HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-05-23, Page 5.114
N •
al/no r.,
• THE ULI:-S1ZE R,O:qDST•E'R with r 146 �ess)r $$S,o,'
improved Plymout toda3 ex-
hibitin anew stands
. t; ids of pePfocniance,
economy„• comfort a d beautybe. and coin
• --parison-in. the field of .low-priced motor cars.;
1Pf Pn M1, s h cies
refinements iii; Plymouth's'famous -Chrysler "'Silver
Dome” t}pe'engine. ; These.include.longer stroke•
and aria increase in .piston displacement, a .heavier
', crankshaft; larger interchangeable hearings. larger'
These and a nember of other improyeinents have
.accomalished in the full-size Plymouth a rem,arkable
+;I `.
i ieressed s ire' Stt+ott:
N,twvt•Ir C oa ah.ft '
� 'tO Mail Biarii ds,.
owl Gai setlag R.r4"
Neo Desirnr Full -Frei -
Sore 'Lubricstiug
• Systeei:,.
borer*, Sterrisr.
Greater Reigate., ej
oprraHLs'.sod upkeep.*
Is aremed Zed &tetra!
smith kaitlos mpg
New Self Crrjirisirg
seat essblo'sis.
Niw S# t reler's,
Now more''than .ever is Plymouth brisk and" •
flexible in' pickup Now more than ever is
Plymouth-smootlr'and quiet: throat h all gears;
and an sPeeds.. gears
ome see the improved full ,izi ;Plymouth
in all the glory ot�its new Springtime colorings. Take
one lout and see how it sparkles and shutes in action..
Alt oai ope;rat ng at I '. Hen'ry--Golin Can p i 11 i the -later..•
,- pei cent... ,iwportilnt. 1ue,iaiul to' .tali into-the�-
above. their Maximum 'rated capacity hands-orf-•he-ia-w-sial since he cern-
Plants of the Frigidaire Corporation •plicated is bigamies with murder be;
will nodoubt sit down in the electrieij
chair. in .due, course 1iis :story is,;
Worth setting forth, for, it reveals' the
typical, criiiiinel at his, worst, the kind
of man who makes difficult the pas
tion', of those who .would,�abolish. capi
tal punishni,ent., In his case it 'would',
"April shipments totaled 1,501 eagp , seem that' :neither heredity •nor °early:
the •high mark for :one `month. ' to. envirenment had;much:to answer for
date;" he said. "AIpd. May:.indieati'ons His;'par�ents'. were-respectaole, and hitt'
point to, pilot h r "father was`fors�many ,yetis ahacrd :1
e peak. 1licnth. Every workjng . schoolniaster.Th boy was'
1,2 secends of the workin .day a. Frig precocious and got in o, na,i a: phi' i-
gidaire compre:ssor;• is"'fin srien tilt scrape; though:, nobo �1 s posed
,ready, dip .� g , oP ,y supposed
for shipti ent " " ' that this .indicated a "criminal tend-
. Rut' r�rhen he was 'twenty-two
. The' ,present plants, comprising' 53 he was convicted, of forgery and. sen
acres of floor space which were lilac- Xenc to' five years' itr isonment
ed in operation' iii ' 1027, . were .444 ,.,1;1„: ,��,'c. ".has' • released fi a .ear, because a
out with. the idea of making them ad medical d a condition- that• ht wal -in an
equate aof tuberculosis
h' a ,to• meet. requirements, of the and could n,ot survive ton tfnement
business' for a,J n g time to, ,coin. Al - Four •.years. latest he began the, first
realiy,•.it' is .'said, the "a'isolut,e limit Of ''his iiiatriteonial adventures •by
off" Iiraduetion, with" present :''faetbry�: marrying Sarah Phelan in New York
City. -Ten "years later, after, his wife.
facilities whas beefs attained. ' • had discovered his .character, she left'.
As compared, with the same month him and'went . to, Australia; where it
last year, April• shipments showed.an is supposed she died.
cent.increase.tUf '129 'per in, house- •For • a .few. years following his, mar-
are running belitnd orders, and sales
for the. year' too"Slate. have far exceedd-
ed' all . previous records,' according to
E, G Bje'ehier, President and.'general
• riage . he workedfor the firm ofhold.' electric ':refrigida reg,`• 85 • per 'Tier and Schwing,. Near York.''Fr'oin
cent. in compressors.. and 88' per cent :.hem he he began a or tematic: series of
in cooling coils for •both household thefts, stealing'vai'ialsle optical goods
and commercial use and disposing •of them ,secretly' thru
the e.ountry. At this time .he was'liv-
"The introduction or .a new Frigi-'ing with , three' wp' r en in the sante
claire* at the lowest price in Frigi-ity.' having gone Through a ceremony
with ail His thievingsmust. `have
• been -,large to make it possible for•
'i:im to maintaip three'establisliments•-
'but he did so. and , bright have: con
}blued indefn^tely•;if the firm had not
•'ieeo:re'susri�io"s. A warrant for-h'rs'-
arrest was sworn out; but Cainpbell
induced was
wife_ ..to, ; fee.'. to St.
�daire. historst and the. -.new Feigidaire
Cold Control by means Of . Which.the
user cari obtain 'necessary tempera
ture for dessert making: has, we be-
lieve, contributed` mot these ,ph
•nomenal conditions,'' said said'Mr. •Beichh-•
, Control ' devices • heVe been , ordered. as -int 'detectives ef the scent. While he.
Special e4diptitent 'for Machines in the vith another ..women., and several
field; which iS' a fair indication as,,,to- thgusancl. .dollars made his way to
what people hest able te. judge of ://lextfo. Titers. he liVed: in -StYle '': for
ieveral months. IRA wberf a. new trea7
`-pil Velne of this deiit'..e,acteally think' 'y between the. United: States and
half years' Impeisonment end by, the
-not Merely tn.. teinnerature adjestnient - time •he .cente out one .;f the ladies
for ' the. fpod compartment, 'but it is: • whe....suPPosed' she 'was: his- wife, d.i-
,! ".freezing Speeds in the. dessert end ice. ;1. This did ' net :disturb Campbell. be-
trays :and: is capable' of producing at Mitch anyway, aod he made his way
. ause he had never liked her :' Veit .
Ia capacity of four etthig feet. for, food
storage, :selling at* the lowett price. married' One ef therit scandal arose
to become the most. popUlar Model • ef the. service:. Two years- later he
hd he Was dilcharged -.-tir the good
turned un in Chicaebc.,Where be Was
ilea been:Increased .t*ice. in' the_ Peat - assistanet mannger' of the educational
ands of order* behind 9n, this partie -
pler model and the demand' is: ipereas-: h,e met another woman whoin he de -
person of exemplary cheincter. _Here
things. in an, electric 'refrigidaire than . eia v. u .ea
pg steadily. .
The. average user will put more.
. :Wife and tsgo who simposect they were
eke *ill iit an ice box. For this rea- married to him stoodln the :way.. Only
•Sati....we halve..felt that .a cabinet with.
feet was the smallest We shouldbuild
for general 'use. But: there, has been
a long and ineistent demand for a
smaller household -model, which we
fonr cubic foot cabinet. This' is: a
beautiful unit, equinned with the cold
centrol, Self-sealing ice trays, . and,
other ' excuisive features which. have
helped to make-frigidaire the choice
Of the nialcrity. in refrigerating re7
sulteil it equals' any . of :our' highest,
Two outstabding, features of, the
.month were the merked increase in
sales of household equipuient and the .
increase hi the' number of installs -
Monumental Works
Hes the largest and most coMplete
stork in the most beautiful designs
Marble, Scotch; Swedish and Can-
adian Granites
We make a specialty ..of Family.
lienuitestts and invite your home!.
iseeliPtiona Carefully and
Bee us hefore_placing your order. ••
-thatlip Bros.
Phan, 74
R. A. Spotten
'Phone 256
A •cernmunity can ,do a. lot of good .
The Young_-,PeOPle2Seeieties-Of....the.
Ashfield Circuit hold their .annual.
Rally :service....iti Bleke's.. (linen -next
Sabbath .evening at To"OlOck., A'choir
Of male...voicei 'froni Blake lead
'the singing aed a number .of •young
men. frien Hacketts ,and one -from,
Blake will faVor'us with violin. music.
An address er tie° *ill rou'nd. out a'
helpful aref inspiring service. You
Mr. and D.'liesson and Miss
Olive Kilpatrick of .Stratford were.
. Miss Jean . Lane, Was the •guest of
Eleventh Annual' 'Soldiers' Reunion
Celebration. the biggest and best day
of sperts and amusements.
grand parade, and lasting until 10.80,
play of hreworks-z-the best Seen in.
this locality, A full day ,of: pleasbre
for everyone. Horseracing, Ladies/
Softball Tenni-intent, Men's Softball
Match, Horteshoe Pitching, ContgA,
Relay. foot race's among ther High
Schools of the district and a Band
Concert the evening. The Model
Expositien Shows of Lopdon, Ontario,
and: thee'Bruce Regimental Band on •
the grounds all day. Attractive prizes
in the varfeus contests,
• Eetiirned men wearing service
button admitted to the. grounds with -
Mrs. McLaren; South Kinloss Manse
dent Mrs. Wl" P. Reid presided. The ,
-lowed by. prayer offered hy Mrs. -Mc
Callum. The Scripture lesson was
read by Mrs. Craw, who alscrera-de a,
few interesting,, remarks regardine
the -verses 'read., The Clip *sheet was
used the following. ladies taking pan
,Nabb, Mrs. N L Campbell, Mrs.. Bos-
well, Mr& Geo. Andrew, Miss D. Mc-
Kenzie, Mrs. ,,Thos4 Aitchison • and
led prayer. 'Much enjoyed vocal
solos were contributed by Mrs. 'J. WI
Joynt ind Miss Mary Aitchison. Mrs.
Taylor and Mrs: Clarke will thave
charge of the program for the next
three months. The meeting was cliised.
Reid. Refreshments were served' and
a vote of thanki was extended to
.Mrn. McLaren for her hospitality.
The next meetipg will be held at the
home of Mrs. 7. Burns.
Miss 'Jessie Andrew spent the
week -end with friends hi Winghine.
Miss Melly Pepper Wak the gues
of Mink Edna Ritchie tide weekend.
:Miss Eva :Gardner' of Dungannen
spent Sunday at he,r homo 'here
The Paramount tieFAVA, held thiii.
May meeting at' the home of Mrs. W.
T. Gardner en, Tuetidav last •
Miss Elsie Ititehie spent SundaY
. for a citizen; a citizen an do a lot your' friends. they will he here. See with. her slater gro. Noto)i 'wood
bens made through power and light
companies. Frigidaire CorpOration re-
cently 'began the policy of 'shipping
its smaller household units completely
asseinbled, ready 'to plug into an
electric outlet. As i MAR pd er
,companies •ime lncreaging their retail
salts of the corparaiion's products.
know where he was. So Campbell di -7
vorced her and Married hiS new
'McCready; with Whoin Campbell was
living whep he committed, thp murder
whifth led te his -downfall. His final
victim was WS: Mildred Mowry, a
woman ef Middle age end by ne
Means prepossessing appearance,
whom he mete§ the result of an ad-
vertisernent published in a matri-
monial iournal..Like most of the oth-
ers whom Campbell had tricked thru
a Marriage ceremony, Mrs. Mowry
had n little Money. it was to get hold
of this money so that he cotild sup-
tiort Roselea in the afllueree to which
she longed to become accustomed that
Campbell proposed and wag accepted.
They weremarried and then start-
ed on what was supposed to • be a
honeymoon in Osimnhell's., motor car.
One flight driving' along a lonely New
Jersey road, Campbell Stealthily drew
a revolver and shot her •dead. Then
he dumped the- body out, dragged! it.
to the side of the, road,. drenched it
with -gasoline, set it afire and drove
away.. His idea was, of. course, . to
make identification imnossibie. Ile
did hot quite succeed in this. The
woman was. traced.; It was- learned
that she had reft her herne itimounc-
iv- her approaching marriage. ty.
veritually it was found that. she had
embed a Avow for $1,040 while on
her heneyntooni and the detectives
argued that she must have.hed scene -
body to identify her, and this put
them on 'the track of Campbell. Af-
er his arrest, he admitted that he
'tad get in touch with most of his vie-
firte looking man. and no doubt his
experience hod given hirry a consider-
dertolo type lied a mastery over them,
The'se niatri•votiial agencies' man -
age to keep Withie the liniits of the
law nod vvhen they are charged witb
fraud they ate generally able- kr-shift
Stuatite. it a "lonely widow, worth
556,00" advertises for a mate and
the mate pavs the agency t25 fel' her
address, Onlv to' find out that she is
neititiet lonely tiei Possessed of more
thee 1750: it 'Is the ith`dOw, net the
ageeey, who in Matted. But the thief
'7/titmice of. such- agenefe
rlitle::tliet• he
•the misreuresptitifion that may be
made. thel sinister purposes to
-whteh the.' Ilst al clients toay he. mit
AL Holmes. the-PirilittlerPitia-mbeder,
wivea and would be -wives:: foetid hiS
ret4lled Miff
two, pt Ireltees" Victims were exhibited
'Continent Weft.
Of Odi001 ,lection *Wien wiltod et)
council regarding the ditch an gate-
way in front of school pre ebbe 4n --It.
it s moved y Swat► and It tchle ani!
c:titied, that. "Herb C'uxran:. be paid
twenty;-fiuh dollars part pay' for care
• of Mrs. J Saunders.
on Y i'otion of Black• aril :Andersott.
it was ,resolved to build two small
;bi bides quo ; at. Lane's, church and one
at Jio. Littler : -'•
The clerk' was instructed. to cajl
for tendeie .to he in..bv iliay tenth,
On.riiotion• of Ritchie aail;Swan .the
followinegt broad accounts were paid; :
Ja obnter, pay."list, SIIfistO;Wgradiroads
$5 ,iu, 'Jacob Hunter, 'pay ng .'
$8,45i. Nelson Graham, pay 1118C 11.50::
.Faank'. Whir; pay list• 5.50: ..;D A. Mc-:.
lean,• pay list ;20.70: P. J."Murphy, •pay:•
list 17.25: Jake Hunter, pay.;