HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-03-07, Page 5--ereeesserre...,,
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- • 4- o „ -,•nr00144a04 *0444.,,,0044.10,44514aAW .
,niecLAars quErsile'
....C411/113INATIGisl ilEATTER
Burns ;F'aP(1'‘:W.dord'
• Iteinny Cooking Surface
„, • "
Lift up Cooking., Tope •
•• Direot Draft Damper as operated
e from rear of .'cooking to:*
Hot Watee,,,Iiisesveir cold;
rolled copper heavileetinneeV: '
..„A deed Lairge:'WOod."'Firehiex
eakei 24 in *oftti.
:and yeinovehle gr
T. WILL" p.AV.. yo•G TG'SEE'
The Cosy Hein,e Triple ,Effect Beater
: dces Wings at once
It is 'handsome in -appearance,
.f• -burn any Niel-, 'hard be -gift eoal, coke
or wood, and- moderately priced
Full line of. Quebec Heaterel, and
Airtight Heaters alvvays en hand.
. •
: • Axes & Cross: Saws •
' always. on hand.
Phone .6 " ee LIICk411.0We •
Hardware , CoalPlumbing ,
Monumental *bits
, , • • ,
Itaii the • largeit and. NM est. com elete.
-steek in the most beautiful'designs
.t.o 'choose frees; in' •
Scoteh,..Swedieh seri Can.. „
adlin diedatee :•••••
. 'We .make a. specialty of
Monuments and invite'your inspece
• Miseriertions. Neetly,• Carefully and
' Promptly 'Done. e •
See is 'before plecieg yOur order
0 •
-0ouglas Oreg.
'. •
Phone 74 '
• P k
• • •
• R. A..Seep:a-
• ..„ phone .256.
. .1
.4 • remedy, Mrs. Sybilla 'Spahr's 'Tonsil-
.. ites, a good .euccess Sue l'ensil 'tem,-
' "hies, 'Cough,•,B-roncbitis, • (gitril, Cat=
Sosier,_eleacl Cees eine SUIT Throats..
0Ood 'benefits' oe •caeli ecturned.
A.• E. Mcleimn;•
. .
, A gL,,OSE..,.,lep Wee •OF ! if talking to• cooking straight
ahead Se, blank Well. eaexiotlis
" A 11944P -UP TING toile, anxious to get• it 444111, Pf
• •
• •
• • ••••••• • • , • • „ • • • .. • .•
In...eV:her their'edSterneifeilit•We.,:..:4 4.4 37'30'21":44Vi
• .• • •• e 044359:19,41S.;:al.;„ W911.0,44.
F:Pr•Ir'-',9-C.;e44AILF"'*41,1"4„,,' AL.:111*40-i Y.14
,-401-4711;•..41710*.rot "'Wee"; he aalf a •
Synient -,couragee It gegine.: .however : hoer. 'txctor.-lie::•had.ceiretl. At, the office,
Ole 'nsisteice. eespeet, Xxcese- 'Oliteeet Oar:- • ' ••• ' • • •
•sniany of them.at least. .Like Aeolvere • "I won't be to work today.,' ree
atbeytntaorgee; is all
79u4s, thotirklesi44hee?A called conversation.
but ..eI beef to go' tib..Weteevireee.''PaYfei,'
when the .tables are tiglied t4.4r4i;en17. Wateli:!' 1.flia.:v"i''Sn'Ite .bad 47343 14ebeen
• most, 44104 Oft .°IiteinlitiNe • buying '4 watch on eiXne and he had
thePlaided•e0. •.•
'coy/aide) ..• •.• '."" ". his. eaYelents. • The .-.
• Wereeenely came •across a sere': jeweler had, garnished ..his pav and .
Which •Well illustrates this, • and alai& obtained a judgement for .$25 'against
court. Ftiday he had peid the
somewhat Jong it _is: worth read,"
• ing. IP in• connection with an 'Act- jeunedlexhp$210'w1411.C$4was 4 reeo'satsndwth6;chn
tempted bold -up stated,. in Detroit he didn't ' have, he" said. Ile toed hi • '
during February. It was a broad day-' emPiSsrer was going hack to work'
light .affair, eleorebisers attempting to •
get the'fajerell," aka btiiildeng, cont:rie • • Saturday.• •
:eiliee; • r" • ',
flekriOWn to the. thugs the contrac-
tor had taken .the Pregentien. of 'have
lag a couple of detectives oe01/Nefe in
case of an attempted rebbery.lii'the
gun battle Wee felloWed'one of the:. leery :of him.' It was only •a:vouee
anyway.". ; "
The trio rdrove before the 'Offices
Of 'Len/taller-&McIlyennae -Sizeland •
parked' the car a short way from the, ,
entrance, on the wrong: side,- of the, ,••
street, engine ruhning-irs readiness ". •
for the :get-ttweaee • •
"Easy 'Pickin', "Easy Pickin'."
Bows' 2'words, a &apt prophesye
«prey pickine.:ehay pickine" "rang n
• their ears. BoWs.. end Butch got'
They went into the Office. .
Its worth eeading-"We figuted•We'd get abut $2;000"
Jay ,Sizeland sat in witness rool Sieland seid toeMeClellanN,."We:didn't ,
ite.e.-_-11-eatiqUarterTebeforeepea eeliniceit eeduldiee_exuereethae
Sizeland. waited,. eibtrut four :nein,
uteeTehe said.. ' . •
• ,Autonrobiles And buses: went • by • ; •
. •
: •
0111Y he. didn't . He went'to Bows'
feriae insteadae they had ,ganrieci,,
They , waited for `ii„iite,11"" who r -did -not
come for ater:hoet or so : When he ate
-rived ehev'went to Pate's house
got'his cae. : .
"W" didn't'- take him, • with us,"
Sizeland eeplaine. Bows ;'was a little
robbers' was. shot dead, and the' two
detectives received wounds from.
which they died within 30'hours:
The ' Whole affair was'a complete
failure fro ' ithe viewpoint: „of the
thugs, foe within 'a feiTheurs the po-
lice had tw'o of:theM who bad got,
away unhurt slifeby behincl prison bars
and here is the story /of what follow-.
ed as reported by the• Detroit News.
tivee...George_ 'B. MeClellen, of -the-
Homecide Squad, Seedily arid shouted
'in'pitiful futility: 91 wish I had
never done ite I wish I could go back
bearing honesti folk, the wives and :
-'o FrIdaye, • • . 'children ' of honest fiek. ' 'The'cone,.
And, Glenn Bates' toe, later sat in• repanY's workmen; moved about in .therear of e
- he offices, waiting too, fer, 1
/kik it was too late to wish. . -
the same chair and in the same room their,Pliv. envelopes
before DeteetiVe blcClenrine and tent-- ; ..Butcb tome running, zip:" Sizeland,
EleeelleeeedeRS -THEIFT_FAI etered,ea lettle-hoarsely,_enaeeeu
ONE TgAa's .LitiLloiit BILL ;"It should never have been. It thread
never have been. 1 wish-"
• •
' But it was too late to wiah. .
•(1.'ort 'William Timee-Journal). •
• •
:11 I • • •
. . ri..‘04r
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4311rarrixateri-drenyring -the: slradi • 'gone di
4 the-', Offitv.-Wis-d-lrelp7"-Thstch!E--into* .
the ' car afteeetheT sligeinge Trifteive
. • • Deteetive-Lieute Ben • S • ' him homes He teld' me eveiythieg...1
was . seared. flee wee inlet." • . »'' •
By careful eeencenje • extended OV....? tietettive.: Smith' and
Clarence: Stedlei lay • dead SizeihnClesiiii he went directly to
er..theee' years, the, employees of the .from tlit .gunshot • of two of the thug his mothers hoMe. • .. - • . . • • . '''
lois Saturday red Bows, one of.ehe, : "She wits washing,' ;Sieeland re -
Imperial: Gil ipomeeeer have reeeeieee fie. the Lennane &:'Melleetme..eayrol •
• ., . . •
Hoe: 'chillers, e This" is an. inieitirrent Three women
wiaoymnieinati(re. County voMoeglc. ;
; called "I was (pale and juinpe. She .
,took' one look at'me and asked what.' r'
stock' .amoetting to ,over ,fifile"mil- '
widows,t fa was. wrong, 1 told j[ler.
Nwhicie will :bring:hi A return to the flies ratheelese-e-a robbery of $15;000 A, Blow •To• His. lieothr. ' • : • - •
o, : " oa . •
..• • , . .
There 2.•..52-4. mOlioriair.14 se-a:L0344'.
today,T4bUt of .them a, tee '44
phcine ingliOnaire::- t' • „ . .•
In forty-eight yea.. s of _growth the
Bell Telephone Company has never ex- ,..
ploited the public nor has it it,self bTen
1 eploited.
•••-•.,, a • . , '
' • '
Its shareholders have never received
over eight per cent in divitlenas and its
subscribers tedayhave the lowest rates .
in the World. for comparable service:
ee, iNeo eree-7-40-er-e-- • • , •
• •
• . ;. *an Dell Company is OweseCi r.fi.$06 ; . • ,,,• • e '
ithareheiders end ito Individual: hoe asmuchas
ono quarter of otte.pec bent of the total afore&
. • •
. ,
holders of the seeurities, oind 'which aeerted. "To wish --well that 'wee riot "She • jest sat, of" etembled
. • • eneugh. ' . • into a chair,' ruidenumbled , 'My God
eery eireeese value • to a, •verw,/,
c 10 Saturday :When. a Choi-. Gede like. that. It ma* me fee
meshed, degree, ' • •• meet coupe , speeded bp Thitty-fiest. iierfel. • She cried: too,. arid' ' I cried
This distribution.' has Noe emade, street with ite thr(eeenceupants'it was • Then In.pevife,daine•evee With the kid
to: 5;100' of the estimated 7,000 '-a differeneeattitUde,..e far different =Ray, ley boy. told ber.".,.•
reeeees 9e, the eeneeeny, atiltude, Then .:SiZelind went home 1, alone
Oti:the' same Arty: that this anrsoun- • .3 Men In A Coupe " ' Two detectives :Were Waiteee :When he
.arrived. e wa 'taken to ace Head-
quarters •-wherei'the poliee•:•said,.," he
adinettee, 'drive* the ease
He had no 'weal:len-9e his person
• ."If the payroll 'lob been suCe.
. • • '
. .
.• ' .
, . • .
-• •
-e-eeeseeee- -., •
• *•'-. •
, At Hanover - Tuesday Police Me-
' gistrate. Spearman':of of Owen Bound,
s e later o McClel-
:cenient was made ie also annumi-: Ian there elflike witness rein Sunday.
Ceti that the Ontario Beebe commis- was at the 'wheel Bows was in the
sloe sold 'liquor this province middle. and a third, Whom they called
amounting •to .e value' of forty-eight eButcli," ;Vifas nexe tc) elle&
7 Withott in ally way .thiptigning recaliede."Let'S stop and get Sortie
n lien / della;e:. • 1. cews had saidea-e Sizeland le.i4ectivt gMo?Cgleldagoaskee.
Easy main', easY easY.. cesful, what:were ,kou• going. to do?"
n b to week':
the riglit of any person who so de- ,hooch;" • ' r • Monday,"." Sizeland said
sires • to purchase Jicyior legally and .
Stop they. did. They•rined "up there "Sure y /
you were -sure," *MeClellen.
• h de •• .
. : •
n a Pie on ThirtY4rst etreet, and
to ,constute it in, moderation, there, :Bows said "Whiskey straight, Hiker
(ran hardly to arise in the mind And Mike had set then upand, they
9f' one noting the figures the corn- had gulped Ahem down. AnBoivs
:Sizeland went„ in• that silent why
men have,. his shoulders shaking
, tears streaming 'down his face.
eelison between the vette 'received had *Welt a pn------------ Plain' "I wish-" A police officer took him
fee the pine dollar& One was easy /Pickin', Bows repeated as they back to his eell.
accumulated !Sy "thrift.. odrew onyer three all dak Luncorichig the hooch. They T
. . y had ano er,
years the -other was spent in one "Butch' • pocketed the betel& •
;There' niny be' 'excellent reasons .4.41t geeMed...Easeer' • • • •
to make glad the heart of men, Itlis later to encelelian thereseith the wit -
&sought' forward foe the use of .wine. "It Seemed easy;" • Size..land .said
listeners to many many drab stories
bring in. no yeturn. If 'that of etime and death. "'We 'didn't ex-
thieecessare deere ell expeediter
es, ness room *hose walls were silent
• were the case, we should eocre Wipe pect any trouble' lust walk in and
out the jos. of
and bonfires with:
seetial Occasions, a
pleasant luxury exti • And then vve were goin;to split the• they would bp back in -tub hours."
wing, the fireworks grab the dough'. That was all."
hich we celebrate "Sort .of a collection party'?" Me;
Clellan esked.
alf the rest
• "Yes that wasit," Sjz lend replied
heir ,Came Bates
•imposed films upon three who plitieded
guilty to infractions of the L C A.
Neigart, purchased'seven
hot o booze at the Walkerton
Government. Dispensary Situr-
day morning. Viler) Provincial Con-
stable McClevis checked him up, on
Monday, Neigart could not accotet.
the,dspoeition of the 'wet goods'
Unfortunately, for Leo Francis, of the
Queen's Hotel, a'bottle was eouieblir
his room. 'eigart 'Tuesday met
• $100 eases. fer having th:liqat
in an illegal place ae& F-rrintis was.
touched tot e0.9 and casts 'for haing,
possession of "refresimeftreeeithe
er than •that pub sed 'seder krboWn.
petreiti . , • ",
• The& P., Doersani of Ayton ,was in
treacle also. ,Prov. Constable 111c-
lvis and JO& Nelsime the latter of.
Wilkerten; seatehed his hotel last
Thursday. By getting out 'of the
houee, with a flask of Nicholsoe's
"on his bin" he escaped being feed
veith, a charge' or eellingeIn neete
:the -barn-one eof -the- officers -relieved
him of the gin. In Meeker thepoiked
dfacoveroed some empty. glasses they
thoeght had. been used for the put,
• . •
• Bates wee braught' into the little
room. ;He admitted the far was hie,.
He said he knew 4 -but •the holdepler
had loeried his "cer, end was to get
$35 as his -pay for loanieg it, MClel-
an said.
"I've been out Of Week several
'week," he coetinued. "The paYment
of $35 is due. Bowssaid be would pay
it for Me after, the job•was pulled.
• "e1heyewanted'ine to efewitli them
but wouldn't. They left my 'house
With the ear around 10 o'cloeic. Said
$-48000,090 eeems lee of MoneyNtier tough-anterrige US." • • •Betesehed paced •the '�m"
die eleet
• ro'rk
.-..,•' Dutch'. I
: r • . "
( ..
1 :
. • •
• • 'Mite&
t • , . .
' • berintried ' -Taranto .
. I . ' „
7. 4-ASSIT
. .• '• - • .
, .
•, • • ..Ernesteheereseetifielloustre eetarently,
' • • • aliet jitek rberi, ex. leilitet
• „. • • ..tweship 0111cle. When exemined wee
.er• • Tel' e".„ 409.114, p),...b:',45,-.er„ ln-see. Such • .1:vetoed
saohilt ate rare but .'ire foiled froni
• *• F. -thee O. times They ere -nee .Sedigeret
' l)reed .. Variety fion ordinary
jack rabbit: bot senor whet eeientiets
. • tell "epeit" or "freek" elle horns
i" • • title ertebit re.bot, Adams-.
•" • are deseiehed as •(.t lust i11Tro'n1 61
Alit! ear. 111)1.1t one irt11.:1(113,,
at' the bete and .terrciunting
lun, point.' Apart • froai the Possea-
. !ion' ntiortur the animal. vas notafai,
• 9,
one 'proviece„ 3,Q00,000 people to ' Sizelande was dressed in his work -
d eh,
same cempany a he. tried to tab. He
It Mounts to bed* $10 per head
of ' Populetini;.:.of whant_c_laree Lers -and 7'hig highetopped shoes that
spend in n. 'year' oalcoholic drinks frig clothes as a jtruck river. or e
• wore i khaki shirt and khaki, trous-
centage' is still drinking milk..On, a came to ins' kees. Ile' had-wericed
besis of five ,to a family;e means fgertre7 ele=itnkg!teri: le61213aelgrz
$80 a year wtn the liquor dispn- not gone to work Thet was Friday.
saries., • • • He had .knoivii:-Bows eight or nine-
tearslSizlridacsae6' k
and• new , he
There is no reason fee presuppos-
week ago
that every .family hats, sPenPt about weeks; he said, Then ene day hwo
e had
ing. any wide prevalence of.,drunkeri-
they first talked of "doing the
!less in: Ontario as a consequene. he said.
Even if it were ail speht on whiskey ' i IL
. . •
First Time Iln a • " 4
at art average inf $3.50 a mint it "This IS the first time I have ever
sroeld artount to less than two' quarts been in jail," Sizeland continued:
a month fee each farnil;e If half the earnestly, "and that was my, first
families were total abstainers, the seitickeiip jell" This tile pollee believe
e far ehey' have found no eidlite record
amount need, not be -regadd as Vere ee . le s.
demoralizing. It eimet• also, be borne: • 4rdid •it it) pay my debts for the
• e
in mind that a good deal of the con- Wife azid kid. (Sizeleriii as 'green
married sx. years and there Is: on
suMption will be done by visitors, riot
child, Ilaymend,.).
by resieents of .the Peovince, so thee
er tee .wifi and kid." Hebei -
the nopulatioxi basis is:noe eltegether Ian reimated 'lowly. "You guys ale
• fair ohe. - • 4 -..ways are doings this kiticl: of guff for
At the same time it, is worth vshile he wife and kid" •
' • "Yee .don't • haye. to belieee• me,'
thinking o've'r' 'tet clilYerenee between'
.• Sizeland neWeried„ tears iih114 esro
the results 'of three • years' ' ttirift on •,, :flee. else _e ..drsook4....! lend., he fel*.
the, 'nerteef e."043" iedke, 'nit& h..-.vaT2` 'Fs erosttn d_on't :the last word
eteeletef eill he lefteteliirtd liV, thee'.Wiil te-•GiA ra- iievet otte•thite ; -1
-0 __.
eceestimption in three .yeate •-of -114-mer- sweetestthe lieetiey yea
nom' during that time, he said. bre
rying 'fretting; thinking.' Ae hoer
passed.,He thought the jet) must have'
leen milled..4A, weele before he had: pose of. selling Hrer; but ...is Doer-
'Arou'ndoaned this ear :m• a Chicago stickilp.
sam had been 'wise enough to clear
• noon detectives erriyed end
arrested him. Then he took 'tip'114e- eat .0 the pliice the charge ageing
ing. the 'narrow gen they :put hen in. hint Was one of polling, 'To that he
bis Heasked for' a•ciearet de he told pleaded guilty and Odd un 'to' the
story. • • :' • ' ..
' •
"You've !been doing e lot of think- lune of 000• and costs.
ingeribout this,' r see,' lAcCiellaneaid
Closely scrutinizing ' that haggard -
face. • . , .. • •
"Yes, I have." Bates said. Be siticile;
ed. .hie eiearet greedily,. inhaling
deeply arid b)ewhig the smokeout of
his hinge 'With a loud hiss, . ' •
"4�b Gone; Needed Cash'," ' ••
' el lost my job and I needed money.
God, I wish I hacin't gotten •into this
mess. I've got "a baby boy, -born ' in
Deceinber. This is terribse. I. WW1 I
had refused: them They wanted ',t6 dal': of .Dedember A. D. 1924 atethe
take a taxicab, anyway. But I 'didn't TOwnshipeefelieloge..in the county of
I didn't; :I- . , . , Bruce; are required • to Send by • past
Tears, too; came to Eates, bitter prepaid, or deliver to. the undersigned
,tears of remorse and • fear. " . ' ; exe'cutors' under the Will �f the said
"I've never beenslieslap in any- Reuben Statiffereetheit Mimes ;Md.
• thing like this befoe, and I wouldn't- 74-ddreeses and '. Hill • prittieulars• •in
have •heett..onlir, .1 needed money,-•Writilig., of theie bleime and itate-
eiteded it." • ' . i • *liege, of their accounts and the, nate'
__eGeteigo..ehiseroe,Ihe.xvifd and kid Are' of the securities: if ..any,, held by:
1 P111100V!....j-WegiVe...A101ellati.Snid themZ.41Y Yerifieel.. by. aitidavit,
ironically: • - . • 4•••• • ' ' And- Ink& ligitee hat atthr the
Tteeitty-thied 'day e Mardi A.D;1929"
the said elieeutore will Proceed to-
-die rMeeleater....thee aseets, beetheesaid- 4e.,-.,
dee bil tweet the eiSelerie„ entitled
thith, having.regatd:rotilY to. the
eleili e elf Which the ry shell then have
had note, - and that the said exeu-'
tbi.i will not 11.0 'liable ref the etaiti"
asset§ or any part theteef to .any
liersett of WhoSe elaim their sat' not
theheed, ieceived notiee. -gter
Thie 'inatfce is gieeti purstient to the
statuie en tha behalf." . •
- Datd at 'I:melt-now, Ontario thie
tvitnenty..fith day of Febtuere A. D.
rieter Met/01161d, I. It• g Roil/food
• •
1 • . - 1Pacifie-Iitbtard ,tff Join the fleet .
Herbs t e
Lungs and Bronchial
Tubes Sean all on Fire
Fiftee Yeare age a euieetoid& Bow.
James her, "came to Peterhorouele
County. was a ma/velem skill en $10 e•ri.d costs, end all *ere oxen a
corbPouncling herbal medicine- ' • 'much needed .rebuke by the . magis-.
i ,
Ten Hanover :young' People asiem-.'
bledin business place Ax thaeiewn
one night last week, and :were itr.the"
tnids of a celebration Orgy when the.
police rdescended on the» elide:Iand „.• •
placed the occupants under :itriest.
The ladieg were „fined $5 and Aiielnen
One of his mane' PreseriPtiimaor t te
folk I:abject. to• Bronehitil or &haiku ills '• , • ••
scilidemiLeing Remedy: full of the health- NOTICE TO HEZ:VT(1'ES
• Wonderfeilly heed* te
andi,•aasty coughs' and eide-ise hie
... drawn kola brother • •
A builder of. In the Matter. Of •• the Estateee of
"nee Themes j.- Berns, late �f the Village
elf eeeee" •ef Lucknow„ in the 'Ccrunty ofeBruce • •
_Sew .c.siiinghit,
.!6"1.141fnOlor aftinablo
•en& ehaelebee. Laborer, .deceased..
Beessheid Notice is hereby'givereeethat all
persoes having any elaims oredennin-
ds against the'late 'Thoznaeei. Burns
Wheedled on or about the twenty,. .
eigth day -of'Jenuary,A. D.,1929 at
the Village of Luckno,w,in theCoun- .•
te of Bruce, ,are remitted to •send by.
post prepaid or to deliver to, the un-
'dereigned, esesetitors under Abe Will
of the said Thmeas .7.13uens; their
names and addresses adlexir partc- •
ulars in writing of theft elelins end
statements of their eeeeemtsi and' the
nature, of the securities, ARO, held
.by thm, dull* vesifiedsltrestoffidevit.
And take- Adticithae-Afteteithe-Sirce- •
teeree •day of Mardi A. D.3929 the
said executors will procei •Ist dist
'eh party travelieina special train hute. the assets of the seidcf•ceitsed
1 McKini,Luchnew-
For the sixth successive year
Dean Sinclair Laird.of Macdonald
• College, 'Ste Anne ' de Belleeue,
Quebec, 'will conduct an all .ex.:
pease toureitoreiess ec'fanada end
back, staiting frons • Toronto ea
Jul; 22, and. lasting for 21 days.
with a baggage car filled up as among the persons entitled thereto
site -foot diessing-roittn. having regard only' to the claims 'of
• • '• which they shell then hrive had' notice.
EquiPped with a. hoW.rudder, e• and that the said excuters.Will not
new device that will aid' in time- be liable for the said assets' or ,any -
.gating the hiteboues 'of Victoria part thereof to ay person of Whose •
and Vancouver and the Waterit' of
claim they shall not then have re-.
the British Coluinhia coast, the' ,ctie•e notice.
Princs." Norah bee arrived air the • Thik notice is given enreuatit
• the statute in that behaf. . •
Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, thi.
tetti day..of Febecurry A. D. 192."-•
• "Jacob Miller." Locknow "Ont. • •
.estedreW .1.rockhart" • Leknow, Ot.
• ' •
• NOTICE TO CREDITOES • "of C. Coastal services,,of the
the eighteenth ship to be built for
this work and hae 'Jest been con-
structed at the shipbuilding' earde
on the Clyde in Scotland
•• Cana an Pacific Railway.. She Is
In the • Matter of the estate cif
Reuuen Stauffer late of the' Township.
of -Kinloss in the CouM.y. of Brese,
Veneer, deceased. •
'Notice is hereby given that ell per-
sons haviiee .any claims or dementia
againat the rate- Reuben. Stauffer, Who
died en or About the Twenty-dighth
to the wililo TIt 1:144 •,,,nita.dorrats, _.,i needed the neney. And baccfcre: thinking of . them all day; all 'day-"
; dae's410' -11,09 000 • • . '' ' .11. - - • • • • •-•••• ' ' ' - : -- - "eAeptlleenieti-elettellim. eaveretnehte"
Notre joys may he inieeede possibly altrients I ,Phind. .. . • ' ' . • OIL
• seine headeelies. 'Mielit'. he avoided; • . guys did that job
I was two. • months bolded. on the el se pbe 'thee . ,
,tiin.g:Tveereneeit -:ird'ght.-loeeeetnepeo.. 'lint" ahdi.s$_;3,06.,,•beielild. ,on eaV . fa miter* . -for their .44,,44. ,od..rios,,Iv'nc,,0 .016
the: eoverterient might lose sortie poe. rtitinT.eneirelestefi, "i''''g fatiti' ' sergeant §1541td till
anti a half of it itivegted le productive menthe. 7 ,.e being
'" idn-ii,,"4.:. #tY', 116"jittPanIr rellited-tiWi• tait'"' 154160 IVe:
etiteeeriitee it uijobt be: bettee foe the', ' "I suppose, too that, trit 'vire and . • Tb' Oervesints• replied.,
• 1161 clod ;+.1.n
coUnty. It .18 a Vat hilt • ' . , .414. were rwatv.1.4 04 oirr• ,,iall.,4•14! . , ;• • .,... • ,..' ' .--. ' •. ,.. - 1/1- ,.,.._
13r II ..• ex.eiliall sug, the •still ,steeteiriedcorridor.
"Thee always do," he .said.
- ' ' •
. : 0 -0 --
There are' no ' idle' 'rich; thee :are
dodging .paunin.:tohn 4ant their. menet
4 • •
The,PAPidn. Xidere belie
fled their Day' takes:1'11e
boor .heathen'
, •
gesed. ,,„ • 0 •
itat eirectly."' Sizeinfid, ro.r.
"(ed, :if / could- oniv baek
to Pridoy 'rondo. *ore-itt Onc"
Tee bent le hie chair, twietiag
Ilia nose tierveisa grimace. 4Iitin
is frrila 01
.: • • •, MA Men Willtitis gay thoughts are
i00,100; oild mociono.ni,ilt. .11/,,i., 1 tit hltnolf. hal' yut little Uta - hi?
, A rest elose erielld-Idasa$ UP `0110.0•1 „MifilliglieW-$10-4--ertlitlertIlljealltlillir : ete-le . ' '-'";""
lil g Whil0r-T-Th ..,"."-. • - ;
. , ,. .. r: • I.-. -----.'-r.' !" ',:' ''''''''';"
• . ;
' •
}Male Shelton. It. It. anot,00d-oed
• [ '
". • .14,0!' /4'4, 2 J. ;„KtroVearitiVirwswres....s otutosirt L .0•‘•, - . -ito0.0.- 1.art ""'••• ,010,01`
• • porwr•••,:: r••• , - • r.0 4,rot 444a „344 4' goo • *0. ,
a9444. 44044▪ 46 itri", 4140.1340: '04rioi":4.4;":
„ al •
. goo:tot*
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.,,A?./t.1 "SEE "cirttstraja s OroRE UUYIN
. e. -*ere • • ' • e 4- ;0, .: %.44,04: •
71' ,r4,to r5.::0.444,0.t5.... 0, "4 41.