HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-05-09, Page 3Ti! f( ,r t • Vtt Fs 641'. ith Trott T. TT1E, Pa;tienee,' telllge>lie ' ----and-Lone-Must .Be Abp- plied, 'Turfinen •, teciare GRATTAN BARS• • iidslnith Maid' Winnie Largest of All 'matters 'ino,n rife 12,0O0 ;light:, ha„rne:'ss borne 'fanciers 'Who 'saw :Grattan''Bark •n 'l nd .,acro win the',18 ,000 New >; g a p.,. .g. deriity at•SVintlsor; Conn,, weke..'some : strangersi •'td• the . trotting, track's who .wondered: that •tile big Canadian sial • liontams Under • the• ,:winning '•wire; wlttio 't' a break.• u t'wa3 veaia 'na'redurliavin; g finish, 'Iri horse• whir meantthat tiffs' Flemra'n' from' his. sulky' Seat, l g,•„from'. plied •leis .• whig;.°'tyrites,. Earl ..;Cb:apin 1. �F echaii cs ;maga, �1fay ,,in, • „P•opular• 14I , in ',,o er.. horses• i :s � •e �1teh d h h kine.!,',Re. n rn n , , j. ” • In, thftt ra'ce'also lashed' their light urn .ss`horses.. 'But. not one. ct' th.e' ,h, e fast 'steppers 'broke .into' a ,gallop'un=' der punishment. 'Each stuckt,to side -wheeling gait and did 'the' beet It could to, win the race. ' .Ascribedto Hobbies •Pait•'of•, this stillingiieas•to,;stick to pacing under punishment w-aap",prop- 'erly ascribed to the hobbles raeli titter • wore.. ,' Hobbl'es :are . e r fps'. • hang over the horse's bath. and .e..ti ,circle each'horss's,legs. Pact 1:s' have .been. prominent ;in light . hat res''s rac- ing since Hero 'and Pocahontas Won' mile events—and. purse._nio.tteY. o'n, Long Island tracks'1n the• early •'50s'. But ' habb'lee did.not come into' general' use tripe '00 ^'oav n'eak�y eyY-1nPt ,pacing horse Wears them • • The.y.•hes'ttn• the development of pap: ltlg ,1iorses by •niakine ,:n•rnirz•Ia1 .tett:• more p'ratic:1nte.. 1'n .are. i,cga ently .tP,i r,+' L 'n;';P +;: r, n 'fie, a•is, the pact;ri's legs- it mow) ,OI V. , a ate 'Dori r 1''r4e • s' i.irt ''A1n 1 ,t;): :'lis;11.•l1aI.H?' i'.r .ro r.,A"tt wPra,te;d - lir tl e xl ij N,i vr, a:':a Canada anti, , about'•ti;@'00(•cr0 peF.ons 1 pt'e:.specta- • ' ' tori, ••erre pacers than .trotters 'were 'sntPred in the e;.en;s,• -. . m c i•at'an 11 it s roti Ca'na'tih nvpn first money 'n' torfl px these 32.5,000 ; :aces in intro + r ,.h, sl a c s no other., horse 111S•; C,).^ altt tl, , t1' i"' *arid %;'ieeorrT. vias rKifele • enss'it? •cau•Se of •the,'Sfii]1ful. 'trainin'g stir- 1 Training a ,SpeciattY , THE nerves ate led by '.4 `'the blood. Poor blood'. .ineatis .starv'ed nerve two. • aver insomnia, iirritabiliO. anddeltresSatont q ..: Dr. Wenricis • your •blood .:., sttream and rebttdd your rover worked Iger es.'M 8 se hine M. Martin, of Kitchener, Ontario; testi- hes to'this ?. "I Suffered from a nervous .. breakdRwn," she writes. ", "I :badterrible skit .headache& dizziness; felt very weak and Scald not sleep;:had t10 appe- lite: II' felt always a s if s om e• thing terrible; were oing to happen: After. .tai ing.other • •treatmen without success,'.: my sister's advice, I tried Dr.. . Williams'' Pink Pills,and now sill these syr ptoms •are gone, m and I astrong and . happy again.„ .: Bug • ]br. Williams* Pink Pills now at your.druggist'.s or any dealer in medicine..or' by mail, 50 cents, postpaid,, from the: Dr. Wiiliams..Medi- cine' Co., Brockville, Ontario. •`_ ... szs. ' PEWS PINK PILLS -•A H01tfiEHc t,p NA'MC ., IN 114 ,COUNT1t1E6 •: rM URIerpa*s and heniiro,s r `'G`#n►.ed h.y carelee>a hand@, Make p y giant forests "•.D.evastated lands We don't see ww yy o'ti'e vpe:re of tr11.e1J,F1. atic r to ejatld reicher -ti•ree an rvt'.ayi when eir.1s ,so mach. cheaper. • A .mise cat} t ,kick' wipte ?e i$. Pull-, ing ..nd he can't.pu11 when he is kick, ing, and neither can you,. •• ';,,Little ',Edgar 'ald'n't, realize tilt•" .pit got home a,nd'un•wrIpy apped,s,rchas'e; that iiia 'mother had bought .hind a~'tw'p• •'Danis% P)1•4:,", ''4I,. olr, mate ,-look,,' h.e c"rted. "That . elan' thew in, .;spare'! �' ':''S.6 You' are Mr, Tan's'eiar "No, his.` private ,secretary:' • "What's ,:the, difference?" .."A , private, secretary : knows lucre MO., tails. •s. loess." • , J. e11ro,t. Ray. . rI. hear`: y ou have an ad"dYiteiopn"tiwn0'y.'oufam• ily.'• mother.'' ' ', ',"Nro, '.taw, ibnasbyeh oho d. ;, ...ti-:�e's "" " added the new bride; '"I Q,h, .Yes,. want some pepfiler;' . ' . '' reef?. asked the' roGer. Haack •or,g ".'Red,", • decided. the, n1ew • bride. "Bleck' Wouldn't harmonize with my blue tablecloth." , . ' ' *lutes irla•ry :Aec:gnetlleye tiverit shop,p'ing in a 10 -cent stre'`Must . he trying to establish Tier lato the throne of 5cot1'an�i,-i os . Tithes, :.The'height of; curiosity would smelt - to 'have been . reached- bm tl,tm•. an. who wants-toJ ear' %y`.11'at a slow-1L.uwiJu leg picture would be like. :ARTISTIC. EGOTISM= The katydid a tune dotb play t'Vith 'Snelety7pr'ecariou9, ' ' "7( And values a hind leg, .they.say,i" .t •l %tl,I • Tramps looking 'at your door. Every. day and begging a bite.. to eat is a sure sign that the itountry has again, .returned to its •normal-state:--of-;'ab-. normalcy,. • Teaclie :` ,Vhen vag Rome built?" Percy, "At night' Teas' er: 'Who, tont yott t`' • Percy:. "Yoi 'slid. "VDU .aid Rome, u sen' °_built in a xray ?',.• I'm 'awfully, sorry :t . t An engage- nient, prevents my atltend,ug, goer' The *Nth Priferefice. Cla1gary Herald (Ind. Gone.,),. ''IJ,F...A, party in the Comznon8 .in' a sub emend.nuent ,to the• budget, advocated .titAllterther reduction in ,the duty on. cods ,IImported; front Great Brittain., Pubic¢ 'tientiment to the Dominion te•; largely 'behind this ioliey. The pres- :ent;• 'fop -sided. Character of Canada's: ';'foreign: trade ,demands that, 'Inneedi-. ata steps tae tak"n to profit ice a medy..: Tbe• .-.Dor11'.li ion • Is 011,0 g goods tram. the United States to. a Value:of..kmore than: $890,400,000 a year, fist selling 041y -940401 third that: amount- In re.tut n Great 'Britain • Is Canada's• 'hest • custo.'mer. .,., t would; castle to 11e good busmen's -o batty .noire • j :from the nation which 0.743:;e9, heay.. My- from thea 'country. `•cAPTAiN E.BILLAM• ea i Niro for ,'reany.y' .'eare has .been pit.s t g , innvesse]e ,of: the 13.Ct; Ong; S.teain ship service, in and .around'the west, coast. has been :transferred to captain :of. the' Princess Norah, , newest ship in that particular service; "..He first. took the bfidge.Of the Norah last Sun-, ...One .o$ the, :greatest puzzles .`to the 'careful parent la: to ,now just what• medi'clue to.: give . the ,lit -tie \Vhen `' .the' child •falls 111 • with griping •'with ,cold or• fever. pains;;'.'is • seized refuses foo d ,l,i d1tswhat be "has' -a taken, When he cries :a great deal and cannotget :the sleep so' necessary to. "p he . growing child; the parent Is in, a t quancjry, What is to•'be d t.on such one'; `, occasions? . As often as not :there is not :a suitable medicine in the .house. art The puzzle isi•whatklto give. him to,set day n' 'KgY•,]iim right qucy. wereeveniguestsgwhen 'of thetheCanadiice=raan. 'a Pacific1p .Railway . on a' four-day cruise up the l<t'is to meet' such'emergtittles that 'wewe. • Baby's Own •Tablets, were designed. st chest of:Vancouver Island.These pleasant little Tablets quIekly: So carefully• had • the years tion 'been *rained that he didn't bre ,,t. . to .a gallop •under tlie' whin -lie f3"t' jened ou.t . and, panel kis fastest, 'which was .what. he wets' tatient to 'do • through" three- years' „of . careful tat•e- lag'e •• 1:hout• 10,000 p.aeers'are being -'achooledt 'in this' manner.'• About. .10;- 000, 0.-000 ,trotters 'are s'iniiiarly ,schooled.. In ' light -harness `.versa^.ular, eY=of thein .are. "trotting horses,'". 'to dls .: tingui h them ••f-rcon -the—eril.ollers, or• running horses. . Ereedliirg, training and racing all horses is a Specialty -or two special- ' • ties, to be exact. For, with a• few ;ex- teptions; ,those• who spec.talize- in light harness; horses have nothing. to . do . with the .•galloper9,' wl'tich• they refer to as "banutails." . .Those 'who follow ' "bangtail" racing+ speak . ' contemptu-, onsly of light harness horse's .as "tar hey feet.", More time, 'patience, money- and • In- • tel.ligence are required, to, develop. =a dight harness horse, that is; as trotter or pacer;' than are required' to make a ruining , horse. Also, it regnires• • moxa skill and more mature judgment: to win a light -harness: race than a run- . fling race.. .That is why you very ' seldoin see a mere boy in 'a sulky seat. It takes a ?man's brain .and Muscle;to get ,the best olit of a light harness borne. Galloping' is a 'natural gait: -Most 'horses .till, in, pasture or on the road or track, naturally,' Once: In 'a .blue inooii a colt is born to the trotting or pacing -gait-"lot trotters" or "lot pacer's" they:, are called. But ninety per•eelit. of these natural -gait- " ed ones are failures' on. the. racing. trticks ,until they'bave been -manipulat- ed, 4 . Immediately Given' Hitter , Colts- bred for track life are halter- ':buake almost • as soon as they .are foaled, whether destined ter 'harness or, saddle racing. Once thesoft halter, is on a colt's head it stay's there until. it its replaced by a bridle and a•,soft 'rubber .bit -e. teething ring, in other . . it'ords:. Froin that point,., methods of • training di'ver'ge- • Light harness Horses and' running horses .enter.. 'dif- !event -schools:, after. they..are. sin' (months bid. •• Back of • the gearl'ing' fs ;the, trainer • who .holds' tho reins. , Baric of the trtiiner;clriv.er is tl'otting.track history. ;Fie, knits that from the tithe the first trotting tra 1 was :opened -on Lbng Island in 1818•-=•.do1v'ri to :1814; ' when the:great .•reiesntan •Bud • Dobie drove C.ol•(lanllth Maid `• to ber . record mile,.• MOS attention :was n ,.. ' ,. :OM t4 'i3151'."re5 sho'e's`. . , 'olfe1 If you 1angh at lice agar .; knOclt Mut block off. adyr, Harv_ ,3ra+�'� .yoir' wouldn't esr,n'mow what &ub til t uYig1i'Ooi' 1s ,Part flet 0Ot3r 06- "`tsi,3 tis ht€e1IQ1 getting fed from .hi4-g'atrdon. • r- t. 110711r D 'Y-YCLES .oa?-li.CW II PIItUCES' •. fires, COasrer ,Brakes. W heels. Inner Tubes Lsmrs• ,Bells, CN dome,teri. t $addlrs: gUipT!' fl and r,arts•of 131- Lyrfe . i`ou 6413 bay :Sots. sup•, Ores from as'at wholesale. Orice s : Catalogue free, ,W, ; BU It IP & SON 376 NN16 TREAt t. f ll Care for' roue .Ram, Ey Deify. vre of 'Cut et ra Soap 1FAea1 ftashts' and 1rcttatious With istticur4 Ointment �; ja ;L` , .fit. ,. }mit• I• shall be with. you in spirit. 'neer:,` "Splendid," replied his friend; "and wbere would; you. like your; spirit. to and promoterestful health -restoring: ?ur.justficationfur relit' fining in In-- sit' I' have rackets here for 59 cents; sleep. They' are guaranteed,'absolute di a ultimately depends. r • TY harmless 'and safe' for even; tire. reduce fev'er, break up colds, relieve constipation . and indigestion and allay teething pains. •They. quiet the' nerves. brut reit of a:gitators'in Calcutta,,Boatibaye :?ootaa and A1lah'a'bad is;•by no.mean� I to k .regster, a a 'remature ste ':nn the art. of: the to. 85. ?geed ng e c ,1?, ., .- P_ t; ..p. �, • . • . • :Ora:450. a oil hatching eggs; t ;7o $3. ,f. 3a,�" authorites... If anything, it...is lo,r�g Gardtsei, E'? iceville, p i • ecre ov'�ereluet for it has been ancpen,s.. t . • • c uri St +.: B�$.y CHTCe•S:, ` re'E3cuA..., ;.. e time' past' that ' ComnY l.. four ..varied,. s,, p or sore... ,:.� = a1 ue.. ettissaries have be�en;aetive aniofi;g tyle, c ancon i.Q�ntariot Qs ' e ts• in' India..' :'. ,The. , disaffected elep, . e , ,,, . most, ext erne • Social'ist ,'who : ',re'ally 11'NTER7AaTIONAT MovzEs r l be., fi , to p >rs� i hos ti t LAT knows India s.. ES�T.EQUIP�LENT,. nl_ niforml ,r,.eturu .load p}`ices.. •..inspired .'b. the'•obs u. .rens '.thelia n, R , Q. y .I"_ We.ruove you when• there is one :section of Air goods insiareil. n urates . the op fox' i� you want••t q,,�move, lttake sdui a yyt suffer: ace utovere. • A'Nents the population vrhich • would"now.,- )?tontter•',31sta a p p, nit • other b the with-, in Prlaelpal cities a1 teeter ami toe and more the e F Canada. hilt The Gayer, ii 1 dxawal -of the 'British Ita� ft is the Toronto. - •:•. toiling trillions of humble' workers' whosejaattle-.Soeia•3-1sts-• are supposed to' fight.Without, indulging in. any -imperial claptrap,. it is correct; to -say that it is to those',, .constituti-ng'by far the greatest proportion of the ,Indian b. o' le ulation, towards 'whoa owe -•the; iggest responsibility.; and it is on the fulfilling ,of" that respoesibility that isle •j• India -' iCla iec� . Advertlsernet ommun , __ . n ; , h'' T,ondon 't: "Tkie n holesal al b DI''3RL I D clipicH1• LLA. dtAI -•"'. • •BITS' nue .da •; st•ck, alt ages, ;2 � Pd. :lsutf' • -- L__ gatingest 'and ,most' delicate baby ' Baby's: Own Tab ma'kin o s, 'e. .:, °Gino, -d the qualit g t Ry he; turDs d resolutioni The :New :York Times' males this : out,:" nead•lirt•i, `c'ontr ibutlon' to mixed 'me•, e ni 'es: eri�ilde •a man has in cents .a box "'from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co: B•reckvitl O • lets, are sold by _•__•erg''s•'Liniment -prevcnts--Fti1.-• e; Ont. . It requires a won't power as. well as 'a will• p i\ er,'to see eed.• Thee' are many pi ofesSors, of 1 nrx' ii.fl r ' but oh how few! are, the stri4- p.rattiCeis rt - • "I' fli4n t !if es,r et yOu.htinie so early. • .-Ills "Il„;the earriv rke•• of a na'ty Crack 1 cioes.npt always stop w4tii the telae has been, proved "'by a i eecnt case-• to + at the hos l- •Toronto,'where..a,young girl �vas•mad`e a;h:andl flapper caned 1.., p tal :the clay after pan: acciden,t. "I want tosee' the 'Soung` men. who ;was injured., in. ,the auto, wreck . 12st, night,'' said she "Are •you the „girl who.,wa9 With bine asked'. the dainty, voung"�'tsiispital: nu, to . . • le's," 'a s the reply, 'arid' thought .pai1'-in:..the' kitchen. He was totted ,it Was only ri ht, ..mto coe l• anl:`give' dead in the'house. The;childi:en came $ .. him the piss' he Ras tryrite tor:" home,, an'd one child took a drink' frim the pail and. became , veIlY .111. • Porte • ti,;il. we' teed, is ,Prot ison al Dog -'poisoners usually'' belong;to the President of McXic.o:.,' The provision class of people :mentioned in :the old. being that. ne reVelu'tion succeeds.- ditty ' •' Jtelge' Dog PoiSor; erS' The Meanest Kind of .•, Human Crawling.rir. the Earth Tt -day That the Work of the dog' -poisoners • test• of ' ' ated 1•n entices" • n.il 1 :ill. inrJ•rm:ati.on...SCnt Free, on Reroleat. THE RAMsAT' CO;, Dept. 10�. 273 /tank Bt 'Ottawa Ont. tcS'oliie'y, r11191-1Q"� t`G-• Arg .Q UR b.. &..::,,l+,d for high esy iirWutrwn .tVh)m,N m r.,411d, $ 11 /.echo..,,,, Garr d and Wh, a Ratite, A. 1• N,dc, An•.ma•, blast 741uo+c1/0, buff o,ptnr tem, nano Wyandotte. 12. end ,, 4 WO% Is.r Jthter. guaranteed. 11 an today kr pita CHICK HOOu• Rot: Xn75. SCHWFpt w BARNEIRif; • 226 Northamntoss Buffalo. suznci strati. :gum, CAN: seriously ill by drinking water from a', pa►l,from which a poisoned udg' had drunk, The; dog, a valuable purebred, had`'' picked'.up the. ,poison:.outdoors, probably some that had , been placed purposely':,, Then hewent home, and, becoming fief; -drank ;from the water In Mexico the , paths of glory lead. .1. want to kill and kill and kill to but to the border. --Louisville Times., :make the world More roomy hnyr.ay. the NI Aidbo tried 't bei -New 'voI`k E'-ening,l�os • • It spiv• . Cyy,Nw r.,:, i;. ._ .44 01 RECORD' OF' SA-EITY, IN 'AIR 1RAVEb .1-IAZARDS ARE REDUCED TO THE . MINIMUM BY RIG10 REGULATIONS CAREFULLY . ENFORCED MOST CANADIAN .s AVIATORS I;REFER 'IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS !:Suirti,c)sEAkuiptriPPPRIllusAtirliL PIRSarDREI:16ca:rs"ANIREEEs* 90° "100MIL , Voult CAlik .T004 WILL- BE BETTER • tapoots:.. Traffic Lights To Honey sonar Newt' York,' This; we :presume, will make drivers beehive themselves: -Mobile Register. '' • • ' • The dog4xiters 'hate, to see a halm* dog, it inakeS them think of strychnia, hi -chloride of niercitry,. etc. Whatever' their 'opinion MaY be, -they should. keep. it /rem taking..t-form in action, for polSon often reedhes much. farther than intended. Like evil thotights; it .carries .far ,afield, and doek not stop .A bit of poisened meat Might fie 'picked •np by .a small hungry child, in whieh case it would.,go hard with the poisoner if discovered. EVen n dog - poisoner wOuld hesitate to ;Murder a child—although we shoUld- hate to destructive deedohad gone. ihyond its mark,, and brought' grief to 4 house- fkr beyond the loss of, a, deg, 'bered; even if 'hi were never found Migration to Australia Kenneth' T. Henderion in the ,Len-• migrants by the hundred thoitsa'nsl, eSpepially• migrants with little or,nO capital,' and-Aherefere With little or no Vawer for waiting, opportanitiee or opening up independent fieldi of self - migrants. --ea power resident, hoth ' the character and Skill of the indiVi- dual and in the capital owned by him f31' lent him. b* the Government. That six to. ten tithes ler present • poputit- don estimated, bY economists,. but Only Inetease more • Or less , . 00-• portien to the increaSe of her wealth 2 per coat. annually -r -faster than ,that of any 'country; in. thtf tVoilil except IL The ,that Usti Minard's Liniment tor the Fld. ' for: ...1t.. Baby has little upSeta at:times. All your care cannot prevent them. But yoe can he .prepared. •Thert you -can do. what any eiperienced nurse would .do,what Most physicians would tell you to dae-giy,e.a, few drops of plain Castonig. "sponer done than Baby stfOthed;• relief is just a matter of moments. ,.Yet yoU have eased your ful drug; Daitoria is vegetable: Z9 it's safe to Use as,often as an infant has any' little pain you cannot pgt away. And Ws alivays; ready -for the crueler pangs of 'cob*, or'constipation, dr diarrhea; effe.ctive, too, for .Older tobre'boveht fast year: • MISIT a double lidtim-Las Angeles. Times, CASTORI A After Takiiig • Lydia E. - Compound E;Pinkharn's Vegetable Compelled during the chop , Of Life tor eervoutt feelings, loss in petite ancrth gain great tonic and.I have taken a lozen bottles ot it. If was 'ecOmmended to" now I recommend' it to all women for., Web. troubleS as come at this time2t PHILLIPS due to Add Omotsilort HeArontoust wkoAcns • The lard liart conquerink the air I eph,e :food. bas soured. The listattt what -.yowr, doctor Would 'advise.: - - Par the lidtj-ears.eleee it'S else so quick effeet,,,o, hal sd fit. • The iesuila -era. 'fact, yob- wilt never deal' With Watt itold'in the citiile.,,,Way.s, GO learn ' sure. to- get the getvehi Mak Ma.gtfesia prescribed bY yhrh •