HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-01-24, Page 5,
.0- 2.- • erme •
'AND"' -06J(:•:'
. 'Barna; Onal..:•Ofid' Wood:- '
. goOnii Umeking•,SUrface,
'Lift -up ,Cooking Top
• •Direct Draft ,Dartinee operated
,.%•frimerear .fer7:'enokIng •e0:. ,
:Hot , Water , ReggestrOir..,Of • cold
' • rolled. copper ',heavily. tinned:
Geed. -viroog-
t40 :in.:, wiinif,
and.x,emovabte grales
. ' • ' • •
The ,:cosy Home Triple Effect ,Heater
, 44:* . thing§ ' at •once ;;••
• It is handsome in ' applarance,,, Will
burn any feel, hard Or 6of,t that, coke
. or WoOd,, and is inaderately priced.
Full line of Quebec ileatere and
Airtight Heaters tilereys :on hind:
Axes & -Cross.CUt .Sai,va •
. , •
1 • • • 1 , 1 " 1
. • • ' • „
always on'hand.
Phone -
^ e'
Luc now.
1424NOW and : *INGHAM •
•MO:11umentgl, orks
• ..
• Locknow, -Ont. "
Has the largest and m.ost complete.
stock in the Most beautiful designs
" to 'choose. Irene .
Scotch,, Swedish and .9An-
• adian Granites -• • .••••
'We intake specialty a Pamily.
Monuments and invite_ your inspece
t10: ; '•
Itmeriptions' Neatly, Carefully and,
Promptly Dune.
See, us before plaeing your order..
Doug as.B , .
Phone" •
Lueknow.. •
, ILAh. Spotton
• Phone 256.
.00 *AV
Explains 'Wireless
•Aunt: "What is thiS.'-wireless tele-
graphy that people make so ernuch
• ' •
Hans:. "Well, annti, thii of one
of..thoa6 long dogs -a yen' long one
that. would. -reach. frern ganchester to..
•-e-e_,London• 1f yeti •Ptili this does. tail
Londore h WMbark in Manchester
ihat is telegraphy---wirel,ei,s tOe'gro-.'
pliy is the Sante without l the deg.". •
• - • 0, • •
• • •
James Jobasten. wgis a- arefill Man
He, lived according to a ` •
Of healthful living, safe and sane,,
Re neverventured ip -the rain.
,Nor ever trod a muddy street
Without Th5 rubbers on ,tfiq feet..
He never stayed out fate at night,
exercised b reOrriee 'Relit, •
He wisely slept, he wisely ate; •
.„elfe health was a •n'o.rf,krt state,
ttritil4 one mild andbahq day
got the "flu" and nnesed away.
Bili,Hosit wee a carelesi Man
He over lived -by, any plan,
Hp never cared a single %hoop.
'Vet- col4 or ail eas106 -0.1' CrOupe
14e ventured out hi rain or itforn
Not worried if its 'foot ;yore warm;
116 Walked dhoti! hi the Wintry
With sumi er. socks and underwear;
cant, on and' till (4 away
:Bill is- ort. the job- 4444'2'. • ' "
•Mat lt
.1411.e' OYITY. IP,I.srt, to .00.4 akt,ttltriite •
ht1I-4-en ei iltt1kt4P 404
Teneher .-Tfifrolitnee
vetii the,,to'se and the modest violeel.
6W a we resse -
the 6t feet, NO i proed and•
greete 'fialWaly-eilint is thee•ro
;hied her gnei entail ntature with
4 :k411411, 611114 iG4.110.:htiSbaltd2•L *.
• .
Thousend:467one shots :heye Come
• eff,. beferenew, but it; took Argue,
iCifenitoba, to PrOduce the successful
one:chance in thirty-six- billion, says.
tht writer of the.."Western Round"
colurine• in ,the Manitoba Free Preaa.,
' . .
119f4V117 AINTINtlf tillaft.04:17,'J1t44 24th, 199
.44A.IiNING TO s.P,E4;?1,si, virAN
' he Old-time spelling bee has One
into 1).10,O diecardi:The district E01101,-
•housa-,hi•--ne otSatir-
ni ht e dura.nee-.teetto:4.eter'e-.
mine 1kIte an spell the. greiteSt mina-
i9Pr Of wOr-di! Mtn-
130Pk. Pupils no longer look forward:
to Fridayafternoon % as 'a time 'for..
-ChoOSing sides • and SPelflagydOWIle
eld,,tinee'...teectbeele:Witie .TRA.O.g.
wordahns.been..plaCed 4111113
WO! •
• 4W1MV6: the '.reaSMYY" Profes-
sbr H. E. Chandjer
.Ofthe . Of
,Edtip4iOn.6f the TheiveiSitY of'Kan-
.mtittai; 'recentei.iniV,eraitY-POSS.
bulletir. "At the .Onttil:rSity.ef.';4:y9'47.;
h0 continues, "a Piof0O.Sitsr Maned
alPit..lioatn•.has ,been:•eivirig.atteatiOn
Ifet.a rinnibee years gte. teaChing
of spI1ing He has studiedrnore than
words of :pereeoq.,. An,(L
business correspondence, letters • Writ-
-,ten newspapers and magazines,
minutes • ..club tr,ipethigai. resoltufiorii,
excuses Writtea,tn.paferita:, teach -
:era. ehildren,e''corirpoiltiOns, •
:‘,•11.1e finds that most correspondence
ean he Parried on by the,usn'ef abent.
onathonsand words: Every: one should
knew :•hovic. •spell, ,these. There are
soir e • three:. or font' '-•thoilsan , :
ionIwords that are. Used ; cep,
.siderahle•frequelICY.; TheieLalso,shoubt
iknown •
• "The real test .Of speliing is, the
ility to us e WerdS.CorreetlY.in Conneet-,
. .
Oa: written work. • • -PrOfessor. ;Horn,
.itresses 'the. teaching- 4. about ;$;goti
Weide inestefrecineritly'usedeOnl :fe 7r,
or Ave are -.taught : instead of
twenty • or thirty in :elle. old-titne
,Thereughtess, 'and reit nninher.
of words '`.C•Oireeed . is the goal..The
pupils o: n. e t i o. n or two 'at(?'
than the-iihifdrea 6f tOdaY. ., oral
spe]ling i&. net ,avieeljp4eteal daily.
may have • been. better oral .061160
• 4.'Sotne , interesting; 'tests . given in
.Boston and -Springfield 1845 were
•di'ecoixered almitt six years. ago. These
,S.aqie:' wird lists were given to ;a 'large
C.• .of „that .the 7 ntirehe; of :children in verietra;Parts:iif
• ft enOra Exam incr. • reports, -shipped the. country.,,,It was fon: ' that present
-day pupils make only neefourth2to:
•one-thifd: as • mitr4 Arkors Were.
Made by the. pupils of • 18,15.., •
shows that Proie:Oor :Hornig'
right IS .biS cententioris arid pre-
sent .spelling...preetiee's !:Aiur-'§chooll
is correct. .The' ability to orally
tong nc,nituimi•Of words . . spelling: con-
tests may be a 'worthy. 'aceemplish,'
Merit,. but ,it is Par better to be -able
tO..write, n ;letter, ,a story' or a. news-
paper article tieing .COninion, everyday:
•words and have the oreduct, without
• , 0 0 0
rup ,AND • ppr,T, Foit Fputi,TAAIY,.
• Replete With 'yarns and • articles on
all of outdoor the
issue of The national sporting ma-
gazine,. Rod:: and. ,Gun. and. Canadian
Silver.Fox NelesehaseejuSeeapPeated,
.Aniong the many: ittithoeitative.ecen-
tributors this month's are. the
• Well.. 'known , names of. •Boanyeastle
Dale,;Robert James, Williant Mac
Milian, J. W. ,Winson, W. C. 14,10tley,
C; S. Landis, G. Sladen and M. U.
-Batee, whose articles offer splendid
pictares.. of hunting and and
Jife in' the open. There is also a. spiene.
on• wolf •trapping by C.•E.
The section - devo.te/i• ..the.osilYer
fox induatry. is . full -of up to date and
informative material :concerning. -the
raficbing of these valuable fur bear.
verload of No...2 ,Durtine wheat . in
oanailian. National: hox, car- No, 423,-
87L , This is,won t September 20.
Eleven dey's later; On Octobereqe Mere
•c'f* the :seine. farinerle Whaelift the
.Argue eta tiO ri' ' in the• §.1111e „freight' Car
whirh •hed:.niade its trip. :to the head
of • the ,takes and returned;like: a-nain-:,.
ing..pigeon to its , former .degtioation.
•pailmaY . statisticians -Worked out the.
prolltilitv .of ''such ' a • 'chance . ttlini /I 9;
on. ft e-clriced 'out,,ice,oitechance in
ihirty-six billion. •.
... . •"• ' ---eo-o-o-e--
e , . ,
(Landon 'Free :Peess),. • ••
One of the striking featuresef .the
'very .' sueeeseftil..'eonvellifitin' of • the
Dairygnen.'s , AsseriatiOn''ef Western
Ontario _hist -• concluded , here, wag .the
enipha:sis plaCed on- scientific and San-
itary Methods. 'The -ancient :. han-baz-
ard process' of procurifig butter. and
• chest- has :been' entirely. discarded
and its .place taken by . a, :wiry exact
an -C1 exiting scierece, Whii,th ,has rats -
id the standards of the dairy Pro-
ducts, has: inereneed cone:um-134ton and
given yery:valuable.proteetion .of pub-
lic health. • .,
• the • grandfathers If- :cheese and
Ibutter .nialcerS• of ,today wonld ,have
diSmissed"..witb latighieg contempt fhe
:scienee :which new makes dairypro-
'chictie 'side for •htimen .emisuipptien,
.,To them the. Old -inethode. wereegoad„,
and that Wa6,, all; ,tbere Was to TR._
Now 'We have: denartments -of the
Government organited .:for. tio,' 'Other
porpose than .to protect ,'the • 4mbli
ilirongh Supervision .. of the prodtic,
tion and manufacture. ;or aim., and
eeraire .cheeie. and 'butter.. The basi-
ness has. bectitre' a. highly: organized
special:V._ rAuiridg . years et stUdy
and infe-vsive training' and 'the pas -
in g of 'riiid exantinations. This Was
dnruenstrated at the ,edfiventien,- when
Dr. Rtaldiek, the .. dairy corn`misSion,
ment, and :Prof, Dean; Of the Ontario.
AgriCalteral 611ege, • spoke. All these
men have obtained. degrees' entailing
ari ettormou amount or reserirch. wdric....
Their combined -knowiedre ig. niw at;
to. disnogat of the AatrYinen4 of Caii-
arra- •• Grading has.; been inaugurated
and -preverCstieceesful, arid the:result
k that the. pitiblie is getting higher'
6,tade nroduefs and Is consuining
more of them; so, that eery .pergett
.s, Iletientedi . • • ' • . ,
' rilf.--.'ArTittill*.fiesi4 ' of .-te.ir.;li •• assort*,
figns,as the W6Ateill qt.thtip, ,0:0141.;,
tziolte04.,.OrtA446f1., AM, ltA6 ' hal.
ActV. beneficial resulta. Daityineit atZ'
: breve& tplether ;iii Anti% ,of frierW
ifit,1-.. prob1ins-disionsied-'014.-111S61ved-.
Atli kilbevill,ge :ittgorlied, The reedit
Iris Veen that:, t'liiiii-..•,...ltan§.6. ' - • .
lieet .olacell.:0*i li,,eatiyiev.,,basis. ecori.,'
orntoall.5, ;and the ' public hits • reaped
the fraitvegIlirdtigh .(pit(14. ,linprove-
Ment .'61, _plocluctS' by; the 'meant; ,-d
g:di•olittfta itorikiitfoo. ,of -eltioloilt.ito.,
fitiltn0.440.- • -
' • •
(Vrom the Vincoiiver Sun) .
lf-year.old: Ohicago negro broke'..
a small window In a restaurant Three
Policeman tante to questiiiri hint aboat
it. He hartichtled hiniself in his room,
produced ,a couple of revolvrs` and
deifett 'pem. to g4 Min Before
the affair ended,..8fib poliaernen
to the place; •nihe of 'them had
et., Dr. Hood, of the Fedei41. •Govern- been wounded', and the. negro. Youth
.hart been shot to death: And all fon'
broken window. The 'exact moral
%if this tale is bit obseureq*hen 200
policerneri are called Out for A 4-hotir
gun battle, in whkh a. 17-year-o1d
.;boy is killed and nine officers wound-
beeatiae of a. brpleeri rettitgratit•;
Window, 'when all of this hippens'in..
a city witere a -gang, of .idtig rtglies
tonxi.-ted ef conniving itt -a murder •
on eleation day are let off With. fitiesi
%Viler& heerlrurtners, gambling kings
lordal and !such -like gOtitty SCeIII
able to go itnni,olekted trent syelar to
sOnittliing • it lfttie,Ff
out -of proportion -Otero, •
Agereilltitre re.
fiek s
.„ e ;vont i of December, 1928:,
AA toll OWs : .Totrd ;m111aer. :Of • hOgS
•shippect 6170, ,of these oillY 19138 Wete
'Meet bacon; 4- were thick 'smobilt funny -mane at the .party-
184-Ti4aVieS*, g 'extra hadyy; 1146 Slid, :always Said that his_ fir0orite _Sala&
• wag tviliti With tt pettcli,
be . afraid of the simp • Son,"
fr.(iNy Ogw1,14ve .koa..!%ealil l't„*. QV pald
shrug t ..at, meant, "Oli,I. wish mother
41. ,P4 .01.1..f, s: ...*-0ii,; i:%e tbe, - wiggle . andt,:,
. weni.n. , .iass .so, /-If yo.a,.;a1;tit..on the
'41:4-4-P4P YP. a , just :. ha4- to -g?,..:.i'''.the..-si*;
'elMff..iinaed.••off,,..end, it '.'te),Oli.:Se. much'
3IOnger,itilen dilipne.hande ine,ettlibing:
'the.. ti..0 - of :the :. 40.0 '' .4-14 '• vii.P.ing . Ofi:,.
etlicklY. with 'a '400. It :WaSeeetabe:'
Asti -.0....'4' earY..40; 18.81. that.: •-ifies.t.
anal* are eliWC.,keyeegeem killers,.Sinee.
'that thne-SeleitteetV:lieeit tried to find
,oift.."Nehy, :hew 'ancr,to: what 'exteriti.'
, they de kill- germs:. Tb e • most 4inceese,-
•fift,e4e.rierient'S vVereniade cl:etring'the
.;•7Aroild..,)Arar• when it LwaO:.:fatin7d that
hing.',clispaee'• '..filchidilig- .'-ke,,'"eiminion.
.. .... .,. ..
oblde•and.even. PrieeMonia, 1i:ere trans,'
• . , • • . . .,
inittec(through'inaiifficient 'We'Shingef'
dislieketeSed- bY..ithe.nien....Tt; wets: . foiled"
also that. if pe','. cti.o.;,.w*to; coo$4.1.4,,
•five per,cont:.7,Of '-ordinary • yellow , aaat,
the infectioneldiseas,e.geema Would be.
eliminated. Dr. J. '..,E.' Walker, -of the
'Ariny and Navy eienerateliosPital, at
. . .,. . • • • e
Hot :Springs,. Ark. 'foetid that.. rats-.
'frig the teinf)erature .Of Lhi oap'. solu-
tion would increaiiits power, to kill,
germs. He 'ciainte .that typhoid gerins
are- killed in: a.' Soap solution I only as
'Warm :as. the teMperatare eft the body
•TbO pnenibnia' germ .is killed by a
•week .solution of the sodium ingred-
ients. in ''s.pap, While the sanle' sub7,
stance even if•ethe ,Solqeiee is concert: -
„ .
tre,e<to goo tinies-jas,-'.rstrong. Soap
tends to lower the surface!,tensiert,pr
oleYsleal conditions surrPunding the
-gelms, .60;104 to iinv,„ A
.part iti their deiiinalon. When
-itratedso1utions (4 soap are placed
akotindhacteria. t ellsor: organ:lama
the seen creee-throUgh Their -thin -walls
and result rn :their de, 1' Because:,
thevariene'baeteeiatliffer'ia the Come:
,pesitierie Oil theit reeletions se` soap
solutions differ: The )inetirrienia germ
, is the most ..euseentible•'.o of all the • var-
Ions grediente.; of Soareahcl dies 'eery'
quickly :ir a • a,oap solution.. •
• . •
• 4214)
rot the first. lime. in history, en. ,
• I rio, lane has . been tarrying furs,
from the Wilda of Northern:Mani:, .
Lobe to the Winnipeg market. ,
KenVim aviator left Granbei:ry.
P.ortage for' Brocket settleinent 're-.
cently, taking Del Synionda.:Neteran
trader whose • aim Wei to beat',.all
rompetltors who takea-ntorttli to
travel by dog Omit ' •
• Miring 11.28 between .5.600and'
8700 Prince Edward : foxegi
higie....been. 0:typed .a6reaci.. ,an
' in-
creas over the 4400- shipped the
'preceding year. Thee bave been .
handled' .y without ,a. single knOWn
,..ensuelty;. Since the middle of, Oc-
'.'tolier fibres' have been . shipped to
. Norway, * •Swedea;,. Scotland.' Ger.'
, many.. Czecho ' .Slovakia, Bavaria,-
• , 'Finland, Frande, Holland,• SWitzer.
• land and Japan.
• . .FOrty-two years of -sereiceeeeith
the Canadian Pacific RailWay<
out having brokeirany of :the .conv, .
Pane's rulesor otherwise earned
• mark against himself is. the ufikue•
record .held by •Arthur W. Savage,
' engineer,..whie has Just :retired oa - .
. pension. Mr. Savage, who Is
'known. throughout 'Eastern ,
.Townships; fired the train that laid ,
the first .steel tin• the line .lietvieen
. Sherbrooke and Farnham.: .'
The Old. Engiish Yuletide 'Festival '
• held rocently at the Empress Hotel
,In Victoria, B.C., proved to be one
of.the most ponular events oflast
• .kar. . Carols -and' ynletide :music ,
were. 'rendered, the ancient 'Chew,
ter Mysteries" itagegLand
• 'Ars; -Wa Wet tm a Tia
was. produced, The festive col._
----------------- in a ball at irlifoh• "some
Seven hundred perseniattended, It
Is believced that plans are alreadY
bent inade fere larger•and better •
Celebration next year. ft,
• . A. change In teletalione nunibers •
has drawn attention -to the 'ceeitlit
lequiry (Mite. in the :great Windsor , "
.Street •Station of the Canadian Pae •
eine Railway in Montteill The :
girls who are on eltety thereeltandle
each on ari 'average Of 206 calls aft •
hour. and as many as •30n en, jiour
durini rush: times. They carry •
most of . the information in • tire.ir
heads and •eeldoni have. to refer te
a tithe -table. T.bey are asked
'41.tieet questions SOMetiMe6,
cently•temeone asked, ",Whert
• the afternoon begite» and fire
poser turtl.:ed 'tip,. 'What time doei.
the ,fetir to'ClOck, train leav'e.".
. .
Dr. Itnecbe1 a fanner residing. .
hotit' four' miles east' at Aottris.
Manitoba', 'bah about 6 000 haeltris'i•
of,Tieward- wheat which his twee
to 'Sitio Out ..g1 ts, ran-
.ttda In .two.411,461lo't ae.,..eeirii.ae.
the 'list of addresses arreeee .from
'..Ottawa' -for the, prOjeet is under lite
supervision of the boriiitlitilt tIOV-
•errttitelit. , As is pretty generally
known. Reward • Yheat • wittineS
• -Ail& The this re'age*„,- can be :g,totivii • .
tOlighle, there tewetrie af
swar, 0.10 or w teat growing,.
WhO'can teineMber wleen the
e •F;
' : • ,'
. •
' A ig t 1.'5.Cf3 000:;e4elae...-U7Seel
trust. foi• etho berfe.fit :Of 41,OSpi,tals an
for torrtr:f ar. orphans and .eriPpled
'411 lidesi4e-s-eseet4e44.4tet-e:ntion-lx,.-
'.dei,eliard Berea. the'enitlionaire.
.rette Mentitac:ture..):.
• •IIefore, this latest Oft; ,Baron
iiaskilreadi.given ;illee6'0,000 to char -
yet ..fronv.tne.•faet• ••-sotehis-:
berievelence, fem. 'Peeple, kreolw
very ',nitich;abOut
. '
.!Ir.tpe-Itsttnieks:r:der!iil...re:ei.a.aeos• of mod-
eriiigeated,.penbilegs and, friend:.
'd cigarette, ifilik tieing n - •
. •gers.:Therehie tilt' on the,
..•idea of .n• .,cigitrerte,Inakitee
He.:•inVented fle .VentFngIand
started -in -a WaY„ and built
the .great • firm :of' Carrieraq.:, •
' Another. " DP an idea that
:meant is that 'Df -the douete
:Rethee, rrore.,',theit a eentury
ego, Htiguerot family settled 'in.,
Braintree, •Eeec• and, wce.:c i11 1Ii
old •oalc-beatreel ;'• , ,T'he
•‘v6rked theinselve3),ancl a- few •obtside
. .
The htt' .birgieciee‘ • iyea: handed,'
dOwn...frone•genc;ration , to ..generation;
• beingitig'itg Owners a Competenee,le.,..
no more. 'Then 'ten 'vear4. ago e -Wes:
.t,ion. Of Making 1.0: tame
Meniber, of ,the co,artatild
After '-inaoY,..,dlilIC,Fltios„ ala.din thLe
itiee :of nitiClr''sceiling.,....thre;nOyelefee
bricwas ptit,.On the .nraricet..•
TO-0,ay, iio nan;e.,,0„..:!!)ettri;r„knoWii
:the •.husinees ' ' of
•Cceirtaelds' 1t(1 ,and ljii CQ1piipV 10.
.....centiyel.distribet•ed • a. ehare" bonus of
no less than R11.:000;000.', • •
Lac' -1 , of caNtel is Often eitied-• aS-0
reasonfor :business, failure.. Yet iiip6t•
of thevast' businie-sses of t� -day wie
founded: ,,ina developed .by ;indn Who
had to. Wrestle with this. liandiCati.•
Tyke :the ease' of -the' late ,Co1 Mote
riaon. He lett: .Over. i'.2,00.(!;000... Yet
When :111iS' father;,the .Totirider. 'cltf' the.
great flii, of NTOrrislii.
. ,
started jjin„life had 9311tep'euelt
money toopen tiny hop.. 11eina.ug'=••
nrated then, What wa: thrn the start,
'ling idea Of Small , profits and quick
returns •
That wale etinthee. Ide'e, that. meant.
'wealth. Whenthe. elder ,Merxison died.
be left fin:11111e tirt4.61A'ti ,erydrie
of hi % . seven ehildee ni Ip,
eidentally, the. State, .benefited troll;
the Morrisonniullioti te the tune of
'R11;009,000 ' in ' death. duties,„
Years a o A little.boy naMed
infeieh.,eta ted.to work ifit tfi),
age. At: twentY-one he married •and
Operied a little shop -Instead of stock=
ini: all' sorts of sweets, :he ,,deeided, to'•
sell but one.".1n a larisn pan, at the
beck dif the little 'sleep:Mrs. M:kin-
the 'first 1‘et.c4liee: 'o..f the.
now world-famous, toftee7-a meet -
treat that ,made John •Thickintesh n
' • 1'
As .rpmantic was the stth-t of Jos-
eph 1,;yotia, who. was' Shrewd 'enough .
tol see that London -had nowhere to
.deep in for a cup of tea.H started
on shop in. 1894. To -day tile inane;
moth business Which har 'rown f1'4)111
IllEii:871111CTL 441(3if.
ClijTTElt MAN u,v:AGTFR.,,p) .:tix
e4situiA0 •I'N,; 14,46.04Y :AN.0 '4.40:RT,LAT.6
• ' • se! ' • !ji
• .
• eq..
4hce:e was:a i ;When th,ose who
e'euld: not It.ii'erd careeti- did "with. !etre
„oned•se.LIeteenef ethe evi1 e.:1
VI 0' um a) :the : Int 1"
..eapeashirel •'..pien:Stei•ing • liethqee
feierels,'W-caelf al, • 1ie. neeetii:e•ed..liii-
u ni. .11O,daY.' et 'Ldielk-hin he is
. .
k eput.,,c1.., to- ho 6; th•• sonietning
• Reniantice• toe, Was •
of -(he 7-6 Ali who has
lord a 1 universal.
1.)ri; \icier ef. cfieep
..‘et art e d, lase a ec re p.:;.ite= rei n
Ile had. littl ,norieY„)t,.t 2,1 cat, a 4-
Jtr.Th "teen'd 4,i • ked
hre tip arel:Ca flied . ;in frieard- upcni
it.giganthcier. He ,ha 1ioaurnen
•to see 'whet .eas 014i !1 j 11 the
enechapical transport.: Today
map, he re.
, •
' There:are •eountles'a,' ofher:ea'see in
bich brains and initiative bave.,:i".•:eei•i
the bai of 1).i'g fortuth?...;,,.
In :1909 an ' A )110.11e:on opened n .
• :r1:1:i4.1) iu O'xr,d •.stneet. Ile had, stert.
'.ed:.work..in the .faiiiou;,, Marshall Field
.,Sthros,:.inNetli•York;: and had WOrked
aeon refl.: CO:111. 1.• 111 k f -reat
Whiteley bueiriess,'.eind `.hus. 'made -his
0,14 nany the hi'egest., . diet IOU toi-e..ef
retail goods in ,.Europe.
stoxy , of how .a"keen.;..aggre,s 5i \II
,groeer's,' son :t out to, cdry,S. a .com-• '
mercial calverl,•and: proceeded- from
the little. paternal businest. to the de-
velopment,' of 'the vast .Seinlight, soap
'combine, has 'been often toki. ' :Hard
.ceetay;. visions were: the,
Wings'that made' the, lato Lord ever-
'One' :of .'..the world's; ..greatest
• .•• '
•• Qeite reeentb,'; there•ciled Mr. John'
'Sane -Aire," the 'prwision
o.vor 1.0 ,0OL He opetrAl his:. 'first
,.hop in 'DrOry Lane when he wtis. only
twenty-four. rhe bi ih had .over
a hunched •ehoes bee7ore lee end h.,'
its founder's romantic career. •..
.that .stnap,-beginh'ing• lerves some 19,- -
090...000 nipale a week. •••.
' MariY years • and tie Feet' •Epcl!..jew. •
stetted to .iiiippet 1itt1 in:11s-1'er
eorating. those. old-fashileiel 1ikt4e- .
f term ee end eel:et hoi:ei... Pepn.'
.A Herd Loelcer
,• one day a . gentleman w;ip 1.7:•*11:S "47.017,
ugly and' hal*: 'called to, n friend
and found :o4 the.littla. daughter in•
the .drawing mom. - .
lar in lik:torian tiales., His' son.' de-
cided to extend. the ktport business.
.1.1d eiatted Co import oft -When pe
•died: he' was EV peer 'end- intr-t-ri1:.
11it-',110 did not.',fOrgrCi the
humble origin of the‘family suocess.
4•Por that rogron ho named his great
oil •otripagiy the Shell,
• •
trio,1 to eno-ige ,110
s•atien .hut would not 'ins.wer.antil
ength, •
rhi 'dears you kno%
who . ‘: •
‘,61.,,s,„, dti," g'Ire rrp.44c0, "I ..a.ave
-.-ou a bun at the ;too lio;
s'ou.nhauglyIlion. hadh't
clothes on." •
. „. l- I P
Coughs,. Bichitis
With this OM
, .
. . . . .
right frain FleartofNature
A •
\Yard eiff all, the <nig weathe,i. ills.• Get
.N.q.14K661r-,0 ,.bottle Gallaghee'e Indian..1.eing, Remedy. '' 'oh wiIl make ' and
• keep. you • healthy, --heal tip inflamed:::
tissues and•giee;.ye)ur blood and body
new viecene ' ••• f... •„ •
,Yesep this goad old herbal'remedY
wavs in tire hou'sc,. Take it after exe '
to -own -la, ram, chill. andcrowcli,d•,
gerni-helen plc -es. Ypi cnri • get
.• and cellertiellaglier 'Herbal Hld
• ItiaediesnoW from. ••-.' . 3.5
, tagekit '
, 1 , 01411 niit. s.;,v,9 roe. that I•
reThiain t tkventyi
1 it s. Ltw. •.•t
J• e•Olities.. of •
lifo. :I 'NI 13'0'et
tf:/ 1 11'1.1, a 4ew thinks ,dut.in4....the, see- • •
ent.y.... • •
I ,N6L110,..not pr.2tend • toi unsettle the,.
ti e• undl: • I..,
ond tlioreughly' studied' the ,:queetions.
I would„not' that this jage •
differ,ent . fo,ti alio 'Others. •
is very old, and hignian',
nattire was not .discoveriA 37-esterdaY• •
.1 n oild not ,igitiore the
vials,. 'either' et ;the strf.-f?,t •..-.--issi.nga or
at the great turning points! Of lite
The' polieenfan' :know's; - 'does :the -
nreaehe:r.. And' father. ;icily not be -as
bi' ii ,fool as
adc•pt • e•fete'Firs is
a lift, ,rafitto;. I 'would. say:.liviriciple,:
First, vith, close seCond, •
nOtbe,' in. rt,burry
.jr:;' t 1 -.vouldbe in•a hurry to',.pre.-
'1' f.,r th joh thalt, t6 . for Me •
ahead'. . •
I eeieijel,: read i -one gr,od 1oelna. day
ard in', great ,oration a•'.'we•Uk. *.
hear at 1it :o goid ad -
a Weil:. s.
, . •
. • . •
• 1 e.tiuld learn ,to c)0'y orders. Itr
the .casy: .inst .
tiling that it seems; and it pays di -07,-.
•idends. ' • .„.
1".veell stiely'the Sue.ecsful men
'nee and 'end' 17. at
theii• succeSA .a.n4 they at- • .
tallied it. ' • ' • • •• . •
• 1 v•eilld 1i1flig5ty i-n.'s.."410•01
II.:e..aiel•ceneloy er.,ry man as niy"
lee, lee% Bett41:4ereld.i1oco .St he
,.,r tht..., lestl'- a ...Alen who. lived
eilete"..n c.t.reu.r;es; :fee. .e.ould find
,i ile censiders.•su tee-, and strive
to "take it by force.7'.--Jc.-linetin.:•
Good: Health' Open Sesame to -1 Happiness
AbOtteding health whieh enables: one tO
' finish OA' day's duties With niteservr -Of
energy i. something deir. 'rtt('
• 4mpor twir.wof -rottliTtir
. ,__Loagoortkotilo84,11e111411.q:r1.-cei,TcyitritAittifiy
lywre'oottriit:It 14i6' 'tlietlfsSiverid. The
• aceompanying pictures; tfe,ladit,
grometecetvinverbef instrvictionlitt•di
e. et
, and t he vete of the body :while :mot 11e17.61106
is sCen foll.owing the lead .of n 'trained .
strut ter in body building exercises. "
courscg and -irst iiFcI intgilletibh•
arc aii iinUortedit part of the-trainii of
• paoy In all of tbe. 1ageriUe" •
•:;•et.1.• •