atherican,' Museum' • of, Natibeal-:r.,046
pee:11,10h 'of Ornentunitable • .disegeee.Was
FiStorY; New York • • Says. the Writer '
1.aCeenttiated.. !todaY •Our teansporta,
Of n report in'the ,New •York Tirclese:
tion Methods have irttirmade"one •COTYkr,.
intiabiteciefiert Of the ',earth. I's •
.sate •frOM., the-. eel:basal disaster which,. ,a17...tshiteY•st'S14.1.in447s,.ot '`,1-i(ii•st4klit.ei'•61,nfeadr..
:FAY result from"a, bornhardmeater
znisteorite .-Sueb.as-the.,One, •tifacOvered
'2.901- Afuica a- few. Wee"' ag°''61../CPQa.shettlat,Qarid the AtlentieelehlettevelOP
the :etterinotia 'tease • which strack•the
•Wilds ett..$t);''etia ,apthe yeatsago, Dre, t..he ••S11 tv("? Ist'4° PS01* • •
.Olivier •declared. • It Is a oleee at( • . SHOULD USE
good fortune for the. "theme .race;she . beatitS' are '6:centring; :,edi,d the tiOe''
.said. that these meteorsestruek uu teiti which can be prevented if we Will
Inhabited 'paletti of the earth tastead., but make Use of the knowledge at .our
7ifie a ease, y popa ated Tegiow like.:dispodel Concerning the Prevention: and
.this city or London • or 'Paris. ,centrol., of stheie7diseases,. The. public
'! 'if a 'meteor of the gigantic :Size themselvesbecaese of their ignorance,
of the one leek discover • in Sbuth.;.superstition., catelesanes,s,or indiffer-
ifrieta were to strike Ne elk efter ence, are directly fesponsihle for this
traveling ,through nhlIliO11S Of :miles of appalling state of affairs. ,They are -
celestial spade at theerate of froin ignorant of the fact that disease may
tweety to :seven& mites a second, WI be preveeted, superstitious that: it is
weed(' not, only Wipe this city off ,theiinevitable,, careless in postponing what
face • of the earth but Would causeis necessary to ;secure protectioneand
- niore lteTrAb that the-,-W-orld-Warit lindiffereet _
011yier, deefired., •° 'Te Silieriate.di,s-1 We Neow ,a great deal, said pr.
aoar • chan_.g.O. ei.denee• forest 'tete e;.Vieming„ p.bOtittioW to prevent teber-'
tomPletely ..bare area for many eniteseulosis. Its prevention involves a ne-
in dianieter. The eettre region ) schetne which :embraces not so
.• ,
tore and furrowed. as thehgh :he a. mueh medical, as economic and Social
g.e.e.eeteseelo. i/iin Min Med- ' ee I • .
The governing bodY•of the Intethea-
tienal Laboe Office was alseeinVited
to studythe best means of letrodue-
nig measures, 'either natienal or, in-
*Ante:teal, ,With a eie* to. reducinge 1 .
unemployment ahicing•Mihees•atal, was
asked '•to orittinite its 'inquiries into
unemployment i the textile indult- • '
try. and to undertakesimilar investli
gatiens' into 'other industries,; net et,.
ei.to0o-7.,t4e. restentieethet: the:
Ieterhationel: Labor 'Office , should' •
Undertake hirniiriee with yegardetei the •
'influeace on Unemployment' of 'tee
_crease of population, deielopeteitt of
`neW Industries to, the detritnekt
those 'already existing and eationalir.;.
hig. •
Tapping High
.Power for ,Earnier-
\ Pieces with numerous large.. circular 1 Smitlipox.disappears werevaccitta-•:
.PEBRAPS IT: le ALL A'MATTik: OF 1,tl•kWPOINT . , , • .
. .excaeatiohe :resembling lunar ,eraters,,ri tier!. is : Carried . out, but when •thie". is
•. boed buSiness dominate religion itele.ele-Yerk-? Such Might be .sunibellent• —
• • . ; . . "AohoUt 20,000,00P. meteors vtstble to• neglected', an outbreak is sooner or
Modern •44YPo.CialierSo el. • . • • • •
,Ot thIS vie S. of Oki •Triaity, . An Lower , Broad:Way sun ounded an • .
. the, 'naked eye and,•several eintee eliat later inevitable.
. . ..
Ths Shows ' that -such '•diseises:.''are
: : •
,. Many. which be seen o.ele ,with
the aid .cif e telescope daily• gatei the .pteventable, but when it is considered
Waiting for •Ted •whenehe. got„.•haCk Saw: .the Virolets;' the tatous;Eatr: e, 'earth's. atmosphere; he .aeperted The that nurnereite. deaths 'and cases still
,.. , .
home, . He Wetitd know-. . • 1 „ awl in a 'sudden freeze , pulled ' her vast inajcirity of these are ,very steel' Ocur.,. it is plain at •som'ething.fur7
• She wondered why it. hint tier to seart, about her, coVerittere:ereviblets and are ',heated by fricttorfein sPece ther must .}:.0,e done "The, answer 111
know"rthe was .going te.hurthim; ,tieti1frRflLtlt ,. . ...,,, • '. - . until they are completely. burned •hp.' ihy, .opihicrn," said Dr. 'Fleming, "is
She resolutelYeehet her eYes to ..the • . ,Phillips•••w•as Iootting round eagerly ' that they reach the earth, as.•lie- public edneatiOn; and by .publin•edu-
, . . ,
. I . ' . . . I • ,
, ..... -.,........ . . ' . . . .' IWO lite, . i-nis, and stumbled to the Ratable'. duet.' , About one meteor a cation I• mean' Placing botere the pq.0-
. cloor.\.Thereeeree a Crowd and. for a • day of •Sucieht. size to Cense ctimag.o.illiatihenairsuet.at4csovnEiTuriti:.nt trrihet.i 'sCtOrnbtenurne-;
She •Itedesisions of. a wetiderful fee
.. .. •
• .: Mollie located her. very ',ellYeet :and ..iniut%Inrete. te4wele,•ee', eel/Ration ill' them,' •
Man's 'eyes • looked deep
I•it"8";artelLte,...est'le'ittioll. e: :fe say, nee aMount meinoeredl that the ACcumUlatien of
ttire. b'efore•her. • ' • .' ' . :'. .'
. .
her Very 'hest as she stood in llie thiy - ot :dame ga that.. Meteore .1,4ve, done. keowledge is, of 'no, use if that knest1-
.Jounae-:cif the RainhoW.• ' : . ,. i . ae. .impudent• sugg?stio,n. .
At her breast ,was• 4 liege fiat ieen1t. gle • 'Per .Moirtent,"they stared at each
' ' ' tO. Man • end bli Werkseup to the. ppret.,:i,c,ci.,,,esewi•he,e•et•loetv,..aeprpvti'hicidtt.i. -p'o.m.b.10 iim ben.
of Parma, violets, fragrant,.: beailtiful. Other-ethen•she.pas4ed 'on, hPO Is almost er •violete sSSI ' 'negligible,'
hidden:: • •. • °Beier added. • .'Whis is due lamely I done by, ofganized communityefferti
There was c, .nO .card with • them; but
. , • . •
rushed dead; 'but. safely
• • ,: • ' • to the fact •that, most of mei glebe is., theeugh, a health • department,, there
seen her yotee. Would. coin° .‚searing ' • Mollie got ' on to :her. "hes blindly'made up et oceans, deserte- and other remains aa,m,tech more that the,•indi-
Perlin 'violets ih. his Oat.. They At ,heetermitius. she . got oft atko nod, iittinhablted 'areas . *bare: strikV. eideal Meet (le for himself, Or the
each Other'e eyes. , • ' : , . , to 'lei., ii.olne, who -6i Avot-h-er-ititypor „Meteors-Can:do he lanta. ge„e".• • .
woeld eneetee-tbiteh band-elook lute up,.the long,ectutet etreet which. led
an : iesane tonging. : to •hd. 'fiest She/ loying the flowers :of the etny; 'garden, ,----•••••-••• -.H.,- .•
. Mollie was terribly earlY. She had and the. kids ,evotild. be together ,e11-
wanted to •get her composure,etre. to Where: everything" was •ordinary, 'un-
-coequer, the ..etteessitre nervoesness romantic, patter -of -feet. • But it was
which Was' 'robbing her. of her :speech. liomet
. . ...
A man entered, pertly, •detle, a long; Ted met her at. the, torner. "Dear-'
hooked nose bending •over to a Rar. eitej missed you he said. ' "Oh; I've•
of thin cruet lips—In-his wide ex- been so. weeded! 7 -Darling, darling,
pause of shirt rraat, was A.diartiond. what' e elle, matter?" .
On his fiuger another.. ',tit his head She was in his, arms, now, crying,
he carried a .jeWelleO cigarette tube; sobbing , a' littlewildly, her weeds
•feelinine, •extrevagant. .Mollie'S eyes meaninglessincoherent Ted's, arms.
threed. awayin disguet. He was the were ebout, her, holditig her •sefely..•
typical midale-aged,degeeerete 'or, the ' 'Then she -remembered. He ought
lesser-known night elubs. .. Be weer-. to have' bad' her tetter by now • How
- .
' •
She shuddered.,She did not notice could she ever • detain? He would.
the 'Parma Violets 'in his buttonhole. -never .u.nderstand. ' Site, knew how.
, She watched the door' happily, ex- jealous he was.
citedly. - • ,` . , • They -evailted into. the • house, his
TWO youths near her were talking Arm about her. and he kissed her, ia•
andetheir ;voices crept 'Into' her under- the shadow et the. Open cellardoor.,
standthg.. • ,. , Roinence? • Yes, for there as truth,
•••'":Yes, that's old phillips, the, great- add. heti:our and ;reverence In that
est rogue In Louden-," One :said. "He'S• kiss. .. • • • ' ' ' • , .
a money -lender, you kriow. They say ,- He • shut the door with a laugh ,and
he makes his 'money out of suidides." there,' e0h, Mollie, this letter. 'Came
"No; that's where you re wro'ng It for you this meriting," he eald. "Funny
out Of his voice ," said the other.' "Phil:- it should besent to my . address.", .
lips. has the westcharmittg voice In. She looked .curietisty at the type-
.-.; ___...-.....e.—,_... •
Lottdori. Streuge hese many *omen written envelope ' • . , '
eah be taken :in by It in. spite of his Then she went white , and 'slipped Heaven knows best, •hot It Would.
repulsive Ap•pearauce.". - : ' the leiter into hbe nice if some of these importedIn
her hag.. ..
Mollie roSe. .stunned; afraid. ,She "It's nettling, Ted," she said." "Only sect pestaliked dandelious. • ;
- : ....... .
. cally. •
• Today Tad eras a quarter of an hour
tate. :•If that had happetied six menthe
'age Mollie tvotild have been almost in
itysterich wondering if sornetking had
happened. But nevi the did net even
notice; She; Wes thinking,. thinking
••• ••64) a life Whielt as only 'A -drealh; ft
'Alfa' *Melt- offered hit • nutheleithiL
nt a nntfrl hottee; 'Of 11-"• Jatt
• whtellgave her , ierVaitts," cirri, a
• tItimaa. book of her, Ott/IL,. •
her toed, atechanically,; •14y
.hte side • -cd s lunch was 1,,e,t • ••
Itie Omit. carefully ,t-ipped hp t�'"de • inattkid, Soineene." itaS SSISta lut�. my -
1101(3 that the i'alite oWSS ut5�r'vdd W Viii.giag. Wti:h httfl titS 'ettfttivii
"Mottieeteet done 11• • thing 4 have hetet ' :seaeeltittg ever
Tee voLo 8toOed "hoe, Ted site 1 an i'eftember-rentance.
.rottre ft;', ("tree wag: his good bit RAPS him; Ted, love' httit. Try to for-
Melee& tee -keel face alivewith elt- gt,
„ Ow:posted the !letter- It wouldbe et„Meltritee: • -
-"Hardly one got throngh without a,
stretch at the' trent" ,• • •
All is Not Rebellion Below the Rio Grande
• 4
, .
Tha• ,probtein of •Sepitlying, elect -rite •
service to stattered , rural districts
hes beee simplified' by the intrOduct-
tiin a new a,pparattiswe are old in )
e ',Press bulletin Issued by. the Gish-, :
eral, , Electric Company: . Verniers ' .4
who have- seep, lofty: steel towers -
near or , across their .property; . certy.!
patent for ,the child. ,In general I am tag high-voltage; electrtcity trona i
oPPosed to .iernputsery' laws, but •we hydro:electrtc 'genertitieg:'statibne: to
need laws to • deal with those Who Will :cifies:-Itatreliften tinefireelwhy it has
not be met:laded, • not been eesaible to obtain electricity
• "CompaeativelY few -parents realize for their faTrnts. from-elteeag-adja.cent '
theserieusnese of measles,: w. hich _is lines, :'oele ,to be informed that the
.ohe ,i:If ' the • most fatal diseases • for cost or substation equipment for 're.:
young iefents. They take' no care to ducing the foliage 'made the cost of
protect their children from infection, the installation prohibitive. We ,
not 'realizing that their fatalistic atti- read further: ; . . •
tilde is unsound. • . .. . 'Wow, however, fields hitherto, un-
' "People Still put car . tickets and Leeched, can be readiedsince the new
.all sorts Of odd things into theie eqtripnient. •without sacrificing eatety,
mouths, they still fail . to wash their .or reliability, lacks several of the e; -
hands before , eatiag; they omit to poneive Tarts of •the conventional suite
cover. their coughs and sneezes; and statiem 'After a rural load has been:
they expectorhte promiseurnisly. These 'developed With the new equiPment, ,
are items which definitelp play an im- a larger Station can be inetalled, or
port -ant part -indeed the mit import - an existing distribution system ex -
ant part -Lin the spread Of the cent- ttillel to that djetrictfrOln) a distal*
mon cemmenetable diseases.
e ,
One -Man Class
Graduates Soon
"Exercises" Will 13e Gone
Through By Class of - ,
One "
point, wheteupOte. the , Original
station ,equipment -can he 'Used: in •dee
velopiug -,another rural section.
'lestead ef the conventional 'oilclr-
cult-breaker, relays, current -trans•
•foemer, ,and • disconnecting switch of
the usual substatiote there ts . sub.. •
stitutel a comhined, diseOnnecting •
switch, fusible,, cutout :and cuerent-'•
liniiting' resistor -unit., This high-
aped intermiting device protects the
Laneister. Mess. -7- The: Lancaster high:voltage • line elgainst ' faults in • the
step-down tratieforther, • substetiott ' •
steucture, or distribution lines.
"The ineuletieh throfighout the new ,
type or email -capacity high-voltage •
substittion •-is so designed that • its .
strength against lighting village is • .
greater than that of .the high-voltage • '
line' itself, Ohs protecting, Phe statfolte
The eubstation is .deeigtied for ttse in
66.000101t "thee having• a' grounded
neutral* that is, Solidly and, 'perman-
enti'y grounded at-erery power Entice. ,
It is so Made that it will not °affect '
the operatiofl of the. high-voltage IMO •
because of transient •overvoltegee,
overtretteges, o'verloads or short ate
iLigh School ciaeS et 19.29, alias John
Saintee-Gilmere, is to be graduatedin
the town hall; and as Johfl. is to be the
whole show.on the propane ttie school
'committee has received such a. flood
of applications 'fd tiekets that , it has
been, comp5lled to limtt Ahem tcr)the.
capacity' of the amillorittin. • • -
The, pccasion 'of John .Sanuiet baing
the lone star of his class ,is due to the
fact that all his forther clossimatO0
tre- graduating from other , high
eclinots principally in Leominster and
Clihten. .
After an, overture • by an tee:hest-a
and itivneation hy .a locall. preacher,
Mite Settutet Gatteeire etiThreed the
class itistory-,,,VoffoIting; selections
by . the Lancaster (arts" Glee Club.,
Sohn S. Gilmore 'will read an essay on
clternistak; and afterchorus singing'
by the school puptis, J. Bahl:eat •Glh
more will pre:emit the class gift, which
will be accepted, by the chairman 04
the schoefeotarnittee. • Musicilditches
he "followed by the Preflentatirne
,ofa dipioina, te „I. S. Gilmore. The
exercises Win conclude: witha secep-
Lion? , b� the full ciaes: membetship,
John Samuel Gilinore himpeef. •
VI its.' . . • 1 . •
.*.....:..2 '...S.,7e• ••••••-•..,.....6.
• ' • Bird'ii Song -at Daybrealc :
0,4The, her ,the breWn thrualt in this .
• downing, . , , •
In the dawning tif. the day,,,
Singing to the rising' .ritornittg;. .
• ...Oome, hear ,the brown•thrush 'OA the .
'• „I
Eie stutters, nods, itild falls a:trilling,
Thee gathers breatir-as Morn grows
And lifting up fits head arid thrilling.' •
, THE. IT,RAIN.E.O'NGRSE He' gentle and sings with all. -ht '
, • • . 'might
, ' .
,. . . • . ,. ,,,..
Leek as. the little musie-triakee ,
'.• Trills and' trills •Itis silver tt.4rtif,' .•
Ite-r-Inous • preeencte ttelvcse---aWat• -thneurilight burstson holt •and..4,gre•, . .
• Site 1-{11110.1% ,Itis -•14.fttty .1.41,111,10,;, • . • .
_ilid,S.(ittly,...0._4(tee.w.itcatitg._`outionalra. • i Sufi p()SeP. -oid • tho ''.c fist! at' ,ae-,,••••
e :
--, -,--e. , . ,...:.7.yot .14:11,..4::.w.a.p.a.„44.cmitv.,ti61.th .rm AtitkittityttWT:00. . -4*4Sr after. the • log. .44-:-.1.:.:'.
.„ ...... . 44.,..4,..04.... , .....4 -..........-.. •Mgeootillg ifro goita.:6--tid- it ,-,,ioefilis c.114;---a-PWA*-taitt-ttil-06—y-dur--datyg •,,,,.......n:„.......... -tit,
.v..rmso,,,q47.-:,iiEr.i. ..---, --.....,,, ,
. . . ., ., 1,14,01y fair. • , ..., . , . *- . . . cl t,e,e?,.....,"No," rojilied -the bride's father .
:ffifiXICAN1 BEAUTIES 1.0A1400.04 -r,tf,t- ON AO t.tx43 :Ntitiat fillr• MONTH'. '
. . • Tifit, eigar,atos. from h,bi, otight i It unt spent' al it it Were going to ba
' 0.oata Or the More Ash twenty' young mexicon society girls:Who have .Velenteeted , OW: .sereleds .tri a atteelei .. , . .. .........e..• 0 .... . .. • , ',••. I hartl• at- one tie* brit she, ieraded • the ••
'tven. the . father of twIns,eptti$ :eh fellow just as eve were ikiianing te
, attNaction at the (treater .Malesab •Theatre in 'Mita, of Genera' Jose •Tapia ellief of Stair of President Portes Gil
ri .1.4 . . _ •• . . r - • ..
haiti • : , i ion Sli ii(Va," "
.,,• • io. ' :. ,f)
tottlY she eutere the‘siffir man's-
roont -
And • t enderlyscares fo,r him;
tind,,,strelats• aerrene the, greol„-gre64,-
. ,. •
... •
o.- 1141 X•ri.1,.4iti..r.