HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-04-18, Page 11.44 FE YEi40 Il
DVANCEe $2_5Q'-4OTI E 'WI:SE'.•
RR. W*.$01- GONNPI I
Fhybician and, ;Surgeon '.
MOO* 1.00-•-e3.30 7-=i
Phone 11.6 .
a . g
Macleod will visit Iucknow
eveDeY•..•.o.es.sayL), • in taTa5he
:LLirel aren
Linac; kInoouwse
Ove: - Decker
'a Str ' u �e Extraction
tither' by ,gas or local" Wi11 be. in,
Dungannon every 'Thursda,V. phones$,
lied. A. eltpdall, LYCkDYW. Broker
Fend Kept Esia:te 114vaey to 'lend on
Jurat mortg t es on " tem":p
Sivas at 6
• endi p .� ac cent according
ttiaounr►cy : oitered- Also small
,sieoui}tr oil second xhoitgages' on
Om- properties and en ' personal
trot. A, tem', ggood test, ;for sale.
>'a. W ALL PAPER --4 tull line ;of 1920
Wali .raper on . hand prides consider-,
able down for ,1»2�J I' am also,agent
for leading fob biouses.-eR., J. Lamer -
on, 1)ecorator�, Painter and Grainer
•Box• 374, Lticknow.e I
Die McInnes; Chirepraclor . of Wing -
ham, will be at. the Cain ,House Tues=
day :and: Thursday 'afternoons, PQM-
. .meneirng April -16th. For••-ajipointment
FOR: SALE -70 e-3 -burner Gaso-
line 'Stove, One Oven, One Electric
Heater, One Dresa "Model. Apply at
FOR SALE CHEAP -9 --Ford Tour-
ing,, 1923 mmiel—recentlir overhauled
' —starter end-shook--absorbers-7-Frank
Miller, Lueknow R. '5.
FOR RANT -46 acres grass tor.
• pasture—plentr of water two miles
south east-ef St. Helen's.
acres. west half Lot 2, Con. '6, Ash-
field=virell watered. Apply to E. L.
Denby, •Goderich.
40a '-per, load for CeMent Grayel.
15e Per rd, foi Street Gravel. Any-
kfie wanting earth may have mime
for taking. of it . frem, top Of Pit.
Parties owing for list year's gravel
Please' settle. Mrs....Mines Miller
' Will make splendid seed as they
All lanes'. of good shoes o'heap 4.t
W. J Litt1ea glee " Store.-
••• .Gordon 'Baker tsho ne-aftr'-sP
jng the.rwinte
in Northern :Ontario,
Miss Lyaia ' Smith 'has:, returned to
Kinloss after spending a, few. week,l,
pith:;re•letidie in Kihcardie
Mr I� C: MacMorran'' was at';Grin=`
sby Friday of ' last• ; week . to '"attend
the funeral ofhis. sister Mrs•A.,•W.
a" s • e: Mena'.
J••ust�' recE3.ved m ,n t Of' f . Ni
work boots, staid :.leather. Made to
• order Price $1.50. At W. J. 'tittles'
Shoe. Store.
Mr and Mrs. T. .Te J. Blair of';
carriine spent Tuesday • evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
' iodgins, :,Kinloss. '
' A, 1"Mens' Missionary Banquet"
will' be held in the Lucknow . United;
, Church Friday, evening, April. 26th
et .8a'cloek.' '
Mr, %3 D Cameron was home for
the week • end after bcirgg six 'w.eeke :.
in Northern Ontario in the interests
of the Retail Merchants -Association
Miss Gertie Treleaven and little
IJick Treleaven went -to--Hamilton on
Satirdav with a view to having the-
little lad remain, with his father
front whom he has: been separated
for a nuniber of years eerie* to the
motheies 'illness doss of oQ
. NEIL MVR1?Ot3$
c r de er' u.
Lu'lenow: , • es ,nta ,•
shocked on Thursday'last an learning.
oh • ha "sed
• 'that Mr.� Neil Murdo• da p��h: d
DEATII Ok" Ml . ' ANGU. S , W AIN 'r
rMaci NNON
Ilunter V1ferostie
:.., A p • Q, i ized
.The •corai�munttY.,.�''as ,fixPa�lyn sad= �,: retty vv�eddin was solemn'
'lie e o ,'i'hu�'soa ril:llth, when at the;hoiue •of the.,pride, in Lucknow
.. { .,� .,gip ; h •ee . 'decile .i •the . * "terser
t 't r._.: n ,.,.... n az... n P#;
.., .......erne of -t: th :ot Mr. An ha ,,
away tbehat ba ,. ar:. oc ..a . ae':: Weclnesciay,• •April, .10.th; when Mrs.
•. , �MacKiniion, of • la�3eicx�ow,. ok�e.:.of , the .... . , .. . , ..... . .; ,: ,
breakfastrilo, - • ,he,. had partakenuer .pro : y iV1'artha: reeVrostie• and •Mr., Ken. neth
� �, , , , . •most .respected, p; dneers of .Kinloss, . .: , • .. • ,,. ,, .;, .� :, e , . ...
' , on . • T.hursday . a .uswal,.: . , .. • ,., : ,.�.. ,: : aY mer nd • . o � s . D.
. ac tenon. bee, Iivcd G. uh �,_oi• Gra F rk .,, N,
The lit Old
,ll.',• , :. d. . .
.Siren• alter" breang d ;e heart- ell q ;'were_ sited" -in mania reg., Th'e' Re;
.trod death:being : lee :te beset-, ail- to a pipe rid age, being eightyefovr C.. •MacDon l.ii of t f' Luck ow
�o n ths.'and da : e was. • a. he n ...
• ire . s, The' fu. elra : t .. Greknhi .Come .years 11,. - m n ,: I Y TI . was , . : • : .• • � . , . , •
u ..... w "n :Saturday
l 0. a ,e., n and X_ : i g eel the Orth; Pnrsbyterian. Ghuri.h wee • :the ' o,glieia-
to was..on.• .Saturday afte�;noon born on the isle• g >a gam, .,, .n , . .�. cl r man ;.� , .�
western coast' of �•Scerlai d..Ile came„ ting a gy..
.,. friends from i..o d ver ', •
was lanhely .attended by i'Canada.: th his "parents ..at;. ,,the i he: ,bride . a lye y ,c trarrning in
town ;:laid c.`ow an . Mr... o nJohn , too . _ P.: . u •own o •rase pet eor�`ette. with
.." ,a e'. of :nine yPeea, and spent • .one g ,... . f, g.a g b: , .
leaves; n e ided sand. pate*.
g.. bat and .moos to match and she car-
who leas resided • with hl parent': . ••��_ Miaiilana.c county neer aLnn ,
The late Mr. Murdoch,. was the'only
son.of Mr and•Mrs:, Alexander ur
' doch.� He was , been 'near Toronto but'
thr fainilv..moved to. Ashfield while.
he. Was quite young and for 43 years
phis.' home was • on. a. farm near Para
mount. Forty-two years age • he was
;married to • ,Miss Camelia Wilson, and.
ten"' years ago the family moved to
Lucknow. Besides the widow and son:.
three sisters• survive, Mrs'. Robertson.'
pear Rockwood, Lizzie (Mrs. Ander
-son) at, rowel; State -of Wyoming,and_
• Jennie,; (Mrs. ;Meinprize) Of Tisdale
Sask. All three are now widows.
Other three --sisters have died..
Mr Murdoch was ever 'a good snit-
,ured man. :always pleasant ;OH meet ,
and, a good ' neighbor. • le='' had many ,
•friends, •and. we are; sure no enemies
The bereaved, widow :and- son have'; the _ _
g sympathy,.many. friends . in„ ; the sons and four daughters survive him.
One echo was: -a- asst -agree One -daughter. Kate .passede.aW:av_i!n-
able' .assocl'ate, - awr.. .. • .-.,' : rae�
• The Misses 1FZacKen"zie cif ta
� CaDaeTtonM Nr�p i?
t .
in in June 1:917:' hrifie end" :groom Were present ,
In the .sPring-of .1852 'his family the .ceremonye •bet in the evenieg
along with. 'siXteen other families•set aheat 50 iireited *eats from toWn
out. in La Sail !beet from Seetlend Wgre in and spent • a very, pleasant
landing in •quebee• after a six Weeks peening. Oe Theisdey evening:
Voyage. From 'there they 'came .on tie ells feorne the• counteretenumbering
journey' tO. London .be stage. There' cepti2n and hed a very enjoyityble
parents: clear' the .1and. on Whioh past four years, and having spent•
be' remained 'until. retiring twelve the greater. part' of het life .at Bel-
yeare' age eeperienting_alLthe hatd,e. -last. Mr. Hunter was, an Aslifield.boy
Ships • privations Of .piiineer lifeeebui 'es a young Men hq joined the
On...March 3tith 1875' he wee Mar- eeide 'of ritigration to the: West, ge-
riecr to- Catherine XicKinrion- of 'Sea- _deg, ,first to• Minnesota and later to
he engaged in' general contracting
and building a line he hes
game; and he and hea beide Will make
their •bome,i at. Grand Forks; going
west about the. first , of May: •
ceived weed on Tuedday of this week
ehat their nephew Mr. Rey MacKete
zie had 'died snddenly 'of heart 'fail-"
ure at Toronto He will be rememti;
ered ea .having .eften visited his rein
eaves here. He Was's, son ot the late
.et. Leamington; on ThursdaY, afteie
'Commencing to;day (Thursday) hy-,
aro electric service et, Lucknow
be interieittant for a .week OK ten
days. It will be 'turned 9ff ate; o'cleek
A.M.-and will le• off until 11 &Clock
.fium which time it• will be on -
until 1%30 P.M. ,when• it will be cut
U. and en until 8 o'clock
iWkward for those using hydro pow-
er. We don't •bnoW 'just how we are
goingtto get Uut a paper With suet.
day and dey into night weenay man.
This broken service is due .ta- the
'installation of . ne* cable, fixer
meOt ;can't work. aMong the 'wires if
„current is On, so they have to Mit off
while they are at Work. The; ariange•
ment is likely as good as cOuld be
made. —
The installation of a new and bee -
tier cable from the tiansforiners a4
Holyrood to. Lucknore is due- to th(
fact that Inekiney. is using hearlye
twree aa much current .ses "tvas orig.
inaill expected and. for. which eqeip-
ment• was 'erected. For' months thr
current hag been weak and unsati"s"
factory. With therneWicable installed
this' wilt be .overcome and the serviec
will be greatly iinproved.
We will have quantity of hard-
wood -and elm' slabs for sale. Hard-
wood 13.00 per cord, - Elm $2.00 per
. cord. Orders taken • anytime delivery
The LueknOw •Table• Co. Limited.
• Cleaned -With a Perfection seed' and
. John Richardson,. R. so Lacknow
Comfortable dwelling imam, heated
• hb Hot Air furnate, soft .and hard
Water. Crittlenient to' Post ••Office,
; School and Churches.' ApPly. at
, Sentinel Office.
from, Choine eaersey Black Waite:.
75e a petting of thirteen or $5.00 per
• hundred. Arrangements made by
phone or letter to leave eggs at Luele
now. -L -Phone 028- r. 21, Winghant,
-never Will forget. his bee -heal essoe-
:know Mr. Caswell is „new .Seey.-
He: •Weitea this „time ,to eel' that
recently,. while 'brOwsing"•ini the Re'z
eon Methedist .C,huech (an.. early
bertnelf pf -Methodism in .Canada) .he
Conference Of 1266 which reads •as
"'That 'the tonferenno proents its
hest thaeks James. Somerville ESq the ,eeipter. He: teeevered;:froni., tide.
of. Liteknew, for Ahe valuable Prop- ita Usual nntil contracting flu Miring
'ert. Presented by him: to. the tonnec- and felt ..fine end Wag: again 'up and
"doe for ,ehUreh, and. nareonage .pur., fo• re hiS death when. be" suffered. a
'Poses," ,inde-litre-Ceeived
the laed in 1858 'from, Eli •Stauffer' 'chiles -as e• bewn by the 'piney message
Tn ebet year' he' bent, the first mill. es Of. ermeatliy, floral etriliutes and
ilia. the. township of Kinlosi; on 'the. 'spiritual offerings: , • .* • "
Nine Mile • River. • The funeral; whieh wee. very lame'
' (79.44,4.11 at one thne set -type' ely .attended: was held et .10 o'cloele
,The Sentinel Office and he reeelle .a. In. .cni Monday frorn his retidence
one •door nut, *here, belled. a real; Chute') *here solemn .4equieni High
estate, and ermVeviincing .business. In Mass was chanted 'by .Rev. Father
:The SW:Hied Office Soinerville Pamiettei as celebant; Rev. Father
oival frealsni and. always! 'Wel- Dean,. is • Deacon; and Rev. Father
come visitor. He was a man of high Ford as Seb4Deacon. Fether Deer:
intelligence. wide „knowledge and also preached. 'an inipreesive "sermon
•marked ability—also a flunked in- on death. He eXpreased. bis regrets
'deer' shaven 'face, crowned' by a Pioneete, ana of the one about to -be
Well-worn, tem-teshantee. Collar end eonSigned to' the .graye.' He raid trib-
tiej.he vote • none save on te• hia fidelitsi *to; his God, :hie
omens,' ,L don't eemembur ever See- faith. and to his family.
ses Were ogenerouse and -he had his Archie. MeeKinton.' John MeMillar,
veal way of dealing eut his° bounties Alex McDiainii.id. John MigKinnon
I recall 'his telling. me' that on one 'Thee, Reid and John Howe. The re-
me• etieg in the•' Wesleyan Methodist the. family -plot": St. P.atrick's ceroet-
church and ' that *hen the collection eryfeHolyrood. Reir. Father Paquette.
er emptying ore the plate heap- assisted by' Father Ferd. and Father
ing handful of .silver will& he had Simpson.' •
trn re',;are James of
•Port. Arthur': John, Calgary, Alberta:
Fa• ioe, N. Dakota and oneebsother
Yive. There are vtireilty grandchildren -
and two. great ,grandchildren.
, Four years ago Mr. and Mrs. Mac7
IC-ninon...celebrated' their golden Wed -
Mr. MacKineoo had always enjoy-
ed good health •Until. September of
last year. when he was, stricken with
• ARMSTRONG—In' loving meMory
or our darling Beatrice E., onry dau-
aWay Apell• 18, 1924, aged '2 years.
Time rieeds on, five years haye pas-,
Since • 'Death its gloom its shadOws
Within our home-, where -all' --seemed
And took from ;iie. a shining lieht.
We miss that light and ever tvill
For -her vecent plate there, is inme
We cannot, Lord, Thy rurimse See,
But all is Well thetei done hei Thee
Sadly missed by parents and bra
.. 1. FOrd Truck. Suitable for light de.
• '7' livery, mairdelivery or farm produee
1 nrreledighlin Touring. Strong and
'1 Chevrolet Coach,1926. In AI cen-
ire , Au exehauge will be made if 'YOUr
I COP Win Stilt our business. A •
4enderd will be received -1)y the en -
or by the Council uf Kinless•At Holy -
rood ub till 1, Veloek on.Monaity atter-
Pop Trenching„',Laying.
-lit the rind -fillia:loretiree
tooth -0 ;the
Mild If' the- Tninisitiff
tiOnS for both , drains in thi :hand's Of
' beer -for the, t.p.t.t,Oitabt
Ott handat of • Walter I.att CO./Arida
Leyeeit Or Pee tender not necessarily
We have :in opening in
this county for a man or
,company Cline teeth with
farmers to sell the well-
known and advertised Walsh
. No-linekle This is
an extrellent opportunity for
. the right-enan or company
• cashin on his Connections
• and good -will with a pro-
duct :which already has the
good -will of /0,000 farmers.
• Sample models supplied and
• for stock. Write, giving de.,
tails as to preseitt Contett
it.-1Thil/RNSifiki:40tiw ;Mgr,
been sttving pp fin that purpose,' I
"Omer the older hike will remem-. MARRI AT DEARBORN MICH.
Church Perehed perilously on the ;
top of the hill on •the Gederich Road. A quiet. hut pretty wedding was
edge- of the huge gravel pit near the
frame structure,"our family' Speut a ' church Dearboin; Mich, on Wodries-,
Most uncomfortable *inter—one of daY April 100i, ,when Fheobe Ilodg-
the coldest ',remember. Buffalerobee kinson of Kinlough, "Ont. ..ixas united
horse --blankets, overcoats all brought in marriao to Mr. Clarke StenleY
.into tereice to coeer the chinke eerie of Dearborn, Mich, foemerly of Gla-:
which the beat Of the Steyr within mie 'Ontario; The Rev. Mr. 'Newell
That was in the "good Old days:" . Mrs, .C.-11. Scott a didtereof -"the
clipping from Seekatoon pap-
er to harid this. week geves the infest-
--eonvention--at-SPeers,Sa r, 'Sam
13.1 'Miller was selected 'as :party stan-
dard beaker in the next Orovin*cial
election. •
. Mr. Miller is a ion of Mi. and Mks
„Jecob Miller of town; fernier resi-
He is •earming on .quite a large. scale
in ehe Saskatocin :district, and is one
of thcise who has done Well in the
West. •He ip this year reeve' Uf the
Municipality of Fielding. and-- hai
been in municipal life foe Some Years
As is well known Saskatchewan is
strongly liberal, in. politics; and Mr.
Miller's riding' is no exeeption to, the
The well -attended Meeting in the
-Town Hall TuesdaY evening indica-
ted that the people, of Lticlenow and
vieiniter were anxious to.learn some-
thing abOut the League" of NatiOns
and the Caeadian Society orgenezed
formatioe along that, line.
In spife ef the feat:that Hon. Jai
Malcolm ,,who was anneunced as
Speaker, was uriable to be here,. it
was a good meeting. Tbe Rev: E, 0
Gallaher who 'bed charge of the
arrange -Meets stepped ieto the breach
and in• excellent -address gaveithe
organization and 'working, of the
league. The' Canadian League of
Nations Society he Said Was a purely
ions With the objegleof inoulding pub-
lic opinion favorable to the League
for the League can be a succesS only
in ai much 'as it is baelced up hy
public opinion. We cannot here give
even a synopsis of the addeeed which,
occupied. about an hour, /Ind was fuD
'sneaker and made the pcint that
'toted Ahem, for slioeld they do se
they Weida. be reeelled. Hence the
;Canadian League of NeTities ,Sodiety
Mrs. Craw, representing the aro-
men's Institute gave short and
very appropriate address on the Lea-
weimeh. Women and -the League hoe
this in conerioeen' that' the, ,tasic...efeboth:
is the sarne—the consertettion of life
Crave end IC A. MaeLaren„ each
spoke very briefle.
At the conclusion, on motion • of
Rcibt. Rao .and Rev. A, W. IfrOwn
committee ,to represent thp Canadiar
Society was appointed as follows:
Newton. ReV. D. 0. Gallaher,' Mrs
Craw arid Mrs. Murdie. o
Reeve Solieetone presided at....._the
The following badges were presen• Wonted with overlace and dhoee end
prettily attired in white georgette
ted to the duidee at their regUlar stockings to match and she .carried
meeting last' Friday evening. a bealitifui bouquet of• sweet peas
- Child' Nurse Badge—A, camermi Opliclia rosek and Maiden hair fern
d, McDrauild, ir. macetzie, m. va.. She wore the gift of, the groom e
son, J. White, M: McMahon,- L. Hate pearl neckl.ace. ' The bridesmaid was
Needle Wornim's Iladge--A, Cam
mule d..Mcbonald, E. McHentle. j with overlace aed With shoes and
McKenzie, .V. Sherrilf M. Wilion sfoCkings to Match. The grooms
J. White, M. Ilamiiton,'M. McMahen, gift "to the' beide't maid *as, a dia.
a. McDonald.
' fl e Old cUff .1 Mis Set with diamonds.
tie. y. sherric m. meiviihoit . —After the marriage" the bride and
M,' •Wilson; J. White, .ert. HaTitiltOn luncheon. Wae eerveci in a pink ,and
McMathon-41„....444d)004K .1.,., uorfie white decorated .dining room. After
4, 'White, Ts: Itorne, tied, My Dour- valuable gifts'. haPPY reuPle
teem ' toe IlTiiigearVeLeriel
l'o• Willie, HeMilton, L. Horne,
Phone .3,
s Milled from theBest Grade of Manitoba
Wheat •
and COmin
ack or ore
ecause It Makes the Kind of Bread
Try ag & See For Yourself
ucknow Flour Mills
jack cam, ropne o
At $11.00 per week
To show 'your watch:
Your Car—Your Home. Yet
Theree1S-One_Thleg That May
Your Watch
Or Is It New—Smart In Keep- .
ing With ,The ,Rest Of Yob!'
In Our Complete Showing
You Will Find Accurate And
Dependable - Watches Reason-
ably Piked, . Pitted ' In
. Date Cases.
PriciAl from. • $10 up
2r Armstrong
Mr. Mom-rho:Ise Merman. :of Ripley
Western Ontario, and stt .Present
carrying' on his „work Itt Uni-
ictelloeslOp., of MOT '116hor
:the third eueeeteire yea? that Me
liti.t• 22e eknOti-JO hie
(-also sister) Glamie, Mr ,
41:Wayt, bright
April 18-L10-20.•
Richard Riirtlielniess
T4'Inni9hs 46114. In
New Tin Shop
Electrical Work
First Class Service
of Post Office
Phone 116
STOTIIERS—The family ef the
thank 'theit many friend*: for the
kindness end sympathy shown to
ement thes less of their loving no's
tiler end for the beantifie floral trite
Church fiat the use of the cherth for
Col ftnerni 'get -vice, the
town and ati whe assisted, in any
*tit hoth hy,eAProstoos.of sympathy
of one who *IR be so sadly miist
When. in need ,of Mechanical
efri eration. Phone 13 or 36
Sole agent for
To .Corn Growers ,-
(Re Corri•nprer .Act)
All Cirri. stubble and 'stalks
must be...either plowed under •
or picked up and burned be.
fore the 20th of -May.
ofeest-111--tialt,__Lueknow ,to •ridc at .the 'Ashficld Presbyter
PAM er Neil Y. Macketlako
1-„AtelfticiWic A•
and helpful' et the thee of the death
ot: htisbahd gad Whet,
hewn .. prepared ...a. bylaw, -which it : ,•
eviden ly Intends to pass. to the e-,
AccOrding. to the by-law anY deg
found ••thnning at large will be (h.
Win have 'to pev flint -roil exf