HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-02-21, Page 6,A„
• Ili'af" re.called, Oar
-fs,41,!.s.PUktIoir. taa);;:ase
..ifekr:•:°••:cf‘Tit414;f14Veli..47.?.et' that th
-p r n 9 e it31--Mattd„-
.4:041.47„.2.1P.,fRil-grzultrellisi'e..7...4410-it int;:
Ilndergreund.:iniutee. • operations:are
'agwi.:fairly s eU advaneed,',aed..proven:
pre:•elieulti,be .ehOwts. rip 'at a :telly'
TKO rate de.rteg: ' the 140t. te,.*
atont14.0',. There. bee .141.404..4%
of :interest:1U Paleenbridge..and cer-
reSpo,n,dieg .eultancelOOOt. u 144,(Per•of
...Sad.bury ,Basinr. whieh s isq affect;
OAF; byfurther, favorable illantoukcir
.r•eSulta at:-.„„Vern.silgettLake:
-'.Altogether the broad actiVity in the.
lloPtg.. Shares•taarket 'par ;betaken
As. initteat.traill,ot "'"Xererd•bretsitiag
wni: Be:
M1niiSlacks showed alternate'',
uUrng and''' slack' •elurieg.' the' 'first
.Week ot sbruary,';;Thare. has Oever,
beea suck Ootiviti :represnting such •
loge: fitrnoter. finAertnt Of dollars
than lsta -he* the .tog.0 deriug the
Pas.t.• ortngtt Tho actual nuinber
eheees traded: la.' has been ateeed.,
„sed ifl NOirenaher ,and•laece-Mberi 041;
'At that tinisChowev_er:::the sales con;
. Of , low-'priced•ehaps.
..!4o recent -inerkete "lebtende, Interna•
triblited ...larielY to .the ',e,tiraerclinaVY•:
Wtre'lienit .dealinga
.:in such stocks as -1‘disseurh.:Siacon,".
•and A.rnir.• .Whiespread oub lie interest
h Wn 'hien 'indicate§ :a .0e-
eiratile •statek.of /1.!$ a market
povidmg,thirt, the Peaiies. does
,no( • carry ,tlaings-ote extees.. :There .Ja
..':a.7genttine-ele;nger,ofs losing sight of
intrinsic •Values • the partY etagee of
tulaine. •eeterprises. However :there:
-iwe numerous ...tocits, 0:: the Standard'
Elxchailte whicls. sre beli.4
. :their :::present, prospective Valtse.
in-erder.te anticipate ,.the 41,017D ,
-ttttwe41e:their; Standard Stock: and -.Mining
- to sem*: extent.' 'The dangt0;liee.1a 'Who reviewe ,the mtning
• 'looking. too far'ahead 'on; a legtiltnete :Merket. and •still• anawer entpiirieS.fer
enterprise or in ,placingrereggeretcd yon:
:Values: properties•of Au:131611i 'merit.
Anent. affecting tinin• in and mdts
ClititidS that • Irettlic:
1?el.are:d• ..for -.sense T'tirae. waajliat • 'Of
l'ePaJdent:.3,. iiurliotek: on Noland:a'
• 'whs.. stated that his 'tereponY
•Wettid Preceed:With the erection .of a
•••00.11,Per .cos
.collabisratiOn with • Metells.
ICOrperatio:n • arid NiCliele:" 'Retiring
.I.Cattipany: • ...;gre,tt amport
'Juice from '1111.Perial. as well • as a
•natIonsi, .sreutipoint.. It iireani:.: great
.-PrOfiti ---•:-.The.._Preeent4ntleok
Ca' dna:ince of high. prices tor„.titie
metal.. 'It hen, edvaneed ankciltiate-
lk 4 cents . # pound' in,:tire' past sit
Months, .azid., there are 'no.. ;visible
signs ef •a tsubstantial setback.. .. It
Should neweverpthat
high-prited. copper in the paid hire in.
:variably stimulated ••Prodiseile,O) aftd.
has attracted pigh-cciat'prOduCers into
• the field.: The• oetlook is iPparentik
-far steadily: increasing' .consumption
WhICh will. undoubtedly. take...care of
tin ecipes ,
ve ticceissfui
FarnOttited Ytt:•eocthe feu:lily
' No delicateeeen.,shep te•ijust
aroma 'the- ;comer ,to provide a haty
Mt(' The recipes these took's-vet are•
as numerotts aa. the farms.. from , which
they .come,
The folowing are three are Meet
' ' .•
Febriiary ' •ji,,eakt?a
'Groviit,h-÷40101. t; 16:
./eisn '.1§-18; 2 Peter .3,
' Doldets' 'Text -Pot row in
grace; and tin othe
• Lord and Savioniv
' Peterf3: ' • • ‘: •
• ' . • "
1, . sr ST.4.60;-'5011n,1: 402:
14E; OAT corm4ssioN,..„ Mart: 161
•iProm this •we OW- tilo”
re Ile :railiAlle Ow PaSt. whit* 014
'Prestent diSe101,0 cf 'Jesus fre0.1) re,
turalag te .he riA,A, if has 'qlk.:11:eve
AJOYO:„.n.PrieT4 uy!
V; jes:As Pot. .4Papa: 0.1dp the
'reit )041."40ealite,t14.014,gre Ond..„ekdo'S
.bOW. Anottbled eye '140: the ,e1041.I
-Stenearef: Peter'e , The-Vraditlea
i4; that \ Petar Maa Pat
to 4natil 0,3?
erOcifi;d04- dating the -penseeution of,
N.Oft.'aAld'' hit 'head 4:01),l'n*ard,
for. he:paid bilk was. unworthy to bp
erne-1'4'4'ln 'the. 4We 'Way ae ;eerie.
Thia was pretiablY *bolt the Van.A.D.
64. when lie. WaS 4t,ll'es0 Past; 'middle
1mA, Who Fii:u4*Plqaericir
• laaj,111:4 Qvgrhauligg Set-
back War: „
• NevrOastie'on-T yue, Eng.:=Ther 1;!riP9e
.of Wales. 1#14111g, - h14--three,claY
' . • • •;" . visit tti •.a • ngmber 'cr; miunig .y)ilagee•
•'„'..V., T4e :cendititjaaf• safety, in • - • . • •• s •di d'. e•'-cha
sach „s •ia Nortliumueri hd and Ditrnam de er an see rs nts as • weil
°nil' *Oared la. the Weaker' of Darhaity......^ •. *fanners, :and .• • •
foll:.4w.'9"".""'"•7:17-7.7."' • q, %have •been.:dee,pli.".tenolieti, 14% The nroi-t .geiieral.:•:prodithion, and.
will be well• rt°1111'..thiS'Illelgellt " what'l'have .seen. '‘b
. or t e • .ravelk, . pa-. use•• Of teg erect'..Seed :has ;Called, for '
••cliarige. in the -,clamincirSio:ri this .
;kind. , t:Regist •Seed"
MaY 'be. defined :•ali,„,,‘tlite• Ousitinilahle•
'ti'Meny elite:. seed' ar ,Yegistered ••
eeed Of .ot, approvett;:yarlety
bv:rti,tti.loteiL:C.a]sedittn:Seet •
• ;Mid c.,,1;, 'originat:ferns the: -
tided fee'the erede nanie'sRetat
OW.", Arid "175xtra NO.'.1"::: • The,se
•beei el:ranged • to•f ‘.`Regis te red ' No, I".
vendable' for- seeding purPosef,. ,except
thaf"Niis- 2. and 3 o4te• • ,tik.o •
perfectly good 'sed has been%
datimged la ,appearqe,:e by.• weather „ ,: • '
Or.. contains, • e., thistred
amount of inipurities.
.•Aniong• tire •otlier ameminicuts. there ,
IS one atitherizhag Official teed
tore,' to„. obtain. a 0041017. declaration
in. respect to. seed' 'presehted.' ;for' grad:.
ing...a.nd „sealing in coiltainere.. - '
The-aniended Act; -.Which :goYerns......
• •the 'trade, in.field lindlarden Se'edit' Of
tilt descriptions;, has • ben issued as
• THE AISIFN,p ED, ",4Er.e.oS cT
-greivin•S''4414:1-4Ptill)atieil-9.f 'feria And
:garde]; seeds, has ma (Ie.:it .
•that the Federal Seeds Act be amend• -. •'
-11113 1144 beeifin,fercti
allice4223, • been' thaaged In 1
nuniber 'of • paktionlarif and "las been •
pliblfshed in. ita new; form with regg:o '
latione for the'.gudance Of' seed greit?!,
• ,gather that; as there is no failure of.
U1. atc"(..emits: erril Ioltp...21; the Past the tieed back;:l„a di ciPIe
• . . • •; .• • • :-..from net.so also
6aeltrill::2 Peter. 8: 18a;2, there-sfi no dread a4,40V,dark 'faun
INiiret.eriON-Thea0 passages t ed ala as_ „the -person-• SY
ho s
are 'Connected the etperieure Of' l'1,..P.,..leatoter„t°1,001010.4...4A7,Zs,...re,i,e!i;
the.Apastie Peter,ririct•Ave' are asked ;4: v •
V. 16. • We.natarallY thinit t„S„'We..
stUdY;how thisseet. man .illustratea,: reed 'this verSe: •the rtarratiVe of.the:
.theNgiejin which: a 'dieelnie inays.groW: •
atrenger and braVer, arid how 'he may 04W,J.t.fo Of j'0,41.14„,.W„.-... ithink of the
he will only, pit' hiritsetunder,the in- ,fovor, heft*, tqualitiq's
et/ell:recover from his 'paid failures; if thia,h, 'he grelkin Wiedoni:04
tfleeriee ef the grace of Christ. chosen.in the •ePi for speOal• men-
tion are those of Which' „woread much'
• ife 'Should.; a • regreas
faith and•lOve7 We are to come per,- -1O--the Nestr-grestament..,-*T-he-first.....is
Spanish Meat Fling
• .. .•„
, • • ,POirnd.of ground beef, ), :Ironed of
. ,
..griiiiiid:ocirk; 2' &otitis of unsweeten-
ed., applesauce, . beaten eggs., 2.. tee-.
spoonfuls 'of;Salf, cupfuls of..c.raelter
•tramhir,•1-3 cirpfUla of chopPed. pitnen;
toi„PepPer. [combine the ingredients
In the order neared., adding. milk, or
'water lt More moistaFev.ii. needed.
. Pack. into a,' greased ring mold .arid
Kens With Senna •
• ••$Preird. me.puroAlliek 'slice '''of .cold
boiled or baked ham- with a•thin. diet-
ing ,of prePered •Inristard, then . &Wei,
with:. a- layer of :cooked beane
.(canned beans,' may. be used)'... .,Rell
liiirinieat in Jeliproll frishien and MO-
ten.tvit ha teeth ,Place•the rani;
in* baking dis,h'andabake.Int
.;ttte oven for er 20 Minutes:.
:thtnevent:airily .,f0:r and. .the output' Of new .producers.-, • ..Carrot-eota DIsh. ,
4 for Lae ,COOPer „producers of It was also netewertity that •power- 6 Medium. sized Potatoes„, 4 rildhl.4-a
,Eastern and Cptnil Canada, who may 'Ail British interests -are working 'ae-' sized Carrots, %' cupful of, hot- .thin
cream; 3 tablespoonfuls 'of. butter, IA.
teaspoonful of Salt, pepper. •
' pare the potatoes' and leave whole,
Serape the carrots and slice. Cover
with boilingp salted water -Mad • cook
until very tender. Drain and inaS11
well: Add the cream and butter and
beat ,vigorously, nntil flucy and 'light.
Season with salt and 'paiiee.T. ,
, Sursival.
When' the hourstrikes, 0 World, to.,
make' an: end,
Which ef the two 'will vattisti-you
Le .expetted to use:" these• facilities cin
.a ctm bais. .Hirdsgu..13.ay,"Sh,er--.
ritt-Gbi1oi, Treadwellirtiken, the.
tiiin Mine of 'Cape Breton.••an4.poa
;Sibly, International :Nitkel are: ,pros
r7,..pecilvS„ shippera , •• • '••• „.
aideously toward insuring an adee
quate productien , of ecipper 'within the
British Earpire. British %dela Cor-
poration :is knoWn to ba aloSely, as -
sedated with the British GovernMent.
The outlook 'for :the metal. over an
Te ptiblic reception of the Noranda: eXtended „ period is considered ,attric-
'nefiner7 anuOundement does not -tarry tires-
:- much signifitance. „peas market ;pi,' Some announcement is due at an
lowers :were looking, beyond the re-, early 'date concerethg. %ydrceelectric
' 'finery.ne tr; the probable effect „of power for; Howes" Gold Ne-
• the coinijig. Natiiada Arialtal -Report,
Which i likely to be a air1y-can-
,.;.fierVative• document: The , public's
-,s;4tigh ,expectatiOns':of huge ore reSer-
• ies„,arent1ie.ytoe talllr. borne'
out in the oOlcial estimate of proven
gotiations have ',been 'in orogress for
many weeks bozOnreen repreteutatiyei
of the.. company and the .Provincial
tGoverament, It remains for Prettier
G. H. Fergasen. to give Isis assent,.
There seen's, stroitg likelihood -that
tonnage. Taking everything into .the -.Hydro,).Blectric 1:4ower Commis
consideration: , hovieret ;Isloraddaha,s sion in .Ontarie will enter the PatriCia
withstood the infhteitee of'NewYork'S Pield. Howek •is :aa assured eon-
• lagging Market"- better - than Ms* other' sumer of power: on a. large Beale. 'This.
caned an,.mining stock. 4'. company is prepared to proceed im-
leVeral adeerse teeters comblned mediately with construction of a 500
to bear down the price . of Interns; 'torn- mill,. when. the , power annonace-
tional :Nickel sisares, The prospect Qf ment is made. The present .butlook.
high call money .ratee induced selling. is that Howell)... should.justity a .1000w.
• .ef large :proportiops. irt, both Iofldon ton milling operation; withie a corn-.
„and New! Yerit.. This .was ab orbed.
• remarkably . well, • considering: the
• treat. antemst offered ' The „perfor-
• • mance; .Was disappointing' to those
who were hoping for a eontlithance .of
jthe upleard reaVement. The/Canatlida
• aDoOsors ,,of the .stoek, hOWeer are
;quite as confident as before concern-.
'fug the inalket outioak for Nickel. It
,Ja. stated. DXquite good authority .that
hest of the Nickel nail's has net
• yet beezi ....rinde: public.. Nickel: is. Still,
regarded by many astute market, foil
lowers as very. ittfrattive for a leng
• 'Item,. regardleis . 'the apparently
• 'high 'Valuation' .placed on this enter•
Ilrion441*--the Stock. market-
. market leaders te make-adentons,tra-.
latin of strength. '• On ItS Prettiotts ad-
..vishees, it has .fourtd its , high Donn at
around, 22% but on the last.mOve 1.
• • tressed 23. The Vila Pion Mine is
.closer to, praductlon. •, Tha
litydro-electic power deVelopment is
- Oeittg harnessed and WItri.be capable
VI delivering PoWer at the mine before
• „ .
, 6 present year is spent. There le no
•Aleubt whatever about • the „ultimate
". greatness of tile Hudeon Bay
tug enterltrise, on of les potential earn-
. , ,
Ing power, The price of ,roPper has a
ereat cleat to „dr. with earnings and
. ,
'paratively 'short time: .Lateral.: work
at.'Howey has been discontinued
while shafflisking has been Conte
menced. The present program ,is
Sink t� the 1000 -foot level and parade
lateral work on four lower horizons.
The 'fourth or 500 -foot level has df-
veleped retearkably well and hae
ceeded even the sanguine expecte-.
tions ef company offielats. "Theta.
seems geod•reason for believing that
the ..f1;11, .slSnifiOnee: ItoweY de-
velopments mine .wise. be've not •yet
been appreiated at: ;heir full face
value by the public. A decision on
the Ear. Palls power plant should be
niede, within the next fortnight.
- The enhancement ha price. et. Sraii
,tarrirot be readily 'sized uPat thelltre
sent tit& until more .is .known con-
eernind actual development results: at
this. comPanY's property. • The steek
has had an unettral market recordrel
ceatlY.; It mey be seine time before
detailed informatien will be.'aVail-
able, t� the public,.regarding develop.
Mots to justify entreat prIcesfi Big
Missouri continues; to, hold 'strongly
around the $2.00 'mark. - A' strong
poOl'Is understood to ,be operating itt
this stock. and „signIlleant. develOO.'
inents have been occurring at this
Portland 'Canal property. It shoul,
t it110,60.MuTT,
• t$
feet as
our.: lk:ather in li, eaVerr .is,. :pe: V oglia•roa4nthgle:11(hirrahteleehaasrtntlharLerttesdacel,
tion • Of the 'words., actions and char
I. THE FIRST...STAGES; .J.Glin 1:' 4042.
atter of Jesirs. (2) The quality Of
'Y”. 40. The eatly disciples cot Jesus -
had been disciples el John the i3riptiet to stirCiold awp.hdi e Its any's. ge4hlis fuivt pelf odregathe
and Were prepared by their early ac-:
'This 13 saving grere.'„ (8)- Therels also
'deptance of-thie lesser light'tdrecog-
'nize- the fuller glory- .of Christ, Who is sfiteetrieliriainmgpigerireg oceliW..41,r2ic:h.,8*.,ehaveTllesri
the light of :the -world. • ' :
V. • 'W end: quality in. which .the Christian
41, Andrew is so captivoted
his interview with Jesus that ia great Inutt•'• inetteage ,is the. knowl
..-H-.71 .--
edge of
tet his brother. . • :
oy he hastens o� to tell the good news 9,),:ritiots.
V,, 42,'' Jeans reeds : ;the- character of
_nlreq conening hini. ,,.IIe foretells' •
the new lieciple, and ;:maltes pro-'
ianwho wast naturagy In-
clined to beimpulsivetatidemetienal
would gradually win 'Oren:eh . and
courage •and becoMe one of the great
Amndatian-stones .a the 0.hrditia1i
thiirch. It is with character& Audi as.
• Peter's, With..many. a Weakness and.
failing, that Jesus is still able tostrork;
that they; ,too; become strong and Wise
and .beld. ,
• What chance Mine in such a ri-
A makeshift thing; whose very. fibres
To nothingness; to whom yourself
Must lend
,That makes my life; a speck
neath the sky, : •
Mid Seas that overwhelm end' reeks
that rend?
And. ket.agalusCall seeming, it may
• be
That it is you thatare the mockery,
takes. • . •
From a_ciistracted vision �f the night.
"A comfort in ,the blessed Morning
• -P. IL, in theLondon Observer.
,V., 16. This cenfessior, •of Jesus 'at.
Qmserea' Philippi i a •grtat.:.tarnak
point in the traitingOf th6 disciples*,
Jesualtad long- been „preparing then-,
for. thisrevelation„; and LOW Under th.e
shadow of the great Lebanon , Mean -
tains lie ..phte this question as . to their
opinion abodt. himself. • , •
V. 16. Sirnert answers thiaquestion
partly because he waS.themost.•prom-
nent in the greilp, and pertly because
of his impetuous nature:. However,
his reply was uleant to Le' for the
others also. • They .had.often talked
about the, nature. of :.their beloved
Master, and,offett wondered 'whether
he really was the ,prensised" Messiah.
There were, se tnank :outward 'condi-
tions rendering rendering -it difficalt for them to
recognize tr.: ,Jesus the longtfooked-for
Savior,* of Israel; but 'now. -their
doubts Vanish, and Peter;; With a bold.'
venture of faithl makes this noble con
Mashie: -
V. 17. Jesus is greatly, Moved by the
reply and'seea in it that the divine
pirit hafrbeen working With hiS dis-
eiplei:" This knowledge did not coma
by mere, peisonal . observation, but
through the .direct agency Of God, -
V. 18. The promise made to Peter is
meant•for all. The reek is eattbe
dividuat ' Peter, but the. confession
'which he made. ThOchurch is to Con-
'sist Of alt those who believe that Jesus
is the Christ-the:Lord. • In this sense
Peter was tlj‘ first Christian: The:
church is to have the right of making
judgtrierit and passing laws. The keya„
„represent :authority, and seeni: to refer.
to the morld and .dectrinal truths
which were to ,be established during
the following centuries.. The gates of
Hades meats thatahe church will never
pass into the regions of. the dead, but
it will go on growing and expanding.
till it includes all 'the worItLiZTKe"
prophecy is being wandertully
III. anon(imity ar,TER to..itixile,..lahn 21:
15-19. •
V. 15. This passage ma'y be regard-
ed as :the reinstating cif Peter in,his
apostolic. Office.He had been caled
to be'rete a.ote Twelve, but in alatal
Unement he: had proved- unworthy ' and
dent to which ,Iesua. nowalludes'. for
the thrice 'repeated qt(estion, "1„)ovest
thou me?" referetathe threefold de-
nial and the boast in Matt. 26: 88. It
Seents stiatilre that Jeans should thus.
open up the old .sore, but he does it
with:the-objett Of restoring Peter to
the old rank:
• V. 16. In each of these verSes Jesus
bids Peter feed the sheep et the lambs,
iithich apparently „means that the
fallen disciple is:restated to„.the Pas -
total office, and that lie is to take uft
again .the work out of which he
South African ElecOons
Natio and Athenatitini (1London):
General' Hertzog MS announced that
the SouthAfrican GoVerethent: will
fight .tho general election this year
With the native question .as the main
bane. This public, declaration' that,
he has abandoned all -lope . an
ate* In 'South. African potttfcs,‘ttd Is
tits more unfortunate id that hie
speech,' which dealt with the alleged
threatof the Vitae to white civiliza-
tion in Smith Africa,.„can be inter-
preted as keredasting a policy of sheer
rePressionilis pronouncement has
&ittsed• dismay ainong :Dutch: as welt
as -EIrglish-speaking Beak 'AfriCane.
• IndriStry and the professions are
closely related. Think of what the
ROW:death industry has done for the
legal profession, and 'lee versa,. '
041)&6 end liepeof theae.:poor. Peonle.
It '.Ifas bon very .-Clithcult ',to. knot:
..*Jiat tn. do 'to eelve this meet .presa,
big problem.. lam afraid, it Must take
time Tlie people I hate net MO) 4O441;464
'this: toux could aot,.hatre been other,
perSontilly. wendekul."2-
, When the printe left the Station
'Betel here' to4leit tite 13thop Auk
Japa area of countY Dirrharn, he Wee'
'cheered by „crowdsgathered in the
street; outside', He 0.elmosyledged 4.1te.
left Neweastle ,fOr %the.. stricken
4 t
Stooping off at Jarrow, 'the Prince
insPected Conditions among the .steel-
• workers.* and "shiPyard. intt. He shook
hatida: with 60. men, there, many of
Miom liatre' been sirithifint ,werk- for
eightlYeare.! As he rede . through the
purhaM tOWlas, made desolate by uu-
employnient, -penirle •croWded to see
him. •' • '
, ..„ , • . . .
, On.e'of the worst -places visited'Was
the village of Benton, where a coliec
tion..of; tumbledown. :cottages were
set.. -its, -.a. -sea :at mud: "his.
trousers above - his shoe to.Pe; the
Prince 'walked :through the .quaginite
and ''Visited linvele where 'families -of
eight AO ten :persons were housed. •
The Pritteespetstnearly an hoar in
East'Hartford. Here mea, were work-•
int but the Prinee was told that. the,
Acts, Orders and...R.,egniationS,.No. 24 .
of the. Departrnnt o2 Agricuirure et '
Ottayka. , • .
The- gradirig. 0; .farrn and garden' _
seeds l.a very insportant 'Ser'vice ' ot
the Department of Agri:culture a.tOt-
tawa.. The principle: upon which tho
average weekly. earnings of :n family. Sods Avt:is' based ie 'that of, 'estali:. .,
were „OnlY .#2i,. eqUal'Io; abont,:2.4.86.. ,..ed . I.
lisugradnuarnes with prerislea for
in the ilniteti States, !William tynch, •
,, grade , 'definitions. that are. :prescribed. '
4shen41,16"ori•.,f110°:''..e.(1•Riitle'e.rs.r.i:„te('). 11: :!!6•4‘..Ye by regulatione. • P,revition is made •
within 'tile.. Xc't for ' the' 'compiiisory. ,
Feek,aird worked V shifts: and fund .
theni •ee's'. than 33, eacqr.,. I:ARO-her g°'Cling (i;f ne'rti..13'. alt ' k1141 c1.4 seeds,
38S: te-dii-iide betwoes Crein. Tail
, . , -k •ie iiel:ci routs-11,dd grird,en seeds -
may be i,ola endei. a .gnarantee 'ef
group 'said they had, slotted even less
, minimum quallt;-, ..et the : gredieg, Of
than that. • " . '
u -ark by the . , . . .. •
lli.11 ealningst, the., ,ft alter,: Seed,,.s is .steadiTy: growing hi :.. .,
Prince .Pii•reued ti10":"-subjear "at the, eccord:lig to ils'e Hoeprable Dr..
: next villte ., which was Ashington., W. 'It. ; ttoater well; Allnister ef. -Aerit.,
.• ur
culte, in iiir-CrepOrt of hie department ,
He asked Mine ofileials to explain the for 'the pa.:,t fiscal 'Year. ' The grad-.; •
figures and .wae told that these prole lug is (.14.i,il'e on a 'basis: of, controlled. .,..
'ably werecases hi which the tnen had
.. sample's -1:eCeived at •the central office • !
been wgikiiig; h..1:' a P.66r vein, c6.1:1414" of the" Sed Branch' at.. Ottawa and.
Ing More stone than Coal: - . : •
• ittrIgne•ontaeilicto131,7 7s:i.ilsiefere. etlsoelraelowons tao . i i
dietrict Offices' at diffeient points lti
the ceuatry.
gt/etec . ',As.thl.licatifelbotilievoluraepf• Work,
Paris Chic ata small outlar.,, Pre-
vius experience in sewing isn't at a
necessary to inake it, as seen in small
drawin'gs. A:nother interesting thing
about it .is that it doesn't requirkany
WI -timing. The lower edge of the two-
piece'bodice is shirred at centre -front,
forming peinted,outline. the -attach-
ed two-piete side;plaited skirt tan- be
in, straight or poitited outline. Style
No, 381 hi ilketehed in printed sheer
velvet ,and 'b.:designed in • sizes 16,
18, go years., 36, 38; 40 and 42 inches
bust. Crepe- 'satin, silk erepe,,.wool
crepe, pergette crepe, 'chiffon, plain
transparent velvet, cantontaille _crepe
that will make uti extreiviely, lovely ift
this fashionable bit -Cleo model. Pattern
price 20e in. etainps Or coin (coin is
preferred). Wrap coin carefully.
Nike yolit tiatne.-and „addries:
ly, giVing -nutribet and size of such
patternis you want. Enclose 206 in
stamps or coin (coin preferred.; wrap
it carefully) fat each • nutriber and
addrels your order to Wilson Pattern
SerVice, 78 West Adelaide St, rforont�.
thought he had been expelled by his Patterns serst by en early tssait
the Prinee:' . . '
. "We have 'meat' -on. .Sunday, .but • .
and respoasibre duties -Involved. -
. ..
: ' .
:have to 'take Pet lee • :rest ..ef the wading- ' agrienitural seeds.. and; in '
ehecking seed importations, the Hon.- '
we cannot afford it. We -'eat. marPT.' there were 6,303 sample's .recorded., ,...•
week. We neverhave. • ter; because • ()fable Dr. Motherwell, peints .Out that '
ine, but often vweheive „nothing at all tested and greded during the year un-• •
toegt." • •
' ' • • der review.. Thm
The total aonnt Of seed
If Is felt that the' Pringeit • ,
' ?
search' represented by theee samplee`was, „of
Mginquiries int'conditlens' in the,
coura, very jarke. a_Moanting',tn'iniF"`
coalfields Will do morTto bring those. „lions a buShels., . . .
conditOns before' fhe patine than inanY
aPpeale for public contribntions. tor .C'HO, OSING ANNUALS FOR .T11E
the Miners, ••.1 .
., The Prince has talked with miners • The questhin, What- flowers should
and. their Avives f�rhrs. He has, be grown in the.: corning summer?( '
examined the family, incontee minute. arisefi,in many ,ininds at season , .'•
being .shown company paysheets• of: the year. Even the gardens that:
giving the wages earned.. ' • are well stocked with perennials will -
require sone. cif the annuals for ening
Colonies and. Dominions:"
. spaces in thegpetennial bordcr when
'Yorkshire; Herald: thb Colonial bulbs and other flowering. plants ,htive '
• ceased to bloom. Annuals: are also '
Office has become of •greater •iniport-
esefui . in reunding out ragged edges: • ,
anew than the DontiniOns, Office for.
and filliz4 vacant spaces. Then there .
the Colonial Office is 'engaged in the
are the flowers to be cut for tini•table.
administration ofareal Rnipire
though it does not include the Donna- Bulletjn No .60,......entitled "Annual
ions, Ireland. or India.. covers a wider Viewers," wig* by Miss -Isabella
. •,
area than the French Colonial Enipire. Prestonof the Experimental Farm,
And it is in this Empire that the great Ottawa, offers. the' useful qtggeatida.
that 'annuals eat% for cut flovvers
expansen of the future•will takeplacei
thaybe.sown in -rows in the ;egetable,
In the British Colonlel Hmpire Great
Aarden.., But whatever annuals are
Britain can place tier Oein people ;Kith:
azorbody,,, -and Wanted. a, decision astowhat these.--4-
British' irmidgrarrio set
to. put ;themselves to, all sorts of
trouble: to gain adefisslen; 'BrItIsh
capital, too, . will flow- more frnelylto
territories where it ,IS free from any
control except British. Even now
Brit,tr• fnyestments largely take the
form of bonds in the Dominions and
of shares .fst the Colisnies,;a feet Width
ShOWS ' that British financial .activity
s61ects channels which lead It towards
the. Colonies rather. thin to the Do -
Minions. . •
eAst Ist•stk ' LAt.irox.rsto10,, -Mars A \
• 'fi-seCliAltiCAL146ditlird fr,!‘t-
slAiNg, Pm sloes, laR PLPAi
Vii44.311.4.• 1.4.1111% l'41t6 IUSTLint
Gl46.4e MOJA%
tit.lateN Scamah,
tig .
AP:ttainst ev46N4
• ..,,e4.41)..044240.1.-
4166Ybdtlilut.: A
VrAtto t't Ne•St •
tiOtt'r :
,Ltsrti4,NuoT. •
'Yen& 6 noes, t,t.. ti e NNW(*) G
.0OR V00 ta Put- ntil'a ros
mr„.,citpoi,ca,.ts.„, COSA.
• tottt. .putio-No s
• ciut tikA?-4.17.1) 1%;144
.16 MARt.,,L.ISJS
• , .„7/Aftri.(2=:,, ••••-•
42... I
selected before the spring arriVeii.... •
• The author Of the, bulletin has for .
year been making .Cereful netee•ot
Iniecies and Varieties of anntud tier
drs. grown in 11M plots and ortutinen-
-tal beds at the: Experimental - Farm., .
The infornration tints .gaified forma
the basis Of this .1mIletin, copies a
• Which are itrailable from the Publi,
cations Branch et the Departnient Of
whife many • of -the vartetles ot7.
annuals' may be planted ;in the open -
.greurid as. soon as the soil becomes
ready in the spring, there. is a large
• number a them that require' a longer ,
Se4011 air dmust be started either,„;in
sunny WintletV itt the libuSe, a hot -bed,
or 'a greenhoutre. The bulletin tetts,.
how t� do the Work not •only Of pre-
paring tile soil planting the seed and
transplanting the yonng •seed tinge, but
italeo tells hey, to project the planta
!fora ihjurk by eq.:worm& May
hatulteds of varieties Of beautiful
flOysert are -described , In tho
„."tirttle.'gr0-3elli,„446-V.,h1. _and. Irtrientr,„:-
-fug teaScrit, attt1nitw of thorn are re-
Trertilitiotogr.*rs ot, - •
AleaS shown ftt,
This bulletin may be titel to great
.,addage-.Wireer sttYlart. titre ititrac. •
.tive-gower gedd edialotctiq.,that 'firriffi .
ri ti'1t4 lipince-at this pr,,*,:itsQ pa- the -,
year:. •s `
f d by tlie
now, of Sgricitture,'Ofta ,s, CA11.11(110
' "The 'true. Itliot can not ‘st.eati,:" Say§
an alienlet Then whero itt 'the svtirld
do' magazines like, that their cir-
eulailonf" 4'. •