HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-07-04, Page 5''''ItaiWg.(447. • f „ }Y. " 0"S•ea • • '•;" 0,‘ -0 aws 4.••••'.,0 mit• ' 4 Wail* 21111114PAY 41,11.0Y 4th 1929,- , , "a•-• ; • •, r0 •, •.• • • t • ..1•.• • • .1 • sS' 4 1.• - ••.-• 6 -....4- . ........F....0-.-0,r..a.r.,'"40• . . ""'"7-4"...--., ., . . ..,": . . • . . • ' . , • It is:the imperativeduty of every mails st to keep a brake fir§t-class. aul . condition. • - ' .t , t , . ve.- le e, '-':an..'.•boPr, .. " e . 'rakes' Should. he. able to„.7,sti*a e4.- iii:72teeif. ::.. . . . lit at .0.i!iile, 404; 10, feet re wed: . . . . . . Some .daY:..*ollir. WO Or the,livds of otters ' 01H,.. . d4e4 4 upon your braking .ecpilpiiielit . ' :::s- •'.; ' ' ' . .'' , ' • ' • .• • ; 1 a ••• ,Keep -; the highVays,.o others by always 11014 good jiroto4.:•. • . • ••• . . .„ „ . . . /1••• y Safety Coiumittee- tiou.:Gr434; , ,1 1.•-” : - A ,loocp,K TEM§ ritTE - Mr. ft 4, JP.haAnn, 'editor.. of Ogiaette, with -4 anlither •, Of ifrioads • reepOi made. triP t9 the tha • .1ne-Star-Stiste'!-- Texas -7, iwaY4 dOwn by the-iGalf of Mexico and -to the,West :of. the :idississipp:-, giver. On his retisliP 4.81-14.*P‘' ireQ.UP.Le' .01 ntir• O * %rating. articles for the Gazette, giv-.: •ipg his impretalepe• of' the seuthern state.. Texas one was whe alpiegft, 014410th 4.4'014 Weet!".44 land OrcelWboyii gatablere and riika: • , hers, and one is surpris,eil 'toAread: in Mr. Jobastra4 •"•arttele• •that m this imme»se state'PoOl. and ,,cat4.'plaii.10. is ‘af;hhicica by state Iaw 01 the OaXette:-..artipin:. • RintUrninO•te.Engelinan.'gardeni on Saturday, :ero'iTere:.: taken te-Aety an- other. wonderful' ,heaVily.leaded with"the 'Crarirais kinda. , Air-440w.us., Oiily six r" but kt'Vat0; Well devel4ed;':a4-,ia' Tfr eirlik,101,113' • prOtiii: • . . : We' "eannot _leave the •Rio Grande Valley. without '•giling more `infetraa. • 0.: • tion concerning Englerean.. :Gardena,' .and 'their owner; Mr„ John C. Engel-; man. • The •Gardens'contain, 11,200 • . • ' ROD:, AND. pl.7$ FOR JULY •.. • ,,. • • • a In line with the season PI the .year . ' the ',Tely twine of Rod and Gen and., Canadian. Silver :Fox Ne;iss,„ Canada's natiOnal;outdoor magazine. is devoted ligely to the fishing and campipg' in-: - •,terests of. outdoor life - In addition to the regular Fishing: Notes departtrient capably: conducted by, G P. Sladen a couple of splendid yarn! by N. Milton'Browne and Rene .dela Bruere appear in 0 this issue: The • contents include many excellent stor- ies and features 1y Edward Ormerod,, Bonnyeastle Dale, C. S. 'Landis, J.W. ' • Winsoa and: W. C. MotleY,providing. ' • a wealth of entertainment snd infer- nuitiOn for the reader. Fox ranchers will And valuable information in the , artides of the Canadian Silver Fax • . ,News section. 00' " Itted and Gun, and Canadian Silver Fox News is published. monthly by ' : W. J. Taylor, Limited; Woodeteck. 11. • , -FROM pURLIC HEALER VIEW • • Dr: W. J. .Maye.„.. the famotuP-sur- 'geon of the Mayo- Brothers' clinicat Rochester, ,Minn., is certainly in fav- or of the Prohibition lawOf •the: Urated ..Stittee'"Only the froth •of seeietY oPP-osud7to-Probibiti'on .A.inerica,' he said. 44The great: bulk Of our population: is quite satisfied with it; and, from the, tioint of.view' pf public., health, th_ere 'n'ever has hien arii question but that alastinencelrom agentwould prove -extreinely berie- ficiaI.7 • : • . • , ,acres, and there are no finer rands. in •' the valley :than these. Mr. Engelman' O • . "enitilays thirty : white men on • his . • ranch—and. one hanilred.: and ' fiftY, Mexigan' Workirs.: : 'Theie Mexicans .aro•!Yery' Ito4strictas, fnd honest,and Wk at an average vv`age of- $1 25 to • $1.50: per day. Tlie:y;,:live,.,very. O ..ttieir menu. ceneisting otl-eitv.s :meat, •raurang:pretiti name: .4.:eal evrel twangs; • and ut.lei vegecketes,, ivita a;iuea -seasuoutgief-,peilker, saAt_ c eek.stiruy %vitae, even, iacTn, alra sre".aeuut• Lae' SauteCUWL tier ,tfl-.. •alails. Asc. 4.1g emain • "410lle,a49. tAq,111. citrous Aruits, •gritikutt., oranges, le.nons, :ete.; 0 vaiy.rig, Lit .age iron, , ,one LO •tpree lissito.: -k.trg luta das...p..0 llv.44) SY021....1.41.1 PessleA. aitu1.44 'AWL e. .11:411a. O _yartem.,.'•.,:i; *or. treeS: ntost . . • •KIN•LOUGI:t . • . ceuierate •s.pistem, irrigk tion; is , °emu, • esi\tit a. reserv:meotnear On .Saturday afternoon the. Sunday tivo 0hunti.red" acres alreaily cenStrit& Sehool of the KiiiThugh Presbyterian tea...tee:water supply is nominee by Church Church held a very sucCeskful picnic Iravt0, arm is 't•lecetere not .etlien-' in "Pdalcolm'S Greve -Racing and other aiVe, it is pump4cl into trie ainiiseinents featured the day. EsPee.: re.servetr .py nierais eteecric cent: spectacular Were the necktie and rtingal pintips.„ coat rices, wben some of the ladies The Saticnurn.,PaCific mai Missouri weref'sitspiCiously icing in lettingtbe Pacinc italiways have re-iNghiaed the gentleinapa' tie properly adjusted:, 4140r:trace of :the RiiTTGrancte-:yalley ' Horse shoe pitching '; and baseball as a! trult.growing distriet, and. have also featured the program. The -ladies :invested. mimons of. &antra to keep: priyided a arartptnous repast .and it' pace NYitn 'its 'rapid development. . t..onanlidated ,School System is in effe4 in the yalley, ,motor vans .'parrying the school pupils _from a 'radits of ten or twelve miles to Ed- • inburg,. where there are :erected pah., lic and high school*, at a tremendous cast. :,The ,educational. plant includes' a heraitifut auditorium, a hospital and taken' iip secondary education as far advanced is second year in University work, is ' One cannot but admire the uprac-, cellel ,educational facilities :of .the State of• Texas'. The State govern- ment is not,. forgetful- of the moral welfare ef its people either, as pool rooms are abealutely hauled, .•and Card playing also illegal in- the State. Living conditions are in many, respects ' almost i4eal, and general prosperity of the valley has undoubt- edly jtelped toraisethe standard . of ..citizenship. ' " • The valley • is'.a real -bird .paradise, .and hundreds:4-4)f, different varieties ate, to be found here..So numerous are the birds that the caterpillar Pest has never appeared In the valley, and the Cominorihousefly was: unknown • until the Pullman cars began to:come Improved lands in the Engelman' Gardens are selling at from $500 to. $1,060 per acre, according to location, and the age and condition et the fruit trees. It is estiniated, tind .in fact,. shroat safely established. that these fruit „lands will pay: their total 'in- vestment in from six to seven years,' and thereafter jieId their owner 4-.9 independent ineome. - : The grape (riiit tree Is not ,grown • regular midway booth proiridecl ab- undant rt refreshment o and did a thriv- ing business in ice cream, lemonade and a very palatable cencoction called ginger punch, as well as candies, or- anges and bananas., ' The 0 eternal feminine:Dressing al she does because, it is stylish; -taking • full credit because it happens also to be .sensible.—F'prtland Express. A a In 18'79 - and To -Day! I a•••• ' •_1•A _When_ the ' Marquis of Lorne and „.., • • •• ° •Prirteesa- Louise were tote -M. -At -the -old- - "- Queen's in Taranto, the telephone vita , • itilfta infancy. To -day there are more a telephones in the Royal York which , occupies the old Queen's site, than there* Were then in all Canada. Ptem his room in , the mammoth hostelry' troklay the log,YorJ ,gnest may cell anyone of the 1,300 telephones in the hotel, or any telephone in Canada, Milted States, Cuba, Mexico. Great Britain and almost any country in 1111111110u Europe. The facilitieefor•quiek and Pentyeliietit communication are the •- lest word in oftldenon 'They are , ..4":"1, • I 0.. r •,;:k „ • " 0itle (0•> • • . . • " 'trim seed, but is grafted into theschir ' orange plant; the latter being native to the soil. Nursery farms are inin.i- • erens in the Valleyr and in a few years • this wonderfitt'section of the country will be the garden of Ike United Statei,' Cotton grows as well -or -per-, haps better than in .any Other' •part of the:-Uati,---itifd,II it..7yery " • O the %Valley ,on,Arcturday... evening, we lound ourselves in the thriving city of 'Houston itt tithe tor .13*akfas1;.;04-•Stutcley �rtting The party was laksii• to the root garden -4,-• :the eighteenth .storic--,of the fairiatis. git# to01 where .an excellent view of the eitY -was kbtaitied. Houston, ft4atte,0 fifteen 'gat _a .hassthtd.!! 6: e 10. hone', it tIOtV sOg *0.1! ••••;;,.0,.... '01, a •4170. ••• „ has. done muck 't,;;• mcniote .the- frettii-Pf saven- refineriea in, the city The , Ship challital %rem nOurton .to. the.. of ;Oaken .has also boosted this ! city, and it La eXpeeted:that NeesteTe'. in a very few. years, will b one Of the. -*most impoetrait/citiee in the &MOTs'. We were 4.tak,cn in a :yery, continodkOlis rantor lu to vie* the interesting features of the eity,: one of ','which Was the nreinverected, for Alk4, Smith's": .presidefitial: nomination last fall The. building has has a seting accommodation of. 234000 and l thegathering of the gieat -.DeniperatiP.:partY :gave •the cty0A.t 11 o'clock Sundaj morning,. • When ,'We shoul4 have •• been gang.to • chtirehi,:.O.Ur ,•:Purti Was...,taken• by other meter 'bus , to Galveston, Omit , fifty "railes..Miet of 'nonstop. "Here we• mewed ..the ,wenderfny. Ove„,;,nule sea wall which'keeps the Witter* ivIo'ree: ^••• • • • „ • ..• '04•1•4:., • • ••' • of the -Gulf -of11-exico—in-'-"contrel.": •GaiVistrai has •sufferea 'frightful loss- es in recent "years ,_froin' the: floe4.',' bat the .4coreitruction of the concrete:-; sea Wall has eliniinate-cl .this, danger. At GalVeston We had tha pleasure of viewing -.the parade _Of forty-four bathing beauties, representing the• vitriOus,15. S.' cities and States, and - several European, countries. It Was a trying raCperience for the .girls with •the temperature at NO and the "sun fiercely beating' down en the lightly Clothed contestants. There were over one hundred thousand spectators pre - sept. The first. prize was awarded tO: Miss, Austria.' '- Galveston is a city'of 50,000 popu7 lation' and 'although its fine- appear- ance, suggests prosperous 'times; it is lot Returning Iii-tlid-e'vWfing .to ous- tin, we resurned our homeWard jour- ney by :train, reaching Detroit at .1.30 On Tueichay afternoon, hav-irig:': covered o nearly 6000 stales in 9 days ' MAGISTRATE , ID'F,'s COURT . .. 1.7 " V'''''. ) ." '— ...• 7 ' ' ':7 7" "'t'. '-' ' ''''''" ' , '' ' :'' ... ‘. . ; . I, ' • , . A '. ' • •• . , itEN.70-u Nan that 14:•14i;: be 5,4e0.76 Olin **, tires, ' , , You 012'1 enjoy yOurielf. if .,yotyre tiorryingikOnt' : hloimiti all the time. • oh. , , 'Dsive around 'here and let us equip yoor car viith.Do- :4 . , minion Royal Cords :or Royal Masters. • They are, a 4 . sound foundation for a Carefree holiday'. ' , • .We have .absOlute confidence in these DOIniniOn We have watched. them in service and we know they will deliverthe 'mileage. , ' ' Dominion Royal Cords are the standard. by which tires- _iitrejudged —7 Royal Masters are in a,dass by themselves. or at popular .Peces• ..havO Dominion Tires for every. LUCKNO .„• .. ...:• 'I T 'Vir .Sian—th' ' -,...........:..........-4,,..411•••••••••••••••••••••••4••••••140.4,11.114114•11,601.• 0, . .41 ............ - • i • . • . , . . • • . • • • ' • . oi . • • . • • • • • • . • I (GoderiCh• Signal) • 0• Last week .two niagaiine canvas- lers from out of ,town 'wee1 before' Magistrate Reid on a charge•of ob- :ainntr, meneyl.uncier false :pretences. r es,w,ere two cases,sa winneibeing the victim in each :case. it seenis -that the canvassers ' would approach 'a A pi ospedt and lead her to believe_ • that for '95c 'she Would receive a cook "look and a 'magazine for three mon- O ths. The eook book was left with her And she -signed-a :clocunient; which later turned out to ..be a .promise to pay one &alir a month for three iionths or 63.95 in all.. A conviction, was registered in sad; Case, the offenders paid posts Of• 36.25, each; and the agrerapent was cancelled. • IL:was_a h_w. Week, in the Magis- t ate s Court, there tieing, about a sco Of cases on the record. The great majority of them were from out -of-town. • • Reeklese driving was_the ,charge in three cases, a"fine of $10 and Cciets being imposed iji_stisk. Having liquor in a public place coit two offenders $100 and costs each. On a conviction of having liquor for sale :the offender was sent to jail .for two mentlis, with an additional month in Prospect in ease of default in 'pay- ment "of costs. 10 ' For driving a Par while intoxicated klie, sentence was twelve days in jal. , Three vagrants were brought before the mavistrate and were ordered, t� teave town. There Were, three speeding charges, O hi two cases $5 and costs "being asses- sed, and in the other, whieh was.: i • seeorrd offence,. $10 and cost. Allowing 'another "•persento use his uermit cost the Wender .$25 and 'It nl' two cases "from 0 Fordwich the charge was laid under the Federal' Act reouiring the purchase of eggs - by grade. In one case -the fine was 150 and'eosti'; in the. other, $25 and casts: A: Perth County man •Was aisessect ,$25 and 'eciats fcir peddling without a license. . There were two' eases of neglecting 'to 'provide for wife And family, and in 'each'ease the husband Wail ordered to nay a certain anutunt weekly. 0,4•;;, • to • and *INGHAM ' Noriumental Works Leeknowe, Ont. Rite the largelit ard most complete sto*- in -the t most--beaati fkiiai.4. in 0 1 0, • —Marble,. Scotch, Swedish Ind OM. • 41,d4art tlaltitia • • We make a specialty 01 Family Mratinnetits end invite your itrit* ' psototistig Neatly,' Cavoralty and - Promptly Dont , See ee before placin,gyitur • • • . • 1 'iiitti=itAigit4.1A1004%**tOPileal. t`^1VIIV4t.IM,;444•WSK",•441:041..40 kzPt ; •,, „ , • , 'FULL :.STQCK ::-RAIIES. HOES DIGGING. FORKS ' GAR- : DEN SPADES- , CULTIVATORS EVERYTHING 1N Tocuis FOR GARDEN ; LAWN -D FLOWER BEDS: , ' ' •••• Martin Sentrar-100% Pure Paint: SenOur Floor Paiat. " Woodlac Varnish Stain."' T Martin Senour Quickate-4 Hours Enamel Dries Dust ,Free One Hour, No Odor And ThinsWithTurpentine, In A Fun Line • Of Pleasing Shades, 0• • f 0 - „• • Muresco For Wall And Ceiling 'Decoration. - _Full Line el Meakins Rubber Set Brushes. • JUST UNI:UADED FRESH' CAR OF PABISTONE. GYPROC. • •." ' • .• , COIL WIRING & BARB & WOVEN FENCING ON HAND. „ ,:FRESH CAR •OP• CEMENT JUST ARRIVED, RAE Phone 66 - .PQRTEOITS.-, • - Lneknovi • • McCormick -Deering , Tiflis MACHINE IS MADE WITH •TWO SIEEL OBEA1E1S TO P.ULVERIZE TilE"MAN.URE FTER WHICH IT'RECETVES ' . A THIRD BEATING' AND IS SPREAD OUT ° EVENLY , BE - O tOND' THE WHEELS HY .THE SPREA6 'SPIRAL , 11' HAS 'A POLISHED STEEL REAR , AXLE; :PITTED WITH ROLLER 0110EARINGS,THAT CARRY ALL THE FRIO: TION OHP' THE REAR, WHEEL AND ARE ENCLOSkiii IN 1:11,18T• PROOF .1.101.1SIN'GS, ' • . • , • •--THE---BEATER.• SHAFTS-ALSO-RUN-INs-H-ROLLEit SRO.- • WHICH. HELPS' TO MAgi A Liatit tigAtir -1:1,04:-SBE: THIS -SIAREADER AND ..PIND WHY fl AS .i,tErrait HEPORE..grtiNG. • • . 4 6 (1 ANDR Agent, Lucktloui • .. ' . , • • : "•A• 414 4:rg ' • • \ • . , ••. • A ••••• ...011i4;" :••••t It • 62, ".% •- - r',1,1F,F4 •lat",a•