HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-03-28, Page 6' ":" • • •
• " .A
4_, ;'. •••••40.
vnt iYAbernon, the Firat rid& Ambassador
manY fter the.Wart Tells of Vita Days.
deSe, .ef the war the•-arttisp.,
Olre was served .e.t1th' 41410000.
Arieeeetit• trAlterneet,:"WheAwei the
Xet PO*. AnlbAtellader to Oen:04Y'
after . the signiug ot the Versailles •
Tieatere'It 13 widely recognlzed that
VISCeent :D'Abellinoie :Denied. lo.:be7:the,
4deel,:.relneeelthetivee and be 'probably.,
mor tha'nnOr lether'100;:•beieseente
• •thle for therimpreyedeteletiOna. •be'
'1Ween. etha•••,.• Seitileh elidethe,Geemalt.
peoples. • , •„.: •:„ .
,In,1i13 book. !An • Ambassador of
'Peace.' VsCOU71t•• •D'Abereen• etelle
:the :Cteeyof his early years:
• In 'Berlin.: record.of political events
•, and .eegetietiOns is. a dietlect Calettihtie
• ton t� history, an ,.clit.ts this side Of
r•*.beek-.thatites been 'etealtl'ivithebY the
newspaper reviewers. For ttat rea-
son We think his sheewe comments un
men and ligairs_Will he likely toehtteee.
:eat .ouf•reatees le; leis' books.: They
' .Were eore Se, . written . at. the time,
eaud; his deify. quotatione we give from
different :egetods .0:kale for ••thene
, :
•Mr: • LioycleGeorge's: Ban
•-• _ , . • • ,
?CarzelieelFrenek .18 ...hilt,. .and he
:.eviield: possibly like to :air hie Verbal
:.tecility ina. new •drees., but for Lloyd
-"George's; hese: The latter -.bade:Tart
wisely . broken through the ,,Preticius
...EUeepean :practice ' Of censIdering
•eFrench the language et -International
dlscusslOn. 11 placeeePti.:and spare,
. other eittlehni• at,ton great :d disad-
vantage, Apsiteetaily •„to•••eateselvesee-es.
;we are shy and elk'
;Will "The riiie t 'Car 'di'
. • , , . ...„
• ee. •
Phaeaeteelatic„ .0e the,Germah mind,!'
writes, Viscodot .V.A.hernont,'14S .p.
of .surrounding • ••
tiuns, Is they 'peculter, repetity fer,.•
bringing. A101oaeAhr etld.7setenc0 to
bear on tlkO stktoblezola -ot OW.
'ivi•th Qv* races book tearning
ancleeti thee is eleetyee from ecteetidc.
training have: tendency .to remain
4, Separate, compartment, .(1tvoteed
from•:t4e ••delle task. WIth the 007'
reareelearaing ela:s. • been absorbed 100,
the blood; he -remains through life
:semetiling of a student, •:oolethiog,, or
. "roc' whoye regard for an.
European aitinn,Alte German. has:: a
.Iteefoued respect • 'ler.. the e 'United
States. . 14;•SiZ9i itselin10).e400 wealth;
the -bueinees -eepaelet of ..tte.
itnprese the German with the deepest
.adnuration; and , Moreeveteerrot•
'bleed :hi the plistibilite• �f financial
a01.S.011 which Get -many • in
:.future.:,deriee ftom the United States, -
nor Is he einniindtel of the assistance
already. given. ° The' United: States
bete : lent Germane: ,not• less thali'
290;090,000 (teeing •the • list ••fei0.
gears. • • • • • " • : . .
e all the, more.; leaportelit • develop-
-inenta, in, .Gernianyetitteingethe, peed -
war.. years, AArnericen: influence has.
peen •: decisive: '01minate action:
taken On .Amerieen, advece, Or ineare •
• seated :" agreement:. with Antericae
'opinion, or in antielPatiot. of Ameri-
can .approval, 'and the Whole course..•
of policy would be altered...• •, • . . Theo seLea-
• .4a:ith, .M.
Than f
•••••:,# ,V•;,;:$0: „
Very ae Ique alongside the ,moaern
Leitidoni•fitreets. and leeks
The regular ehing.a.•generation age, the'healcine ettbehat .almeit. disappeared train.
• .
."the Englishehe (the Germatt) cote
" d*ftInge has to he done. by the siders politically wise and inconora
French Is In t, itself . a dangeree heoaclibt lucky -far 'Wiser, indeed;
• 41`.hi."44.010'ner that I'have' eTer.: met :than:we probably are, and fee luckier:
thati hie thiells deserv,e• to be: Out: theight. On the contraty; the.bertha
Carrivirite •French 'peletectle,' end eery. .e
air Maid motif, which which le repeated In 1:noOn :dress It the :Material. is fliinsy:
_Inverted term on the •eWathe ,bip
Still- another blear's% utteely feetle.
, nine in design,• is suitable -.tor an
The eau/has s an therensemb e• ces.. elaborate street costume. • Fishiorted
,eunie hasesud ealY brought the blouse •'Of eerie dat„ crepe, it has a !Trigger
trete alternrity to the 'fanlight of eeleginie:edue to the ingeuirms way ht
fa'shion. :Starting first of all by forte. triinmedWith:pleated
'belOw, the' sheulder. the frill
4 • • . . •
to Arctids Ti
, Royal e•ogolmtp.4 rorcc
sumes ivil and Military -•
tio1000-1,40- pt
ortheas ern Arctic le: a • n*w.' enter.. •
•,Thitt „.tlicntsa ds of 1,ttut: presee for th.e, goynt,V,aaadiao Meant!' , ••
amaileo ilees all over Canada ed POPeo',. ,
are d yeataitheadeef their time, Ilsbment in 12.20.;he L'fiehecirrneet
ot .`difre sere which &Mid' be prevented. Port •Burwell,- near\•Caiie • Chitilev et .•.•
.10' the startling fact 'feet now edinelette1Y the:. nerbeastern tip; of the 14orth... ;•.
pretext -by modinent • conducted 10, American eontlaeut; to aesist"•the cue--
Quebec, ,BeleirelieCOluntela ited; ;ions: ,ttiiiirtmoa to control • en, •
:ketch:wag, . • • • ••teriegeferleott,Brey.... ,
For Sonlo dine:ft.:has' been,: generally Sinceethee° emits :heti. been es
'felt; amongst, :ohtstanding .leaderw in ilsited•••Onatt of the , threegreet,. 13 -
Canadian pubite health Week, that Janda 'Whelk form the..Werdere. belled!.
temething-Tery.decielee,meat be dope, are: of the. lane of water west of Greene ••
and noon, to give givo.eouhtry 'people at land-Daise Streit, :Baffin, Bay; Sreith
lease Someteere • the ;Protection against Sound, ,SottedeeKane, 13aeine Kennedy'. Channel
disease, that that people in :big' :Chien -which hitherto has. been the .ape
'joy; •' • .preach. to the !Norte Pole.., •.
Su: In those three thiee .'previnees,',...to 'a '.In Beffin: Island, Abe .soitthernmost • •
few selected counties, the most med. 01 these, there arethreedetechieenee
era :methods :in leseas.e-e-prevention nt mounted p011ecieePotffe Inlet; at the -
were applied. ,Cpuntryhealth units 'northern end; Pringnietting, .Ori. Cern- .
fuletime.departatents:Corresponalag to b.erlind:Gulteaed Lake Harbor, in the ••
the medial health department of a :Smith, on IledsoreSteatt., reethe Oen.
big ;City were organized:: This is what .. tial islefied; North Devoe; Is ...Dundee
haPPenedt•••,• • •, • .Harbor, and iii 'Ellesmere: Wand; the.•
Ia. the, County•of 'Beauce, Quebec, northernmost, 'there Is a' detachmeet...,
during 1926,: there .wer6e 34Keunutt at Bache Peniesubleeri KeeeBaele, In. •
during 1928, there were 643 deaths,. latitude 79;04 ;degrees north. In tiddt•
.trour • general'. causes. In 1927 there tion, Cotistables_have been lent,to'
Were. '.only 4.87-a reduction of • 156 ,the •Boyet•Canadien .Alr.Force which,
teethe .in :a: *Ingle', year.. efig• lives has been established,* several 'pee:hits .
eayedi simIlarlyy infant deaths. were On Htidson-Strait to, keep the ice • con- ;
reduced trent, 215 to 160e deaths from -ditiens under-obsetvetion ' • • • .
:teherceiesie 'Pepin 56 tegiederigetrifrone •ironieethete-elievetrif--.WIttedeteeeh.
•.cnitag1ousdiseases 86- to 2 en • the:_eriktheastatere.areleipehrgal
eiefideeelfe methods- that • eaved all ; eentrolled and ;administered. ' .Very
. ,
but forms histerid • a graceful tape-
like bertha Neither :are Mese collars'
supetiluoinyielonding the lines. .of
'dress; as Ivcield seem the case en -first
I ti
these lives, and prevented besides, an ..lonieoutneys are made. For exarnple
enormous amount,: ef, siekriesa, can Were' the early part of 1927 the non-cem-.
reektiled equally Well to any county 'in ..thissioxied, ofilter in charge Of Bache •
Canada, They were applieCte three Peninsula •kleatchnient" eOssect
other Quebec counties, and again, here mere Island and visited the cluster •ot
bellareempzes the slenderness ot
•-` het h d
wbicta-It 19 few can speak it Witheree' awe lying a ''seeress he attelbutesein,the main, toe
ing an important part of the "tuck -hr _width Unreel/ 18' Iv ' . aPP.Cile' `GE,'67/..'ni. infant . and others -some of which Were an -
of their Intelfigence ito thea politica instinct which enables the •
. . .
blouse costume, it la now etheodtee in starts and curves in ahalteirele near- •ttlih4eclititlfesalbilYertsli,eln-eff:tehce"teame way that
„. , , . .,
, .
,, 'Mortality. Mortality „ discovered territorv. until a quarter cit • '
, . . .
inany variations -et the jacket 'cos• ly,to the waistline. Then, along. the a bolero does. , • . •
St„Ifyaeinthened firer days and • covering about 1,300 ;
spring faeliien. • the frill i•e,pciat..; itself ancl rises in, a, •rollee 'is ishown ' on. a gar two-piece '
eeoeeee enter eueeefetne•-ea-reeee.1.YOu'rt wle re ileettrile Sectrenereht-tese 10 not 'dile 7.' . 55!"--4574511L-12-4—allie§' . . - '''' . ' , ' ': ''' •
• 4,,
A task -and In 'political discuss on the
whole available brain power is wanted
fer,:ehe'ergunient, so that none .ertie •
' he •diverted to thn::Vehicle.."
. , •
" •-• •
"Two nienibers. of , the Old German
Foreign e Ofitee with, Wheat
yesterday -gave , Me .inteteriting before:
°British Goverenmet, . withoutei r
logical argentine :jar scientific, analy-
sis, to adopt instinctively the 'most
.worldly•wirre "Course in •anei &mealy-.
01. Would •be stelet•huinia. not: to
'feel some envy at the Posseieloa he a
rival nation saili a useful endow
Meat,. obtained.. as it seems to there,
without paMtel effert. But teere is
itttle or no. boirtility England of
prom:ranged character.' •
e"fee attitude -of these members ot:
the ,;Vetreign Office:: iegieding. the
Metier Was cinema:. Thee, maintained'
he de. all the IMPeetrir Party, :that the-
- 'Kaiser" was Mere a_fooh-than:a-crinx-
-7-' . His great • idea ereating a
large German navy Was: to swagger
out in adintralei trititorm--•-to page
eraeAreeeree• mo or C
.Silly .vanity had been exploited bi von boon to Interstate commerce in Aus-
Tiplitz.--i-he;:zwai the real ;Author- Of •for -tunny year's handicapped.
•Germany's rieWatell. • • by the lack ofjaystematited railroad
"But for thi navel policy an urider•
standingeiuld have been achieved
with .
If the Kaiser Had Not Gone To ,
• , Holland . •
• Wen again, after a illicussiort with
several eminent 'Germans as to whe-
ther the Kaiser shOuldlieve returned
to Bean when the great colleen!) merchandise from a narrow gauge to
• cake Or gone to Holland, the earth* a Wider one, or, vice versa, 'causing
Ohaeriese7 •• °OxPenee and delay. '
• ' . .
tenlee which 'will be an oittatending Ithttoth ot.the;seugditing: hip band,. An exerepee of au abbreviated sailer• 1-92$' 192$ 19•24.19.2 a century ago, the' Petrol lasting fifty-.
.Abeitt the eame it:2'1e a nee-con:mire'
•, Lae ee,.,,ee•ae,......„ 62e ,.5e2. 254'r 2e5.
They may •nta0h Or contrast ° with the ,taartedenre tee blouse ,: 'A pearl: pin, in:Mimi:ie. Iteis tamed of jumper tee. satat, Jean and ••• • .. ' shined' offieer in -charge of the Pang•
'skirl, or jacket, or theyemeye like ' gleams on the shoulder, and at the with a 'side 'Opening- frem the waietlke, Set, :77 : "90,, 54.. eirtung detachment made -11 Petro lot ..•
the linings of the new 'spring' wits, hip a•sOft New provides the balaa4ing :to :the hips, closed with while 04at'4, D4aea';liail;e:ir,;"41C'' 'epteeloue .Diseaapee: about • the Amite CBS -Mace, ski? ting the :
he friehiOned. of Material which 'seer:die 'touch. ' . ' • '' • . • • ' e• ;butto-ns, Which is worn oter an all;
alien to the rest Of the Ccistunie; As. .A stylist talking. about. 0:e posse around pleated skirt; The emitt, flair _,;„ .. ,-; • ' ' . - 1926 192e I southeeterie coast of. Braila :bland •
e et.t.,ifilleyevel;itthe....a.n.c.1....ft..;,n.u,..-. , 44 ., 10 • :kno%i-n interior; A con t bi - finding
and • returning across the airiest me,
s a e,
for -the-nut and material, there, also, Jefiltiee :til , the-. jacket : costume tor et style Ilea In the. contfaat,P1 the
there is variety. • • , -A,e--- southern wear' insisted that a woman while` eille. erepe iellee cellar:••and L.0. a , . au t. t„....... 68
St Jean ni :' ", ••• •
.. ,•46 , the body Of:a ,tur trader in his •cabin
At ,the morneat theernost Popular ceeld net ..hate toe ninny bletises and Cuffs mid the rich ' black eiliOie
Saint Sean:and elecreille on fa
model, is the disp._,bleuse et whiee tdvises in entire wardrobe of little agaiest the deep garnet of the froelt.. tae -n Island ..hauled it out-On:h1�
. • . - 6 ; • (')
hroadeloth, Whiele may ge teeked Into Polifeee'inea-eeleirneeliy" it. el'iledireeK With- a 7-sinaller-rore the „eonterrete •Frait 2
• ele r s etedi e_ulteetrefel_ _
,0 Ponds Inlet for an inquest and
Trucks in Australia Only the ore el e h
. . • A a dark'skirt and worn With a youthful ent oceaSiene, she enumerated: "A would not have been so une snit t Irg nt, per ape,
,ae..et. A blouse following this 'style tailored silk shirt in white or pas el: :Christian Science eloeiter, •
Aid interstate moo, ir
• I #
e a „
'rellare and .Cuffeend. Inennieli 'four
in•liend of Ohecked scOloied broadeloth.
,Another• model, fully as .tailored;
plays the band. The style djs-
factilties, according to C. S. Stebbins,
Federal Motor 'truck Compel* repie• ls.cut deign the beret la jagged 'lilies.
•sentative in the Commonwealth, whir'. This design • is repeated 00 .the ,hip
• .' band Where it buttons together. ''..
returned recently betroit.
The fundamental eiffitulty Prints .areeekeell a• great deal in
dresses, to 'be, sure, but theY are
shipments, be !rattle te that there are
three ,Widtlis of track la Australia. more prevalent in blouses.' 'Some. of
Dr erder„teship goods from (me:Siete the newest Mode's are made of pastel
to: another' it, is •necessarY to transfer Prints; very: lovely in their delicate
blending of .colors, rie is • one with a
swathedehipline, and- a. sharp V-neck.
The effect of boleti:, is P,chievect by
the lines 'Which start at. the •poitt et
• the V and Imirve,On either side to a.
,peint slightly below the armpits. :This,
lite • is emphasized- by :its, binding;
which is .the prectiominant plot- of:
the design .crf ;the print. -TO' relieve
the severity, 01the ueek, there le a sett
bow of ' •• ,
Similar to this' in treatMent; but
siightle dressier in effect, , Is a blame
of oyster satin match the sbeautje
of the Material, the design is . mere.
intricate and.. . yoke itl,,set in, under
" elf • —
"Looking logicallY at, the :Whelp 4„his lack of standardization, (Mr.
•quesfion, one comes to the fotioiring Stebbinir point•ed out, is dee to 'the
eOnolusions: •
:"(12r110 -,d Keiser' relkdnid-
Spa, the probebility Was that the
Entente would not have concluded, the
Armistice on the following. day,' for
• ' their mein object lees the overthro*
:of the inonatchee principally . the Get'
Man Kaiser. Would the Kaiser have„
•been juatified taking •that respotIg-
GAMY eitenly • because •he wished. tkr.
It e been possible to And'
treeps to Murat bade: to Gertnati,
With, the Kaiser, the Supply trains
would never have' been allowed over
the Rhine. The troops would have
been' staryed and War could not
hale been avoided., Was 'blood to be:
shed thus as..eweir as at the front, juet
because the Keiser to remain?
' (3): If the' Kaiser had attempted
• . to fettire as . private inditedu4 he
• could only have ten:Mined le Germene
at the mercy of the revoluthmvies
and under:the 'atirreillaxte of the
seine in red ties, Further the. surree-
Ater, 6,r trial of the Kaiser to. the En-
tente would, Under' these circum-
. stance's, have ' been a. much more
simple question. cotild pro -
:tea him ; the: Germany of • that time
• dettld. n'ot,•,and the greatest of 'all
•• hureliatioute the surrender' of ' their
• Keiser, would not hive been spared'
.the people." • •
. • l'isteent. D'Abertoe. too,"threws a
elVid searchlight •on the:Gerteetr vicw
about the use of poison gaieee •
6,errnan milieary experts' say that
gad.' Would be ovetpeeterieg against
•Orieritale. e We had Used it Against
the 'Turks we, cottid have. done' wbat
, we liked. • Similarli, in' Intlia'a very
stnall army „with 'gas would hold the
Country. 1 del not know that theypre
--41=—".drefaltfi geocotho.ritte'n:::01
•-quesdryns,•• but r struck With the
prtanieretyk with Aseitteir #ia-vta* Is
• 'Thev. tetteeter te it one • of- the
&:c 1oit the war
vraa-Td letting" the gas eeeteet out too
• soon. If they liad'Icept it ih.tedetve
Until 'gas installations thtisted fry aliffi.
- tobitingit' atty line„.-htrt—th'etr- . eteffe
comMendete eere °Mete tifan
• errettreel.eheut• the enccess er the
,. • •eirilerftetehe.", ' ": • e • :
_feet that many. of the present_ States
originated rie separate settlemeets,
each:Instilling the transportation fat
difties,ft•zieeded without regard to•its
neighboia. • : •• • •
- The. scientists ., are uneble tO
reeconnt for the dark Weather prevail
Ing in _Europe Beam Overlook.the
fact that Mr, •Elinstein Is busy Mt
I 1 his •
p Kin ng stheory.
"Path:age •
. •
•CI b ' I • •
can re the desperate urgency of le s urra . • ,
+V -
n •r(Jun ,
same methods'•that PAT 'saved lite charge
;r1i1 treniendthis .econointo wadte in
the, Quebec counties mentioned ribeire.4
'ef all •theepeople who die, enneces-•
eerily.. , disease. ' any • Canadian
•countr iit ani one year were .to the:
killed at • once, ire ., earthqu.akee
fleoe.: Or O 01 13 ther cataelyeen, it .weeid 'be
regarded. as a world disaster. distorter, But
becautai death .work arrietlye
taking young ' and Middle-aged .people
one by' one, years., ahead. of their Mite
through hat •are ' termed "pateretle
causes, no. One .realizes ,that •every
mouth, eyery week, and ..eveiy, day;
Someone is ;dying rural Canada
,ekeee. life. could have been preserved
for years .if.eural rienel•reral peo-
ple •fiad health departments equipped
to take care ,oi. their 'health by pre
renting diseaseAnit as the lig•Cities
• "An ounce-ef 'prevention Worth a
,perind•ot carer iseettege.quoted-but
'how, Many People' who so :glibly citiote
it live the backbone apply it, as.
,•.Prineiple, In „taking rate. 'ot. their
health, and of the health •ot their
„ .
• , •• • • - -.; - :
blouse f a blouse v; ith a scarf Which zee, e-:-."t.t..c...T.:•:7--eeeeteee--
--Le..--a, meats have commissions asecustenes: •
charge of. =tinted ' Police detach-
clrapesloeer the jacket; end- one.Which
_- collector* postmasters coroners and
is elaborated with little bowknots, magistrates.e, Bache Peninsula is bee
tricky bindings, oreehich le itcentee tieved to be the: most northerly poste ...
with buttons" • .• ,
'Pee in the world. The Eskimes here
Even though a woman prefers :just have shoWn leas disposition for viol,—
*.ne blouse 'to a costume she will obe• enee than further •west ---but on one
serve on her: other-frocke the influence occasion, in 1920, a white men Was e.
dt et blossoms, by the new Intricacy of . annc i,1 killed by the near Cane Crawford,
neckline. The vete; .'shaa,
than which is, nevertheless, a distinct
frovelty; is the presence of' cellars
• whieh lermi. be. traced directly to the•
bierise: 'On Many tailored dressee:the
conseeeative V -collar in crispIfnekor
•organdY adds a. note 'cif fresletess to,
an otherwise severe frOCk.• • •
Other _collars have • a nautical itir;
.youiliful in the extreme,' They Pos.
,sess such a breezy.holiday iIr that
they will admirably fitinto the ward-
robe of the woman who gees Wirth;
Thee tot" these: who remain • at home,,
the ,regeletheti sailor eollar is adapted.
to eeorts or business eto,cks and sortie -
Glees, for n Surprise, the collar turns
square .around with. the knot, in;the
hark, and 'Owe mey; elaborate an ntter,-
• HARSH bRitiCiSm •
•What wonderful rosy cheeks
Miss Pippin has. • •
Old Man Lemon: you caret tell me.
I -think the brazen thing paints! "
"lefy 'new poem will -cause
your editor to miss a beet," Editor:
"Then pleaire rtake it away, I don't
want anything that will affect the cir-
culation. • .
•The origin Of all mankind was the
same: it is only' a clear and a good
conscience that niakee a man noble,
for that is derived freer. hetiv4en itself.
•-Seriece. •
May Be Popular But Nature Adds Little to Miami's Lure
. ........ ...
•••••'" - • •
• • re,,te
• ,••••. '
• •••-.,,,,,,•••••••-
As to the Cost of thee County
health unite, Ititi pretty tgenerally felt
that the rural communities should be
helped. to Par it -that health' is *
natienetasset more sImportant then
Mined or 'railways, And- that Putt be
cause the cityis richer, than the
'countr;6 is no reasen .fer'::sunnosing
that the farmer's health is 'not so
important as the eity-tuanis.
vho;• follewing is a regoratiori pass-
ed in :Oacember 'by the Don -Onion
Connell 61 Health: ,••
"Resolved that the Dotiiiiiion Gov-
ernment he.,respeCtfully requested to
further the establishment of full-time
health., unita ,' by. votilgatt 'annual
mint of money for the MirPose." ,
It has been suggested, that the pro-
vinces sirona be -asked to Contribute.
In fare probable•the best .basis upon
vvhich the cost 'could he. split, is tone-
• third. froth the Doinition, onethird
„from the,Previnea, and ti9 tediaining
third frail 'the county, acc,ordirig• ot
the eatimate of Ono authority.
The Problem Of . Population
Sit John Aird in the Colonizer (Lon -
den): If we make it difficult for do.
airable-beeple to migrate to.,Canada,
theta. iheuld be no- hesitancy: or de-
taw-tomiterictg-thn rignritions:'
• tionality is bit no meaner, the heel teat,.
..fora ewhile. 'eve-etboettc1-: eemleaeor.to
kaiptittrlt strong ,EritighStrain 13
our race, Superlet, types Of Itntal-
epatticelarly those et . NOttlarn-and
'Weeteen Europe,
, • m
the northwestern tip Of Baffin Islaed.
The 'noweommissioned ;officer • in: ,
charge .-at Ponds Inlet envestigeted, •s•
found the lyedy, :in his Capacity as •
cerenet held an inquest arrested the
keened; collected the Witnesses and
as magistrate Committed the areused
a . ea 1993' e sPeolae geed •
Was spat from eastern Canada, which
tried, donVicted and Sentenced thole"
responsible for the .homickle. There
also have been Cases of religious
mania and homicidal insanity among
these people. The relations betieeni
the police ,and the Eskimos are good.
Wickham • Stied itt:the lendoe!Obe .
Server (Ind.): Why shouldEngland '
perennially wait for: an American
lead,: why take the'leiiest coalman de.
noznintotof American Politics for,her
highest principle!? The price...of
etican friendship 18 British vision-. •
vision o peke, not of war. We hell)",
to save the League witheut the tleited
8tatei-Land hot a few Amerkans
day rejoice thereat., We. made good
at 'Locarn6 out' pert Of the Ang-19.
Ainerican , 'guarantee of --Western
European security -and a• surge of
Anierican good will towards &trope
followed,thir aecion. 1.t4 now .we treat •
"the freedom of the seas" in the spirit
of the Paris Peace Pict. and the Cap.
per :resolution, few moons will Warm
before'America joins es. With *hots
and •Ateericane concordant, the seas
wothdle--f-ree and the world Wotild be, '
F r•le,
. eee
El fiee I n*i 8 ttllirat ..terinnure ina• ntYllienegosblegb:liltet
rietter etediee , reathernaties think it:
• eP
-----A-Mpleli • ' -wtsro
.-o-s-i-. _. *15s1-:xpt .. 0,7 -,
- ..,.. . ... , . ..
. 'Yet Most of the wrecks dire te,dritt • '"ghe•Wern of corksatia
we*e. can
fuuny that-they-tan't-tnitierattilid"-1 ,
• . '
Unusual view from an: aeroplane 6f "winter 'playground, gliainljteicli„ P.Torida-t-WhicTi ha3 ranie..tha'h :retuverett alter the linti'c'ntie 41%aster 'of a few ' itig tri e'tog ocitte whin the weether ookere have neatly -9 tithe retgo et tee
in otear. _ ,. . .
1 . ...•‘
, _ E., • .........,..„.„,..........--,------,... —,
. . „,. • .„,... - , rellieg ptaiei:e ' • , •
It cyst einejoeteet years ago and is inetetiopulat thin ever:
ta- Li tat. '