HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-03-10, Page 4•
• CUmt t ve experi •
enceof more 'than 114
years ,Of Su10ess bank=
ing, in Canada works tot !!
the :benefit of every cus-
tomer a'vf .the 'BanIC•;.,o
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s_•Eacsg t:a .Buy at
on ental Works
Han' the largest and most complete
eteek m tie most beautiful design:"
to choose• from; .ins
score$ s 11sl
lilt 'Mae a ' •Specialty, of
FanuTii nnen>�enfsamd invite
parr Inspection.
inse rpt o>is Netag, Casefnily abli
• Primp*#' Do :
Set, us before ptuing: your . order•„'.
DengTas• Bevis ' .IL. A; Spottoi
•Pd I . • Phone 1
Learn' tri'
The customer in -the. grocery store
ha 'Meg ruined hi clothhes, was hap-
' ing .mad:.. '
"Didn't' you see that sign; `Fresh
Paint?"" asked the grocer.
«tf course 1 did," snapped'the
customer, `"but I've seen so many'
signs : hungt up here •; nnouncing
something' fresh that wasn't, that I
'didn't believe it!'
The ladies of the United' . Church;
1V'I `S. held a : tea a'i :the home .of-
Mrs, Victor 'Emerson on Wednesday
evening, last. A short program was
oven,.: after which ,-several ..-ffontests
were, enjo ed TTbe :eelleetion- as. re=
moved and .lunch served. The next
tea for the 4th .and 2nd, will be 'heti
at the 'home of Mrs. Ben• McCleria-
.ghan the foniFth Week , m March
when all w Ti , engage in sewing. •'
The Langside club held their •thee%
mg Friday evening. Euchre was. en=
joyed the first part of the • evening-
Tile winning lady, Miss. Dona/da Bre--'
Capone received a ' beautiful towel'
and•face cloth.. The winning gent, Mr.
*",s,P. :TeeeiV-a: a pair •of
socks. Lunch• . was, .then served, and
dancing enjoyed .until the • closing
hour~ The' next entertainment will be
held on March 17th, when a program
consisting of Trish, : English and
Scotch.' umbers will _be.'given- Will
;the'members please note :the; change'
of date, asthis meeting ;is •being held
March 17, Thursday evening •instead
of Friday ,as nsuaL
Mesdames W. Leggatt and ,C. 'Gil
lespie put on a dance in': the Inste-
=tate-Hall on -Friday evening last. The.
ostial large. crowd was in attendance
and they had a nice sum to hand . to
the Institute treasurer_'
•Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie. spent
Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
R . T•i Tn.
Miss Ruth Scott of 6th Con., Cul-'
Atter an interval of• .unusually
MRd 'weather, winters has' returned,
with a real kick, ; and as •a cone*•
tinenee vee are experiencing a taste,
ofgenuine , winter weather; A ' good
fall of snow would, be welcomed .as
a protection- to..the fresh seeded
clovers, which are badly heaved' as a
result of the ado:wsive freemen. mid
thawing of the recent weeks.' What
Chas apparently withstood the unfav-
orable `season; with .little or no snow'
for covering than have, the clovers.
$11.0 1", i McDonagh of London
was home for the week- nd..
Mr:' and Mrs W. G Reed, wl o. ret
cently .moved into,the "Jury" house
on the farm of M% Lawrence Reid,.
entertained a number of their friends:
to' •a euchre; and: dance on Friday' 'ev
ening, An enjoyabletune in reported.
A number. of the Local nierribers, of
L,uelknow Jr.; Farmers and .Jr.:
,ruse attended the°socia' evening'span-
sored Dungannon'Ji,. `Farmers
xnd Jr: Institute ;last Thursday even
ing, in Dungannon. •
The •`convalescents of the com:pun
ty are gradually ihrproving. Quite
x number have been. more .or. teat
seriously 'indisposed recently:
Mr. and, Ws. Jas., McKay. and Jack
of 'Tiverton visited friends ;here last
Miss Evelyn Reid: is spending the
week 'with •fir in Godericb.
Mr.. and Mrs. Sapnders visited
with' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gardner. on
Friday last:. '
Miss .Laura i' Webster, :°boundary,
west, is at present assisting Mrs.
1 dgair-Eitchia
,Chicken thieves are at Large in the
neighborhood' as severer fine. pullets:
were recently taken from W T ; Gar-
dner's hent -roost.
'Mr. •'Geo. Hunter . has `already: coni=
meneed maple limiter
making, having
tappeed last week He' Obtained a good
run 'in ;Saturday. While'' the recent
d=amp :has -:halted the sap'
will' probably prolong the' length of
the syrup season.
Mr.: Harold• Gardner with . h'is team,
is assisting Mr.: Kenny' . Gollen m the.
Joynt" bush, 3rd eon., Kinloss
Mrs. W:: T Gardner, has been i
ing her aunt, -Miss 'Lizzie Webster,
who is confined to her..bed, followir g
a fall which she received last week -
We trust, that "Aunt Lizzie", may
soon be about again;
'Mr. and "Mrs. Peter .Watson; and:.
Anne, visited'' on . Sunday afternoon.
with Mrs;Henry Gardner, who is. still
•actable to leave her room:
Mrs. W- T. Reed of buck ow has
been spending the east week with her
niece, . Mrs.• Charlie' Eit lire.' Althe
biller 90th year Mrd:, Reed' enjoys
good health'and is still as Lively and
chipper as the proverbial "ccioket."
St.' Patrick's Dance, Orange Hall,
Thursday evening, • .March 17_ . -Goad
$oor. Admission 25e_ Ladies Bringing
sat iwisthes,.' free- •"Otherwise 25c
1.aucacsiow SENtrwEL
Published every Thgxsday Morning
,e. • at. • Lncku_I`s�,v, •Ontario.
THURSDAY, MARCH' 10th,' 1932
For' Reforestrai on and Wind Break.
Floating ..SuPPlied *wee.
A great deaf of good wort ha,,
been done and considerable progress
has been Made daring recent year
m reforesting waste areas of land. u
various.•parts.•'of the'Province: Maul'
farmers, have reforested mita, of
their farms that returned them very'
little, if anyrevenue in the way or
crops • or pasture.,, In • driving thro ugls
the Provi ce many. farms can In
sewn on ,which :valuable 'whist break.,
have een established, which. add'<'
good deal: to the'general appearaneC,
of toe farmstead as `well' es'pervint
as a • protection for the building.
against. ,high winds:
IReforestraiion work `and Wine
Break• planting has: been made pqs.,
sible for,. the farmers of the Provinec
by the' free service rendered by the
Ontario Government Forestry. Branci
For forest 'planting 3,500_young- tree
are supprieci.free'and for windbreak
5500 are supplied free each ;year.
The following varieties area avail
ile for forest: planting —Conifers
White' Pine, Red'•. Pine;. Jack Pinc,
Scotch, Pirie, European'L,arch, Whit.
Spruce White Cedar. Hardwoods
Walnut, Butternut, Elm, White AsI:
Soft :'Maple, _ Hard Maple ' and Re
Oak.' For Windbreak. planting: Whit.
Spruce, Norway Spruce. . and Whitt
•Applications for' . trees must. i e
tirade ,before_. April -:.1st. The trees will;
be shipped express collect, sometime
'during .the
Month of Apii1: For fur-'
er ' information and application
thrills for! trees, apply to the Huron
County 'Branch of, the Ontario De-
partment of. 'Agriculture, . Clinton,
Rural School Repo:
`Miss Emma 3faconagb,:cif Zondon'�'
spent .the •week -end. with her parents,
Mrs. I. Andrew iis, at pres.nt
:ing with her sister, rs4 ,Jno- Helm.
Weare • glad to report Mrs. Helm's
condition is, very. much improved.
Master Wm: Diennen met wititLLa.
very, painful accident one day last
week, 'While at school, which required
a few stitches about his eye.
Mr.. J J.Gilmore :accompanied by
:Miss• Frances Gilmore spent. Sunday'
with the latter's parents. •
- Misses Jane' and Emma Mose of
Goderieh have 'been. visiting. Dan
Rose for the past vgeek
Congratstlations to Mr. and Mrs:
a loyd Campbell °'on the . arrival of :a
ittle' daughter, March 8th:
Word has 'just. teen received'. by
the:- relatives of •'MiSs Margarets
'knightly, that sjie .passed away after
i lingering illness eu Moeda*, Marek
;tri,• 'at; Mount lope, London', where.
she has been an *mate for: the past
seven' years. 'Miss Knightly was in
her • 74th yea�Ir, • and up to a short
'time previon$ . to being removed to
London, ..had resided on the 9th Con.
As d in'.company with her broth-
er bert, .who predeceased hei
about ten years ago:' The , remains
Were ,�brongbt to; the home of her'
-3ister,, Mrs: .Matt. O'Conner at Kings -
'ridge on' Wednesday from whence
Ire funeral., proceeded on Theis
lay morning to St: Joseph's'church.
Following' a High •Mass ' interment
tlll take place .in llingsbrige cerne
M. Fred Anderson visited on
Wednesday with his 'mother, . , Mrs.'
%Lary •Apderson;. who, is recovering
from an attack of'. thea.
Harry Middleton. is assisting Mr.
lam .Kilpatrick this month
Mr: and Mrs. Hera Megaatt meter -
:II up, train Sarnia �� day; returning
jionday.' Mrs. Richard Johnston,' wit'„
rad been their guest for a` week. re-
turned 'Home with, them. •
Mr. and ' Mrs. Wallace Tvwamiey
and ` daughters, 'Hilda, Elva • :and
Fern of"Lucknow, were guests o`
Mr. and Mrs: Herb Curran, Sunday.
`Mr -S. Cook is grinding Alfal-
fa at Mr. Thos. Anderson's at pre-'
rocs spent the week=end with lir. and -
Mrs. Victor Emerson. Russian secret polio number•
MicqWilda McInnes of Teeswater 000. and 'I judging by the scarcity of
•spent' a few: 'days with Mr. and Mrs, news from Russia' "they' -eep , their.
John McInnes: • secrets well.
Strathmore Farm
I-lolds Three Milk
and Butter Pro;T
duction Records
Ujhen milk . and
VY butter are the
° topic of conversation,
attention must needs ,
be directed to the ; =:
Canadian Pacific Rail-
way's supply farm, at ;n
Strathmore, Alta,
where three bovine
aristocrats have estab-
lished outstanding pro-
' duction records for s X y
1931, for the whole of
- Canada: There ishttle '� s
to choose between the
three cows: a glance•at�{ arts N 'sem:
their pictures tells the W :
story. Excellent stock, s'
well handled, has once f .
more proven its worth
and E. W. Jones, the company's gnperin.
tenderit of dgricalture and Animal IIadns-
try, is justly proud of the achievement.
Mona Pontiac Walker $34648—under"
Government, regulation • Iedd all, the Milk -
producers in Canada by over 2,000 lbs.,
having completed a yearly record on
November 27, 1931, with 30,464 bis. of ? .
milk and 1,160 lbs. of butter. In 1930, as a
four-year-old,. she held another re„ord, with ~r r
29,202•lbs. of milk and 1.071 lbs. of butter.
The .next highest milk production re=
cora for 1931 goes to Primrose Lit; Pietje .
151147 whO' also heldthe butter record for
the Dominion fpr the same year., Het` pier-
formanee was 28,271 lbs. of milk and. 1,210
Iles: of butter. She is an outstanding ahow
animal and took first prize in the dry eow t
r 'qq at Vancouver and Victoria in 1931.
he four -year -aid production
°sder ado„ for bott regulation and butter
eris db yS ratlhmore Lad,- Mclivrnzey-,-143x59- accorded her',
el bl fine beast of the best Of �v1$tein' edi Ilio of niche and 1.102.5 lbs. o. butter. • She is a re:
P $ter a id gyfo by her lupin*
(1) Strathmore,
Lady Motinley.
(2) Primrose
Lily Pietja• (3)
Mona Pontiac
.Sr. IV—Kathleen Graham 77: Bil
ly,Pettigrew 72*: Mabel Bushell 67*:
Orland 'McFarlan 65: Elmer Huffman
• $r. 'Irl -Muriel McFarlan 77:: Mary:
Pettigrew 64: Morley Bushell 48":
For January & February;
rested in Literature, Grammar, Geo
graphy, Spelling, :Composition, Writ-
ing, Reading, and .Arithnietic. •
Sr. IVL-Lloyd,MacAuley An-
gus MacAtley .68: Jean MacAulay 60:
Eliza Cook 58*:: Ronald Henderson
50.. Lloyd Henderson 45: IthUda Cook
Si. ITI—Raymond "Richards. 75.:
Jr. III --'-Bobble Macintosh 81.
Jr. II --Jimmie Hamilton 75: Eileen
Ensign 65.1
Prt—Stuart 'Jamieson, Exc.
Those marked * have -mis.sed one or
more examinations.
Anne lincDOnald.
Jr. Roam
Daili Marks
Sr. III—Etta Swan 833: Allan Mil-
ler pi.
;Ir. 111-2Grace Weatherhead 713:
Gordon McDonald 695: Perry Dtirnii:
645: Hugh I). Mc:Donald 515: Harold
.Aitchisen 860: Johnny
Pritchard '848: Russell Webb 822:
Wakinson 105: , Angus MAC,
lionald 612.
Pr. --Ross Ganimie 1037: Helen
McDonald 1000: Mae 31cDonald 970:
Margaret Aitchison 878.
Test Marks
Sr. III—Etta Swan 84: Allan Mil -
Jr. HI—Grace Vireatheihead 82 -
Perry Darn% 56: Cordon McDonald
55: Hugh D. McDonald Herold
IILlohnny Pritchard 71: .11ussell
Webb 613; Doris Aitchison 67:
:Webb 68: jimmie AitclAson 67: Dor-
is Wilkins.on 65: Angus McDonald 53.
Mr. •Robt. Henry Whe has been
for some weeks is gradnally improv -
Mg, we are phmsed to report
As a fitting. clininv to the three
months' agricultural course ;the
-lasses held a banquet -in the town
hall, on Friday' evening, when 180 at -
program was given "and the di-
olomas _were 'presented. 'J. A. Little
land as toastmaster. The principal
fipeakers of the evening were Prof.
'3qUirrel and Prof. J. C.. Steckley, of
The course was a decided. success.
12 girls and 33 young men attending.
The classes were under the super-
vision of F. Fersythe, O-A.C. repre-
sentative,. of Walkerton. Miss Cun-
ningham; 0.A.C. representative, pre-
mnted the diplomas, to the fidlowing:
Attendance, Miss Jean Ritchie; sew-
ing:, Miss Kate Thompson; nursing,.
1.11ss Grace Yuill; domestic science.
Miss illary McPherson; general pro-
ficienl7 Miss Gertrude Downing;
also diPlomas to Misses Annie Arm -
Strong, Daisy Ayles, Grace Ric.hard,
son, Nellie MCPherson and Jean Mc -
Mr. ,Forsythe presented...diplomas
to 'Herb. McDonald, 3. Alex Little,
Herbert Arkellj, Gordon Kirkland,
:lames Riebardson, POTTY PinnelL
Hugh Armstrong, Clark McGregor.
Senneth Grant, Stewart McDonald,
Harold Thompson, Donald Ireland,
Russell Ireland and Jack McKague.
The Gallipoli Cninpaign,
Britain's Thad**, meek InAgifi-
cent-Adventure. 'A great romance
Of Glorious Youth.
In • Whieh Appears
,,One England's Greatest
Retired in 1916 ,After Serving •33
Years On Bench of Bruce—Was In
In the death of His linear 'Jlidge
Alphonse Basil trhich tank
page about 10 'o'clock on Tuesday
night, keb.,23rd, nt San Diego, Cat,
where hei with -his wife rind daugh-
ter ,Betty, left last November, to
standing persOnage of the time, and
one who has 'been actively Identified
with the liistory of Walkertoe prac-
tically since his arrival here 64
years )ago.
The remains, 4ccampanied i!3,
sorrowing widow and &lighter, left
the distant jottrney to Walkerten,
where the funeral took plaCe ort Tues-
day moriiing, Mara Sth, with ser-
vices at Sacred Heart Church at 9.30
A_M_, followed •by interment in the
Viralkerton cemetery.
Had Remarkable ilecOrd
as a mnn, the late• Judge Klein will
for his great ability as a Jurist It
is a remarkable record that -tile
Judge has left, behind hini, having
dispensed justice in Bruce comity for
i period of thirt7-three years, and
during that time very few of his
fiedings Were upset. Tim thing that
is: most tO be commended was his
humanitarian attitude cm' the beneh.
Of the scores of first,43ffenderS
Whom he gave another &alma, he
used, to relate with' pride that only
-me of them failed to makegood-and
on whom he had later to` pais sen-
tence. He was a close student ot the
law and was. held in the highest re-
gard hy the legal profeetiori of the
district—Herald Tithes.
It vrill be. welcome naive to. 0103Mr
10 know that the troviare ref.CintS64d
intenik to catrY. en ,its relief Work
-in Northern Ontario for: some tbne, to.
come. .The men need the • work.