The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-06-13, Page 7I',4 t'Ole it a $hq* grou, '14 CAUA44. lid 114 0004 h ets r The -Royal Canadjaxi -'Air... Opic ll� Carkied n for DOOPle are 'Our. 0198eot 401gUb %d 'i ors' And a gi he Ret, qat'a friOndly yo 'E 0, .. . . ........ AOW
W. �Ottdiwk. —Train '01, -the C, F R .,g ,q Si&� of- Th ',that C. anaft�. id raPIdlY iWyii �C4uadian -Air a wil 840r, aev. vap Pat n ul. 'y �A �i&ss QU 44, natto I 'be 6peRed 929. r -in tire, Sp4
Topi�, utt-drly distlOct, that.,41LIts I -for- dio Gea0i -the C --th "is terivaic ANK H.,31MOIN Aggerillilles, of the. qg oy FiR t qrph linaven. the sua4pw at AW;ApidriQ %co. rch –fil up It branebes',.c n Is. going. furnish"'a, new rP.Ve% t. Q. -Basis of, nio of hther t; tallif ice -a-ad -the'. ARA .1 8�_ 11-: orl ta" are :I'D Th
eg stladt4el: r'-w4k.46 S, it Ou, t DMO -Wat'llingil', Of Rout. �`rermaaonb commisin about. �Iugy 11 Ank taluty 110 is may expect aare.r._ 14 111 �.tq.40: e if I r otEiliope"a nR OYAJ dia Air.. For6e, v� non-perm� where LnOnt pliot4 arei appoluf6d. iroures of relief Uian,a, dr. are W40yed. -11fulted- porlocis 0_ pr fty' took a*044'113 ice, Which, � i L 6PPositioriu., Itiler and 6�sIde'r4ble ralii'lug' at the- eT,*hich �ks "some r
amrell, . 6 I -on aier,�vodn
tA Ifecti; t1fe giricItItifrat,itid rift as'tt'ij 64t at triay, from time%to tliati;:'be zenowq 1011'. ap .:for i1nal ao later., t witl er, can coining i, the state, es a. 'of .'oar. '.AM" Iacardlili' io 1 the denian�d for his ails,aj Unio % could a' o a kobd4lit tour, 40- we 'manefit ,pilots 'is, tor -all- .4 ity iiiends 6i do: t'Church Vh hy- t4,a fa, &r.0 faced c.1, 9f thelpreal ritm6le&, wfth.'a fnft�d Free urt, i.poiaes, Iraise ditr, thriff We :benefits,. ptive ro, medlati. �and 'pi ape gros, enters. unim Tli� ma -in''. igurbe �.of stiliply
mre -difficult- the task Of - Our V, ur� sacifficed -to satisfy: the' demands at iof Ytirk, Lord' #igh CO ,upean.doht&S to' pay US.Lin 'oods. pro0cer ja', the, pecti'vie �6mmlssj6nbd oft] t by a. few finseo& sci6n, �Rn4 the I)LUche,ss at. wl ce acultles .of',Can,
re likewise' We, t Scot- 4 jaietho I�orthwest. 'Church of
can pa'y, And we a, eul re tiresen sftl Abd'the Royal M Atkiy'College. The proposai"solemnly advAnce hd e6liftontOdL brtaTtactt, at when' Rev. Dr. Jo. attes. of these ittsti that the'L.Ovet
Undeftriadn Ltres d6n. __We_r utions !land Asseralylk 'Mr
li�t a heavy duty 'biects, single; meffl- White.traved -Vallanas, it! 1:6 encourage our who are Br �ouir taift'la ittoll,ways As will Olffect Itigh. onoiir 6�adiaa "and 'Zouth American P and'ap' ',flt fo!r full fl�dng duties,- unde, cerr�lng the Bp�sls of uaion� haiirig. 01) Opole to eonsume�ar-4nges we dstroy thafamous ad 9yek.19-yea ained tau, z hogood. -nishes fair sample the,ag6 at 21 yQar4' a I ito, approval pl�s- inst�Ad, fill -of the course, byteries, ight. about by, Mr. t -should � 64 �converted I , dto at, the ill 'recen'tly-Piox [ft conception$ :In ticammencement OL are 0 pres6utnday,. tar nit recommended by'aniver- h Hoovai.s journe and at the same 6' can, sit standing laws ot,th6.C#urc ea untri6 s* -9 r, RoXil Military olte O"alrth�r-� O-Aay, the'dreams of fortut geU time g4ve" utimistakibler advantaft celve h& r' European co, T Vsothe. IeS,-aSL likelyhto.make, eflicleat air Eu eratifts�. a0ft
Our .. ropea'rivals -in.' South Anterl- .woul& ehcouiagb, banana I'111116rts, And I 1e for,.Ia course, 6nt gerieratian are, abut. to be'reak nd p6litleit.sifieres.. � 1h reiou ' Obtain. low duties I f6r;Ahelt� orce 6f[lcers,.ar -eligiblo erfa104 of ffylu "training.' 7Th19 traldft'�s, Ized,". "Thi, chldf thought "Of Tho.Vanadlalt detall , -19 most- � fin, whlch-,�- , would he b , I the Assembly Ao ORO -da'k\ex. c4ri-led Out during the summe- Triedlately '.fi�pdrtaut.' -Cana them to'replace the -United Stat6i Ini - .. , I .1 . . I I ., . . .. Pbrts I to as 91JEEN -VISITS 4ximi IBI:tlO' tion' lod .'for, thn-�e helj;wr4 Hit ppri sucressiviiyeaps.. grhttt � to God L who bas are,,precisely., th, . 6�%O which ,the.Diarkets, at. the","batiana vi ild the silver ethlbi' mrould-;' ;M att s d, C4pdidatei seleetcd for ,this 'pour'se is 1A -into', closer U. Ovr- -be ni I aff,ected �by any tariff. 'Her' Majosty'Que6a �.IaOy, :with Piineb George. n -,Pr h-COSS arie' Louise,: nece pople, in th. rl& a _10A:4ud enlist' tile governments Ip e O� -p e UaL e e. Pj r, s era i_:�Aa tar� laf, these tell 71 11 "lonal as mad 5s to I eaford -of it Is 'Anadt 6ek, in articular, Int*R - 0 - YaU No repit4latlo.n, 40y V4 ue Latin O'be".alined at Imal men "gliv ":updortaldrig to dom- *OlMd. In- dit4e�r -chfirchl' Ae, db lared oposei to"gft b.schernes us tar] . , I .: . . . I. ::..� , , . .. Pi, � , of OV.0 4 .. im ridi., - '' I drafted th'ht the f4p�ease will have
d Ildw lm. - , t diq- . I . . %. .
ko far propose .. -.But any'l several geti Lim ship- For erati6 .ed ht- Cana( immediate Dut y On the. alaxtratim,,effect on Canadian plate both. -their,,eollege an&air� foree- c --in the. di monts, As Ahe .0; was no purron. r la will lead', to thek cuislon has ''entered z ns, 'ey can RP law. now' stands, gatt;16, es'before th be a * 6illted. ' fes Of. the Churches and far-reaching -reprisals'' �that th I a Arrioildan *orkingms�n ran t firs cip Ile uld the w4ighidg f,950 'Pounds, meets, a1v -Canadian Air -Force,. but . Moreover, T�r O_%iotbi A00in6t. Canada: Is in illA1681tiori, Ia.. r Ca.t Wd... fqr,.� C� to iiie Ro*yal. dt�t� �f two cents a pound', and under e he protected against rider Ina obligation to: Jbill the strike back. W�hjle - Am ope in our home mar] are u i a at Anid'a half. cen-ti-s.- :Bill Intro ui leftork, Of training- drd -,Sands 6ec0E to eridan ex k6t.'� But -n kded' the mqt1oA,, anaft amount -to ��ehrlj ' . "Own ar Affect �Canad.' t1 one d `:e&i. . US. H ser�ic� after Corup 0 a, now e new I ed' prikkally 'unialit- A� . I . . )nly thr6o' *otes-.- being Ors ,our gislatton-may which,, was arri e In" a sbnds us'L no M s Furt�er: Re,strk;- Throughout their training ,those of- -the nsupei 'ad oion annit Ily, Canada ome Irable 6b- Til pioposai won d make the eas6 hee amp. . menti which -rate on cattle ',weighing over 80Q mously, rintle'li I f1cers a 14 at the rate per Ottwar��Tt:i.6' N pa big tlio.'�ai6 6f, thp. p recorded- again And much tact 1: day for thef'fikst year, $3.5 per gi -The, re more ithan.1talf r6Auets f, es ritatIves at Wash- pounds. two 'and. a lialf cents -and,r 0 day p r 0 O' UX.L. thoetlib�'houso of re. ingtou-1as placed" in -the new . tariff CiinadaL,gels. from. e cond' year ;$4 pet r th Alericin woriiainia Pr e olonged cheering. eir'800 bouudz-one and. 'a, halt "cents-, Was�inkton..-L,A bill -to make 'tll� for the )se' hay�'forj received with errdany, and In recent 'nt . - foielgh markets v�liich havO I e,.c —Jits the cl tagi �quarf4irs. in the United; Free. Cliur�h Abse ave ovott�akdh i Britain- I bill'to lacreaie the datv'On live cattle, 'T tie, et point 'O��f mAll fn 'thei'thlid year, plds:,' 6th moud , or A: 'cumstocuca in,',our I -domes Cie, uota restri�ti6ns , e "bly, I id years we'l v q iOv, Dr.' bin. f, nida Act .of If to. P60pl6s,of, ..trans- ",but, It wft-ld, if it '-fiecolues laW,. -will' Itave a very 200,0-00' head of cattle which:,'Ca �24. ratio,tis, medical 4tfentlon; arid� e Canadian,' markotr; oth�OL; Basis it saying 0 g ffect.-Lon:.tllo C4fiadlan I' s for the includin 0 m their hPines., appir. r evdtion of onsiaef-able -e - trittgd State the',.. Weitern'' HomispherO, rtation 'n fro ;Fociplib, no coftslderalil6r el ghlp,pod to' tli� to a in 1, ' - - and of -Rewfol tro�r ,'Applicalon for t.he'4 as e . g hidustry. hat 'seemed !year eHdiug .,A n n bove training er�,European country which com- cattl e-ralsin larch 3i, ,02 . t.y. . ih !most A Ev Ith watching. the �uew Ca ida and.. jn4lan4, h 'the taric upon mer can.. goods, a i pete us �6 she ducid in thk,Ii ry of tha Church since t 0 eien..'greatet nuialiers has ejr�serltslives -�s, madi ipoug-h the, uRiVbftitV. ,6r 6the histo t' be the. contOnsua among member ouse of R 'a� he tricts most e a, ast 'week Dy. A JU -those of.-B.ritish manil-, ba, Cilt is grad 0-gi re, to, pernit'Jolin Bull to, ilde ctiou'as. Ot fa- Ilit-ent ro I'd i.Aeen� 806 an .,1,1050: pt)4nds. Thp.V Th bill full o ba k all '%1Il'certainly,.p�6te3t our a f4d e stock offleials Which, began I, -t riiiation 'the �016ci.' frii out of 1,440 06tigrpgAtions to his old -situation. thby- Will with ffee and 4r6m I1V at rMnolS. o. Lg that . it affects -ili3Oin directly pp ppli- not one in teirt"has disai roved it restores bt the D .of Ag ienfionfn-, Canad-,i-artd'Newfound- , Driprity in sbleetion Is. given to a r South America, I. kecall &il�?, eqll'al unaniali epartmen therefore. hive a ofie-cant -in. by n' As' tj hall it a c, r ea'' It tl I w :proposal come% W' 1� a Of- union on, -nd i . herediter lne�tia'atA Mexico, cantg who belong to tho Canidih the bastt% And Plall t-lipert In. 'Latin Jk, to them their old ,customers and wheaquesfioned a er,the*weeke �:e I 10 ne nd and, , , . .1 1, . -asked mewipan affairg id. !,Wb are not countries, would per- ficers., -Tfa lhig Corps. niftted," he sa of- a* few The fifst,r6sult'-of the ln�rease c6m- fare Cuba And other [Vifings back' e -but waru�ad- the that,Art Increase ,their lost aiarkets. 6`eut'r the Church PU Scotland hO - ' ' e uuse d oil iiig. pto 'effect wouI4.. be 6, boost "the i Pew',,chung44�1ilfli. life new -41 1 1 -w4v' s, and unmarried children �Vents !in hito which � tho -es just that proposes would have k greater 'ilifl- s to eutey'a union ng ene prices In the Lfififed Sla under !8 ',,,Year Of, Age to 'folloW. the A- would desiroy the last'lingOrl b the� tI with. u 'O'T Canad Color %Ptoblem C.4,uroh of Sea going fit Inpident 6 Mr.,-Hocivbr's 6Kcurs1on,*, t ake''' much. At the present time there li�a mat6 effept, on a than. the iiYgtan't.. -Will abso rb s both." —7 din d s:'Gdh6ral 116r.tzag. and which Part, an tas a, resu inew bil, w; public . one of gration committee and ill , p rolikbly. a, bold He, 'an-- , Rev ghortagp of eattle in the'Unitbd States aulen at,on live cittfe.' When -the The bitl.,'w as ref6rre to,the I ubItn'll-Ish Tinie, Rev. at i6iiat Irl sa far as',Argentina Is. can,; s1). M. p6rrester -and cerfied.'' Nothin o rabre ei'sy ress It -1 dernanlLthere -amda Bhjj. mo*odi, ana giecouded, an ,g woul' b Iam n -d''bv the until nounces that'in no circiunst4nees will T a� rtage,has also not be'.6it§idere ot.m.ore nat.,ural,for Argentina than 4 she boe� created in, tbb br�iglit Pot6' ir' .a_ Canadia at.the Church 'Ot Sea nei of ongreS Ills, party, co to the -piaclu.g of amendmeiit'Lth 'would canAiia'so -thit. live pto6k .,me' libre stanoppint was the fa�tthat 11 e t- the', . ct sesston laud* r ich established' policy at reprisdI, which ad., to . . Repib ie black, lia-pulation , emained a. Phu Oils ; P B �vler. Att&n�d Inter-, ifiluk t -h4 ut , p, Ices .107 Canada tie,Ites were sentative'-Cabaill. said ti an a obw with -the 'urbpean Inatt eagerir preqe r vaittage re by law, �nd- thit the. Cfenoral . Asqexh. 'a any' iate r16 ton an ti the white. South Afric.6 , must on -the duty and. Cattle rice,are as;,high as ht, intriligra ion seekfug 'to reitila- lost ground aind nationaL, � Chmber' of, id hi Id, rega'rdless of w en'th med test " ti Free Church could - at- the' United States' eoti4limors 'would: time since .1920, h y from' the'count-in _--honed in the inain',a white man's country,"and; fdr bly of thi-,,Vait.ed q64red to ready '.to , iiiiake ri'ciprocal,, tw*111 _orximerce Meeting. - - . I , I : tleclal�ps_ ho'la. OP, not take any further steps towards 15-�eat-a-pound, top it, Chicago b.ecause, hefelt:that it that- reason. her L r e pay -t e ig r prices., Three or,, four a ion., on _a
to jed ---_ angetuents to,,,plea� tile rge4tln! catt . to yards pod. sudden'y. tes po e 9u- on. corporat - uh proposed e -year 'Then: ihey: drop 'a" ea5ier for t gestl Ing, or the'first. tim Canada. this year s from 'now Cahadian: a back". - Rev. tans Nv 9 he U * inite.d., take its place- igmang. the great, rai ers' would more likely '.ie - el. the to kreven,knd elialf cents, Last month assilnilate some. EtItneans 'tliaii-'it tifat 'the Utilon should outer Iftto fe& hasis.-. I : *ill 'not tur IVIortorei,'wh6t. Is to I)a looked for nAries of the m1orld at thO'bienniAl 'A n to I- Mr. Barr dramatically declared. of. the e eT game of th� ini Is not merely,A eLpasmadic',ralsing of co u hicrease.'lf th tariff the av' top for ste* g i4 the 'To., was hilgrants lion, Or' tio witli trv6so� Northern' s carried Ongress- 6f the rLtarifatioTial'Cliani- ct which Its r6lito -yards orriplared' countries ofAhe We n it torles which, in -Tho' al0tiOu, however, a '.tariffs. among nations severely -affdct- ccompliti6w. 'tile Oje, wa§ flO.40, as c ster' Heikiisp ere.. hie, liature ok,thl"s, C ai AMStel!dai�t .Kol- 192-8, and- 48A quota Vr(i- always must r . emaln' 1.1hAtIve!' States. I)k an oveiwitelining majoritY'P. ,e on, but c6mbille'd framers have iavlew It -would OR. With $10;58 'for April, The sugj�stlon that th, cast $for the- amend.'. land. � 'As first of the ni�n -to K-epre- 'to or.Aptll, 0.-.27. ..Xve'rager tdos law. be I . N I �ellwnieiailing'i4ealfsts,. have 'bee..n try- 39 votes� bellig Vnited Stats' :immigration, I .
-Action of the:. Ame�r'ican nation's �'to ieni C owler pres-idint burake f . . visions, 'Of 'th,4i' ectson 1-wis, receivAd aziada, P. B. F als'e.' - and this takes from. qtocliors,was last moiiJ1i,,%8.72 in �de -ies .. of / the ing to The. -d 9t, more cattle �t6 L pply , to .6untl .secure for' the South Afq1can ruenti day our me 1kirotAlsing. markets and of tire European countricis which are a year ago ttlid.$6.72.1n April, 1927. of 1h Victoria, B.C., Chaniber q. three tor four years,, Western Heillispheia, fiA's been. -made 'witli with-acclamat on, eT wded; e, and inanager of, 'the Carlo Canada s6lls Viiited States, cattle bets L of! tlye Europeans. General Hertzog to-� Both— assemblies were a our most activd` e6muetlt:6�i. 'Coinmere Western members,ai Nrliament ek- from t4plie to'time by.. Mein ilie-r of iiTound 9 Innaligtation. -Act of fuses point blalik' to, liaVe anything to some spectit,ors 'having waited hours dian BanV of Coini on- Th Therei tire a. certain. number of in F. In C ha . t city pressed the o�lul that the' prairie over. ayear.9 d't6 1hO value Congress.' a if. admisslOil. has been,chosen. proposed fit- do with'this s giestion.' to 9 feriiij, farmers In our W6st-aiid North- farmers have already this.-,itatir.-Ing �12,0.0-0,000, so that file 19�4 �placed immigration fr6m EifrO Imple 'rdme4y for their s When the'; congress -is- he from -tariff wall is - one, to, i upon a -.basis propor- West. 'A tt1r#od more to cattle raising' because c.reaO In- the pean countrieq -3 - bus umber of nativ ------- oJuly, �& to It, leadilig I men of which considerable ittention wi�l' 6 of 414i Ile In 'the 'ralshi of the '6piparatively low ptice ... I I I I 'or Cure troubles 0 tionate t6 'the n
such' nations ill be. gat e to- n 0 .143 1 - . t " - I I' " in fl�e United of L duties -on.. things, as live 'cattle froni whea; and, the. filgh price of beef; djd.ubtless. be gfs e those. eduatties vucoi�dftig Oi chang I origins and wheat. . But over -agaiiist this. re-' gotfier. '�Thb Increases '.Which -the -amend On,tho. her a,ad,-the a fit Sta�ts -in 18,90.' The nationd Truth. (Ifon-don):,' Two or -tlree London Daily News� and Westmin ster, (Lim.): a -must be sot two items:' an Bbvlorrgir�g -to -the'' international ment prdooso* 19 larger -than would ap- the butter rateis does not cause much effect y e dr's ako, London pracfi�illy a=e Thore is 'not th' slighV clause sfrice-passed will'p -into gini ta- tld'Chnadlau c!i,itaboi ; are 950. busiriesis 'a' pear raise ecAuse. of tho, rela- July 1, unless postponed bSr legisla- to the fact,that"ItR lnnuf1l'er'bI.e`aud est doubt that the lafest Soviet do- rnediate:'contraction of _ht flist-gldifee. lt,yvpuld, the reactiou. locally b a t,ong a addition to. many business cree'regula-Mig religious communities -market fo' American manufactures, tariff �on the ,bulk of the,.' 'cattle tiyely ,smaril Amout hout. hie tl�e date for cal- iverib all in dan- r 9 which have joined individually� on. It Will chal priceless "squares' . If ire -to ab9lish reI1910A P�t. OW tucld4mt to reprisal 'And the- wo llpp �y Canada -to the United cutation -frohl 1890 to' 1790, ger of being bulit.6ver. -a certafif ta dosig d rsell- ' house s, a 'The ivorld State:dtrom A bishop found-orle f his flock lea ber of them, have now been re- ztrai�o iva, toibolish It Anafiy. 4 Is, Ing. at our relations vilill canada, Tho -wide organization, atoso one and -a halt cents to great�r immigration froin Britain and 1111111 'all for 6.0sts fix The ing n helplesi drunkenness agaft§t from Ge Li a d, 'it is onI7 to voluntary, lialt cents aL Douild� nd S.c'ndina Wti, of bfiterllostility t6 tV.0 Qhurche� and
iner -years ago of the.need -,a, vhi scue the cllmh%!t6 'a coutinuoug caml)1'10
game dis'difs.slons on commercial a.fid ust.' wo and a wall., "Wilki-hs 17� criod, the 'bishop le" South. Anlerlipa. 110 cattle, shipped �cross the� line ' . 6oulitries. collselli. 'lite' Oilers; ll,)t, bebause - int- - . , a, , und' nine inexprqg�iblk shbckea. "Oh, Wilkins I A 'morelless perocution.' NOW 'is' Oauadlau frlen(%111i� rktiot yeep- .9 r of international would ayerage perhap er Dfl-bic - Itad. 116N .0,� lo. ict * fill, a n6s 'p oblems % You in this state! I am sorry. I am the Rusilan olfg-' repce., if the s a Ing? Are d 4nadlan market, of guillel- portance. centil a pound AC:Canadlan yard its'owa'de' ix � cr69 Ia would, seem i that th6 in-' s rry.,i 1 airl Sorry I" As -the 6'ish6p supp&se said the casual a the- 'Alberto Pirelli, prestoont.of 'blo 11ortion,of 0. f of t ' don occttpl�a' s talieli. thd nettIO 'by -ow itkivortanbe'tobe worth r tainlni;7, ternati6nal chunili6r, who is a. rubber prices, since i a cousldiia was p"Ofik ott'Wilki�s puiled him-- quoitita-lice, the ,day ftei',thq wed-d-th -hear 0.11 � slid b the it rchy � h.4 is it a wloo'polley *to make ,in Anicirl- them' ara, stockers. A�cordlagly, th& 'a �Ilit ivas I Ifird to loso*our. daugh- old Foundling Hospital igr- hand. - But t has - Also taken a, big _anA_a_sen.at6r of Raly, two 7arid one-hAlt. cent rate Would be self'' toietheri �hd ft�er' ding are not oviefed with.tetienient rlsk, There NJ R.tmla an astonish- 4can-Aafiff-sy'stent the-,foundatioli ot.manufa.etAr-or ter911 "No;" replied tha Uride'si fat4hep. (jens n jh6 —"Bishop.- 4i -shop." - The bishop Ont'a special invitation to hiindrtds� of inj relijidus revival.1 EveA Moscow Imuropeah- econoinle supfenia& nd -s .1 easile equal to a, Werit;Y-flvo Per cenf. accoluniodatffig an '.Of 'the ta�adiaW Chamber - of - . .. I llaitenecl*bak in Ahe,h46'of hearin_ " m s if it' were going to be houses liotfil - cat pre4op)1nicie. In. In ad valorunu 9 be (hie to the gentlio- kdrnits that some 15,000,000'Versoits -aying a,yesolution of. �ope. '!file, but she Iai�ded tli6 it 7111 '1113i6op 114 -rd ft one L, ance On lomrner6, Dr., ohii W Ross, s ritance. e, ll't t(I tile pow- ftow".j�elonj o one or othei of. the! Jitnerici', nha Maximum Effect fellow just as we were beginn,ini- pity of-alie Inh-11011ail 0 'of freIndshibt The*se., tire. qiiostlpjj� that Jt was felt'imperative tilat'Ch it. you Are reAlly sorry, I'll.1orgive bublicautliol-11Y to vert Me ,,no%' a.� Stalin.a0d his been so V" religious 8ect loso all hopo. y calleagites- fear niore th� gfe4s 11111st Ads should,be rppresented, The amendmeat has 'it v , e-er in anything
hchpresent Con -calafiii(y_ though a ng per��on 'knoivs It would be. Clio the profound and, incalculable In- lace. thinfil Europe 1,.q '.gtea(I-113r'.,�,oilgaiii7,illg 'tt ec of intend' to t t6 Far South- AfriCk"tolir to -Vin Se'graveR ord It 1. *oilly by thp and exei,cb;e t.. fit religion. Tli6 en A nwh-111 it. But it is muell. e 'gait- �:upreme aticiplit to recover Its tire- of Stich pow( gal to a a.siei to or nifillg. . t1lat the lze lo�i 6 - tile United State'.4 and essfulty a �blood� revolution conee(itionco -of tbo check; t flat, tb_ .11, ttl& rauqtous ilistilicts.of s10 tl .
'a Nyhole, people, Stalia.may ve make ed. rt the cost botW at Us definitely �ettfng 'Ptit to r rOdtica ouf ,h6ld 11pon its own niriccOg and to re- ti I tit c(ifterY a A.31a 'and' tenricy Alid of lille stability of. arliet:q in utre 11108.0. In Killiag -N9 Murdir anoff6ster' Guairdian (LIM.): it firily" litvaded,jTrrrz-"14. 1-i pre- to paredjo offe,r. all ,�;oUf. 6f 6 the , general.. entorcellient; (if v lltageq it, ji 6*n a' 2,000A.'re-K i0fled In, n-muSt. MD10Y mearta eehe -es' 'and MUM in which are tlip. �eh I a w fill. Ar fa Th�refapo It is (if vill �6u- -,v It Q, h 66 ot i6a.d,to a 'ji, w the r0w, tI IN, ttonipt for the, law; , And tlle*ffrst nee Itself to, hoopill 9 arfare fteSUI.t: 6f Viol� . wilt lJm41 g tile f0fol-fl. torul.' Of tlie'r-0 . er out of. the'Ameirf6an' ation 'f Unwfitten Law ni0fef., or pol,lee*11lethol.j. In tilts ulatfer, s In W119ther it will consid6r tho'ilnteresh+ bredds, jorus, Iti 'farelg.!l niar- dic one crime, oi*vlol lem.—The mlkfiber of' ki'lled �ot the villted states znoth�lr, And' thO ""' Of in th6 battle betwvetl twid Nei-,' trib -.104 in� kliei viettitik �f M Sarar, Cen'tral lico by the D011CO is -ly L fit us'try� ported re N� to Ifift. causo of (Ito o� the florc, SuTyVft A tt1irit t1ro tinic t -S to diL* old 3114, its. lU,S-: vr-p i 'till tffew; colidi Tking: tiyrV; -,ed ;1�t -7 pr�bf I- of V beIt tV) the g�ll new b1tt qnite� A �11,11C a r .�ftt reast 15 per cenw. It f 0 0, tit. a hnfpe Ahim foreign n A -after came t0tli ces 'rdl (Iftlicult Unibn Jck_ This qlil�lla. A od think i6r teAd thei Affictican C61111 -t000- fa,.r to it ng oFbotlli' T/ to 1� 'y be a good cis tendifig, `�Iftifktfft to i6 A rA A -lid v t ill fi-60 (a r4ath Aneita'ot. aaptxfd� RAWA 4 0,0eed car, 81tio 0i d flie Ooh,,41 d e, I, ab -1 6" Fsd, tf9' 6 r IN. `-��APTAIN CAMPBELL L IN AP#10 [o 'atta I flied 61 tl r4. In which i liks, W64u- tiy�4;- to let,
opin0611- . nhi�g6 ot 014 lid oil figc� ewevagd 6f 218;64 all a 6a,hour. t