HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-02-21, Page 8N...... "n A -i - � "; , , '. , " ;­ ". -0: i3, T I............ j ir at e i t rd�n -T 0V W. 63�ndOd a the y he tu the 411, 1 40 ear at'v of -00., i'l me of 'y -a ein -The' gu& P ladies bein'j. VE 'IN eon i y'&d 4110. prayer aga, he'busine� mee, sp :t a W t ted 'hi Aho,-�dtev on Nizas, -by ivork. Aftet osilig e d at �5061 n eLnce,�� �er yatd sma meeiiii'd lu!r'� �n a­tt� ron Arge nprbe�r mon, Agat e g n th.& Aiijlicad -ttern 'at -yard- ho - fayer'Meetfn a,,,.P 6k'Absolikitl� 06ff�ptoof36 I int li�ld ii Orld sb i ar .1 orafj4e �p W 1� smal a q. 7,; a presefif pect these 'New. y Visiting er. p,-..-, to t. I. -Ion T�o "'A T. IVC N1 ftOft ti oS' 0, M Ver -thi Y, Ur w e - ,ed on f .11ng on tipte.. an ridiv� eve t wag postpon see of 6atfi, of I%Irp. R.Rs of robd*.' it is tO. 1)6 he "M Ws Nother Nk Holy ldob onday 0* bs dly J�Vi NO 6th6rb eL e vie Kink The Ai:'Y. P,, A7, r arf Txk"­1F0b. 18' a ceatu -i Oeature S' N09 s m, an do' ke. but M'�La;0­ ow. U g mase tilig basenient of... St. matthe &u -are; to nieet I th'O -th:6-pe to dt: e hs' stem wih WR uigh7 Out.. :`I Rt -1w Feb�--M. h.- -Me JL 'prpgrai, tood epared. A 'n �n -is b�eing py qo, nowslioehj� 7 10 019KING di!!y- -h 11�6 UTf -nd Lome ColQrnan eisrs. Anso'n .'a er* t F - Et r R-1 11 1 n d a Mr. 'Sam $Wan who tra e efaiwes!; here Varn4� are visiting I. 'n n , 3 eadhig of' �ts, farm, the 5th n., of Asbfield bh eek, 'T stote AnAr' f Z' . arvey. on hand. t to f6leAve -s & n Aisi Je - sie ew::o,, ion. s. auctin Md Du 11:have.-Jan I ew days-, her cousin' SUPP Y any sab- of - his at—wk.ev. IMP sig , d lei .1, 1 . _Aent§ id. -Blaki Luo.knoW. Our Herlas. Kiss. ih' ood., W P rdlyzed, - Could 'Not Walk -7 T h end'vV1th_'-,MiAs wln� 9e For, sp e week ft 1W ,P7 'e LZ .11479AR The' L �,.__-ed' Blake. A' here on Saturday of., list R.- urch ra ace Miss Gr. Make G S e Nyo pear - bar :Wai--hO.-r6 oy r h I e.�& -Fe� a% a da ut wri Is. and! let you'km6w -of%the i And TW y !!ate ghter of Mfi., Ryan, iP o.-sl�igvh-load§ (ovai1orty) f i&1, V, lio X. Varalysds'- gin. I -ed -the parlor young pe6 le atte d a greein e havI, 411,,the. rt "''a etters on the 'late Jacb 'Ryan, aiid at - -well our P h C ris to. be -Crozier's, rewe, alten. fi e'and,w0 gX, 'been� in harge, ofo social at Mr. -Win. ed, -and' diVorced hi 5 bilri�� K, P " ' ­ leg. kilown here, av ng, c k w Mari here'. they, had.. a ibut� -a. wee hen.. -not 'be�lni asked di 'Lites! This is a' recoidi, establ ih�d -in Me, FMV ge�dine and one Huai Re m' st 0fr1c,,,f6r*-a nu 1-Aday vening, w. d iiara*tie thein all erthe D�'�Tannon't`b' rA 'a. �ike; n- ainor US. -ber of, years. T otild Walk three weeks . .. . . . I b f h very ple.a�'art'.tit. e.� *elve years ago_s e in Zs. lle.1qe helped big Russia,; Which i lyl.,P ny Vy;1 -LiLskiard where s 'Mr. and Mrs. - John Helm f lon -can',gn a in vri wetifto New ,in Arneil see iugi�, an h U W spon.t­ T�S ay Wi' pihgs.,&kr' 'idea, dtfice ilibre..', 9-he.,is-'-sarvive' '1 10 1 GAL11' IT - , , I ! -h 'd th friends, here _&Ifeir V2 W ST6NE EX, that time bad a position it, -t. e,pgt and - fedUng, - fine� r 0 1�he�se'diiik or i6veiy 'day, D01iNG.- FIN re , re -frien�i . ! . d Mi Thomas Vaie visitE ove- 0 MR 'Ing W "Impr , , I I Burketon, Ont., July 96ih;.1927.,* mother, a b1col er Hptry 6f. Undq leepi if one does not"hA,­v,e to gf i�p ughter.:1 ric, . '6n the� 2nd Con...Kinl t )�s, 1).iC ad an r m. Ott of, nd -three sistots" lff's�:-Vvr ;'Elli* .90, 0 gpining nicely. but is- -still DI.F, The Can isip Herb Ldfid6n, - On*., !L .Cdesar -,taking. yout., in�dlciue.., certainq N6w;Ljqk1ard;­M.ts.. Wi muot praise ine . I you ple�lc ' 6b high Dear'Sirs.: a at ,f h 1' d as: one. :Eot us, di Ydtr will -find eticlosed. fen. dollars Tbe. oniiiial e0tinp, Of Jthe .Dun. think_�here is any. me ioluer ot which please send me a. pa, gannion United Clipreli4is held o -very encoufaging', ro-� R fiecti in sold ofi the mar�dt so e ve of- Gail a, I have' used' one en, 0 WT, H E` Stone Te' DEFFERE T'Diseases, :Febi ith building pp. a' run�d all' Own, system' pors Ve if these. berhi and, ihey hqye re h;'Rrd:'- -from the. va r1l)II.F. -.--Medicine ackage t elp d' ni,, d' or ootwear recQuimen& it. to our Rxi -and, w hi y', so kindly; son rg e.-memb�rshfp is 220. r this der o an4�tions. -Th e, ghl - MiTing t e year bbe' 'T. s qui&l�r. ae possible.,., �nembers had beon d -And 4 njighbors'an ftieudg. YOPY s frulyj iIAL,. '-HERB receb�ed byj pro6ssro.ri Of.fa.1th to YOU on; we remain: Th6 "-Northern" range-oi Overl. oes. frr ee ific4t�. The -amount of nibney S Mrs.' Thos. Brown. by -eerti Children offink a wi er 'Sinee Ours, Men, Women. an , d iili,y I , .. . ­ 1. - . . 1� , _7TRE AT. MENTS .r4isod wag 41,784; All 6xpenditurres Mr. And -Mrs. j Win. C. Ldifiso. '--ever.' Jerseybir Cashmer- had been -met, includin �Wv. 2'. SAYS 19 WONDERFUL.. T ;f,deficit from ood"Ofit-', J�- K_., for.Chonic-'and Long and thefe is etten various heights -with bu;we, sirap Elmw MEDICINE AN TORS last year, D" DOC -in or W zzer IaAeneim treasury. ANNOT COM-PAlik 'WITH IT /_C. tnding, -Case;s .,..v lliyles- 'Stafloni. Out.,, Jan. 27th,"1029 RAPID CAT Y Match -yo�v, 'to '-Dear Mi- ur n: wintii Made ith, es., M'' fi, ance,, ra..rm a,,. 0 - with. a Welcom ast spring Nightv Ev 4ndv I got from you so I am w- niplaint e erbg A -Pe of the, Co S, 1, 3,4.6r 6 i 11 llavd used the last.-of'lthiii' h ange D H 11 T Costunie qr ev e tailored to fit ed Northerit" sending f r omeinorp. This sur I e is G. M rdoeb, - of Lucknow th I We Have Herb eas fort e icMe wondei-fil ,xn ptyl-sh ucted thb% in South Kin- 0 di eftei- an Al ond' ie er An doctor's medicine I hav6 iever u eAD 'EMIAP ASTHMA',, loss Presbytoit-n-Chutch t h 4A taken. - BED WETWTI oTi, acebunt of 'the Rew, Ali cLaren 'Yours very truly, n, OU n of Oppr join'. beino! s�iff'eri' 9. from an attack -ADDERT RRT BLE neumonia. IteAtteiii. Ro vp BRIGHT S.. E_ so Coita Neil 4pent the wi - Bch Mis ALL GONE end at her bo-ne in t. lieleii's, 114y IFEVER IS Mine, AWA 'ARRH- -COLD9 18th CAT d'' �cA Ont.,. Oct. J ' ames, Ste' STIPATION' Mr. 'B.' J. Murfin yieT, a �e-�ir ;dav§ -with m FOR TIMIrRADE RIC, tir: 11i n_1 a CON hi parents it -WoK rt, las�t V&A.1 DERI LIT aghter, was on y s�s, A16x VOr"s and,f HPent StS*I-Shua Won hand to maeot your need&' -in A GALL -ST "PER -T' itedi,ine, for'Our ja ONES :10 her * ar-' takino:1 y6ur med�ikine for about a a fow, da�q, p WILL �RE AT And 'HAIR TREATMINNT enig t. grid'.Mrs. V. H.: C96k. Week when she found a change is., Ernest, i.B-L a e noW� bet. fi WOH k60D PRE-8$VR9' Gordne'r and 'Ce�il of -Zion spent U SE 0 ari' very thankful Xor.,Your medicine we HEAR,TkOUBLE V-111'Gardnei. And 'V ITZSTEIN LUCKNOW.. lid Yours v4y truly INSOMNIA. Tkutsdy- lasC'wi �11__Mr- PL Mrs. 4. Gardner. Mrs. J. Barry., LUCKNOW-7 KIDNEY- TROUBLES 'those Who, attended the sale of LUMBAGO at Arkert Bhos. qf HblYr6od, ONE VAY 0NLY ASTAMA - HERBS DOINC isi they never saw such UL NgR-VE'TROVBIXS good liices e Of thel -satrd F riday. an. S *OkDER WORK, 41d for cattle, at thi 1HOUR OVER-VATNES9 Wbdat . 'ey, 'Ont. May 26th, erMr. 3. 3�' 'kurfin, Heibblig-u. .0 PARALYSIS The fiilk j1.1 ns i n e a ILE TISM ot P S. kHtUMA, Bar We s LuAno'W' is si aiii + -,Lackndw STOMACH,- ieh M -e -a' Lciatherlops 0. in S. he IiOrb'Meiliitle:whi�h we:sent olrirkted waidd do well 'e4 f6r' AbOtI Wqeltg ago: for TROUBLES n ­thma,.�4tarrh ind broncliial-trublo e fqrqi of Robt .10 P' L ­UREM f regular price. TONSILSo 1A ov�wr i.q', doin,o woniderM W __�tti�dred feet 116Tka 4fid 500-fedt W) and -twide as -h Vdlfbe 94�ndifig" t6t more of it. soom. Skatubst free for A* P H ir Mens' nubbers . r ek- rail h a Ilip i They Ill Pleage, Ydfi gilla'r, PrjjM4'L. re per Oe on. 1V1 6th,, iall.' 6 Give.pur IMebal 1tethkdtes rail t W e n Wr ski 7 8' ICUL _b A y net t d ,%is, Pri& -13- b�y s- he-, - - r'Ad' S T C Lb A& _faf1dt, gq(l r w ning wood id' therk oS Visited Wftli d'Y up.n­,,... dO4 T e At ... ....... . ........ ... Pit