HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-02-14, Page 56
°• .
. •
*,1"' 44;•
',,• "•°,
Burns . COAL. and Wbod
, Hefty Co04hiS "Sn.rf4ie
• Lift -up Cooking Top .
Direet Draft Damper is operated
••• .from -rear of Cooking: 40.
Pi.lit; . ItePesvoir. of cold
' rolled•:e1O0Per: keaVily. tinned:
Gtoed, Large Wood _Firebox
'takes •21in. 'Wee& deep peen'
' and retrievable ointea
. 1418C114SING:
• The COsy Home TO* Effect Renter •
des g things at once
It is handsome in appearance, : Will
itrig-diy'ffietiliard Or soft coal, sake
.• ;or woett; and is moderately • pricedi
' *lilt line Of Quebec Heaters And
• .4# -tight Heaters always ' on hand. ,
Axes 4 1.64iss Cut Saws -•
„, ••-i-alwaYsomr-hand,
Ont --66. -
Hardware- CoaI
- - - ILTelard-W
Plumbrpg '1 rnsmithing
• -.•„• • • .•
onumentai ."WorIts
. •
IAcknow, '
'HtIstIie 'argent /and Most complete,
steel in the; Most. beautiful designs
to choose from, in ' ,
Marble, Scotch, S-Wedish and Can.
• adiari,, Granites '
"N. We *eke a specialty or,lamiiy
' blostuppents and invite Your inspcc-
. • .
iingeOPfionii Neatly, Carefully and
• .'Promptly Done. • •
Beeui before Placing your order, :,
Douglas Bros. R. A. SPOttml
Phone 74 • • Phone 256
.1tAclinow Winiher-
'ffeibs to... Heal
Those :Sore,: Sick
• Bronchial Tubes
• Collagher'tfltritiois Lung
Remedy comes right from
1he Heart of Nature. I
Don't bends°, rabfe'all Winter. If You're
• subject to Bronchitis or similarilis—
apt piek up a nasty„ clinging cold or
•sensible,, start now -taking,
r'ir Indian Lung Remedy.
It is cornpoeed solelyof healing herbs.
,A 'natural remedy. :Perfeet for Idling
ofl a•nasty oaugh, or cold Or brotiOhial
ailment. A genuine blood enricher and
body builder: This and ether reliable
Gsllegher Herbal household Iteasedimi.
- new einftle by • so
A. E. WEN'. lateknow
° LANG-R.6k'
- •
Messers Blue and Thornborn5pent
he Week end with Mr. and Mt* will:
rown. "
Mr. and Mrs. Victor lear.erson. en-
tertained the 4thline folks with dan-
cing last Tuesday evening •
• ;
Rumours has, it that Mr. Dan ,Mae -
Innes las'ilispokerrl of his &yin to kr-•
vitsiOng. °
-Mr. and-Mrt, Wm. IlrOwn entertain-
- ed then' friends and neighbors with.
• dancing in the Forester's Hall on
Monday ,evening. Everyone reports
they hada very good dine. '
•.'1r. Archie Clow passed away at:
• his tonne quite SioldehlY early' Monday
. .
Morning, 'Although he had not:- been
. : eery strang, Mitt last winter yet he-
• - ' Fetiod.a&liattaL.StrildaY --evening-but
• tOWnetir taert-ting inteantber to' a Wela,
Spell. Mr, 'Clow •wai tiered 70 yeate Ot
'age. He leaves to frieuril his leSs, A
:married. daughter „Igthell
irtfe. The :funeral WA/ b WeatieattY
afte.rnoon from his late resideii•ce,
77100. 'PAgagtan ragtag- has Aiteldelt. •
. eAr-viteshetWeelierr
• fitdite7: on .vaileOnver telanclo
• e0r41ea.te..•CePtaln C. D. Nerel*tSel. •
oeteaeerof the B. C. Qtiltitt
Ahip•Se.rviee: The new Service. Trot. •
htwitt early next sunimer, bEl'inS.t04 •
tailred.fit the irioreatied.,delimad „far
• Aber( water haul... ••• • ' • '
Touilels to Victoria., the eapttal
-or British l73Olotilhite dila year WM..
hered:410.4004.; tkeearding: to
toria . Pithlicity Bureau. Toedst •
travel,:, from Calundin ,,Points and
from '•the West. cattat eff•the United'.
States to Vanemiver lelatidane Vic.
tette, .via the the
,etiaetal Mettinahie .aerileetill04 an.
••44.9Fea.as over .titst year. • • : •
!,.110--rf Yu* iteWsPeper niMeraMeri
went cOw-boys to do their send Oa:
tbe'peraPete or sky acreliers and
• are not content with ordinary .Pcir. •
tralte, Was *the somewhat bitter ob..:
serration oi:Guy Weadicie.malleger
of the Calgary Srepede.•:.WhO
turned telcanadarecently- troll,.
participatIng hi 'Fex'Bickard,'s radio.
In Madison 'severe Garden, New
York. • "They wanted realaction
for photograph*" he egid,'"and :
had fa lesso-paliCemen •from the to;
of busses. on:Fifth Avenue to please
• From Toronto Saturday Night °
It may:lie, 'true that tempermental
snares are responsible for many 'un-
happy • Marriages; yet that prosaiei
'S•1#1j.eet; money, :can and often does
lead to the first discord between
:husband and Wife,. •••
,The wife of the Middleages wag:
,propertylese victim �f : outrageous
inin,thade laws.: Her estate passed to
her htishand-on-rearriege and there-
after she had actually , to say thank
,Yau to that over-lerd for , what,was
her OW,:n..„.,
, • • , •
• *There ,one 'scents the. er;giti of the,
idea .deep-rOoted With niany•• .men;
that Women, that ie wives, should take
What is . given thein and be ItionblY
thankful 'for it'.
Mao 'Otherwise perfectly :kind , and
theughtfill, }Milian& , sin :in this re-
spect. 'brie Woman' (it thy acijuaintence
told me. that the first • ilVe years of
• her nierrieci ilife were o' torment to
her because they were embittered by
s seese -of dependence, result of hav-
ing to, ask week by .week for the
:hotisfikeePing 'inoneye.:•• ;•
When • she -at .last .streck Old' in :It
motrient of .ac.eumulated and cencen-
"rated indignation. told . her husband
that he was -treating. her 'like chattel
tind *weekly • outraging her sense of
dignity, he was amazed. She secured
her regular alewance -thereafter.
7bi:.11' brings me. to,atiother aspect
Of my theme. There are hosbande
who are punctilio*, nrith regardtO
the honsekeeping •motley who con*
side,r that the financial obligation of
Marriage enth, there. it, *lever oceurs
thole nfillise soyls that • a woman
Must be clothed, and to.. be clothed
yst have a dress .allowinice.;
;'' (Me• e-or-ae I.' knew who bad -muff,
end:, all- 'her • Clothes.... to„ wear nut;
having arrived at the bottom • of her
troiissean; declinedto itdc.• Her , huge
hand • freonently complained .of her
shebbine% nad chided het...that' hi the
daya-ok their early :marriage she had
waiel....thrned out so smartly.
•So she had—st_her own, or rather'
leo,. her nay -ones eienetine„ She •gave
the poet' thing a hint., hut it fell- on
'10-i•en grornd..Things got worse: She
therefore ',hit upon the expedient of -
nted:ring her blishand's credit. -Great
his indignation when the :bills.
eenitrin, Bet after a 1while he Save the
season .h.ehind the • extreme measure.
wife,. strange to• say lied., to. •be
elethed. , •;•:- • ----:•-•:•••••,••••
There are, of ceitrie Akan: husband*,
Tho Iettn said ,of them the better.'
tyv0firmesq- is the one :vice.
I' find intolerable ,at dose quarters:
.fo a lingPaffd • it mast poison the
.a4;r4ket. of: roinAnces.”1 take knew
-a 'girt to.cy: dearly' laYet :her naive:
tlio fact that. lie was mean ,about
olo•-e7.• --Iteanotirers''.Witer
with 'acronfil, to' *dodge.' paying; at.
&dila whit wit a trial ,heforennit
thereafter he brolti'off her engage,
ihentv '
stzatinsiAtewever,-*en tate-
-WilVee•• iVant through shoo
k of' insiVinatiero Arid. Welnen ,
5:0 cOnatitte4 .tilalLtbest. ,lsittl) to
•ovet hs•
to get titt. of. Cough, Bronchiiis
• Whirepihg
Colds, -Sore Throats and: Tonsil Ills.
OtY IVet.
• Ms-Iceitirit• ,the fltiameent ,et• Marriage :When • ft tiffit .•dreitsill • eittieniiitet,
4630hittilY44qanteett,. _ tootintf,„... 4.44-, 000. .-juvettitit
1. Grain iterate. •thetilties of •.the
harbor .Of Vancouver, S.C.., which
nen; exceed ,10,000,400, butiliele,•wilf
• . be largely :increased . next' seasini,s. it
Is believed, In view of the fact •tluit
'storage bias are 'already neiarly full
and the . westward.fie* Of 'gist*
.610 haveto,be reuced in 'cense
- (pence. • It'll bel re oited
• ,f---that-thenge. e•rta-,--WrearPOTA.,7,
• :the Midland -Pacific Terminals and •
„.other groups wiU aim Storage cape.7
sity-.4i• existing terminal -houses.
Over. 175;000 trees have been
Planted along the ' main highways of
:. the Proidate ot Quebec during •the
past two years by: the 'Boit& Dee,
.Pertnlent. :in .fol 00_04' Out, itit
belliiihment •seheme, which includes
ceoperathin .from .• residents ' along;
the .roads. '.1'$ince the beginning 'of
'the, season,P! states an official bulle- •
tin,. "the-, Minister of Roads has
been insisting on the importance ot
eau ;now treed throughout the pi -CO."
MOO on • modeen and , 'perfectly• •
"biaintalued, roads."[ ' • :• •,,,;•
, .
. "Ceaary.. 'Boradylie Alcartra,".
Hoistein-Friesian.CON. belonging • to
the herd of Ben; IL Thompson ,
BOliarin; 'OaskatChe*as,has been,
declared world's, .clutiMplon butter -
ft producer, *aCcording, to an ad„,,
vce riceived bythe.Owner from the
live stock • ..eorrinifssloternttOttewit,....
Mating that the 'con has von ti
world Championship • with•Tin• enor-
mous margin :to. Ohre. The re. •
card Of Canary Kbrndyke...Aicartre
for 305: • days . was 4:080 pounds of •
butter -fat, or 106 pounds more than,
.arireviens . record holder: In,
. the 305 -day period the • Ow' p ce•
diked 26.396- pounde of „milk 'W.•th•
. •
an average test Of 1,04 butter -44e •
• . ,
..There is no. douht In the mind
°VI.. S. Sanwa. of NPW• York, as
:the New York .'flontral as
to whether .'nipose will attack
Man beings, , Although the aubjpet ;
Is a coral-00MM quo among hi
game hunter* decisive
was afforded reeently ho the %-
perlence of Mr. JamtneTlithe .•.'
g•tuna district, lying• between S•111-
, buriand rhapleatt to N4rthern O.
tole: -Me •was Oaddlins: .
'canoe along tbe•blio4 of,the•Sohn-
ish, River- and came. aeon ,A hell •
moose unawares.' The nehnal nt
. Once &lie thane And only. by dint
• if . hard 'paddling bv Pete. ram.
roan , the le•ifilift 'chide: were 'the:Y,•••
,able to escape. Annther, fetn.e.e. in
rear was sinolarly. pursued: '‘
A new World record Wail pet by
the Canadian Pacific liallway re
„:eently when train of grata more •
„thairanithr In length-. was operated":
betweciu Stoughton and:' Arcola-, la.
• Saskatchewan' • It was the longest
and heaviest' grahrtrain In history,
consisting Of 135 loaded. grain Cam_
each • approilniateiy ,4ff• feet , In
• length; a water ear, a cabaceie and,
Mien.. The' .grosti weight' was
8,722 tons and the total contents
of the dare were 202,006 'butthelit
• of grain.: • ,
The enthusisisin • of: the •eitigentl"
Of Quebec. le ad infiettoini...that .it .
Is an easy Metter to interest Mole
lets in winter sports, stated J. G.
Str,athdee„. *inter epistle .:manager
of the Chateau Frontenae; Wing
a ..forecast of this winter:a • tiro,
• Mamma. 'Oath*, skiing and -to-
bogganing Will be in tall 'awing as
ifeual; the dog derby will Most cer-
tainly• take and the Ice ear+
nivabuirtid atorniing--ef the citadel
Probably he teettitrefl 'again
he said. Mr. strathdiei-- ritinttOtied
the splendid co-operation given the
*inter ithilvitiet tA the Chatati
Frontenae by the Quebec Vhstd.**
• aorta Aatottathm,
the number •::oi ilietoteiot bind
• Waite*. ,Cauadiatt and American;
who have ,Plietridand :reed In Cant4.,
Ili' greater than Of r Ware; atateit
-74,:131, •Beinionri - UMW'. thole%
*gent at the tan .re Ikelffe; Rail/ .
.. way at Montreal' 11 • iiiMettitelti0
the winners of the trete-tie li
IOW, iiiiiplialitiqr 'trphe-
dee* Peterzi_ast", al I
tient Mtelilgait; ' Wen the: Nip
, goer contest for ,
Mond Si hbartiv
,the. French Weer %Wilkie "Oak
- and Theodore- 1014.•
&light the hait. attired II
•tSCOTCII ,t,0 H;;47S
wti:ey drinking is. giving
14,14,` areffi,r2s On',,,S140, „cio..q
' •ePleW ,
iteiritf-ii!sh4lafftrion: caused0o.:ti-0, A114.. rn.Q, .711.
-Gallic speakers.arefewer, but. Gaelic
''.Foreraktere!.16,Set_ii."11:911tJsItuamtdee-r°4s' breakfast.
Crofters, - hear the %United 'States°
wireless. .
These Are -among ttke,iighter .detaila
h).4.a rtlaY7hil• •.dia•WIi7"--4f
othe ,Migh1-0104,tadaY, verites,
flugh'eS in the ,London :'Daily. Mille, •
Government small..holdrncrs'
wo en. ring 04. past • ten yea
37,400 acres have hem Aanted and
this ' Yealt.'s . Pl9gretn qprA4.,'
..ffsis. aie ,C91,11aelt; .lartik:BCete'pirle; •
firs spruce, ete., abOttt, -half of thern,
.0•.•forest,,land. yearid 4004 the war:
•Con1yklamITA7,4ettheV-til-g-;,0 . 00:10,14-
eultivatien;:, '9.ver; 100;900
acres isif defy fared have. teen taker)
Qier.-: • • •
.• ,
• "IN, • • .
fOistiy—W4ker.i.-P• 4 holding . under the•
fareetry, ceranellesierns are t0 some ,eoo.
'tent' checking „ the desertionr• of the
•.tlighlandathat' '*a.a. .been proceeding•
for gentnry;:*ut the curre:-10:49:iith,7,
wartla and abroad flews- Steadily:
Seventeen - counties have :fewer • People
than fifty . years ago. Daring that
Period' deer forests.; havealmost den-,
bled; totallingto-day • 3,432,385 acres
but employing only aim to 1,200 men
'efe'cording to season. , •
•The " 'question to *What degree the:
Jan& could Be better emploYed. is, con-
troversial , Some writers claim that
profitablY,.. and certainly larger stecks.
of cattle and 'sheep could be grazed
but Mr. ,J. F. Duncan, secretary • of
• • .
• the: Scattosh Farm Servants' Union
said. to Me: • .
Certain parts could no doubt .13e.
put. to better use, but nothing like
,-„the--.---aFed;ftirtrif-IP-eiiiile----save :There- 4-ir-a-
good dealt .of loose „talk: generallyabolit the 'number' of Men Who Could
be oietted: In • the eater Highlands
especially tbe settlement is practical-
ly:as cernplete as it, can bd."
:f)i% whose knewedge of the High-
lands .16 not. easily . riyalled said to
Me: • •
;: "Where . 'forsaken it is,
only, as a • rule, •because they. siMP13r
will. not .maintain - the family. Often'
the,. younger •folk come smith. ea: 002
soldiers, :' or °seh:oel teaAers;,
.and Whezi;:. their titne.,.of .PentiOn„
rives they return. • That is:' Why you
:find 'crofters , Skye who are' ".• ex-
policemen, • • . , ' •
' "Communal 'grazing Of stocks ;of
sheep is •:'eomon, in the glens:. seine,"
tiMes shepherds are appointed by the
• gleeceinitilithec. This happens, I be: I
lieVe in 'Where 60 or Sfr
, .
.erofters join, hiit. a litrnhing. time the
Crofter takes Mon and. ke,1°
COmpetitial exists. : When lambing la,
Over : .glen • _watch& • each
man's sheep going' Off tothe bills; and
efies • go 'DOugall'Ilfa2lcey Made a
, fine' job o' that.' .•er 'James. Fraser •
•didni tda.• that, .o'er weel. The. result,
.is a -very -high percentage 'of lambs.
'These Highland . communities; have
developed • and -Clicenge,d vastly. in, my
Girls have shingled and bob-
each. other, :and during the past
two years the kilt has had a • great
'vague and: revival among. them, • 'dile
no doubt- - the fashionable ahort
Skirt.; • ' . • - • „, •
• "Whiskey drinking .is , declining.
• When • I . was . a boy' rent; pato:tent,
sheep. or Cattle ;eating, and 'keeping
the,Old. New Year (the 12th of Jan-
uary) Were occaailotie for a' spree for
ed two or three • days. That hie mt.,.
vanished. 'Grandfather- drank
three times% as 'much as his, grandson'
..does. Nearly every . has its
• hall; where dancing, concerts; singing
• .;•reost• Scottish atings)„, and the
ing;et4raughts (a• great :fitvOrite),
• inti•dominoes and :carpet howling'g.e.es
on. •
--"`Offeri- the local doctor has a valve
•vireleas Set and keeps, samethingIike
open house With it: • have picked
.10 • the Under States ' in Stornoway.
ind "Thurso.. . Most cinnmunitieb can.
boast some toed fiddlers:. Fewer .speak
•lirelic, though. Gaelic: song's are_pppu-
• ••• -
•• "Porridge in the 'staple .break-
fast taken. with. a .hoWl' Of milk (Me
*Algae) and followed by a cup of very
•sti°Orig tea with bread and hatter and
:.:Vat• cake is •gehlg : •• •
old egg or bacon if titnie are good.
The settling_of inete,on held,
hogs.- continues and there is ne. lack
1., demand from tenants ;When .the,
overatnent's purchases 'become.
riown. 1912;.: 1,561 .neAe. hold-
.-hgt-and :erilargementitirave been ere, -
:tad in the "Orating, countfes.i.' pp:
nlnrgenients of. existing, Craft*
ore OopuItir t am , OK' than the
diettion" of '•new
• 'Vie fareetrv eltriattisiion , are:Lea ;tkim6,
tine -nate •'wnikeraf
'fielding, as distinct• from small • hol&
• "fOgiiiiranteeing fielders...0X month
:-•varli,:hr the forestiOcaving_therirstir
urriths' to ...tieVete .to holdings.,
435 lieidirige have beee: canie,
-,,deted,m -two' Years and•-60:etiliere"are
. &agree* Sonit-aS smelt. as two
ter& (usually Idevated . poultry).
• .theri to 15 acres a, arable • ant)
'few' "Otti=ef-w,'irk Lanark-
. •
• ithit: miners areo being 'to.cepteitcan
. • '
Tests are to he made, ' gather,
xiith,.*le-greWn pitpreps es.,agelikt
foreign ones."
'401,14 .7.4.AP:LI'vS. TO, BB 100,
The average` spiin of human : life is
steadily inereasing. :Three hundred'
'Years age the average lttth ef life
in Europe was tidy: twent • year.a
Today it- is nearer fiftY. ;Three
red 'years 'hence; it Will. ,prehably- be
in the neighborhood of
This itnpr• ciyenient is line
to a combination of caUses.'
infant mortality,. which' hroughl dqwa,
the .figure So low in midiaevel.„EtirOpa.
has ben effectively coPed. with • by
improved ;Methods of feeding . and -*
greater , knowledge f infant ills'.
TbAri the' great Scon-res Which wip-
ed out poptilationsthe • Black, Plague
is ait exairple-,have been conquere'd
Lby,:senitetiori,--arid-.the-discovery of
bacteria and methods of eouptering'
the malgin activity of the unseen ene-
mies ;Of., human life and health. ,
Bithonic • plague—The -Black ,Death
—carried off in Germany alone mere
thatrone million people; and that in
the space Of "Six years,' in the 14th
50,060: ; .'" •
StatiMiciatia estimate thaC no less
than 25.000 people were kited by this
agency in kuroicelil One. Mystified hy
these ar;s1ling: calamities, the dimple
people . of Europe I looked upon. therri '
as visitations, from On High. It was
at this period that the PissiOn Plays
were starte& They were in the nature
of -thank Offerings for , delix-ery from
plague and. pestilence: It never seems
to, have Occurred to the • people .of
those days' that :plague i have
t.. •
• - . • ' • • • • , ,
44 ANDSEE OUR ,g1Gys,
,MAKES IN Botrira sLoitp ,„41,No agNat -SLEIGEB.:„
j,. •
:env• ,
• „.
been caused by had ,sanitatiOn,
•; -They preferred to believe in. Witch -
graft; ,of. lowish; machinations; .and-
theasands o unfortunate and PerfeeL
tly. inziocent-Jews'w•ere-burned for
poisoning the air.
; Fifty years Ago caine, the sciente
which has dime more than anything
else' ,to 'prolong hOrnati )ife,7` In 1.53
the ••bacillus of anthrax w as •diecovered_
Net cam e the disenoexY,of the t•en1._.
of • rolAnsipe. fever t',hid
tubercle' heath:is' : cholera
yellow fever. ,
Gradeelly- bacteriology has:: traced
the forces • of 'death, to the.ir sources
and :there. grappled :with theM.
then the span oflife has . increased
steadily.; .
' Along with the•inCreasaio :medical'
scioree came ano r •great factor in
Making for Iongevty kpOWledge of
the •-rules of health: In this, dental
surgeons played an important part
Today we now that. fresh air; is a
fandamental condition to: health, ,but •
formerly peopleilwaye, slept in her-!-,::.
metically :sealed room e and thus
• Recenc experiments in Vienna have
preyed cenclusivelY that the din alone
will effelt cures; of" seeh diseases as
ricketa.' and tuberculoeiS. The health -
giving .properties. of the ultra.viblet..
re -ie. are now understoodh ,. • "
Steadily: we .are. foreing- Beck , the
deetreated aur-fore-
• . , • .. • fram±, -the
rmour vein by mediaeval • kpights!
mot of is top small for the
Moderemon• ••'1 • • 4.,
Scientists • consider that the next
'rat step to wardi the hotter,. heath '
'Of the community, lies the abolition
•of the pails- of Smoke. which He over ,
our 'great citke,; fillingthe air with
poisons'andobstructing the influence
of the life-giving. inn:
7 1:16:St?iTs of Our .unseen enemies and
:deeper knowledge -of 'oursteyes mikes
certain an ever-increasing span ' 4 •
life, for° the human •race.
,f4 •
ey Forgo
COUR times 'ilifring their torte hour stay "gentlemen
yeggs" exploded charges of "soup" in an effort:to
break open the safe' at the Neal Baking Powder Companyin •
Wiedier. Securely trussed to 'chair in a. cimboard
the watchman heard the disappointed robbers leave the
Wriggling to a pearl*. telephone, with his ;
%mouth he lifted the receiver off the hook and Idled.
"Help! Police!" The ever watchful Bell operator pieced
lip his cry and relayed it to Police Headquartere;*ith the ....-
result that in five minutes the pai,ke flyer carryingo squad •
- of uniformed Men with on the scene and taking up the .
e f, • trail of the bandits. An enterprising photographer te-Ser
the 'scene as recounted by the ivatehmirt. The incident IS., one of cors of recent events in which the telephone has proved**
its the mog•helpful ally of the police, the Tinian or the Physician.; •
. •
S eel Cars Now for Freight Service
..i.s •
five, hundredef the new freight ears" VOW -MT Order
for. the Canadian Pacific vAll set a new standard in
, and 'general freight Service: These cars are
• not in replacement but in •addition to the wood ears
already f•itt-liger -iihtt fin -rash' a greater margin
of &AV, Inln* speed: and longer &ref& While elitain.„
ritintleAllg4,.. - ' • - .., . . - '
.Th0,', " ' _ _•-• - - , , :1Fitilielcii• to eat,
. and Will terielderahly speed tap the movement of
...grain. Itioettirig Of all jointk, and connections will
reduce to a 'Minimum possibility of loss of grain
and the car *salt will he 'Mo solid and will, pos-
',TOSS gi*ttee-iitralik. *The 1-trt a the car -*fir he
:steel' as will also the Whole a tnetnie. but the sides
- Will, bp .)ocl imod ineuro., . .
Amid -oriel iiii'efsi will tie praelded" loY a new
-15Se -Mtity Stbi lic-Spithee Teotilitia„ ung.". ete, towakdi, permanent fah iter• littibitcli I 't e.. oh ea
. ,
• likely doe" 1, Olf ° •"• falai .1 10654- Ma-
. • •
sr • f• 111
Urn° of truck having a test .ettiel iramee. These truck
Side trstno* Which raresalit 't,4•1# stVidard• of 0.1114*
lifiliriation-rit-WiTr Sin the ear proper is another
noteworthy feature. • .. • •
Dimensions of the ear are SO feet4 inches ,in
length; 8 feet 7 high, and 8 feet, 1%.,i inches
, wide: They will have 5 foot side- 'awe and A CaPticitt
-• • 'The new cats repi&ent an inipOrtant advance itt
raHwa .ght_ttanspOrt.41611, on this -continent ant
they hive been developed more directly to keeppace-
with the development of the ivest...In recent years crop'
acreage has increased. Car loadings have increased in •
like ineastre, linproyed harvesting machinery has .
s .ceded delivery kE-,and necoesitated still -
more &Teat hafidlifig oh the part of the. railway
• DeliVerY. Of the new Care Made in ample
•tiii4 for the harvest of 1920 end the Canadian Pacifie
may be expected to again break the record •of crop
". •
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