HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-01-03, Page 3'Xr•
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a tie.-
ug IB VfeZ.1 .19., 80*stiAl
V.81. Tbeirik.41,1:000r
,:oreP0444. Web agabcArge4 the duty
'.01:41413r, labor 419.1* With a. i°You$.,
further arguments
C,itk-rft-firee Whit, •''' ." '
birsninhid,' The heather who 40. not
4-haxe..4he•-.)14i-eviedifik,'.?..°61..Ane God
naturally have .theseJe*etties4.0,
Asaysry .0... Lesson leefittr Heavenly entrthitalc..Vnif".of'the struggle ,
a'aatherasMatthew 61.'"2,V34. ' Goden gniteeeof. the earth but the di *.".
• ' Text43.ke as a •tether'...p„itletat his of, 4eahs. are Much better'. plaCecl, ,Stitm
cl1114,rsiv,so. the ',pad P,t.ieth theirthi 4.ilom leen jahght; Nat there ,ie•
V 'r ther 40 looks dowa•
that fear hIm-Psalm 103.13.' 1 ...teen and 0.1.4; ie wifliiig and
.01e -to Stit,PlY all :ear need% • -
, -V. 04. Thc i,osti•-uctiou tiOsteteltet
a Iseeitive;.forat. • They. utti et seek • twics'
thihgei .Tho kingdem of.O.Ogl;, 14,1ch.
rs the retie rf csen,i titi§,weeld.: 'They
Ii\rr11Ongpvpitr7The lees0na-f04 thie of God, .s(e,that 'all; the feicee
.• quarter :deal witheleelereet teas ben,gs May'. be otereomeS.',,g, They.. Musteseele
of our Christ4ao ,ftaithi "•'apd.at le 'De- hie :' fighteeheeess,• • *which •• the.,
turaltibotwe ehottld Isegie with the IcInd of 1U1-1:tOOPS'OV VLI1101.2q9d dO"'
7They, hisaCeinie`a*I-; •
404ged,..by itt:ir!eon.e40100 QT god.. 110W. 'treater and . -..e ee).•,e, .heteelife,e:
vete „different le ..the spii ituii hfi. o 11 T AN lLT esitea J 111 1 1 11 tlr 84,
:•thosel.'who :fed' ti ee. thet trnat, WOK:- ,V,:s3-4.' Again; ••IeSj.15:*,'ArW11,1S. triS-
-'6111•P- 'Y'll1:-4ar '0' 411rc1-. ant(' *ions • dlig.e.S.;. • 'a•Raiii0i•-foresig14,..
• • • - 01A1.2)t§1% ••:.•
.11. ANXIEI'Y triiE11.:1,9TrIV4d,''''...1...4'53.' •
.111.. Aertliskt.oVeis.'rtee iateratti,24.
tilt* .44. positive *41, tve;';(101144.etetr
results :rex these °Oar' 401,.. 111
Iimln.F the pattern .o4PartrieW
tug 'w4P paid tor.
- trent of the mirror, the hopper ,„_" ' . •
"MOM tty "'the materials ,e4e. 44;101: •W'neXi -tepperettre, is .50 low
be.at IRTIPS ' fold, gooAti ; that frageahle iktniti%detttroNrs -cen
agaiest heti. taco to • See -Whi.014 40r10,; P4'4'" oil or dusting PnwOerti
.of thetee wilelfl All sagainsteabitinite • eare.... SO Many pace
' 'thole „appookiChet, Can. eitysea."Ont...Ear7e pee have. foro15,0t)hts.'.:of.
111" tULUVO
"'• thee - wish.; -.art n heay.,en.r ' If Attebea find 'fear, that they. caimet' Meet the
• live' that, Ceedie light, and leve, and diffic,ulties,' which they , athink May
truth, We need notde^eed anything:Chine. •This teersiea elan Of
•, that maycome from his -hand.. It is At is also an .evidence of folly, 1)O the
-eassential toenotice. haW largea place task of today,and leave' tire rn:ernew:
• ' the beliert.in the fatherhood Of GO& to bring:site own ' difficuTty, , If • we
An the lite and teaChing of -Jesus: ' waste our energy with worry we, shall
I. .AteeIkra• O'VER,:,Poon, 24-27,, be lees fit for the trial s When it does
'The :earlier part of chap. 6 d1etithe And' When the evil, does come
• With the probtertis of Christian .wer, •'G°4'will eve vs strength.' toover-
• hip,,: including eilrns-giving„. 'Prayer. come. Thus in all this passage we
s and fasting, Vs, 1; 7,.16., . Here. Jesus de0 beer. minute:is the care, which our
,teeehes his disciples on. the natureeSf ,•liovinie Father .exereiseS over • aAelli.ia:
• the :God whom they are to Worship. :children: *- )1 • .""v
- He is to.be distingisished fron Mane -
This word ii.-ecimmoti in the
aeseseesncient. eestern., World; and.. signifies
wealth. .It :represents the GO of this
world: • Jeans does not Mean that it '
is a• stn to have Money, but itis a din'. •
•s -to • Wor'sidpr" v.vealth: ThliSe vti�1��k There is one .p.WasoiNk that' is -equal
to; .nioney as • their .great Support for
•yevery ;tin* of aeed are really :refusing to that Of reading a_conaenihl ,hook
• et0 'Pkit their trles_tin Geed:- Money is. fere a .blaztng ,woopt fire; that is: sit-
- " their' god. , One eannet:tinst ir Oed '•ting before the eget weed tire and 4y..
Alid in money- at the seine thief. • lag islet* for the garddit that Asstd.' be
and i are gone -•
llud' ' to
in Winter Tun
colorDior-47"1"0,:i3:44.014,11441-Inr.,•:yiro'est "d,:lititiri.°111,4.-11,:1:11".,..478.e.'t°1;.t71:42.4:;,Rae4;,111416101.1117,:w.'':4411;,17.-.CtilTiei,.': '
• • , •
;i4:Cittri:81154:rs9 fillici'utaXYAIPIIPt'i;i utrillime'arealan,igee, •:"6-941°4-tc:44941Itt ellvIn"n .'14).010•,:' ••er'es.S.ne.'''''---ae- .• , :'
fla,14..• light 'often PlaYs' ,tilleer trielta, • P.01-1." .11'°vv.n.v.s:t1.•.' ': be n'initteci vili,....*:,.."''
It there :Is eny dotiht , au0nt,-.thirnmium, ellAre.. ft' 1.i,; 4,011e4; and in'ettisinkitirli ;• ' •
teht ,Ceine...elae to the ueek, theytoo 14. th: -4° .1.44'.0,.P, P.I'aga444 :s! -°*t4 ..A:b°1''' ••‘:
tion. has, often. • bk.en .cauSed by freo.',
.sliohla be taSted?' Iedeetlp it •Ise.best to
.teke . '•atathini . for'granted., Th ' a?Plicatian °t. k°t'c'sene .' '' ' '. ' . "-
ammititS•tfeetilied,' Ter etacif,.•sePeratel' •• . •-1•41416119..tiP,' bc' the WOW. • es
itatit7,areeell.',iisted ist... the 'pet:teen:. •eii PatS..n.t4htlX,P416:rs,..044 ..UT,S,OOPIllia*,
yee-,eies ':. , ".,' s e. ..., ,..a . . s :es ., • e'..el fekethe'apPliesittiOn of ex...Ude ' oil,pi,•§; • -
fAlirlec.:,r-43,•ttaz...tifo. i,Lle4.;:trioicalliiiitr.,tzito:.11:t..,ire'i,i,ft.haiit. :.;-:::::::41:cti; ..;:vv.,t,:.1, ,,,D:r.::.:.,,i.:,v.olt.;:tis.., 4: :.:,:44,,,e,.. vo,,k0:...,..„
- •Tlf:" Ital0 'Pt th-.0.-'eee.r..0.'szerh: eifli•elL'',.V.1.4_01:tt:-F.020.:raytiena 0 „ 11...ai,i;ii ' :ta:Me..r„i.s ,c
a, ekrefulty,ehasen, 0...".the.,.:,tatrle. fbi;:»P'48t4'. 'tp:r"lhilPri' i"-1411Ple,,.. Cillere'..-6•et.
'e an ina b 1L ank ng
every hog Ai ovi?..lotiee„desteeee'r ; 13
146:',IxiiIst•'Won;ir.vell ' wielteihe Velem":
;the eget ;and, 'h3k the.;.;!aarafejteet§:!d.:'
, b6:(:,s,f4drie'l..ii'. ihilege:.1211:ai.,:•. :ttit eth.,, : eatite,:lesioak...tba'ide,iireeeie.,•.i.:iall,4iii.;:veiattilrrpc!016:4.6e';,,,,it:h4bSa•y:hirtib.a'Seopzi..p.,:ei.ai,.P:„glo:tg4; lotlatet;;,
:14th.flit;ti:.i.,..t!,:oieti:ipeo.:kiaiti; .i'ihve xi. faa104.ciiik.• , •i',. oiitb ..0txtih,e.; .:., .Vr ilia gtiPnY'r'Ek4.klilg • ' PILmai dPe ;he.,.
eeefee cheeetis or ilisappeitatnient:May i b.bg' 0 'iaeans,' Ii5If a': lare.' (111.41!'• •.: • •:
'folio*, when tee-wiser:tablets CeMniete.C: ..Cattle njay..".be• freed of liee In winii„,...,
, ef.e sitej is ,s,..see.ea of •tee• same tee,: .•;:ter by : .greornieg Itbein ;With a, lituelii
;iticri....mase ..ttbs,e.,.4c.16.1a.ii;14 nottny;expePizgell.'tetro•ba..mil'i ':.4144P/Thc.1.641n4p'plrealitrage.°. a '01' anii"...i'4°.at.": •' .
• . as often afefeund ,
1-.41, enefeg .sie •fifatertal ,gone .after neeessary: The ,,ebjentien .#6....Athe oil
•ancl Skirt are Wanted,. but only ofin,tif '
•treattneut „ is .thet It soon :genie. the.,
only the abet is Made, If both 'frock
coat. • ' esteong-ameilhig, •thiateees lelOn ., • ,.
Is si 1(3, bine t it;ttalittai•ehtent.tighe,;.farotctIthatertnaiotmeDirte,ils*:'1 to .7t.allat *IX.•••••--,
POO/Oats lar,.Winter Use. • „
coat fabrie and' iteing may be picked' ter use. ..:onatice-itifeeted°"seatele and .
More popular ,for: win.
reiterlia. thatswilleliardienize with the', . ' Powders are
•L;g:po.as...#12,...tho:est:..sa4entit',dpeli,e,;c,:ic: doer .material0itin,7.ait., hizre,ute:t:iii.}:_m.Aereili'lY-PO \Vcler!...eirethrnia.".
et 'well. dastedeupoia the.... '
pleat never. .' • ' ••• Infested' parts.a A blanket, le..,thea,.ea, ', •
011ed..ao ehorotigh brushing ' is dente
. .
the Itill.OWing alaY... 31404 '0 the pyre-
., •
_thrum asewder 'offered:. ia• the ' market •,"
:- Tprolito. globe ,(1A,..)-: •The • ,oppor- :.,aidei,aeddeletaebraitteiduaavidocititi.iltwit1;ex.eiceae :v.Peotwa7-:. :
`-tunity ' for I develeeing, intra-Etetige. itr-reTne7
there, palate a stispeeitionto Meek ac- •tant. poidon..,'and, must he, used care -
poindai•' for 'similar ..1.1,se.:, .1,e.js•LA:11' lirt..,
•-,abs,(11:11,a1JS‘ iherefnretenonfilig?;
trade can never be 5eized as long as
'tide hecauSe •sotn,e' parts of the .V,n'; fully. Treated • animals tanSt""aista los
:Ags'S :iney,'"Ifienefit more than othets.. .impt tioni lickieg theiniebreaeor helig,
Millet is • einportane in: realize Is that
sfhle rearrengaments„ e•It vier he th,at '
ticked by their' niates.•
4 'inixtitre '..• 'of .:equel,..qaMititiei,•4
all would benefit, by. sensible and , pos-
powdered pereilitutri da sabadilla„ tie s
• , Polo Is' hOS'eriling• e.fulte'Petinier With the fair in ..aaitacia, ,h•lngletel and .the 1.T.7 .•
'Serag. are exeet-
• 0„ • • • .
•••• . • .• •
. he gient• lat k-Flaur must- ..heres ,."' • 1.i aiesaeas • •easee thaepeetseeee.ef.ensemules
Id 1 c .
t I
" 2 becau e it when' the snow - • o ,tee 'against t e
Y. 5.• ,Men s •
. .
17)N, , a :sreiet ie , . 3
e• • % g res.. iiiias• (tow LO 110 cl e . .
dirt - 1.3 -in • -;t: • • nay,- jerseys: coLu me in :•apaora. pie
'461,earlessriess; but. he is. warning -thasein , much pt , the intern:M.00n ...and ,i.t.nii.*.-•' • e a rVOs 60 *ga..$:4.4y ,be F4:04 ' frene the . bed look, to -night eitider the preserve I.:
''. e • ' are printed .1 or 'tiVOY
" "
Matti' CO.fOrs, or they
.. , ..,... ,,, ,. t. , :•••1,,i • , the veranda ts • One s. en era , • . e. ..; • . : .
i antes t Fiera •es. the pansy bed at the levY. weatel in
,cen. pi:irate-Fe-, the neceeeities e'f. "life. The Is not a tug the eyea,. revt ed. then'? .UF,'..efti.:a • 131 bus 7 ..ti',
h ' -.11 .44;• . ' • VI, - .3va-.Iai )ti grow. 0 il t ."1••• more, 'at the first • - •".., -.' i.. ' *
sesson' ere. se0. oe a t:trilgeling L''.4•-• ...thi..-trus,ip it \-'ne toe • nlanted On .the 1 creties, colenes,enhil.
, a, .l. , i .. . ..„ . ' ch.06:0' . j: 11, Ili. bdr:af,stiq.
rayosefaleries ere a.
la i t d - setins '
Jesus deee •not • reconanatid. thought- age old joy of. reeding seed catelogiies. eees ,weeke elle-vv. i.tst . c•-irri-tn'q• a.,fai ' " of .. 1 . 0 ' , .-i
' lessneee; nor it he•iadvecating idleness One of these ritay.'indeee. be ,deeielett ;le sae ete
etsterieesa- ce ale the' lilt e .; ei a • al .r el • 'I 11 is....in feet sante I Or ,tWeed. destgase -
! e i the ra n (e. ki ,i , . . . .. .•
' ..thitt. einse. greatest aVeietv ere focids 'root "teAdY• te Instead of 'rews, aii eilgivinst,.. 1
to lei , a ,redical change, , fe,se... else seleseeer es .0yee, 'There els' e eels:nese .• :Velvets'. ,i 1,1.e 1 ,
e s materials are the - , , . _ .
• against that anxiees ,Cete W t('• '''' ledge whiCh riteinitains '0' In the " e:i 1-1- ' ' - '' -4 "' - , ', - ' ' ' ' ' •:: i• • et '
, a tri ea fig _plan , such
-7-- opting aaeo leaves el -Smile and &OW", rs Of
.1) '
• , wee'itied • and ..alarmed . over the eWists - . ----jarti, hened „ fit tile' . •Subvee They r ' The nee e ,dr s . ._ . .. ., a „mere, is eopreseet tope, of ,m't
lents uotabry the .till4; ,raY.0-n• .a(i an inieferrn 11-e b ci •. ' . e• ' • ' ' ' -
.- andetteand ef gettinwn: The' oll' 't 6 i ' Of t.1 . la, aer-. be self end. ..eselpaur, 15 excellent fpr ranee de true4.. ,
p r ence , , the P p- r a , For seme,, • r is, , . e ,t . .. a•
:f -he • c-Ialr •p'arits • ' rt r.,,i Id- 1-- 1 • . I• " , . ' '
, qi.S. the: eider:. Chambitellin ..e i O'
is- .buried ae (leep ea , e reitri „Shill)" theneissgoieg ',ou c „ i Ss :to .ina ce.a , it Lee :eit mY : . .,,, . . , ,•
eat evethe'eenerimentsof t '
eev-stteede tion. on cattle a'ed• horsee." - ' Smite' •
' alett eelething; • SeVera''•••
Inira,Empire Trade,'
he Em" eteektrien even. add a littl:e Atte:Iv-Pow-
. dared.- ce,ment tat. t.he„, mixture: 131..lt .
s. • anxious fear. Firse reralncle • tit seq. trove reline toeset 'Of 'atarch,flunseirte. •sea: • 1 • tOW efl, tiie 't - vfl a -ie • should ' also. vee 's Matt. :VVith these O0
• 14•Jr a • farketlog- Board. has , shown whet ' • ' ' ' '
. , , awl a
I • • •• • • Wool au&
• . - I - teen bread, see 'ha done, ether „directions (tS.Of.doebtful ealue as a 'Ioece '
nts o lein-strole!'" 4••••1,I1•911 make' strideS. befeee enether .wieter ) • .•
, thateciod gave -*little lesthe flt•!,t , Tpols.lor thi?se .elestees aeswasae teat. f!i'and its . do.wer • hoisia Pieries zabatitis, coating,'-iiaPPed
• -es
• and greatest of 411 mita, 0..eat ,if, r,:it , No. .1).• is not ' a whited eatalegets
to importarit as life, and iite VrbIr gi'.".:' •
the' greater will ' surer- gsee that 41Ne Wa.i.R.:11. i lie writer .needases the Febru.,
:hate. the lesser gift ef food. ' f --,, ary Winds hlow chill duteide, Se, thtich
' Ire16. A letion U. here drawn .frore' P'S 4.°15nYS.niSlit blank book ' ancl a
,Giscl's providential care of the leWer. 'well -sharpened pencil: , There are
..createres., The birds of the air do not things that will be -needed as Soon
-, have man's 'intelligenge; they c'innot the work In the.garderi is •,begitn,,aind
e.- their grant; yet thee, get en.ougle tee. would place pearls upon a. string, the
this IS due to God's oversight. There only regret being amt. there are net
oet. Bird life realer ceases, and .all of
•more ,to write trown.
world. The same .rule Must held when _
She ' will need 'A, itew: trowel thi:s'
is a proVidential goverinnent .of ehe •
we past ap 'hghei to lientan life: We year. The .handle of the one which
semmee ..fragrence': •eeliese :four hre' •••• • • • • ; • !coating • St!.
, • .
to be „plantee together iriolat eia
.%4' honeysuckle ' 'grew :well lest ; Cailirnere ate ric ler. ' The ne.w
be tool and :gireee; teed inside ..blethe., to join the .Wistaria on. the I especially. 'reit,' are2:i.ery matte • The
. It fiat 1..nfl9atte.tuf(r7.: f°.urbZ
Meek:, the hottest day' theY. Yitaeist.r.e,'alctlt,led4s'. tlaie gioipoldstrteter‘ti.:a'eticiaWaii,
.ner pa:tat .0g ground neaisehe
• library whit the eblinds •drewee en. 'a •••other e'n4 dtirlitethe corning Months, lacceseerteee--hat, ' band bag: „ jewelry;
among the bopks alwa.yS es; Wm elle Wistaria bloom ,this yea.,1? iheSe'and shees7aeinetch the ..esat, epee
sow, reap, Shy :build barns to -tore „she tiete thent eia• cerefelk as she,
• ed. f 'Well • for four' sum -
rows. • "We never knew an earthly meet, snapped witheut Warniug,lat the
father •take care of his fowls .and leg- transplanting of the last, eine •bulb.
' lect his children, and ehall we feat . Now, aimed in imagination with
this from .our heavenly Father?". th keen bright scoop, Which" she can
MS to depend ellen our .Father in .
even ncilv feel making its *ay dowix
, • V. 27. Our,very weakness drives
. heavep. - Man can indeed do .many int othe sweet spring earth, ' She
things, and he meat work hard4 in this cleeeslier eyes and picthres the small.
sphereein which he has been placed:. tool house,. banked stm Wlib sow at
• but iiigepowers are yery limited. He present, :wherein stand these ether
• „cannot add a cubit to his height., Ile ,brown implements of •the gardener's
Thust take the body which is giyen to art. a.. .
.1,,him. Why. then:1617e, should we we worrY• The rake is good, 'also the spade;
and struggle as if everything depend-. the la* may hate to be replaced by„a
• el -en -our own effortl' , , . . new one; . and the wheelbarrow will
. need' a ' few heartening utilise Other-
lr. A 11/41:xlEtY OVER. =TIEING,. 28-83.
• . V. 28. The transition from food to 4
• wide the gardmentechinery Isla geed
clothing ie very natural, and the same repair. , • ,
.general line of argament is again Jol-
lowed. Let them look at the lower The ground will not have to be
natere, at the fieldS Which are chid in
such wenderful. garments. 'Yet thee
' flowers do not have any way of weev-.
ing their Own. cloth, or of ..coloritig,it,
or of putting. it into shapeStene,one
olse, therefore, must be belong oft411
on the lovely garments of nature: •
V. 29.'' tesuS was a greatlover of
the beauty of naturejle thought that
the artless perfection of '.the flowers
of' the. field surpassed even the most
"'• ' magnificent: display that .• Mart could
Make. Solontoll, the mckst ntagarificent
Of the kings Of fsraele,had nothing_ SO
lovely Ste the sitnitle lilies of the .fiekb
This is ti lesson We Might, well telirn,
seeking to find our delightirn the va-
tural beauties of the world abont us.
,V. 30. These flotters and grasses.,
Wbee dred, were used• for fuel. They
'dicl not htive any lading value stteh as
is attached to human. life.- If,.there-
fore. Cod bestowed such attetttion on
perishable greased, ' tVill ' he not give
Math mere thought to his. own chil-
dren? Mart,can toll and spin, and as
, ;he use a his arta God will help him,
-are of, more valtie; then .many has serv a y,
taoie WUI Pese:a buech frenrlhe' I There- was .01„1677 beatitifutesia'Vender lining, 'frock ,or fua. t, • ''
writer is in that litirare . nowit bloom Iae emit; way down • neer the • ,Ail of Which meana; of. muse, that
Th t fa beWittleting array of
and the room needs n� cooling beeath
'at eresent; rather the tentenishing
, ,
; the 'fire ana ei tighter drawing 9f the:
red curtains. Again the .fiatneS leap
torsktlijeil bush. • • •••,••• . • ' •
•Fersy ilea The first thlag tderier-
rpw Morang eeneestWige-muet . • be
gathered, 'an .hee .shduld bless=
ap, and she is reminded at mice of the here in • the ilbrary inside • of two
nasturtiums which she Will have W,eeks, • -
everYwherea dwarf and alimbing aerie- es-
tie salike; 'they shall -ba placed 0
around' the edge of the round bed lend • ,
in 4 mass' at,tlie feet: of the barlierrY;
• in the m ds o
, beautiful fabrics. 'oee. :nest° exercise.
this seasou a Much more selec-
tion than bas heretofore beee peas-
sary if one is to be atti•adtitely'. dress=
Aed the •busy homemaker who.
does Most of her own Sewing hardly"
knoWs where to start. T- •
The coat seems to ba the Most logi-
cal item to begin with, for:around It
and all ententer long •she- will hai:e• a • Ceeh a easnal survey of the .e.hops one. can build two or more ensembleee
beech of those cool, reundi wet leaves Shows. to • -What' an. eXtent Dame .Fas.: • eic-hof Which may beaseiffereet and.
and those hutehig eMegent blosSouts hion .V.S. Pecklitk the ensereble, effect. as pleasing fas ieet were the only one
. .
on her desk. ,1:--- .• • . 7 . .this• season. and .not the :outitaiiiling ' The'firet 'step le fbachoese.a..eoat pee.'
' ...The bulbs, of ,cotiree, were' all plena. individual ,item-. Practically ail : the .ieea atiil a.press patterfl. of types that
ed in the fall. • •ft will not be lolig no afternoon .f.rOcks -are Planned. in-teia- :previous ,experieece hate proved to
7-ainly a; little over six. ,weeks-hafereationto en aftorneen•eoat, so tahe eab: 'tie ritOst becoming in Iii 'somas eases
the - fate green spretite ' Will' bP,Sia. to combinatiOn 'dr „freak and gait ineyes .. Nita is most easilv. ascertained by try -
show abate the -ground. Their . at . a perfect ensemble. The relatiouship, ing tin ' a f eev reade.-mdde coats. and
tangenient is ..the • seine that ,it has, is. with* eetablislted by color, though frpeks mail' One ' finds 3iiit the right
heen for years. • Jenquits, stand at the frequently it. 15 411-rougt the' use of th%,,Yle, then • buying ps.ttertis along the.
back of tie long bed ;" hareissuaes-end ,srime, ,•ilk in both . frock and Coat linsamesame general linee. If this. is done
. •
tulips are 'tntermingleil next; and ••a11, ing, ,• . • 0 ' '. early 'in the day when clerks are not
ployed. this year. .A thorough. speding, along the- laribeet edge' seowdrepsel • In other' etisete.Hiles iirewhich the: b. asy 'with PPrdhasers, and ones Dar.
will .be. -'all that 18 needed; and then and seinas., a -re Ate.rspased. . ',coat tied skirt ,strike the..same note; -Peas . is (franitlY. stated; eafeswerdelf
the long. bed leading to it, ...WIWI*, one can iese several bleva f will be, fbund ready to co operate
. .
the patch at the efed of the 'path, with . once. tease - ste asieseemee ie ehe
. es o Vary, . , -
ready •for their • summer. days, ,
• . Plower ,Arratigements.
It seems• hest . to, change the ar-
rangement ef.elie flowers. this spring..
431 course the -11hollyhocke and Madon-
na lilliaa will come up in the setae
place ita heretofore,' bit lile dahlias
an dtha'tinnuals., are tolhaye a differ-
ent view 'of The •latte,' teal the ereek.
'let:goad of -A long row of dahlias there
is to be a chimp A° the left:of 'the wide'
Retch.' Of garden ground. tiore they
will ago the morning San its tisual;
here their Will be, near • the running kor the sPhlox, llie a stet;$1.',. this 71111q: MP t a li i L'' Thee:title or velvet, •goOrgette
awateet Width Will peoteq them iron& golfle, the 'little pink 'end White tee; or fine 's:lelvcr. la ea. • These ' are for 'end avoid the teitiptation ot selecting
Alto eerie frost, and. here , in the ant- benas, " and tho .,tigrici tag, ni.-ro reaet , -the riftp-Ainoli eresrablel Legs formal others. The reason fee, this is that
eunn :they will nod their beautiful mast be i;rovleed. - " •
Apyit silo*, together, wIth some . tiny leg S.' Z1 -•e• P er , ..' I • ' • t A' • Be -measured fo' retell/. tiew Pattern.
. • .
dwar1. purple friS„ . • the Al realni r.;C:an 'aiirePlste .daYtittie 1,'"ai'•Cltol,.)e.• ' The.. Sieederness nowadays is not ee much.
se e the flo.itering liew,, with its ,14:1314'. 11t, ,ti ;• 0 Indy •matchi. the skirt,. hut - the a tnatter of weight us Of..tneasuro, gtr.
background.' ' The iold. and the mill; - (al;!;,:: .,.• t img' hionsp Is • tho' new-osi anti . cleVer Women. Weigh More elan , ale
leg sno* •difi then'. ne• Vaien, bet Hilt,* smarte,s.t. Lottioe or Striphur4:ellow.ts neprerices. indicate. Theesmart Wt.,
er Se,eined . to refreah them. • , . '. erten eeen with Oray. brown or navy man' 'redeces by eliminating all un-
,.. . .
A clump of red geranium?, .1111 .-1.)'Q ' Atfd it tonks 'chic, -Very Pale ,Yellow ' necessary lingerie. and .by .§eleCting
needed next sinrumgr. 'noir- 1-11.,,,:na is. lovely witb beige or gray •on those. de.signs- •pit" on nare.' des ,lines •and of
neter failFi. ,atede tett in .1, ah „ s VI lirolie7 . who .01 n. wen a'. its ' White le nlwaes 'hodyless niaterials, anti by measuring.
. .
Whore ii filb Olt 11 OW - bt?elg tt•1 'be m a? good 1ith 1115104:: kin! 1'011 beige, -and herdell .acestrely sd her .(410thes tit
extireaely' Or the salvia. • This teast hi'.1`, .1,0 F.. )0.;ng „ .
lie near dm big ineele' • so Oen th$ or 21.1.0% . .. • . •. . .1' -
1 '
, scarlet wilt . blessome ban; llig eass, ese 7 The meet f, / .1 ial biotiges• toi Uncle
'I' w 1 lres'
eeeigy is. e filriently and • ietelligentlY; At, Seasens. of the year wiStes 'Squids •.
aPelied„ a There is ie finite rosin' for ,eear4feje be eeet-tat•dip,•maele
the .epplieatipe. pfl. such ,eleerge lie an, asli 'ispailed•es directed hy- the iteenti-:
Fakpite einheaefee gimlet!. Of the fecterer, is fairly effeceieee Ke'rpSene .
gobe The Beitish Commonwealth is
unit b e e which the ereuleion popular and. In double
potentially a market end an
..unite0tiosntanTp;s1.6.stfrevnIg4i. iins4e7etoeestli;diat.4f,tearltehestiraristni.4ene,,it
'is a tiny dwarf. can our state§men tieturee. An even more e,,ffeetjy liquid
grasp the petelltiaittiei of this Meat, • preparation 'for , nee, on 'cattle and,
and -mill -they navel the. coitrage :and horsed. can be made be *boiling' four% •
outrees �f staveeacie ,• Or larkspur'
seeds in •a ,gelion" of watee. This is°
freely .apitliedland rubbed in with a.
brush..-71Dr: Z.:Alexander,.
Kenos for the ..
the intelligence to cut his fetters?:
• •
• ° ' ' are her befrutif ity ,Ortd- -precisely,
• ' • . The Mirror Testi. . .•
After buying the desired e'pat pat:
terCone should find out what niatert.
els are reCommended for, making. It tai
. of soft tielitevJeslit inettrilleefabries,.
are Feeie: :elan csope or moires qed the' expert. designers who made...the
heada eitsinat the evergretheeerie not At will begeest to 0113 1 cio:prartiral materlois are rte pattere for each indiv.idnal gartnent
'erie grcrgeoes rich tietel delaying:wilt tiild have, It , crepe: and orepo-drechine..
be lasts . . •,,fetee eatetearsethe h..1.6ty a ed. the Inva: all af Viva It may he ask hoke the NVOCA
‘gergy. ana the. Einpiie
..laoncion Trete; There .ie one ,sebleet.
probaelr not .nfore then,. one -
upon: .•Which • all .'thee Bishop' of the
Anglican, Church High; Lew or I
Broad; • at hIme...,o,r evereSe.as-are
. •
Birds in Winter.
agreed, and, tbis is. that they cannot ', ' . ,-,......
obeain a siiffieintrey -it clergy ... •• - To, Editor's '
But ft Is not merely the hotae bene Tile Tile .winter season and 1:4 et \yea-
' 4 '
floes • anki •ctiracies' that have
filled. -, From the Pontinfeee • and
to .ba ther are very ,hard on t• •Ie*, May
missiteT fields the deattend
is., equally clam:cm-oils.' Undet4r..excli.:trfilingyge ''.1.tcielae.taarlTIP.g:.titlih.t..io•s'e.04.Yr.linnrgde ,at prii :Ft. ibteou iy help dypy wit dhhieri . • , „;
pry . their' .own' needs; they are, cemJ I eeew, . II i4 f rozeh or. co -Vexed. with
conclitione 'those regions cannot &an-. the gron
.Pelled to beg for, clergy flora Eng Fine
laid, and it they Cannot get than Eng- tit', drinking Water,
lish aettlers and native Christians Fite . biscuit., meal, hemp, .canary
have to 'gra-Cat:limit reit-e'en§ raiaistra-,`,.of fat , and Cho ' p•edaep meat make a ,
seed; mi. , " seed, clvieSe, suet,. bits
tions,". and the question 'which: might.
I coinprehensista meett'for many species
it• is • simply impossible to provide a: e :C cde4pgt :b i?sle.' .
fiend, ,I• say.'"utater visting donde
to be faced is whether 'those...coLi- obfakbpidr7dpof.t,tatiat: :kriellsad,Leeruielhi
tiona need -Ore. iedeed,' tans -Continue, setae -bacon, remaius of.• porridge arid
sufficient amber • of prefeseion A 'suspended coceanit provides.a con-
clergy for stnall and scat -
al att- ,
tjtutal entertainme4 'hy the . acrohatie .
tered communities, such as Are "found- feats ' of the tits, if 'Salim:red. with lard.
in Western Canede or .the "beck every few clays it win remain itesit .
bipcks" of othei• nontielons. . - .
• and soft. It is of course impotitatt '
, a the reach of -cats. • -:. .. 1
that vil.foed,sleould he Placed'well taut .
..-essa....„ • ,
In hard weather birds tliat are ea -
Thee that deny themSeltes Will be
sure to 'fied_their strength, inereeeeci,
' ' iurailly shy 'And retiring lose their te;a-
lenee :continually, aegmentether-Mat-.
iditv their' argent end'. trepOli,
lheir iecti•oes raised, arid their inward' imeit fot,:foed; find .1.1 this wily •4 •
'bible is an ertatemeline ntakiiig t
a • . • 1 :acquaintance -of many of the re
leW Arnold. .
Small ' lley----"reteey, what este 'Sake fbit.ds.
-"It depends oaaliPtv Mtge lie comes not often realized,coatinite feed -
,to.. me." ' ':. irig the birde well into the A:pririg, as
----'-' '41- '' ' ,. it is not till then that. their natural
• And, by ties way, it might be 'quite food is e4sily. come b -
. '. li .
e.a.11. a •men. who .d elves a car rt.Vnther An?mportaitt point, and one thatA
„worked Wfth cIothean dthey have re- a Isheck to one-half of the World to The birds woric Mrd g
commended only ithtkpe fabrics' that find out low the:other halt heed. spring and summer, with their btiey.
• and until beAs in he:ping the food
. t
Lion Tamers' - ero;ir. Net only hate earliest
assine rewerd leat it is to the interest
helped 'during, the, *filter:
Leamington Spa, England:
On a Philosopher
. Gad, gave Me e life, yoeth. PaSS1014
My .t0"4:1,ettSt.t,a(.111Y; lb Nie, clod took attar
it'aeiviterclogit e;Ottpthi 'se.*
• 'bre Wisel.: •
Then (Ind math,' faint nty, brain and.
Yet ' something WiLS
. ,
saltht! MY, eyee.
World was • Mine
Lh agt.irigii.e.ahteS"aliOdYtt$14
" *rho thrusiti redden'ind
ptZliii, 16
-tiliee Tie " td diut
Lucas ft the ,tondon I oilitseett‘
e biter
• -
Xis!! 'sle°0vd,te et'ite •Cekl.i SP 7itel:Eh6) FOR nit:.* Lrof0
't‘Ae bPrILY
uGLe "Oott.
.A e'AR
Gotta Rari •• ,
et the c-otemunit •ihat they 'should be
-rtiq st4c-e-el;
" , •
bOob.• S 11-te SNAPPre,31-
90, .•••nuq,.)! IseteG
ekte ebrrea -Sot* ese
Me' ANA,. -rt'ff,;1G
'sceot;s` ts .
/AY "rkie Rt;‘,Cd.
ALt...MS tL'ifesTI" IN
11'0S *M0:1Z•14.1teG
titr •••,tr
. tetepieeteeTtl
111d eateratteieetei
-Li _14'4 090'4' T
,th t4Y11-14 kep8Fer.
.PtitkiAt\e's Ftia. :
A.-111Alst %P. sus 'that the Inottern
gift does -.110t taks.•:,aftor her :-Mother,.•
1 The higderit fattier s1ty4 there ts selie
deta heeithing tett fer her te.,, take;
: • `