HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-07-04, Page 3. al • ••, 41 • • ereeeelee: „e • e e 9 r• • I( 11" .40 .', The Piepheqe message Drfor hi 0w0 people, who OPenit his ovin whose wxvvillippOso to listen he •eentr.eSts with what he .belieyea would be the willingness of strangers. That he may stand arra againet their stubborn hardness the Lord will give Strength and nnYlekling stead,- faStneSb. eh. a: 9-11. Their stiffering • eaptivitY Should have predisPosed July etton I -The Story xz,ekto....azikieL 311., L. 1548. theni to listen, but. they Sesen1 at• &St. Gowen t: A$.1 liveit ..,:saith: Lailaave been encouraged by false hopes • dfrAtI17-0*-the--Wicked-f-ebutleitat-,:the.,t_t4a„,,er-,28.) s: • • ‘. ..-viiiio.isett turn froni his way 'and ,•ae., t!"•oragsitly--e4d•tra,ulyh.11elleex,°:'ii..teinHat,%e • • M. .• • '• 7 borne to thi-Jeevist•cantivei Tel . , ,to whom he wes,to minister. And .,. 1., rim ilitoe:Figt; Tifp• T-kiiiikk-ro. while he;‘gves there sound In •hia.ears • °:: ..1.0110:u°••ge'fs ;t 4; itheiviarrieg of trit wing of the eel:0: IL THE and -the imiao • of the wheels, vliaMktibia$ /4.04 :likSmiliksimj beasts', • '01.-!"2": : ' • *hieb"hdee: the: crystal stage iend the enthroned nuaesty.of God. ch. 1: 114; mirk ,.44kOpsi--be oveiwharoed with the -effects ' '• , •the Vision horrernains seven days • Imeginueriokr. -Ezekiel. Was a 'Opeec ess and. as' though' 'stupefied • isre contemPor'ary: of '.J 'ereiniah: tike story told of. the prophet's ber.. has to do • dly, „ but of the 'sons of. Ze. with "the', final destraetitie Of ••Je,riv; em, both ei,ty;:‘ and ternple; in AfC: who from. the thee , of Solonien had Charge •'off the „services.. or., •the N6i-kr's :earth'e to -t110 that the. rtemPle.. The fainily,;of Jare.fajah riere city. washesieged,.. Ezekiel it:Aetna. • ;country prieSts, (Jer I.:. 1) who seero to have been ktieWn'tY diVirie revela- t have had at th time no direct Con- ti°°• own great sorrow, .he is siectien with. the temple. ' When. Nebii-: made 0 feel, Ai little comparistm ,chlidnezzar, of Babylon, took with the calamity-. thet threatens hisl • Jerusalem in B.C. 597, and tirieeditpeOple. He Will, therefOre,., make. no into palitivity the king. une.,many •ouward eigil of mourning. for his be- theroved dead: He is to the people. a noblest and Tiebest of • the people • (g Kings 24: 11-16), Eiekiel was one sign' • ' • •of the captives. No doubt he had come Chapter 3: 30-23, gives evidence of • •while still at home in Jerusalem,under the Popularity • which the. eirophbt the influence of . the personality a4e 'gained' after Jerusalem had faIerrnd teaching, carriedhis words .had thus been proven true: with him to Babylon much, that he had To Itis404.er inOs-ge'S•°f-hOpe.a!id earn roni that great prophet. •. -5,, fort the people listened as to a very .eivn call Caine •five years later Oex-Jlovely song 'Of. one that hath a 'Ideas. the t-',..7411.0!:$0.• I have. meepleeenre 'in• the • 1.4* • .4.1 • An EMPIre Song of Tha'nkagivhig F.or Returning :Health of His Majesty the King .• Tune -Suggested by Or. E., 6. IVRoegil Ian, Principal, Tor:rate eon, of Music, :Wit1CHESTia,.01A C.14,7 !3°..' 64.;• . gores ram.rftt... i.,•-• , t • •.. A me manaisasil0 = mamoliff Ie. --am \WOMAN tr,••• IN Milli 1.•••CiMI ONOMMItil apast -Zama mum .4. IMIr"Ztommao e•Jarep...ess-na••Imam. _ MINN Idtakitimet BMW NNW ..•41/ URANUS 1118EN/a/ ...NO MOW 111=ININ • Ahnighty..Gbd4-in .eratitucle , We now :approach' Thy throne, And in one voice, though many tongues Thy might,Thy power, we own. • I , • ° • The East and • West, the North and • South, • „ • . • And mansion, Cottage, field, Cathedral,- church and. hinoble Shrine • Their grateful Message . a ,592)-, -and he tells' us -in- chipters-1-0 '11-0f.the,impreisions, and of the visions -which :.,accompailiede that •.experience, :a prop e :..ntes,ttges were. e were .. .Babylott t� •his ;fellow .ekilese foe . their ineteuction' and- adtrionition.„.hUt ,some of the s 'e to '1avaggnJn •:Undo& by.hirn. to• he carried to the t.• eeveee • ant voiee. They listened hill fat, they did pot bead. ; • • 11 ,THE ,WATOHirAN UNDER RESTRAINT, Very appe priately hi this. passage the prophet is 'compared with ja watch- man warnin, the people of the deadly peril of the' WICked way. But for a•thne , The,- Sovereign Lord ' of Britain lives! iticre asina health, . years Of 'serviee to, • May he VOuchgafed our gracimis Xing, And his Queen Consert true. Grant peace ineall the Empire, toed, • Grant Peace. throughout the World, May every people sing Thy Praise, Withevery flag onfurled.t-.Amen • The tune "St. Ann" may also be used for singing "Gratitude." •• And health returns--hy'grace':', •, , • Of Thy divine; Thy %healing . All are remiested_to_stend,revere.nt- , Men look tzPon ' face ly during the singing of ilia hymn. •,. . The above ymn,o ,Gra I u e or the recovery of HG Majesty froin hie -resent-seriotts-illness-41-7-1ming-fo.r-- • d to II • f th of the, hostility of the people. Only.* through the Departmen of Education 7, Meat '-$411iPlii 84,010$410(1". Practically all .or the meats. sold In 'the' better shops. of _Can.EAS ..04114-S. front abattoirs operated Under the pro-. Visittos of the. Meat and Canned Foods Act, administered by the Departmeht, •of 'Agriculture at Qttawa. .Theresre., approximately• sixty �f: these albeit:eh* InsJOitY'of,.theM-b..elog in., feil •Op-: •eration threugliqiit ' the year. • These; establishments, ereeted.and• equipped so as. eilsurgi'lhe utmoSp..itcsatrlta.7; ticui,.'are,eath erteticled,With a staff 451 federal. inspeeters.. who 44 t� itthat only, nea•lthy anirnais are. 'Used: „'r. .and thoroughly ound also* 4o.tiod During file:, pest 'fiSciii-ygar there Wee, glaueliteted jn tlieae gbatteire 835 cattle 2,45,O4! hogs and 649.994- slreej. •.• • ' . LeVe Stock Peotec ion• ••• , au.ie Vfl . . -7-Mt---d,tia is •fertunate • Trirlrii-yi-ores- Caped Maur,of the diseasea of ifVe. ...stock whieh,,• °in eth er lands hap 'in, t • hicted Otet lesies-andehr.rendered this ,Part' of ' agrie•ultilie • preeerieue.. Theee- digeasese,40•Ite cotainoe in ether „colintriese that are dreaded by live stock aienebeee never Meade& Cana, dian herds and fleeks These dieeaees are cattle ,pneuniOnia and .-foot:. and mouth ease. Two 'euthteeks Of • the , last, ,ebened Of •• these.: • occurring. in , the United States during .the past • decade .or' so,' cost Many mullions of dollar* in secured every; year and applied a losses afid in Measures taken for its: ate of 'one' mike t0. a gallon: of warm %eradication.' These and • other `water. May he" dusted en dry, whet .zootic diseages are kept. out Of tam the _ fellagle is• damp, put. worm; ada, through :the'i'Vigitance- 411e-. Dee Which:eat thr.eitgli the'etentiCciCjileitfe.' close to the *SarfaCe of the sell legible, special treatment. •These....graliseare .101 we:0e ITS THE PRIZE MODEL theruit's , ,(Paris) _preze suinmer model is this pictualeque' formal 'frock of 'printed purple ayonveIvet Carde4‘. Service *Cood.? Advice ta, Beginners and — Others. - ...Now that the •gertien'' ,is it# • and gr�wtrig one must Mobilize •sprarera" and epraying material to light •the mil liens .qt,itisects and other 'pests .which :•••• prdyon fieWers 'Vegetab101g' itbugh)y, °peaking,' theleVestS fykiEd:.into. tvici,grOOPS:lhoso %that -eat' hole a- the faMoge.,end, theie. that, , ;Oa, 144', poison while the.::``,auckera,4; • •:• the 'daniagO W.h1.8.4' -:iikPa.631;4- • .1;Y• the 'Plant:4 Iri4Inf • alea d•TieF, are ee deseroeell spray which wili "burn tehem;e • - , , .." , 'For Eating • Insects • . :Per eatingeins.e.e4,•epraY wielveperie kreere,eaesenid Of teak hellebere,'' sot • Sinine :patent, ;pensiinikuis. z.:preParation... Part s green hfuSiinIlf:applied the rate. of 'pee ounce dissolved tn. tee e gallone Pf. water: It is well tie add e' couple ot. ounces 'of :freshly,sialied lune to make this, •:mixture. stick and .to ,Preyent berning. "Ardenate, Of lead e 10 ;powdered form applied -at the. rate of 'pee. ecant •Oliace tO full gat ist j• ion 'of water: .Vis lidliebore rapidly, I . Weakens..,When' exposed to the air, a fresh .siipply..of this. potion. must ,During,the 'summer also, losses fre- quently wilt. Much time, is saved here, toe,- by . the beekeeper,' who rears 'queens, and :Who: has, opare 'partment of Agriculture at *Ottawa in •his owe. the adnlinistration of the Animal Coie:,„ettieens" in nis; mating boxes on which 'an draw to se lace these Ironies:, For methods of requeening see Bat. Lelia No, "33. "Isetied ber..the Bee DI .Experithental Ottawa, OtiC ' •• ' people remaining in Jerusalem, chg. he is withdrawn from his task because•-alle a schools o e province 7: 1:16: 1. • • The first. half of the book of Eiekiel his houselto those who came 0 him. in Queen's Peri, Teronto. : tirely of denunciations and Warnings, this restraint- • accornPany- the letters all of his Hymn ofGratitude eeet for the ficient length of Um to give asser- " Ichs,"1..te 24) is made up almost en -1 privately, .wilFornas l he speak. while.- :under . .• • .. • • • • The authorles letters of 'aeceptance frOmI h : • it Prince of W;les, as follows: •:/ From Buckirigham Palace -"The Private Secretary is Commatided te the animals are held under super" ' The first feed of a nursing sow -thank Mr. W. E.' DYer for the copies visibe quIT-antine stations for a sat, -should he a warm slop of middlings 4 1" - ons the' adunissiOn of live- 'stock from out- itle_counteies Ode whim gicearePente by official certificates of health.in the • ease of cattle, -sheep and hogs, S " 1 • ; erne •,-- , preeedingethelall of Jerisalem whieh'.III. elle JEALOUSY OF GOD,?Ch. 8: lei; principals and teachers, on ollieil• all King's acceptance." S: took plaEe in. BC. 586 The sebondl 11.: 22,25. ' , half ' (Chs. 25 to 48), :in addition to' Ezekiel knew the temple, well and SCO - ere who mpmar: . From t. James' relace--"The rri- ze ' tan. d Jei,n 11 yate Secretary is desired by the Prince prophecies about foreign nations, cone; knew the idolatrous practices which singing this Song of Thanksgiving in of Wales to thank Mr: W. E. Dyerfor taint.' later message; of conifort and Of, Were being carried on there; which he the Scheols may lipiace their signatures the copies of his song 'Gratitude,' hope, culminating in a renearkahlepic-:desegibes in ch, 8 as though seen in a - upon a letter to the king --all of'the Which he kindly sent for His Royal iture of the city, and , the teetered vision; and because of which the ma- • ..• Highness's acceptaece." temple of the future age.. ' ' jesty Of the Lord (phs. 1 and. 10) .de, copies then being returned to the Rob 'Sir ert Falconer, iC.C.M.G., „I. THE PROPHET AND '11119 i. To partsfromisciyandhie ehmple, •alithoit, 11+1i ' ' • : W. E. fl •,pr 4 Fairlawn w h d th • 11.. 3:154,24: 15-24;18: 30-.33,. • •eli. 11: 22, 28. • WHOM HE Is SENT, Chs. 1:1-3; 2: and a en one t em ett enemies, . Avenue, Toronto, vvho arill place these which, i.: my- •opiniort, are more suit- auce of their freedem frilm disease., teerintere-Ttif an ineh-lonl • Way •in coleur and. Abode:pee:third e • an c uring the first ten days gradually increase the ratibn to the .maximum, Bending Up Sheep Flock seeing that frem the yeti. start the seeeigel .'if lie:ileitis% With enough : • • ,. . Ileeifteers' in sheep raising are 'little pigs have exerciese. Ground oats eela. recommended 'by the • Department of jof geOcl. quality, b , ran shorts and mid- 'tars around the stems• of tomato•and ter to tiloisteit the. bran. Paper cot,' ' Agriculture at omii-s„ -to-practice 111- I adnlidngni;yeqbuealfepcladitilsti,t.eiscr7atvitghoo:nlorkatpier6.n, dicious care in the initiel selection. of. 8 ubsecitient. ducts, suich as equal parts ,of " skim foundation stock and the Milk and•Watet. SO adviseseMr.•G. B. breeding operations: :'. 'While. every n-ame er. e tomato Or .other plant withers and topples over, cut worms are generally responsible, Cultivate thoroughly aftd. 'spread a lit - tie poisened bran :around the plants. Mix one quart qf bran vvith•one spoonful of Potts green, add one tn Bothwell, the. •Dorninion Animal Hus- •breeder wOuid well to asPire.. • • • • PerfaiteFieVorings The 1{11.10,0:Ty •of Gratitude." thuithes• and patriotic gatherings " _ProduCe a distinctive :type it slibuldhe bondman ' renienibereci:lhal the ultimaeie nee -tine- Me-pamph• l•et No. 7.1^ -Of the The .first verses Of CinTeontaig EirTo- • . Dept: of Agriculture dealing' eintrodtictoriPaisages, one by the pro- -• Breeding and reeding t'he Mar - probably himself OM ). to 4) and the other Caramel.: Mae yelkier ()erten and, This volume will then bejerwarded Copieeof •the hymn with niusic;algo tion of the 1:1Mb:end .woot crops Is a • Mr. Bothwell doubts the ad-. probably by the hand of an editor, vs: he!eke cooking, . carmalize halt ..theeeteethe Canadian High tommissioner in forms for signatures; complete: 20e • profitable market and this: should , ie.: ket Hog- • • 2, 3, What is meant by "the thir- sugdr. ' , , . • London and will be Presented to the eachset o f 3 ' f ' , or 25 c, may be secored spire an effort to 'buil 'OP a flock Of 'visabilitr'of the unlimited ilia of elairy high utility type.• BeRinn6ra are ad- Products with the breod soiv in •good Vieth year'' is unkeowit, bet it May Cherry and Almend: White parfait King, and Queen 'at sane conVenient from the anther, W. C. "fiyer, 4 Fair- condi tien, many poor -doing 'litters :re- :heve, been the thirtieth year of the ielth one cupful elich of chopped che.- 'date to .be 'arrangeo. • !lawn Ave ' T to . ., oron .• . . vieed in Pealphlet.Ne. 106 issued from .., the Department of Agriculture . to call s oy rfeedi g from a dee - lilting from e ' "ii • p prephet's life.- It was the fifth year ries, drained•and•ehopped•ht shredded , of his captivity B.C. 5924. The fourth: upon the assistanee ot. the sheep - milking 5.0w., . Zee . that the sow gets 't almonds and one teaspoonful 'of al: . . exorcise as that Means more perfect mOnth, eccording to the Babylonian mond' extract.' " • promofeis , established at different scavenging- end more natural funetiOn- calendar, -began some time in June: , Melt • . points 'findiig desirable foundation Chocolate. two squares ot Ezekiel wee among the captives, that s' 48, in a community ofcaptive Jew.s, by chocolate ita the hot syrup for yellow ewes and when buying' rams to take leg of her excretory ' Organs In the O the river of Chebar. probably ' thet parfait and add a dash •of cinnamon. •advautagge of the work that has been spring, and in the Winter, a few rots, • - in •some clover hay and geeat 'canal flint' calledaghat-en-Nil, Cook the egg mixture. over the fire. a doneby the Departmenbran. will help t graders • 'ILAni,-.Siir; A -Biothir of tile Angle,"--Imak Walton classifying the rams that are offered • 'el e."5?°. e.°6-• -• e•°., • ..•.; to keep the Wood cool. Mr. Bothwell . some distance- south of B ylon. This few minutes until' it thiOkens. ' southern' part bf the Babylonian cowl- ' Tutti Trutt': Add to, yaow parfait try was_ the-land_of the Ghalde-ans. one to:11/2 cupfuls-of--chopPed candi, fruit. i . •. . . • Maple: 'Substitute' One cupful of hot maple syrup for sugar and water ite yellow ..parfait. • Cook with the egg yolks 10 the double boiler until thick, The first divine .messagee came to the prophet ln the form of visions in 'which he saw the majesty and glory of God, revea!eil, and felt the hand of • the Lewd upon himcompelling him to bear tbein to OW people: - chs. 2 and 3 Ezekiel tells us of about -five minutes. •• his call and commission and; like Isaiah and Jeremiah, something of the one pint of ripe washed_ berries and obstinate and unrepentant character add to white parfait. of ;the people to whom he, had to sp,eek. He had " fallen upon, his face on the ground prostrate before the majesty IVIousses t, God • revealed in a vision, ph. 1: 28. Mousses are composed • of whipped Now, While still in the vision, dream; cream dr thin cream with gelatine or trance, he is set upon his feet and added, -to give a velvety texture: Over bidden to go upon ids mission tei a re- bellious IiiatiOn, "hard -faced and stub- born -hearted." He must :speak to, such people the words of truth and righteousness given him eci•God 'whe- ther they will hear,.or whether tly.r- . will forbear, Moffatt renders v. C 49Spn man, fear them not, fear • ivhatethey say, although they cut and wound you, although they strike and sting yott--fear not what they -say, dread not their scowls (for they area rebellious folk):" The message which be is to hear comes to -him as a roll ef a book, a parchment or•papyrus roll, • written on both" sides. The.eating of the Moll in the vision .symbellizes the re- eaptitili Of the meaning and value of it ...1-nto his own mind nrid:heart, Though bearing hrbpd worde �f ,denunciation • ttnd warning', 'yet the message has in it the unspoiled' sweetness of truth. Or, as one writer on this passage` (ehs, 2:9 te 3: *Mrs, "It is as .,sweet as • honey in his month, for it is sweet to de the will of God, gnd to be. trusted with tasks for him." 'With Ezekiere , • Buge (as the siimmer park _pools. experience coniPare Ser. 1: -7tfi;tiit for the promise of strength and cour- 0000: 0.4 .geo, tt'Ose hniziPYhumps • age,.6,are rune • • further advises the enmtking of a for sale aecording to their quality. ' Requeening Colonies. and why pailful ef, earth and wood ashes iii a corner of, the pen every few days, and 'A most important operation in the noting how soon the little pigs gravi- beeyard is the -giving of -a new queen tate toward this ;corner. Exercise ef to a colony, or the requeening of a both dain and litter is an absolute doloriy. Its importance lies 'in the necessity. fact that the queen is the greatest 'fat- • tor in the production of the honey Red Taspberee or strawbetry: Mash 1 rop; that is, • she produce's all the One tablespoonful di granulated gela- tine pour one-quarter of a cupful of water and leave thirty minutes, then Set the bowl over hot water until the Inietine is dissolved., Add one 'Cupful of sugar did the flavoring and stir over cold water until •the mixture trite-. keels about twelve minutes.' Add One quart of Cream, whipped, and 'freeze without stirring in one part ice toone part salt. This makes • tibout two quarts. • *toe. . 1441•KOY tick. • WELL, 8045 i'll;Orrie"ftig . • • Rollin- Kirby, :famous clartoonist 'of the ' New -York World . and' tttice ,winner. of the Pulitzer' prize of $500 for the best cartoon of , the •year -he was the winner for 1928 -is not' only. a groat cartoonist bit an ardent (letter- man 6.s welt: "No men can Wet 'what' he never had," said lzaek Walton; and that's what Kirby tells the fisherman. evlio says be caught the biggest one - but :it got awayt KAy hasefiehed in many, rivers and takes ot Canada, and declares, that no better fishing exists anywhere. Hie' cartoon indidates that the ,fishernian is happV, far `from Misiness ;Valve, and tbet he is Sore, the )toys in the •oflice are not haiing such good time. ' • DOLD OR IRON Thou 'art.either gold or iron; if thou aro gold trial will chasten thee: • if thou' art how It will rust thee. . Intuition is ithat.Warns a bride that it ah e _doesn't make indeormat -oi the groom he will Start right in trying to make a hired girl of her., American RepA. orter--"guess you havee't had time to.see our city. But a guess you've been quite a while. in the States. Guess you find •Amurrica right?' rightEnglish Celehrity-"I don't s.rqg Anierica.cen help being right; sometimes, anyway, because the Americans are always guessing." bees of the dalony,.Which-in-tern pro- duce , the crop, usually considered as beim proportional in size to the num- ber of honey-gatherers"peesent. The queen, therefore, must be Vigor- ous. To secure this .quality. of Vigor, some 'beekeepers mike ,a practice of requeening their colonies each year utile -others, who think that 'a queen is at her best in her second year, re queen every second year. W , •;hichever' of these Methods Is used, the pi•actice in most coMinon , 1180 lii Canada.. is 0 requeen the .colonies to- wards the, latter' part of the main ITONV during.rthe last week in July or first Week in 'August. • This gives -a •yeeng queen' ample time to increase • the strength • Of the• colony young bees beforeethe winter Sets in, an disci net affect the honeY ereP. Besides this Wholesale method oe requeening,' there are. thhes through, out the seaeon necespity '.de - mantis the' giving of a bow queen 'Me media tely. the, spring, me findsone some- tia colony •queentess or headed.by a drone. layer'. At such a; time, the beekeener who has Wintered a few spare queens for sueh an emerg- ency, can itemediatele 1.eeleueele his colony,' which. othets,, leis provident, mutt send'to the south tor a queen. CANADA AND •THE U.S.A.- Halifax .Herald-. (Cons.): If our nearest neighbors do not Want to use our prodepts-e-vehile we useetheirs. in • . vast quantities-then,e, Canada should, turn her attention more -and More to ertide between Walsh countries. No one in this country objects to the -ac- tion' of the United S.tates in tabling similar planes wfil arse pteitect from , • these pests.. , For Sticking pests _ -For sucking ,pests, t hief of :which - are the. aphiclie or plant lice, sprat" with whale oti-soap. one pound of soap—, • 10 aiz galiona of veitet: nicotine a4-: phatebt "Black Leaf 40" or any eithee' repellein advised by seedgmen: Ceild „ water from a fine. 'nozzle ander high preseure will sometimes wash off the pests. • , FunineeDiseaties Whea a attacks the , plant!, the foliage7usnally turns yellow or brceien, or. white, spots' -like mildew .cover. the leaves. Carefal •eiratniaae, • tiOn. will usually reveal the Presence cut thiy spores on. the under side of" •leaves.. Attacks, of •this may be expected 'during warm; Murky Wea- ther, Spraying With Vordeaux moo - tare or dusting with ilOwera of sul- phur, when the plants are Siolst, will usually be found effebtive. Sulphur dust: Wilf also protect hollerhoeks and • other planta from rust. Apply With. a, large shaker made of a , tin can pierced with holes' 'Adding %a dry pee.' • son such as arseatite, of lead or tobac- co .duse will make the mixture' effec- tive against fungus and insect :pests as well. International Enggiif . prohibttive,teriff walls against us:. all lejeW York. Suitt .Developmente of g motion pictures has led to the Canadians, agit is the right -and' . op- talkinprophecy that Eaglish will, become the- pertenity-4o . attend to their own at - international language. . . But fairs in. a manner • beetting such a situationBuy Brittsh, brand* Englieh is to.. be adopted: •. . -"Englielt 'English" or "Americae Eng. • lish?'' John, Maxwell: cliairMan of Britjsh International Picetires, who ree• cently arrieed in.this cOuntre. is. pure that the Englieh sPolten in the ' tight ' little [steed will :win out. In suppOrt of his,opinion he-pointeont.thaintam; Onglish actor d are being 'engego to make "talkies" in Hollywood: Oi the other,. band, the eprevalente, of 'so- • called . Atnei.ica Omit fe lngtandite hequentle reniarked,, 'conintonly With regret.A Hyde 'Park oretor.• using such "expressioits 'as 'emssyfoot" or little fellow, 'j0'5so plainly afraid "let .Cireus Man. Who's that. nieek " stood by his audience. It settne prop - got tieyay, with' 10 Is easily under- ' able thaa battle will be fought be: of his wife, going 'into. the • dressing t tont? 2nd Circus Man: That? Oh, that's •• tweeit the two varieties of English.... the Wild Matt of Borneo to the side he nerc°"a" and if so, .inimetous • Compropieges will if a settlement 10 to be show.' ee•c°4 • • arrivedat. Shall .it •he, ter lastenee. "derby" or !howler." "placket'''. .Or.. '"biscuit,'"•`Cli reef., car" or 'Irani." Tier jacket" or. etiteedoe" • ' • • Canada for CancIian3 . London Pre° (Cdita.)": There Is no: -reason why • Canadian •tdee • eliould not be as choice • as British heefe ..We live • the iteek, we hare' • • • , • the fodder and we have the men. All that seems.ilecessary is 1,6 a:111)1Y MOP care and thoroughness to the .."fittisti- lisg.'1..of the cattle for -OM table: if we •.do fret; W 1 itoperesit• to- etpect . ishers to bay oalittdist beef :fit.'the irmantitiss whlch otttottffotii-ofi stt6i)137;7ar there 14.. nothing •-• that the Britieher Insista Upon rirete •tiMplatkally than a tat Y Saaday.. "joint of bec ' WTI' AND JEFF-,- --By Bud ..V6•A IN A '1Vrepu6we miss es.kut.,*(tz. HOX.e. 'tom FhltioideN .A4h inc.-A-614A Ahieb eAtt, "It 4,t.t. •'-tifkvtT6 OkAkC- A TO.F.it.: Fisher.' - II A A Kt 412 sut CvVgic its"; 'Wke , uageOW" FR Ttt a&Ltr,,to tc, ,e.0‘47 -4,40-A Wit steuct•KmiNGt: *Ler You .4aT No tVtAio .ei AY() PeW stRANGett. e* Vit4 &AM G fWVA-liN"i1Vi* - The Little Fellow Collects An Earful Of Sage Advice In Hoboken. .otitN ccsrs A riiidte‘i.. rcs.&guli„loreCci Wist cc:07,114w `4ist:3y.„Atc1541.- ,r444.• 4at A it -t„?. tovireR1 tfc 'Af" .47,'Wei4., A MAN!, PlhiA(4,1ALLY-4.4 You ARE it46 VA ta 114',(40 'aft. • iel 1); 44 a' •• ....all • • - -tee' •41 • _ 04. o - • • le •••,. 4r.9 .""F••••'•Iir , 6 4- -i-'- 14 -Irrti59"•••""".... • 4.4M* • Peiiiiteike kvoey goiitsthts CenSideraport ShOulif givon to the lush or woolot who, having made a-mistalte, acknowledge ' witnig conduct and, honeetly 'desires, tei` 60 hatter." It is,shoWever, eubeeTslire' PfrrtfOlf reudare wee are itntivdtent attl wilt* go out O. repec't their. tranagiessIew • CIF . • .t.t.; • _ • .