HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-02-28, Page 7Itittrallilaitanr•rre • ,,•maitio, IM'V-64•••Viattio41111, • !ft ;It 4 • It • • ' A • e , " , •••A' • hi acUe..4ffe, the •4414.9lill.. rVitt; 'MOW 14.44 butit.40.,ManXPlopea. around creetting 9Petiniandlltnt he. Aden: lir Jan. hla Ilk in rains &Hi t -4rP6i Of. • .•" 4.644 :lit OW a .0 '4'"Hl."40i'l m , •Achievement that Natoo A.,1) One morning r ' .4,11A .•': 44.-douo••tbity,,,61.-i-) :Fridtjof 1. jos •! am- „ag.i.g:AMTtiCa: and Of w f.°f!..1t1 ,aro .comparatively a10.!e.ne in • the; s -, For where -L41;iO4, Plans, at th... Age18 .M!•.,:; 419-'.bthe 'PlIligle.:••:O.481M`4*(4*""/4S1 08, be •• .Of Tt':thece on :hiefile:/,A.killaat het' which . the. Polar: . .- the public but.wko, as Cicero te11 us, Ateett,V, Wink ct-ottehOther in 'panning. On this,,fortunate •peculiarity of "ex ploration,;•,'the eane, of, its 40,1iiiimennentC. IV hued., (oO, that SO?. Mrs. nsetlf elpg ;Preselited. to audi-,I0E-00,140.010;-'10c Miiu&W Wt4ke, ••Onces -Eviler* 40 others,Wetl hnewil tbe "We lnto his ••°P.igi44c'" • abaat. .•traveleria present)'sthe' -"greateat!I°*"0110.3Y 140010 the 1144104 feats' itosk •exoloseti,t, j3ue 'lealona'.about the erOtain.explorer ia• ''.pr'etterit and when • Olen et --infertnafien; • and '11* 9I'13".64i4C1' tor both o the con tidginent-:In theMatter ere.,:gathered 741itlers,,Irtgplr and Nansen, have slnce • teketliori'• 0.0,-,na•p10.-:,-43 always tbii ;risen to .1.1440$41141e2 ih6A,,nland leaders; In tbeir -,eraft•ex•- p1O4re fl well Wellas by , the, b•nylic..Thei0 : citizentor the-:*ertd., bum Norwai, • rePutatione '-.11011c safely -on the 'Oct . Who ,has just landed New 'York. fort 'big, et really .great and fundamentally 0 tear'•threiigli the .TInitedt Stateti. • Viihjahmur Steranfwell;`NOteir Arc- tic ,Botelithit and Anther: „ , Several tra including ' .myself, ethics makes the .un-: 7.: 3 .0.re--are-,:eerveral-7expicirers-1.,. Who are greit In their Own abide it iron concede greatness at all to a craft ,.qt,:this nature. But Naiisen,..sti fir as • .,we can ,jtidge,would have been- • a great. or at least a itlietingiliehed. and • t'eUtetanding 'Mae had he followed al-, : 1 •,::. 0,, .., het • . The. New .•,Pf. r•a.:4. '.1.9rt, .:.;#9'..0:..,4 ' • ..'D*til*l7P9.47o loodto Boys 44tiia0.nod pe4Ple of,a.„ e :Ws NA,. .F:,,*x Road. • .; ., Muaicipal publie marhet. has recently• „ lAjtOTI,, ' • . .'.- ', "; i'b§en,..:complategi ..an'a' put 140 .0.01i4.0, . .. ' • Von. in '1"renkfork•oli4Iain.,•,.:04.rinann' • • 40-401#1.7'• • h,,,a4lea':: :,," •••••'. ,;• - - ' a eity.with 4 Pollalation Of .0044 ,Ilo 41.1.-0.4001:-14' t'h ; °a:4k •ru'°4°,:,,,4111,rsr„,Y'.• 000. • ia,•..ttiffi'-..'!Gioo Market t1611ein' told the. Seer .t417-,et.':th-44' 4 '4."'''•copvenien.tly aceessible from all parts •,-Bort2pag,,thu4s.:N.i'...Wgri;,.,i,cy,04.U.,4,4- iale,e...,•...7..0.04f4yth.: be •e.},,,it‘t•,,•atitepx44144.11t100.:4..:arie of his .• . " ' . - " °.". la' mo 's dation kt ; - '', , . - '.-- ,• .......,-; be there?"Mr. 'Belde1111.1fill. Uevrepurit'44.0imeq;,':a.d.: rirno4rtioi,feehdoi;lr.iarielodwi, .,.?t,v1„;,f!, .:.4ip,111:4114,44.-.,• ,. juir:ve.t:els.11a.ia, ..k.41,77idie:sv'a,401.ne,octlitid01011: fresh o'aaa:', ,...., nnininti011 1.4 4rY# • `1101v many.*M aietS, .11FiA : ,eggi r ' AO 'Meat Thie 'ap-', • 41),Ies„,-..milk Prod- ... many as you , *el, 74133? 'tk:•,, '.dozen .19* '00Maiities',..0' Oern-i•Ibi" but "iinporMd,' gikeip..t.hAusepre "wry ;said. •"Dight tilM7 i'opiehoyelid Its •borders. , .. • '. • ,,.tlireila'ta$.siper ntot 2airi;:,...,01,404dipx.:4.,..;tispee104;.ge.hli:,4i'`iiii.:Tia,1),411ibiallc4g.'rs,?:ttic4tti.:..eGOrgioapti§,exs-a.rticWeZ,.. I• .:Sin3,.-.;..gotgto ,rii:da,;91.7; -.,!,,,e ..talli.rpa:Iicbon1;cson,erte,anid•1.gelf.IIfe0iteado,thaii.r940i..ric4e,.tQwliig.aetel;0:tewota 4n.43eningi.NTI ....; . t4ey.:•a.,bove,the-•sireet ',level, for . ahotrit. ISO' den . read - ' .'m7.041-'•eterY: ..9alk0... Yetittik!. to about at, boys. ' f.a.44'. ',10. • .treoe, tthltIl'etgtqftlyee'r'ellintir-ae:i.l.itirlian ' e§4titx I tii 0.iiii e"' i A ii 1 ,41'elaplai'diutlid .8W1h; ).111011.'1iaart ,i1144...17'.‘ 4iii;1111#11'e'lit,Q;t,e'roiniete90::•thiArthutg:.1,1tnd:*et;Y:tflsit..t'o4In.8 bot • ..; -reeding! aloudt; :tile :WO hilnitielfi. and, sides of tite.'is.i.ge.---hitiffii One 'et ...the ....;: : ,intervale. .' Ha's:ate'', isPitre •man.' or' illtrailen eed the _Other to Storage • . .4r4eging Eiji' there. to do ',poi -tee at- two aid pertiens• 'is dailited te"'ailitiln- • : faellities,1 .'.-...!•-• •'•• . ' • • 11 . • ' • -Domestic 'food 'applies. are ' unload.; • :.ed directly from • .care'•• on the •-••spuf traeloi :paralleling the :entire length*" -pr-eebse-..spedel" hisiloon(is•Sntialk and astweiltos .difilmilt thinge,::.,••••• _ dlisitY, • with ,a . long;••• bleak. tible". set zit is the •moOd„ et :Children to kick at '1',1,-,ini.ati-v ...-1: it • s'.•;').riti? ,•,. r 1,..1 arid obitructionii. -Then*ali and petulant .forces 'tO ' their will... T,hey ere -driven try to cendner nature and to bend her 4r, .:04fi'• :the vauIting• in• the Id* cell:big tebiek ed eitiu tho, t reuoise htue that aittel-' of the building, and the 'deliveries are ----. thwarted struggles .agetnet 'the linfitos-: to Magic . ' aadmake-belieVe . end :to ..., ,• ,,,..-.,, Put .:RgiPtian • ' rincesSPO loved. • 'TWO' made. On th.e OPPOsite side; thus effect-•:. doers:. Of the °OM . .stood open; . be: • Ing the ,moyeMent. of niater*1 in one. slide. On the part of Sii011,.ehildren kit• •( • tween theee:M ,..B41-den.Welk it,. hick direetion only, ••.. Ira:Potted, ford "en • ‘.. • , . • Thga,woopt.-kNos,. kEE., ..la ANO HEALTH and . . :, ----, . end .forth, • .b k ,and forth, ;leaning .0.6-Cetiph--as fresh. tropical '.fruitind ' oriths-tirthe'11/fiktikeTVIrteit1C167ih--.1,110 01144 with every nerve atingle-Eto" .. .•ahgea:,filbas:ta-rt.htiire'nt. 1'-'-ht6e1T-forae'-",17.4)PrPOO, ine-giAltebliet..akrteg-tehfaablit"porsth, 'waaiirthni4olisatr a•Wrattl: g 8417a! ' _. eir ',four -legged • ceniiianions Welting time. • • .•• • tt. U*Or again. . .',1•''''' , ' : '. '''• " ,2.1 frigereting :facilities 'and, from 'Which • • • , -77 , . . .!`i, Welt COnrAdrs etory;.".• Mr Belden ;these supplies are 'delivered to.' the .! ...._ " beinCttrtrardAhilikqt_the....:Atleatic;4iisLlaarels„..,---Atier-ttecoraing-tteremost• World .° coeunercial .centres.' 'S'anta ..-4.--k.„,-,,,,,..". ' • ' . • . ' i . . • . • . .. -.. ,,- • . • e‘r.,.ege_s,-w-ereietween....buildin"gs. •.' .--7 , - • • , • . York .-and.Feiting,..LOndan: end Taltici.',, nautical development ita•a •thorough- • : , : • - .. . said; "because my 'Own lour Children1Great.Market,Hall obi: the use of over ' , 4 r. . -Neilsen does not 'retire nor rest on fare ..b., e,.t.w.,ee.n Old World " ..e,d 1:1e7rtustatittlicicentinihal) . . . Rae Vidolintock andperhaps as 0141,1r-- , hearing' ff read wpm" 'head bridges cannecting '. the . two • iirt#6.-liande• .... ,,, ... , ,, 1-:.••:....'. . ; 1:b.torrraY ;and 4.31,4nd.. . ,• . . ,. .• gmang'explorers, he' to,els_ part:,ia,wia.. cistw -being ,.tae erystotzat404:. of an• 9'414 ' and 1. seventeen; .. I•Tire• ilevil. ed ----,00.1, •--Thtt,•.mainZfta'or!Saaee:;Ptthe Great - . •• „ • Still- n . e*,,' even 'or. these great ones .• • liEr-4.1111t the l'Orii11 and: but her in nieg ..,*for "XotWay. ,..1eP4lidencei;idealistO dreamr•could ee,eaSi,IY visit. r• til.g0 , pt , the :keys et :the ,Foundation i Market Hill . is !Minded into three ••'•• had, done • more than to.. stop fighting '91e.: lee. In 1893. • She -ernerged M:1896 fitim.: Sweden:. • and later repreeented • .:etir ' kiddies. from the . mobil: tta trent + 7 '_%. I_ , , ,,.,, ..... :i. " gtiSilt. vary. It was a long story to Parts' by two runways for the aceoni4 , naterat•Obsticlee,'in ,ailapt ,themselves With. ceniplete, vindicatro;i. of. a theorY. Norway° .as.. Miiiiter:. to London. 'He '.tipland,rOr' Alaska. . , Ary • thin oni,lmta geed One:. itr'shotrs J.nrodetion• of. eleetrie truEki, autiel. and, '; ' to conditiens',as, they 'found them 'and and!of • a method. that; 'were, not ofil'Y carried On _his' • oceanograPhie' Work • .;;:lhe tratlortaliPe Of.theiComing Nan- .. that_ there, are .belinties lii• literature 'tither ! vehicles- whiCh. have ••oncasion;.‘ to ,rge ahead with their' work • ' the .depittostrabiy.7new.:frota* the historical •While.. ie,:. Was. a .politician . and diP10'.!:§on: flights ii .eSeentiiiilY one of 'pull- ' , that the printed ward. - bei woOldite .enter•the';builithig..,*.The •large'cen,. .Ipiais; Neilsen Was the first :to, torten, .2-04"ht ' °t view but • Were... so, tieW from nal: • . He carried: iton, .t60,..vihile as a . „ , 'jetty, •or as .we now euphemistically not read .it an, thereafter, find :read -'i Oil' space is. reserved • and stibtliVided lite and carry out a Plan ,by. whiCh the Itiaselentifie or legiCel pOint of...view. Stateinian repredentingthet4agno, of say," public' relatiens. He' should,, i • . not Unattractive.... • ..•;:ft . ; . .. rl ; • . WO, stalls,-,for.whieh the: market men • 80,;aasIst„laist,Q0,,,,0„,otal.41,6tieree en : , - 14411Ost t;ef,the•-•.Itigbast-ixotheribleaTstthiticese,ko.iidgotkaietees6,44 : . • „ . . cadtare,fartipleYthe :best ,:at 'Public' .....,....._ . . i---Quimecimently-liialitletv:exikeroged.liddka-id-qtay-Itt.-44, he;.ate-atly.. made tt.,,, ,c„ai,opaate, in .a. 'lathe. 'isr61114 harl: ;Loaned,' theill qiitVcerYA..,re,110:421 4:1Mia.. . .. ‘ . .. :, .. . .......1•110410,0A+Zeptinseyl,bele.-.-wast e a • ' ' - .. • • - - • '. • - • • •• ' - : -- - - --.7,-------.?: !' b . . Ter. ,oilierS to • Case' turns at. thP• gad :,The! space' along, cepa'. side of „Oa . • • planter •Its 110,i1•41 elibjugation. ' ',' • . .0ing..., tram.. inuiracticat :through.; risi.. • ; He is..carrying.on-Oeeinography still' liberal appropriation .' -for:- !Ili .".ediiCa- Lege. Professor Resallt the Eniers44 btillding :ie. regarded as try;r47; : faf- ' . titan BearrY:.hati• been outright :40- 6narY'al.td. Silleidatteixty-seVen. is ihent :to, re-enter • tienal" campaign and the • • publiciats . leo. . bz,,,ciratorir;mr,,..and iii.,,,Iedia, :,0- ra-6.0100..aitse.. 0, the , ,vven backing . ... • • .\ €o1 lee the circamstances that., the ,.-'Nalleen ' is 4 mitn• Of reneded, char- pelar ..oxpieratien,,,thetigh 'pa. 4.i basis. Must study every angle especially, .I„ Cronin; the library's.dwastory tellers, 'ai'd .display possibilities ' .a.nr- yieldi • ', • ..polar s•oa f,„ T6't -.)„...,r,d, with.ione.,,ast acter and belancetVgeniuir... Itis drift,- entirely different. from hfil... Pioneer :4uggest, :the personnel, of. the elcptidt1 ,a_:,. ; nu inhere.' ''' , Mr, * Belden-'2sp • ' • . i•far-•,:thie reestinlabigherrefitai..' Each . exPanie 'Or :ice Whieh you :can. treat as accordingly, was .•o0,. lora trftimph Or„, Work of , thirty...five 'Years ,ago. -He ii i: Op... -Girl SCOW, or debutantes should proress,or, .cepelaud;.. ..:1- , no :• iineils',1,fitall,,leesee.*.ie„prOVided 'with., storage 1,re ,O. c „an , U !, W. ..,p114 , 'f jrIt • ..A, •• , In' r .(1.'•:b ,t• • far • • Id . 0110-. theory : but carried , with'. it the i. doing now, nothing;That ie reviylution- ti..cce,innany -the • flight,. if .the 're a ;. __,_• gathering' f th ! largest' body' i ' • • er •- but initeed eterything, that autli- ! tereet•af,the plib..e is tw'heililisted AU' • .. ' 6.,1 ._: "uoilev" its the ideal of all readers .' and refrigerating :Service in • the.4-ast tude,i:oteakeS• of lee whtch Offera Cen- . .° ' "'" • ' :° • a•e4''' 3'! • . '6.tant alternation between''..tiolid and Curate': lied' tinportot.'hnoWledge. that '; orities: agreen.ia:teesible.-and.• conipara4 i'.. the Venture ' - '';'. - • . • • ' At li . ' 1 t' - ic,.: . ,-;,. lay in -reading' 'Mend. that '•vra :mere of the Pelmet, type supply the delft,. , : Mr.,:lielden; asked . what lie .b;litied, basement ; Electric;wareheasa• treat*. iicitiid,',Aanit.. which' are. moreover, /it hie, eier. been ;brought together • by a! tiVely easy-, but Itch...ln promise of. re- i . tie vferiy. eas .we =1st ......,now „that- - 1-.T provocative to -hois'attd."girls.!said: . erY service ....betven, • the : literago, •ponetent ifiitt..: onstant 'only :in that. ?Ingle. Arctic!. exp.ellitiOn.• : • . • : - 1 sults. . There is. a broad scientillo.fonn.. severe o he niembers have gray- , .;,... . • '''.- w ell, • iii my 'house • the' c : ildran•I fimpartniente in thbesement widths. «. , the conclusiotin w.Eire Jai idation for his plan to engage the Ger- haired.. mothere who erefond et thee,' ksay And . tip*. Mother, wfir YO read' illdividueVetell's on the -!iiiarket floor. . . . • 'they' are mitering but ' 't in th •di a ' ' tion of their motion. 'Nausea' was the' 'hew ' novel • Man: airship: Graf Zeppella : and •• to 1 Pata-should . be taken, dogs .and,:, pig,1 i•:•us i -tie t: - ft • ' /' ' ' • • ' ' ' •• .' " ' •••• ' ' ' 'first to make 'planned Use of Miff "dit!..8010 make with ..it several crossings of (he . eons, Some ..of • the, crew ,4hetild • be.H. • ' •• eases. ' :Before that thole, even :"'Wind in the Wilkivis"%or 'ket•liall is the t*O., OPeabalennies.-ex- ftototy.e.• . „:„•••• .. . • .2 J. . • • ; scientists had Comnionly believed that,: Arctic during the letter part .of • next hanfierai, and ,others pleasantly hozne. 1 'lel does, _:: 1 " qtueltlebeiry. plan; 7 "ilian. it. • is • ...tending entirely .• ficrosi the ' building . " :. There are.'preddc'esSerit to every In- 0° AretiP -wee Particularly :.:etenny..1 winter, • • , . ..---;•.---.-* .2, „ • ' ' a I.'. .:. ly, with warts ';:en• their noses. ' Thera:. veliter,•there aro ..steps in. every 'die: Nanoon•'aeCumuleted' a *mass. .cif data Whatever the aetentille 'reining; Ibt -iiilglit. be a chaplaineo broadminded :. 1 bedtime and Jihe. &tie: We will go on and Used as luncheon , restaurants. • '.' '' with .this, another tiniK • I am :Certain,. Here ", the Stall: owner' Or any .of his • ,. '6,-Otity•ri;tian4iii-iiiiek-giroge-.1-ohork-,aa4rati-..-;,iblebTo.nabiad-hfin--tOL-slinw.-.LtbiWiti.,:nnA0-: 101101rinia,titite to be, i!that ' we could.. be informed that ..!k ::. that-, c!iiiti.rew.--Aftil!‘. gur "eitlf. -for is auotei-Of-uVlbrtit-rd-ti 0-.- wiir .---.-..--- '- sews; .. The ITegetthof,': tinder ;the -Aus- are, ot, equal. size..01 . the world are no one now eipeete, them to he rey*plu- Secretly enjciyed the ',terrific oaths': Of I: • trians,• • had drifted, with. • the .ice. in §:tor* so • few and. mild!.6n the aver-•• tipnary; but. merely hotontinuation ot. •Some sea -dog who. might ' be-tit:ken; I someone • to to on with. it tiit4riother ,titalt.'' ' ' I ' . ":- ., .- ' 1"--'• . . . . , Lo ra„ time it .least 'with comparative , ... , . • . 1 time, ! -bet that they will go on ith it .. .At one- end • of the market halt is a • : .116w noVel. this View Was when he' logical development . But it. not re- along with the flyers to do the sWear- velutionary • in '.:seience,-•,these flights.. ing. .• •Foc.:• ph eipeditions• the publial.., , •.,„ .. tor themselves. takes very.ifttleot seven- 'Storey; •building *Which prerides • .187244, showing thet..it_cpuld he. fine 2#ge• • • ,•' & ' • : ••1 '. . ,to establish' a read: ,Oilices for the market,adminbitration, . safety ..end ,tfonitert The- Yeannetteo ; will, be revolutionary in the. •Propillari- would really' „notice, Queen ,blarie of '*"a"' '''-'"!: set it forth in 1897. you can .6onitifice: financed • by Bennett, Or !I'm New yotireelf if. you, look •Ottir the. various i.nation,, of that real, knowledge ortife.i.-Rumania ' :should be induced •. to go _: Ing habit . that has,:nothing to lo, with .,citY Officials •and . business : Arnie .. popular books bout the! Arctic' For',:•Arctic ••which Nansen• has done more Along, . .,' • • ' • . • , ; ' ' 1 t cempideibil: and everything to, o with---Th-ern-hr ;also :. found here. a . bank; --si'-- ' York Herald;" had drifted northwest- , the pure. joy of. investigating good ward through what was really water,' than. any one else •to, develop,. but If Some . such program is followed; . flight of i930 iviu. be like- ee a'n' restaurant, "municipal .oflices. ' rest. it .ie doubthilt that You Will. find More . • than One; Or tivo of them, even thirtyt'which• he has been rooms ' for: employes, club •qUarters.for land, and her commander, the •Allieri- :tay the old -belief in the Prevalence ot..'•age°Pt':' . • -•-• -'''. - powerless, as air (he Neilsen. . ill. We' Ha: ‘4 the employes of the Market'and their. famIlies..• ::' ' ' .. • . although it had been supposed to be ly to succeed* in.•calling to the atten, years later. that do not express or hi- . : • • i.otherahave been, to get thi.). pahlic. to - tion of the :Public'. "tome' of: the oat can ' naval • lieutenant. Delamg, .: had standing conclusions of • his 'drift • vey-, ...• • .. ... • •_ ., • .....,••.._ _..._......... . . . • *Wen. formulated some plena that•Could ,'Sert!s'ConcIuition, Itself based upon. Suf., . WhatVe. At the other.. end of the hall is thee.' .. „violent Storms,. ignoritig not only Mani . •Perhaps because the ,Arctic is the, be based On that kind :of -drift; •,.. ' b:Ome of Santa Mile, we seem nation., age in 1.893-'96. the gacts he gether- ed then and the princ ples. he catab-' . .4,,,' • cold'*.tstorage, warehouse, provided with • , Relent' eviderkl,. but all . the 'miss' et .aiiy and .internationtilly unviilltng:that , ap, . IL the most !modern tyPe, of refrigerating. . Perhaps .. had ..Debong lived , -he •MIght have been the originator pf. the corroboratira testimony -that has been a. • . machinery. ,. , :. • . • published Once then including, for '' . • ,, ' rounded -out Nausea plin of building a, ' most any other,..pringenial:: ecenpation"._ • . reel growth there had ;been, .ba; SNOilyeA 'And. "Many ; •occupeilona are ; cont, *„-genlal (0 iilm, for he is a limn ,0! :pre NtinseiVii time*suni-yrhigh*PretP ' The 'jolly:Week-end tY1P-in-The'd . • Varied tastes and .'numerotie,taiente• • sions,..of lofty. !nit ineffactual"pUrpose tba, eir:s. exhilaration. , Neither ;arta. th fle,'did , not win the. Nebel • about "conquering the•Aretle".,. There ; • • Prize, t� • • ftistance through • any achievenient :0Vgehatae....%thy4.,tir' on:_ite'dY:,:•tly.rifiattyd AAiraactkicashasla Wria„,•frOm , the 'Ode (it .• •,:the line . of $eipioretlen or through Bering "Strait' and eastern 51 . • li*rethA*here•*eryie4rielia-d•ta4actiaalF othere.aaYolt.earkeeant. on •the-:414.9is-' _2. helped: him materially. ;the huntaniterian • task .nt ,Marshaling . :lite relief •foroini Of the world against that. Russian :famine Whieh has .:bee4 • :•-made,• ()gr.: eye0...eVen Mare terrible -•• 'than it was brthe '.Profiagandisto who „were"trYing to blame it iseliisiVely-pn p016.hevisin, Lt was -terrible elleekh. In reaiity,..even :ff.' you 'belietred".11-, to ho wholly •bir ..ablefiy• , reatilt el.' de: ' *cleat 'rainfall and Of other natural , and, at present inicentrollable,condl . • . . . !Newt); 'started in life•• as a bielo-„ *hit. Ho ,had won. rectigeition in tjils field', and: was 'curator Bergen Natural .History ' Muse* When :Only , twenty-one • years • -His in7„; ; fewest inharnan ,on the :sea .was liatural• for he was a. VeiCend'apt of ::thiose lade of the: northern .oceges,.the-: Vikings, who, had "dominated ktirepe *. through • 'their •ehirocraft... a • thOusand • years 'before. . • . -' His intereit th•the animal of the acia Was ,efivally' .natural, for the --Wealth of -Norway -today -and are te: great extent on 084014 • TO Plants of te eel intera"; him 190, for ft • On the.na that:the animate' live . *hick give: occupationand „Wealth to •:the•peopte. • ' .The temperatures. and Mirrents and , Other Physical conditions Of theownter interest him ite well,. for ,upon these in the last' analysti• the plante depend. : . .4 • • Bergen has.. beenn „seaport .Of snienCe from the beginning01 *tory.' Everything conspired to ititereSt Nan - eon In ocean when once he hadan- 'tared the .biological field and had eet,„ • tied • on' Bergen .as, the. Place 01 his. It was interest in the sea and Imo*. ledge of ft that led Nansen to contd. • o• ' ny realities • shall prevail : our fished. would- begin eft r thirty years- hOughts of the par North. PerSon, to ,fill the press dispatch's if those Ily fond of Santa Claus, I. would be method's Were tollowed, and Might. he,..1fit to desire that any one Eihould even ,s'u•cceed-in getting a footing as . „ Points to Be Considered. in Selecting Your Motor- , Boat Ship bat was peculiarly:adapted to re i• instance, ,the report's Of :my twit ex:. a Edging Ice Preetures,. etOelrin.g her pedition6 have covered an AK- bt te it andicap that benevolent saint ma- irith wholesbme. food, Planning tit live_ g ga .0!, Mgr within the Arctic...Circle. • . Wittily. It seems to Mel wave found th a eleven, years ; : bide eventually a new Idea % te the lip aboard or near her an active open-air through year atter year coullting The time ii "fit coming When the I , 4 Way around the apparent:dilemma. thought ot the 'viol% . To develop a hive proposed . it, before.:but • want on!fresh meat secured by hunting to World is to make practical us of tills really new idea is greatness, or the • . to propose it afresh • , ill connection meintabi the health of the crew and Nausea finding. The rarity and aver- with the visit 'of the greatest of ex - foundation of greatnesi. ' inel-in th . Men Who. can succeed fit routine ; thus, as a 'welt inanned scientific 111- age mildriese of ator e plorers to the westere side of the' At - Arend Work are numerous. There are Sever- oratory, drifting across the, Arctic is one et the cornerstonea in the pro- lantie. basin by Setting the vesfil teat in the grain .fOr use et' the Arctic as an , • . al, no .doubt, Who could' have handled , y not. ransfer the residence of. ice on the side. from which the drift aerial highway..te fly by the shortest • - • 0.- e.t to Mobil, and: most of • • . • . appeared to 'come, and eisnecting her, routes between suck Peptileas centres cier folklore- interest cif the-Aretia to When. enough. years • hattpaileed,' to .4. the. ,north . temperate zone as lle on the moon .along With:Mint? 1Then. We emerge at the opposite ' side ,. k . . oppopike side of the Arctic from each WOuld be free to proinote the Aretie Monsen studied all the 'facts, and other, ath, . for instance,' Chicago and 1 by trullr: modern methods 'and. to le concluded . that , he drift across. the `Seelthohn, Seattle and 'Berlin, NevV, gin using it in line with current dere,- .......,.........a..................„,,,,................„„ e , Russian. famine ,as well as, sNan- en, • though he ' did, handle It welt` . -enough" to deserve the :Nobel -Prize ••'"illirt 'there. Were few in Eptrope or any - .•Where, pebbably _,none, Who' had at • once the information Upon Which Nan- ' Pen based law. ; Mal* to synthesize that informatien rind bring out an idea fiord- It. Sinnehow the publit. is AishallY nu- ibl'e to Perceive great ticss,,in iolorer or,infogine t'itatness Min un- less he has 'really ar .suppoeedly. per:: • .formod some deed of physieat prowess, • : Nati began irin ca,reer fill that • . • :sort provess, which Indy kayo 1/A00 riceident or diplomacy. No on6: •• .• propsed greeffland. Oidinarily_human •- Yeasonitig Imes', no • fart her "huh to US. same that what has not yet been done - 'either or at. the Mist. very •diflimilt.. • • About Greenland,• indeed, many Cad' said specifically that it could not be eressed.. .Peary hadrelimbed the west - 'ern ,slopes; and it is easy tosee now .frein PnalysiS. of testinionY that tio foreihadoived the Creasing.: More- • <over, Ire Understood'. Oat It 'could be • done and wanted to ilto it. •• No' pile f'dottbts tollay that be cotild have done it. There is'even Some reason to 'be- . Vero that Pea.ry Would have done it. ;More' easily than Nallselle'fOr Certainly , ••••• "61-68r- "refiffiti4Or - -„Orionliation-end-44r-tho,tie:ialepinent sof--now- 'goed- iitelltodof;•stioW•iititt •,• ice travel which'. Nansen :hardly &II-. proaeheit Indeed, ithe •te,ehhigUe of •eom Weather 'grilig ,and the weaved ' ,Ot• Sledge travel wort diva:Ye Nairseirs .• _44 • The thot wo,s, riowever,,that Neilsen ,: • •-startled.he world by crossing Green- ' land. Itte•rebY ineidentally, certainty , Withent it, Probably': .rOallthig it, he broke,' .or •'Would have .broken had' it beet break- .• Slatnese Paddrers, atzls...the_tieart_Of the otheroe_at or- STOF-14 Tlife-iielIelit ci-i's*Wier'of7a . low down as our common school text- books. Nansen's niiglait begin to move the world: number of qualitlea• should be 1 • considered When buying /Inter boat t flatly case, now that he is ;among fie.' ' ' Henry,, fio boat selected will probably not come eideil to find out and understand *hat isalle. a F and Sttisaie. ' ' The lay Foster In the March ' Bid. Whether or net the public de. says Nansen has done, let'S treat him well up ' to. 'the ,Ideal standards . you hav.e......ciothed..in cosmopolitan dreas,•and'om- • 'Fot,..the Nobel Prize -and ..tbe oie.eld been/ thinking 'about but bear in mind, :medals _of sppres , of. learned societies ' Writei Ibis. boat editor, that 7ino one :bodied in one or other of ale catho0- ..we' tiro used to :worshiping great nen alt , ablr et,t•Ilsrh.iktiiliticitso. Perform the: duties t..)t , forms of art. It COresees the spirit, . certify 'wet he ii -a greet man: • Ilind. ' °vet it. we, do not understa,hd them--- 1 , Of Tie! native lend, but only in,a subtle men like :Einsteitt,.• for 'listen e It. kind 8f Use .meinly,', he writes, ."yeu "When you want a heat'. fe., one.: native languag-e Which must be trans,. does as lots of good; the th has lated for thebeneilt of peqpde, ivhose a tonic, effect. - get' a boat *hid': simply' knit suited, adniiralily for every ether use. A habits and tougad, are 'different.. • And t.olitii.,..nliiitirt.. floilig boa_ovith ttohi sp,iritj . of Ireland has found in Vil- • Stanford a . voice' a i 51 v,e mit and otherwise equip; 0.1.11e,rs. r ‘: .-ir 1e • nii::.. • +II- tionfie-..-.... strong enough. , its birthpiace. jtAt Bile nu it a; Irish FolicalVhisic It: is„a limitation of fOlk-masid that In its rudimentary terms appeal OillY to the PeOple. of its! own land. It its Charm'. is to, be understoOd by wenple of a different race it must be --.•••••••••••tl, . s•••-•,: 45.) 4,4 I - - Stiiiietlitit' gilt Siamese Sarnijanii or ti Vitar rLqn •. • SIAMESE OtAllit REtt/itt LENS'I'H. pott-rtit .m.,Ads. do. wArt eAgots .. . -,-., ,:, . . , . • .._ hp ' plettiresdiie tradititnittl •Iiarb, •paddling tha Walla's iattgera eran of itS kind at tha tvat(Ir nititli!tiii at Iliiiidaputt, 'tear fiaitkok., tte . ietitied-filfhtior-tite-teitiPle.' • ' • • ... :, -,-., ' • ' •'' • '''-g,--, ' 4 ,---- • A--: «. , • , , , . ,. . . • . • ii„)17,1ehi4511.1;a7ioug'gal:In;18:1171a;b6eilumt.1.1170rissit9ia6i 'iftv°1111aT.v'e;esittliliak‘nevSkciy"hea; TormeCteotrillRa•nitYs: "'" ":'' - trarl'ocoo.. • . .. ' , . ' 1 a; ?Atli for. Prance, Crieg ler Nor- • 'Tiler? :Ire evrtiOn rtualitio, lige'W'and DroraliAtir Bohemia; he has o . . - - s.....,..w.r.i1.111(s.f4S ill elioppy water1.,p , eori don -e fot4lrelanil ; and tO ,snring of ....._ ii• renzph y.:Itzler., spveti 15. sliiecy.t),iv.,1,.:...iLly N..;,litti 11;7 ha., 1.6 .1i, a will flow . , .; tt..r, conirott (1,t4111(11 -r in, r.dimi'd. r l'••••r,' fo'r. cino 1. nit-. I do n, t 1.t.eilt11te to . • 1 f.n,11....r.v,..-y<1441.14...m.nh,r? 1,.111, VI; ti ( , 'pill,. ;;;ITCLIf • . thr ,ismoin.t. ,g.liayeoirsv, of ('t : •::,.cic"1,11t;'1.;,C:.N.,V11:1(1:1•1 ;1160(i.:341141 till(ltiflt riti1 114111111 :111;1::111,11.1:rt. 1: 15, .1flit141":1111111;:t.lielitiS Jilikrig:. . 1 :1lic.-.0 are Soughl by 1 he, de•••-:•ign's-r hi t 1,,,,. i a ot„..1:.• of •„:„•,,..,o/&„..;000s, fou..nd in, dio • Unusual degree. he . sacrifices other Goma', (1.1•Apis, • hut w mita , its 001 . things for it. We Must tercegni20 'limits ' it is the perfection. of lyriCal drawliacks as well as their Strong i hhoself.,wIth:1, itilinaittt'.s:peciali?,ed motlets -have their MuSic. WhOi a •in'an eau trani:enate • 'If you want .tt o that nearly ,everytIling h writes • • as Statiforclhas.Oonot .bcoentaisui;ps tFitospties r,e.la'Y*?•pd4;.• N;ie:ollti; ocietii;;I:eistilotsIt tiPtiiegh 11.13‘ ..delioate, sad yet smiling, his imisin • • takes on fts, peculiar tone, austere yet . e •,_ „as 1,11:ueb abuse as a pmamau aid mate i can hardly . fait of ,digthictIon, • And • pific rew•boat about a .c•ornmercial, an- ;:aatne 'tiolei cel.iaraPietisticl. o MIMI Mimic'. Choi -age It won't stand itAnd . ' found in Stinfori,l'aforigittal That's no 4afirt of the maker, eiti-,i0--r•-• I work, 'He has. a certain hemely touch If you reallY *anti' boat ;totich rode , when handlit'ig a big pubject which it no and it., eneoy. tratioertehie, you. pita of the most genuine charaefellS- i,ostiftivt 1.3tlittarir(74.04..0 iii4rawfacitgaiittied okriettp...,ttoieshotobtoisud•wool:.... the ,statesman who in„,goodahape-for,tho•-nomt•-triPt 0-'.. - - - 'V ' veto ftir'r Thla 44firif* 0-.., '. '. • ' ''• tr has risen troin,-...scroo ,itittuble estate --; inene4 itit-s•seiiine ilitie , %.7,t11';1; Otin.:tjtst.hrsee.at.w.tOcwthibitt.:e.n.Iz.xIott ici64:„ir- ,,_. ateurfivttilile4;huoie joys „et his, childhood: ' arie-nof say that hie -nisn'a -watt, stop i alitiAkiela,SeaVtorthirresti . r---ittp;:wet„ .ft fs..e.set-Aimoi•-elue# ti , . .i3wpireiee.rde?.? artitalt.w"hipersop, aettli . ittv,lif:tat 4koitiltlitio:Ott.......046•tym,zunotiikhirtriatoir Olielitt .4tortituo, hand 1a0- .,......., :rekilt4ib'er that:, '4;40 - 4.-'''eettiliarad:tc'VaNS414- •eottp Writ ; 4I10- iittieh•ed • be -, --- 'terrS'•---ffa'*''lilliail. comfort?• it" F. side . its tradle?-Proth, "MaSteratag• : daialins the' dertiterta at a SO.fOat itii, . bi.olliivi.t. ftwitgz, :. " ortibier le a 46,toot rowboat.7. 't • •LOT% la an art thei intuit be •learn - 6d. One learned, his a, •Very _pleas- ant thing, though thereare daagere •-•. •-•••••-6',„ ---litirweett-Eddy. • • ADP r • • . . thinkloted enloy knecking'r.ther Men atFmn the time work • " . " • t- •-• A