HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-05-23, Page 1Att7-71,4#.37.t.w,t3' „•, „,..7.ii,;;;;,..,-,44,1rt-retto• • • • • 1, ; , • 1,t,t0",t 't , • ' rigr' 11.;•;:, :47.1"A:1144k.", rw.CA'Ar,4441;3:::41P: a A tr,y1t, • ir• • ' ••• •••• • " • ' - • .• • • • '-r • . •• +•-•• 4.- • • . • • • •. ...WO, • ,.•. • . • • 2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE,$2:50 OTRERWISE .•. . , . • • , •• •Y••••: . . . • • , . • • • .•••••• • NOI irituaso ••••,. Cr. "...;(4". . • „Art.,. .4 23rd, .' • SINGLE C()PIES CEisiTS DR m. CoNNELL • PhYeician and Surgeon •.: ,• • , • !".i)ENTIIIST.', • ;De. litaeLed'*ill '•Lateknow • ;very iv day in• The Chin HotiSe. her mother. •who .passed awy, ow; • s),ale• 1 IS1 •SindaY .„ •Dr. fl, iz 1 releiVei LneknoW 1„,untholk Sale. Sheeting, neAlftlefi' .• •. '-; Tanoiro ''(Eiday) will b- thn Dar, and •public Mrs; Ed IPercy, wol."hoi ;1;an.- in Detroit the.'Pastix.monihfilhlfilieadr Ing th1 week in.410001,1";: , .• Mrs. N. Hornell : was in Torofito last „Week o, account of the ilinees; of • ' • ' , Over Decker's .S.toreF EtractiM!' i11Spnd..a few Months with their , ' 'akiher ,kr.• Pit .71•44411:', ke PikagailloneYeg Tbuiday.. Phone.. :,„ • • " litee. A I:00114: Luck114, ' "-Woke, and /teal histate;,Diquerto lend or. hat martgagea on .arin propr- �sit tend ti"1/2 per eentaeerdlog 10' teaurtY etfered Also ,taaali linogats on seond mortgage! :011: .; . • propertes and an periiimfd Dote", ' A few good farms! fr:.4itle, •WALL .PAP full line of 1929 , • • Wall Paper On band..Prices consider. . able down for 1929. I am also agent for leading job houses. -R,----.7. on, Decorator, Painter and Graineir •, Box 114, Lucknow. ; • •' • •NTICE• Entries for the StandingField Crop comPatitien in rthe--Lucknow-Agrrz7 „ be rciLeisdAvrip_t fiimiarsigned up to June' lst,next. arie iese tam,..•ats •; :ar ey. , Joseph gnew, See, L. A. S. ; (23-5--c) , • , etj • . . .. ... . • . _. ':-t• The Villaga eouncil 'last week ad-lottletie: Nnki..Ett ahrtieed a piLlie °meeing 'tohe held % Supply for 11g.„ whole yillageZ .'174k rtt.tito rrewpRoll, ,91::,:tAtenifa., .00n4ig. iielkied: .d deep " Welt With .ingdern of: this eek ; The... putpciPe • of IMP : pumps (eletric motor Wth, eniergen- mo.470Ei164cits ,ccom. ipt:, 000tioi t.4.,,to..ovo.14,tkriw .i.sr. Cy gasoline engie) standpipe and . AFTER .CLosE, WoRL. .0y. ' '''t tots interinatism. &Met:She . present Water- put Within i,each.of..all.h0tises PeoPle ee:•:''. '. • • ; :-.:" ; . • ...:.,. ..• ; firslirOtafion sySteni,' domestic water within the corPoitation.. Thefeest•IvOuld• :.`.. 41-seiikidr publie ', rneetmg, ,tor the. , ."''*4.°F7SEV*4.t; ‘*TP'11410''' - swig), .• orig. proposed .,inii,irvoinehtti. be :Se -j' t ,"siltly',;0.e: thotisapd.dplars. jseussion -.o a .waterworks. . • ‘CLE&:•CAN''.4,Usk AN:.:INTEx. The meeting was held. ThireeVe 'There WOUld FiciiiiieVet be a' revenge • for LuelinoW will•be.held in the: Toivn. . 81IVE. IlEADApiffE. • . :ATTACH Hall Monday evening , . • • YCiUR • HEADACHE - :AT • ITS and. all. Members oftlip .coneil Were trek -this'. system •''in proportion • as . . • ..fliere, but.they' had reaapri for (kat resdents, would Use the damestic-Wit. : . 14. and Mrs • *ben Bushell have "SOURCE . • '' ' ' ' . ; • appointment . in .- the rather. Small' att.:, ter saply. at •-i coat of pne dollar or • moved' to Wain and occiaPY • the Mit.: "HAVE YOUR EYs . . en4aAce.• or these' whose intetesti are possibly $1,50' ..per Month. ''' 'If - all 'leer .Murdie's .Store recently Vacated, • • '.. • •ExAnitiggoo at Stake in the Metter of fire protee- houses would connect :up witli •SUChic y, Mra. McCrpetie. :, ' ' • ' .• tion and water. supply. However, quite ' :SySteni it • Would be self •stiataining. . . . ModaY,":Tudiday and Wednesday- F. 1 T:i. .:'ARiivr BONG 0 number of •troSe infitiential in .Vil- froth the kegirining, bat that could not Marning • were • matked by heavy ...treats. . Garden plants do not appear• • to have been much deninged. .• We. '. • • ', OPTOMETRIST :. . • . . lage affaire•wee•there, '*el there was be •••eircpected.;.Iike Hydro, the system. . ' a • good deal Of intelligent • disetission. *mild 'not:. carry; itself ..ler A time.___ • trait •' tiee. bioesoina.... '. ,... • haven't , heard how it haa;atfeCte.:b the • : . Evidently . the:CohilciL4Tanted an ::•The engineer . set, teeth: anothet• bg-ATH •O. IOBRTk- - :' '' expression of .re/reSentative, poyii.e scheme involving only a.. fire• trotee „ • -,•:-Mii. Geo.•13. 1VIOKiiii.'"Of Del i., mo T CARRICK ' hpiiimi as • to *ht Course it, should stien • systernr-m4ing•iiver Water 'arid, nred :to Lucknowskin SattirdiY,' ar,d on ' 06. ,,return , trip was ; aeeompanied:Ii3C ' „ • ' , '' , : ,,...:.L7.. ' , , .... • take regarding water, wps4s, and this .leang.4.11e don-eat:it. -.7, etet supply as his daughter Mies :lean McKim.. who: At. the good old age of almost :88 ' it did net get, for the ;rhecting dia.... rit is. This Would cost abpat thirty - Will spend a weejk it her: herho, . years bit'. Sobert. Uarriek died at: his ;•persed 'Without expressing aii opinion . °three thousand dollers. .... This would ' • ' -.- ---4 ' • -- ..• , p. A.' M. Spence-Anirde a Met -iii-• •.oweinet.-.44'hasLft4ckliow-F--ori-Triaay--titlast.- Ln_o ewayinthr.re_fct the meet gi.v_egood::•firematdionlblt_noe. ., • __ ...._ .... . ;•• e 0sitawa-en-- ... •. Pandey-Hetvait- thron..hout ill' iist. "In -1111411:6t11--• -..----. 71 1 b regarded ' • . : - ' . i : • : ' Nreglit .a.'• V,. l Walter '•MiCKetiiie ..1mlinth-or • more •tkie .,end :whs ;Xpeeted.- reingPrWs41:t9lvesilrli 'EL111.t::). ;sie;1was .64 aReseV.Jcheqterie e44411rid • enether''' . . it •any .iime. Throughout his long and :quite- apparent that few; .if -any, out: scheine--nierely as .tt suggstion as wlio isited' their father Mr. Peter H. • MacKenzie who hadnetbeen keeping trying illness. hewas ;tenderly. care", : side of the Council felt.. 'sufficiently he', said...1111S' would be it a cos u Very well of late :; . ez. by, hit, daughtes, Chriatena and ieformed to take a stand unon one about fertftve thousad_ Until ..about three Years aga the proposition or 'anOther. What'is need would be the same,.as the. iii,giriser'S., ; . .: . 4. OarIt s. . . • . '.. . .. -*; Mrs, . Geo. 'H.' Douglaa. • : • late 'Mr; Carrick was a,--remarkahk...ed is•A better realization ck things is arger 'plan' but 'would, put deniestic. acti4e and cheerful old 'gentleman, At ':theY. are by the rate:payers .generally water iiifhiri the • reach' only •of • those • the 'age of 134 .0r 84 he niade._alripto. , Saskatchewan- where he.' had- farm an ow Tt .ey... itre. to be . roil., .t o . ,on the,: streets ;w ere wat..r inhins. for land and while-, there took Part it' 'that'"iegtristiop .ts what btherS the ;.: fl -r- protectiee weuldbe. Others. path. • REDUCED MICES-for Balanee • .: •fl. . of this :season on Barred• Reeks' and, 'S. C.:White LeghOrn Baby Chieks and • Hatehing Eggs from heavy layers mated' to Pedigreed and R. a r.: ifive---6;-.,8 mid 'weeks old pullets and cockerels for sale; •Phime 611.42, Winghani or write •• Duncan Kennedy, Whitchurch, Ont. AUCTION,_ .SALE 11011ehOld 'Effects , at the -residence of • : MRS. ED: PERCY: LUCHNOW Saturday; May' 2fitle Commencing at 2.30 p.m. the fOloW- ing .be sold; ' • PIANO • , -.DINING ROOM: SUITE ' ;BEDROOM SVITES POUCHES CHAIRS KITCHEN RANGE NEW' 'PERFECTION OIL STOVE • 0 Birrnere) HEATERS--Coal-or Wooxi-1 And many other •useful articlet3 too numerous to mention.. Mrs: Percy Prop. .JOhn Purvis. Aim 10. 0. f.... No. 324 and L. O. No. 671.will hold their annual church service on- June god, 7 p.m. at the, United Church, Dimgantion. All bre- thren, and sisters are Cordially -to meet at the, ()tinge Hall at 6.30 p.m... - - AUCTION SALE Melvin Irwin, Lot 71 & 72 2nd Con. Kinloas will have an auction sale of Cows. and Toting Cattle en Thursday May 10th, commenAng it one o'clock p.m. • John Purvis, Aue. (235-0 • A:UCTION SALE • A Blitzstein, who is 'preparing to leave town will have An auctisniatle • of' his Household Effeets on Satur- day, June 1st, commeneing at 2.30 o'clock. Terms; Cash. • E. MMer, Ana •• (30-5-c4 • . . WE BUY Live Poultri.• Feathers. Ras. Setae Metal, Radiators old •:-; Batteris, Hide% -and aft kinds of. Junk. paying 'hieliet priceS. • • • Rene Spindle & Deve•Yeffe: in Mts. • Menerit's house, neat MacDonald's • (!3-•.6--9•) • POR SALE -5 room cement resi- • dente. etable, lorge lat. Silting water in the hong. Electric Betts: • • Aenly to Victor Whitley. • (23-5-rL.p.)• 0. 04. NOTICE • Owing to Priday May 24th being' a public holiday. the lodge will -hold its rgular, meeting en Thursdag e • ening, May 23rd7Meenbots who are ' the degree team are specialle ask. • ed to attend. K. 1furdie,*oble Grand. DANCE rum *rid** noYs egerY • ' . • , 4,111RSDAT kvExixo l(WING II A A ItEN A • • •• Jitney Dancing • • •• KT•IGAGEMENT . - M-ri-adt-Mrss dosepit Culhett, tem cessipo S, kin- armounee tho'enaemenf of their eldest daugh ter,-Eliabeth M. to Mr: Gordon A., aft, &livid, the marriage 16 take piece the letter of May. . • Special price on Men's work shoes" at W. J.fittle"s Shoe Stein: , • . .'• SOUTH KINLOSS '• ' . " : , ha resting and threshing operations Anniversary Services will be held ' • doing his part with rauch7 younger in South Kinloss Church on Sqnday ineii. Mr.. Carrick lived- a great part ...May 260.,' Morning serviee at 11 of his life in Ashfield Townshin be - o'clock and evening Service at.. 710' fore going -to Saskatchewan where he 'elok. South .Yinless is .fortunate look land and did homestead •dirt• ..ies....Sine_lea-vin-the-West-be-medeT-a-real--problentie-eneehoweveri-liebich- pr-Sou ainfita)-far this occasicsii: • .. Major Tolriiie , is distinguished as an unusually interesting pulpit cira- 0 Bread The Bead•!:' of • :".01M MOTT0 I8""q6A.r.,riiir A1413 stlivit, WEOT.E:OmE BREAD TRE Amu BALAN4ED OUR QUAITY BREAD is WHOLESOME, ,BECAUSE fTS MADE PROM TEE VERY :14EST1NGREDIENTOI CREAM .PUFFS, CREAM SLICES,ClIOCOIATE LOW CAKE;: JLLY 11011.S.: pip „ SQUARES,: - • BASBEItity • TARTLETS." BUTTER TARTS, MAI?. LE WALNUT TA14TS, LSL BUNS, teD, ROLLS. . • : of Health PLLYINIAStS:: .() BlaiEft*". Phone 36 :. • .. Llitknow 44 ; • .;•%'s ..... ..- Benmiller • Nurs-tiI- - We have a, fine assortm,ent••.of IOUsk; & REDIN7-0---PLNTS, Iso a great variety of -the best ••asINUALS„ and.. VEGETABLES uch as TOMATO, CABBAGE, AU-IiI-R,- : CELF,RY and 'EPPERS. Any person requiring ;hints should see our stock .frrn hich one ma* select a very fine "....ollection. . '• .."-FINE -CtITS1?- ;LET TUT WHOLESALE 1 I.7. STEWART BROS. R. R. 4; Goderich, Ont. ' • Phone Carlow. 25 011101." FAMHY THEATRE •:FRIDAY & SATUDAY • Doroiiiy,Macikali. 4q4 311440;1.1.P '•• . THE RITZ" " Special, Cominm. „ Greatest Air ;Piture • ,••• There Will be a .show Tuesday and' W-•driKsdaV of each week 'from now on , • in seenrhing. the Rev; • Major T Council. • : • . -have mains 'extended tc, serv'e• hm.. Judging -by the inforninion: given by petition of a: majrity; or.: their out Monday . evening, and at the an- street: it was Pointed eut• that this final 'nomination meetings' for a ntim, Maid be very unfair to some, who ber $•ears, the village'is ap...inist might want a domestic service ink bore did not want it. ecairse of this unfairness the -plan did not meet with midi favor, altlichigh discussion of 'it helped to an Understanding of the whole problm. . : • . ' one degree . bettei: than bathing,. and There Was yet another plan:" This that Any day or any niif-it May drop; Was ---to coriiiect up the fedJairidshof to nothing at tilt Let thOse who doubt the •present Water mains and install. that statement recall the: fire:which a gasoline, engine in place of 'pre- desttoYed the lite Wilson -Hamilton's mit Steam qutfit.' 'This% would ..Coat barn. and a later small fite at Mr. W, twenty to twenty five thousand dol-. Mr. •S, Caswell of the Public W. Hill's residence: With a wind to 'tars would :require a man in I1') LARGE BARN DESTROYED • -be around $600 per year as .comparect -his-hme in Luknow: He Was mar - tied to adatighter of the lite Rev. can be Slved; 'ithout alarming. cost Mr. Grant :who for Many Years was. or trouble if dealt with in time. minister in the Ashfield ,Presbytee.. What is iit, generally known by ian Chrirch.. She died ,about three tuckricaY residents is that :the Present Years ago Mr. Carrick is survived by fire protection system is. just, about one. son, A. G. Carrick' of Myrtle, Or- igon, and, by five daughters: Mrs; A. bannen, St. Baur Minn.: Mrs: G. H. Douglas. Imekno: Mrs. A. Boyd E: Johnston, of Virginia Minn.: end Christena, Lucknow. -;The funeral; very laikely, Attended by Ashfield friends, was on Monday of this week to Greenhill Cemetery' tor end his services on this qccasion assures far South Kinloss congrega. thin 'an eventful anniversary. • . ' 100onteres, Girls,. and Misses stiMmer'vesti sale -The--. Hoinell-Murdogh.: Each 25c. • A LETTER '•FROM, • ED. CASWELL. Library Tpriontirianiwaya-alert-to-the-seiViee7heing7-lieldatthe rsidenee"1411:. end -spread thOie . fires:, :great. de- eharge. he maintenance cost would - affliction ,inight• have 'resulted : It may he anybody"s. tarn next and the wind ' may ' hot favor. The lad servicewas hia. large liatii ',b37"-fike last' Sunday ' ill no weir; due • to the Fiie13„rigade. afternoon,. The. fire, Which started in- 'The 'firemen did what •thei.cotild with good, as the two •Iiirger plan, and it'' side' the barn. over the• Stabling is the outfit they have. ,.,' ' • . . •would leave the deniestie water stip.: One of those•;:mystery conflagrations ' Another fact not generally known ' ply in its present dangerous-conditien the 'origen of *hid' it is • iinpossible or appreciated is -that "the doinestic with the. poisibility •of any. •day hav- cattle On another farm and 'was away Water supply from. the surface wells l? ,1Ir to put . in a. whole slistem..' T'ae to trace. Mr. Irwin had gone to see a sbort tme:when is wife, who• (And there are only a few de-reb 'was) pian has ,the disadvantage of sinking vras• in the.' houip . siith• . their baby ,is de ngerouly contaminated ftorn • out a Substantial •sUM,-. which would .iilti • saw smoke issaitig . from the barn. • houses and defectiire -septitanlri. An. mately be larg•ely lost It will. eo1-. them.: fat. steers for shipping) the outbreak of typhoid fver. (and that Mend.. itself to those; who -have .deep. There • *ere. 33 head of cattle •(.20 'of horses and a few pits iii may 'depend neer' ' the: .season) vould• wells. but: to few others : ifeweer , it• 'the tale. rs:,Invin al -the -Ugh' alone 'hlmot certainly bting'.froer-the Fro • js* bettet than. the Preeet-situatiMt: • .• • (mt' by the pale. Mr. Irwin. whose at-, to our Council to instalt.a • proper do-• Health .DeParte-ent' an • Order • - Apart from • Mr. Fleming and the reeve, these who took part in the •diP- ey pluckily. got nearly all .of .thesel:Yindal mestic water. supply sys‘ei and a cussion . ere -Councillors Rae Pamil Ontion had been diretted to the fire rapid Progress. and ne. cow, 4 Young ,sevrage - disposal •• syetern at cot ton and Itobertson, Jae Joynt, p. C.. attiVed on. the cene:The ii•e Made • • • . y .. n • - • ..• • • . .• ' . ' " • Cattle;•and a 'pig with litter e.t. young three as 'great as the System noir TeilOr.• A,- 0.• MaKeryit••• Wm. Mur - were cut off :and. lost. There was a- • favored by the provinCial. fire Mrsh- • 'd'it'• 3°s, -Ag"*. Pr• NOvt°11' J. G. bort anii thousand builiels-. Of grain all's'engineer, And Whiel the. •' Anderson arid there May have • been • counCil . evidently favors. .. • . present others.: - • '• -, '. . •' " . ' .. in .the barn. ' ' •• . . • • . • . • . There Was. insurance; but. n•ot• en. . The Counil. .appre6iatifr the pres-: • That is the problem -an expensive .Ain. need of some ,action being taken • • ouh. to cover the loss Mad incoriven- ' lenee as Mr. IrOvin • is under • the nee- :and 'almost • Worthless' fire .protection and teeing that7nianY ratepayers do not understand either- the •neceseity nor the: proposed remedies. are asking fpr another -p•ublic meefing next 'Mon-. day evening. . It is hoped tiiht" the . , . sed • aPproval 0 • the rate iia,,Ters. • sleeting -of thieWe-ek willhave created At the ..roectine• Monday evening nterest in this important Lawn prob. Reeve jehnstone, Who • piesided in op• : 'ern . and . that.. there, wilt be a larger ening the meeting said that the :Cron, neeting next Monday. evanllig. Rate. eil had, •withciukeest, secUred a reptiri, 1 laers Should realize: that there is On the. water situation jr :Lucknew ..mud) ,at stake for them. The. omen - from th, Fire Marshall's Department diture: 'Of - 25 'or 65:. thouSand dollars hear anything interesting about the •"old boys" of Lacknow and vicinity; find to pais it eking. A number a Or readers • will be interestedi in the following which he sent in this week•.'L-- •Editor The Sentinel: -I had the pleasure thie morning et having a call from a gentleman living in Los 4hgeles„bringing m.: a "Hello" from My. eld Lucknpur schoolmate and chuni, Jack - McCre, oow the wll- know% and clever physicien, Dr. John McCrae. I am sure many of your readers will remember him. Just When . he left Dicknow, •I .doant know: He was a bright' pupil in the Public School' When under the genial and capable swYof the late W. Smith. • I 'learned from me- visite,- that Dr McCrae has a son who; after a bril- liant course at Princeton University has gone to take nst-gredute Stu:. di -s in Getting*. He is an sieconip- lishd linesti4..Ondit looks ea though a distinguished caror is before •him. is always interesting to learn :of the. success of the '"old boys" of Lucknow. and their boys. The village has contrihnted its good share tolthe life of the country and of the adjoin- ing country as Well. E. S. Caswell SE'RrOUSLY-11;1.,"'AT'VANCOUVER We this week have a letter from Mts. Matilda ppyd :a Vancouver, in which- she states that her brother .1. St. C. Welker, or Dr. Welker V. as we all knew him, is very eeriusty ill fitVanouver. He has been eonfitied to bed' since last Novembe, and the • doctors had' pronounced his systeM completely worn out. "Doe used to write to us every year until last year, and always . had Aomething cheerful t� say about "ais Lueknow friends. lil') • the of Holy - rend; on May 22, lge, Henty Pierce •aged 91 years. 9 to0S, and 7 &at. lrentral on Friday May' 24 to Green- hill- eeitieterY. Service at the house at 2 oelock. . • • tYC ig‘tel kwv &Timer Thwolt volV Vaeli 25e. the. litaltetornall-IttirdcX tHICES- AU -EGOS ' • - Th e Roby Chick semen will aeon hp over. Better get voltis before it is tee $0th htti.-- Barred lloeks are 110, S. C,.W. T.eghotnis Atter June kb, 13arred'Rocks are iSt S. 0: 1,V. foghorns V. 13atted Reeks Are irare O: A. • C. Cocterela direct from O. A. College are ,mated; to selected Breeders: All Leghorn 'hicks au" - from yearling and -two year heft.- • - IrateMho ego 5e"'' each. . Ask to see or limy of Royal: feed- ers and WO Of founts. o. Catnbell. R. R. Auburn, Obit the fire W114Al. destroyed Phone. myth 0,24 _ 94 Sunday insti • to the present cost of2138.61. per yir. Melvin Irwin of . the Second 'Con. This 'would - greatly.' improge. the fire Kinioas. had the 'misfortune to • . lose Protection, but iveuld not Make it as and its Come Make The Best Of e 1 Am,Still. Hire. ERNT III - S. 0 ARMY LfEATHER: Vi/ORIt.:SHOES $3.2 IlOY'S C1'ALLS •, • KitChn' and Leather Label Final cut price $1.10 • - LADIES' HOSE Full Fashioned, Regular $1.25 • Clearing at 59c visity of building another ••harll-7aystem-a dangerous clernestic water richt away. He it making -an anction - • • • • ' aupp y-thany ratepayers ho do not -sale`efThitrows and -young ' cattle -on • • appreciate these facts; and a• council May • 30th. ,, which 'cannot act. without the expres- CHURCH NOTES , Presbyterian Guild • The regular Weekly Meeting 'cif the Guild, , Monday evening was in eTtprze of the Lookout Committee. After singing the bottling hymn and repeating the Lord's sPrayer in uni- son, the SeriMere lesson .was readand mai. r.emin, waterworks yr Fl by Donalda Douglas. Readings were • given by Edith Smith, Gladys Mac - engineer would give more detailed in - Donald and Dorothy Nixon and a solo formation regarding ,the installation byoMariati Johnston, The topic "Char. ef Modern systeMs. Mr. Fleming had Acterri, Growth, not aGift,9, was tak. . tilt's° Come without cot to ,the • en by MTS. Horace Pleming, in addition to his own pah 'Benediction The ineeting' doted with the Miz- . address On ptinips, standpipes 'etc. . , read the report by, the Fire Dep. en - from Collee this week Was in Tees. Mr. 'Walter B. Craw Who .is home gineer. this report after etting, forth • water last Sunday Iporning and gave the • inadequacy of the Present ire an Addresa in the Teeswater United protectlo down a scheme. lus- Enfinanuer Cellege ivineh.the •:f•Tal , SyStenv providing ptraier fire- • . ill la in the ihteteits of the tie* •tratqckh, urc • a cpinplete elan, of '1,4101e otight to come out lo this eetm„. Church. is prepnting' newttle Wih a... -Law to. pivIno ratepayers .in idea.. of the etiA. .to. ,of Citutakthe earee 812:bie6t At h6 ' the present 'fit* protection system (alreoSt ,worthless) add the .dif- • evening serv•ice, • . ferent plans- of improvement outlined abiive, the ."town clerk and CReij; Wm. D. McDonald, San of the' atittil "pteriaMd the fellOwing statement: - • late 'Wm. -McDonald of Rieersdale, • •• Tf 0ce":0?-eget! .assessment is Mak 11?egesiif- ,-fl. Protectivit.' has attented„ a _till to the United sOter'''• IS you$4.06 Per Sreat .(that ig the Oetage far the ofitittli :Agincourt,fesit. Toronto..past.(!sla years.) Atr improved- tveterit,,,with.ecasoiine-eivine would vill matte there with Its cost Oil $0.00 per vent, • The Forty -Five Thouainl' Dollar _scheme •9 , family the latter part of Arne from would Cost You' $5-50 b#r Var. (That is asSotnina• that one hundred &see, nest, sebtottit h.1410, • Weald use the town domestie tvafir.1 The SixtvTive thourlancl hateeenopaaststetrevvefvtliaettt!nited for sittEedirtWelel S$4111;V..e.elr Verer; tcht: wi4oAdaPreei.afteot.tnte•;62 ft *quid cat (en each 31900 assessmentr $8:60 ner Year more than -e''.,-0••:-‘0.-'1)•*.*a.; • is n'ot a light Inattet, but As the coun- cillors so often say, ionc-thing must 4ie -dime, and soon. Whether whatwill be done will be the l'iest ar •the Worst must depend upsiii tlie ratepayers as; they, must authoefte the exfienditgre, ct•st and •lia .„; hey wilrauthorize will de-, pond upon their iniffeistariding Of the whole- Matter. aiulihis Meeting next Venda* is the litic.pittee t� get iti..• lotinatioe • Wmiidias well as men Apreviatuon- .. the present.syttn: and each family that, would take;dointic Water • IrWitt wrshto wdcr :1)$-1T-00';87ert-Wfuthi- ottMoa'S their annreriatiOn of, awl scheme As. besfed en an -ostithhte that 150 houses *odd', for ow, iirrd assi,stafwe, tif w4ter. If mote took the '§eT.VIde r-ast Wctitild b,. prorniiionallv 4rieitils :and neiglibrits at' the filt4i dpwli tO $8..0.9. or bilt ner year On $1600 s- eltni-ent ab61$t the 1St of the nreSent wetthless system. The above All accounts mus be paid on or • before the 29th of this month. Any account not paid, up to that time, will be put into Other hands for collection sub-, feet to 5 per cent interest.' - .., •- B.. BLITZSTEIN LUCKNOW Water Servicc Public Meeting A meeting for the purpose of Con- sidering replacements and improvements of the existifig Eire Protection System, will be held in the TOWN HALL MONDAY ErG, MAY 27th. At 8 O'clock P. m. .. M.R. FLEMING,. OP .1...krivt--poiyLvR , ENGINER.. . , ' ING: CO, WILL IIE• PRESENT TO DISPLAY' ' MOTION Pl. • fill RES COVERT:N1 ' MI; N ICI rm.Ditittrtp u.EILIS, Pt - MPS AND WATERWORKS ENGINFERIG: ,Picytisms'' waL Colvorka$ yrimlitelvt....r--0--tyc Lonc--.;,----Alitivt- ..... WHICH • DISCUSSION WILL BE RESUMED: ' . • • . kviry rt‘totiayer ShottICAttelid-1:' • • • ; BORN ' at DOtroit, 1401. ne Argil 144b 1920 to gr., and' Illrii• Priql -Whithy;' d-thigh+et-Lillip Irene. Yvette, , POk SALE Itk,r-4(ei,itorpible frame house -soft a ed 1141d water- LUcknowee,theap for quiek sole, infertnatiiit it The Sentinel Office. -,•4 • • (25--,-5-2-1). / 4 r • . „ . ",:=2......:•"1., . .. —. .... , . , ..-27-'..7. ' • .. • . ."- ..... .."- " '..1,,4•'''''..: ' .r.: will be exceeded API: Rs 113 said. 1 lee be l-ess When lords ale"111. . . . If yen he 11/1:7, (1,011.4t.SI as to the alieve figiires opine to ii‘e 4VleeItiTtg - Monday svenirig, whei. expip,natiOns \11 be q-..1 \4 Mr. Fleinitg, .. • : ..., tati who is a practical aintersvorkt engineer proieited te be .hle *trait. .11 • f t.•Aliekust figgret are ' bated On the oto maithows. oattato. mob- it to :ese • - tteltt• Monday. ".. . 1 ,r • • , • : 4, • , 7' . . • • . . , r 1, • .• , • a .• . ••• ` t , ... . . . ..- . . , .. . . . . ,.. . • '• ' • . ... "c .. -'''' • • ' , .. ' : .... . ' .. ' ' ' ''.4.., ...,•..t ' "'".'" .. 4,1,".'i. t.i.t. rp7Z."4.1.,,,"1.144.regn,• " -44.4:1NOV*114774-404'itr441t144;4.04" , .'91 , .• 11Nr ''. ‘1, 9 ' a. . . . •.4 '''''.4,' ''''' ',.''tikAi'ri,14• A •- , . , , i,,,,,,, 6.„,,, . ,,,,, .1 ,. .".A...,,,,,...•• ..•!''''' . • * . ' ' .., " . . . % tr 1,4.;‘,.1,,,,, ..,,,,,..,.. 1,....., . ,,,.of „.,,;•-....1,,,,:••••.,,,x;,;- *kokA .-;,.; ;; • ., .‘,4•' ;:. ;.;.; --, • ••; •-- 'r •74.8). ••••,;.40 ' :."! '1' • ' 14, • ' •;‘,. 1,' , • `te