HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-04-18, Page 5Cwt +ro*a•n. p?n,.+5w+•'.. .. a ..
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,SEN'' TRIMS/Mt 4111.1I:I i8, 1:9129.#
Mr. William Park, Vineland Stattion, Chit.,' successfully hatches
•• ' large, . broods of baby chicks' each season.,' .How . 'Mr. Park 'sue<' •
needs' so famot sly in; a sing thein, s;beat related by himself.
Read What Mr. • William Park~ iS ays.•
StandardMilling Co.," q, . ?, :
Toronto, Ont.
Dear Sirs,: -
I have just completed; using, half -a ton of your Sunbeam Chick
,Starter and -lave found, it. to be an excellent `feed, With,' 1,.400 chicks
to date, my mortality had' been'negligible:�and..no .trace -of- bowel trouble.
'This success' L attribute largely to a•,good,start 'with' a goad.: feed..
Yours very truly, .; . •
Saves. the •chicks and Bullas Thers' Strong
STANDARD MILL:ING:'CO.:q:, 'Canada, Ltd.
Sold In Lucy
erbs to tl eal'
Those„.' Sore, �Sic"
nc�hYal •. Tub' � r
. .. es
Callag `her's Indian Lien
• Remedy.'' comes ri_ ht it tis
e cart o Nature
:Don'tbe'xniserableallWinter. If you're
subject. to Bronchitis
] or similar ills-
apt to ",pick qp a• nasty, clinging cold or
• cough, be 'sensible, start now taking
Gallagher's Indian Lung Remedy: j
It`ie 'compo' .sed :solely of healing he>.
A natural remedy. • Perfect for killing
. -off' a nasty cough or cold or bronchial
ailment.' A. genuine blood; enricher and
`' bod builder. This,and other reliable..
Gal gher Herbal. Household Remedies'
now for sale by • ao
• • A. E.• McKim, Lucknow. , ..
p 41
There passel away -at her home
h it un ....4u.day ai,ternoon,. 511's.
dames Martin wt o..for more than
• �. BITE ii JR(:H:
Mr Rxra Schultz of • Aos;nybreelt
ilaa hire-. ,with • Mr, oibson xi.lespie
for the sutitmer. y ,
,fifty years had been.a tgsident of the Mr. and, Mrs. Dan: Macinnih of
village She was alniost S9.years -ofLai side have roved, to chitgchuch.
age and had been' in failing health.l We welcome them to our village.
We are sorry to 'report, firs John
Craig S:r:. to be confined to ,bed • •
We are Jad'..to report Via* Olive
Kennedy'. to be improving after :ley
recent illnc s� ,
• The -.Young 'People's ,'Society of the
Presbyterian Church are entertain-
ing the. Lockney i're<S;bytc.i iaii
next ,Tuesday.- evening, April 23rd,
A. good 'progxanv will be given There'
Will he a debate "Resolved That
Inlinigration Into. Canada Should. Be
G:ovoriiedi'•• +$y A •Quota 'Law." The
the, past two years, althdu,h neteenfined to lied until the ;past -few
4veeka: ,The funeral• •which ' was quite
i xgely attended , was,. on lVlo{ day
'.'afternoon to " Teeswater .' Cemetery
The Rev. MrPaton, of the United
Church. conducted• servile' at the
house'and at; the,. grave
Mrs. Martin is 'survived by ' two=
daughters and one 'son: Mrs A ;Mc
Donald, Toronto- M%ss Univ, at home
and• John, of Hamilton. ,Before • her.
marriage Mrs: Martin was Miss Mary
MacPherson, ,; her early, ,home being •
near , St.. Helen's The fai lily resided
for a ' number of years oi4' the3rd
•concession of Culross whe t Mar.
tin operated a atm Mill. In*1 they•
moved to• Teeswater Where, Mr Mar
tin became a partner in 'the firm' of
Gillies & 'Martin; ' which ..for ''many
years conducted a successful business
in the snaking of farm implements
Mr. ' Martin ••died about 30, years ago,
M.rs. Clara'' Jamieson returned.'lioine
on Moms- a1t.s . •spending the past
couple oz' mons witty ..fiends in
J-'eterboro. '
Mrs; t opo; of Toronto, : is visiting
,her sister, .subs. •rias., Look ,alau -her
brother :41r. c. .e. ;Mcyonagh • -
Mr. ane s.. Chester•',Viu;on 'Audi
children M�in anu. fr. aot:ii• McKeith, of
Oakville -p.;iit tine •week end vitt
Ashfield trends., '
Mr. . Jack 'dviaC$ay' was •called ••,t'o
Saint S. , Marie, , out. un Saturday,
owing to, the serien illness ••of" hip.
.a1 relative will ,be --taken by members
of.. the .LucknQw, Guild. Lunch Will
be served.-
Miss Sarah Sharpe ' o f Teeswater
' is visiting Miss Catherine Ross
`The Women's Missionary• `Society',
Of , the ''Pr'esbyterian Church are hold-
ing their regular meeting this 'Thurs
da'y afternoon. -
PiicUMl'Z' l'AYI1ENTS'
Why is it
That telephone bills are paid, prom
'That •cheeks ' are sent at'once for
gas' and electric right accounts? -
• That the 'instalments' on furniture
• automobile, radio and the. like are
met 'without delay?
••I That.,• rnortgaf;e intere.,t is L taken
care of, and nlo_tes.....4i e.,.taken_up.. ,..oh.:
the very,day. they betonte due?:.
The answer• is'••not"'difficult to find.
Each and every one' of its creditors
''has , effective meas of .compelling
payment at the specified- timet: :The
telephone's 'com:panies, the - concerns
which• furnish gas, and electricity;' the
bio Per ivir. Lunca'n i ac•Aa iristallmein houses and the banks all' a feel that they are, justified in •enfore-
We are sorry to report considerable the -terns he --on igipal�.-con-
illness- t -hr weeie .iib r'- in -is. xierr r t 0 •
ds gone.to London w eeie sae, is
The 'stores, on . the other.; hand:
undergoing nitu.t.ai: • tr. li.401 nt, -'Mr stand' :in..such terror of 'the' bugaboo
'Jack West is ert • In i.oiiuun uvspaal of •"Test:. business." that'they. permit
�,' aria fur. ixerbert •Drennan is ill' with bills to' lag 'for niont' ,, without tak=
pneuuioiva at nam' .nu.>te tion J
• ' ing action which *Mild iectire pay-''
meat and avoid . "the, expanse of long
' WOIVIEN'S iNS'1 T'1 U'i E draw n -out accounts '
It is,. of course, arrgued .that if a.
The April •meekin . of :the Lueknow .customer is pressed he 11 take his:
Wo, tri .,.puikiite wiib lit-14.1•ta
,s'G e . trade de
a1�ewhere.'But ow banks ()per-
Ut ,/41. C 1. ,£... anti;.n:-. A1.Gn,•• '• aWate on,..:that ..principle,?..••J1' on:e. hank-
.iti.e.,uau,e •4., 4J. .YirS. vr.. ,royale demands the prampt;'payment• of,- a.
Nye 1.ua:.{. 1s0,/. L.. u. Uai%.iner was
t,,re c;.:c anti gave `a • very ni,,eresti:hg
una iiiscru�,,'..e a:..,ress . Of: ' ,5,110•: Lea-
01 iti'ac,04S. ' iv is J. J nt
ue �
W 4
£f Y
: cont.i'iz,uteu• a ii easIn vocal Soto. yin
excciient papi • • un • c lrren • events
.written : by_.arias ._.,Isabel: --Craw. a was, •Wh. should: 'is. be • different with:.
lead' by,..<i a: inane!. .' diii•s. W. L•' .:stn' ^G ? . • ,
' • o .The fault is' general, but the. rem-
ial.u.i ave uta. onsi•,.ati f
� r g on
e este
packing ,.quit L.
e. Cit d W. gJ'ssed •edy is individual; In ;order to du
e ni»•tpayment-of
I' to th o
bi i'
•e u c
th p
t e
r NicL na ex s
and al 5 VVI. L. o d pre s d
the: regret (a the •'W . 1. -at ios.ng• one : retail . bills it'. is necessa, y for all
.:' ''of• our vatued,,nieni;oers in ,the person 'steres•,to• live 'yin..to„the letter of•
Of kis. R. S. Wasson who .;•will short- their agreement :with. patrons pre-
. s- . ichs
. ave_:-.Mauilton ht'xs • Walson-• �'aelY �s if t�eY w:er-e-.,bunk � wits
ads a nixing reply. A vote of 'they actually, are as ;soon as they ex-.
u .virs- Smith
••tend credit i.. •''
antis was. e..cenua t
merchants 'mutt
:for. the use of tier' home', and::. the Until this is done `me
el to
to n
a Pelle them
5 ves. g
meeting .closed by' singing The; Ma -reco . "
RIC Leri." netreshmenis• were sery whets left after cos oirrers have
o li ons N
theirother b
aid g
.will.' be.•held
ed.The .next Meeting: . 1field News.
at the home 'of Mrs. Culler Johnston BARN l)ESTROYELI 'BY
e ;officers foe h
where. the election of �offi e s rte .LIGHTNING
year - will take place. • •, •
note:' does the customer for the only.
mer^hi.ndise the banks ,sell, im"med
lately' transfer, ,a' eotun? No. be-
cause he knows :'ev'fyy.bank in the.
city vi+.oit'ld be equally insistent upon
prompt, 'settlements
Lacknow, Ont.
Has the, largest and most complete
atoick'' in the most beautiful designs
to choose. from. 'in . •
Mar,le, Scotch, Swedish and ' Can -
Ohm Granites
We make of Family
Monuments and' invite your inepec'
lion. ,
iInecriptioans Neatly; Carefully and
" Promptly Done.
Bee ns before. placing 'your O der.`
Douglas Bros.
Phone. 74 •Pliene'256 ,.
I.uck>iiew ' ' 'Wingham
Closeme of Rib Roll
maneentt.meoet talrpoof•.
ing Bold. Corns in
big sheets. Forma
tight -fitting.> e -
goof law.cwetroede.of
r s rasliummer
. 8
Cottages: Made to
nuality. Send ruses
and rafter meas-
urements and find
out about Oa;,':
OFFER. Free cod
estimate gladly
Montreal Toronto
-'l 'asted-i
come. to t
23'eraId. '
• Mr: George. McGillivray is ,up from
Loii,.un to .put' in toe cross ph his
i"arm" here, where they incc:.i,u to cone.
.uaix. n tee near`. suture. _
11r. L. lrclvcr reiurhed home after
spending a zew weeks in Slicingant
,it. Martin has purchased-, a
fine Essex. car., •' -
Mr. Atoert,.1i'aylor, is able to be
around again, alter .being confined
to the louse for a few, days•
• Everybody seems to be.'.sucker fish-
ing these nights, but the water has
very '.high until recently.
'been' Mr. and, Mrs. A. Cameron, have
moved to their farm near Ripley. '
A number• froni•4 here .attended the'
funeral of .the late .Mr.. Angus. Mac-
liriinon, • on ''Monday last.: • •-++-
David 'Henry Carruthers met• with DOMINION'. "PARKS IN ONTARIQ.
a 'bad accident to -day' while at work
with the team, the' horses' got:fright-
e'ned in some. way,' arid 'began to rue.
throwing him under 'the wagon, ane,
wheels passing over his body 'badlh
• 'Buying. •the great eh•ctrieal and
rain storm of ,Friday,,: April 5th the•
barn on the farm of All Holland' on
the . 'South Line and about'4' miles
from Kincardine was 'set on ;fire' and.
burned to the gronnd. ` Mr. Holland
Was in the house when the holt struck
and hie son was at the'barn standing
in the•doorway. The young man wail
knocked rnconseions by he shock but
soon recovered.. H•olland"`hurried
to the barn 'end found his son just
,con 'ng too: They immediately Set to
work,. getting pput the live stock from
the itahle.s a04 the fire was • maki rg,
rapid .prierress.',They,'got all the 'an-
imals out hnt-"two cows whic,b were
burn'd :.to death., Another' cow which
had .been 'taken' out aied from; :the' ef-
fects of the fit's:'•" -Seale feed:. grain
and implennents were 'else 'burned.
▪ 5
re is spxr>lt or'selie
Operation aLout,
ontreal�w CL apps
farmer -customers] •
ou are coy Ila'- in r tet
latthis B > alndds »s l
.our _Financial
l;he_.mana ear
rr' • S ..'. .
Mrs. Albert' Congram,' Duirganrion.�.',
spew, ; ,4i i,esctay 'at Mr•. Charlie 'Con-'
grans -,
, Mr. and Mrs• Ralpn Elliott were
Sunday ,.visitors„ at lily. k:rnest Ack..
The play "Grandfather's Adv€n--
tures" put on in the Township Hall••
Friday night_ was
a fin • success. All
taking part' did exceptionally, well.:
Proceeds. were- $65.'
• Mr' ,and 'Mrs Thos. • Harris were
recent--viiiters rt 1VI•r.HBroachee -•2n F-
Messrs Quest ,Dobsin '& Earl Hall
of . Ethel were up on a 'fishing expe-
i on Tuesjay. "
Master David Carruthers b
D via Lariat ars Iiad the,
misf• ortune
f o
to be
:thiow n r m
,• hie
wagon and is suffermg •.froin a bruis;,.
ed shoulder, and a couple of broken
Mr. Denzil, Wafters', of Owen Sound
spent Sunday • at his home here.
Mr. Jas.• Pierce. who has been• bed-
fast • for the: last:3 months has been.
taken to Winghain 'Hospital.' . We . all
hope to. hear of •improvement.
Mrs. McIntosh had the, misfortune
to break . two bones in one of her legs
and was taken to Goderitih Hospital
• Miss, Lena Robinson and Mrs. Tyn-
dall Robinson., spent M'mday•'after-
noon with Mrs. H.. Robinson, • Holy.
rood. •
Mr. Harvey Cassidy is. assisting
with the work at Mr: Graham Moff-
at's for the: summer.
Mr. and Mrs, John McGlymne •&
son. of Westford, Mr. Gus. •Moore of
Ropi ob and Miss Margarette Hop-
kins. 'of Rive'rsdale'- spent Sunday with
Mr. •and • Mre. James"Va.ad.
M. Jerome Valad and • Miss Eileen
Valad"..spent' the week -end with their
Cousins Helen -end T ronias O'Hagan'
. hurting hiss shoulder and •' brea!ing
ppinrtunities-KW-dignified' 'o:,e rill besides -being-h. rule
'e wrong .people. ---Halifax shaken up. We hope ne,.will have. a
• speedy.: recovery.
There' -ar• e-; two nation„! planes !rr
Ontario -••-the St. Lawrance ,.Islands.
park and .Point Pelee. The former is
rerd•' tion,i1 area, while the latter
isa• bird 'sort -flier., and hdlidiv res-
ervation, 7svinti-15;466'•-iii lfttat Citi
1a1: -o l+;rie' and is the. most •sbtithetly
point in ,Canada.
.. ;.
at -
• . ,.
orexterrdr .,
-• art m dor :i
, ;
r e
eve e�l�
i Coal B u
•Brooder- r v •
ha)• ; iti. ' 4110(
c' • s'z
o /
'� • rice
I /
i :... t.
,. ,.
fur hat w
•-•11ally- .
.. afrr�sli�
v3bfe pais/ • .
ar Ojfd f
bt" no sum -
- ,`.,,�
_._ __�= . _ .' 1•s.
sSifaV//k W 00l.S
Ye '61
Yca'r.T0...K3:A•✓.e.Y .ut a... ..1W,µ,1•
at , Riversdale:
Mr. Peter Cassidy is assisting with
the work of Mr. Bill ,Eadies.
The regular monthly greeting of
the Holyr000 Women's Inst. . was
Ahead in th_eeHajll. on_ Thursday! Aril'.
4th. Mrs. Jas. Hodgins; presided: The•
meeting opened in the . usual _way. A
letterWas •' rebid' frown the Children's
Sheler thanking • the Inst. for their
donation, and an invitation was• also
sent to visit their ' cottage in 'the
summer. It was „decided to get six
new .tableo. made, and buy .t:sree hew
table. clots.' A splendia 'paper was.
read .Mrs. I•cPherior; on --"Youth
of Canada.". The Roll Ciill was an
swered by an'exchange of slips, bulbs
and.: seeds. Miss Hazel • Pearcy_ read
an instructive paper on "slow to
plant Flower Beds." It was decided
that each: nieniber come prepared tc
give a new. idea . fir `the next years
,program at the next 'meeting. „The.
• greeting closed with• the National
Anthem T after which hunch was ser
ved by• the committee in:.r•harge. :
The •YoungPeople bf l3ethatiy
Church are putting ori a ,play (Kind-
ling the Hearth. Fires) ell: Tuesday
April 16th. I -f 'you' miss seeing this.
play you will niiss the best of the'
The'counc'i:i; "et as per adjoiirru nein:
on-• asb11w-28r with- a1`tferueii bets
.present :yhe .nurrWtes .Of lass, inreeting
°wirer read and dop1ed. ''stir Hathe
of-the~•Dept: of-4-Ifigi:twa-ysr•.,was-=pros°
crit" and addressed the council briefly
n the "autres "tfr ' sripgniutenda its.
and construction of township roads..
Mr. -Gibson was appointed road stip-,
erintendarit for • 1929. Coucillors Carr
and Stewart' were Instructed to par-..
chase 'a setten and spout fol the .rock
crusher ata cost of not more duan.
$300.00 --installed , ' •
April Ith at 7 P.M. •
The Council adjou tied ' to^ meet.
,; o'
�Ilif Pill rhilllp c1ek
er-s•., •
r •ti
- 1i 11-S?ON S AND E:,&GIi P TO 4 itis- 'EOtil sits P; - r
• Slc N Ri:NoS.> Ti#E I NGi g -CRANI SIlA1"T', • 11.1W T -'
1II.•I� _ItE`ai,L�r CHw - ,•CYLIN-DEIi• 1.,..:.
LN. iii ih3I o
, -" PATI AiPE A`�?•1y � I�1iT�H ATO' ""l`'II'lu i fi
IN " iw"'. 'Y•Eg-EI.1,- ;TiPC "
lSE THEN .RHOoMF ._ cogsD on WOR.\, I4ON .� 1r.A ;1._ • •
• ' (.51 ' mgt. TRACTOR OT.1TFITS, BEFORE
4 •
r e
eve e�l�
i Coal B u
•Brooder- r v •
ha)• ; iti. ' 4110(
c' • s'z
o /
'� • rice
I /
i :... t.
Buckeye coal urn brooders'., �
b t g
The improved .Buckeye Coal- It holds ' more Coal. , It 'burnt
Burning Brooder gives you the , oft coal or hard: coal for' a
most: ou tan i .:values. ever' . Unger time with one. fuel'
offered, It saves yes money. It; .- ' It' gives more -heat. The th�ee-
.gives you larger "stoves:and big- mostatically•'controlled double -
ger hovers' .to care'' for your, check draft contrais the fire with '
• chicks: It gives you a .brooder 50% gr�eater'efhciency. • The Ste .'
you can depend upon in extreme-,, ',' doesn't go . out. • It doesn't go
-1y coldweather.; ' It gives you:a 'down `and let 'your: chicks get: •
brooder your won't liaveto.con-_' , chilled. 'Itdoesn't overheat. The
timidly watcha brooder •' you new Revolving` Hover saves time'
won't have to' refuel frequently.. and work. '.Come in and see the ••
' Here are the facie.': Buckeye Coal -Bunging Brooder:
RTE � US. •
. , RAE &: POR �
er-s•., •
r •ti
- 1i 11-S?ON S AND E:,&GIi P TO 4 itis- 'EOtil sits P; - r
• Slc N Ri:NoS.> Ti#E I NGi g -CRANI SIlA1"T', • 11.1W T -'
1II.•I� _ItE`ai,L�r CHw - ,•CYLIN-DEIi• 1.,..:.
LN. iii ih3I o
, -" PATI AiPE A`�?•1y � I�1iT�H ATO' ""l`'II'lu i fi
IN " iw"'. 'Y•Eg-EI.1,- ;TiPC "
lSE THEN .RHOoMF ._ cogsD on WOR.\, I4ON .� 1r.A ;1._ • •
• ' (.51 ' mgt. TRACTOR OT.1TFITS, BEFORE
4 •