HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-02-07, Page 5• : • , • , • . ! . • . 7711t LAMILNOW'siva stti" illuIt4m4 Ta. 4 gg, •.,,,g; • .0: " • • **A 'est, I4X1fir% .f41 EREC INA.11014.-11-4-.4-TE4 , - D... COOK STOVE.' Haruki •Coal :and Wend •lioniny COoklag,Surfece CookingTep , Direct 'Draft'Ditainer.,is:Operated •• final .,rear of cooking •-top. Hot • Water. Reeeevoir of• cold Fejlect "copper heavily tanned.: ;Quad Large 'Synod. Firebox ijces 24. in. weod:, deep'. Oven, removable ,grates, T WILL PAY...TO " To T1 -11S: STOVE BEFORE: PURCHASING: The-cnOr-lieriti-l'riple*fee:t Reaterr ' .dces 4 things at, once IT .1tA01,Vr4 • . i'rtrn ths ' • . IT GLOWS WITH CHEERFULNESS It is handsome in appearance, 'will..., burn any fuel, hard or soft coal coke, pr weed, and, is- moderately priced., Full line Of .Qfiebec_ Heaters and ;Airtight Heaters .,always on hand., , Axes & Crois Cut S always' on hand. Row. . rvit.44 .0..oftvo• , Mrs, James'Itabettsen has returnedhonie • bevin.4 nPent'a Weeli4.0 ,4PP- cardilie with Mr: gd,„.V0X;, Mr. Watson "Ceilia and et4or Alice ,visited atMr.'*111 149t Mondor Mike 701Iva • Thompson Oftent-14.4veek- with hr .-, shut 4,1ro, Will 0,taki;.; ley louOkitowo • 777.. te:-• • . eat pi -A• t:ho ng Mea,L4..nanew.,_EMerscin ,:is mak favorable iMproYesnent• her "cent illness: • . M-. and:;Mrs;.4160t: lest SnadaY. at: JaCkleihitt's.; *4 .and Mrs. George' flere ,.Ar. :visiteck,,..the. latters , Mater P'M Claude pore on ,Sunday. Eyeribodi Seemed wit'h• flekhtful weather; for Church goi last Senday;:., • , ,and gipet*eit vlsi the''lottnet ;Parents, at #eltast 1 eek: • .• . At: The skating on the Ponds seem be much enjoyed. - . Crewe • • MILIRCH NOM , - sirestiy Me41,9,g, The annual; 'Vestry Mee:flag of $t. PetOr's. "A.nglican Chet4 held in; the Rectory where encenraging 're4 :ports. were ,•receive.4, from the •,:ent,-,orgarileatioas7-if the-eitemittl* 0044 report ':wastiVea ..Smith. Miss pr9sented, the:reberf. Guild, Miss L. Mitolie.lt:'freiri the A.Y.F.A..•:_and Mies Pearl Nixon 'fromthe Samley, :Sae,* 'Officer§ for "4"ie Year were.. elected an feliaw.e;'/?''ectees:WP.xklea,". .,Sert;yestry Clerk. Teinjzie Clark;:Dele,. ,egate ice : sirtiod;. R. n:•:Mc uillin-' Substitute ,Meoreheese Mitehell-Vde- vt),, +Win..Ketehabali, Fred :Martin, 'Herb McQnilIin. •Mark Cassells,:Vhee. ;Salkeld, T. NV. Smiths W. Cook, 4vea.. ted McQuillin 4nct E. .40.47114P: Visiting Ast Committee, Mrs!, H. and M. Teintle'Cinrk.,Atftlitors., G. to Siddail and.kooteleinse Mijhe11. Rev. E."0;Gallaher addressed the:‘,Ingeting. 'outlining ;the ,work- aceemPlialiedin .the past ,and what might be neeere plisheil in the'luinte:Atelresherients • ee were .served .at the cloiO of the tr00- • at, . • Rebinseri spent. the week4and- With' his sist Mks, John ICilnatriCk. • Miss Mary Plats Of Dungannon spending g,few -Weelte with .Mrs. Saran. We are glad ,ta,kneei'that..111 Swan is Ahle:,tO be up and 'arOu again after her recent il1ness,• ' Mrs Wilfred' bientiai! & Lorral are spending a feW.:, tuyi • yaitii h parents at :LticknOvir. . •Mr. 'Aldin HaSty. was Ironic fro tinekne* over the week'end; , Mr. and Mre. %James 'She'rwe spent Sunday with Zion friends: , . —tinip-eti-diE:-,....it. , ie. Cherebeilicild Annual Meetings :, United. Church .. ' nt, ' .: The,. anotral eongregational -Meeting • Of St. Airdrew_aIJ': nited: Chu' rein_wai ne held .Thiirsday eYening Nat. A lati.e" or • *Tiber Were irs attendance. . The ipestor, Rev.. C. N. 1VIcKerrile'eonducted the opening exereisee after whieh he was apP6inted. chairtnan. Following a' • few well chosen iptiOductory, reznarks 04 regarding .the 'great progress exper- • zericed.. throughout. last year the see, retnry.,:Me.R. H. Matt ri e sum -L, n ary 0 • e nalleiaTitanding--.-Which Proved most._„satisfactory. All the branches of the work -was' reported to be in a. flourishing condition. . Not: only Was there an, inreasc- in the contributions, but also a Marked ad- vancement in, the interest shown. The, LUCKNOW and WINtalAM Noritunental Wits • •• 'lifeeknow,....,Onti: Hae the largest and most complete, 'leek In the' most .beautiful. designs • to choose fromi, • 'bible; Scotch, Swedish and Can- ' adian Granites . • We neiie—s spe c ialty Fivailly- Mo.nuiteats and invitelour. *Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully PromOly Hone. '•See: before piecing ,y,our order. pr • 'Pheme74 tuelatoW„ R. A.;Stiettan • Phone 256; ..HALLOWE'HN •FUN 1:0MES DIGO IN HURON • . A' "Hallowe'vn Party" on October' .2Ist in Mullett: township had its ae-. • 49el in Magistrate Rid's office ' one any recently, says the Guderich Sig- nal, when sixteen men, ofyarjous ages from. tvventy-twosersi; ; -live, fined.$35 apd coittz.;_n portion'Of • -*the total arndunt Tab' t"-"95 1eing assessed against cie e. The chaive was, that of unlawfni assembly,, the inen ;having gathered at the premises . of John Garrett, . near Lotniesboro" ••• • and, committed considerdale, derange. The dejni n the_Vonyiction vas be. • canoe Of •diffictfity` in rounding, up • the menbers Of the gang • ,. TO MAKE CONCRET* FLOORS . . DITSTPROW • ' •. • ' OBITUARY Mre.,Prid-Aistlefigins • There passed away kinOugh on Thursday, 'Jan: 30, 'a iiiedST .respected .,,resident in the .person of WS. 'Fred A. Hodgins, Con 10 of Kinloss in her 57th Year. , Before her marriage •ehe was 'Sarah R. ger:atm, and was born ,in Biddolph 'Township, later moved with. her parents to , Greenock' Town- ship where' she lived Until her mar- riage 18118 t� 'Sec! A. Hodgins. She was a member-of:the Anglican Church all her ,life and .Was" always reedit at all times to help anyone need and cheer those .in serrew, me was de- voted to hei home rbeing -17,-taithfill- lOving wife and mother and hospitable friend; many happy Sociable gather ins Were eirjuyed in her honie,.ene of the inostinemorefiirreittrthe. Silver Anniversary of her Wedding Dec.. 21 19014. 'Although the deceased was net in very good health for SO1:11.e. Years:about ...Seven Months age she suffered a parelatic 'stroke. from which: she, did recover. She will be greatly, missed in the .c.Orimninity. and home. She leaves to moan her loss a beleved husband, 2 sons and 2 daughtere, Mrs.1 . . . •Edgar Lovett Of London; Alice; Oscar Harvey at hemp.. Her youngest dau- ghter, Edit Ellen, predeceased : her just two years 'Feb 5. and 2 sinters and 1 brother, Rite,. Geo, Vanderhurgh and Mrs. F. S. *Eaten"; Clinton;. and Wm. Cerson, Kincardine. The funeral was herd on Feb. lst. at 1.30 pan. 'from the Anglican church Kinlough, the Rev. Mr. TOwnsend,:of.- ficiaSe.dii and: gave an. appropriate and impreaSive service. The remains were - laid to. :rest in Greenhill cemetery Lueknofv; -"I'he pallbearers were Mr. Herb ' Graham, Mr. -*m.:.-Percy;, James Iledgins;;'Mrle-Levi Geo. yanderbiligh and iti-.7•Joe Meer. Friends .froin, a distant*, came .froin London,' ILucizii, Kincardine and Teeswater. WHERE DOGS 'MUST STAY • AT HOME • • • • . ..• 'There was quite a, stir in the lace] , Concrete Seers Are :7ot as -bard as magistrate's ceurt up at Durham one they appear to be. In •L':4,: clt,e =Fah' day last week when the loeal Constable. l , not wall over the. ' concrete* 'floor Of te. cellar without. loosening "pinched" five citizens who' had allow - ii tic" a ed their dogs :to run at large in the am -all amount of dust-ircir the env. town. There is a town ' bymw forbid. - face. Some of this "adher-e to ' the di -.n iiiy", - such 1;b4i,ty tio.,.. any., , dog '. soles of the shoes and IS carrida . to . -from the meanest cur to the best bred the floors above Much to- the ,annoy. poodle �z viiiice dog. such ntriy 141k. ;loot of the good 'housekeeper: '', the streets' onlywhen AcCompaided A siniple way • to prCvert the cite- by some tespcpsible person, When thin of this dust on a cticrete floor cvinter 'sets ' in dog.eWners become is, to treat it With 'e. solution Of careless • at' to the Whereabouts of waterglass and writer; A quart of +heir Pits, and the council, seeing- :. 'tyaterglass ,Syrup should be mixed theit 8y , law being, dented. instructed With fine gallime of svatee and the stt-' the "listable to get71).0y. n vjei,voe, lution applied to the 'floor with a the eireumstiances the. nittgiStrafe was , Inborn er whiteNvash .firtrain: , a. l efent; ne. he could, be, hilt it Ott A.--lidebral applicati00:71.04 .filllitOrn- each -Offendint 4035-0,imanr 45.10. • . - .1•The by le* it, seenis7 was intended ,the condition of, the floor; and this *104• ,g0-4-tionger-tin degs.oiil ' Vitt of . the vaterght., e'he4t in.:the:early ;sampler. 'HMO .WhOti gar,.; • iiiree quarts of .tvoto. .46.1s. Are freahlyput-Ifni sod dogs are 'Sete& the 166ae,nattlf*,..ilr: • :c6riteiiierit :place ttil' bur it ben% 'fel*. • later -tlft.nn and gnilWed. 'IvItett they, ASIO"-T lust:SIDS•et-40fre -fOrAinieV-.1**;41re, grown ut'8- t°°' Affl' tgottYt;t11,staF tiwl'elifeiti7ouggi‘ *------.: 'ssItes, 'ponsititis treats •everyo,forin limit. It fla 'gond alt.the YeaV tenrid ' _of eoutthe_ErOnchitiarghta_ 4; -',-."---,:- 2T6n411- 114lubles ciulehlt,',0064:1400101.degif 4-1XPit.grit weie'-fethiehten- the .0 - . ir n04110.11?!Ok. 4,' gf go 'int' .1100 OM' a al otr.00. ' • o f r ,rti SO that winter a -few de.y.i. with friends. Belgrave. end wig his sister Mrs -II.; :E.*gar17• Mr peal ahainney, spent the Week Mts. J. 'ngland. of •Lacknow, who spent the past three weeks witk her daughter returned to her _home on Wednesday. , ,Mr. Cecil 131ake has .gono to Detre for a few months. We are alway Sorry to. See Cepil' Mr. and Mrs. Wm: *natal of Wa watioeh' spent Thursday with their daughter Mts.. Win.: Reed. .; it session report was reed by Mr.: S, McDonald, the P. S. by 'Miss. Jane 1ViontgemerY, Mission Band by Miss' Norine Pelloek, C.G.I.T.' Mrs., (Rev.) McKeniie, Sunday 7Sbilob1 by R. G. Munn; azill-:the W.M.S. by Mrs.', IL _ Buckingham. , The total, revenue amoUnted to $10,4147:95: • Of this amount $1414.41 was 'raised; for the missionary and niaintenaitee., fund; Y.P.S. $158.91; Mission Band $17:00; $35.96; Sunday 'Seheel $318.1. 67; V.M.S.N$537.29. Building fund $5;399.85. Current $2.805.86. , During the year the.citarch bni/ding has-been, completely remodelled; 'a commodious basement to ,be equipped as a Sunday School room: -new leaded Windom* a comfortable vestry and gallery and an up to . date- steam heating 'plant are aniong the improvements whieh entailed an additional expense of over $9,700, over half of which has. been • paid' off in the first few months. This: is MOSt encouraging to, pastor and peonies who have worked' harmonious- ly the. carrying out of this ,pro. gram. . All tthe officers of the church Were re-elected for 1929: Mr. Robert McTavish replaces Mr. Bea S. Logan -on the Board of Stewards. A reSolu- Men Min the joint Boards of Ripley and Olivet, receramendinean increase of the pastor's Salary from $1,900 te '1$2,000 was placed before -the congre- gation. and the same avas.nnaniihorisly agreed to by everyone. The coming year is looked forward, to with great Thong-. that Wi+h-1,•the newer. and better equipment still greater progress may be realized. Presbyterian Church . • . The annual reports of Knox Pres- byterian Church, Ripleye just- issued. show a very 'successful years work accomplished by :the people, of that congregation under the.,nestershin_ef Rev. Dr. 'Geo. W. ;Conners, Ph.D. The past year has, seen the pract- ical-rompletieri. of quite, ansextensiste- building program,. so that Knox church enters. the new year sufficient- ly adequate to meet the present needs of the congregation and no further expenditures along. this line are anti- cipated for some time to eome • ' The new Sunday Schoat building is completed and in 1028 the Y. • P. S. presented' e fine piano and Complete set of , at all ,social "functions.' To this, the W.M.S. added an electric'stove 'and cooking utensils Through •the • 'generous 'donation of, Mra. Jain R. 'McDonald, Kincardine: - Misses Annie mid. Lillie Sutherland and Mr. John 'McIver of Tapley, the chureh was eouipped with a fine new oak pulpit and cominuniort tiable-and the C.G.T.T. added t,Ivp chairs to this equipment. A- beautifel silverhaptisini ,bevyl •tva' presented to, the church by Mr. • and Mrs. 1. A. Reavie of Detroit Renorts of the' various organizations of tho church ghow all rO 4be in --a flnnrishing•conclition. _' The financial atatement of the church showed that $3-253-.S2'lrad been raised and that a halanee is on , band amorintine. te SS 69, "s The tir,d'artizalion raised the followin miffs; Bnilding Pend 10.177541q049:' C:.(71..tiVr.'.`7i690$82714.4:141Cp'PaT11 5,000 FACTS ABOUT" CANADA , The 1:929 edition .of that miller' annual, "ot000 Facts ".A:beat Canada." edited h rimik,yigh the weli=kOwn- Tenni:line sinthetri,anit Publicist, is now off the *eat and contains n wealth of material that presents the stirring story of Pur national Oogress in crisp Concrete Many new features mark this issne;:'such'sis the Striking expansion during the ten °years since the armistice, as .well as, the remark- able adAncellnade in the last twelve 'months,' pe of "Canada's Best, The. ooklet '''sells Canada" most effectively, and is widely distri- buted for that purism, while it is invaluable to any Canclian who wishes to know his country. The 50 chapters of contents; tells. the 'all -Dominion story in a nutshell. Copies man 'he had et 35 cents from leading:news- dealers or from the Canadian Facts Pub. Co.,. 50; nuron'Street, Toronto. A n. WALICEIrtON, • Last Friday Magistraile Walker Crown.Attorney Freeborn .and Mr. N. R. Robertson' Were' in Kincardine (-the last, named iteting for the Children's - Ad .Society). in .connection with the healing. 'of, an .assauft charge •laid against a resident of that town. Over .n week' before' Ibis Man a. 'widower With two Chlidren, c.hastiz- ed his seven year Old daughter. Aceor- ding to the Otidence of the physician iito Saw her • a few dant' later,' ;the ialitOinealfilliCtied -Was: rather seVere Accneed, when conyieted, was placed on a suspended, henteneeof slit months and he paid the costs cif the case. The Only thing that saved from n substantial term it jail Was the ',fact plat he tirtid ,court,'under oath, that he, 'WeS, suffering from luberculat trouble, drawing a pension for a dis- • ability occasioned ,by military .service. • The 'inagistiate ordered that theehild- ren be madewards_of the Children's Aid Seelett They are in the Shelter, here, nevie-s-Tele...scepe.- • DUNGANNON aiaraairtai.a. • _The. Rev,. Ai Welke: went to Toronto last week wh4.kie he Will re.„ main, for Six weeks tEdcing, A post gichilitate course -in torOtfniversl: .ty. . • _ Walker pf tSRAer mother pit the Rev, 1.• 'Welker, •and her diffigliter ',Mist -Sadie Walker ef Ter= onto Were, guests. last week:ad' thi loentitititendage. ; ; • Mr. HTre arney lealiett ,luis disposed stsseseedse es.tiool s1e0.75. "the" ehessh ,6fficers nre,"Reeettele (tio#te of q.oit.171• Yolin N. Mekerisi 'PessestInts'''ise 'rider, and Dam C. Msltinitet, Secretary: . Bitter : speedn, a .ctICVhicied. bet -Seem' the.• 'tender' tint train dining ()tient* , '''"nurninn.-1014PMAilitttt five tion. •.111.4 form, 6orte.d. 016. adlati •fteim xtaii•way... stated, ttatt. 9t. his genera) ,store here.-to:',Vtr. gen) -Swatr who will take possession about the first'of Mardi. ,Mt: TreteaVen, is taking in _exchange:. the: cne-hundred acre ?aim, ahe4 two miles:west of Dungannon. , • What h4C:Isetoille;ot tittOi ...04 bah- *hit- vchh-TattiO WW1* Sriend nlir on Ividnolovi ritid Sundogo, r3dr. • .5c4antati •sainest for the night. The ,eVening .WAS anni in nrrtTon n efter bf 11-411.4 -igetrigh:keifte'Velift4fikele; tout sad- atiddeidy! ,,,Net he* 'about n wee Debeltitits- IS, t".. , • The euest liibbed hLj halide" and chaeliled: „It .the, heat, genially; toge chift. 04 one look onth plionogroh, • ANOVINWA.111 c941)e,4 • #820, , Roadster . . 8$0 isc,n411e,"seftt) 4-Door-SWza 86.0 ; • • 'Tduring . 7 t 870 • •• ( ah rumble , 4 -.1,30oi.,$erian 890 411 'Prices I: 6.b. if>inilsor;:_.. Ontario; including stand- ard fec zees, .equipntesst (freight and taxes ex!ra) ma ITHiavigs.up to$40 on the Mostpopular , • body styles, Plymouth ricitirlabnia tip'inore sharply than ever as the grea t dollar valuein theles#00Pri.C4fieid-'..- '" 4it` weatherproof, • hydraulic 4 -Wheel ,brake, pressure lubiiCatiOn, body impulse:neutralizer ' and inspressive Chrysler powerandsmbethriesi..r. . . . • 'Bztwemtstasi you to drive the new Plyniouth ..tpand4luauzi.otequipmentatwunclianged.-__. •Ali the big car size and roominess :which 'set Tinsmith' apart in its price class—all the rugged • construction and inherent econniny of Plymouth's ' high compression engine—all its ;unique -Citer-s- ---.51.,eestYle• and beautye-come to you intact—but , it substantially lower cost.' , ' ,f4 We Mild quote endless evidence of Plymouth's , iffeatei'V e--rea y seen m .such. £eatures as • IN or,a comp ete reve anon o t. steaver wires, • measureit provides in luxurious,. low -to a •. transportation. Only in this ay -ran you realize elms paralleled engineering ' and manufacturing re sources of Chryslei have achieved in procIur- ink a' rivality ,icar for ;the greatest of all motor • -gar ma ets.•• .303, PHILLIF'S 'Ludkilow • PROSECUTED FOR BREACH . OF PHARMACY. ACT , A recent press report ',from -Brant- • ford says: The way. ef , the retail merchant is^ it'hard one it thesell7s.. of chain store.. competition- and other things.. Among other • things is the :Pharmacy Act, as Weal-• merchants, found ' Out'. tiWilng :Charges of breach of that -act were heard againat .Walter Menzies and Lawrence and Riehard Patterson, it being alleged thAt'theY sold A. H. 8. and c. pills, aspirin ,calerriel;•withenis being qualified, draggists. On their be, half counsel put rip a strong protest Vanist actions 'being launched witb;.. ont:, the merehants receiving even a warning ;that such spies' are illegal, for, if they sinned, they shined inno- • cently,._ not knoWing it to be against the.. law. They had purchased the - •goods from traVellers of the National •Drug Cenfptiny,, and had no reason to, suspect. the-resale-waillegith-----,--- J. C. McGregor, for the :department told of making: pnrehases, while F. S. ,Mears, K. d, stated that thnple,warn- ing' had beengiventhIgh 'publicity. Mr. Nenzies Was fined 20 and costs • 'while a technical 'objection' was- made. in the PattersOn ease tha4,the proee- eution had net i,roved jttrisdiction, and th tratellield the:c—ase over for a week to et -milder it Crown Attorney' W. M. Charlton se- cured an adpirrnment for a 'week in the case of Tjny Callabro, fruit. deal er, charged With selling medieitted wines• sadtd contain alcohol. • The defence counsel held as this Was a proprietary medicirie he -had a right to :seIl it and the Crown attorney then asked for rid secured the, adjourn - Ment. 'Prevteriato this, hewever, Cal- ,Iabro 'cora 140 .$2,60 and, costs, Which he nal& for hating in 'his. possession tWelve one -gallon r ans ef alcohol. the biggeSt seizure nitide here..for some thine. Excise Officer Newsome and Provincial Officer Milligan • laid -e iharges„ whieh followed a recent s`ald,, • -• ' A 'Unique piece: tit itilltvits etuin. tient, a Aynatrienieter ear. has been conntrticted tii the Anglia shops' frir Canadkai.Pfirifte • CUTTERS WE SELL THE STRICTLY HIGH:. GRADE ,LINE OF CUTTERS, duAxtit'Acru44D 47f. THE MOUNT_ rbREST, CARRIAGE CO.: BODY .. • ' 110ifTLAN.1) • STYLES, •7-• . a • SLEIGHS , :CALL SEE OUR IIEFOR.E • . WE .WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU . THE "REST. , MAKES IN BOTH SLOOP AND B,ZNCH, SLEMHS, , G.• ANDREW gent.: Lucknqw • , d T ere ari eke • fntiiely eib al setha eoliqined. With riibbber insulated '-steel• flanged wheels has been apecially. equipped ht' the Angus.shops o'f,the Canadian • Thieffic Raile•ay at Montreal -for the use oft1 etiginclerhig deparforent,,i of that company••• citi: inspection s trips. • The-titacinne haa an -extra braking system offerated by the stetitint wheel and ?anmak as groat' it speed• on the rails •a can on the highway: Over severity an boor was.in de on a, trial .•run, '. • • , . ...A big black hear trfed to stop a , Canadhiii Pacific freight train the . Other "day near Arndale.station tit Noethern Prom:0'14d centers. hi- 0h-• tariti. 'and „whoa the .entitiiintor was over there was not enougli, of 'the.. • bear left to OiAke A Pair.ot • Orann. eviirentlyssatidered to,the • trkekg -dorint, the night . and was - blinded by the . glare 'of. the hend Ilitlakt-Bla Olt bear -are...a-found , • . throughout L'asterii • Ceti:title bit are not often aeon, neept; ttring the ,as thel tvre.tight„ prowlers. v. 1.."' --separates' lte. fizteisded- teit , • . - ' 'affleleaoi ofincoinotives.at varlinit .. A dd'resetig ikfata • er"riltto of .- g A WorksWonders on Peevish Stomach. and Lazy Bowels .rhe. old, reliable Calla glzer'a 'Tailic and Syslerit Builder. All' the goodhess and hing virtues of' herbs, Nature's •own mothrine, itEe ire tli is tonic. No r.tinerai driagS:• 4 ; • .every...• organ. A:Orloig . back the old joy °Oiling., &TAN"! ..nerves.; ,Clears up. skin 1roul4;, • ctott -ECzerna. Builds you /Op. • otherGrillaghor's. :Herbal Household • Remedies are, by • • . . 29 A. B. NI rli;int.1 irvktirro- , • • •'• • : - NIt)Tict P0 ('lZ1•44)11,(11i.S , • • . rsu ;:: To •*tatincs, Tafie. Ntd,i.i,•tiat. haviirg .1,,711nnriT A,fainst 02, • .. • r.sr.AY-st"Ofi-6171;di 11,-,1',.1.C.n. • :;;.• 'tvcritt y , 4eteartefi': W o dr ul„ to?, • f t,(? • ,„r .0t Fel rrn“ ,„ rgAld'red t.;) Lc, t ti uly_ atittlito'friie ark. t. on, the ithrfer ig nod; t r etre i.rix or' tiffor before tiro -44th da r tit datv.' ,tnid ' •ltt' rfi'•ut o • thd • 'AS9etzl Of1ii0 sAld cslt, 11:iv,i41g . gard. only to 1e v.hieh she snali then, have notico,, • . . Cliarlet.e kincardizze: ' ' ted at tineardinL• Out,, this 44 -dag of ,Taintirry, , *motor et. the ear are, transmitted 1i,r6gtfit • .0"f'66.ted Oft.tY :trf'i'6ii4a ., kitotvg clitenegranh; at•talhi.V. records Upiin .L.• Moving Sheet•tet otier.: • It Is ittfaitist.,-* fit AO tYrt Online/Y.1119W 'returns', refrkir4' anyof its .tilredeesigsorf and IsSaid- fo. be .the finest titsei:1te kind On em'struPt1141i- These ifiakee :Wee the continent: One est • • OS* speeisi ;value; be remarked. be. .diittet ,ivitt the testing ot thccauso ofthe Wide aline at 4otivity oeve,..tioelamenteiLiaontotive ot 2 t4t34tion11-7, coessitadrA; '4• 111°04' ...r*flikirit 0111't br r44• ,4#4 rft01_,, 11"-tt 71c" Mc 144114" ehittnt * ikeei grettlY.:..draretteAdm• • • 7