The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-05-09, Page 7,••••••20.,•• soo• - r ..e the Infitant data* of .the Oa allete' that they rePtelsentthe OnlY 14Ititet, mito Declare folorto:;4politicahe • • • o't What ttCemstp eapatienetld,. IS the ?Olt InallelirthrilITVITINF into, 'tor 1.01berale.,,,to M1a1ea4 PIO Whr Conservative. Liberal '"u"try and 'inillrePreanni titfunnelvBs' • ' by jolnitg. band. . with either et their. rivais In the -004 that .is 4141,04 on *- Who that . commands 11 hearItt*i In theiraatatks4on14.301ttstd,fittelt`:att, nahellevettle NIY.? • ess,s,.. 9,Ko leederes•Or that we feel •c.ertalli;1 and. if any. coeceivable •chance shaped • , , . , such an OPinfee, the Wind that ,Itlews. .through'ttle, party WOntd, Simply bin*. it away. ShakesPeate's••ohr adVice In ..".gaikiltyrkoAti146:.o*'Self be true'•• • ,bed stsigan ,for, , Mows: Ita,:olive• -Mind; ishd open- the ..indst Vital billies nrtOdaysernot lettet, eipori,?,that'et unempleyritedts-sthe Lib. etel: thanks to years of unanar. • trig • uphill 'Work, hia v,,oa more ett..niat pre,clonaelintavelecles than anYs'ailherS''.:. "Finally, the Labor Patty Will .1.1a.re, Politing aCi •! 49 -witlis.,pacti, ;foes: the Deity •Iterald Seys;sesss,4 " s..i'aftheeDebor Party enterS, the•Oilay!'. •ing fight: with the belief: time, It IB not going: to win, It willindhbitably lose. • ..And:' one. of the bests waYS of :ensuring a •partial,..instead , of a 'coin, tictOri spirit is ,to lifiefliei‘ about ,parts witii the Liberates Or with any: other opposing Party.. ,The right Way to go to work Is to etana,four-squares Without 'fuss or doubt, ,against alt. comers, and to •gp afl out Lor asanajor- ...lir over an, -"Harping en, hypothetical •cOntin- . • Prospects of, Conservatives 'joy creat- genetea,•: whiph . may net, and, given Ing the inapreeSion'" that Catulet..tlieright will,- need . nt arise, Is.111- •e preatiration 'tor the • greateta nd.ttt they .theinselves think they *streggle •le !ON- country's • history."', •• politinal Cannot, win' the, election 'on their' oWn. “SuggestiOne. are made."' Sir . • Aterlte."--Saillilda*.lieview (London). • • .' "the •pOlitical. •strategists• are: basy. Herbert ''Saratiel, "In .the .Press from arreat . ahor. Supporters Cannot ' • 11114 Will ., Not :come ' to' Ani, Arrangement with', . .,..Etch Other:. Before ' ''' • the Election' : '. : ' ..• '•. .-. - . .- ,. opitr•ingthe week there ihea..beensis. 4944 deal' cit.:talk bbut a Cori:seta* • .... the , pre-election. eent 'With :the,: Llit• • Is ,,.sere ,,,..,' • ysrd.P.reeate. tilts 4,111c eetslithe: ...• er :pie:. reason "that .the thie,gs'..te ..ent.' • elde the begirds a :Pessibilit."':•. ,• ..,. : • "Let ua'''es,onsidet,the fects - •'' Mr. • •• •13aldik:in Is OM ...Man- ‘vho: t•OPIc the •,fiii:.•, •L tiative ',•,01-1., hieakieg lite' party '•aavity• 'tram the Goelitionsunder. Mr; Lloyd —',Gedege.:. he•• lielda,..his 'Position; sea 'Prime :Minister .afid, head, of his Party. , ••• In virtue of .: that action.. • , la Ut • Pro; poaed that thiesman•Stiallnote•gocati. • In hand' to thetex,Ooatitiaa'.Preraier ' amd asit him ter .enaikerl• 'Plainly the: . thing la. linpolsible On ' this ground. • alone..-. '• s..., •. • . - • 'Even. were he. •willing, Mr. • Lloyd •' George: weuld. not be..... Atid'id tlita that the eatnpa„ are already Pitched: • . most of , the,. 'candidates ..eltdaert, and the battle Virtually Reflect; and the • Imposeibility.of th'eldee N finallY, de- rienstrated.',SThla being,Re, the less said about it. the betterj'er It is Iikeli to have a iacieffect on the moral 'and : 'Vice to the ,party .presentSin peas•••.sonie itoccinimodation ,with.. One. -or er,'' says the"Times.„.(LOadon). other Of theOppostng partiess and that ."One. school of •thotight'Utges them 'sdille mutual arrangement should be• to be ,minotitpastreisingly truculent; the Otite besepchesthern to seek al - Hes almost at any cost.. • "Yet- beth these' extreme ceunaels Bevis. to be based •:on • very guestron' eral .party.bes riot tor e Moment con- , able asaumptiomf. It, is featly not teMplated any suelt underatanding. 0 ,.‘ • „ pen o . ' • • .1 • . , • k 11.11r,101•1'1' OstiAglWe:4 PLAyS_STRENUOUS, GAME fa' - , Eating'Pork .Dicl the Trick Afglian-Ranclitmonarckrzies - For B1-6154r1n1de1"-- The Fin Alone Case -sessa , .Ceitada's national dignity, is worthiiy tinheld in the correstaindence With • , Dictator •.Canadiai s Lifferc�. Ioflgce ussolin On • BritishItalian Conditiona , , should You 'apply you Britisli. etaa4444and ideas. to .ItalienCOadIS :itt4iCitner4v7eW"..vsY:4t.h8-S:I.Pgr4:fresl‘ts•Outs.sCinhilatileeil"aar4-:olea,recorded in the Ingflsh : "After ail,we in Ita1y.rnii.t be Reiawe allowedhave: ,a .-FartialnentarY el-t,Stenet W.- °It • is tite Oateonie Or.ypuk,oWn experience,- 'anrCi!f;sti....7p's'ihalr' `il4 tujlarnentary system. was is foreigd ilnportation; it Was,,the growth of one geper0On and .it had struck Et' roots; In. our niI. Yon are one Ofi the .oldeet'ef European States; ..we the.yeeligeet, You have a•eltieved yotir. national 'tititty in,:a.cilitent past: Italy Within the Memory or Men'atiltliving was a congleraerate, or heterogeneous.' cOunnniiitieS,.'Whire .city.-YWAS ' pitted: against..mty, . Province againet prov- ince; eV. the „foreigner was Master Of, the situation. • , .have built up 'a world-wide empire and •,a world-embraeing truth), and industry. ,• Our industriesare ••oryesterday, and our : all to blneaitnp teri.oarist; from • abroad, • "Yams is e traditten :of law • and ,revehition and. aranchy„ of .,.secret •... • titter. Ours- has, been a tradition'. of societies and. -conspirades„ . We ' are. inveterate •iedivicluelletie...•Untii. the advent of Fascismsaie,felt no loyalty to the • State. .The main task' of Pas- • :hO/re. our own standards 'endrneth - , pds, because have oor. 'itSvin. .6'0a ditions. and our delis difficaltiees Uiana s resPer-Vmier '1Sta e 'Britain's Rule British Empire Club Honors Good Relations Between.; Neighbor Nations - • -Enjoys His Present • „sPrciVidenne..R..iserTh.at•the -t' •Statns s • • . ° Indian Agitators Dis05-iet Trarisplanted Moslem never ..ome' 4.1o.P.teo 'betwqPn •2'.4etirgetoWn, staitish Guleftges.--!\174 ' '41ke Valteti 'Otates•,,an'd favertattea hese landff MOO tilkee3.estetitilat.4ini°44jr:PetlirVendiptiiea.gleb.I.ir'F'e' qtti• 'sissab,.°;•,e,e.irt:(4.0.11ealAthaatna'ist.b4eag-Ltig relltnItl. ..,3stee•ttne of ,• „Britiali. Bnipire ,•os.,see tifs 'British ,•gsverri*ni csticeeno the United SteteS, oyer the stnking cism was therefore to•inculdate thet •here: ' •• • ' • • ,Onee FlOW Hences ,. 1.0gan, ef Amitersit N:Oh6n717:1.ed'if4°Iirae.'nelafeal otrU4linetraPd:C113aans.'edPat t 1114.14)14 dins in° ie' Macke an alte no4.:;.•';browne,. aa as ,with the ,..gtai.dtdi4.174P,ocniiiieadif'aSirtsataiss•Mhollbeithav4ioen,e 4Han iciosthe.:w.h,e,e.ri:eto esId,,70tay,Atfs: ei„..erie; pill the 'recent got- tariff dur6mofi become not only leading", ffisnitS;,' schedules, both nations are, laheVe.)hst7e het.nrn housiness ,entl.en,rnineEee.:1, evierything elie, desirous of peaCe." . t.4stivi,see the twn cowitelee;0' 'entered:the professions Logan said,"have arisen Many iteute we4,. '. • to . 11 • ' 1 1" • .,. 4cliffereztOeP of .opinion. These ' tia,Ve ' Tile home gevel'iment..dePSkle ;Melts- ' 'been ,pcibnadted . with boundary .d•113JPrittsh, re:die to :inctease- the .papula.; .pates; With fishing rights and later. : . teteountiihrelt! ttenareolcirAdaularliing iltahtetitear •Cho.anle.. gress regards 'this immigration °We Purely. a •P"aliticat ,question.,:' TO .fetal stile , the interests of that Portion. oe . • pretatioa •of treaties:Angrr word have been spoken On' both 'sides t)t :the- line; partiularly in 'election cant. Paigits;bat ...When the steOlke. of e tide battle : blows away, udlctaL arbi 'la ia• which la worktfig for Brittelf tration takes the place of the arbf rule theBev.. C. F. Andrews, missionary. has beensent Aherel • from Bombay to • Stimulate the ,SPItth • Of freedom among the ,Hindna. .11`,40' Rev: --Charles F),•eer Andrews'is a fessor in theinteinatiOne), itniversitYS' • ' of Sir Itaisindranatli"-Tagore .nettgai,t;',". He N acCepted' by -'Me Total dans' as 'theieS.greateei anthlifity,cel. Indiati.•emigration,. • - • • • : •.•.- He ,nset here With the ..taathal the .Hfailusl_enJoY .greater freedom. -iri• • •• 4411tisli"--W.,ana_Ahaea_-wrvfl.le_ -Mae d: the worlsand they have greater 'post. tranient of war. We settle oar dif- ferences as" Christian neiehbors on- . • cupyitig, adAoin'ing farrna.",• ondoners Mark Founding' of Press First SucCesitabaily,..,Started :Canadian "'protest are :dourtepu4 but firth, : The attitude. or the: 'Gaited Peshawar. "IndiaL-A bleelein bandit • A States is equally friendly, but the two , . , , e suggestton 's made. fOr. t• •I . • Kieg, who ialeed hirnseli to•the throne. eoncleelens that arbitration : is, the governments are se tee apart in their made to Withdraw candidates :smiles ' Wiwi Th tan arrangente,nt with Labor and some cif Afghanietan last Winter; 'cried' tor the' blood of hN 'hinder engnites re- • ni11). l'6384)1C iveY' out ''Qf 6e impasse Imes with Con,servativess The Lib e _ ,sy • eats , as e spriug war beyond. the There are two' main' points at. lesue- Khybere-Passi apprciached • a ' critini the speed :Capacity' ' of the •sunken . stage „ , . schooner and the .right •of the Arnett- . 'coestenerd to pursue the • ship • Bache , Srikae, fortnef.' 'water cierier f. Call' demotion at Kabul, .Afghan Capital, , .• ' • • • • • issed a,', ..rito.' t',.!9-'•:hundred..talles. out, to ,•sea...,...and: men sink her and erstwhile: . brigand, offering 4it000 rupees and -.Ono gu-soi , • The Caria:dian •Minister .has •stated • neeessary ,for • them.,to accent. ai in- ' ievitable- either complete victory (inn*” , • ter defeat: nor to ask the . Liberal fAto chairma:p of the •Liberal party or- ganization say esategorieally :that -the party has not tnede and will not Party, because it lias upset the:trade :Make any. auch compact with either • tional two.:party.system, either,tocern.. of its opponents',' .. , , • • . .- : mit, Suicide or. to ,become the: dictator '. • • .4. ceol.servaltve Rejoinder - of national policY- • • . els le:evIlle Chamberlain, on • the ."Bravado,. and des air alike -forget • that, although.- the • liberal:- leaders stated:.- :may,. with some difficulty, agree ,upen • distinet Liberal policy:, It sis• by-: no "roginTS. Certain that. IN:appeal .will in- rduce the. mass' br..Liberal vioters to "There. ate •serne, Who auggeststhet the'Conservative party..wolild'do welt to •enter ones. ot these new combine!, . To my mind that woula'be for the head Of :Nadir Khan, his out• the matter- very fairly and elearle. ' i • f t t :Rite 'the oeditions.of a. peacettil and prosPerous Corporate life. ' "'rom the school upwards ' we are teaChing every little boy Or girl who is donning:the !black slitrt; ..who is giving the synibolical Ronan- salute. the value of obedience and public setts ice: We Make' them forget sect and class and party, and We ,make thefts realize ' that they only etiat in and through the State." • ' Money the Peacendaker • .tr.' • Fleet Street 4 he pf the citv's. first successfnl daily London -The Lon on pre El. just been Marking the 327th anniee sarY, newspaper. 1 was named , the pally Courant, andSdescribed itselfsas Pub- lished by :E. Mallet "agalnet the Ditch at Fleet Bridge." •Seven year; ear- lier; •in 1095, the Postboy had peen started.assas,daiir paper, hitt duly. _felt numbers appeared. • . • „ • '‘ The Daily. outaTit did not mark the foundations of tne newspaper in; • •. Alandhester Gnardlan (Lib .1. ( • • • ' • *standing militrary foe." " The • same). Hein • special•• P s. , . , • •• ' • •clustte in Sritain-that honor. goes to eLisatiooteign ineestafents, which now. • that, the deliberate sinking of the price Was: dread ler the canture of • •„ ,1 sChooner afforded proof of punitive. in - '4' tirii. ten ' •• i eii acssii-Votessin-seenlv tion bythe •Westeraltation”. 'cif his ." ' t • foes..the bandit King charged Nadir intirely seld thsts e' sea was ' running . high' at the. time that boarding .was and his brothers 'with the ilnuttder or.' itnpoiisible.' rt 'failed to make eny the late Andrs. father of• former King ' comment in regard' to the ,putting • or Amenuliah. Amanuliah was forced Vote. for LOA! candidates.. It is policy or edavarico and futility- to abdicate by the advance of •Bacha the lives of the entire, mew in deadly . t , ' ' .• Jeopardy in such a case. . . • kill conceivable, at all events, that Cowarauggests at dice because it ' h Sa k 'eo ' . ' s army Nadir Khanorece was ' the experience of the ' last election, :tee should try' to save: nar skins by the chief lieutenant of Atnanullah. • . The Matter evil Inew go to arbitra- , when large numbers 'of •Lberala re- sacrificing ' our _principles. . • .... i Bache ,Sakao s.aid' the "murderers" tion.- : 4 beard of three , one tepresent- , titled to waste. theirs irotei on for- "i. mee sneak for yself, but I have 'no had migrated to "th:infidel land. of .ing'Canadaanother the United States' , and the, third, , netitral, chosen by 1,ern .nilellges, will be celleated: and 11 heeitation in satheSe twowill discusethe matter and ying that not even the I France." • , : , . ''' : ie at °least pre,mature lo‘ask the ton- pleasure of sitting aloneside M-retloyd, PI,". he continued; . "being „emir, , . 11 I • serVative Party .to settle its strategy • before the, publicabion of the, filld de: • tails or its program. " '?The •mistaken assumption or the advobates of trupulenee is that the • Liberal Note is not Worth. con s iderhig ; but 'at least equallystniataken the • assumption of the advocates of eoni- ' eternise that , are more • horrifledset Socialism than at denser- .' vat's= The truth is that theLibetal 'Part is ,very sharply diitded into , . 'tight 'apd Left. wing, and that; al- , though the fernier is liable to .seoep m , towards 'Conservatis, the latter, which Is probably .also the stronger: • ies• net averse to . a flight towards A Liberal Rtoet e •• ' , • • "Your correspondents," writes „Pro. • fessor Ramsay 'Muir in a letter:tie the Times, "waste their, timeYatici your • space in discuesing the poselliility ef 'art arrangetnent betveeen the. Conger- • vatives and the Liberals Or the net election. The liberal Parte would comfit stticide if it conteniplittedaitY •. such .artangemeili, as certatals an If It Were to make a similar arrange! • tient with the Labor Party., ,Even if . the party leaders were to agree (and there ls no suggestion that any of. ' thent would .do so), the rank and tile. Would net .follow then). . ' "Sonte Conservatives .seent to rear that the electoral gamble may give a Parliamentary,. majority to the. Social. ists.-who are certainly In 'a minoritY , in the Country. They could •haVe •-made this IMPossible by a reason- , able Meaintie of • electoral reform.. •vibile. they heti theproWer. Thei thtew awes oetinttunit3s... Perhaps they will, be. wiser mixt . time. ..11et •• they ' teed not fear. • • '`The revived strength of the-Lih- tral Party ensarei the country against a Socialist majority ,in Parliament based npon a minority. in -the coati:tit jaet It ensures the conntrY age:fist a continuant° 6! ininprity, govern- ment, by the 'Conservatives, who 'orb .4 a Minority Of Vetes evee In 1924. nsi, o the Liberal. Party Is the -main saregttard against fninerlty govern. . 'inent," ••' . • • • . _ a:140 ft .lila setorea imagines, the Corn•fervative .Yarty could or ahotild • make an' AdVatteee," qa-ytt the Sittiday atteses. "Thes inalerity-ef-stite-tainti. daises' on both eidee titti • eiteedy sevens- .feassifAhefn Would he Wilting ff'sriffifer.'"P"`Tinife•stites.taiteititiss liaor• vtittvtrof one anr'a othefirdidet-ins the . 4onetatitenelees-sTate. Ott . . to desist, ,Wfibrira ttieir i • d is* course George in. the, Cabieet •,wouldInduce' took Mercy 'and -allowed them to re -1. , . - • •• Me to *eupport htm in riutti•ng Intel turn but because, while in Euttipe, In the • meantime' the pante will sus- •operatiOn ideas whialti am.contineed., they partook 0? ham.and bacon, which., pend judgment in so'far as the merit's are utterly impractlicable, and,. li em- permeates their blood' Vesseli, they i of the eerie, are connned. .-_, If .lout harked -Upon, would inVolve the come rose, ageinst 'me era, instigated the Of 'this arbittation -there emerges' a •try in thevitahle. diaaster7-. • • • , '",Ytitt must, see I rote you.. Dou't spend fill thy titne with yotir .• • "Yes, you're a refttlar sPendthrift- , -• with your time."' • „ . Just Early Chick. for. Next :House Migs-Jezinie: Lee at Home Mak. • ing Her Maiden Speech • • b I • I clear .and ,friecietreartible interpreta- p . . , . "Tb'erefore I consider if lawful to tion or the .preseta ,confusing rules. and take their blo&dfi ' ' . . ,I reguMtifith in regard to plirsuit at 1 As an afterthought, the icing' added sea; then the case' inai;:well tetn out I a reward :of 30,00'0 : rupees and, a gee' lo beve been a beneficial event to the 1 for capture 4of each of, Nadir Khan's world,-Montrear Star (Cons.). brothers:* . . exceed M000,000;000, are ittereadrig i at ccie ratesof-3-1704-9•00-400-te " , 000 00 a year0 I American capital •'s a pester in every.:contingent;:.and in almost every' countit throughout the world. Sp Mech. the better. , There N Mach talk about ourselves, indeed Eutdpe, becoming aa. "'American colo*." But if everybody became. evetybody•eise's• colony latter ,a11., the United States are Ma the only enport! ers of .capital and, le South Amertal, for -example, they are. still fat behind Great Britain) the • peace of the world Would be secure. • • . Hon. David Tennant ' • Britain, the World's Air , • Centre . To Operate Ranch • • London Daily Exprees (Md. Cons.): air - Ottawa. ' Ont.—Hon. Tennant, Only -a decade or two hence and -air- 'nephew of the late Earl of dxford and planes and. airships, May be. leaving British' porta for all • quartets of the Asquith, arrived' nnheralled in the -capital, recently and. confided to news- LEmpire and, of the world asa. regularly il • , fr ni ailing Ship to tLie steriin papermen that the chief. object of his I a° steamers do new. Front coach. to .ra o . mission was to establish 'business and oll-driVen leviathans of to -day, • , • The Wornerf-s Vote ,Lontiou Daily • Ken's' and Westin! lis- ter (Lib.): Women are talking pole tic.shi the factory; the ,workshop arid the office; and they- are not taiklini Politic.s de stereotyped: , They ate eager, direct' and res.:Ohne. They know preciaely,What things they Want done, and why they .want. theta done. They pres.entssin fact, an unfamiliar and forinidablespheortinsmon Os the average candidate fn all political part - lee. And woe betide • the. candidate I.who, :threugh. igneranee - or levity ,or stupidity, fslie foul • the. phenome- • • • • The Investment of Capital, •Abroad affiliations in Canada. , He stated, from the .horse to the Car, from the .c J . London Tides Trade SupPlenteets liniveyer, that he had not yet decided, balltren to the airplane, the great Sob This omit ry liasprobably less to fear front tho isteestinent of ,lanerican cape, theee affiliatlots. . • • of of annihilating time and. space goes neon the exact nature o . ture or scope • on.. And • at each new step, In each Queettonell ftirther,.hir. Tennant itd.i • successive phase, British, -inventive." lathed, that during his, stay, in the nese, British engineering, and .British .Dominioehe would look over Some of pluck ohm to the fore.' 'In the tiir as the ranches, in Western Canada with da the waters, Nature has marked us • liendon-atiad Jenny Lee, t tyear-cdd Labor member of Parliament ..ntade her maiden speech In tbe tIonse ot Continoes redently and ttvitted David Grenfell, Labor member freed Was margan. Who is 49, for his "umitigated Praise . of the budget". She had no praise for It oergerf, . . alias Lee eald the. tvotiteti of .the North consider the remission 'of, the telt- tat, - tintieunced by Wittatert Chti1ithiIn. his •budgei: speech,. as overdue apti rstly "a pettily throWn tj the voters." atlas tee modestly referred to • herself as"the thick bf the next Parliament. Precipitately hatched,' . • • . Sociilist Party istifidoe Tiatea (liati,)t The 'Incie7 pEntdent• Labor Partf Serves at leait, One Itiotd and • hOtteat purpose. 40, 414118i,.041itt-tnt4ift litlaste Wier -and* - Of iii640t11e tigtogelr todrITIO- tectietint Woithtitilie front- lifeWitig, leffir-Pliftlati40::tbirMili,tifiCAdk • eaffig--the etiagefttleticelJ, Itsrefttiffilt,• • eltAntinty5t.' And gitftkle hoed§ ttoug t ntote bhle tAb The getter:tie Lik'dild -vely traiel4 "4'0.14 he:V.41'4. alweisi • been. in agrtsemeittt 1(6 t.tirtt .10to '60404 °t .we niay he .Sure, to, iee toroogrt Si ftiethberset the tjaher Part itt issierooe css ase• , • • • censed bY every appearance of Ilea. - 1bt1t i)O1ttfraL Pven'eltii 'tdity .14 those woo anOW the -Ada fat- . , t,:itvrtArraflpiiif reiVetreirlitol' liuderiltr i . I . filo ttsieg thv01.15101-6 at a r'411strleat.'e asWell-a4 Of at htaia • Post. ''"Wtint answer could he made to •tlLabor Paftr * the ultinaate •prospect of ProhithlY ;he. h ' . coming .a 'Canadian Iandeiwilef. Ile do n atrt e centre of the w.orld. did not desire to •operate a ranch for Profit:but rather as lie put it, "to Own "Onecannot but regard 'this state, it just for the pleasure of being a =ant as referring to the *threatentd randher."., tarift-ralaing policY aeross, the bordbri' tal abroad than train the'attraCtinn of gold to. the United States. So long as the Speculative fettsr rages in Am- erica, and money co.mtnands higher rates. than • here, So long svIll it -be necessary. to take steps to prevent the export of , gold by 'finattelal nteastiles which •elteck Commercial enterprise, and the chief cause 'of anxiety lit this country inregard to 'America la her failure to control -wild ;speculation. Where Canada Had to' be Sailsfied in Second Placer • , AmEnrcAN4tAnt OtPgAt THE OANAOIANS #OR TENNIS 00110Lte d:ROWN WalateissAllison ai;t1.-dithit--Van Itativ-(11,glartilln• ifitleatt•siteptratita. loll- platerff ti tritit4d—state4 Davis Cu- .-tiefertted-MiaenetsPatitettle tint sidtteir Wright tilde:be re Of CaiititliateDavite-Gt*-teitateendegentared. nlett*e etowti at Plitelturst, N.O. - • • , .•••. 1 the weehlv News, produced by Na- thaniel' Butler in 1'665. le -Mint Courant ems single page of tut? ,columns and pro- fessed 'to .gite only. foreign •newe. It sibilities fat adVatteenient; :The Ital; dhrns here are not held, Own: by the trammels-. ot the 'caste, eysteth,: And J. 774 After yeare of „residence here havei Very' little -in common with 'their eel, lows Bombay or Calcutta; Meanwhile the , East India AisoCias,. tion here has been 'holding meetings • with. Unusual trequency.. Ann* dater° - things they have : depided to . purchase a rrinting press and :trpe. Ot4 to, pab; • 1'11 111 An independent, weekly , Paper. Bat•the most serious tpeetioa:: • note'distiirbingthe Indians is the gni.: ernment's ' announced Plan of Atte' • 'clueing the income tax here. Tits tan weu •a -altratfindian here aceording to Hiadu.end Moslem:, eitee. "sumach as such marriages are, , a.ssared its readers tS:at. it would tteh not , cenifidered lawful under the gise any Comerenta or lie osai l'sap- . • : • ' '. • • pestaSi ,otner people to. have • cienTe TEclat Indians 'pointout Mae he enough to make ireftectiotn, for them- ' such in interne tax• would place Sheet el . -. ' : -sveS" • - , • ttafavorably, among other • peeple, L°'41(3'n''s newspaper•busineas and would serieusly :Mier° . •to an •ena in .1•735 when a was .els- sorbed hi' the -Daily Gazeteer. . ' . Accused of weariug to juin skits :Sis stands agaisist the. See Now, any . tint) 'can See through: this • Ther&s a 'realty oaty . • Ft* India Air -Mail " Arrives at -Croydon '1ondon-4;h° firkt India -England air Mail plane arrived at CroYdon. On theSe .who are. In:trade. .Tostat ,ths East Indian Would d•eprine him of' gni .reductions on mone-ys Spent: to- main, • tajp. lis ,family.. He ' would aleo . :to .. deprived- of any deductichis for the support �t agea pn rents.. he Et. Tndian ' Ass'ociatio.n has, ared a ,memoriat; to he. Presented to the Governor and the Legislature • , :Wring that • some previsioe be Made • in the preposecrincome, tat' bill foe, • the. Itiodus' ,Who are married accords fug to their ewe religious rites.' and tor .their wives and ,,C141dren. 'The Jos , (lien regards his marriage a 'true Mar- ti:4es and thinks •he :shohld-not be 'compelled to go 'through with any, • other total or • Ceremony. • . s Finland's Mp PrOgratn. to Be • Finislied in 1960 7 •Per Cent. of tile Country, • Has AlreadY- Been Chart -7 . ed by New .Method Het slugfests, Finland.-A,ccording • te. K Itaatajo, General ,Director of , FLa 'lead's' tna*p;making during. the last 10 'years, 17 per oat. of the' area ot land has been Mapped in the new m,aps in the scale 1.0,600 and 1-100e 0000. That is '54;000 square meters ot Mulish territory is now Mapped according to the new, Method. These Maps are but partly -Printed. This .has great import as material ter prt1 14 two tutaortescalirhrieol ttavet,eche. the ecOnetnic Intilsmaking in the MO na i'dg. 1°00,000. ja this last categorY ahead: sengers and 500 Potifide 'mail, mita 2900 situate _kilometers has been ptib- u.egottatett the 5060 mile% trent Rata. iNhed tonsisting of 43 maps, 42 ot. eh( In Omen days .wtilcb have been prided during the ,One of the passengers was vice: lasts 10 years. It is,reckoned at this Marshal Sir Vlea Mimi- who left rate the w•sole of Finland,. With itti Croydert oftsaiarcli-30 on ihe inaugural .1000 lakes. will be tulty mapped by, air matt trip to Itmta, arriving Narachi .on April 6, Ho &parted on, Althotigie during the year 1340-1,95. the returtt Iligbt-Withitr 24 hours. Itav- ,Firitand rereive.d '2000 rubles innualir ing,thas coveted 10.000 milee ta ,14ns for map -making, during the Aussie. days.. • . period , map-inaking was slower • than • durieg- ths nertod .of hide, • . a , Week pendenee. It 40 net then develop as To India A fast. as was the ease ' la the ,other LoudonObserver - The -alt northern ceenttriel: , , : I : Serv!oe to India has t!egtitl*; it3 nut New'Fittlaiitt hasebeen,awaketa first carge of tetters lett C•royden yea- the need 'ef is -4;1d. it:lip:making for,cirt. feraa.Y.,-101-rtli 31)411 s /re-'.• ineal aitterids dittitteretat oei kid next Saturday,, April 6, :.'•lttS tqapaltaktug In Finland I:, stasot. in the air that#Vri4must seek the newiteti ,,t1 surveying. Tot personae*, sitter& Of EMI**. •Iteytind those Ori ta the *Stitveyleg' counOil consists 'or e3;retif 6ilter r.tor•our qtnr.rurcn4are.124 men to -day its cornront6d wtth'Et Ai'ditgertt, •itn4 iwa can told :our for only bY•diptaning all nta .ald. tha nt really aotottot to 15;900,000 mak, o0' oo'co-OTO-0-tO toe frirdi•11,50i,:. 'PTA wittch 3,300400 1tiiks is itetrisitha Alt-gtor.tiribtt• *toot b lestered.hy •itit ! rtif4ravide depat'tnwr Tfre' that :,rtutheritY. -.4a. do, .6 tittitti,' the • world, "Ammar witlt ira opperturittie's, ntid hy readiness lot tiataat expetr. Matt te accetininodate ite growth, ' . • . -crib*" a:Fifa-go*iit :tvitext:lotte la toted. vino a lletto cotn Men settee- • • - .veleptnetit in this tine is. seers to be ;rapid,' ' Topogtitphical rtfaptruaing is pro. , greasing' in southern Finland 311d Pet. ;Restive oh the scale ,I-20,01)0. • The ancient, Creeks t.sre a rape of apiendid Man grel#.-toan Ingo. •