HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-01-31, Page 6-ivy MW t 1p,� 7 RPM IRF R 74 P . W1.1 4 �A, 7�, i'� 41 4, 0V 7r; 4, Vn.. 4. NR� ---- -- FbIid 7 qu ';A jog U� the reading T -as bring u,res �bere OW, N 3 - it Dd,:. a.1 e4kin- qx A4 A or# hi* the' FF rea,11%, Iry trvsIde, Iro. srual. iar A all. o'0, n .... . ... 'US 'ce'Agin ro arY V V:, Y k he rr6 P h 7 Scrip tires 44- 11141y V6 U .111 Vo 41-110 13,..a it of -the, Old, T ldeA�M -that 0 in, but fli hUIj?A,. wl$ o I tinjill4i 'are7njot riiih ileE nhI7C he h, YV* et tile 0�q th MgS 0 r. -qT IR y e "0 10.1� '�Slt.th They— 0so V w Ahdividia, al- firm pas; '0 or -0 1;9. d this.' pO414-go fpr i N ,w beeill, Thjl AA (jo.1 go d tfpii�q eola-`IIALII� iiiiiipe t6itq -OF ;THE�- SCR -A Uns iA �u ...N �n tke f;p1lo. �-pture tal PT Xenes contact,' ar V, 3ap4A :aild. on their �V ath& eVil and, �r I yfo did Con tiscklr-AW, �be`fteets AhO -fallen.. an oI jh�ui- jhe 17.' Aghteoush'ea ll iji6rl f6w d 4yS ti r6u twes The 17. yearj iihf V6 rdep.sa W,Us, ststod anthorlia(rVIO, Y COX' f. -eilty to n,gs sd r bafis a at b4y' runIcs OF. that the .:I quox XL.,( VLeI lAio.j'osed. &u1t f br-1 It i'ch xesults.; cd 41 'e� VL�IY:4 Ur Itih is ours -in Do O -the. VY -by"' these, u4sparq4' stren oI -6f i *wX so of . An �opeff ......... livadable 0 - A I' tba�t'lxe heto..iiade `1� -The l" w1io,' had, an rtsined 61fo lip 'rgf3'b4 'Or Ilk 't rr, wixg, -Viiii 11 1. 1 .. � Old 'the A� hobE l) t of lly'. the ings.1, 're.Ras 'iet ig" UZI mi -ta were' no Aed of a. Was: on y. 4 'aled book -t d n,arabiiiianed; o fore in a ry ly feeders:'apd dessrvai-.�piot�itlqW tIp", -to wAlch is, oua� of masa6 'eilime- out, A t Illillt; Orgy. are:hiagry, e er man, . y a inany - a'10or struggle and 'y d 't t 'a -port it 'to It 6 bar; that men were able tO get;the;BIb,1 larting-abohL.voc. d prpduLtI6n gn r6adJly be applied. and �one 'sags tbQnX� ks. T was joaded a,boAr t a o0. "trzfnslated in lisIx. .We. believe ndpr, �ondltiong'audh . as a pujr S abulAde and under guaird wor41ngS'Qf" may be, -k -e-. o erp,inects. on the viag, The first h that in -age two -t par of . erip�t -1 'w four i6ldlers l6h &r the'barraci.. hlich' go toiiether; e.,h.Ave,.a J t1h '. L - btb W Lt bat,� tj on. qixgct. the rev 'it Is a, 4b tied UP60 to poar th,.'�64g� t of the gradual �,Prf .,a story co poln bat REDUCJ�Nq HfS TUMMY i,nethods. whiph Mr. Ford prq4tefs; red bat, "the ai.lt.pry j�ftd ady dr,.. We, haZy... L It -Is said that a me - he mind'andpurpose.of G�d'., see r0ge early 'to be o .!,.;t bit, Ba;be V k, ng:': takes eie.. But.' here instantly., arias. is hbar haw chilst,49 pret,gared t pror twhere between, the, dock yard amd, tile, questio, Mdoes th ,by' their -hi nd more cle 1 1-09., S,6430n ..up this poriend 4 disa� iei�,, langing up pheei�s mbrh- r. 0xi 'th a* *ds held bar a pe o last'hecomes Eks'Aho- 'in �by two .men. -to: be tern -per, f, the indeperide4i f4ridi? alt day' aileep' In � sOmO dark P a a. 't, "er e a the nane al- fcosAlways :in every � la jiu' gril lidt' flilliat' to U been, looked'.Upon maIhs,tdy:,O.t when-, they, WSk4L up and tbov. crkii� Sai OW6 mi10, nee.. rMe thj - ­ P I ! We sh rn" . .. . ii�t. on)y a y th4i, flesh. T, n# the fai a aleirihs. wed. them til.. search the ambula 7 ftR 'gi ise, they 4 T d tar, "ll'a'c' M.04itoy with the. result 'that ild ilo W t a. -6 t 6al of,. wa ry I Llsh ja4 n9t 'lick 3u.tte.r,,wh. Qs: our" ve: I AN, 7C eft in front f Dep4ty. Ins after. ir j�ry, of 'the !arm­Tbathijig, h*dver, btit ;-Sa 0 IMRFtGVEM'9kT nakf�k a thexiisfilvei i 19 f, � diid ;6 sb their terwirds, develop "Carta A, OvIor like* 4 ca a t.. O� %posilohed. Iwhe. alf e- Lt' a . r made i Steady -6de may, afl -1�extjaedy's r�slOehc6 foT. e., ni !de foas wit4i the. f ront�part, of thb'Ving., Cloadian,lo.,heese, ai us d'y tire mos .,serious de- -ther the f; to�_hfg eyes In t advanoe �,In. .'quality a Floe coilipti, sory A— 66mb ve 's sets. t -that cro t, fur Is rumpIq 8ag a�gin- in 1923, n a.. b v ie. N1. 0 f ac" i hbl th at gra I Ho tj all the indepeAdebes-'If thell i:,�of pi 'I, t is- 3.p �Up -in tjjig.,v�&y is- the,..�ald'. -n �06"Sa" u is i a man will rase . nee' "Id, spots oil the sifr� "Mith'.which orators like tq nvest him.. out pea, 15,r. vidtli Me shaip..clawg,olk. o rrlou..­ , h'. � -- . - I a ll b 1, e.,paye en. L here _o D_ ho ad: their 41nd-feet. 6IV6�ring. a au.# d' ate those w feh�ch B r ihe,- D Ad . i tiqn,,.went, as Oys � P . . I . I:vr 'CalLidiaw: Y 10. the 4,96trinat that I Wag better, to own Our'-dommonest and'100a-t�sP0 . ......... .. . j dre a. -are "three leaturiqu EL. LM �Vie Iaepat t -Dairy Pioductsi, fri, ax were mor�g?46 O -n -a. farm t�4n the farm Ii the. big brown 'bat,. w1ich ranges, a .Association,. Dr.. P., Q- k:Looa,j. rito ill, skicd, In' theis' Verses— the yeter , rid -tin ift from.,;L&-; Agritulturd, At. Otta;Wd:., I ., i . f the can a Each. -verse. speaks of-thoo Chlet -�t 'the.. Division, 9f Dalr -Ke- mortgagdd Thif-re,are others abput 3 per 'c O -ver, Most: 0 m Agr cl-. bradot to Alitska, southwai olorkqa fact, that ant. of. thO -who -assert 'thatAn.. Me time of the un, y- w ich the search,,.Ii. the� aple, d6k:. inew, _b ' h-' Depart entire rhake of -the'Dominion, vdth 98 calls atterition -to the -niti dAaiq.a,_p6Inted'ou that - while' y dawn. unt late 'at 64 v e 9 a ant In the.. Mami.., acignt- of th� ch 4dvd-, ''Sidlad-n6ss. of God'so word. Wi`sh6uld ee5le g! in moul 1s' 'r a Koutwelry. puring't . a -a same ea- n classes. or Special". and, "fits . '.,at� 11 ' 44'a'work 'ne' r,don'* filloth 0ave (it, to"' 5"' ' hi from ti -1, appears %late, a tw ve rdoes. Let' me jhf, d ' h fro still'worRs from i, 11ein ;ab,u'd t i y` year! it a .1 an fi.ilds� ve a. r 'still 'farther. 2,. Each; -grad6.!' ear to tu a. carried It both cortigi6rclal and eihi- count them overi� But exen with th6se" facts' biforei 'us, .wlntbr,� many-, or t ese bit migrate have s owix.alpin All'of the prov -�re is'still a disiliclin, a area Selects,' out one* pirticular qual- n 'butt:0. Creameryindli ere �'8efore I -lay hein_ on tire r6ek,:' the. ivarmer parts'. bitt:s th fhe frl the north to, -ity' cf the law.; , Such 4s`perfedtion., ke.- quality,' with matkad inli�tov6ment in, -cep"of, thii wAsh6d stone. day of bqnaviiz� farming thatts, to say -of''the s�out - *fiats thek'biberfiae. d tfin outttkhe�sotll th tr it e-'sd: prevell ive *iris for M. y wounded b4tman., qrOW�dd: kep,%t trdets iarnled "by j6divotajjou�, The young of ttis' speties"., anO or -twc 2w Et :Veir" nt4rio leading.in this respac Ill as ness tru ich 96.7,-p6r--cent. in the two highest I -food', puhiteif. out that' ;off Dover, -the 111 which- follows' ure! established I' I� a- I I' nuniber,'are bo�h fit June., 2�ud . a. points out same- To -Of grOhir,., mea cl ha, in versal y %1ir6ughout to In the first ll founti to enter I&I-gely IN"llo. got me .;-ouE of No Man'A.'Lan.d Unittid 9 tates'. 'Ye 'it I's, svate a!-:1 carriall',obout by.the�', iotherfora�bout i in i1i otudy of 'the jjw '�., H h ' M�iil , a bes t in par T- a ream; -i -19 6' ' I " __ uie to,' be iinlis ts reaLpmatioxi -wisdom . jo�` cl e2 Ahe Rerceritag `-of thf).. tWO' It don `6�f pasteurized, with, viC-c' m9st 'a 'veeks., '%--hen threer inoilths Old a one, ness o -per ant, whielli. ojily .78, =1 T Cie :tfiree' for.'M ddvi . sed . for ey cait.-,.fly 'abolit. f vision,!pa1ielnee'. NO won e giitdes, was fr6ifi the follovvliIi s6ui rn#rOp th Itist 'year, c6tripared. with the, r6sults t n il 1wi broth own.,food:` steurized. oream, re -con amina- .,I a n ecoubmic coin ory grad-' 7, h is.of vork wide Iii therefore- a pa The:rod bat, *,hic U-1. Aa a is p y hows, the valU?,, of jusb0zed. w e g' h' h sea on It of lftsaniiary equ prijent,, as olding vats, I i S I 11, a t Nprek $1,11' condition -of those,, who till the-farmg. 0 tio es'; a re 11 the, ate;'o Mr. Fbi!d'. reforsCto. coopeartion. Ilea Ing., in, imp qving the:quality', f 'f6r pipes, pumps, outlet vull, 6' . ie 46cognized a aVF, c6nduc. G t d lis, In 04 +Ighe�gt terms; �%Ii is ur -and' paclEing eq lip A lid this for John. No, I'll not �d' �o once y Its* glo9sy. Ora Iije-red -it , W alr6ady- been, dgvi�lope unaterilized ch na Mnm-'8xq-gess anx . cl, the. others, long. and mp r 1 "bI6 than fine,. ld� tfiiii, t th' met rly treat4 !I-neKs; sonie considerable extept an Ilit imprope. iong fr etorrew,! QpeI74 put, of- 787,', f"the 66" fa gro begfils its hant h, of 0 Is 1; stored oxtit, intection from hey only shiti,cld -the common, gal- wers: of a . 190t.% It 'f insOcts Ili early twilighl;- ble. study in the Pr vince' OntkA 0 rl�':y ating ini's'atiltary tant foei. orida. 4it'jIle' State,, t9o, a Or Vs.. The result of -Bi F1 a d .:7 to- .1, th 6ting th*. cause at v araes go t 4 that it dri�vW� 'ther' rnind.. in graded 160 pe'r ce Ixe"p 6 an aid Ao scov' g.,n they'let'life iq. so vel�y prominont, owner of- a system 6f steti�d. of,hitling away in &iidls durifig the real naturi� of tories a be- of tbe trqUb ide Qri'. t e tores'has sn�ot to establish 1 4 10 'the duptlbiv'of 40 'fAb grad' d cli'aill a Ir M:, c "of thesq, Pe fi I I gi re _rt aper-celit, Thismas them dovi(n-v :leaves 617 s In't 6r the the M The'.'dgrk 'pl6td r6w bar tWe and: 100' rem4dies Ao, apply,., creameryrnon'm�r Ath clurney sysie ' of' hitri: fi�ms. Is. atia. to.dec lightly; g It harm t filis Is undet snd faults to -praqure, fa the direkion'of a reconimanded and a tkdy_. ..w6rds aC,'fall n§ittn. forties making perfect eheese. -and of th t,' 6inselves., All of this Bulletin No. 48, "'T. 'B pfirti6niaf grief?' An''e O,ager. who,has a "p-eial- ln�eiestLjn.j, in, th� skimmer,. the ;nth6i' 'thve a 'God, f oi factories- making 61feqse s6ii.Hng' he Cause and Pre impels ,To der to� pray,to E aibI6 knigli to., th I, U-TTERLY'SI yention of Mould.. inBu:tte*," avail fix 6 reurqs. necVssary. sup,: Nr(tl- ee 'or our young, c, eansirig.,-. a;Iid we., havb'iri v.' 14'. the ImproVemelit w ce! 93, per, 'cent.. or m6re. Bids us. keip silence:. Un1knoWri ar. number.tor fixts, riple 'd a' px.ayer such Long allin line in sirnple 6ne- from tile Publications- Branch -4-AlLb plies', and. the machin-ery a vr,�. in- xat wiis s. r -n. in 'the, qualiiy of I nd. tapital all .1 .1 f -operation. areL f urn,Isbej,, 'aw'a sincere. readr"oC. Goa-!s'.word, �fro ant of Agriculture at -Ottawa.. 41 r needed fo" and rrthenj 'around with, herjor .�k 'of no4elty sill�-, =in P6 bo,,N Departin o's all. would- hdi- a plite cheese made Ili - "the other, provinces strove'abd passed.,'�ifid th.dse few by -a ceriral conloany, w tinie. in her, flights. )n the auturald. - i ave o m, shiart tweed' pattern .0 s' r SEED CLEANING PLANT ald.6 Oibese-making is an. important I 4Embls Or b scarlet ioseg' rects the mar'6tifig of "the, prodnqe.. they n.ftrate 'Alotith-w1ard like. VIYUS. 11. Tar, PROFITABI elow .: v , taist , line. and: buttozi-. Ilstry The opprifition. of:ehlcien se'ed Oadn- syg -w-111 fight teid-will work oil+ trimmed closing,,, 6dice., T -be notched �7brahch 'of dairy ind caught. tl:� , re - 9. InaPrjace Edward Island 'thei:e -as Ing- plan how that a new, faith �prfijgs.wlierIi How I b+a When d liat - ts plays an mportaiit.parp.in V, 14. irfii� one of the rever,, tolhix. afid be ..dead Mo a c,osep. in an extend 'ly 'a applug its,(iedlgishar are. of fai4lle'silk p p *stloi; so, called becanoe' thek��deill'qipe. Style Nd. 360 'is esPeeiallYi all iiicrea* Ili tile high- determinIng'the �Ield. and qUality.lof ed pfea It js perhaps.. too, VtclO4% ge,of 3 per cent, 'On 1, - . . I tooth like a wpasel; but.1.1; can be,tam- I . h% ll tile'. Saturd�y Review early to-,;determitle. -ades� 196W Brtlns*kk 9.1 per the field crops pf ill's districts. sowetV "with the , dffe'rent prr�vblerns. 'which' "th �oungei fashional a, to:,est 'gi (London�. the \Ver. the'fai ag'pet. 'the life populat. wi It I several ypars farmerq near Ot_ Ili end, howe -mer is I ad,' and inakis'an Interestb �je, - Fol iris , .1 . 11.8 -per ceht.j and Moni. a in of a4uhiistr or pas egcr lj'�z�eith fuiir Wri ISO ceit., Quebec to fili'd lif siicfi.pr�Jg6ts as these' Th� 41onty bat. also widely dIstrI-. ap. Ai4orlg these'duti�p tv�aed 'in toba. 4.4 per cent., bompared with,the- tawd ha�l tholy se6ds cleallid ;it a tot. -Very smar , . . I t inade 1.qf., -sheer a more enduring c�re for his fili than - Puted, is clasply, reJateid -to- the red igued tov, a be as to 014 coVerin"' 11 the right use of, the wf%ich- is the ant place must -previou cleaning plant opera1ini at -the'Ceft- Capt. Wilkins lans al puipfy� s, ;torriato re4. silk j -a season, bat, and resetri1les Itylit many wkvs.- Mbli' there was ti,al! Expeyintentaf Falrm. The Talue any "he can. obtalti, Ahrough politic' crepo,.black wo6l jer4y, Lanvirt'gileerl'i cheese -making Provinces, -1,�--Ixplorati It Ili ifie open, hanging, up 6y Ne ton T4ip agitation., Which,concluslon, does not knowledge of the. the 166a'l �pe,'and black -q..7 per'be.lit. of, of the w6rl; eCod �the day -on any con u way of salvation. f a4le silk, �:re cr6ye--satin. ;an MereAse: of _go, impressed 'Is: It New Ydrk­,�-Having com at all pre6lude the'necessity for some venle t tre It coxitiffis a reve,4 Pli e perent.­, grain growers - as, to.,10ad th6m to set. *k6, as* is pu.t thpt scor d abpitt..93 first - base, of the Wilkins-Uedrst .6x- ion to. b lation of- the naind of God. - The.'. true-' IK is unb;Kk�vaby easy to' in P grates.d"ring tlie winter:.and It'Vears iIiolitical -act a,* taken as early CLEAN Mt.LK up several IiIants in the Ottawa..Vil- si�rj 4heidfore, mlist idst hiii in-'- 'sea �T-smjfflw-�wfngs. Ptber.nis.,d4t t fb' -ley. Con f Ai'these places see.A.4ralen for peditioli't work In'the intafdtf6, �C_P - 'as ' poes Is `by, the the isfinfe -unusual numlier of young U1. warns gned'in si . zes 16, 149'20 years, 3.6, 3 kins announces In. a tj structiod. on the bo�k: Pa 8P The sanitary quiihtY of the milk Sir Hubert Wl is United Stateg.—Christian 9cience and cai-Hes them about In tile, same both home seeding'and for salo are aat way. It, is 40 �nd 42.1 prodxlc�d ,oil. the alling has a tremefid- in " Monitor. Timothy that he %A11 meet with, many riches bust,. anil 'require radio mossaz6 to the New, Yok-A pecull eien moie soll b U't- -if '1�e is ., surd of his ds -of 46-ich.'m.attrtal ous, ihnuence on the welfare of the erielm, and associated Hearst news-- tary, itowever,'than the nid bat; is ya up 0,111Y knWvled�e, re wili be no no -met ca- and less known -�becaust f with .0 ts view Is x-, pdpe yard 6f"'4 -inch, contrasting dairyin' rs that he will* retfir to. A, I t g Industry. Th THE� LITTLE NfGHT,CLUSS dki�ijer -of hif; fand-re., :'Its reminds4 -'In the air and rarely be-' for.. t 7&.,_ Rrje_�' 20d In, drant Lof�-hhead,�Igac- "M6� 'Rhineland itrid prevaii for the 6econd pha:sb bunts Timothj thtit he.has-bee broughL-up he 3�-Inch- S% pressed� by Dr i Q� coin (coin. -ii �referred). ter4olog at tp �ths. Dominion Bxperl- London. Times (Ind.) Two which, *111 - ba 'battled ion, noixt year ran little Nigbi'MCbs r.unninK, good gins 'work' beflore -darkg- 'It ' Is allaq in. this way. Thdae hdre rred to stanip� I . plan 'j)ro-, VoInts fire- coysiantly� 'ter otterv- Ili -from a different base. ty, tire, hiA mother and grand ther '�aiefull 9 and an Inch longbr and of very dikerent' Wrap. coin F'ai.�rhs, who credift the The announcement was ma there I.. F1, HoW �6'ORDItR, PATTF�RN& ethods lie employs the dikeussion of all early evacuation de fol. Nine wells. etosed down,. then colot fiiimh6' red species.'. ducer and the in sV I.J. r1lo 1500V Scriptiires'are the W than the barn f tile Rhineland. - The firt to thdt. lowing. a. new 600 -pi -14o,' flight, during re..twenty. Among, the, Interesting kindsitit1ats rite y,*Vr nA me and address plon- with more, importanCe - a Aaln W31,10nis a of the Old TeAIia-miI6, for ai. yet I I . . . � . ber and. sizt� �f. an0i and the da6y equipment lie p * .1, e&ri;h.ed',GM Twenty _Uq�a� t keeping. tn � South , America -ate. -tile 'ly,, giving num oises�ses. there* 'are ceftaln. logal obtigg�tlon . which Cat' --Nig Clobs e� New T8taniezit had rint been in-; te,. 11119mipires, wb th oven- Is, 'live itillon blood. CI u, e. a a I patterps as Mlabordto,einfornerit. Is no guarantee, wfile.11 cah*onlv be sei.agIde-by commi barn Land In. the hope of finding a d ri -.th s'ered The Ghris- you want. Enclose 20e Ili' 'Iriefeen ral0d, than ere f's iris as tincoVerdil at I Use. of t1je..61d, -e'hlrba. stanipg or�. d f-cleati milk. contai�fiiatlbtffrom st1l; mon coiis6nt., "Phe p6cond.Is.that 196- spitable, -afad triore southerly, bass, X , , there W I n letivei. his'to Irt elsbt Wh�cli would: enable -him to continue ntgfit', they may be attaQked li*y-one and 'sides. Most b -ass v-elght, Nigh -C Giulia running oreiiores'ln siarch. of ih6ni, hhd 'redd certain p ages'ift it carofull§)' for I each'. nUmber aql t�fte, quol�ia. the4 o Wilson Patern 'tjot(of the gra of,'these,tittle de of nillk, and'the occupAtfan would be wotise thin hisiexpl6riktions fafther abuth th�ough. Thli:t. th �coijj (eoiti prefiar�e ;.,Wrap o a produc-, lated *lthd.yawal by any one party tfiair seiviceq.- highest bold' and fr d- tfiero'ls'Y4, a further out theresont "jLsofi. No fjw�b. base - 4d meal. But -no haii vVIII- come of ,delaide St,, m'otms thafeare,must be givenjo, ugeless.i An and'the 'ProphoEs, a:nd draw$' 73 M�esit Toronto. this niffl A, cons' Thirt-seven stopped 'by law, ed, becafise iV4lkqra�,an .1deration. -whielt, properij wreight- li-found' now it the visitor Is'undisturii ,manv, lesson --4 from these %q n y I stables, a:nimals, literrsits Patterns Sent there are fo�r 'hundred and he heatl r tinu_-' the scripture the methods xlged by 'tile milke goals up the d ad- ral ad.' should mitigate the . outbittlat oiind an was 1, a . pp .1 W l s allied, 'an indignant d I as The- bnedeooms of.Eqland at' night 'sovtrity;three: mlnlate�rs an antiseptfe fore leavingi. ii , to tka 4New Testaro d fppiloval wilth-whieh the 16ve ,nt .'- - - BETTER OFFI, 016alf pails, propir e s. rom 0�� QqrMjjq _,r a a felt' provents Infection. otir j S are the coldest , plao Fj -arkyvifliereAn (Ineluding' the original fen.) Wll and ti6w p-tho.-thances remb.vzd_f6:r_d1xtJ .-e to ught . to4study, the, 'thq' - ronfell. --Broolklyn, Vagle. /The gAv�, Nvei. that inta-lire-PAII - ro(hicod to a Mini 0habib,erialn'a rebek definition of e r ro 1n an eirly a The blenjou, .-Feritamlied_ r ant (thii &altv P0108,,and British at�ftuds. , The-*ery twituro of 7*91U I a ti -O, -n... *m, that cild h di.,3,, ered, qq!tQ .6aAy -in.,his, ca�eer raum, ar6 Iwo o. i�uld 8j- 0 -important for the ory c -m rite -to tt Ig one. .4 to (4 nep. In t this qutstlon. at also of no of the most Protound 4ind' to know (he story ofvhdllum than'to ltdPortalit of" eitact psycholog J. C. Squire InIlie Lotiaoti dbaerver Rill tu 1011r), t,�e litW by"heart when. a D, _OvIw­actoi that film' life- was tho. beat place se' tire 'fivre'yeafs- vid. � Paul ay.,4 that . tha,10e' llg�)t r�ich quick." !. 104- ng.up� the 'milk supply*. The sjipeirficially re-creates thopra-Locayno be stdoped,fri the tiresome orationg-of Ituths that m feat the 'Way to ;Ptu et'� men � 7;1'se� unto. gal- ko' dq "ou ma'ke -thEit out?" verlw a(Ind.): So�nebod'y dellilied nitiderit scr, r the main sollrees of cOlitlinitna(lbo, distifit(ton between victot and van- an in the mass does not W y vation, 6v tored -a listener. �tilA`any care With tilluor .9 qvliqhe�di In Spite of Locarno, both Cicbro.:-Dr. )H�rb6rt Levinsieln.: t.1111ITt, butolili, feils.�--tterljort C.'. war a �*,Yeltrs of Intense borgdom,­ vvhtch 'lie inay inean. that t oftho"o two, Inaln' sollticei� problenia.Must 6 a edirtain extAt'set Hoover, punctug-ted 'by tnome�dts of liften§6 fhey t;w 00ri,ing ��f Ch nit, god. lOd IiAdoiplio meditative, the negler The gpirit of the Argliri-3allaftese foar"; qnd.. for i;bme *,time �Iiter the r_p,a r e bo be� was t. Pariliphist 'tho ev-enemy Olt one sido and4he at - p the gos�el at the very -first film VOIAYed ted th.at, y. "41mo pub- Allitp on t'hR ot�ber. A-1119nee still 116ttelf4heg . and � bonstj- *at, the ordln;Lry soldier �vds douM;r d W at one. They mount-, No. 79, Prod0ffig. Clean I've old n�arj vttlng 1-n the oes I , the t��tifled atutefg onalof tile strotigosiLgildrarit Y' ever. -Iqked tof. hiynaeq ift'was a.,v.,Ij bore� it he' was , ad Me 611--a bucking broncho. I came lished of jriciff- ti c exedlit myself.--Affrod fits borednift. I Time, hw. passe eva tut Pau) �i,-; carkful to 14d, that is at, orle� tha:t .1. Wag TATe 'lot en 0 t�192si_iplldniier syears tire,� at "Oitawa. exprosse'.4 the view �Ip to 'the�. cptidlu� a woman Cow Are ettled dfywu;- T I that a ej lift -V or o. book it; n6t.,Pt fotrsli, fit rauch belt ee poispectiv tas 'b ii tarich V0 made the ilelrosfieet toler, Mutt, 0u, -ht to NV Aii. Debts. of T Bud Fisher. IVUT AND AFF able. t be ed and daIys'of.e'njovm91l Hit CAN VbP 8tA,,r'vr Itsed' (P chugs to V A miger, lye of D A 'rtiA tu t-ry 6M boNk�� I ro 6T )b t. horiors 6 ththe WH, CAN Yo u BIENT mind hrttok. rect w1lich a I I hw Iwo" thoir ifirlo, pa.,vt a 801( 8 01, y va(Viol ilk IT- ryf 'Tiurpo t i0. A