HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-02-28, Page 5, , „ , , , , .,„ „ „ , • ,„„ „ , „, , „, , • z• ,t, V t. ,to t. `, tt" V.,.. • • '. .".
in,...,,,,r „,,,L g."11:,,"" " . ' , " . " . `• ' "Nr : ' ,.,,AFf - ,... V., ifil"K, +4, .;,;• i" f . i '. 0: • :0.,., '', "se - • r • "- • • ••, ,,r, .,„ .. ;Ai i. .x.„.. ,..1 , 1, -,.....
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• The Cesy 'Heine -TO Ef feet 1.Heeter •
, .
• ,
MS(LRYS :41SH,Fec;"
eaknJNATitim 04stEp
ND (06K gTc)-1i,E_•••
40sito-ctiatand Wood:
100114 Cookh4 Seisefaei •
• ',,T)Lift-:,41.Y" °Alging
pl'44 braftvtiampo isi1,01;'td
from top
014 eWetee Reseebk of cold-,-
..• elled beeetly tinned
4.4izeg.e „Wood, Piehex.
takes 24 :24 oven•
•,pd;reinevale ' grates
-purspoyE BEFORE'
• • . ,
;.- .'.does 3-Abings- at epee .•
1'I RAD1AIt8
•• • eree
le„ hanrkum
hare: any fuel,- har er• sett coal, ciie
6. weed, and is Moder itely : priced.
yell ebf ..eqUelie 'Heaters and
• Airight,. Heaters alwaye wi hand.
. •
Axes, & Cross Cat .Saws;. , :
41. ikIwnya, !M. hand.
- Phone 66. Lucknow.
::-•• Hardware •
• IleCRNOW• and . WIN f:H AM e .
, •, • •"-• .
lezeknow, Ont„ ,
• • •
Has the largest and tnosi complete
• steak 'in the most beautiful designs
to choose' from, in • - ;
• e•Marbie, Scotch, Swedish and Can •
adian Gralfites
We make a specialty e of F'a'mily
MOnumente and invite' your. inspeee
. •
Itnicitiptiens Neatly, Carefully end
Premptly Done.
• •Seie•aie before piecing yciierr Order.
• . •
. •
Phone 74',
A Lucknow •
„ ft. A. Spettoti. I
'''' : . 'Pliene • 256 .
' • I'.
MAItcffe ably & •,1", :
Pature: in the lelareh issue of
Roe and Giin ine • Canadian Silver
Fox News 'are -several sPiendid stor-
ies .ane. ertiples dealing .kinds.
ofiou•teoer li in., C nd . Among,
these are Yee* of the ever popular
44 rts of'anelingeendekuritingducks_
big gone written ley men of
40 •
• " .
• „. .4.4'
•••,• •••• 4414 1t4 1i4 4• Vit
• •
;" . • I • "4". "".444
4' •
ttiotNo4P 1111.sti Llittt4DY, tEARVAII1929
'1 4141
.. •
4.••• e4•0'4,04:0,
4,!•". •
• 144 • •
IS144010 OF ElcISZAYg$
Vear4Jeef the Afrcan' West
,C,Reet VW 14.1 oi Amman,
'writes Je. Oi•oeni
ttotaYit'ay.s-q•Oelcloia. rett,f4lo tee letfe.
their le_itelY traPibeisles-Aelieie ,a.
,atrieeisehlit 4114'4440 0,f, Anteehee,
the:Welter '49glell of
ble*efi Ifaheieon erheae..fee*-7.
'..fathpa, ',never, „ceased _being', grateful.
the ehijiwt7eCit'' that Ottonded-tliein
tberet -• • ; . • , • . •
, •
....poi! 'hundred yearti Ogle a' Porte-
gueeeetemeener",operee feetii4iieN ponge
vrieh ?slaves. 'Pecked, Under
lietches,, stiscle; Sereee c 9'ff : the
,slave,s .svraie Oeherk pee.
eeicing. deetibt, leeving: eheire cy!ene-
;ere te ,theiTr -,77ia-Tderrieet,eand' th,
deseencleets; .tbni-n„ jive:ben--
.eily •0.1! A.11030ti ”
A •
eeeamerse..hartIlY eieit • .An110-:'
:ban; ' •fet, theee iS• tr.eohle..
the lieriZene,ifeote ehe deck,' -eta
Seiepieh, ,eeasee•in sac of cocoato
!fill. her 4iPty,:hoI4e.„ Our 'anchdr
tied down in : a calm harbor formed
:seek ane been ,bretiebed' by the' see...,"
From plank and mud huts eniong
:the palin'•groyes" and .erange,.. trees
came the excited jslanders. .Their_
•blatit headnian was if the first 'anee'
and 'an "interpreter" who soke 'tbe'
strange pidgin English of West Af-
pidein Enehele ie the language
'of the native from Sierra Leone, to
the Congo, and. efelY .trader has ,to;
learn it. • • ' ,
the bargaining that followed was
old, adeenterocis trading days.
Bes1TertIFTgrek • ot
limes, °oranges, 7 pineapples and tam-,
arines .wereofered; Old lothes, gimp
spirits and tobacco Were given In eee
change Money' Meney has no valee in Anna-
.! -There• wee ',•e •:•dead ' Whale on the
beacheYge wallow are.expert Whe-
lrnien,'pursing thNaale. in the elde :
fashioned Wee With Open beats- and •
hand herieeerm. • ' ' ;
'Fopr Spanish priests Were the only
• •-•,. • • ne,
, .1hettts7.i.A, 1.7"..71'X'".tr''' pi$41 '•
. •
Sir W. Arbetheitlems01ite34his campaign,, '
to .• 49040- the. piehlige
Oat most. of diseases are
4:alf4 of : eating, or. rather the defeeeive
-elizeioatien Of the weite p,redeets
Air We eat In .eOrni 'quatere' be is
: emeideied ereolte 'and'we are not •
jure -00 the govolillueboklioe of
• 01811.moclio'i=1.6-40010opoo,hiio 'with
approval. Rut he ria' by 1,4.y • 14.4 being.
4 6V4414, 4icl'1404p:Pr4Ve 4P .extrMr,:
03'.;:ikw144trd,.natOney 40;
His 'practise Of: addressing the OulAie
d1.reet ;peen every efeezieien that he:
an seizerMity 'not lie -regarded 'es cbn-
• Sir' Arbuthnot burns With the Zeizeoe,
in ancient On eVeri.
and so, pally 'people to use ' an.
saying, areEitigiiw: their graves
eith their teeth, that he., feel's kaaiiil
to pretest, and he A ,Afirevee gathering
up evidence in 'support a his theory.'
ile has •had'Oine recent correspond-
ence eNeltlitC91hceeirrieen iioVir'iri !the'.
emplpy of ;the-einedical srvhea 'the
Indian Government,' '41:140 has els9
epeeiallied--.4-ethe, stud y-ef-diet erect
its 'relation to disease; Sit. Arb,uthnot'
'says that no Other observer , in. this
particieler field Ipee dime eceeettch im
work, Like" Sir, •Arinithot:
henself, .14euarilioi?•le donyinced
that the 'way to a healthy eife s to
be found only.iii a sune, eet, weldie
sey„a nattieal one.,
"For gene"eizie.yearsof my: pro-
feegioeiti life,"writes ,Cot. ke(arzsen'
my 'duies lay izi a reniefe. pert ':of
the HiMalayas, -among isolated.keteee
far removedront the refieemeets Of
,civiligagen...Certain of ,these acegare-
• . •
44A •
• • • --
• 1, late 4.
r • '
4 1..,,f.‘„,„.? '44
, • • 4 " "" • " • • • •
• 4't._ , • • .
I •
. • „: e... .„
• '.
-aVerate. SharehOider inn 'the..
• • Telephone oWns2filiares
has ;paid full, par .value - or Tore for
• • ,
••• • • • every share, " and jets $216 a year in
dividends. •••
• • • •• •
9; magnifieent Physique; preseieving
until late w life the charateristics of
youth,, they are unusually feetile and
ane endowpii
systems 'of Metahle stability. -During
the period Of 1-ey. aeeeeletions With
these •people eeeever Saw ease
asehenic.,despepeia, of- g:astrie 4010194
denal Ulcer, of appeneicitie,edf
colitis', or of cancer, altheugh my op-
erating lst; ;averaged civer • 400 oper-
atione • a year. Whuie 1 cannot *e'er
that all these maladies were quit,* un-
known . have 'the strongest eeesaa
for the essertien that they weyeremarkably hfrqeeee. The occasions
white men on- the. island. Originalle
Portuguse, the • island nessed to
Spain exchange feue maniland ter-
ritory. GerMany tried to seize An-
nobozi many years, ago. 'A znan-e'-war
visited the isled, and the natives
• _ . • ..
. . , , •
e man who bought his Shares on the
market .5 years\ ago and has since'
taken advantage rf every offering, -'to-
day is getting less than 7 per cent on
the money he has[paid.
• • This man is typical. Theholciers of 84
percent of the company's totalstocicl,
subscribe again to new shares as they
are offered • • •
' . • anacompany-haa-naver-plit ita shaft " ' •
.• nap exploded the publ#, though !it has grown to
. ' , one etas' largest thatilationa in tortado. ' •
•• r
the% people were, so inereasad that
:hen the .tekibli: inil enza epidemic.
upon which my attention was directed swept through Europ ' it left praetie
still talk of the 'forcible attempt to cally no mark epee th •Danes„ •
to the abdominal viseeie of these peoe:
"hMstthe black eagle flag" Which was pie were of the iarst.Among: these. . People living ,in a tate • ed netlike
Opposed bra priest Whe ran up the people the abdcimen oyeteeeesielye to 416 nt: "regulate theie habit?? as . is
Spanish flag in pretest , • the mist* among 'is TheY have fre-'
in the tropics • a nerve iznpressions, te fatigue, anxietY.
'MAO Whir> :lives oi coldewes ankaoWn Their conscious-
ness cif .tie part ot their • anatamy.
related -only to -the -Sensation of hiin-
ger.-eFor myself I work on more and
more 1 aniazed day ,by day, 13Y the .ex-
traordinary effgets, of, faulty food OZA
'the animal erganisze. I begin to think
Ahat faulty .ruitritien -is the bed rock
cause of the vast, majority 'of tissue
but A,nnobon is healthy_ompard__
.. • '
' .
• , • .
• remedyi -Sybille cpSeriehe's.
..a 'g.obe • stieeees for •Toisil Tree- •
bleeeCotigh, Bronchitis,. geinsy, . Cate
arrh, Had Colds Store Tlitoats. •
Good' benefits ''or casb returned. •
on: • eeperience, The current- art-lre with the eiainland of West -Africa,.
in the pages of this national sporting and many aged natives are found
magazine , by Robert James, a? there. The waters of the island
Nelson Rivet Tree gives a wonder- abound with fish, and a hook baited'
fulls; descriptive Picture of the trails with ,a red rag is seized • voraciously
of a party of ajeateur trail breakers Fruit and Vegetables erow abundant
on'a trip by dog team in the far ly in • the volcanic solleThere is a
•A. E. 11eleine; north.
ailnients. - • s' ,
-*Other expert now produced by Sir.
rhuthmet is „Dr.' 'Ernest • H. Tipper
ho • described the experience 'of
enty years alining primitive:race
at:' irbits Benne, South Africa, a
ce quite eisteel from those, of Which
1. McCerrison Speitece :Saes Dr.
pper: •"The average daily nuMber pf
• cases seen .in my twenty years' service
in Smith 'Africa was about 60, exclu-
sive qf efficial•-rating„ yet •I saw only
six cabes, efecaner, altogether; flirt of
them were. in wait stations, the Other
one away 'in Hie' grass counteye t
these net one'
case ereong 2,000;00.0
people in the heart of the -Niger delta
and I only. once genie arcss' a. ease
of appendieitis •Whn en Charge' of .0
cotist . station." The phisique of. the
natives among evhoin these doctors
worke&-weiciLin every respect superior,'
main reason, Sir Arbuthnot believse
is that they have not adopted' the.
white 1pan's diet and habits of. life.
In this connection he -poiltseOut that
thee..health. eof -the negroes- in .the:
'United States steadily' diminishes, as
they:. g�' north, Optil 'in .Chicago the;
negro is foned, as :regards general
health ad expeetaney t9 be
061eply the ezinie es the white mall.
Site Arhutheotecalbs attention to a
tonipaeatiVely recent' instance of the
change of diet inabing ti vast ireproe-
ninent In the 'eneral heelth of cleft.
ized ntion: rn ' the course Of the
World War Denmark was threatened
with 4farnin, • andDr. HindhedOt the
falriolls 'hysiologist, was calisci OpcA1
for counsel: Heprt3pOsed end the goV-
eiliment mi. his pkoposals-Into effnt,
that' all. the food 'ao
rid rougha.whIch
-lied been Ordinarily !ed' to the. cattle
Should be used hunanlenic.an
znalte:this peesible oeitt litunhet.
and Chckn§ which Were tOcoeserY
tOdd",hi. the „eliildrwet
'kept; Many ,objectrs pronttesiet
ile-ating Wt. suerfeialTyliiiiaticbm.
AOC 4VOVitirg.
ilor=4.4„,o,LiteAdratione had:
been aeetistenied to, de-
bilitated .4/ a differet, "dot
1ti1t k eneral internal trilublev
the el*tocry, the meitality *aril&
41404 to PAO, otetOlt.
14114 '004'
lake Of eitcelieet fresh water;
' e
• • ,
• I .
• /
_..„...",, 1.
''....,.....-...; ;••
. ,,..., .... ...... 1„4,
.....,...................L A 4 '
• '
Old reale iike3hii, are ranidly beComing things
of the Oast. Fireptoef. permanent, Rib •Ecul
reefs mean lower .insurtuce rates, baxiithi
. • upkeep' traublor. and, give your building an
• ttractive, apie•and.pan appeafence.
....,...00figgiottabohmtglkuiit;_ , : ‚41'., .
....._;, ' ',, • .: exittniimeibies from e,o, * ,hurt diefanee , ',; Get partIculara about 01111
• _ . „ , , ,, e. ,e, „ „ e ...el .. eizieey.—theetieemiesieneetlieeneat and•-nO, '
. . - 4 :77t6ktivelirliEr*Thi6h-lif"g;c6"-vd'intfr The- '--,,' i - SPECIAX, : SPRING- 11
'hoots on huge iyeaa of 40 tees eapecityk•
, , • „
- iv- • .4. , •,• .• 7' °. ':.
• •• Aro„*„..000p#iiia,r.s„ ,,Thoro is ototv One
I .
Rait- :', . ' - - 4-::
ODERNRTILDING—or permanence, •
• low-upkeepiand appearanceiounds
the death-knell•of wooden roofs.. The
• dngers•of fire to the buildingiteel.t to other
• buildings and to human life u; rapidly being,
xef4,of high. cpial4y., . •
The appearanceof this roefing alone has sold
thousands. Whenever a r,00f of flits Material
is laid in any distrit„it ithmediatelY secures, •
a preference, andothers who are roOfing any
kind of building, Whether -it be
barn- house, garage, shed or
. • warehouse infiellt:on. Rib Roll:
It is Made tolarnous "Council
Standard", opeciotiona.
JL' 3 cos Phd laying Itib Roll fa lower than that
pf nearly all Other types ofroofing . Any men— •
who is handy with alitUmner can put it, on.
ith handSome appearance sulde many dollar
• to the Value of your property.
Send ridge and rafter measurethente Of roof..,
or roofs in. question for free est te ot tioiC ••
4 ,
.• '
; 4•6;•6•45;&&7711..4,/,,m. -
„. • ,
I ,
- •
quent evactuitiose aid are neyer
should be suf-
who is father e zea ; „f" ;not. indeed
a fanatic on the sub
disastrous one. It resit
being' ---clogged • with
which is eliminated on
ta ght that One•a da
fiei nt• This practic
pebple, is, eccbrding t
eeteIS e 'most.
ts- in -the colon
Waste niatfee
• y ence in twen,
ter four hours, instead 1 three or four
tlimes in that •period.;lof time,'This
nieans that certain to ires,are
bed'through the intecoits lining of the
colon and, auto-intexillition prediteeet
This causes d ene ale f th
e eg e no e
whale. body. If mere natural foods
were eaten it is the nt belief of this
expert that the fatal tegidarity npon
which so many peep e • prid; them-
selves Would. become emoSible., and
the general health vat1y improved.
' -
In the matter of the estate " of
Reuben Stauffer late df the 'Township
of•,,tratiOss in. the „County of Bruce.
Varmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that all per-
sons. having any • clai es or demands
against the late Reub n Stauffer, Mee
died on or about thel Twenty-eighth
orCivoliee-.16.- D. 1924, at the
TOW1VSIS 1p of Helloes in the County of
Bruce,' ere requiredto' 'send by post
prepaid or deliver to tile undersigned
executers under the , of th4 said
Reuben Stauffer their mimes and
addresses and particulars in
writing:. of their claims and State-
ments of -their aeouhts: and the nat-
ure of the securities, if any, held by
them, duly verified. by alidavit.
Arid take notice, . that- after' the
Twenty-thIrd day of March A. D:1929
the Said . exteutopt- will proceed, to
distribetiPthe essets of the said 'de-
ceased among the persons entitled.
thereto, leaving regard ozije tb the
elating of Wieleit theyithall then have•
had woke, and that the; said 'execu-
tors will not be liable frnthe said
essete or any pert thereof to • any
person of whose Iain1thy Shall not
the hays received .notied.
notice is given pursuant to the
stetete in tha bhlf.
••• bated at , tucknow, Nitersthis
twenty-cfifth day ,ol Pehrtitit
Peter4AfIdnalii, R. *rood.
}Tirol Shelton, ibrit- 4-2,4 d'Ont
• „ . j,, „. t , ,
• UT • , „
ge- k Aandeld.:
V: la004-detl-tiitiiii- top- Jimrf
Andttioti 78: Marelare-'12::Batrite
Culbert 0: droth Currahtirit
.1r, /V—Verna IcOatricit 0: olive
UaJe 46.JO. 111,-.Atnia eoreovt GO: 4t/eah
Colbert „IlW'llrVeY • Xileettieleect1$e
G040 , 44010I1 • Clift BIak
Herbs, a er s,
Take jet better. Sleep*
• thorki piay better.
Mother Nt,nre'e own.gei herbs, tieh
in health -giving power, 'these •are whet
Gailtigher's. •Tonic • and Sten
&elder sago& It really scoria; Wended
forpeople who are constipated, rundown,
• • nervous„. folk Who have akin .diseases.
• Even' dreaded' Eczema eielda'•to
Try a bottle. It will keep yoteelear :of .
eold Weathering., Sold, ace Otho
er a,..
1agher Herbel Homzehold Remedies are,
• A. E. McKim, Lucknow.
Jr. 1I—Cheste, Twanilley, 73: Mur-
iel Blake 72. "-
'Pr. Class—Gerald Culbert: Bertram
Curran: • Harley •P_Killips: Phyliss
Blake: „Elmira Alton: .Russel Alton:
Eda .
• No. on roll 23. Ave. att• 21:7
Olive• Anderson
• •
Mr- • and Mts. Henry, Gardner gave
a very enjeye.ble party 'to their- nei-
ghbors and friends on Friday evening
• •
ofmlers.tLwoerenke. end•
'Anson Coleirian of •
Varna spent Friday' afternoon with„
Zion trAnile, •• ;
gi: MeKieth of , Oakeille • is
spendirig *few days iettli'frieds lieee
Mr. win Reid of tertfe4 is', -busy
this vicinity butzint wood. ee
Mrs. Rrehard Gardner spent See71;
day afternoon With her mother Mrs.
Jim Itieely. reineanon.
Mee. Wm. Hunter Sr. rteeived the
Sad enews on. Thursday hot .of
death, ofher daughter -in --law Urs.
lehif Hunter in Mapitobe. Meeh sym-
pathy is extended to the 'bereaved..
the Metter: .of • .the, Estate. eof •
Thnime. J. .Burne, late.. 'of • the.illage
af •Lecknewe in the / Ceeety•'.ef.'lerieef.
Laborer, deeeisecte • . • . ••
Ntice: is.. hereby given -; that 511•
,apeee_osegtins hstav‘n! late
who 'died: 'on or 'about the' twentle.' ••, •
eigth 'dey of January A. 1),49.29e' let . • -
.the Lucknow,; in' eh* Coune : : ,,•
eye:of 'Druce,are fequired to .send by • .
ipesteprepaicor •to deliver' to • the UTI-..
Idersigned, exectiters. under, the ..WHI -! • • .e °
Of the said • ThemsMinis, their.q• :,
• names and addresses and full pertce‘ •
ulais in weitieg Of their. Claims and
statements of their. 'acdoete4 and' the .' • .
nature, of' the rcerjeles„ if . pnyyheld , 41
by' :Ohm, duiv'verified ,by affidalit.
And tale notice: that after the . Sire ' .•
teenth • day Of March A. D. 1.929 the 4. • -,
eel& excutors will preced to distru.: • . ' •
bete• the- aSsetea the said deceased' • . •
among „the persona entitled_ thereto ' • ,.
having -regard only t�' theclaims. of " . •
whiebthey shall then have had notice -
and that theesaid • executors Will :not, .• •
be liable • for • the said assets or Ann. •• •
part thereof to ane person of whose et •
claim they shall' not then have 're-
ceived netiee. • -. •• . • ' • -•••
Thi e notice ie. given pursuant .to
the statute in that ' . •
Dated' it Luknow, Ontario, this •
'18th.dae of Fbruary' 1929'.".
Ltieknow Ont .
"Andrew t Lochart" „Lucknow, .Ont.
• . E miter .
— • "
.,:.,-,--eteo•Ane-- •
• 7... •
, •
1."'‘,"•••/i, „ ••;,/
• ••". "IV '
•••e'e ,
Wilkeiton :WO:11'4We, FIO.biAtal•
Aid are putting on •a• "drive!' to:raise
Morley for the' ;erection .of a wing to
the '119s:pita. The.'wing will provide •
aecOmmedatienefet nurses and -
tional niaternity:wards, sas• the' 'hied-.
tritien is being more and More pat-
renixed • by such easel.,
-• „v
• 1VE SELL `111g- 'IIIICTI-IV----1110t1---6,..A-DE-11-144%--OP -
'---citt; A141) Sig owi SLEIGHS BEFORE - Birrirtai,
,,..„,..va .%Vi4:,13E.A,SAE13:40•1416W •,741tiji-t4 7,ci Itit. `'`,"4 DEST4* ce
. .. , . .
814,S. IN „BP.#1•-:$,00r.,AX1•0!,.041VC11.`glgt,.#s.:........,'.
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... •
. .
•4: 4'
. .
Ageitt, Ludlin0* •••• ••
40•N4 • • , •
• • •
' •4•••••" "
' '•
• • • '11 4
Veter:''e eleeeettalretieeenititiraitieliliee *7.,,
. :